BOCA RATON NEWS Vol.''14, No. 105 Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 22 Pages Building permits drop for first time in year

Boca Raton's building per- mits hit a record low for the year during July. In contrast to six other months of soaring numbers, building permits in July fell to almost one-third of the previous July. Speculation by developers, contractors and city Building Department personnel blame the downfall on shortage of labor and rising interest rates on mortagages. But all are confid- ent the slump is only temporary. If, for some reason, however, Dead bass, bream and catfish litter a bank at Loxahatchee Recreation Area. the lull is not a temporary one it will be in marked contrast to 9 the city's growth in 1968, when Not humans fault it led all cities in Palm Beach County in building permits. In fact, Boca Raton more than doubled the permits of West Palm Beach, the county's lar- Weather blamed in fish kill gest city. The trend appeared to be -t continuing this year when each By JIM RIFENBURG time it gets below two parts gen," Dineen said. "They can month of 1969 saw building per- per million the fish are i n do this only when the sun is mits double, triple, and in Several thousand fish died in trouble. That particular piece shining. On cloudy days the some cases, quadruple, those a small portion of Conservation of water commonly holds be- plants actually use the oxygen of corresponding months of Area Two in the vast Loxhat- tween four and five parts per themselves and of course the 1968. When it was first erected, this was a directional sign at chee but this time humans million." fish don't quit using it. But then came July and the Spanish River Park. One side pointed to the Lagoon, the other weren't reponsible, two fish Dineen said cloudy, rainy "So suddenly, there's no trend reversed. side to flie Ocean. Now it just says oo. Wonder what teenager biologists said. days is the direct cause of the more air in the water and the fish begin to die," he said. While the city issued $7,- has the initials 1-a-g-n? Both Walt Dineen of South low oxygen and subsequent killo 773,650 worth of permits dur- Central Flood Control District "It seems to be a natural Friday morning the lagoon ing July of 1968, only $2,- and Vernon Ogilvie of the Game phenomenom," he said. "I've was almost totally covered with 611,000 were recorded for this and Fresh Water Fish Com- seen it happen here time and hyacincths. Dineen was asked if July. mission said the kill can be time again. this had a direct bearing onthe Rezoning given low oxygen. And another trend was up- blamed strictly on the weather. "Plants in the water are set in July —thepreponderance Bass, bream, bluegills and supposed to manufacture oxy- "No, I checked the water last of permits for single-family catfish began dying in a lagoon Wednesday, before the weeds residences. on the south side of the Re- V blew in and the fish were dying provisional okay then," he said. "There are While every other month of creation Area lodge at Loxhat- 1969 brought from 42-61 per- chee Wednesday. Biologists 1 many microscopic weeds (single cell) in the water all mits, July saw only 35. single- By MARLENE FREEDMAN has generally more stringent were called to determine if the family residence building per- regulations than the current water had become poisoned or Ann Landers Page 4B the time. You can't see them but they are there. When they quit mits. In a compromise move that one concerning such items as what the cause might be. Calendar 3B But even with this slump, apparently satisfied both sides off-streeet parking, but it re- Dineen said he ran an oxygen working, watch for fish to die." Classifieds 9-10-11B Ogilvie said he collected building permits for the year the city Planning and Zoning tains the 50-fodt height limi- test of the water and the oxy- Editorials 4A are still running almost double Board approved rezoningfor the tation, which would allow four- gen content would not sustain fish from the area and has Public Notices 9B sept them to Auburn University to those issued by the end of site of the Garden Apartments. story buildings, ap proposed fish iiie. Real Estate 6-7B July, 1968. ••£.,•• : It wasn't what Leon Rammer- by Itvenus._,-,.! / "We found a count of eight- for a disease analysis. He agio Sports 8A he'doubted any killing disease July's permits brought this man , property bwnfer, or It- In voting for the rezoning, tenths parts per million of dis- Travel 5B year's total to $41,522,100 while venus Corp., prospective buy- however, the board made it solved oxygen," he said. "Any Women's News 1-2-3-4B (Continued on Page 6A) at this time last year, the city er, had asked for, but it was a "conditional," making all had issued building permits val- reclassification away froml-B proposed building develop- ued at only $23,917,450. (civic center). ments on the site subject to July's totals were recorded Upon the recommendation of review and approval by the Relax, parents9 sex education classes in these categories — 35 single- Walter Young, city planning and city Planning and Zoning De- family residences valued at zoning director, the board ap- partment prior to issuance of 4859,400; 1 duplex valued at proved rezoning to R-3-B a building permits. $18,000; two multiple-family ne w zoning classification that Young explained that he was are not planned in Boca Raton schools residences at $1,095,000; five will go into effect Jan. 1 under concerned about the appear- foundations at $50,000; six the city's proposed new ance of future buildings on the Relax, parents, Sex education amounts to much ado about the schools but which deal with ordinance regulating multi- the topic of sex and which al- businesses at $463,000, and site, since it was located ac- is not going to become a major little or nothing. 77 additions and alternations at family housing. ross the street from City Hall course in Boca Raton schools. The present controversy be- so are available for use in high school home economics and bio- $125,600. The new R-3-B classification and other municipal facilities. In fact, there won't even be a gan with a few Sullivan read- Guterma concurred with sex education course in Palm ers, which were interpreted logy classes. According to Birt, the films, Young's suggestion and agreed Beach County. by Mrs. John Goffe of Green- Board takes dim view of to submit site plans to his of- According to Geoffrey Birt, acres City, as being Commu- in fact, are used very little and when they are used, the fice after the rezoning recom- public relation director for nist inspired. mendation is acted upon by Palm Beach County's Board of Mrs. Goffe later requested teacher must have permission from the principal of the school City Council. Public Instruction, there is not a list of all reading material, Sehine big hotel ideas While voting for rezoning film strips and records avail- to check the films out of the now, nor was there ever an county library, where they are the board rejected Kammer- able to the schools in the coun- Schine Enterprises clashed Riley of Fort Lauderdale, an man's request to rezone a intention of having a sex edu- ty. kept. cation course in the county The films are listed as with the city Planning and Zon- architect, represented the (Continued on Page 6A) school system. The list also included six ing Board Thursday night with Schine interests. films which are little used by "health education films" by the So the present controversy county and are in the library the firm requesting variances to zoning regulations to encourage Both men criticized thelack because Florida state law re- of hotel facilities in Boca Ra- quires that the public school the construction of large hotels Mind minis? system have health programs and board members expressing ton and spoke of Schine's plan and keep them up to date. hesitance over the desire for to build a hotel along A1A in What do Boca Raton large hotels at all. excess of 200 units. They ask- businessmen think about Mrs, Goffe apparently chose ed the Board to grant variances miniskirts in the mar- the sex - oops, health films The disagreement came dur- alongthat area to encourage the ketplace? How do they and records as the ones she ing a public hearing on propos- particularly wanted to see. construction of large, luxury- react to short skirts ed rezoning of three parcels of type hotels and Riley urged around the office? To Titles of the films and re- land owned by Schine located the Board to reduce the re- see how the men cords are "Facts of Love and north and south of Palmetto Park Life for Teenage Boys," quired 25-foot set back to five the issue, read Sandy Road, and bounded by A1A and feet. Wesley's story — with "Facts of Love and Life for Wavecrest way. Teenage Girls," pictures — on Page IB. "Love and the Howard Miller and Richard (Continued on Page 2A) Facts of Life/' "'ResponsibilitI y about Sex and Love," "Sex: A Moral Dilemma for Teenag- ers," and lastly, "Especially for Girls." '' Although the films are in the library, they're not part of the regular course in the schools," Birt said, "and there are no. plans to have a sex education course in the schools, none whatsoever, although some pa- rents think we should." So why all the fuss about the films and records? Peo- ple just wanted to see and hear them, that's allo So the county school board went into the film festival busi- ness last week and featured their crowd-catching " Love and the Facts of Life*4 as their star attraction. The films and records drew plenty of people, too, including a sizeable press audience.

July 30 - Aug, 2, 1969 On a clear day you'll be able to see forever from the new Hi Lo Rain lookout tower at Spanish River Park. Nearing completion, Wed. 90 74 .70 the tower on the lagoon side of the park will have two lev- Thurs. 88 75 .50 Gentle breezes, sunny skies and foaming most daily showers, summertime in Boca Ra- els for viewing the Intracoastal Waterway and points be- Fri. 88 73 .40 surf combined to give beach lovers a day of ton has become ideal for swimmer s ; and bath- yond. Sat. (noon) 82 72 joy,- Friday. With our heat wave broken by al- ers along the ocean front beaches. 2A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday. Aug. 3, 1969 Schine proposes SALE PRICES zoning for hotels GOOD THRU (Continued from Page 1) category allows 96 MONDAY Several Board mem- units per acre. bers, as well as Walter All three parcels are SHOP 10 'til 7 SUN. Young, city planning and located in the Por La 9 to 9 WEEKDAYS zoning director, ques- Mar subdivision. tioned the desire for In other action, the Boca Raton to become Board granted a two- "another Miami Beach" week postponement for and turn into a "tourist report on possible res- oriented" city. trction of uses in L-B Young also objected (civic center) zones. A to Riley's suggestion subcommittee of How- EPSOM ard Flammer and Ed- that city-owned parking ward Benham,, board lots be used for guests members, has been at the proposed large studying the matter and hotels, saying he was was due to report SALTS steadfastly opposed to Thursday. municipal facilities ac- 5 POUNDS commodating any com- REGULAR 49 < mercial enterprises. The southern most Give the parcel was rezonedfrom R-5 to R-4, limited the present with maximum height of a future. buildings to 50 feet, as opposed to its current classification which al- lows 150-foot heights. The two adjacent par- cels, which were both zoned B-3, were re- PAGQUIN zoned to R-Bi-1 which limitsdensity to 50 units Buy U.S. Savings Bonds 10.5 OZ. EXTRA DRY per acre. Its present & Freedom Shares LOTION Three Seminole youths leave Florida Ocean Sciences Institute mot- WITH FREE 1-0Z. HAND CREAM, ' or sailer headed out on a specimin-coHecting expedition in the Baha- LIMIT 1, REG. 1.09 LUSTRE ' mas. C Seminole boys involved 59 Browsing till SHAMPOO, 9 AM. * «OUNCF GIANT pilot marine program MISS «JAR. LIMIT ONE ;- Three Seminole In- Indian reservation, the Vocational Rehabili- * dian boys recently par- spent a week aboard tation Dept. and from ticipated in what maybe FOSI's motor-sailer in Youth Services. BRECK a pilot program to train the Bahama Islands on "The boys will not marine technicians. a biological collection be hired by FOSI," Ros- •1 Robert Rosof of mission and learning the off emphasized, ' 'they Florida Ocean Sciences rudiments of operating will be working with us THE 13 OZ. REG., SUPER OR Institute said the three an outboard motor boat. to learn a trade as young lads fromDania's Rosof said a full ac- marine techinicians. UNSCENf ED 99c VALUE count of the trip has "It won't be an easy STORE been sent to state offic- life on the water," he 3800N. FEDERAL HWY. (U.S.l) ials in hopes a program continued. "We'll ex- Bowl can be worked out for pect them to put in an LIGHTHOUSE POINT, FLORIDA youths now confined to eight-hour day and do 943-1980 HAVE juvenile detention some cruising both here FUN homes. and in the islands on the The World's most unique "We'll work with 40 weekends." home accessory and gift Its not too early boys at a time," Rosoff The youths will be Department Store to inquire about said. "They wil 1 be in the 15-17 age bracket. 100 ct. TEA BAGS our fall leagues! housed in the Florence Gifts and Home Decorator GOLDEN TIP BRAND Crittention Home at Tije Fiji Islanders re- Selection from "Roundthe World' 98C VALUE CALL 395-5222 FOR Dania. fer to their country as "Every 1 0 kids KITTY ROBERTSON, Viti (pronounced Vee- Bank of America COORDINATOR will have one trained tee). The Tongans pro- psychologist and will nounced this Feejee. In Federal Hwy. opposite and other credit have some aptitude in early maps of the Paci- Southern Federal cards welcome University mathematics," he said. fic it often appeared as ' 'We'll want kids with Feedgee. [email protected] an IQ of 100 or better." SUPPORT Funding for the op- BOCA RATON eration will come from HOSE BOCA RATONS TIRE CENTER INSECT Finest Quality Full REPELLENT Length Door Mirrors 19 3 O H. >|DER AI H W Y,, BO C A R *TO N 20" 5 Let One Of Our BOX FAN Experts Take A Look.


BRAKE SPECIALISTS TUNE UPS LUBRICATION 2 PIECE TRANSISTOR AIR CONDITIONING WORRIES?! BATTERIES ROD TUBULAR FIBERGLASS, FAST TAPER, TWO Have our cooler PIECE WITH SIX STAINLESS STEEL SNAKE GUIDES AND HAND-CHROMED STRIPPING comfort experts GUIDE TIP-TOP, FOR GAAF (AFTMA9) LINE Full length door mirrors are a most useful QUALITY CORK ANODIZED ALUMINUM t •and beautiful addition to your homeyit's a take a look * New REEL SEAT, MODEL 2537 buy that you will reflect on for many years. 31.00 VALUE air conditioners have 16 BNCH i (6x68 $14.35 18x68 ...... i... $'6.95 never been so easy INFLATABLE 20x68 $18.95 i 22x68 S20.8S to own, BEACH BALL 24xoo •#•••••••••*•••••• NYL 39c "Add *4°° for instalUiiem" VALUE i Includes sparkling plastic clips CGMPtlTE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER Finest Quality Plata Glass, 14 TRAINED MSN TO SERVE YOU! Copper-Backed Misters, EXPERT MECHANICAL REPAIRS fMAJOR & MIHfiR MOTOR URn 14 QUART ICE CHEST i Air Conditioning Carburetors - Mufflers - Radiators, With Vi Beveled Edge Firestone & Good/ear Tires Ignition &• STYHOFOAM i 4Vheel Alignment- Brakes - Shocks Foreign Cars - Light Towing' r(J 1.00 VALUE 'i SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF 66* BEAUTIFUL FRAMED MIRRORS CALL 395-7739_ 11 ECKERDCOUPON1 |HECKERD COUPON (i ! VIVA NAPKINS 1TEFL0N.SC OVER POMPANO GLASS COMPANY ISO COUNT by SCOTT, 101 S.W. 5t* ST., POMPANO iEACH SEMAN JUMBO FAMILY SIZE, § (Just West of South Cypress Road) SERVICE STATION REGULAR 39c LIMIT 1 WITH COUPOH THRU ! LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRO 8/4 Phone M2-7232 1930 N. FEDIRAL HWY.,-BOCA RATON Quality Service Since 19Stt AT THE 5th AVI. SHOPPING flA2A Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3A Mitch Woodbury reports Students to register Jk 0 Advance Registration More bird homing for currently enrolled Set amid stately trees, lush landscaping, classic fountains and statuary, the Florida Atlantic Uni- inspiring garden-type Mausoleum at Forest Lawn provide the dignity of above Solution.. .Chester Sands Piaseckl, who lives at iar events. I'm told the show will have a circus versity students will ground burial in a noble resting place. We welcome your inspection at 262 NW Pine Circle is another Boca gentleman theme and be titled "Circus Carnival." take place Thursday and any time. Pre-need selection offers familf protection at lower who has been having trouble with the birds. Friday, Aug. 7-8, from prices and wider choice of location. Write, call or visit for You may recall they've been dive bombing at Lauds Business Firm...F. S. "Ted" Osgood 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to color brochure and complete information. -~ me of late as I stroll down NE . Sixth drive in bought a set of tires , at the Coastal Tire and Auto 4 p.m. Harbour East. Thus I've taken to carrying a a Service, 35 SW First Ave. Several days later he Serving Broward and P&im Beach Counties was surprised to receive a thank you card from Registration packets !<• cane in self defense. will be available in the "I read your story about walking with a case the firm. It's a rather unusual greeting with Administration Building as protection from the birds," writes Mr. Pias- some Chinese figures and the face of a smiling lobby. ecki. "I too, have the same problem, But I ride Oriental on the cover. Inside the card states; In-service teachers a bike. There is a large blackbird around the "Translation. Thank You Velly Much. We ap-who wish to register by shuffleboard court. This fellow dives from behind preciate the opportunity to be of service to you mail may do so using the me and lets out a yak. The only weapon I have is and look forward to your future patronage. Sign- proper forms. They a bike horn. It does help a bit." ed Neil and Jerry." need not pick up pack- Well, Chester, you do have a problem. But maybe "That's the first time I ever received anything ets. Receipts will be here's solution. like that from a < business firm," says Ted. "I mailed after Sept. 20. Get yourself an old tennis racket. Carry it was impressed." Students who do not with you on the bike. When that old blackbird zooms New faces on the Boca Raton Country Club golf pay fees during advance down, shout "40 love" and let him have it. But course of late: Gene Field, Bill Thomas, Harry registration may leave .please don't fall off the bike. Chiistensen and George Henry, all of Boca. their registrations with / Better yet, emulate the late Sophie Tucker. a representative of the Sing "Bye, Bye Blackbird" and maybe he'll take Registrar's Office and the hint. Sign.. .Passing motorist was telling Jim Seman pay Monday, Sept. 15 the gas station man (he's out and about agian with from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Feathered friends...Isn't there an old catch- the use of a cane) about a sign he had seen on a Students who have not phrase that goes; "Smart as a fox?" tailoring shop in Las Vegas. Sign read; "While paid fees by noon Sat- No matter, because I want to coin a new one; you're here, why don't you have your clothes urday, Sept. 20 will be "Smart as a duck. Or a drake." And I've got the cleaned, too. subject to the late re- ducks and the drakes at the Boca Raton Country gistration fee of $25. Club to prove it. He Soon Departs.. .If it's been a drab summer and you're in need of some laughs, hurry down to 0*0*&*0*<<0*0*0*0*0*&i*^^ This flock hangs out around the lagoon to the see Woody Woodbury in Fort Lauderdale's Bahama left of the club's first golf hole. But let a certain Hotel. He's the lad who can give them to >you and red car drive onto the grounds and each one starts he'll only be around through Sept. 9. Woody's quacking and waddling towards the parking lot. scheduled for a six-week engagement at Caesar's i As uncanny as it may sound, they seem to know r this car and know its driver, Jack Roach, is their Palace in Las Vegas and thus must depart. There's friend. He feeds *em crunched corn. no other comic quite like Woody. His forte is kid- ROYAL PALM PLAZA - Utk RATOH Mr. Roach doesn't golf every day. But he says ding the audience. But he's never offensive with his schedule of days of the links is pretty regular his ribbing and even those who are the butt of his IN THE CAFETERIA BUILDING and that the ducks and i drakes seem to know the rapid fire and sharp wit are kept in high good hum- day and time of his arrival and look for him. or. 399-3500 The Weekly Rattazzi Report.. .Dick Ratazzi has a new anti-smoking cigarette lighter. When you That was a nice gesture Woody and some of press it, instead of lighting, it coughs. the beautiful gals from the Mai Kai performed ORIGINAL CREATIONS BY last Monday. They jetted in a private plane to my Man About the Area. ..If Kemp Read, the popular old home town of Toledo to participate for the Am- ANNE pianist, singer and showman (get him to put on that erican Cancer Society in a benefit golf exhibition Ted Lewis high hat), ever is indisposed at the with Perry Como, Lee Trevino and JackMck- DAWN Chez Joey the restaurant-lounge will not have to laus. Flew up in the morning and returned in time look very far for a replacement. Owner-host for their shows that evening. GOLDIA Joe Benedetto, can do a top flight whistling solo. Woody tells of overhearing a newlywed couple Although it isn't scheduled to open until Oct. 18 standing in the Bahama lobby preparing to go ROSEMARIE they already are preparing the new ice show for into the Chart Room to see his show. Not knowing the Sheraton Hotel's Cafe Caprice in Fort Laud- his identity, Wood was able to hear the groom say; erdale. Klaus Ottman, the inn's general manager, "I hear he likes to pick on newlywed s. So when we Come in and try one of our wigs- and talent agent Milo Stelt are producing and extra- go into the room please walk as though you had vaganza and promise the most lavish costumed and been married for years." Just what kind of a styled especially for you... presented revue in the hostelry's series of simil- walk that could be, Woody didn't know.

H. M. Keicher Henry M. Keicher, 68, 200 N.W.. 10th St., died July 24. r OLD FASHIONED? Mr. Keicher camfe to Boca Raton three and a half years ago from At- hens, N.Y. where he had been a photo engraver. He is survived by his wife, Martha, Boca Ra- ton; four daughters, yes -when it comes Mrs. Vera Lutz, Boca Raton, Mrs. Marilyn McKeon, Athens, Mrs. AUGUST Dorothy Hoyt, Maple- crest, N.Y., Mrs. Bar- to thrift and savings bara Pike, Catksill, N. N.Y.; three sons, Law- rence, Deer Park, Hen- White Sale ry P., Newtonville, N.Y. ry P., Newtonville,1 N.Y., Edward, Athens; a sister, Mrs. John Heinrich, and 27 grand- % children. EARN WAMSUTTA SHEETS Services were held in Catskill. BEDDING * BATH The Stephen Foster FINE LINENS folk song, "Camptown Races/' originally INTEREST known as "Gwine To 2426 I LAS OtAS BLVD. ROYAL PALM PLAZA Bet All Night" was FORT IAUDCRDAU BOCA RATON 5 written about the bob- tailed trotter, Flora Temple. Invest in SAVINGS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Your money is safe, secure, BOCA lATON'S MARKET PLACE FOR insured up to $15,000 against loss AND GOLD COAST BANK STOCK earns a generous 5% interest rate. SAVINGS CERTIFICATES are non-can- We Can Offer Subject to Prior Sale cellabfe, negotiable. Interest payable 500 SHARES OF quarterly on certificates of 3 months, BOCA RATON NATIONAL BANK @77.50 PER SHARE NET 6 months and 1 year - on deposits of 500 SHARES OF $1,000 or more in multiples of $1,000.

