.to* * Mimeo Form #254 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF NEGRO WOMEN 1318 Vermont Avenue, N. W, Washington, D. C.

June 2h, l£hh

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MRS. WXlAM THOMAS MASÖ5F NATIONAL PRESIDENT- Columbia 5-L&311 Washington, Do Cc —-The National Council of Negro Wömen “will conduct a National ■ L ... . Memorial Service for the late Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, Founder of the organization on Sunday, July 10th at All Souls Church, Unitarian, 16th Street and Harvard, N® Wa, Washington, Do Co at h:00 Po M© Eulogies •will be given by outstanding men and women in national and international life who have know Mrs. Bethune and her work over the years0 Among those to deliver orations will be Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, Presi­ dent Emeritus of Palmer Memorial Institute, Sedalia, North Carolina and Dr, O’Hara Lanier of Houston, Texas. Music will be furnished by a choir under the direction of Mark Fax of , A similar observance will be held throughout the country by local councils and national affiliated organizations.

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The National Council of Negro Women will have three representatives at the WoSfu. Brotherhood Conference to be held July 11 to 16 in Brussels, Belgium, Many distin­ guished men and women from more than sixty countries will assemble to listen to speeches and to outline a program, for world peace and brotherhood. The representatives of the National. Council of Negro Women are Mrs. George Wilkins of , , a well known business woman and owner of Wilkins’ Schools of Cosmetology in Cleveland, Mrs, William Home Borders of , and Mrs. Ernest Wilkins of Washington, D. C., wife of the Assistant Secretary of Labor, All three delegates will take part in the Commission on Women and Brotherhood» Press release - 2 As a member of Non-Governmental Organizations of the United Nations and the United States Association for the United Nations, the National Council of Negro Women appointed two official delegates to the Tenth Anniversary meeting of the United Nations held in San Francisco in the persons of Dr. Arenia Mallory Davis, first vice-president and Mrs. Ruth March, President of the San Francisco Council. The San Francisco Council was hostess to the women of the United Nations at a unique luncheon held on Thursday afternoon at the Mart Club. Mrs. Sue Bailey Thurman of , Massachusetts, National Chairman of the Archives and Museum Department of the National Council of Negro Women is an alternate delegate to the world meeting in San Francisco,.

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The National Council of Negro Women announces the appointment of Mrs. Fannye Ayer Ponder of St. Petersburg, Florida as the National Chairman of the life Members Guild formed on February 26th in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Ponder is a Life Member, a member of the Executive Committee of the NCNW, former president of the St. Petersburg Council and is an active worker in many organizations in the state of Florida. She is also State Assistant to the Regional Director for Florida. The Life Members Guild will solicit Life Members for the National Council of Negro Women and assume responsibility for specific needs of the organization. All paid up Life Members are eligible to join. The Guild will hold their first annual observance during the Twentieth Annual Convention to be held in Washington, November 8 through 13th. Mrs. W. T. Mason, National President, has announced the appointment of Dean Sadie Yancey of Howard University as the National Twentieth Annual Convention Chairman, Dr. Yancey is a native of Lexington, Kentucky and received her education in her native state, the University of Cincinnati and her Fh._D. from Cornell University where she was elected to membership in the coveted Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Dr. Yancey taught school and was former Dean of Women at Florida A and M before coming to her present post at Howard University. ”Dr. Yancey”, said Mrs. Mason, ”is a woman of exceptional qualifications. She is a member of the National Association of Deans of Women, Status of Women Committee, American Association of University Women, American Guidance and PRESS RELEASE - 3 and Personnel Association, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and many other organizations She comes prepared to give distinguished leadership to the program plan for the Twentieth Annual Convention of the National Council of ^egro Women»” The initial program for the council will be released after July 10th.