Equality MD Facing Financial Crisis, May Close

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Equality MD Facing Financial Crisis, May Close AN INDEPENDENT VOICE FOR THE LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES OUT July 10, 2015 | Volume XIII, Issue 5 Carrie Evans Equality MD Facing Financial credit: Steve Charing the rest of the na- The statement in- tion in champion- dicated that “funding ing rights and pro- from individuals and Crisis, May Close tections, such as major donor sources BY STEVE CHARING the achievement of marriage equality and dropped significantly Equality Maryland’s board of directors and transgender-inclusive anti-discrimination after securing mar- its foundation announced on June 30 that, protections.” riage equality but as a result of declining donations, it is tak- Carrie Evans, Equality Maryland’s ex- remained commit- ing action to either reduce – or possibly ecutive director since ted to securing cease – operations next month. November 2011, was anti-discrimina- “Despite continued policy advocacy laid off effective June 6 Carrie Evans tion protections and educational programming, funding as a result the financial for transgender sources for the organization have dwindled crisis. laid off people.” in recent years following victories on such “None of our suc- Evans pre- major issues as marriage equality and a cesses could have been possible without viously worked for Equality Maryland as to overturn the law by opponents failed by transgender-inclusive anti-discrimination the remarkable leadership of Carrie Ev- director of policy and planning from 2007 a 52-48 margin in November 2012. The law,” the statement reads. ans,” said the statement. “Her work contin- to 2009. She left the organization shortly effort was led by Marylanders for Marriage The statement, which was issued by ues under the leadership of Keith Thirion, after its then-executive director, Dan Fur- Equality, a coalition of organizations in Stephanie Bernstein, chair of Equality interim executive director, Patrick Locklin, mansky, resigned in late 2008. which Equality Maryland was a member. Maryland and Isabella Firth Shycoff, chair Equality Maryland’s office manager, the During Evans’ tenure, the Religious Same-sex marriage took effect on January of its foundation, said, “Equality Maryland members of the Equality Maryland and Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection 1, 2013. is an extraordinary organization that has Equality Maryland Foundation boards, and Act passed the Maryland Legislature and The next year, Equality Maryland, un- accomplished amazing things on behalf the organization’s members, and generous was signed into law by then-Gov. Martin der Evans’ direction, worked for passage of the Maryland LGBT community, and led and courageous funders and supporters.” O’Malley in March of 2012. A referendum —continued on page 3 Celebrating at the high court Supreme Court Affirms Marriage laws in Texas). As expected, the Obergefell opinion was penned by Justice Kennedy, for Same-Sex Couples the author of both Windsor and Lawrence. Focusing on the dignity that marriage af- CHERYL JONES, EsQ. & validly performed in another state. fords and the human ideals of love, family, ANNA S. SHOLL, EsQ. The dignity of marriage is a Consti- and respect that we all share, Justice Ken- On June 26, 2015, in tutional right – The ruling, which upheld nedy found marriage equality embedded Obergefell v. Hodges, the same-sex marriage laws across the na- in our Constitution, and eloquently spoke U.S. Supreme Court af- tion and generated widespread rainbow- for marriage proponents everywhere: “No firmed once and for all that themed celebrations from the White House union is more profound than marriage, for the right to marry is a fun- to Disney World and beyond, was issued on it embodies the highest ideals of love, fi- damental right and there- the 2nd anniversary of the Court’s Windsor delity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In fore, no state may deprive decision (striking down DOMA, the federal forming a marital union, two people be- a same-sex couple of that law denying marriage benefits to same-sex come something greater than once they right, and no state may re- couples) and the 12th anniversary of Law- were. As some of the petitioners in these fuse to recognize a marriage rence v. Texas (striking down anti-sodomy —continued on page 3 2 t BALTIMORE OUTLOUD JULY 10, 2015 • BAltIMOREOUTLOUD.COM NEWS // LOCAL E QUALITY MD FACING GLCCB’s Executive Director Resigns FINANCIAL CRISIS, MAY CLOSE – continued from page 1 of the challengers (the individuals chal- BY STEVE CHARING The GLCCB board of directors, under Pres- lenging the validity of state laws denying The board of directors of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi- ident Chris Adkins, will begin an exploratory of the Fairness for All Marylanders Act, marriage to same-sex couples). Justice sexual, and Transgender Community Center search for a new executive director in July. Paul which provided protections in the areas of Kennedy’s meaning is clear: being gay is of Baltimore