FIRST BANK and TRUST CO. of BOCA RATON DIAL 395-2010 076.00.PER SHARE NET FOR CORRECT TIME 24 HOURS A DAY 725 SHARES OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK of POMPANO BEACH @$78 PER SHARE NET III Boca Raton LAIRD, BISSELL & MEEDS, INC. Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and Principal Commodity Exchanges National Bank Arvida Building Boca Raton, Florida SOUTH FEDERAL HWY. AT CAM1NO RIAL, BOCA RATON'. *. CALL 395-2300 Phone 395-7300 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * Member Federal Reserve System The sidewalk superintendent Legislators' footsteps

By JIM RIFENBURG more hours each week for other •about $5.73 per hour* More councilman-like duties. ithan a newspaper reporter City councilmen are follow- jmakes, but less than acarpen- ing the footsteps of our legis- Comes to • 11 hours each iter. You could probably make lators and considering a pay week ... in the winter. In jthat much an hour digging ditch, raise. the summer, of course,'we have also. sessions every other week and Quite a substantial raise, I the hourly count would go down Under the new rate of $400 Hotels here? might add. From $275 a month slightly. On the other hand, per month, using the same to $400 a month, some winter sessions run more hours, we have a slight in- than three hours a night, so it crease. Now we're talking I'm sure no councilman will should just about even out. about $8.34 an hour. More The proposal, before the Planning and Zoning conventions, and to provide ballrooms and meet- agree with me, but perhaps we than the carpenter but not as can come up with a bit of a Count this up at four and one- much as a lawyer or a doctor. Board, that areas should be set aside here for ing rooms for local residents. third weeks per month and we hotels-to-be isn't likely to meet with wide or He's right about the need for meeting rooms breakdown on hours, have an average of about 48 If you put this wage or salary enthusiastic approval in Boca Raton. and such. But it seems there's been a conclusion hours. u jumped to. A session of council normally on a 40-hour week basis, y° The idea that Boca Raton should have a It has not been established, to our knowledge, would last about three hours. At the old salary of $275 per come up with a yearly salary of couple of large hotels, and zoning should be that anyone in Boca Raton envisions the city as Let's add to this another three month, which" includes a $50 something like $16,680 per provided to "set aside" a couple of corners a convention center, now or later. hours for a workshop. And then monthly expense payment, the year. And suddenly we have for future purchase by major hotel chains, It has not been established that this city wants for good measure, throw infive hourly rate would work out at moved into the grey flannel was advanced by a representative of Schine or needs large, oceanfront hotels, suit area. The per year figure Enterprises, which owns the land. Miami Beach has a lot of large, oceanfront is not exactly fair, of course, He said Boca Raton's hotel and convention hotels. But Boca Raton, officially and unoffi- because it doesn't work out that facilities are inadequate. cially, doesn't intend to emulate Miami Beach. way. But a lot of people do Of course, there s the Boca Raton Hotel and Perhaps the construction and operation of work on an hourly rate and Club, which at this point is trying to wind up a couple of large, luxury hotels and convention Two hats! that's the only way they have construction of its new convention facilities, centers would produce a number of significant of figuring their status in this which will be among the finest in the nation. advantages ~ other than ballrooms and meeting' world. But, said the Schine representative, the Boca rooms - for Boca Raton. You can play with figures Raton Hotel has outgrown the city in price, But so far, we haven't been able to come up and make it look as though we and the city should have facilities for smaller with any. are being taken for a ride by our city fathers. Or you can twist them the other way_ to make councilmen appear" to be poor underpaid city-minded people who are giving their all to the That's compromise city as a labor of love, Harold Maull, who says he absolutely will not run for of- fice again, says the job takes a lot of time and sacrifice. He It was called a compromise agreement when sions to feel that a workable agreement had contends working people, not the Planning and Zoning Board gave provisional been reached. And that's what compromise is all just wealthy and retirees, approval last week to the rezoning of the Gar- about. should be able to afford to den Apartments tract. serve the city. Apparently nobody was exactly pleased with Given swift City Council approval and prompt the agreement reached. Zoning Board mem- execution of the developer's plans, Boca Ra- There is no great prestige bers had their doubts, and included in the agree- ton could soon be rid of its worst — or at least being a councilman in the City ment the provision that the development would best-known — eyesore. of Boca Raton. It can be a be watched closely,, If the city had purchased it, the beautification mean, nasty job with all kinds In turn, the property owner and Itvenus, the of that tract would have been at taxpayers' ex- of abuse from citizens who prospective developer, didn't get precisely pense. don't like to pay taxes or ob- what they asked for. Under the current approach, private en- ject to someone's dog walking But each party involved won enough conces- terprise will pay the tab. on their manicured grass. I have at times taken a coun- Views of other newspapers cilman away from his job during the busiest part of the day to answer questions or officiate 'at some ribbon-cutting, tree- planting or cornerstone-laying project. Abuse is heaped on abuse Literature of the past when these men lay their repu- tations, on the-line at election- time. ••• • ' The recent short, wilted crops of lyrical When a note was intercepted and read aloud The raise, in my opinion, poetry ma# not relate- to the diminishment of to the class, we knew how Nathan Hale^felt, is warranted. I wouldn't be love letters but there is a perceptible decline in in spades and jeers ... a councilman for a lot more two-way rhapsodies. Adults wrote love letters, too. Courting with- than $400 a month. Aside from the perfunctory valentines hardly out the electric comfort of literature was like any deathless romantic essays are composed in dancing in ankle cuffs. So many idylls were the schoolroom. Yesterday, many small Robert passed at soda booths some of us never see Herricks and Elizabeth Brownings wrote up, one today without whistling "Girl Of My On second thought or swallowed, a nickel's worth of tablet paper Dreams." In time, the passionate notes might ere they found the immortal winged chargers reveal the soul as mercilessly as a bug under for their pulsating love . . . Many of us swal- a microscope, but who, at the exalted time of lowed so many mash notes, to deter the teach- composition, did not feel truly that he has cheat- er's detection or teasing by fellow pupils, we ed hunger and slain death? It grates, anyway saved a lot of lunch money. — Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer

By GUS HARWELL our hurricane center in Miami have, because they were con- now is efficient and accurate, cerned over a storm that could ANNA was weak and disor- insofar as man is able to be never have reached Florida Here, Nessie, here, Nessie? ganized Friday. She was ap- accurate when dealing with the during their visit anyhow. parently dying. weather. She never reached maturity, I WOULDN' T begin to suggest There is one solid fact about the Loch Ness pressed concern lest the underwater hunters and she never fulfilled the des- Nobody is worried about not receiving adequate warning of how to handle such a dilemma, Monster. And that is that speculation on its exis- hurt the sea dragon. tiny that so many predicted for since a little over-concern is ,tence revives with unerring certainty each year Even the Glasgow Herald has pushed the her. an impending hurricane. There is probably more worry about better by far than inadequate when the tourist season begins. Leave that to fun along, criticizing, the hunt, and writing: warning. the canny, thirfty Scots. "Nessie is a quiet, benign beastie which has nev- Anna is - or was - a tropical getting too much warning of a This year a new twist has been given to er done anyone any harm." storm, the first one of 1969, hurricane that never becomes one. But I do know this: no mat- the hoary question about the monster. It is the If the submarine is launched, we are pre- and she never really amounted ter what you call Anna and her reputed plan of some Americans to launch a pared to forecast two results. The first is that to much. The predicters said successors ~ tropical storms, yellow submarine to hunt for Nessie. In turn the beastie will successfully elude detection. she packed winds of 70 miles or former tropical storms, or this has aroused the wrath (real? simulated? The second is that this failure to find it will only per hour when they found her WE BEGIN worrying about nameless disturbances, the tongue-in-cheekly?) of several Scottish lairds. increase the Scots* conviction that it indeed Monday, and they forecast that tropical depressions and tropi- general public reads it as Hur- Lord Lovat, chief of Clan Fraser, and Lord lurks down there in the cold, murky waters. she would gather force and be- cal storms when they are thou- ricane, with a capital H. MacDonald, chief of Clan MacDonajd, have ex- —Christian Science Monitor come a fullblown hurricane. sands of miles away — even off the coast of Africa. It doesn't help that these re- But she ran into cool, dry air ports, on a storm which is and high speed westerly winds Many of those who hear and ^definitely not a hurricane, come Exploring words that helped her to poop out in- read these hurricane bulle- from the National Hurricane stead of becoming a name we'd tins — which carefully avoid •Center. remember. referring to the depression or I don't think anybody is dis- storm as a hurricane — are Perhaps we must suffer with appointed. visitors in Florida or new- it, in the name of adequate comers who haven't learned warning, but it grates to hear when to panic and when not to a visitor talking about getting Red tape fighter ANNA IS A fair example of panic. out of Florida in a hurry be- what it seems to me has be- And the result is that many cause of a weak tropical storm come a tendency to overdo wea- don't enjoy themselves in South 2700 miles - out in the Atlantic By JOHN BARCLAY quiredj to make a comprehen- glomerate of laws and re- ther reporting. Florida as much as they could Ocean. sive annual report. In the final gulations, clashes between John OMBUDSMAN — (Om-boods- analysis, the power of the Om- Q. Public and the burgeoning There have been disasters . man) This strange and pec- budsman rests with the public, army of bureaucratic civil in Florida because of a lack • uliar sounding word has an which is informed day to day service officials are inevitable. of adequate warning of im- • even chance someday of play- what he has accomplished. To th e credit of our young- pending hurricanes. But that • ing a vital role in your life est state and their visionary was many years ago — 1926 If he reprimands a policeman foresight, Hawaii appointed an in Miami, for instance, and - and becoming a household term or a judge for undue punitive familiar to all of the family. Ombudsman setting a preced- 1935 in the Keys, when hun- measures, the newspapers pub- ent for the mainland to fol- dreds lost their lives. Sunday 4A Aug. 3, 1969 ; Sweden inaugurated the of- lish the rebuke and new low. But there is no doubt that : fice; of an Ombudsman over decision, in which the readers Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. • 150 years ago to defend the may rejoice vicariously. &*s*&&3^ aid St., Boca Raton, Fla., 33432 by,the Boca Raton Pub- little man against th e evils lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. and tyranny of the crowned Not stopping at the civilian heads. The term designates a level, Sweden instituted a mil- citizen's representative dele- itary Ombudsman to go to bat Letters to the editor. W. H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher gated with the power to arbit- for the lowest private to highly ranking officer. rate and contest injustices and JOHN T. OPEL H. CLAY RILEY bureaucratic red tape. As a general rule, the Om- The Boca 'Raton News welcomes letters to the editor, budsman is a lawyer, univer- Editor Adv. Mgr. The old bromide, You can t sity professor or a former especially on matters of general interest to the commun- fight City Hall," is an empty judge, who is economically ity. We will not undertake to condense letters without Entered as second class mail at the ppstoffice at Boca phrase in Sweden, Denmark, above the temptations of re- the consent of the writers, but reasonable length is ad- Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. Norway and Findland where the ceiving political graft or bribes. vised to assure publication. Our only restriction on con- Ombudsman has the jurisdic- He is paid a salary rangingfrom sent are that letters be free of libel and that they not Member of the Florida Press Association and National tion to defend, without cost, $12,000 to $20,000 yearly, which, Newspaper Association* Subscription rates: By carrier in anyone with a valid grievance. •Violate eoodtaste.Unsigned letters wiilnot be published. in Scandanavia, insures a the city 70$ per mon&;iby mail in theU.S., one year $10.00 very comfortable living. Elected by Parliament to (5 months $6.00, 3 moaths $4.00. : a four-year term, he is re- With the pyramiding con- Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 5A

Seven new directors elected by chamber TELEPHONE 395-170f Tellers who can- past president of the ; on the chamber's Mem- R U.D D LPH C. LARS D N Seven new directors Brannon, Robert Leg- Chamber's fiscal year. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY OF DISTINCTION of the Greater Boca gett, James O'Neal, L. Edward Barnhardt, vassed the official bal- Noontime Kiwanis Club. bership Sales Com- lots Thursday were: Eugene Robinson is mittee, Congressional ARCHITECTURAL INTERIORS iNDUSTRtAL MARINE Raton Chamber of Gom- Eugene Robinson, and chamber president, ARCHITECTURAL INTERIORS David C. Ashe, Barn- Action Committee, and INDUSTRIAL MARINE merce were elected Cecil Roseke. Donald named a nominating special assistant to the INDUSTRIAL MARINE: Thursday by the Cham- M. Van Dusen was el- committee, to nominate hardt, Kenneth M. president of Florida At- Better Business Advis- iory Committee. He is EXECUTIVE SUITE WE!R PLAZA BLDG. ber's businessmen and ected to serve a two- new officers for fiscal Brad shaw, Peter Dor- lantic University and 855 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOCA RATON FLA. women members. year unexpired term. 1969-70 from among an and Al Seibert. Bal- consultant toFirstFed- j a member of the board Elected to serve The new directors the members of the lots were mailed to the eral Savings and Loan of directors of the Boca i three-year terms were: will take office Nov. 1 Board of Directors. voting members July 21 Assn. of Delray Beach, Raton Rotary Club. Lee Blitch, Richard the beginning of the The nominating com- and were to be returned Boca Raton Branch, mittee will report to the by 5p.m. Thursday, July whose business mem- Donald M. Van Dusen Board of Directors at 31. bership in the chamber is area representative IS DEAFNESS TIRED OF RETIREMENT? its meeting Aug. 7, The newly-elected he represents. He is for Florida Public Util- Bui you don't really care for full employment. at which time the new directors representdi- past chairman of the ities and the Flo-Gas ANNOYING YOU? Wfcy not call for an interview today regarding officers will be elected. versified business, chamber's Research Corporation. He is cur- the financial field of stocks, bonds, and se- Both the new directors professional, and civic and Development Com- rently serving a five- curities selling to select clientele. and officers will be in- interests in Boca Ra- mittee and is vice month term on the We have the World's Call Mr. Borgren at 395-0546 for Appointment stalled at the Chamber's ton. chairman of the Palm chamber's board of 17th annual installation Lee Blitch is man- Beach County Develop- directors. He is a mem- FINEST HEARING AIDS BYER banquet to be held Nov. 1 ager of the Boca Raton ment Board. ber of the Membership INCORPORATED at the Boca Raton Hotel office of Southern Bell Sales Committee, has ...with 36 years exnerience Royal Palm Plazo Boca Raton- Florida and Club, Telephone and Tele- Cecil Roseke is the worked on membership, graph. Co. He is a mem- Boca Raton postmaster drives, and is a mem- SAVE 1/3 ON BATTERIES.WE SHIP WHEREVER YOU ARE! ber of the chamber's and is an individual ber of the Board of dir- Research and Develop- member of the chamber. ectors of the Noontime BOCA HEARING CENTER ment Committee, the He is currently serving Kiwanis Club. Higher Education Com- •.--••"--."/-ROYAL PALM PLAZA - BOCA RATON - 395-4242 See these mittee and the Member- ship Sales Committee. Beautiful Coral Manor Models! He is also a member of the Boca Raton Rotary Club. Richard Brannon is owner and president of Brannon Realty, Inc. He is currently chair- man of the chamber's Accommodations Com- mittee, has served on the Congressional Ac- tion Committee, and has participated in recent membership drives. He is.vice president of the Exchange Club of Boca £ ^ PALMETTO PK. ML. c Raton and is a member of the board of directors of the Boca Raton Board Boca Saton of Realtors. Robert Leggett is ex- ecutive manager of the Boca Raton Hotel and Club, a position he has held for 13 years. He is past president of the MODELS OPEN 9-5 DAILY Boca Raton Rotary Club and a member of the 3 BEDROOMS 1331 S.W. 12th Ave,, Boca Raton Board of Directors of 2 BATHS PHONE 399-2299 the Palm Beach County Hotel Association. 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS from *23,000 * James O'Neal is gen- eral manager of the 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS from *33,000-* General Insurance •* A *AJ» »9f *Ol! Y0 Lt Agency and is currently serving a five month (Setal TMcmoz Homes, term on the chamber's BOCA RATON board of directors. He is chairman of the chamber's Beautifica- tion Committee and is ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS STRAIGHT COOL AND REVERSE CYCLE MODELS mm mnm ill? SILVERTOWN HT770 For Fast Relief from fhi discomfort of hot, utiggy dnys and Sweltering, Sleepless nights-



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2:10 - 4:00 -6:00-7:50- 9:45 Board okays rezoning Garden Apartments PLAYBOY ran fen well-stacked pages on this film There are some scenes so explicit, so Alexander L. Guter- erices crowded City Hall Garden (Apartment has both times- "Connie (Continued from Page 1) ness reclassification realistic, so natural that Kreski ma, vice president of rejected, the firm for the other public been a familiar topic to portion of the site to Itvenus Corp., which hearings on Garden Ap- Boca Raton residents. It IT MAKES 'BLOW-UP' LOOK UKE Playboy's is expected to modify SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN Playmate B-l (business ) and the holds an option on the its plan and spread out artments, in contrast was put on referendums of the remainder toe R-4 (the land, submitted a sim- Thursday night the aud- twice for purchase by the 'LITTLE MISS MARKER'!" Year the proposed 550 units —tOS ANGSICS HERALD-EXAMINE* current zoning classi- ilar pledge from the over more of the 14- ience was sparse and city for the expansion Over 15OO fication), Board of Directors of acre site. no one stepped forward of municipal facilities, Original Kammerman flew his firm. Kammerman had to speak. and soundly defeated OIL PAINTINGS back from California The firm had plan- submitted his rezoning for Thursday's meet- ned to raze the Garden TWO YEAR request many months Exchange Privilege Heironymus MERKIN ing. He submitted a Apartments and build ago as an official of FAMOUS DOOR a 550 unit apartment CHINESE RESTAURANT Chans* your paintings with written pledge agree- Beautiful Boca Raton In the COVE SHOPPING CENTER your color scheme. ing to comply voluntar- building complex with Lowest prices from !r* four swimming pools, a Bungalows, Inc., the , DEERFIELD world's largest Art Dealer ily with the new or- corporation operating Serving Lunch - Dinner - Late Supper PICTURE FRAMING dinance, which goes in- restaurant, laundry and Garden Apartments. CLOSED MONDAY • Open Noon til Midnight SCHERTLE and find true happiness r to effect Jan. 1, as several offices. The matter was tab- FOR RESERVATION OR TAKE OUT ORDERS - 399-5455 quested by the Board. Now, with the busi- ART GALLERY led time and time again 540 S. Fed. Hwy. by the Board, each time confine nee from Pompano Beach 943-5450 "STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF for a different reason. Americas largest jewelers 3blocks Sof Atlantic Blvd. APPROVED UNTO GOD" Board members had 500 stores coast to coast .on U.S. 1 ' expressed general ag- Open TO to 5 (II Tim 2:15) reement as to Itvenus Diamonds to $5000 Monday thru Bruce Forsyth - Stubby Kaye ,* George Jessel. •• Free Bible Correspondence Course plans to raze the World Watches to $1300 Saturday War II barracks, label- 60 Day money back guarantee if not L Call 395-0738 or Write To Bible satisfied on any purchase Correspondence Course, led an "eyesore" by civic groups, and Expert watch repair 2140 N.E. 2nd Drive, Boca Raton, Fla., 33432 building a modern ap- Shoppers Haven artment building com- OpentU Porapano plex. 9 P.M. Complete UMBRELLA Protection But citizens appeared 941-5710 * Travelers * Aetna-* Continental at many of the public Group * Royal Globe * London & hearings and objected to Lancashire • Boston the-proposed four-story 399-4114 Insurance Co. height and the density Nine men who came too of the proposed apart- JOHN D. TALBOTT ment building complex. 2 late and stayed too long. INSURANCE AGENCY.^inc. While capacity audi- 489 N.E. 20fh St. BoVp Raton' Ph. 395-1511 or 39f-1516 U Fish kill

INDIVIDUAL {Continued from Page 1) SAVE $494.10 Unless you can afford to fly to Italy just for EXECUTIVE OFFICES would be found. dinner — Our menu and atmosphere will bring PRESTIGE LOCATION The GFC biologist did you this without leaving the country. I A MEAL WITHOUT WINE tS LIKE A HEART ELEVATOR SERVICE . not. fully agree with 3ettuccini A V 7redo Dineen. Italian *i* PROSCUITTO. CHEF SALAD J2.50 Receptionist-Secretarial Service "It's pretty obvious," Chicken Caceiatore And Answering Service Daily Ogilvie said, "there is Buon Appet/toJ SPAGHETTI _ 2.85 Air Conditioned a lot of stale water naked Italian Sausage with MUSHROOMS. GREEN PEPPERS. SPAGHETTI...~~.~+ .... 2.95 under the hyacinths that Specialta Casalinghe DRUMMOND BUILDING moved into the basin. House Specialties Pork Chops Vizzalota _ 3.00 201 Federal Hwy. Call 399-1193 MAN1C0TTI "But if we go in an Stuffed with Cheese $1.95 Marinara _ 2.50 try to kill them all out CAVELLONI 2.25 SPAGHETTI „ GNOCCHI 2.25 at once, the decaying SPAGHETTI with CLAMS Portofino: ruma .1.95 weeds take up more of (Red or White) . 2.50 * with CHEESE. CHEF SALAD- U.S. 1 -BOCA RATON Includes Chef's Salad, Home SOf re ft t0l met of Sole Marina ra _ 1.95 Whsfsver Your Taste in the oxygen in the water Baked Bread & Butter CHEF SALAD and you get a heavier Coffee or Tea fish kill," he said. "We 3raSCati\ Spaghetti and MeatCHE FJails SALAD 1.95 OUR SPECIALTY A Ca Carte had this happen at Lake SHRIMP COCKTAIL $1.50 )MlaH0\ Veal ScallopMSPAGHETTI 2.35 Ida some time back." Char-Broiled Steaks and CHERRYSTONE CLAMS (6) 1.50 Sicilu: naked eggplant and Ziti Ogilvie said a better Broiled Florida Lobster MINESTRONE SOUP .85 ** EN CASSEROLE, CHEF SALAD.„ 1.95 program of hyacincth COLD ANTIPASTO 1.25 Uaked /lasagua spraying might solve COCKTAILS 524 2.25 Elegant plains or COFFEE .25 SPUMONI .70 some of the problem. 4 TO 6 PM. HOT TEA .25 BISQUE TORTONI .60 Veal Patmlglana 2.50 exciting prints — "We've had .periodic (Except Sunday & Holidays) ICED TEA .30 ICECREAM .50 SPAGHETTI . - you'll find the Schrafft's famous recipes of Service Charge for Extra Plate INCLUDES HOME BAKED BREAD a BUTTER. COFFEE airTEA "exactly Tight" kills in the same area Your Waitress Will Bring A Selection Of Italian Pastries To- Your Table... fabric from our huge before," he said. "It's traditional foods assures you of selection. No charge a relatively short top-notch quality whether for 3850 N: Federal Hwy. for making full stretch of water and breakfast, luncheon or dinner. On U.S. 1 in Pompano Beach could be kept under con- It's Schrafft's for your favorite foods. 1 block north of Shoppers Haven length, regular or For Reservations Call 942-0006 traverse, from $1.98 trol very easily, but I Closed Mondays yd. don't know for sure just PHONE 395T4800 who is responsible for spraying in this area," The Loxahatchee comes under at least two branches of the Federal MISS Government and several MISS JESSIE LACEY state agencies. JESSIE LACEY'S Invites You to An We service and Both biologists were maintain free of ENJOYABLE EVENING charge every drap- in agreement about the WHERE SHALL WE EAT? ery rod we sell and recuperation of the install as long as area. you use it. "A month from now, LES CHANDELLES you'll never know it FAMILY DINNERS Gpen Mon.-Sat happened," they said. 9 to 5 PLUS REGULAR MENU "It will hurt fishing in SERVED 5:30 TO ! 1:00 P.M. Draping the Gold Coast Come in the basin for awhile, Or Phone but marsh fish will come DANCING 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach, 278-2877 back in fast and anglers To the Music of the Visit our nationally famous Browse 'n Think Shop will be able t o catch (Cove Center) Deerfield Beach as many as they have JOHNNY LEIGHTON TRIO 1603 S.E. 3rd COURT - PHONE 399-2837 in the past. FROM 8:30 P.M. i CLOSED MONDAYS 6000 N. FEDERAL HWY. RESERVATIONS REQUESTED FIRST .... CHOOSE fORT LAUDERDALE PHONE 943-6000 943-6000 THEN CHOOSE THE YEAR TABLE D'HOTE MENU

