SF COMMENTARY 91 April 2016 47TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE 76 pages The Best of Everything 2014–2015 JENNIFER BRYCE ELAINE COCHRANE BRUCE GILLESPIE COLIN STEELE Cover: Steve Stiles SF COMMENTARY 91 April 2016 76 pages SF COMMENTARY No. 91, April 2016, is edited and published in a limited number of print copies by Bruce Gillespie, 5 Howard Street, Greensborough, VIC 3088, Australia. Phone: 61-3-9435 7786. PRINT EDITION AVAILABLE ONLY TO SUBSCRIBERS AND SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTORS. PREFERRED MEANS OF DISTRIBUTION .PDF FILE FROM EFANZINES.COM: Portrait edition (print equivalent) or Landscape edition (widescreen): http://efanzines.com or from my email address:
[email protected]. Front cover: Steve Stiles. :: Back cover: photo supplied by Murray Moore. Artwork: David Russell (p. 3). 3 I MUST BE TALKING TO MY FRIENDS 29 Favourite films seen for the first time Bruce Gillespie 32 Favourite films seen again 33 Favourite documentaries and music films 4 2014 34 Favourite popular music CDs 36 Favourite popular music CD boxed sets 4 BRUCE GILLESPIE’S FAVOURITES 2014 37 Favourite classical CDs 4 Interstellar gas 39 Favourite classical boxed sets 5 Favourite novels 39 Favourite television shows/series 6 Favourite books 8 Favourite films seen for the first time 40 BEST READS 2015 10 Favourite films seen again Elaine Cochrane 12 Favourite documentaries and music videos 13 Favourite popular CDs 41 COLIN STEELE 15 Favourite popular boxed sets 16 Favourite classical CDs 41 Bibliographica 2014: 18 Favourite classical boxed sets A talk on the future of books 19 Favourite