and Central Maryland (GLCCB) Liller, GLCCB deputy director, will serve as the employment, housing, credit, and public not a choice; instead, sexual orientation is issued a statement announcing that it has primary point of contact for the community cen- accommodations based on gender identity. an immutable part of an individual’s char- accepted the resignation of ter’s day-to-day operations, financial During the 2015 General Assembly, acter, incapable of being changed. Some GLCCB executive director, management, and program adminis- Equality Maryland worked successfully to legal scholars have noted that Kennedy’s Joel Tinsley-Hall effective July tration in the interim. Liller also serves prohibit discrimination based on sexual ori- choice to use that particular phrase, which 6. Tinsley-Hall had served in as the Center’s Pride coordinator for entation and gender identity in insurance has legal significance, could become rel- his role since October 2014 the second time in the past few years. coverage for infertility. In addition, a bill evant in future challenges to laws that dis- succeeding Kelly Neel who “We thank Joel for his tremen- was passed that allows transgender Mary- criminate against the LGBT community, be- was interim executive direc- dous service and look forward to landers to request a new birth certificate cause it would require the Supreme Court tor following the resignation of working with him in the near future,” with an updated gender marker. to view any such law much more critically, Matt Thorn. Adkins said. “The board has every “The board believes passionately that and would place a much greater burden on “It has been a great honor to confidence that Paul will step up to Equality Maryland ought to continue to any state trying to defend it. serve as the community center’s Joel Tinsley-Hall the challenge of his additional du- play a critical, central role in the coming What does the ruling mean for LGBT executive director and I have ties, and will continue to help foster years for our community, but is facing one Marylanders? – Although same-sex mar- greatly appreciated the opportu- the organization’s mission in uniting of two possibilities for the future: drastical- riage has been legal in Maryland since nity to work with a wonderful, passionate group and empowering sexual and gender minori- ly scaling down operations, with a reduced January 1, 2013, the Supreme Court’s of staff, volunteers, and community members,” ties in Baltimore and Maryland.” capacity to serve its many constituencies ruling now means that married same-sex Tinsley-Hall said in the statement. “I intend to Tinsley-Hall was hired when the GLCCB across the state, or suspending operations Marylanders may travel throughout the remain involved with the organization in other was experiencing significant turnover on the entirely,” the statement says. “Unless and country freely, with the peace of mind that capacities, and look forward to continuing my board, the center was in critical financial until we secure adequate revenue to sus- their marriage will be recognized in all 50 support of the center’s mission moving forward.” condition, and it was facing public-relations tain the organization, the important ser- states. This may be especially important Tinsley-Hall cited personal family mat- challenges from within the community. Since vices, oversight and advocacy it has con- for individuals who previously could not re- ters for his departure from the organization. the run-up of Pride last spring, Liller be- sistently provided to the Maryland LGBT locate, for fear that their marriage would be He did not respond to a request by Baltimore comes the fourth person to perform in the t community will cease to be.” disregarded in an “unfriendly” state. This OUTloud for additional comment. role of executive director. The board plans to make a final deci- also means that married same-sex couples sion regarding the future of the organiza- can be divorced in any state, as each state tion in the coming weeks and welcomes must now recognize validly-performed input from the community. All comments marriages from another state. and questions may be submitted via e-mail Even with this momentous ruling, how- to [email protected]. t ever, there are still legal – and non-legal – obstacles unique to same-sex couples. Private employers who offer self-insured medical plans may not be required to cov- er a same-sex spouse. Religious institu- tions are not required to perform marriage SUPREME COURT AffIRMS ceremonies for same-sex couples. In an MARRIAGE emergency, hospitals or medical providers – continued from page 1 could, for various reasons, require proof of marriage for a same-sex couple before al- cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a lowing an individual to make decisions for love that may endure even past death. It their spouse. And although Maryland law would misunderstand these men and wom- presumes that a child born in a marriage is en to say they disrespect the idea of mar- a child of both spouses, other states may riage.
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