Everybody eats at La beef... LesHorsd'Oeuvres also SEE CONNOR BROWS OTHER TOP The guys from the office ... Chilled Tomato Juice Fresh Florida Fruit Cup Supreme NAME LINE OF PRE-OWED CARS The gals front the beach. in the finest condition It's the family fun place to eat — or LARGEST USED CAR DISPLAY IN THE SOUTH indoor cafi dining — covered patio — Les Potages drive-up, take-out service. Open 11 a.m. to midnight daily. Soup du Jour Consomme Famous JR., Twin, or Tripiette Sandwich. Choose any combination of real U. S. Choice Beef — Les Entrees Hickory Baked Virginia Ham—U. S. Choice Corned Beef. Broiled Swordfish Steak, Grenobloise 4.00 30 £d it rtO (Tripiette is one-third each of Sauteed in lemon butter, served with lemon square, plain croutons and capers; 1st In Customer Satisfaction beef, ham, Corned Beef.) Braisef'of Beef Bourgeoise 4.00 1st In Dependability French Fries, Onion Rings - German Slaw. Sliced choice beef served with a sauce of pearl onions, small carfots and French peas. Connor Brown GMAC AND LOCAL BANK FINANCING New York Style Brisket of Corned Beef and Cabbage 4.25 EVERY CAR CAREFULLY CONDITIONED Famous Puff-ee Dessert of World Fair Fame — Open Till 9:30 p.m. Mon., Wed., and Friday, Tuesday, Thurs., Rainbow Sundaes — Gate 016 Shakes. Lian and tasty slices of corned beef served with braised ctbbage (a Chandelle specialty). Sat. Till .6 p.n.;-. 1699 S. Federal Hwy., Fompano Beach 942-8585 Pouiet Saute Chasseur 4.00 Authorized Cadillac Dealer Midway Between Ft. Lauderdale and Pompano Select one-half Maryland chicken sauted in white wine and mushroom sauce to a golden brown. Roast Prime Rib of Beef 4.75 Aged western beef served to your liking with natural juices. BUTLER 1st In Class since 1899 INTERNATIONALS New York Cut Prime Sirloin Steak-Bonefess ..... 5.50 And 1st in FUN IN 1969 SANDWICH CAFE Discreetly hapd picked prime aged steaks charcoal broiled to your order, MOTORS Where else can you get so served with mushroom c: much economy, 18- Safety 94S S. FED. HWY., DEERFIELD BEACH Above entrees include choice of: South Floridas Most features, and still look PHONE: 399-9634 Appetizer, Soup, Potato, Salad, Dessert and Beverage Complete Service ••:•: like a winner? Les Pommes Dept. With a Baked Idaho Potato Potato du Joyr $20,000 inventory •&. of parts at ail times! Salades To$$ed Garden Greens Romaine Sliced Tomato Hearts of Lettuce Hearts of Palm With purchase of LA BEEF Sandwich one glazed PUFF-EE Internationale Les Desserts Dessert FREE — with this coupon Coupe Jacques Sherbet. Chocolate Parfaif Puff-ee with ice cream 10c extra Assorted French Ice Creams Puff-ee"with fruit & ice cream 16c extra Cafes "Void after August 9,1969" Coffee Tea Sanka Milk MIXED DRINKS and COCKTAILS from $1.00 288 S. Federal Hwy. Pompano Beach 941-615S 941-6187 For Your Next Banquet or Private Party - Contact Miss Jessie Lacey ' BROWARD COUNTYS OLDEST FIAT DEALER 8 Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7k

Two new directors are appointed at FAU 513 N.E. 28th St., Boca Raton ACROSS FROM FIFTH AVENUE PLAZA Phone ,395-8891 The appointment of a Ohio). Maxwell holds from Ohio Wesleyan and science and sociology He has held positions Maxwell is married and Director of Admissions the B.A. in psychology the M.A.T. in political from Duke University. Wesleyan and Hiram, has one sone. and a Director of Regis- tration and Records at Florida Atlantic Uni- versity have been an- nounced by Kenneth R. BY POPULAR DEMAND - WE ARE NOW EXTENDING OUR SALE Williams, president. f• Jerry C.Deeter, ana- tive of Syracuse, Ind. will hold the position FOR ONE MORE WEEK in registration and re- cords. He has a bache- lor's degree from Man- chester College (North Manchester, Ind.) and master's degrees in ad- Boston Rug Co ministration and super- vision and guidance from Indiana Univer- sity. Deeter has extensive brings you the carpet '~0 experience in Indiana schools and at Indiana University with re- event of the year . . .. cords, admissions, vet- eran's and social se- curity benefits, selec- OUR FABULOUS tive service and many other areas of registra- * *J tion and record keeping. A member of the India- na and American Asso- ciations of Collegiate £ Registrars and Admis- sion Officers, Deeter is „,f married and has four children. FAU's new Director SUMMER of Admissions is Ro- bert A. Maxwell, who comes to FAU from a similar position at Hi- ram College (Hirs This is The CARPET EVENT you can't afford to miss!


Dori Barnes TERMS UP TO 36 MO. ONE MORE WEEK! Musical is next NOW YOU CAN REALLY SAVE "Little Mary Sun- shine" will grace the ON LUXURY CARPETING: stage August 4th through the 9th at Fort Lauder- dale's Parker Play- house. EXAMPLE: The third musical of the season for the Park- er Summer Theatre fea- ••:'• . '•'•-'• '•"."*:>•-!:'-:•;>::•--. YOU BUY 5 YARDS OF tures a host of talented performers. Included in the cast are Dori CARPETING..... YOU GET Barnes, Bill Neikirk, May, Mary Good all, THE NEXT YARD FOR ONE Suzanne Stuart and Don mSundquist. e "Little Mary Sun- PENNY. (l ): OR IF YOU shine" is a spoof of musical comedies. It is a story about Forest NEED 60 YARDS OF Rangers, heroines, In- dians, damsels in dis- tress and hilarious hap- CARPETING . . . YOU PAY penings woven into song V-.1 and dance. There are seats FOR 50 YARDS AND GET available for all perfor- mances starting at $2 on Monday through Thurs- NEXT 10 YARDS -Ar day. Seats for Friday and Saturday begin at $2.50. Reservations FOR ONLY ...... lU are being accepted at the Fort Lauderdale Box Office, 525-7221. Post SALE ENDS SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th Office Box 4881. Legislator 1HIS IS NOT A SPECIAL PURCHASE will speak SALE ... BUT OUR REGULAR HIGH I State Representative QUALITY CARPETING FROM OUR Ray Moudry will add- ress the Boca Raton Rot- CURRENT INVENTORY . . .THIS EVENT ary Club Wednesday at a meeting to be held at noon at the Boca Raton APPLIES TO OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Rotary Club. Progra m Chairman QUALITY BROADLOOM CARPETING . . . RonDeppen, vicepres- ident, said a special message on outfall sys- YOU SELECT FROM SUCH GREAT NAMES AS: tems and the Port of Palm Beach as it af- fects South Palm Beach ALEXANDER SMITH • PAINTER • CALLOWAY • EVANS County residents will be ^featured. AND BLACK by ARMSTRONG and MANY OTHERS GRIFFIN 100RING CO. there IS a price advantage at 'Griffin Has The Floor" VINYL CORK CARPET FORMICA EAST FORT LAUDERDALE WEST FORT LAUDERDALE POMPANO BEACH BOCA RATON SANDING 3542 NO. FEDERAL HWY. 3560 W. BROWARD BLVD. 1198 NO. FEDERAL HWY. 2800 NO. FEDERAL HWY. FINISHING 566-5412 581-7760 941-7046 391-2081 FREE ESTIMATES 118 N. Federal Hwy. CR 8-1210 gA BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 Homers District softball to win

Vivian Simpson blas- ted three home runs Tuesday night to lead tourney Monday the hospital' a 19-7 victory over Deerfield Recreation The first rounds of played at 9 p.m., pitting first district play evei Center. District Slowpitch Soft- Boca Raton Federal held here. It was the first time ball begin here Monday Savings and Loan In addition to Boca a home run has been hit night at 7:30 with Gold- against West Palm Raton and West Palm this season by the Up- amatic of Boca Raton Beach Gene Sykes. Beach entries, teams tight squad. hosting West Palm Eight teams will play will come here from Phylis Williams also Beach Loggia. in the "two losses and ;Fort Lauderdale and came up with a four- A second game will be out" tournament, the Hollywood. From Lauderdale will bagger to aid the cause. be Big Daddy's and Big- The-Uptights collect- ham Insulation. Holly- ed 28 hits for the eve- Reith is top golfer in wood will send Home- ning, while holding stead Coca Cola and Deerfield to only 17. Herb's Place. The box score: Dirty Dozen group All teams were win- UPTIGHTS AB R H ners in sub-district Jenkins 3 4 Knowles 0 3 Bert Reith was low a net of 60. play. Class C winner Jim Local fans look to Leviness 1 1 Class A golfer Thurs- Wager 2 3 day as the Dirty Dozen McDavitt had a net of Foldamatic to have a 57 and was closely fol- good chance to win the Williams 2 4 Plus group took to the Lane 0 2 Boca Raton Country lowed by Bob MacLa- district round here this ren with 63. coming week. However, Jackson 2 1 Club course. Simpson 3 4 Reith shot a net 59 Ray Guy won the near- ithey have been beaten in est to the flag contest previous play by both E. Albury 1 1 to take top honors. L. Albury 1 1 Second place in the when his ball stopped Loggia and Gene Sykes just three feet from the of West Palm Beach. Anderson 4 4 class was taken by TOTALS 45 19 28 Frank Vinnedge's 61. pin on number one hole. In a holiday tourna-. Mildred Barker and ment at Cocoa Beach DEERFIELD AB R H Marvin Cox, with a net Major 4 0 2 of 59, won Class B com- Claire Ring came in with over the Fourth of July, nets of 64 to tie for the Loggia was ranked fifth D. Ragin 4 1 3 petition and the runner- B. Ragin 4 1 2 up was Al Raguse with honors. in the state out of 30 teams participating. Wallace 4 1 1 Foldamatic came in fifth S. Knowles 3 1 2 in the same tournament. H. Knowles 3 2 2 Single game tickets Kemp 3 1 3 During the year the 0 Folders were unbeaten Gibbons 3 1 Mathay 3 0 0 in the local city soft- 0 for Dolphins on sale ball league. They won. Thomas 3 0 19 games. Boca Raton TOTALS 34 7 17 Single game tickets the Gold Coast from Federal Savings has a for all Miami Dolphin West Palm Beach on the won-loss record of 15-6 home football games in north to Key West on the for the season. the Orange Bowl went south. Dolphin season Dave Franks of the So what does a pretty girl in a bikini have to trict Softball Tournament next week.'. They Reese is on sale Friday at the tickets also may be pur- recreation department to with softball trophies? Absolutely nothing. were donated by the Boca Raton News. The Dolphins ticket head- chased at each location. said he has no records But'somebody has to hold them for a picture girl? Oh, that'slShay Whittaker of 408 NE 28th quarters (Gate 14 of the on the Hollywood teams and why not a bikini clad doll. The trophies Road. She's 15 years old and beyond that leader Prange Bowl Stadium) Locally, tickets are entered. Big Daddy's will he given to winners in the upcoming Dis- point vital statistics are a secret. and at 37 other locations on sale at the First Fed- of Fort Lauderdale won Boca Raton Country in South Florida. eral Savings and Loan, the subdistrict and Big- Club women held their : Ticket outlets are 601 North Federal High- ham Insulation came in regular weekly play in available all up and down way. second. igolf Tuesday with Ruth Jet Boosters call 1st tryout, Reese leading the field.: She took the medal play tournament with a 1969 DISTRICT SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT plus one. Boca Raton, Fla. Aug. t through 10 will field 3 teams this year : Faye Steers was se- TEAMS: Boca Raton Federal Sav.S Loan cond, coming in even. PV\1 riaina-M «•* Boca Raton Fold-a-matic (Loser to A) WPB Loggia boys who make the the Booster Club and is a 1. WPB Gene Sykes Monday, Aug. 11, has This squad will becom>- 7:30 Mon. Ft. Laud. Big Daddy's been set for the first prised of boys up to 13 squad. general contractor for The Jets have been in Village Construction WPB 5. Ft. Laud. Bigham Insulation try-out session and years of age. The Ju- (Loser to F) H'wood Homestead Coke Cola signup for the Boca Jets niors have 17 boys re- existence for over 10 Co. 7:30 Thur. H'wood Herb's Place and Jet Junior football turning from last year's year,s and have the dis- Assistant coaches are Pj-.T. Rip na tinction of being the first Jack Bragg and Bob Hill teams. • |eam and will carry 33 ; (Loser to B) on the squad. .. _".^ J,', footlall; team in Boca for the Jets, Feldman All ._, boys who didn't RafoW* All funds to sup- and Dick Simmons for 7:30 Tues. sign up in June may still The year, the Boca Jet Booster Club has port these three teams the Juniors and Bill H'll Herb's Plane (Loser to G) 11. do so on this date. are raised by the Boca BOCA RATON Nood The Jets 120-pound added a 75-pound team Banks for the 75-pound>- Jet Booster Club, Inc. ers. FLORIDA'S NEWEST 6:00 Sat. team has only six boys to the program. It will CHAMPIONSHIP have 26 team members Head coach of the Jet The Jets are mem- 18 HOLE COURSE returning from last progam is Ed Side- bers of the Gold Coast (Loser to C) year's squad which fully equipped. Boys wand. He is entering Boys Football League Gently rolling fair- 9:00 Hon. means all positions are who don t make the 95- ways and carpet-rich, pound team during the his 12th year as a mid- and are in the northern greens accent our "WPB Gene Svkes up for grabs. The 120- par 72 layout... get league coach. Side- division. Other teams part of the new pound team is for boys tryouts will be eligible Boca Teeca Country (Loser to E) for the smaller squad. wand has been an em- include Delray Beach, Club Estates. If. up to 14 years of age. 9:00 Thur. ploye of Southern Bell Deerfield Beach, Light- Phone lor . •jOO.H'ld l HomesteaJJrtf-i^md* vvnCokve _ (Loser to H) Winner The Jets carry 33 boys The age limit will be nine through 12 of age. for 22 years. house Point, Margate Starting times: if first loss on the squad. ; 399-5120 (Loser to D) No name has been giv- Head coach for the and Northeast Fort Lau- MEMBERSHIPS Boys 95-pounds and AVAILABLE! Pete Cooper, 9:00 Tues. 3:00 Sun. under, will try out for en to the little team yet. 95-pound Juniors is Bill derdale. Golf Director Tt'hl Bigham Insulation It will be named by the Miller, past president the Jet Junior team. of the Booster Club. He is starting his third year For Fast Results COUNTRY CLUB 1:30 as the Junior coach. He N.W. 51st St. and 2nd Ave.. Sun. winner Use The Boca Raton (Vi mile west of U.S. 1) also an employee of Bell • 399-5120 Bowling Standings 'with 14 years service, Bocg Raton News (Loser 11) Del Walke is head Sturdy Oak Bowling Club IBM Ladies Assoc. coach of the newly form- Weekly Winners Totals TEAM Won Lost 9:00 Sat. 13 ed 75-pounders. He is 1-Falk 259 New Yorkers 25 19 also a past president of (Loser 6> 9, 2-Bovaniger 251 Unpredic. 25 19 Fri. Everyone Loves A (Loser 1) 7:30 3-Fink 246 Trio 23 21 l 4-Calderwood 246 Sad Saks 23 7. 7:30 Sat. 12. H — 21 Tie for 7:30 Wed. (Loser of 1 5-Plumb 243 Jumpen Jacks 2200 24 if 1st loss High Team Game Hotshots 18 26 (Loser 2) F- Meredity, Denton, Fink, first place BUICK (Loser 5) .rn Niles, 859*; High Team High Team Game New (Loser 3) Triple Niemeck, Vorn, Yorkers, 461; High team 9:00 Fri Ruttinger, Jacobsen, triple New Yorkers, Ladies of Royal Palm FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A 9:00 Wed. 8. 2335*; Individual High 1258; Individual high Yacht and Country Club Falk, 221; Individual Zelda Williamson 201; played match the pro Triple, Arseneau, 547; Individual triple Zelda hole by hold during their (Loser (*) Including Handicap. Williamson, 463. regular weekly tourna- 1969 BUICK ment Thursday. Tying for first place, SEE FRANK COULSON BOCA RATON all with plus twos were SMALL BAY STORAGE Stand Ta£5 Alice Fraser, Marg Direct Factory, Dealer Florid Saunders, Betty Delle NOW RENTING! Inlet Tide Table and Kay Wolfel. * FINEST SERVICE '• LARGE PAINT & BODY SHOP 260 Sq. Ft. with 10' x 10' garage door. Future I Jan Day took second Ready for occupancy approximately DAYLIGHT, SAVINGS TIME place with a plus one. June 30, 1969 HIGH LOW In third Marcia Mc- AM PM AM PM Henry and Margaret In Boca Raton Industrial Park TROPHIES Smith tied, each match- DELRAY BEACH i For Information Call Ken Peters At Sun. Aug. 3 1:29 7:20 7:50 ing the pro. UNIVERSITY BOWL SMon, Aug. 4 1:41 2:23 8:15 8:44 Thirty-two ladies 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-32*2 395-4525 Phone 395-5222 Tue. Aug. 5 . 2:29 3:23 9:08 9:44 were in the field. Courtesy Flotilla 36, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary,


The Place To Go For Tbe Finest in Foreign Car Servicing * 30% Residential Financing to Qualified Properties and EXECUTIVE Purchasers, COURSE PAR 60 * 27 Years on New Construction * More than Competitive Rates HIDDEN VALLEY BLVD. * No Pre-payment Penalties

(N.W. 76th STREET). * Appraisals in 24 to 48 hours * No obligation or deposit required to receiye prompt comm. CLUB HOUSE LUNCH SERVED CALL DAILY mi mm mum: COMNNY HERCEDES-BEHZ VOLVO fOTOTA «*««* BOCA RATON COUNTRY CLUB | WEIR PLAZA BUILDING GREEN FEES ... $ 3.00 Bob Grant, P.G.A. Instruction 116 S.E. Sixth Avenue - 523-4381 ELECTRIC CARTS , 5.00 Pro Shop - Driving Range./ 399-6153 855 South Federal Highway 10 PLAY BOOK . . 25.00 Club-Rentals G. Wm. Anderson, Broker B^ca Raton, Florida 33432 FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. 7607 W. Country Club Blvd. 391-4422 (U.S. 7 _ North end of the Tunnel) DEERFIELD 399-$104 500 Yds. Wast of. U.S. 1 in Boca Raton Ciosa to Deiray Beach Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 9A GET THE BEST "HURRICANE" PROTECTION IN THE SOUTH! S CARPET CLEANING Hurry and get all your hurricane AH New Crest-Fold - Especially Designed needs NOW! Be Prepared FOR THE HIGH RISE APARTMENTS AND _ plas 1 CONDOMINIUM OWNERS Screen Enclosures Bi-Fold Shutters -Oporate Accordion Stylo HURRICANE SUPPLIES Windows —Condominium or Homes —Storm proof—Burglar proof „.,. -Open and Close with ease -Opens Wide-Closes Securely YEARLONG •* Masonite and Plywood Panels Sliding Gtass Doors CREST-LOK * Panel Clips, Anchors & Fasteners BAHAMA SHUTTERS and SUPREME ALUMINUM AWNIN6 FOR THE HURRICANE PANELS CARPET CARE * Masking Tape and Rope ORNAMENTAL SHUTTERS ffOME OWNERS 'AWNING WITH THE BACKBONE" * Caulking Guns and Compounds SUPREME aid ; COLORFUL, DECORATIVE, DURABLE etc! etc! etc! HURRICANE APPROVED FOR DISCRIMINATING BUYERS nhfi^iS rLN^Fil^D.ER F0R 1S YEARS SEACREST CARRIES THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF EMERGENCY SERVICE QUALITY tENGINEERED AWNINGS, BI-FOLD SHUTTERS AND STORM PANELS IN SOUTH FLORIDA.


TIDAL WATER MASS MAIN EYE IS 5 TO 40 ^# INC. MILES IN DIAMETER 958 No. Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton STRONGEST WINDS DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. INC. MILES PER HOUR 75 NW 78 Avenue 276-5439 If no answer 391-0742 CENTER i) A FALSE CANDLES -LIKE WIND I WARNING FLAGS EDDIES CANDLES ARMS OF HEAVY RAINS CANDLES RED WITH BLACK i CANDLES 1 SQUARE CENTER House of Curds WHEN THE HURRICANE APPROACHES989 :* Royal Palm Plaza HURRICANE Windows and doors should be closed on the side of the house in the WARNING direction of the hurricane. One window should remain open on the side 395-9190 that the .storm is passing directly over you. This is the "eye** (or center?. 2fffien this ' *eye" has passed, the winds I will again increase Make sure you have a4ul! lank to maximum-velocity, but will be blowing fromxtfee Opposite direction. You must now close the window that was left open and open another of gas- on the opposite side of the house. It is very unsafe to go outside during the calm which is caused by the passing of the "eye". Be sure Gas Up-Nowi you have a battery operated radio and use the telephone only in extreme emergency. Remain indoors until the storm has passed. SEAMAN SHELL ALL RED HURRICANE YOUR HOUSE -INSIDE YOUR HOUSE "OUTSIDE SERVICE STATION 1956 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca WARNING TO ADVISORIES Water damage is your great- Your home should be prepared est threat. If you think there is against possible damage as soon 395-7739 u SMALL CRAFT Official Weather Bureau Hur- a chance of seepage remove all as you have determined from OPEN 24 HOURS ricane Advisories will be given rugs from the floors and drapes Weather Bureau Advisories that at regular intervals by your loc- from the windows. Lay in a supply the hurricane is expected to al radio stations. This is why of mops, 'pails;, rags, hammer and strike in your area. Check your it is important to keep a port- nails. Tarps and oil cloth will roof for loose shingles or tile WHEN A HURRICANE APPROACHES... able radio. You can continue be helpful if needed to cover — and especially leaks. It is to receive Advisories in the furniture in case of broken smart to take down all canvas I Be Prepared! Get your Hews...Weather...and Music event of power failure. Most windows. Crisscross pieces of awnings. Close and lock storm I stations have emergency genera- tapes on inside of windows will shutters and awnings. Nail strong HURRICANE PRECAUTIONS tors: and will continue broad- help glass breakage. Be sure lumber such a s plywood over il from MA6NAVOX casting after normal power fac- that all drains leading to sewer windows and glass doors, if your BEFORE STORM ilities have broken down. The are unclogged. home is not equipped with shut- Weather Bureau is extremely 1. NEVER DRAIN YOUR POOL There's no need to even High-Performance AH Pocket Radio ters or storm awnings. Take lower the water. Many people say "Won't the pool over- busy during the approach of the your TV outside antenna down flow if you don't lower the water?" Certainly it will over- hurricane. Do not jam up their and remove all loose objects flow, but no more so than if a patio or plot of grass were telephone lines by unnecessary from yard,'such as garbage cans there. $9.95 calls. They need all their lines EMERGENCY Don't forget coconuts on trees, Big room-filling sound will "•>. for emergencies. if you have them. ,2. TURN OFF ALL ELECTRICAL POWER TO SWIMMING amaze you. Model 1001, £ SHELTERS POOL, {pump, motor, lighting, Ichlorinators,! etc.) complete with battery, ear- ".- 3. If your filter pump is in an unsheltered area, wrap it phone, cany ing case and wistf: Your local police or Red Cross with a waterproof membrane and tie it securely in place to strap, and easier to tone > FOOD and WATER can give you the location of the OTHER HELPFUL HINTS prevent sand and driving water from entering the motor. slide rule dial. Just one of :• SUPPLY nearest public shelters. You I 4. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ITEMS FROM POOL AREA. It many models that let) you •: should use these if you think your Emergency lights are need- is not advisable to throw patio furniture or accessories in- take the pleasure of wonder- •: Electric service may be home would not be safe during a to the pool. If it is necessary to do so^ remove as-soon as nil listening enjoyment ' :j ed. Place flashlights throughout possible after storm has passed. wherever you go. Up to 40 j broken or shut off when the hurricane. the house. Be sure they have - hours on dependable battery. •: winds in your area reach hur- Islands, beaches and low fresh batteries. It is good to have 5. Add extra chlorine in pool to prevent contamination. ricane force. A good supply of ground should be evacuated early. FM-AM models Jrom only :: a supply of candles and matches. canned foods and milk will br This will prevent being cut off Use flashlights when possible to AFTER STORM $19.95 i nice to have when this 'happens. from high ground by pre-storm avoid fire hazard. For emergency Turn your freezer and refriger- rains and tide waters. Be sure cooking, canned heat and 1. SUPER CHLORINATE THE POOL WATER. Balance the ator to extreme cold and keep you ,have the telephone num- kerosene stoves will be needed. PH. them there as long as possible. ber of your police or Disaster Be sure you are familiar with the 2r Remove all debris from pool with a leaf rake before turn- Food will stay cold and fresh ing on equipment. (This will prevent clogging cool lines.) OME ENTERTAINMENT Headquarters. Sick people should operation of this emergency longer if you take these pre- be removed to a place of safety. 3. Remove any wrapping1 around pump motor. Turn on elec *POMPANO BEACH 2750 E. Atlantic Blvd. equipment. This will make the I cautions. : \Fill both tubs and Telephone calls should be kept tricity. in Atlantic Square - Phone 941-1441 danger of explosion and fire less & other large containers with wat- at a miniumum. All lines are likely. Store all fuel in a safe 4. Check pump to make certain it is operating normally. *BOCA RATON 3333 N. Federal Hwy. Phone 395-1201 er. Sterilize the containers. Pompano 9:00 to 5:30 SUMMER HOURS Boca 9:00 to 5:30 needed emergency use. place. 5. Run filter until water is crystal clear and resume normal :• pool operation. .1 Be Prepared BOCA POOL-TROL THE LIVELY ART OF RADIO. Insurance gLABORATORY^ Agency, Inc. FSP/A MEMBER \ LADDER WDEFfl 1420 TOOLS' FOR SERVICE DIAL ' 42 Si. 2ND Si. Boca Raton Phone 395-1515 Generators, etc., etc. SEE JACK STONE FOR YOUR TROPICAL WEATHER DIXIE RENTS MOST EVERYTHING I — OWHBS— INSURANCE NEEDS 395-7359 TERRY ATKINSON ALERTS I 802 N. Dixie Hwy. Boca Raton RUSSELL PEN1CK | 399-8907 35 MINUTES AFTER EACH HOUR 6:35 AM. - .11:35 PM. NOTICE: i Be sure your home is Protected against Hurricane winds and rain. Have your home painted Now with TWENTY-FOUR HOURS i LETURMY LAWN SERVICE tested and proven "Sfcerw/n-Wi7/ioms" paint. OF 1 HURRICANE WATCH COVERAGE & LANDSCAPING INSTANT - LIVE - REMOTE BOCA RATON PUBLIC GAS CO. 24-HOUR EMERGENCY RADIO DISPATCHED SERVICE I *PLANTS *Trees T- NEWS CRUISER REPORTS *SHRUBS COMPLETE *Lawn Spraying * LANDSCAPING DESIGNING SODDING 20YRS. MAINTENANCE 3954717 942-5300 EXPERIENCE 303 N.W. 1 AVE. J. RUSSELL 391-1695 CBS FOR THE GOLD COAST 10A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969

