Visit Ashford Lake
■ 7' JB TWENTY*POUR FRIDAY, JUKE Avorafe Daily Net ProM Ron T h d W( iKanirl^rjal^r Ettrafng If^raUi *^Far the Weak Baded Fewaaet ef D. h. W( May n . IMS Sazey.'pleeem* lililirV ^ The BrtUeh American Chib M; fair toaight, law Si-tOi About Town WiU hoM a dance tomorrow 1 4 ,1 9 9 night hxm 9 to 1 for members Glazon Firm AUCriON - COVENTRY ROTARY CLUB reCUM Audit and guests. Charlie Varrick’s SATURDAY lOtM NOON JUNE $, v m Society wiU have its orchestra will play. of Olrwilatteo annual dinner-dance Sunday at Growing Up at the OLD RED BARN M enehetter^A City o f Vittagm Charm 12:30 pjn. at Rosemount Hee- Sunset Rebricah Lodge will Meact to the Bolton Notch Lumber A Supply Oo. taurant, Bolton. Founding hold a meeting Monday evening The pre-cast division of the BOUTtm NOTCH — TOLTON, CONN. W I 1 A d m tM a g ea Faga I t ) PRICE SEVEN CEM18 roenbeni, and the current and VOL, L xxxrv, NO. 209 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION- MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. JUNE 5, 1965 at 8 in Odd Fellows Hall. The Glazon Oorp., an infant Man AUOTTONBEB ZOLTON FEUERMAN jMMt preaidenta, will be hon district deputy president, Mrs. ored. The public ia invited Beverly Jenkins of Suiftet, will chester industry when tt was Odd lot Builitiding Supplies, Large lot of Windows and W W make her official visit. Officers organized here about three dow i8,^mie8,A U T ZO y Wrougtit Iron RfOto, VFW Aueclllary will sponsor are reminded to wear white y«ara ago, ia growing up.
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