Two Banks in Boca have a great new savings plan. Great. Because the annual rate is just like earning $5,127 per $100. Because you can deposit any amount, no matter how small, and earn interest right from the day of deposit. Because you can withdraw any amount without •4 written notice at the end of any qjuarter of the calendar year. Just come and get it if you need if. Because there's no passbook to fiddle with or certificate to get lost in a drawer. Just a simple identification card that lets you make easy transactions at any window or drive-in or by mail. It's at First Bank and Trust. And University National. The Two Banks in Boca. The plan is called Passport Savings. You get all the bank interest the law allows on amounts under $100,000 And you get all the convenience you could ask for. Find out all the details today. Before you lose another day's interest.

First Bank and Trust University National Bank Two Banks in Boca

First Bank and Trust of Boca Raton, N.A., A National Bank, Royal Palm Road and S.E. First Avenue, 395-4420/University National Bank of Boca Raton, Federal Highway and N.40th Street, 395-7000/Members, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Section B Sunday, Aug. 3,1969 Page One

Local businessmen do all right skirting the mini-skirt issue

By SANDY WESLEY ever, I would object to micro- but don't print that/* the professional or business sue. mini s. And if one of the girls Then he seriously admitted world. "We've got to be aware of the came in here with a micro- that since the girls in his place He admits that his two married -style changes, as long as it's How short does the average mini I'd have a talk with her," of business, First Federal Sav- daughters, who are also teachers not offensive to other employees working gal in Boca Raton dare he said. ings and Loan Association, wear wear "what I guess would be and customers. We've had no make her skirt? Register does have certain uniforms, he really has no prob- mini-skirts," around the house, problems with girls wearing their If she's employed at First standards by which he judges lem. "I don't think mini skirts but not in the classroom. skirts too short here, but if we Bank and Trust Company or Bo- a girl's appearance which include are proper attire for the office," He is one of the many men in did we'd ask them to go home and ca Raton Community Hospital, neatness, good styles and good he said. the business world who think change. We have no definite JP she'd better not dare to make taste. And he said someday he'd Florida Atlantic University dress rules," he said. "" it any shorter than three inches like to have a personnel manual was next stop. And at the uni- What about lawyers? above the knee or she's liable to which will deal with, among other versity one is able to find as David B. Van Kleeck, an at- be sent home to lengthen it. things, dress and neatness, but many women wearing skirts just torney with the firm of de^ Boca Raton's businessmen with only three girls in his small at their knees as there are co- Claire and Van Kleeck, an- were asked if they approve of eds and young office workers swered the question with what he the increasingly shorter hem- wearing dresses above their termed "a lawyer's answer." lines on their female employees knee. "Just what do you mean by in a series of interviews last The university officials also mini-skirt?" week. are great ones for skirting the We picked a number in mid- Most of the men attempted to issue. One man even referred air and told him anything above skirt the issue, but they were the reporter to the dean of wo- three inches above the knee. finally pinned down to an an- men, rather than get into the "Hm, that's interesting," he swer. Sometimes their an- controversy, observed. "I've never really swers didn't quite somehow seem Roger Miller, vice president noticed ... I mean I don t • to be the truth. of the university, didn't think usually go around measuring At least, as secretaries of too much of the question. In skirts." doubletalking businessmen put it, fact his reply was, "I think He was teasing, of course. "he really does like mini- about them as little as I can." Then he got down to business skirts." However, Carl W. Knox, an- with, "there seems to be a divid- Ed Register, Chamber of Com- other vice president at the uni- ing line between what is too long merce manager, answered the versity, said whether the girls mini-skirts are all right as and what is considered too short. query, do you approve of mini- wear mini-skirts is a "matter sporting attire or under certain He said he favored "something skirts on your secretary with of their own discretion." circumstances, but not in the between the two extremes." vice president and cashier who "I'll just bring in my girls, line Knox is of the opinion that business world. And what does he consider to also is in charge of personnel, them up and let you be the judge mini-skirts are a passing fad He pointed to the tennis dress be between the two extremes? admits the bank has a policy as to whether I approve." "On a campus scene you ex- as an example of a mini-skirt The pictures on this page are about dress which was put into None of the girls* hemlines pect it," he added, "and we which has always had the nod of his secretary, Bobbie,Hellyer, effect two months ago. were any higher than an inch or have no policy about it. It's of approval on tennis courts. who gets a nod of approval from The policy basically is that two above the knees. just a matter of common sense." Back in town, Lee Blitch, man- both Van Kleeck and George de skirts must be no shorter than Register admits he's the type Bob Brietenstien, dean of men, ager of Boca Raton branch, South- Claire. three inches above the knee. ^ of man who believes a woman does not think mini-skirts are ern Bell Telephone Company was Over at First Bank and Trust Personally he admits that un- «^ shoud be dressed according to office he has a more direct line proper attire for a woman in doing very nicely skirting the is- Company, William H. Wohlleb, (Continued on 2B) the proper styles of the day. of communication than a business -"•If-the skirts were ankle length man would have in a bigger office. I'd want my girls to wear them L. Edward Barnhardt at first ankle length, he said. "How- laughed and said, "I like mini's Around the Town

Travelers in news

By SANDY WESLEY grand but home is where have been touched at all. they wanted to be for a He usually does this at Travelers are in the while. the most inopportune news again this week. time, light right when Some are coming At home base, one the typesetter is typing home and others are might say, are Mr. and a recipe. You guessed still on the road or on Mrs. Thomas Alter and it. This week our Cook the sea. the family who took this of the Week, DeeStofan, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. summer to see the was the victim. The Bradfute are among the southern U.S.A. When key was an "M" which travelers who are still last heard from the Al- makes it look like her travelling. ters were in Mobile, recipe for Speidi calls *0 So far they've seen Ala. touring the USS for six small onions. Alabama and USS Drum, It doesn't. It calls for Mexico City, Tahiti, two ships which are mo- six slices of onions. So New Zealand, Australia, ored in Mobile Bay as unless you really like and they've still got memorials to the vete- onions, forget the six THEY GO TOGETHER.. South Africa and Spain rans of World War II and small ones. Just take to look forward to before Korea. their tour ends in New one onion and slice six York City and they head slices off it. home. Oh yes, it seems our And Charlie, you go old friend, Charlie the home. Speaking of home, Gremlin has been at it In 1968 there were that s where Mr. and again. He somehow or 73,118 harness races Mrs. Anthony P. Duron other got onto the type- contested in the Unit- are now. They just de- setter keys and pushed a contested in the U.S. # cided that was letter which should not and Canada.

First Federal DON'T RUN IN and CIRCLES.... Top Interest Rates! PER ANNUM SHOP YOUR LOCAL PAID QUARTERLY * Let us transfer your funds. 6 MOS. SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Retail MERCHANT • Deposits by the 11th earn MINIMUM $1000 for MORE of from the 1st of August. EVERYTHING! Courteous Sales people Ample Parking Moderate Prices Greater Variety FIRST FEDERAL Greater Convenience Savings and Loan Association ofDelray Beach This message brought to you by the Businessmen or Boca Raton DELRAY BEACH OFFICE BOCA RATON OFFICE 645 E. Atlantic Ave. 6O1 N. Federal Hwy. JB.BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 Juniors Skirting the mini-skirt issue will meet Mrs. Sheldon Dobkin (Continued from Page 1) The other girl wore the new unit concerned," Manella said, "it's will present a lecture on assistant uniform which is a navy up to them. We allow them to marine biology at the der proper circumstances and on and white, box pleated arnel wear whatever they choose in the right person mini-skirts look Junior Woman s Club Teaching Johnny to swim dress. relation to their own convic- meeting Tuesday. all right, but "the bank is not the The girls said their skirts were tions." He cited age as being a Twenty-second lesson from American Red Cross Teoehing Johnny to! Swim manual. an inch and a half to two inches The meeting will be proper place." factor in determining whether a held at 8 p.m. in room Lathrop Bob Gallagher, public above the knee. short skirt ought to be worn or Dawson approved of the length 205, Boca Raton High relations director for Boca Raton not, and he said he favors the School and thefprogram Hotel and Club, pinpointed what he for the hospital, but he added modified mini which he termed also he does not mind seeing will be sponsored by the thought would be a proper situ- to be two inches above the knee. conservation depart- The Back Pressure-Arm Lift (Holger-Nielsen) ation for mini-skirts. "At a skirts shorter under certain cir- Normal length, he said, would be cumstances. ment. Method party or at the polo fields or at an inch above the knee, but he a sporting event," he said. He "I don't like to see them worn disapproves of the extreme, thigh Hostesses will be didn't think mini-skirts were by women working in a public high length. Mrs. Louis Getty, Mrs. institution such as the hospital,** David Messer, • Mrs. proper for office wear. John Kerr, Mrs. Rich- If there is foreign And what about the employees he said, indicating that some "There has to be a degree of matter visible in the people are offended by the sight ard Pence, Mrs. John at the hotel? control," he said, "but one thing Gross and Mrs. Wil- mouth, wipe it out quick- Robert Leggett, executive of too short a skirt. that must be recognized is the ly with yor fingers or a "At a party it's different," he liam Burt. manager of the hotel joined the pressure of fashion on the wo- The club also will :hold cloth wrapped around men who decided to skirt the said, "Most men like short men today by magazines, tele- your fingers. skirts." a rummage sale Aug. 8 issue. vision, movies ... The influ- and 9 and a bake sale 1. Place the victim "I really couldn't answer that Frank Manella, development ence of advertising on women who face-down, bend his el- fund director of Marymount Col- Aug 22. Proceeds from question," he said, "because our want to be stylish. This has to the bake sale will be < bows and place his hands girls wear uniforms here and they lege, also admitted that he likes be understood," he added, "and one upon the other, turn short skirts. presented t o Project. come in a standard length." if everyone walked around with Concern, Inc. Dr. James his head slightly to one What is the standard length. In fact his exact words were, their skirts below the knee, well side and extend it as far "Tr 'm always appreciative of Turbin President of the as possible, making He didn't know. it would be a reflection on us," project willspeak in At Boca Raton Community Hos- beauty." sure that the chin is Manella had just returned from Manella thinks that the fashions Boca Raton Dec. 8. jutting out (Fig. 16.) pital which also has a policy about Announcement also women wearing skirts too short, what might be termed the mini- of today are probably the most 2. Kneel at the head skirt capital of the world, New realistic. "For the first time has been made that re- Frank Dawson, administrator, hearsals for "Boca of the victim. Place your admits he put the policy through York City, where he said "the women feel comfortable with what hands on the flat of the girls wear the shortest skirts they wear," he said. on Stage" will begin himself, although he favors short Sunday, Aug. 10 in Boca victim's back so that skirts over skirts below the knee. I've ever seen. In fact, I'd And when you consider that the palms lie just below call them hip hikers instead of even the religious orders are Raton High School. an imaginary line run- "Short skirts are attractive," mini's. he said, "even on older women. concerned today about dress, ning between the arm- "It's surprising how modest should they wear a habit, a mo- pits (Fig. 17.) He insists that his wife, Jackie wear her skirts short. they can be too. There must be dified habit or no habit, well it's Manuscripts 3. Rock forward some magical feminine know- a feminine quality to be con- The News as- until the arms are ap- But he also says there's a limit. how that makes them able to wear cerned with fasliion. proximately vertical The limit he indicated with his them and look modest." sumes no respon- hand as being thigh high. He So what is the concensus? sibility for unsol- and allow the weight He indicated that he knew there icited photographs of the upper part of said he already had sent one girl had been some criticism of the Whether they term it a mini home who had her dress too short, or just a short skirt, business- or manuscripts. your body to exert college for allowing the students Material submit- steady, even pressure but then he asked two girls on the to wear their dresses short, but men approve of any skirt length office to come into his office so up to three inches above the ted will be return- downward upon the you must remember, ' 'this is an ed to the senders hands (Fig. 18.) he could show the length he ap- all girl school and the girls do knee, but prefer one to two in- proved. Both girls wore the ches above the knee as accept- only if accompan- 4. Immediate- wear their skirts all lengths, as ied by a stamped, ly draw his arms upward hospital uniform. One wore the long as they are modest about it, able for office wear. skirt, jacket and blouse of most self - addressed and toward you, applying there are no rules." Anything shorter ought to be return envelope. enough lift to feel resis- of the hospital staff workers. "As far as the office staff is saved for parties or sportswear. tance and tension at his shoulders (Fig. 19.) At Marymount College Then lower the arms to the ground. Repeat this DIAMONDS cycle about 12 times QUALITY, AT LOW per minute, checking PRICES the mouth frequently for Brennan director of admissions 0] obstruction. „ JEWEUERS If a second rescuer Francis J. Brennan, cational Studies and and an NDEA counseling and two children will 14 S.E. 1st Ave. Boca Raton is available , have him Jr., director of admis- Testing. From 1965- grant. reside in Boca Raton. hold the victim's head sions at Marymount 67 he served as Admis- He is a member of so that the jaw continues College in Tarrytown, sions Counselor at Dut- the Board of Advisors, to jut out (Fig. 20). The N.Y., has been named chess Community Col- National Center for Col- BYER helper should be alert the first vice president lege, Poughkeepsie, lege Admissions and is INCORPORATED for administrative af- New York. author of an article on .MUTUAL FUNDS' I to detect any stomach STOCK - BONDS contents in the mouth fairs of Marymount Col- A member of Phi Del- "What Parents Should •-••". TAX PLANNING 1 and keep the mouth as lege in Boca Raton. ta Kappa, Brennan was Know About College Ad- :* the recipient of a Na- missions," 275 Via. Rosada, Boca Raton, Fla. clean as possible at all Announcement of the Royal Palm Plam 395-0544 times. 20 tional Science Founda- Mr. Brennan, his wife appointment, effective tion Grant and Achieve- mSSSSSiS^^ Tune in Radio Sfotfon WSBR i2sT0 P'M. week-days Sept. 1, was made by ment. Award in Biology Classified Ad Service for your stock market reoort. ; Sister de la Croix, col- Phone 395-8300 Audubon Society slates lege president. Bren- j nan has his BS degree from State University of New York (SUNY) at Brockport, N.Y., and the Boca Raton's Newest another family night MS in administration ALADDIK from Indiana Universi- INTERIO. The film "Audubon in Boca Raton and Fri- ty. He has also studied and Finest and the Birds of Ameri- day, Aug. 22 at Delray at Bucknell University, DRAPERIES ca" will be shown with Beach. the University of St. representative Audubon Louis, SUNY, at New prints on exhibit during Completes York, and SUNY at Al- Royal Palm Audubon So- bany, N.Y., and is doing ciety's Family Night, post- work in Monday, August 4 at 8 training administration at India- COMPLETE INTERIORS P.M. at Boca Raton na University. Residential 81 Commercial Community Center, and Airman Frederick C. At Kings Park High Miss Mirandi Tuesday, Aug. 5 at the Kerr, son of Mrs. De- School in Long Island, Delray Beach Library. lic M, Kerr Jr. of Boca Brennan coached foot- Also to be shown will Raton, has completed ball, wrestling, track (We Have Our Own Workrooms) Engagement be "The Beach, River basic training at Lack- and baseball. While at of Sand." land AFB, Tex. Indiana University he is announced Final Family Nights He is remaining at was assistant psycho- 101 Fabrics To Select From for the summer will take Lackland for training as metrist and counselor a security, policeman. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur place Monday, Aug. 18 in the Bureau of Edu- Mirandi, 757 Valencia Dr., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Lucille Marie 3to Robert Henry Wie- For Classified i>elt, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wiebelt, Del- ray Beach. ;•• Miss Mirandi is. a. Ad Service graduate of Cardinal FURNITURE -Gibbons High School ::and Palm Beach Buy Direct fmm Junior College. She Call 395-8300 presently is attending Florida Atlantic Uni- Wholesaler sf Qsr ;versity. r Her fiance is a Discount.... ^graduate of Palm Beach High School and pre- HONESTY IS HOT ONE PIECE OR FULL HOUSE. . sently is vice president of Atlantic Refri- THE BEST POLICY! WITH ANY DRAPERY ORDER geration of Delray Beach and a member of TV SERVICE :the National Guard Re- Prompt & Reasonable :serves, : The couple plans an CALL TOM 399-8709 •Aug. 15 wedding; MOISTURE LOTION :; For Fas? Results IT IS THE ONLY •k MOISTURE CREAM Use The \\\ -ft- BEAUTY PLUS : POLICY! >" -„ \ HORMONE : BOCA RATON HEWS "** ^ ^>V^ CREAM .# * BED SPREADS Also CHINCH BUGS MOISTURE CREAM 2 ox. reg. $3.00 now Custom Made To Fit Perfectly AVOID COSTLY DAMAGE EYE CREAM CALL MOW FOR FREE INSPECTION 1 oz. reg.$2.OO now Whether your skin is normal, oily, dry or extra-dry, A CUSTOM MADE FULL SIZE BOCA RATON you'll find a wonderful cream or lotion that's right SPREAD WILL BE GIVEN P1ST CONTROL for you in this sale! Take advantage of these great ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH 40 S.E. 3rd Street values and cet several! PURCHASE OF DRAPERY ORDER Chez Joey Building 855 SO. FED, HWY., BOCA BATON IN THE AMOUNT OF $189.00 OR MORE. Phone 399-495V •4 391-2483 ECKEIIP DfltUGS FOR SHOP at HOME SERVICE IOC ALLY OWNED. Sunday, Aug. 3. 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3B.


Monday, August 4 Welfare council case worker, Garden Apts., 1p.m. - Babysitting clinic, community center, 7 p.m. Adult tennis instr., tennis courts, 9 a.m. Judo instr., community center. 7:30 p.m. FAU elementary games, community center, 9 a.m. Boutiques, scout hut, 7:30 p.m. Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts., 1p.m. Weight Watchers, First Federal Savings and Loan • Junior Golf instr., community center, 4 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Lion's Club, 399 N.W. 35th St., 7:15 p.m. American Legion, 160 N.W. Second St., 8 p.m.: VFW, post 4038, 2560 N.W. First Ave., 7:30 p.m. Jaycees, Chamber ofCommerce bldg,, 8 p.m. / ProgressuveBridge, community center, 7:30 p.m. Oil painting, scout hut, 7:30 p.m. Audubon Society, community center, 8 p.m. Friday, August 8 ^

Tuesday, August 5 Deuplicate bridge, community center, 12:30 p.m,.- Girl Scouts, scout hut, 9 a.m. Organ, community center, 1 p.m. Debbie-Rand board of governors, thirft shoppe, Veteran's Service, American Legion Hall, 2 p.m.. 10 a.m. Real Estate, community center, 7 p.m. Sketch Group for members, Art Guilds, 10a.m. Sea Explorer ship 307 Boy Scouts of America. Job Corps, neighborhood center, 10 a.m. 414 N.W. 35th St., 7 p.m. Kiwanis Club, New England Oyster House, noon Golf instr., for adults, community center, 7:30 p.m.. County legal aid, neighborhood center, 1:30 p.m. Parents without Partners, community center, 8p.m.- County public health nursing and immunization clinic, neighborhood center, 2 p,m. Boca Raton Library Association, library, 4 p.m. August 9 Colony Studio photo Colon/ Studio photo Migrant legal aid, neighborhood center, 6:30 p.m. Volleyball for adults, Memorial'Park, 7:30 p.m. Sparky Fire department, Boca Raton Theatre, -. Mrs. Christopher Earl Andrews Mrs. J. Clinton Scott Liquid embroidery (adults), community center, 10 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Chess Club, community center, 10 a.m. .; Pinochle, community center, 7:30 p.m. Judo instr., community enter, 1 p.m. Lansing - Andrews Phoenix Club, First United Methodist Church, Guitar lessons, community center, 1 p.m. Hoffstot - Scott 7:30 p.m. Junior Woman's Club, Room 205 Boca Raton Daily Shuffleboard courts, 9 a.m. to noon, 1 to High School 8 p.m, = •- - . -~ -~ - . --. ; m. Maxine Anne Lansing, For her daughter's The former Gretchen grandmother, Mrs. John 5 p.m., 7 to 10 p.m. (Sunday 6-10); tennis"; ^"daughter of Mrs. Wil- wedding, Mrs. Lansing Hoffstot and J. Clinton G. Hoffstot of Greens- courts sunup to 10 p.m.; municipal beaches,' ' liam Lansing, Sr., 313 chose a light blue Irish Scott were married Fri- burg, Pennsylvania, and Wednesday, August S 9;30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Kiddie Korral, picnic area.: N. E. 12th Ave., ex- knit dress and matching day July 25th in the First the bride's stepfather, Family service agency counselor, neighborhood changed wedding vows accessories. Mrs. An- Presbyterian Church. Dr. Harold L. Wilt, center, 9 a.m. with Christopher Earl drews wore a pink or- Rev, C, Thomas Webb Brownsville, Penn, County welfare worker, neighborhood center, Andrews, son of Mr. and gandy coat over a pink The bride is a grad- 10 a.m. Births Good News and white embroidered officiated at the cere- Mrs. Earl Andrews, Or- mony. uate of the Grier School Stamp Club, community center, 10 a.m. C.W.O and Mrs. John lando, in a double ring organdy dress and for Girls, Tyrone, Penn. Men's Bridge Club, scout hut, noon Olsson, Jr., U.S. Navy MANICURIST ceremony Thursday in matching accessories. The . bride is the daughter of John G. The bridegroom, a Rotary Club, Cabana Club, 12:15 p.m. announce the birth of a St. Joan of Arc Church. practicing attorney in A reception at the Hoffstot, Jr., Boca State Welfare worker, neighborhood center, 12:30 son, Damase John, July now at The bride given in bride's home followed Boca Raton, is a grad- Raton. p.m. 29, at the Naval Hospital marriage by her uncle, the ceremony. uate of Allegheny Col- in Spain. Mrs. Olsson Colonial Barler Shop Donald Kennedy, wore a Best man was Mar- lege where he receiv- Library film, community center, 2 p.m. The bride is a gradu- ine Corps Lieutenant is the former Barbara street length crepe and ate of Boca Raton High ed his A.B. degree arid FAU chamber orchestra rehearsals, FAU hum- Munn. come in and meet lace white coat dress School and presently John G. Hoffstot III, the Dickinson School of anities bldg., 2 p.m. -and a shoulder length brother of the bride. attends Palm Beach Ju- Law where he received Tap and ballet, community center, 2 :30 p.m. Classified Ad Service Jim-Helen-Harvey veil. nior College. Matrons of honor and his J.D. degree. Oil Painting, scout hut, 7:30 p.m. Her maid of honor ushers were Mr. and Phone 395-8300 395-1720 The bridegroom, a The couple present- Elks lodge, 2166 140 N.W. 11 St.,' 8 p.m. was Ellen Lansing, her Mrs. John C. Thomas ly is in Europe. Teen dance, community center, 8 p.m. sister. She chose an graduate of Oak Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- High School, also at- Alcoholics Anonymous, open discussion, First apricot chiffon dress ert F. McCabe. United Methodist Church, 8:30 p.m. with a bow and tends Palm Beach Ju- A reception at the More doctors are nior College,, Thursday, August 7 matching accessories. Boca Raton Hotel Ca- women. In 1930 only 4.5 when/you, Best man was Michael Following a cruise to bana Club followed the per cent of medical- Sunrise Kiwanis Club, Schraffts, 7:30 a,m. James Lansing, the Nassau, the couple will church ceremony. school graduates were. Tennis (children and teens), tennis courts, 9 a.m. bride's brother, and us- reside at 1675 N.W. Out of town guests women. In 1967 wom- Girl Scouts, scout hut, 9 a.m. her was Lee Skelly. Fourth Ave. included the bride's en made up 7.5 per cent. Royal Oak Hills board meeting, communty center, TURN TO THE FIRM 9:15 a.m. Weight watchers, University Bowl, 9:30 a.m. BEST QUALIFIED Baton twirling, community center, 10:30 a.m. Baked stuffed fish is Board of Realtors,\ New England Oyster House, noon an impressive dish Exchange Club, Pal's 12:15 p.m. ' In BOCA RATON A fish dish," impres- cream of mush- sive enough for your room soup most discerning guests 1/3 cup water .. . and yet within fam- 2 tablespoons ily - meal budgets, too chopped pimiento Announcing the ... is a whole stuffed 1 tablespoon fish. Point up the flavor sherry (optional) of the fish with a easiest-to-apply-lashes smooth, flavorful sauce, In saucepan, cook made from condensed mushrooms, 2 table- you've ever known- mushroom soup. Con- spoons onion, 2 table- densed soups always as- spoons parsley, celery, sure you satin-smooth, and seasonings in 1/4 MINUTE LASHES perfectly seasoned sau- cup butter until veg- ces. etables are tender. Re- by Helena Rubinstein Incidentally, if you move from heat; stir; can't get a whole strip- in bread cubes. Lightly New Minute Lashes by Helena Rubinstein come ed bass at your market, stuff fish; fasten with with their own exclusive applicator so you can sibstitute red snapper, toothpicks or skewers.^ put them on in a wink. And what luscious lashes! bluefish, mackerel, Place on rack in shal- They're amazingly lightweight, have a band that's whitefish, or cod, low baking pan; brush almost invisible, and are permanently curled, BAKED STUFFED FISH with 1 tablespoon melt- contoured and feathered. Included is a tube of new WITH MUSHROOM- ed butter. i Waterproof Instant Eyelash Adhesive. PIMIENTO SAUCE Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1/2 hour or until There's a wardrobe of.styles for every eye, every 1 can (2 ounces) fashion. All in a choice of black or brown. mushroom stems fish flakes easily when; and pieces, drain- tested with a fork.' 'Demi'-naturaliy-shaped half lashes. 5.00 ed Meanwhile, in sauce- ! 1/4 cup finely chop- pan, cook remaining on-• 'Natural'— natural-looking for every-wear. ped onion ion and parsley in 1 ta-! 6.00 3 tablespoons blespoon butter until on- •' 'Full'—provocative, thick, yet so light they're chopped parsley ion is tender. Gradual- Vibrant swirls of rose, orange and yellow for ly blend in remaining almost "weightless." 7.50 2 tablespoons fine- 'Shaggy' —ultra-fashionable crisscross lashes. a yellow and a flounced chiffon party dresswith ly chopped celery ingredients. Heat; stir 8.50 i a gypsy accent, designed by Victor Costa for 1/4 teaspoon salt now and then. Serve ov- Rlraantica's Summer 1969 collection. Gold coins Generous dash each er fish. Makes 6 to 8 'Long Lash'Mascara, Black, Brown, Navy 2.50 from the'belt and trim the bodice. crushed marjor- servings. am, pepper, 'Long Lash' Refill* 1.65 crushed thyme 6 tablespoons but- "With a purchase of the Minute Jjishes, SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL ter or margarine Long.Lash Mascara or- Long Lash Refill, 1 cup small dry you will receive a free gift of Helena AUGUST 4-15 Don't Miss 111 bread cubes Rubinstein Eye Make-Up Remover Fads." 3-pound whole CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH striped bass, bon- Come see yourself in Minute Lashes. Helena 90? W. Palmetto Rd., Boca Raton ed Rubinstein's ingenious try-on-lash invention 1 can (10.1/2 is in our cosmetic department. €aS9 391-0869 ounces) condensed information-enrollment

Silisiitl They go on in a minute with their own STUDIO applicator.

Custom Draperies and Shades Decorating Service Free Consultation ECKERD DRUGS 3062 N. FEDERAL H PHONE BOCA RATON, FLA 399-7033 ANN LANDERS Minister's sermon jokes draw loud laughter

Dear Ann Landers: joy to the person who a will or not, the widow the rest. 28) died two weeks ago. because no one knew he There were so many What's wrong? Should The man I am going to makes it — and clergy- is entitled to one-third The autopsy showed he had a coronary problem. things that needed to you? Shouldn't you? Send marry enjoys our min- men are no exception. of her husband's estate. Dear Ann Landers: had a heart attack. This Both his young widow be done and neither one for Ann Landers' book- ister more than his own. His children would get My young brother (only was a tremendous blow and I went into shock. of us thought to put the let "Dating Do's and For the past several Dear Ann Landers: announcement in the. Don'ts," enclosingwith months he has been at- When I married my hus- newspaper. The funer- i your request 35 cents in i tending Sunday worship band five years ago we al was small because not 'coin and a long, self- with my parents and me. did not talk much about many people knew about addressed, stamped en- Somthing has been finances. I was married I What's fashionable for velope. bothering me and I need previously to a man The relatives on both Ann Landers will be to know if I am right whose illness left me in sides are mad at me. glad to help you with or wrong. debt. I was determined They say a widow has a your problems. Send Our minister has ato pay off all his obliga- right to fall apart, but them to her in care of warm, wonderful per- tions and did so, even j cold winters a sister should remain Boca Raton News, Box sonality which comes though I had to sell my strong and "take care 3346, Chicago, Illinois, through in his sermons. car and wedding ring to of things." do it. 60 654, enclosing a He frequently relates I feel as. if I have let stamped, self-address- amusing anecdotes and My second husband is everyone down. Have I? ed envelope. adds a touch of humor to a widower with two mar- — Delores the services, to the de- ried children. He spoke Dear Delores: You did Donkeys are in greater ' light of hisparishoners. vaguely about changing I in the north the best you could under demand than ever as My fiance has a ra- his will when we mar- difficult circumstances. pets for German chil- ther peculiar laugh to ried. (When his wife died God gave you two good dren. Pet dealers re- ' begin with, and when the she wrote a will leaving Boca Raton coeds who want to be fash- ears for just such oc- everything to them.) port that donkeys are " minister says some- iV ionable on campuses in the northern states casions as this. Let the now almost as popular thing funny, he prac- Yesterday I asked him this fall will turn to long coats, short criticism go in one and as ponies. tically cackles his head the direct question, skirts and flair legged pants for their tra- out the other. off. This embarrasses "Have you changed your veling wardrobe, were told. me and I suspect my will and provided for Jaeger fans will find just about every- Unsure of yourself on Use the Classifieds parents also are uncom- me?" He became sul- thing their fashion heart desires too for dates? What's right? fortable, although they len and replied, "Not northern lines. have never said soo yet, but I'll get around to For the long or maxi coat it's the coach- Five States - - Wis- Please tell me if it it one of these days." I man design in coral red double knit otto- consin, New York, Cal- don't want to bring up the ifornia, Minnesota and is proper to laugh out subject again, but I'd man wool with deep walking pleat in back. loud — very loud, that like to know if I'll be And for under that maxi coat is the mini- Pennsylvania — ac- is — in church? left without a penny if skirt, a brown, red and white nubby wool counted for 45 per cent — Blushing Bernadette he should die before he plaid hiprider mated to a black wool sweater of U.S. milk production Dear Blush: I con-gets around to it? with weskit of coral red. last year. sulted with a priest, a EATING OUT? — Worried in Wilmette Then the trousers of gray welch wool SEAGATE TOWERS minister and a rabbi. Condominium Try US-YOU'I! like ii. They all said virtually Dear W.I.W.: You do topped by a long, lean shirt of white double Under construction ; knit wool. A unique Peninsula location. UNIVERSITY BOWL the same thing. Laugh- not have to worry about A unique apt. plon. A "must" ter is good for the soul. a complete shutout be- At least college bound gals will be warm to see — on the Intracoastq! 100 N.£. 20tili St. A; hearty response to an cause you live in Illi-i this winter. in Delroy Beach. • : " 200 McForland Dr. BOCA RATON amusing remark is a nois. Whether there is' Phone 278-4564 or 399-8633 4B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969


by "Pat" Galvin

Baying a brand new house! It will pay you to examine the ground around it. New bouses can have appear- ances which are deceiving. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR Some builders, anxious to "AIK CONDITIONING" STOCKS complete the job quickly and with a minimum.of ef- (PERSONAL) BONDS fort, will have debris bull- At long last, it appears dozed into the soil. The that the "Garden Apart- surface is smoothed, and ments" will come tumbling MUTUAL FUNDS grass is planted. down. Now if all parties Then, one day, you find concerned sincerely strive to a piece of wood sticking up properly develop this site, through that emerald car- it'can be veiy attractive pet. A quick yank, and and a good tax ratable prop- it's out. But a chunk of your erty. lawn, may be out, too. NEW REPORTS AVAILABLE ON Repeat this a few times, and Do you have special real you may have to have the estate problems? Why not whole job redone. let us solve them! At THE Kroger Co. and Examine the ground near REAL ESTATE CORNER, the foundations. The work- INC. we take great care in Cincinatti Gas & Electric men may have buried bits helping you select the of plaster1 and extra lime home suited for your fam- there! Many flowers and ily and budget. Complete shrubs won't grow in this real estate service at THE kind of soil. Again, you REAL ESTATE CORNER, may have to dig up every- INC., 60 S. Federal High- thing in order to.have the way, 395-4624. Open 9 to I kind of girden you like." 5 Mon. thru Fri., 9 to 2 Sat.

LAIRD, BISSELL & MEEDS. INC. Classified Ad Service Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and Principal Commodity Exchanges Phone 395-8300 or 399-6719 SSSS SftWx^^ Arvida Building Boca Raton, Florida For Fast Results Use The Phone 395-7300 America needs r.» «, Boca Raton News our , your help. computer LOR/DA PHONE (MODEL) 391-2229 US. SAVINGS BONDS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. AND NEW FREEDOM SHARES HONES STYLED for FLORIDA LIVING 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, FAMILY ROOM from $27,850 (ABOVE PRICE EXCLUSIVE OF LOT AND OPTIONAL SWIMMING POOL) 2 and 3 BEDROOM MODELS HILLSBORO • iiiiiiinir *Reverse cycle control air conditioning i t> IC also AVAILABLE andheat INTERESTED IN BUYING * Bedrooms: Split plan arrangement — OR SELLING A HOME? walk-in closets. iron *Baths: Ceramic tile - vanities & full CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS mirrors — 2 linen closets — heat lamps. *G-E Kitchen: "Americana" Oven and range — hood and fan — Custom Formica Cabinets full backsplash — abundance of OUR COMPUTERIZED cabinets — luminous ceiling — Pass-thru CUSTOMER SERVICE IS BEING window - Breakfast Bar. *Ropfed-screened Patio. INSTALLED TO SERVE YOU! Pool. (Optional). *2 car Garqge - Sewing, hobby and utility. Quick and Efficient— » *Terrazzo floors — marble sills — awning windows - textured ceilings - Tile roof The Royal Palm Way! -Pre-wired for TV and Phone. "Luxury Apartments and Penthouses * Finest Location Jtake Paek * Ocean and Intracoastal *l/4 Million Beach Front Recreation Area Convenient to IBM, *From $5,600 Down F.A.U;, Schools, MODELS OPEN Churches, DAILY 9-5:30 Downtown Shopping ... SUNDAY 12-5:30 MODEL AT 126 N.W. ITth AVE. HILLSBORO BOCA RATON arott |RC5 *•* CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS George B. Van Zee, Realtor OPEN 10-5 DAILY ROYAL PALM SHOPPING PLAZA SUNDAYS, 1-5 1050 HILLSBQRO MILE (A-1-A) HILLSBORO BEACH Telephone 395-1661 just north of Pompano WE W/LL BUILD ON OUR LOTS IN LAKE FLORESTA PARK OR YOUR LOT. and south of Deerfield Bench Phone 943-3110 Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 5B FOR SALE 24 tibiirs a tl^y Alaska S.W. CORNER OF NE 50TH ST. AND US1 LOTS29,30,31,32, BLK 7 V.R.

ALSO LOT 34,35, BLK 34 V.R. offers ZONED R2 P.L. WEEKES, JR. OWNER 395-1221 Fediaf CamiridgReal 100 S. FEDE RAL HWY,, BOCA RATON

cool .'•& trip ^ SYMBOL Mendenhall is the world's most neighborly glacier. By A. DURON PLESHER course, "Oh yes, when The same set of ad- I visited Alaska...." enjoy their singing and life and big game along OF BETTER LIVING jectives which were dancine a visit may be the way. As delightful as life For those eager to applied when this ter- arranged to Port Chil- acquire this star to ritory was viewed from The travelers from in Florida may be, oc- koot at the northern ter- our tropic Gold Coast casionally the long sum- their personal travel the decks of the minal of the "Marine IN BOCA RATON mer season seems to folio there are two ex- vessels by early ex- in their insulated, air- tension tours: one to plorers centuries ago. Highway." conditioned lives may stretch into days and Another scenic trip find thoughts of snow- weeks without end. the Nome-Kotzebue The glaciers each is the early morning area; the other with an have individuality and kissed mountains drift- On the Ocean Actually the calendar safari by bus from ing into the corners intriguing title remin- character. Mendenhall, Mount McKinley Park iscent of James Bond, near Juneau the capital of the mind. The name, Two and three bedroom ocean tower Hotel to Eielson Visi- Alaska seems to ac- "Shadow of Siberia"! of Alaska, is most tor Center with not only condominium apartment residences Thos. Cook & Son has accessible. A tour quire a most refreshing a view of Mount McKin- significance. 537,750 to 582,750 planned a series of ship bus drives travelers ley at 20,320 feet, high- Anthea cruises and sea air to the lake bordering f Piesher. its cliffs of ice. est on the North Amer- Thos. Cook & Son hold Tours focused on the ican continent, but anthe key to this Alaskan highlights of this vast Glacier Bay Na- opportunity to see wild- adventure! f region, our most wes- tional Monument at- .£r-»~ Live in an exclusive ocean tower tern state, Alaska. tracts tourists daily. that offers a unique architectural There is something The journey is made concept and a maximum of privacy, has not conspired to add extravagantly unreal by craft from a modern SEAGATE OF HIGHLAND security, and convenience. an eighth day to the about cruising along lodge. The boat traces week, nor was July com- its way through count- i CONDOMINIUM prised of seven torrid less inlets to the face weeks. However, August of many gleaming glac- may yet be blessed with iers. Occasionally tra- Intracoastal-To-Ocean Forever!! nine. velers have the ad- *360 ft. of Private Ocean Frontage These days , blazing itional thrill of wit- *700 ft. of Intracoastal frontage bright with surf and nessing the advent of *12 acres of "Gold Coast" land - only 12% HOW UNDER (sand all a-sparkle, with n. a new iceberg! covered with buildings. the slant of sun rays at CONSTRUCTION hitchall \ - * It would seem that Grounds will have 1 swimming pools — their most industrious, much of the pleasure of OF BOCA RATON prompt a desire for air travel results from en- separate club house — private boat Exhibit apartments open 2000 South Ocean Boulevard that is crisp and cool. dockage - shuffleboard. from $19,250 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Boca Raton, Florida 3343Z counters with the "na- Phone: 399-5022 They remind one of Visit our model open 9:30 to 5:30 Monday thru Saturday pure, fresh breezes t-t » tives". This is a term filled with the scent that may be employed 3250 S. OCEAN BLVD., HIGHLAND BEACH as long as it never sug- PHONE 399-9424 OR DELRAY BEACH 278-4566 and Itang of pine and gests inferior culture - Conceived, CreatedandDevelopedby -If-RADICE REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION juniper, of places far the Inside Passage Offered by Novo Investment Corp. also developers of merely a way of life Seagate Towers in Delray and iS CHRYSLER REALTY CORPORATION, a Subsidiary of Chrysler Motors Corporation north of Boca Raton. while viewing icy moun- most different from our For a change in lat- tains and glittering own, and therefore, us- itude, as well as long- glaciers from a deck chair. Along this his- ually, fascinating. itude, the world-f am- . Here in Southeast Al- ous travel organization, toric trade route the scenery is beautiful, aska are the Indians of Thos. Cook & Sons totem pole fame. To presents an invigorat- unspoiled, awesome. | ing suggestion. With last year's "Travel Trails to Al- aska" a complete suc- cess, Thos. Cook & Son plans expanded oppor- tunities for visiting the ' 'Last Frontier' this season. This year many more OF THE NEW departure dates are of- Lebanon is one of the Mediterranean's best bargains fered for escorted tours for the traveler. with such enticing lab- It is a country that con- The Lebanonise people tains a wealth of interest welcome visitors with the els as : "Totem , "Al- and holiday pleasure with- traditional Arabic greeting aska on Parade", and in its narrow frontiers. of "Wa'salaam." Nowhere Elaine Powers FIGURE SALONS "Top of the World". Situated at the crossroads is welcome expressed These are one and two between East and West.s more sincerely than it is this sun-drenched land is here. week adventures. Those a wondrous mixture of the Yes...for the first time, a HEW modern figure salon EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN available to the who prefer to be "pam- old and the new, the sim- Watch Next Week For ple and the exotic. pered" may choose the Beirut, the capital, is a (Japan) women of the Boca Raton area, featuring the famous Elaine Powers reducing program of 20-day escorted tour. fast-growing city with a Do you just "dream" Once in Alaska, the swinging night life. There about traveling to far-off "FIGURE CONTOURING"... The Nation's Largest Chain of SUCCESSFUL FIGURE CONTROL SALONS traveler has a perfect are numerous luxury ho- shores? Come in to see us tels at moderate rates. Be- at JUNE COLE TEAVEL opportunity to visit the sides the bright lights of SERVICE. You may well ever-fascinating Arc- the big city, there are var- be surprised at how .econ- tic. Imagine, a chance ied places of historic, omically you can travel to archeological and scenic your "dream". JUNE to add one more check interest. Many mountain COLE TRAVEL SERV- LOOK , to that travel list areas are untouched by ICE, 103 E. Palmetto and perhaps even have time. The golden coastline Park Rd., 391-0303. Open AT THE of Lebanon can be seen weekdays 9 to 5, Sat. 9 to the pleasure of saying from many miles at sea. most casually, of .12:30. FABULOUS RESULTS THIS Mother ®nd Dcfughfer CARPET CLEANING RECEIVED plus ON YEAR LONG ££acne CARPET CARE TWO JOIN mi FOR THE EMERGENCY SERVICE PRICE OF ONE ONLY $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 PER MONTH. ^Summer Special "Emergency service for mildew - stains - water damage and YOUR ENTIRE CARPET CLEANED, when you want if done. TEAM BEFORE AFTER ^Eliminates service charges from emergency calls, I Mrs. THRASHER TO TRIM DOWN PATTY THRASHER 1 Mrs. THRASHER PATTY THRASHER Mrs. THRASHER '"Protects yourself from hurricane carpet damage. 1 SIZE-20 2 I SIZE-22'4 SAVE 50% SIZE-12 I SIZE-16 *Full 12 months protection - for less than 150 per day. PLUS... The FIRST "Annual cost ONLY $50 - that's all! UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE in Slenderiz- ' 14 YOU CAN be a size 10 by Sept. 3 i UNIT CALL NOW MONTH 1 COMPARABLE LOW COST PROTECTION AVAILABLE FOR ing History SIX MONTHS 16 YOU CAN be a size 12 by Sept.8 I • ^ A lilt • k ^ • . • _ _ '.. " * PLAN ^ CONDOMINIUMS, COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS AND FREE If FOR ANY REASON 118 YOU CAN be a size 14 by Sept.8 i 500 391-4890 INSTITUTIONS. you fail to receive the 120 YOU CAN be a size 14 by'Sept 221 To The First 45 PER Tor Your FREE Visit results listed. |_22_Y0U_CANJe_a size 16 by Sept. 23] TO CALL NOW MONTH 9 A>Wi# 9 9 ALSO, CARPET & TILE REPAIR, INSTALLATION O#^i ISSCa *° PM. — Nion. thru Fri. AND SALES. 0^#1JiC0.9 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. — Saturday MfcQ SPECIAL INDOOR-OUTDOOR ^pF INC. INSTALLED $5.95 SQ. YD. Elaine Powers Figure Salons 958 No. Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton 399-8866 1376 N.E. 5lh Ave., Boca Raton, 391-4890 (Fifth Avenue Shopping Piaza) 6B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3 196°

TROPIC \ ••.':i:,v HARBOR

• *r . r -•I HAS MORE OF

.sV. •>:-«. •'•:*. EVERYTHING -'•"••: I •' z~ t * * * "-• •• J ' "' •',

tho entire sFten! .c Ti i-!^ boat docks, plus luxurious recre- ommodate a discriminatingi eUeeUentele. to accom Pbon and hobby buildings.

o The enterance to the new Marymount Col- near completion. The library is expected to 2 1IDROOM - 2 8ATH lege library shows the outside structure is ready for the schools fass classes. APARTMINTS

sufficient nving-spado.s ^ n, waterway, 22,490' in the Sky " SOLD OUT - OTHF/?C UNDER CONSTRUCTION to meet unprecedented'demand!

This column of questions Color Brochure on Request and answers on feaeral tax should have the records A. Yes, interest is or the date the return § matters is provided by the to establish what it cost added to overpayments is filed, whichever is local office of the U.S. In- when you acquired it, ternal Revenue Service and is that are not refunded later. The interest rate ,.; CORP published as a public service and the cost of any im- within 45 days of the is 6 percent per year. to taxpayers. The column provements you made, answers questions most fre- due date of the return quently asked by taxpayers. Qo My college says J/orf*?/ Oy?//ii Daily in a brochure it sent me Tr Q. I want to get rid that if I make a chari- TO 6 PJ/. f <>Pic of some old checks and table donation of stock Seagate Towers bills. What ones should I on which I show a pro- CONDOMINIUM 800 Trop'c Js!e Drive keep for tax purposes? fit, I won't have to pay UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN DELRAY BEACH 1021 HILLSBORO BILE («»>• Beacfi. A. Records that sup- any tax on that profit. IT IS AjMUST TO SEE!" port items on an income Is that right? *5 acre Peninsula only 12% covered with 2 build- tax return should be kept A. Yes, a tax deduc- ings, 13 stories high. *0pen Daily and Sunday at least until the statute tion may be taken for Telephone 599-6667 or 278-3358 of limitations expires. the full market value of *Apts. with balconies have 2,000 sq. ft. Ordinarily this is 3 the stock on the date the Your own private peninsula, away from heavy years from the date the donation was made. And traffic and noise, yet strolling distance to Atlantic return was due. there would be no in- Ave. shops, restaurants and beach. Occupancy i i u Other records such as come tax on the increase Schedule: South Building, December. North Build- those on property ac- in value,, ing, Spring 1970 from $35,000 :.< • s. •• quisitions, capital im- Qo Does the taxpayer provements and the like Visit our model — 2 blocks South of Atlantic Ave. bridge get paid any interest on on the East Side of the Intracoastal. should be kept much the amount due him when longer. For example, if the government is late Phope 278-4564 or 399-8633 you sell a house you Offered by Novo Investment Corp. also developers of issuing an income tax Seagate of Highland in Highland Beach bought in the 1940's, you refund?

; •!


CALL OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION ATLANTIS, FLORIDA 33460 PHONE 965-7900 WATERFRONT GARDEN For a winter residence or a permanent home, enjoy a relaxed the CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS country club atmosphere, far removed from the noise and irritation of bumper to bumper living. . . view VILLAS IN ATLANTIS surrounding their own private pool yet only minutes away from all and recreation area. conveniences. . .Enjoy the privacy of your home bordering is the lush fairways of the beautiful Atlantis Country Club. . .and at the same time have the viewier. convenience and freedom from maintenance worries that make VATERWAY TO apartment living attractive- Regardless of the type of living UNDER CONSTRUCTION you prefer. . .whether it be a ON THE NORTH GRAND CANAL distinctive home, an elegant two- bedroom, two-bath villa, or a D1RECT ACCESS TO 1NTRACOASTAL WATERWAY charming and spacious apartment 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS from $18,900 . . .you will find them all at Atlantis! EAST OF US-1, JUST NORTH OF PONAPANO. KS A" trjffic. b«» handy to shoppy TYPICAL HOME borders the lush Atlantis Country Club LOCATED IN HIGHLAND fairways. Call 965-7900 or visit Atlantis today, west of Lantana North of Boca Raton between Appliances by Congress Ave. and Military Trail FOR A LIMITED F on Lantana Rd. GM MODEL APARTMENTS ON EXHIBIT DAILY UNTIL 5 P.M. F

MODEL OPEN : OYAL *» 9-5:30 DAILY SUNDAYS 1-6 • XANDER (EVES BY APPOINTMENT) !? of Hl'9hland Beach Ocean Blvd. (A-1-A) ' 4500 .N FEDERAL HWY., LIGHTHOUSE POINT furnishes by Hc-lmfy's, TUDOR CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS in Atlantis * 1 943-8010 ' --I $,mAr,Y Aug. 3 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7B



WEST OF FEDERAL The interior extras will please the most discriminating buyer. 3 bedrooms 2 baths with charm and liveabiiity $25,900. MLS BR.1991 The beach road skylire takes on a new de- inlet a Iimited number of boats have been using mension as the Boca Rfton Inlet Bridge opens it totravei to and from the ocean, for boat traffic. After tie recent dredging of the REAL VALUE

Don't settle for the ordinary, buy this large lot in Paradise Palms, a beauti- Local rml estate transfers 9.7 GROSS Livable and lovely in this home lo- ful 1 residential area near everything. cated in Royal Palm Yacht & Country ^ real value at a price you can afford. Club. MLS-BR-1783W. This 3 bed- MLSBV-333. are recorded at courthouse ACRES room, 3 bath beauty has a den, large screened porch, imported tiles in With 460 feet on In- an D Theodora E. Dreger his foyer, carpeting an^ draperies, 2 car @ Recent Boca Rabn Baron, a widow, SS$135.00. tracoastal waterway. wife, to Sailor Rizzuto • and Lot 10, Blk 2, PARADISE garage - and so many extras. All CHATHAM HILLS real estate transactions Jean Rizzuto his wife, SS$180.00 PALMS UNIT 113, Bibletown Owner would con* as compiled for the Lot 1, Blk 13 CARIBBEAN Community Church, Inc. to R. this for $89,500. A Street of Well Kept Homes - Cen- News by the Lawers KEYS Edward D. Hammersla Ronald Petrillo and Keithlyn H. sider sale or forfning and Margaret F. Hammersla Petrillo, his wife SSS13.50. corporation, ter of Block and West of NE 5th Ave. Title Insurance Corp. his wife to Alf Malmros and Lot 20, Blk 3, LAKE FLOR- 75 x 100 foot lot $4,700. In sewers. are listed below. Eleanor S. Malmros, his wife, ESTA PARK, 2nd SEC. Florida . Documentary stamps, SS$106.50. Construction Co. Inc. to Jerry MLS BV-346 listed by amount indi- Lot 50, & Sl/2 Lot 51, Blk A. Carter & Mary R. Carter, ph. 395-4957 14, ROYAL PALM YACHT & his wife SS $119.40. cate the approximate COUNTRY CLUB, Arvida Cor- OR YOUR BROKER sale price in m;ny in- poration to Charles m. Nevis- Use the Classifieds stances. They ajs com- ser & Doris B. Neviaser his M°W^^i PLASTRIDGE puted on $3 per $1,000 wife SS$75.00. value; in other words, Lot 10 of Blk 13, CARIBBEAN KEYS PLAT #1, Jon B. Fel- REALTY, INC, a $10,000 safe would mann an Florence V. Feld- 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Boca Raton require $30 ir stamps. mann, his wife to Stanley R. REAL ESTATE! Colonial Building 395-4044 *%M So. Federal Brodeoki and Eileen K. Brod- m *& Boca Rai Lot 19, Blk 10 CHATHAM eoki his wife, SS?27.30. '-\ HILLS, SEC "B", Robert J. W^Bard and Betty ,. Bard his Lot 6, Blk'5, RE PLAT OF \f wife, to Joseph fcozdeba and COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE JOHN B. DOLAN 395-1433 - 399-6517 ' Joanne W. Kozdba, his wife SEC "A", Boca I^nd Develop- $52.50 SS. ments, Inc. to Randolph Wil- V/ceiPf-e-s.-Mgr. '.^^ _ Telephone Lots 7, 8 & 9, Blk 57, P. liams, and Martha A. Wil-V B. FARMS CO. ?LAT#10North Hams, his wife, SS$I2.00. Bateman <£ Co. ReaMprs j.r r "Area Code 305 DEERFIELD Jorace William S 94 ft of E 1 ft of Lot 20 7299 So. Ocean Boulevard 395-9355 Taylor and Vi>la Eileen Tay- and S 94 fr of Lots 22 & 24. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 399-8284 lor, his wife tcBrolliar- Blk 14, DELRAY MANORS, May Corp. $8r0. SS. Boca 39, Corp., to Margaret Lot 3, Blk>, CONFERENCE RIDGE, Miri.m J. Helbig join- ed by her huffland Robert Hel-' big to Pete1 Matteodo and Viola Matcodo, his wife and Paul M. Mateodo, their son, \ a s joint teiants with rights as ', survivorshp & not as tenants See Boca Raton's J.n common, $10.50 SS. W Lot 8 Bk "A" GOLDEN HAR- BOUR - 4TH SEC. Dale M. MOST BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOMES Schuppener and Gladys C. Schuppener,) his wife, co Fred •-i'i'i A. Cassel aid Patricia M. Cas- sel, his wiff!, $50.10 SS. Lot 45, CONFERENCE LAKE ADD, Gols Phyllis Allen, surv, spouse of William Lestro Al- ever hear a You will be abb to len, unremarried widow to William Elder & Barbara Eld- er, his wife, SS$15.00. Lot 19, Blkll, REPL. COUN- fhroygh fhi TRY CLUB VILLAGE SEC. A. Computer... Ryan Engineers & Builders, Inc & James V. Sommers & Mar- garet T. Sommers, his wife to [MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Donald J. Conklin & Marjorie JL. Conklin his wife, SS$I05.10. ™ >et7, Blk 16, BOCA WOODS Clara C. Dunn, single to Sun- IV MODEL IN % VERSIONS Del Corp. SSS17.70. Lot 11, Blk 9, CHATHAM HILLS, Betty D. Augustine join- ed by her husband N.D. Augus- MIS tine to Ronald S. Mills & Mar- guerite R. Mills, his wife SS$64.50. Lot 30 and that Port Lot 29 ® IT BOCA ISLAND SEC. ,-4, Ver-: non Burg, surviving spouse of Agnes M, Burg, unremarried widower to Marjorie Haley Soherberger SSS109.50. Lot 1 1 Block 6 CAMINO: gg^ssT GARDENS SECT. 2. Camino YES, it's true. Most computers just Whirr—Blink— gardens inc. to James B. «rieves, and Gladys M. Grieved Clank — Grind—But ours TALKS!! his wife, SS $21.00 '•- BEDROOMS, Lot 12, Blk 3, UNIVERSITY HILL, Don-Arrow Inc. to Pa- 2 BATHS, From '24,750* tricia L. Sliker, SS $12.00. We participate in the nationwide serv- Lot 2, Blk 20, CAMINO GAR- \l DENS SEC. -73, Camino Ga- ice, of Realtors Computer Service so dens Inc . To Lyman N. Bur- BEDROOMS, $ that we can give you almost instan- roughs & Daisy M.Brurroughs 2 BATHS, From his wife, SS$147.00. •HOI taneous information on the prices at Lot 4, Blk 5, BOCA ISLANDS which homes are selling anywhere^ in SEC. 1 Alice M. Farley (form MAY WE INTRODUCE OUR . . . Alice M. Yoakum, joined by this immediate vicinity. her husband, Elmer A. Farley to Joseph Lee Lunsford and DeMARCO-BUILT HOMES Ken ' Caroline Lunsford), SS We'll describe your home and ask the $72.00. CARRY A FULL El/2 of Lot 20 and Wl/2 5-YEAK GUARANTEE computer to tell us what similar homes „.. lo t 21, Block 20 CAMINO AU Structural Materials in your vicinity are currently selling GARDENS Russel O. Oreger & Workmanship BEDROOMS, 2 2 BATHS, From REALTORS for. You can hear the voice of the com- SAFES Models at Corner S.W. 9th Ave. & S.W. 4th St., Boca Raton puter give us the information. and Used *Prices for homes on your lot any- BOCA RATON COMPUTER where from Pompano Beach to ^ W. PA1.MSTTO PAflK BD. Boynton Beach, inclusive. We have plenty of choice lots available in Boca Raton.

CAMINO REAL GENERAL ®fLECTR IC AppHonces Supplied SERVICE and Serviced By APPLIANCE CORP. Boca Roton-Pompano This is a new service we have installed for the benefit of our friends, clients DeMARCO A SO VS. Inc. and customers. WALL SAFE DESIGNERS • BUILDERS • DEVELOPERS SINCE 1919 Inside—$1x11x8% In. ( SECURITY SAFE SALES JTELEPHONES 399-4300 • 395-4300 • "5449 N. Fediral Hwy. ' a Lsiitlerdals — 565-2011 ' 8B- BOGA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 A crew cut for the lawn? DEPEND ON WINN-DIXIE Don't give your lawn a V WINN-DIXIE IS THE ONLY STORE THAT GIVES YOU EVERYTHING close shave when you BUT GIMMICKS, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SAVE TIME AND return from a vacation. - A crew-cut — es- MOST IMPORTANT MONEY. PLEASE DO NOT BE FOOLED BY ONE pecially after the grass PRICE, DO NOT BE FORCED INTO A LARGE LIMIT. IT IS YOUR has grown tall and shag- RESPONSIBILITY TO FEED YOUR FAMILY WELL AND TO SPEND gy — is more torture A MINIMUM OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD BUDGET. LET US HELP YOU. than most grasses can stand. Get the grass WINN-DIXIE DOES HAVE LOWER SHELF PRICES AND MORE SPECIALS. back in the well groom- ed habit by nipping only an inch or two at the first cutting. Then, after three to five days, mow gp MAXIM the grass down to a •t height of 2 inches. . Be sure to remove the stProducts |~ OHEK heavy clippings from HEINZ the lawn. Leaving the 'S ALL YOU DO: clippings on the lawn DRINKS . v ash will almost smother the KETCHUP 000 CCash graSs to death. c°ffer Centipede lawns often take on a yellowish cast following leaching sum- tra mer rains. 2 The label (or ^fast LIMIT ONE WITH $3. ORDER OR You can restore the green color back by ffi RETAILS «K cBffi spraying the grass with 14 OZ. an iron sulfate solution. Apply a spray mixture 12 01. CANS of 2 teaspoons of the LIMIT TWO WITH $3. ORDER OR MORE 14 OZ. BLUE ARROW jron compound per 3 EXCIIIDING CIGARETTES gallons of water per 50 CLEANSER square feet of lawn area. 20-OZ. DIXIE DARLING LARGE (REG. 2/53c) 1K-0Z. WYLER ONION Chelated iron products also are recommended FAMILY BREAD 2.49 SOUP MIX .10 for coloring up a washed 8-CT. DIXIE DARLING 40-OZ. CHEF BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI WITH out colored lawn. HAMBURGER BUNS 2/.49 TOMATO SAUCE 3/$1.00 Don't become alarm- 8-CT. DIXIE DARLING 15'/2-0Z.STR0NGHEART ed if you discover ear- 4 PACK wigs in your lawn. A WIENER BUNS 2/.39 DOG FOOD .10 PRES1AK number of home owners WALDORF 6-CT. DIXIE DARLING PECAN CINNAMON (REG. 39c) 2-OZ. KITCHEN have reported them. TWIRLS .29 BOUQUET .28 • These vicious looking MRS. FILBERT SOFT WHIPPED little insects may star- VIENNA SAUSAfiE 2/.49 tle you. However, the TISSUE MARGARINE M conspicuous pair of hooks at the end of their abdomen belies their looks. Earwigs do not live up to the supersti- tion of attacking people SUPERBRAND in the ear. " James Brogdon, Uni- versity of Florida ento- mologist, says earwigs MARGARINE are harmless to humans and are not apt to dam- age lawns. WHITE OR He says they are com- monly found beneath urno boards, in wood piles, "&RAND" under leaves and in oth- BUY ONE- ... •" •>• III I" II Ki er plant material. They GET ONE. NMENT GRADED become numerous in 16 OZ. ! in iii in in n m in well kept lawns. Ear- PKGS. NIL 111" III III 111 III IS III 111 III III III III J^ U.S. CHOICE wigs are largely sca- FREE! vengers feeding on dead CHUCK ROAST OR and decaying organic PALMETTO FIRM PIMENTO matter. They rariely damage plants. t" CHUCK STEAK - In the event you find CHEESE SPREAD earwigs are becoming a nuisance, you can try sevin. Many of the ear- wigs will survive the insecticide application. 14 0Z. However, the feeling LB. that you are getting re- FROZEN FRESH m*T U S. D. A. venge will give you a moral victory even if U.S.D.A. GRADE A "A" FEDERALLY INSPECTED the earwigs remain as unwanted guests. GRADU Watch out for army FRYERS worms in the lawn. They can ruin Bermuda and St. Augustine grass in a hurry. Sevin or toxa- phene will control this WESTERN JUMBO DIXIE WHIP pest if used according to the manufacturer's recommend ations. fcANTA PRE-WHIP Annuals • Get ready for fall an- nuals. Remember, most LOUPES 3/89* TOPPING THE. O9 6-0Z.FROZEN #'; of the choice annuals WESTERN LARGE HEADS QUANTITY RIGHTS PRICES GOOD THRU are planted during Aug- LETTUCE 2/.39 RESERVED WED., AUG. 6 HAWAIIAN PUNCH 6/11.00 ust and September. 10-OZ. FROZEN ASTOR ; For best results, Uni- MOUNTAIN GROWN VINE RIPE versity ornamental spe- TOMATOES LB.29 CUT CORN S/.49 EXTRA LEAN j s CHOiCE R0UND B0NE FROZEN DOWNEY FLAKE cialists recommend THOMPSON SEEDLESS sowing the seeds in a SHORT RIBS B .59 SHOULDER STEAKS LB .89 flat. In these shallow WHITE GRAPES 4 $1.00 WAFFLES .39 FARMER BOY SMOKED 16-0Z. RICH'S FROZEN boxes you can control JUMBO WESTERN U S CHOICE conditions better than DAINTIES LB .99 - - BONELESS WESTERN CORN FED a PORK LOIN SLICED INTO CHUCK STEAKS LB. .89 COFFEE RICH ,23 if you planted the seed HONEYDEWS .59 FROZEN CRINKLE CUT SUN GRAND JUICY in the flower garden. yllUra LB. .OS ALL MEAT STEW OR GROUND POTATOES .29 To insure disease- NECTARINES LB.29 DIRR'S GOLD SEAL SLICED AUIIAV Ai/ (9 90 CHUCK 21/2LBPKG$z 39 free seedlings, pur- LBPKG.59 chase disease-Tree BOLOGNA ' seeds and plant tnem in COPELANDHOTORMILD LEAN GROUND A- *» clean soil. You can make ROLL SAUSAGE B.69 BEEF 3LBPKG$1.69 the soil free of most germs, weed seeds and SUPERBRAND /HSfe^ soil pests by baking #ie JUICY VACUUM PACK SKINLESS SHERBET OR earth inan overn for an hour and a half at 170 HARVEST FRESH' degrees. GRILL Prior to planting, ICE CREAM treat the seed to prevent PEACHES decay, pre-emergence,. damping-off and other FRANKS m it. ailments, it takes only HALF a couple of minutes to treat a package of seed. GALS. ;A11 you do is tear off QUICK FROZEN 'a corner of the packet, toss in a small pinch GOVERNMENT INSPECTED of seed pfotectant LBS. through theopening and ALL FLAVORS -mix it with the seed by shaking the packet. FRYER • Spergon, Arasan and 8 0Z. Semesan are among PKGS. the chemical j you may LIVERS choose to use fo treat- ing seeds. When the plants are .about 2 inches high in OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9 a.m. fo 5 p.m. jhe flats, tranplant them to another box, spacing them about 2 CAM1NO REAL AND inches apart. Before S.W. 3rd AVENUE setting the plants in the CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER garden harden them to wind ad sun. Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 9B Public Notices '60 Rambler station wa- 10 A Help Female gon. Newplates, inspec- LIGHT FACTORY IT'ICE how available NOTICE TO CREDITORS ted, auto, air, $375, Call WORK fait Delray Chemical. 75 IN THE COURT OF THE 391-4957. Applications now being |NW 18 Ave. Delray Call COUNTY JUDGE IN AND accepted for future £76-5439. FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY '63 RAMBLER Classic, openings on the 8 AM FLORIDA: IN PROBATE, Station wagon 4 new ! STAMP COLLECTORS NO. 28713. tires, Inspected Call and 4:30 PM shifts. II am interested in buy- 391-2464. MANY BENEFITS. Ap- ing private stamp col- IN RE: ESTATE OF ply 1070 NW 1 Ave. Bo- lections. Call 399-8483.. ADAM J. HAZLETT ! I Mobile Homes ca. Deceased. SINGER ; 1968 GREGORY 12x40 10 B Help Male 2 Bedroom 1B ath. gar- Touch and Sew Sewing To All Creditors, Legatees, ! ROUTE MAN for local Machines. (7) All are Distributees and Persons hav- bage disposal, air con- deliveries. Year round. BEING SMART ing Any Claims or Demands ditioned. Small amount islant needle models and Against Said Estate: iMust be married. Apply are fully equipped to down and take overpay- Federal Vending 6299 You can each of you are ments. Call 278-1568, jzig zag, make button hrerby notified that you are ;N, Fed. Hwy. Boca. [holes and fancy stitches; required by Law to present any SB Personals High school senior for I These machines carry claims and demands which you, USED FURNITURE. shipping and stock room full guarantee and will or either of you, may have TABLES -' CHAIRS - against the estate of ADAM work. Full time until ibe sold on a first come J. HAZLETT, deceased, late COUCHES. Boca Qual- school starts wih part first serve basis for of said County, to the County ity Used Furn. 117 NW time "opportunity after ionly $39.95 ea. They Judge of Palm Beach County, :11 St. 391-3580. ISA Florida, at his office in the school. Call 395-3320 may be inspected and court house of said Councy at PRIVATE DETECTIVE ; Mr. Ray tested at Unclaimed West Palm Beach, Florida, within six calendar months State Licensed-Bonded JOBS-JOBSj I Freight 2003 U.S. Hwy. from the time of the first pub- Personal Problems — i Fla. Atlantic Univ. Seek - 441 South, Ft. Laud. No lication of this notice. Each Evidence Confidential- Sales to Dealers. claim or demand shall be in (ing qualified applicants writing in duplicate, and shall Reasonable. Sam Sneath for positions as: Prop- 15 B Musical Instruments state the place of residence and 942-7865 for Appt. TRENT post office address of the claim- erty Clerk 1, Stores ant, and shall be sworn to by BEAUTIFUL Clerk, Motor Vehicle OR PIANO • I the claimant, his agent or his PALM TRAIL LODGE Oper I, Trades Helper, Only 42 a weekfreeles- attorney, and any such claim Picturesque retire- Draftsman II, Apply |sons and" exclusive: HABIT or demand not so filed shall be jWurlitzer hobby course; void. ment home for you Personnel Office, Equal or your loved ones. De- Opportunity Employer. AH rental applies if you buy. Your choice of any s/William A. Hazlett licious home cookingj REAL ESTATE . As executor of the Last Will 24 hour supervision, new Wurlitzer. Roder-i and Testament of ADAM J. reasonable rates. SALESMAN ick Pianos - Organs; HAZLETT, deceased. Phone Delray 278-5680 Due to increased busi- I119 Datura WPB 832-? s/C. G. Gezelschap anytime or Pompano ness in our head office (5858, Or locally Lillian P.O. Box 1142 946-0262. in Pompano Beach, we jMerz 395-7089. Delray Beach, Florida are presently opening a WITH Attorney for Executor 5.C Child Care new office in Boca Ra- 15 D Pets For Sale TIC TOC Private ton causing sales posi- BLACK MINIATURfi Date of Publication, July 27, POODLE PUPPIES / August 3, 10, 17, 1969. School. Infants to 7 tions to be available in years. Open all year* our active and progres- AKC 391-1479. Summer program. 273 sive organization! For (Chocolate Brown Min- N.W. 15th St. Boca 395- an interview in confi- iature Poodle,- 7 mos. 5044. dence call Mr. Fess. old. Papers available. 5 D Instructions, Tutoring.: iCall 391-2911 after 6, Classified PROFESSIONAL" 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail SOME All ages. All problems. Minisail faster than M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad Ideal for Lake Real Estate Co., Realtors Harold Selleck 395-3303 301 South Federal Highway, Boca and Ocean, Also upright Raton 5 E SchoolsStamps^ 391-43-" i Westinghouse free zer; ^Boca Palm D ay School Phone 395-8193. 'Children 21/2 to 6 yrs.^ WANTED 16' Fiber glas boat Half Day - Full Day.: Semi Retired Gentlemen 1964 40 HPEvinrude 395-369_8__Lic. &: Ins^ for light deliveries in Electric Start, witfi Boca Raton Area. Two trailer $695 call 391-1 51},;Ceme.tiry Lois. to three hours a day, 5 0680 .y BURY your pet in Amer- days per week. Call 28' SEASKIFF " ican Pet Memorial Ce- evenings 942-3659. CALL metery where dignity & 1963 Chris Craft hard ; Retired? Local bank top, twin engine, low confidence make the needs part time help in hours, outstanding con- difference. 583-1090, Marketing Dept. for dition, loaded. Includ- 3954300 .Lauderdale. August and Sept. Call ing 55w S/S $5500. Col, 10 A Help Female 395-7000. Poole, Delray 276-6626 TYPIST and GENERAL OFFICE WORK for Con- ASSISTANT ENGI- 15 0 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3994719 struction Office, Apply NEER and MAINTEN- SINGER Sewing ma* 2260 N.E. 1 Ave., Boca ANCE MAN. Year chine. Zig Zags, buti Between 3 and 5 p.m. round. Salary Open. Full tonholes, $28. UN*-' or Part time. Apply Hol- iCL AIMED FREIGHT Mature lady for GEN- iday Inn 1350 S. Ocean ;2003 U.S. Hwy. 44.1 S. ERAL OFFICE WORK. [Blvd., Pompano. Ft. Laudejdale ' • ,-: NOTICE TO 40 hour week, Full 10 C Help, Male: ar Female DEHUMIDIFIER - Good JOB APPLICANTS Qo. Benefits. Univer- COOK 6:30 to 11:30 PM Condition $15. Call The Boca Raton News fity Optical Lab. Call ! i: does not knowingly ac-i Melvin 391-1579 No experience neces- 39!Nfr260 '" cept Help-Wanted ads1 sary. ; Lady Kenmore 800,-8 from employers cov- Permanent position for •**:** selector Cycles, Zenith ered by the Fair La- 2 experienced girls Fri- WAITRESS 11:30 AM to TV Set, Twin Bed, Dou- bor Standards Act, day to take charge of ex- 5 PM ble Bed. 391-0680. which applies to em- ecutive offices, 1/2 days WAITRESS 6 to 11:30 to start, no eve hours. Nearly new Danish Mod'- ployment in Inter- P.M. ern Walnut dining room' state commerce, if Call Mr. Gulisano 399- * * * * 1193. set, extra leaf, pads, they offer less than Call in Person 9 to 11 6 chairs. Buffet $295 the legal minimum GIRL FRIDAY for gen- PM 400 S. Ocean, Blvd. Call 395-4361. ; wage (1.60 an hour for eral office work in Boca Boca Ask for Warren. those covered prior to Raton. Full Co. Bene- Lovely matching occa- 10 D Situations Wanted' sional table and china February 1, 1968 and fits, 5-1/2 day week. Contemporary Baby to $1.15 an hour for new- Call for appointment cabinet, antiqued white. Grandma Sitter or Excellent condition, ly covered employees) 395-5335, 400 N.W. 2nd Visiting Housemother. or fail to pay the ap- Ave. $175. Call after 9 a.m. Practical Nurse, resid- 399-7817. _____ pli cable overtime. ASSISTANT EDITOR ent of Boca, Own car, Contact the United Write copy, read proof, neither smoke or drink Custom made Fiberglas States Labor Depart- magazine experience 1-2 weeks live-in. Ex- wide Draperies. All 90'- ment's local office for helpful. Five day, 35 cellent references. Call long. (1 pr. 98" wide) more information. The hour week, Paid vaca- 395-1579. (1 pr. 74* wide) Single address is U.S. Dept. tion. Call 391-0777 for 144" wide. Call 3914 Hour and Public Con- interview. Free, evenings and 1369. • 3 tracts Divisions, weekends for part time Wanted - For General work. Strong intangible French Provencial, an^ Washington, D.C. tique white, Dropleaf . . . and it comes easy, too! All you have to 20210. Housework, some laun- sales background pri- dry. 2 Full Days a week, marily in advertising •table and 4 chairs do is to sell the items you no longer need year round employ- and promotional fields. plus breakfront. $195 ment, own transporta- Some hotel, motel ex- Call days 399-7033 with fast-acting News Want Ads. Big in tion, References call perience. Call 391-4379 :Eves 395-2197 : results . . . small in cost. The News Want 391-0317 8 a.m» to 10 after 5 PM or write Moving must sacrifice DEADLINE a.m. or 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Box 888, Boca Raton Davenport, sofa bed, Ad habit pays big dividends and is one of TUESDAY EDITION for interview. News, P. O. Box 580, ;dining table, 2 chairs, jdanish chair, (2) 3 the smartest habits you can get . . . whether Mondays, 10:00 A.M. AMBITIOUS WOMAN Boca Raton, Fla. Responsible, capable to 15 A Miscellaneous Sale drawer chests, cocktail THURSDAY EDITION you're selling, buying, renting, trading or learn and teach the se- jtable, drop leaf end table Wednesdays, 10:00 A.M. Piano bench, needle jpatio furniture sewing hiring makes little difference. You'll enjoy crets of professional point top. Westinghouse (machine. r14Cu. Ft. SUNDAY EDITION makeup techniques. Al- electric reaster, fram- jFridgedaire Refrigera- the same pleasant, profitable experience Fridays, 10:00 A.M. so possible to have ed I oil paintings. 395- itor, 14 lb GE washer^, small business of your 5561 2098 ,NE> 3 Way. that our advertisers do every day of the own. Call collect to: iCall 395-3514. Jim Harris (404) 892- ELECfROLiJX; GATEWAY ! year. 1377 or write, incl. Four Electrolux vacuum NATURAL FOODS . RATES cleaners and all attach- Natural, Vitamins & 3 6 9 12 phone no. Dept 70166 ments to be sold for uines Day Days Days Days Days VIVIANE WOODARD Minerals Organically 1.20 3.36 5.76 7.92 10.56 $39.95 each or $4 grown, dried fruit. Di- 1.50 4.20 7.20 9.90 13.20 COSMETICS month.y. Unclaimed 1.68 4.60 7.92 10.80 14.40 1430 W. PeachtreeN.W. etetic Foods &.Vegeta<* 1.96 5.46 9.24 12.60 16.80 Freight, 2003 U.S. Hwy. ble Juices, , 2.08 5.76 9.60 12.96 17.28 Atlanta, Georgia 30309. 441 South, Ft. Lauder- 9 2.34 6.48 10.80 14.58 19.44 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. 10 2.50 6.90 11.40 15.30 20.40 Assistant Cook and dl Call 11 2.75 7.59 12.54 16.83 22.44 Helpers. Excellent Pompano 941-8120 12 2.8S 7.92 12.96 18.36 ^4.48 TYPEWRITERS 13 3.12 8.58 14.04 19.89 26.52'. wages and fringe bene- Beige draperies approx, Each fits. Only experienced 3 New 1968 Famous 25'x86,, long. Roll-a- Additional need apply. Call 395- make typewriters to Line .24 .66 1.08 1.53 2,04 way couch, blonde AM/ 7510. be sold for $94.95 each ;FM. Combination ratio. CLERK TYPIST or $4 mo. Maybe King size plum bed- Good typist and clerk inspected in warehouse spread, 2 pair matching *60 RAMBLER, New at 2003 US Hwy 441 Plate, inspected, Good for large constr. co. drapes for 72" windows. BOCA RATON field office in Boca Ra- South, Ft. Lauderdale Call 395-8875. Condition. $150.Call 9 AM to 6 PM Mon thru 395-1075. ton. $80 wk. Contact Mr. 25 k Rooms for Rent Bruns at 399-8880 or Fri and Sat. till 1 p.m. LOVELY large room '63 BUICK SPECIAL 6 399-5440. STEREO twin beds TV also ad- cyl. station wagon. New GIRL FRIDAY For UNCLAIMED FREIGHT joining room, twin beds I plates, Fla. sticker. Printing Co. Typing es- $75.00 395-1053. NEWS Good condition. $495. sential - pleasant work- Just received 5 deluxe Furnishedxoomand bath Call 395-8875. ing conditions. Call solid state nationally with private entrance, *66 CADILLAC De- Boca Raton Printing Co. advertised stereo con- air/heat for single fe- ville, Convertible. Blue 395-8404 for appoint- soles in beautiful hand male student $60 per ment. rubbed walnut finish. month, 395-4124. with white top. 5701 World renowned BSR 395-8300 399-6719 NW 2nd Ave. Boca Bookkeeper for medical 25 Bipsrlmenfs for Rent ^turntable and four Teeca, Apt 101395-4564 group in Boca Raton. Take charge of accounts speaker audio system, 1 bedrm and efficiency! *69 CHEVROLET CA- receivable, posting on ito be sold for $75 each Air Cond. Jordan Man- PRICE 9 passenger sta- bookkeeping machine, Jor $6 Monthly. May be or. 101 NW Pine tion wagon. Air, power Inspected in warehouse cle,. 395-4567. some general office !at 2003 US Hwy 441 steering and brakes,, duties 5 day 40 hour CLASSIFIED Excellent Condition, week. Send resume in (South Ft. Lauderdale 9 Low Mileage Call 391- Boca Raton News Box AM to 6 PM Mon. thru Continued on Next 405.8, HB 3. Fri. Sat til 1 PM. Page jOB_BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3,1969 35 A Lofs & Acreage Sale 35 A Lois & Acreage Sale 35 B Co-ops S Condominiums Sale „ CLASSIFIED 25 B Apartments for Rent FROM BOCA GRANADA. ROYAL OAK HILLS NEW3/2: WITH POOL WHAT A Beautiful 2 bedroom, Centinued From Unfurnished 2 bedrm 2' "THE YELIOW VIEW! Choice 1 bedroom 2 bath j IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY BOCA RATON SQUARE Page bath, w/w carpeting,} DOOR" apartment on A1A. En- 2 bath, lovely screen-- Central air/heat, eh- A 3 bedroom, 2 baths completely equipped joy the ocean breezes ed 'in patio. 395-8187. home, featuring wall to • 9B SHORTAGE OF Large Intracoastal lot closed garage, sprink- kitchen, screened patio with private entrance on your screened patio. Classified Ad Service lers. 1010 S.W. 11th St. wall carpets, drapes, •' $215 per mo. Yearly' LOW COST LOTS? Beautifully furnished. cedar lined closet, pool ' We have 28 in desirable road . . . West side of Phone 395-8300 Boca Square. MTG. . apartments. BOTH lease. The Forum Apts. ICWW with beautiful Best buy in area. $19,- 7-1/2% $26,900. Call with patio and sprinkler yearly leases. 1316 S. Federal Hwy.' locations of Delray and 500 MLS WATERFRONT system. MLS BR2002P. Boynton from $800. to view to the East? For 395-4178. U Unfurnished a/c and Boca Raton. particulars call JIM IRALPH LAKE ROGERS OWNER BEING :395-471U carpeting $140 month. $6,500. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 399^4711- BOCA'S newest & fin-,; MC DONALD . . . MLS TRANSFERRED 2.- Furnished with a/c PLASTRIDGE INC. 377 Central A/H by natura $175 month. est Annual rental Apart- REALTOR 1 gas. Large sunken liv- VARSITY HEIGHTS ments, unfurn., 1 bed- 254 S. Federal Hwy.. Boca Raton WEIR REACTORS • \ ::i- 222 S. Federal • MacLaren & Anderson at East Atlantc Ave.. Delrav Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwy REALTY, INC. • ing room, heated pool, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths I REALTORS } Boca Raton, Fla. jroom, 1-1/2 bath, and Boca 395-U33, Delray 278-2811 : Realtors Boca Raton Ph; 395-4000 1W South Federal Highway screened patio, with home with central heat \2 bedroom, 2 bath. Late Good corner residential : Deerfielm-nnd Beach, >la. excellent view of in- and air conditioning, : WE CAN'T TAKE YOU 135 E. Palmetto Pk.Rd. est GE kitchen R/C air See our advertisemei^ A 395-1333 lot, priced at $2500 for at 35H> Home for Sale 1 tracoastal. Beautifully sprinkler system, and i TO THE MOON - BUT cond. W/W carpeting, quick sale. Near IBM, DeMARCO & SONS, INC. Classified Ad Service landscaped , 2 car new carpeting. Price We can take you to see a _ 2: Bedroom 1 Bath, un- Screened Patios, Pool, Florida Atlantic and $25,900. MLS BR 2035. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home - furnished. Pool. Chil- RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN Phone 395-8300 garage $49,500 Call Adults, no Pets, model Mitchell schoolo 85 x 395-9410 after 6 p.m. at only $33,500. It has- dren accepted. Call 395- open for inspection. 331 TUNISON PALMS. Fac- 35 D Business Property-Sale 1515. 120. BV-414. central air and heat, ' SW , 8th St. 395-5779 ing N. on N.W. 5 St. VTOOMEY REALTY' LITTLE CASH? complete Hot Point kit-. (Aurela St.) Phone 391- Spectacular investment Love, work, imagination \««Jr REALTOR chen, wall to wall car- SPECIAL •SlMMEBf 4957. and $2,500 will move you 140.N. Federal Hwy., tetT opportunities. Call 395- J pets and drapes. MLS- RATES _ - 395-8155 ' : REALTOR 35 C Apts, Motels, Hotels-Sale 1B.8L into this cute 2 bedroom BR-1968. The yard is t BEACH AREA $19,900 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca BY OWNER EAS'TOFTHE 1 bath home. Range, lovely and has sprink-* INC. Deluxe furnished effi- 395-8155 refrig., reverse cycle BOCA VILLAS ' 42 S.E. Second Street ciencies 1 bedrm apts. 16 Unit apartment Bldg. MOHICANS 3 Bedroom 2 baths east •ler system. BETTER' Boca Raton Good residential lot on 1 and 2 bedrooms on Approximately 4 acres ;A/C unit. Panelled liv- PHONE FOR BETTER _j; Phone 395-1515 lAir conditioned, TV, N.W. 6th Ave., near Bi- ing room. Immediate of Fed. Hwy. large BUY! Large pool. All utili- 170* lot East of US 1, zoned Ml and M2 at N.W. screened porch, car- :-: HAMMOND ble Conference Boca Raton. A-l Condi- 28th St. and N.W. 2nd occupancy. Full price ties, from $125 per e $11,800. MLS BR 2018. port - utility room. Cor- y APARTMENTS month to Dec. 15, Three Grounds. 75 x 120. tion. 11 on yearly lease. Ave. 29% down - 5 yr. ner lot 100 ft. by 120 3; BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 5 seasonals. Gross ov- terms. BV 347. Call Eva Galvin . . . 'Crowns Apts. 1945 NE BV-170. Assoc. ft. Convenient to shop- Realtor W/w carpeting - no pets 3rd St. Deerfield er $40,000. Can do bet- ping, beach and elemen- 757 S. Federal Hwy. $200 monthly. Beach 399-7171. ter! Priced at $289,000 tary school. Call own- Colonial Building FIRM. Assume 1st MTG. Realtor REALTOR er 395-1407 after 6 or Boca Raton, Fla, 2' BEDROOM, 1 BATH 25 C Houses for Rent of $72,000 at 6-1/4% 2800 N. Fed. Hwy, 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Ms.Fre.Hwr. REALTORS Sat, and Sun. Phone 395-4044 vf/w carpeting and Beautiful 3 bedrm 2 bath 3958lM Owner will carry a sec- Boca Raton •OCA (ATOM .395-4624 drapes POOL — no pool, patio. Tastefully ond up to $100,000 to 391-0083 anytime \ 10% DOWN CASH for your ^ furnished including YOU CAN'T TOP THIS .. WBVFIELD PARK CHILDREN or PETS qualified buyer. Cash 10,200 SQ.FT. 3 Bedroom 2 bath. Spa- IMMEDIATE OR!IHTAt HOME AWAY FROM underground utilities - 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Bo- ] 2AJL2 So.. Federareaerail Boca Raton ; HOME? i DEUBAY AREA in area of fine attrac- Boca Raton 395-5330 395-8155 ca Villas. Close to REALTORS j Bocd" Raton, Fla Frmale wishes to share 2 bedroom, 1 bath, tive homes - realistic- stores and beach. Good florida Rm., Pool - Pa- landscaping, circular NEED EXTRA CASH? furnished air/cond. ally priced at $27,500 SERVICE DIRECTORY! TRY ROYAL CASTLE apartment - all conven- tio. 276-5551. Firm. BV 442 GR1. drive. MLS BR-2044. AIR CONDITIONING PAINTING We have full and part time openings for ambitious, iences. Close to shop- *66 FLEETWOOD House plans available to responsible people who would like to earn Fedders air eond. Resi- ping, walking distance BROUGHAM. Excellent purchaser from LLOYD PROFESSIONAL v.p.-] $35 to $90 per week dential, Commercial Late evening and night; AVAILABLE NOW. to University. Call 391- condition, low mileage, LIVELY . . . PAINTING PAYS. REALTOR APPLY IN PERSON ONLY. DAILY BEFORE 2 PM J4379 aft. 5 PM or week-' all extras, reasonable. WEIR REALTORS Central & Room, Arcade FREE ESTIMATES 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Royal Castle 2001 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca tends. 399-1872 or 391-0909 Heir Plaza BId^55SjFc^ Sfwy Electronic, 2029 NW 2nd 399-6856 or 3~99-0258 395-8155 Ave., 395-4611.. PROFESSIONAL AfRTECH "HEATING' & PAINTING - PAPER - AIR COND. HANGING ANTIQUING- APPLY NOW! DON'T WAIT! Prompt personalized CUSTOM WORK 943- NEW EXPANDING WORKROOM III BOCA RATON'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL^ RE A 5 economical service Call 8179. 395-9465. INTERIOR & NEEDS EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES, SOME MODELS FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ALTERATIONS EXTERIOR Coast HIGHEST PAY. FULL OR PART TIME ARE U FUSSY Creapve J. RUSSELL .dressmaking and alter- Call or Apply in Person -391-1695 ANDEKSON HOUSE 40 SE 3 St. (Chez Joey Bldg.) 399-4951 ations 399-4038. "MR, TODD" SMORGASBORD EXCELLENT' TAILOR Interior Decorating 4840 N. Federal Hwy. All kinds of Ladies & Ft. Laud. 563-9242 FREE ESTIMATES 7-11 STORES Men's Alterations ;".. „ "Our work is out of this BOCA TEECA Barton & Miller Clean- world" 395-7886. COUNTRY CLUB STORE CLERKS ers-& Laundry, 2600 N.W. 51 St. & 2 Ave. MALE OR FEMALE •N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 ROOF CLEANING Boca 399-5f20 Points. Wilton Manors AND PAINTING Starting pay $93.50. 6 day week with ,566-4314^, DON & JOHNS ttELKAY HEIDELBERG opportunity for advancement. No ex- Roof,' house or trim, SHOW & DANCING ARTICLES FOR RENT 330 S. Federal Hwy. perience necessary. Full company LAWNMOWERS, Pressure Cleaning & Delray 278-0755 benefits including hospital insurance, HEDGE TRIMMERS Painting. Licensed Ins. profit sharing, paid vacation pius Free, Estimate 946-1000 THE FAMOUS DOOR 30 TO 90DAYSREGULAR OCCUPANCY AND EDGERS. CALL many more. Must be 21 neat appear- SLIPCOVERS CHINESE FOODS DIXIE RENTS & SALES Cove Shopping Ctr. ance and promotabSe. Immediate 20 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 395-7359. 'Rattan cushions re- Deerfield Beach, Fla. opening apply in person 7-11 Food |«fr WILL CUSTOM BUILD ON OUR LOT OR YOURS CAMFRA SFRvipF oursmade . FoaYoum r rubbfabric or rJinfV^y^fm- - er in MARRAFFEVO stores, 1704 Juana Rd., Boca Raton, 34-5 BEDROOM MODELS UNDER CONSTRU&TION Color Print. "Cam- stocK Call Paul 3QQ_ MEDITERRANEAN era Repair, Free est. 15152. RESTAURANT weekdays 9 AM to noon or calf for Passports photos. The Cfosed Monday's ALL MODELS INCLUDE: ^'t^:^^-^/^:,. :;: TV SERVICE 410 N. Federal Hwy. appt. phone 399-8400. Photo Mart. 942-6043, Pompano 942-5597 Wai 1-1o-wa// carpeting - Central Heat and Air Conditioning TV SERVICE CARPENTRY PROMPT & REASONA- MAYFAHR MANOR - GE Kitchen Rang* - Dishwasher & Many Other Features Carpentry repairs and :: BLE CALL TOM 399- BOATERS WELCOME MALE-FEMALE ••-.-•. ;' '* •: : -Pool Optional inside refinishing. Rea- 244 Venetian Dr. 8103 Deiray Bch. 276-6375 sonable rates. 20 yrs. Our Expansion Program Has Created Excellent Lociliws Available; »*;Star TV Service * . Exp. 391-4152. REPAIR ALL MAKES; PADDLE WHEEL QUUUN Job Opening For: CONTRACTORS - Color, black and white. CRUBING SUPPER CLUB UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BOM SQUARE ZENTH sales and serv- 2950 NE 32 Ave. MARINE Ft. Loud. 563-2595 Accountants PALMETTO PARK TERRACE THEESTATES Building and repair ice, 2174 N.E. 1st Ave. Accounting Clerks specialist. Lie & Ins. Boca 399-2266. BILL STEWART'S Cashiers and Checkers L*KE FLORESTA USED FURNITURE HISTORIC GOLDEN HARBOUR Free Estimates Call OLD RIVERVIEW Night or Day Auditors Broward Seawall Ft. BUY-SELL-TRADE TUNISON PALMS S ^WATERFRONT) ^ 3oca Quality used Fur By the Deerfield Laud. 524-7771 Intracoastal Bridge Both Seasonal and Year-Round Jobs. Hotel Ex- PAINTING """* niture & Thrift 117'NV\ 399-6680 jLlth St.. 391-3580. ; ...... perience Helpful But Not Essential. Salary AK.VAN the PATNTMAN TROPICAL ACRES Commensurate With Job And Experience. Good House & roof painting WATCH REPAIR I STEAK HOUSE 2711 N. Federal Hwy. Fringe Benefits. Work For Florida's Prestige WALLPAPERING. JOHN REDDING"-- .Fritz Pompano 941-4108 Carlson - Dora Yodo'n- Hotel. DEVELOPMENT & INDUSTRIAL CORP. w 391-03.99 Is. BEACON. LITE UNIVERSITY INN 41 S.E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, iFld. DRESSMAKING JEWELERS Beacon Lite & SCHKAFFTS REASONABLE Send Resume To Dept. A, Boca Raton Hotel 395-1211 399-5453 Miami 944-1912 ghSBPing Center. „ RESTAURANT itvenus Felder MacEachron 2700 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Riton, Fla., 33432 Boca 395-4800 . 225ONW3Ave 395-5196. Use News Classified! JiH; Homes ior; Sale: 135 H Homes for Sa!e 35 H Homes lor Sale 5 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes lor Sale Sunday, Aug. 3,1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 11B Centrally located, well NICE HOME FOB Three bedroom, "two 3 bedroom 2 bath pool 30 DAY OCCUPANCY BOCAlTQUARE cared for 2 bedroom RETIRED COUPLE bath, split level. Boca home with patio. Taste- OWNER BUILDER 4 Bedroom 21/2 bath, 1 bath and Florida room. 2 bedroom, 2 bath with Square. Central air,- fully furnished. Large BRAND NEW large patio, pool, New. Enclosed carport. Florida Room, garage, sprinklers, etc. $27,-* corner lot, well land- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, ma- street $38,900. 1366 Fenced in backyard/ radiant ceiling heat, 2 .000. Call 395-0585. scaped. Center of Boca, ny deluxe features, S.W. 13 Drive. Phone MODEL with Bar-Be-Que Pit. AC units, refrigerator, near shopping. 5 3/4% $33,900 near Boca Tee- 395-7244. Call 395-3690. carpet & draperies. Of- BOYNTON BEACH mortgage. $42,500. Call ca golf course. 4721 NW BOCA SQUARE Spacious and attractive 5 Terr. 391-0941, 399- Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 KINGS COURT HOMES ROYAL OAK HILLS fered at $28,000. MLS- 395-1380 or write Boca BR-1995. Call for ap- 3 BR, 2 Bath home. Nat- Raton News Box RW 27. 5202. bath air conditioned. Car-Lynn Homes 2 Bedroom, Extra large ural Gas Heat, Lennox Screened pool S.E. ex- bath, Air/Heat, Screen- pointment. LUXURIOUS COUNTRY CLUB IN THE HEART for central Air. 24x20 Lanai INTRACOASTAL VILLAGE posure. Extra large OF BOCA RATON ed in patio, Beautifully OmERWELL entrance. 15x20 Screen- family room, double landscaped. Furnished 4 Bedroom 4 Bath, 2 Lovely spacious 2 bed- StfALTY ed Porch. Large Living story with large heated carport. Cheerful fully or unfurnished. Terms Room and Family room. room 2 bath home with Call 395-4121. Realtor pool. A real bargain at garage and automatic equipped kitchen, wash- 757 S. Federal Hwy. 13x26 Garage and Util- $100,000. MLS 1886 WP.i er/dryer, carpeting and ity room.MLSBR-2026. sprinklers. Price in- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ff^ »|G4RVVSn | SEE HERE Colonial Building Marian Valerius Assoc. cludes wall to wall car- drapes. $28,500. By GOT |MR. RICHANALL Boca Raton, Fla, peting, draperies, re- owner 391-1558. Phone 395-4044 frigerator and washer. DEERFIELD BEACH" • .4 Bedrooms It doesn't matter how REALTOR Realtor Excellent Mortgage. ONLY 1 YEAR OLD 2 baths much loot you have, this 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. MLS. For details call Immaculate 2 bedroom • 3 Bedrooms 3 bedroom home with 395-8155 Boca Raton Sam Huthins, associate. 2 bath home, central 2 baths swimming pool has ev- 391-0083 anytime Eves. 395-7677. air/heat, awnings and ACTIVE panells, sprinkler, sew- • 2 Bedrooms ery dern doodad made- FAMILY? "OPEN" 2 baths even a $1000 radar oven- 3 Gefs Results mu/REAUTOHmS ers, lush carpeting and Take A Look! MLS 2033. Sefr YbuiReaiior" NEW HOME draperies. Only $27,900 Four bedroom, 2 bath WATERFRONT, :MLS GENERAL lf§ ELECTRIC Price $32,500. Immediate occupancy, 3 home which has every- MS.FIO.HWT. REALTORS ED GARVY Realtor bedroom, 2 bath, pool, thing for the active fam- Just off Intracoastal. IOC* «*TON FIT Ph. W5-4424 701 E. Palmetto Ph. Rd, . 391-0906 Any tune' carpets, drapes. All new ily . . , Eat-in kitchen, Prestige Boca Raton VI DA '69 Ge appliances. pass-thru bar to key-neighborhood. Sparkling 1 WTrTTrrn-TT T-TTVX bedroom 2 bath, pool Fenced yard, Florida new with all the latest fljusoq stone patio, family 317 N.E. 2nd St. home w/double garage Room & garage. $33,900 room, carpeting, drape- features. 3 bedrms 3 REALTY, INC. • in Lake Floresta Park. 100 South Federal Highway Boca Raton, Fia. 2 Blocks East of Post Office or make offer. Call ries, many extras ... in baths, dream kitchen, Decrfield Beach, Fla. Large beautifully land- etc. top quality thruout. Gets Results 3M-3132 Ph. 391-27 42 scaped lot. 1-1/2 years 395-8655. desirable Boca Square 35KDM LOVELY 3/2IN S.W. . . . MLS 2029. For de- Screened Lanai with See Your Realtor • " new. Available immedi- tails call TOM RAINES pool. $59,900.. BR 1937 RENT FREE ately. Call owner, 391- Perfect home & area WP. Open- 1 PM Co 5 ONLY 6 MILES TO This downtown duplex 2337. for growing family. In- . .. Associate . . I.B.M. ASSUMABLE WEIR REALTORS PM, 531 Silver Lane, offers nice 2 bedroom -HOME BUYERS- ; cludes new carpeting, Weir Plaza Bldg. S55S Fed Hwy Golden Harbour. Mac- 5-%% MTG. modern apartment for HOMES for SALE! refrig., brand new cen- Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 1 owner's use and identi- Have 2-3-4 bedrm, 2 tral air. Roof newly Laren & Anderson, COUNTY TAXES ONLY Immediate or Future Occupancy bath plans, or custo- ENJOYABLE Realtors, 395-1333. Roomy 3/2 with 26 x cal second apartment mize your own. Canpainted. This home is which rental will pay in excellent condition. WATERFRONT HOME ATTENTION IBM 14 screened porch on 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS build new home in 120 BOCA ISLANDS inland canal. Lge. Lot. costs and build equity. 3 ays. Have lots avail- Price $29,500. MLS NEW ARRIVALS Most luxury features These units have rad- Air-Conditiontzl^fa^$?ened area, carpeting BR 2012. This comfortable 3 bed- 90 DAY' OCCUPANCY iant heat, built-in able to build on in sur- rooms, 2 baths, air con- Exc. cond. includes 9O'x125' loti rounding areas. 3/2 Den $28,900. deep freeeze, mowers, ranges, hoods, spac- and well, ditioned home overlooks 90 DAY OCCUPANCY ious, landscaped corner MILCOR HOMES the waterway, with etc. Fruit trees, lum- Fngidaire appliances. %500 391-0941 399-5202 mmm 4/2 $30,900. inous ceiling lighting. property; sprinkler sys Appraisal; &; Really; Inc. every room having di- 120 DAY OCCUPANCY rect access to the patio Orig. owner "bought tern with well and pump. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS 3/2 2 car garage $26,- apartment. Only $ 28,900 Owner ill. A buy at DEERFIELD 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. and pool. MLS BR-2025 900. Air-Conditioned large sceened porch, carpeting WP. Call Nichols, BR2041W. $23,500 MLS BD 44, COVE SECTION Boca Raton 399-4440 120 DAY OCCUPANCY FIRST REALTY CORP. 9O'x125' lot sodded, sprinkler and well, double 5 395-4711 oven range, Frigidaire K^ A AAA ~ BOCA SQUARE 399-6711 3/2 Den and pool $32;- 750. Realtor. dishwasher and refrigenator. * *}U tllill East of federal Hwy. 4 Near Adaison Mizher... J.C.^rJlTCHELL&SONS 120 DAY OCCUPANCY 20 SE 1st Ave. REALTOR bedroom 3 bath pool A beauty less than a C all anytime 395- 8600 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca 22 S. Federal 3/2 car garage, pool 395-8155 home. Large corner lot, year old. Partially fur- REALTORS 8occf Raton, Fla. $30,500. ~ MOMMAS "1151 S.W, 17th St. nished. 4 bedrm 2 bath. Duplex. 2 bedroom, 1 beautifully landscaped. BREEZY MODERN All prices include lot, AND THEPOPPAS! *1171 S.W. 17!h St. Owner returning north. Family room — screen- central A/H, w/w car- Here's a gem- and al- bath each side. Good ed in patio. Fenced in INTRACOASTAL most brand new, in the income on investment. SOUTH OF CAMINO MS BR 1963P pet and many other ex- GARDENS AND yard. Sprinkler system. HOME Radient heat, built in SLONE REALTY Sweeping view, yet de- tras. CALL NOW BUY beautiful Sunset East BOCA SQUARE. 2S 5 Realtor W/W carpeting, drapes, NOW before the interest Section. Three bed- ranges with hoods. washer and dryer and signed for maximum Sprinkler system, well 912 N. Dixie Hwy. privacy. Air cond., rate goes up. rooms, two baths, with MODELS OPEN GWJBEW Boca Raton much more. Phone 391- 20' paneled and beamed and pump. Corner. Cen- 8 AM. to 5 P.M. daily .1937 after 2 PM for large 2 bedrm., 2 bath, DON ARROW INC. tral location. MLS BD- 399-1223 den, dining area, living BUILDERS family room - including Telephone 391-3819 appt. a breakfast area. Plush 44. Eve. 395-0 i 59 !7i* room with fireplace, 395-2227 Acrilan carpets and GARVY'S TREES AND Fla. Room with wall BROKERS cushioned sheet vinyl MASON REALTY GOT BREEZE AND Bar-B-Q. Double car- throughout. Loads of IT! port plus special guest REDUCED FOR REALTOR JUST WHAT YOU'VE QUICK SALE! closets, plus pantry. BUILDER 1 parking and separate 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca :EEN LOOKEVGTOR! Beauty in this "differ- Screened patio and ex- 395-8155 fAddison Mizner school ent" pretty pretty home. entrance. Seawall, Boat Anxious owner wants tra deep Iot (177') for district. Charming two- 3 bedrooms are pretty dock. $59,000. In Del- action. This 3 bedroom, bedroom house, wall-to- ray, near Boca Line. children to romp. All wall carpeting arid large - living room 2 bath, home is on water this and draperies too! draperies, screened patio, pretty big - patio pretty MOFFETT REALTY with direct access to In- Owner transferred. DEAR FOLKS extra storage space. fancy -bay window pret- 1625 S. Federal Hwy. tracoastal. Excellent Perfect for small family. $47,900. For details call 1 Boynton Beach, Fla. landscaping. Custom See it today with Pat Parks, ty cute and pretty many Grattan Kyle Associate. Yfhew! We've teen so busy and the telephone had me jumping right out of ^ Assoc, eves, and Sun. more features - price 278 3254 732-8467 draperies, carpets, MLS Ad. 2. 395-0307. MLS $35,000., MLS; 1993... A '.$27,500" ... J.:. iriarble bath, closets ga- :rmy skin. At any rate, I decided to get in my little plane and scoot off tp Canada^ - f ;v wnerel/'//' get get a float plane and an Indian guide to do.spme fly fishingsome > LOOKING FOR A LOT! must see! BRAND SPANKIN iSEHT. j lore. The price 'vf&s' Try this corner iot with a ED 4SARVY Realtor 3 bedroom 2 bath panel- $48,500 ... TODAY'S 600 miles north of Quebec. - -' seawall on a quiet street 701 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. led family room 12 ft price $42,500 with 5- Now, I know just as you do that there isn'i any better place to be on a ,' in Caribbean Keys. To 391-0980 Anytime by 18 ft. with built in 3/4% mortgage. For ap- vacation than Florida and there isn't any better fishing than our own Glades-- j see it, call Pat Parks, Real Estate Co., Realtor* shelves and cabinets. pointment to inspect ... 201 South Federal Highway,- Boca but it's that darn telephone. Assoc. MLS Raton Beautiful private lake call HAL HAYNES . . . ;391-2229 Fred Carey and Bill Kincaid of my office are determined they're going to M WATERFRONT LOTS in your own back yard, Associate MLS PR 7753 keep our sales record going while I'm away during August. I'll bet that if you're 's One Intracoastal $20,000 an excellent mortgage W going to list property for sale, or buy \ proper/, and give them a call, you'll -r Three excellent seawalled of $18,800 at 7%. May WEIR REALTORS really get some A-1-A service. They're just itchin' to outsell me— and this\ lots just off the intra- l coasta! one block off A1A be assumed. MLS BRWeir Plaza Bldg.855 S Fed .Hwy spells good news for you--because they'II get results! I sure know though that Boca Baton Ph: 395-4000 x $15,000 each. Ruth Canday 1996W. See Ed Ronan... if they do, then they'll have telephonitis and want to go fly fishing-but, then : Assoc. nites and Sunday BOCA RATON PARK 740 N.W. 6th Ave. CUSTOM BUILT HOME Gets Results 395-5685, MLS again, I won't mind. > « 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Uti- ON TREE LINED By the way, don't be all upset about the stock market, and the kids in this .?, GOOD INVESTMENT lity room, carporte, ra- BOULEVARD IN See Your Realtor ROYAL PALM YACHT country, and all the problems that get the headlines. This is a grand country r POTENTIAL dient ceiling heat, 2 R/C Realtor LEE MANOR ISLES and I'm sure you noticed all the shiny,\smart young fellows involved in the moon > Eight one bedroom units. room air conditioners. 2800 N. Fed. Hwy, & COUNTRY CLUB BOYNTON BEACH 'East of Federal Highway Well landscaped. BR- Boca Raton See this spacious home, This 3 bedrooms, 2 landing. There's a lot more realsolid folks in our land than there are offbeat, , in Boca. Priced to sell. 2039. 391-0083 anytime ideal for a couple. Two baths, home with pool unwashed, lazy I outs-the only trouble is they're not news unless we're landing : Each apartment has on another planet. * screened porch area. Ai! bedrooms with sitting and located on water- apartments rented and in area, lovely living room front property with A-l condition. For DEERFIELD and 31 foot Florida docks, is fully equipped Well, I'll see you on September 2nd when I put my selling pants on again. appointment call Ruth REALTOR Room for entertaining. Canaday, Assoc. nites 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca BEACH for comfortable Florida and Sunday 395-5685. MLS ,395-8155 FURNISHED HOME Fairly new drapes and living. The - large Your friend, ? BEAUTIFUL AREA carpeting. Priced below screened patio with the' DUPLEX 3 bedroom 11/2 baths duplication at $67,500. heated pool iwiil delight JACK DOLAN A Here is a truly lovely close to school, play- MLS-BR-2019G. Living room, kitchen and 2 bedroom 2 bath home you and your guests. Vice President 2 bedrooms - all spacious. ground and shopping. OTHERWELL Price $46,000. MLS BR- Wall to wall carpeting in PLUS Den. Home has a $19,000. MI S BR 2000 >. the living room. And, and beautifully heated pool, M UfALTY 2023WP. efficiency adjoining,| SLONE REALTY Realtor /CS«^ 3VS-4711 BATEMAN & CO., Realtors : Right in the path of develop- 2 car garage, lovely pa- Realtor ment for Delray or Boca. tio with gas bar-b-que 757 S. Federal Hwy. f*J?\ 399-6711 1299 South Ocean Bloulevard Boca Rot an, Florida 912 N. Dixie Hwy. Colonial Building c- MLS Call Gall, Assoc. Eves and w/w carpeting thru- Boca Raton - JLCjIfrTCHELL &SONS 395-9355 399-8284 and Sun. 395-1217 out. See this one! Boca Raton, Fla* -\TZ 5. Federal $36,500 MLS BR 2030P. 3.99-1223 Phone 395.4044 REALTORS JBocc Raton, Fla. Business Opportunity : ATTENTION! A rare chance for a man or IBM PERSONNEL woman to buy a business ;i APARTMENT LAND that is showing a profit We now have the Best S acres and has great potential. All a Appraisal <£ Realty, lii

GEORGE VAN ZEE, Realtor o A&P CONSTRUCTION CO. 395-4404 307 Golfview Drive REALTOR ' Boca Raton 395-1661 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca 391-0784— 395-4254 395-8155 12B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Aug. 3, 1969 Center Cut "The Country Giant" Radio 1320 Sale! cooperation wfth PUBLIX MARKET,

# Herman's Orange Band Pure Pork Breakfast Prices effective Link Sausage* * • iVton-Tue-Wed. Mrs. Paul's Party Pack Aug. 4-5-6 Fish Fillets. . . . . *£' Idahoan Augratin or Scalloped Swift's Premium U. S. Choice Lamb, Banquet "Boil IN Bag" 4%-oz. l Quick Frozen Barbecue Beef Slices or Giblet Gravy Instant Potatoes • • JSf 39« & Turkey, Gravy & Sliced Beef, Chicken Ala King, Creamed F&P Whole Kernel Shoulder Roast » 59< $ == Rath Black Hawk, AH Meat 12-oz. Chipped Beef. • • 4 Jg; 1. Corn • 2 cans !§ Franks Pft 49c Minute Maid '~ (Coupon expires Wed. August 2,1969) Waldorf White or Colors Shoulder Chops " 69< IZZZ (Coupon Good From Vero Beach 9 6-oz. oQtl= To Miami ONLY) 4-roll Grapefruit Juice *• cans v7* Bathroom Tissue e a pkg- 39* |~ (limit 1 coupon per family) Round Jeno's Cheese Farm King 2-lb. Pizza & A Half . Orange Marmalade. jar 49« Bone Chops . . .' 79< Dixie Crystals 5-Ib. Sugar bag 63« Sealtest = Dirr's Gold Seal = Ideal 1 Buttermilk ... .2 n^rts 29«1 Sliced Bacon SJ: 49cl Dog Food . . . . 6 c3°ns 89* = (Coupon expires Wed. August 2,1969) = Kraft Plain Whipped S^ (Coupon Good From Vero Beach ^^ F&P California Red Ripe Whole Pack ==: To Miami ONLY) $ Cream Cheese . . ./{£ 29* = (limit 1 coupon per family) Tomatoes • • • • 5 cans 1.- Master's Sour Mary Kitchen l!=ll 111SSRR. JO|NLY* WJTH \ THIV JCOUPO 15-oz. Half & Half. • . . . ^ 29* Roast Beef Hash e • can EXTRA Master's Fruit Salad Heinz Pork & Beans or A 1 6 Vegetarian Beans. 4 c ans 49< ^AVMF^T^ISEi Cottage Cheese. . . %£' 3 cans. All Flavor's Pet ^m ^^^M^mT^ iXm Wisconsin Mild Liquid Sego ^.^^m^AW^Mm Baby Horn. > • .. . *. (Coupon expires Wed. August 6,1969) To Miami ONLY) (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Swift's Premium y Kraft Elkhorn EXTRA Cooked Salami •• • . >b. 89« MidgeiMuenster . . IJ^GreenStampsR Rotisserie Cooked ^^| WtTH 1HII COUPON AND rUlCHASI OF |®te»« 1 pkg. Pillsbury's Assorted Flavor 6-pak. Barbecue Chicken • •ft. 69« Instant Breakfast )lden Ripe (Coupon expires Wed. August 6,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach "tanas :£. . . .1. . . . . • Ib- 1O< To Miami ONLY)

m WITH THIS COUFON A.HC PUKCHASf OF Jel^rarsfey^Kfid Haven ; > 7-oz. can Aerosol Johnson's Glade ' Air Fresheners / (Coupon expires Wed. August 6, 1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) Carolina, SunR^O: EXTRA Peach^s^ V . . : . . .,...X 23< II^GreenStampsR 12-oz. Aerosol Gulf Spray For Summer Salads, Fresh ^smssn^^mm^. -team**®*. sm^t Insecticide (Coupon expires Wed. August 6,1969) Leaf Lettuce**^ ^^2f^2^< (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) Prices In This Ad Effective Only in Dade, Broward, Palm P^| B EXTRAA Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties. IWtfGreenStamps 33-oz. Size Electrasot Dishwasher Detergent (Coupon expires Wed. August 6,1969) Del Monte (Coupon Good From Vero Beach 20-oz. To Miami ONLY) Cutspp o . . . bot. 33« To Comp|efe Yoor Star Kist Chunk Light Meat EXTRA CLASSIC GREEN mm 6V2-OZ. Tint® . . . . • 3 cans 100-ct. Box Tender Leaf % Del Monte French Style W»-in. Dinner pJote Br - • ^ PEKfcR PI £ ;;• lotnatoSoup &-frn B_ * _ EC Tea Bags 16-oz. I"'"' eodan d (Coupon expires Wed. August 6,1969) Wax Beans . • 0 4 cans 89« Butter Dish (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Dessert Dish To Miami ONLY) Dole Regular or Pink Pineapple Grapefruit Coffee Cup Juice Drink . . .4 Saucer Dish 33A EXTRA »™ EACH 13.00 PUHCM«se *4 6, 1969 iWGreenStampsPW 15-oz. Aerosol Faultless (LIMIT4 WITH OTHER PURCHASES OF $3 OR MOftE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES) Spray Starch (Coupon expires Wed. August 6,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Royal Assorted Flavors (vw QLbb To Miami ONLY)

F&P Gelatin Prune Juice ...... 3T 39« 3-OI. O'Sage Raggedy Ripe Freestone 29-oz. Camino Gardens - Boca Raton Peaches ...... can 29« 100 W. Camino Real Mott's 25-oz. 5ih Ave. PLAZA- Boca Raton (LIMIT 4 WITH OTHER PURCHASES OF $3 Apple §mw€® . .3 jars OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES) U.S. Highway #1 & 5lh Ave. Del Monte 15-oz. Palm Aire Shopping Center 5pitrack .... .2cans 272 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach