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SALEOF GARAGE Btisls)Ing ADUEM PROPERTY SOLD RED BANK REGISTER Uimd Wacklr. Entered u Swond-OUH Matter »t tb« Foit- $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. VOLUME LI> NO. 38, one. «l Bid Bank. N. J., trodir tb> Aot o( Man* I. !»'•• RED BANK, N. J-, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1929. SALEOF GARAGE BtiSLS)iNG A CLAM CHOWDEB SUFFER. FIRST AID TO FOR HIS 88TH BIRTHDAY. ROUND TABLE DANCE. A ROTARY PERFORMANCE. A FINE SHOW BY PUPILS. ADUEM PROPERTY SOLD. It WUI Bo Held Friday Nlgbt by t Will be Held at tho High school Gymnasium March 30th. Union Ho«« Company Women. AN AMBULANCE CORPS FORMED A LUNCHEON AT ORLANDO, HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS GIVE A ANNUAL JUNIOR REVUE AT LIIXIEY ft 4DINN ABE NO LONO- IT WAS BOUGH'li LAST WEEK The ladles' auxiliary of Union hose The staff of the Round Table, Red BY MADlilCE SCHWARTZ. company will have a clam chowder AT EATONTOWN BOROUGH. FLORIDA, FOR COL. SEELEY. Bank high school's paper paper, will BOTAEY CLUB PLAYET. LEONARDO LAST WEEK. EB FARTNERS, supper at the flrehouse on Shrews- hold a dance on Saturdny night, Mr. Schwartz Paid (10,1100 for the bury avenuo Friday night Supper "harles Brecno Donates a Chasils Several Monmouth County Folks \prll 6, In tho gymnasium- Ken- The I'luy Was a Comedy and Was Tho Clans of 1030 Cleared About jUUM Mr. Qulnn HM Bought th6 Former For an Ambulance and tho Corps Who Are Spending the Winter In loth Brower and Jerome Drennan Written by Mrs. Theodore Brown, for an Educational Trip Next Y«w Jaoab D. Ruo Buildlmr on Went Place, Which la ait the West Side will bo served from five until eight Dramatic Instructor at thn Red —A Large nml Appreciative Audi- of Broad Street—He Bought It For o'clock. Mrs. Howard Applegate is Buys a Body for the Machine—The Florida Attended the Festivities— are members of tho ticket committee, Front Street Irom Gun Hill oj Lo- Corps Likely to Have Plenty to Do. A Tribute to tho American Home. Kathryn Coulon, Ruth Straus and Bank High School. ennn Showed Its Approval. cuit Faint for $35,000. a Homo. t chairman of the supper and Ijer as- sistants ara Mrs. Mortimer VanSau- An organization to bo known as Folks from this section of Mon- Grandln Hammell of the music com- Edwin C. Gllland of tho Red Bank ' The annual show or Junior revue of Harry X Qulnn of John street, who Hawkins Brothers last week sold the Isaac H. Adlem houso and lot tor, Mrs. Charles Shlbla, Mrs. Frank the Eatontown volunteer ambulance mouth county who are spending the ilttee, William McVey and Elmer publlq school had chargo of tho en- tho eleventh grade of the Mlddlotown haa been associated In the garage Loversldge, Mrs. Nellie McDermott, corpB was mado permanent at that winter at Orlando, Florida, wero out Smith of tho refreshment committee tertainment at last Thursday's Ro- township high school was held last business the past flvo years with on the wcBt side of Broad street, be- tween Irving place and West Ber- Mrs. Bert Crelln, Mrs. Kenneth place last Thursday night and n force a few days ago at a lunch- and Kenneth Brower, George Wol- tary club meeting. Tho program Thursday and Friday nlghU at the George T. Lllley of Drummond place, Woodward, Mrs. Ernest Shepherd, Charles Broese was elected presi- eon given in celebration of the 88th cott, Delphlno Silver, James .Tacoubs, comprised a sketch by high school schoolhouso at Leonardo. There was has bought out Mr. Lllloy's share of gon place, to Maurice Sehwartz. The place had been put on the market Mrs. Elizabeth Estelle, MIBS Esther dent. Ralph Lewis Is secretary and birthday of Colonel Uriah Secley, Mary Knott and Mario Martin of the puplla entitled "Beforo and After." a large attendance, especially on Fri- the business, which has been known Crolln and MISB Lydta Murphy. Georgo Edward Smock Is treasurer. ormerly of Mlddletown township. decorating committee. The sketch was well received antl day nlglit. Tho profits amounted to H8 Lllloy & Qulnn's garage. Mr. a short tlmo ago. Mrs. Adlom died some time ago and In her will she Mr. Brecse is an undertaker and a Tho party took place at tho Ange- Mr. Gllland and the players were about $100. This money will be ap- Qulnn has also bought tho building deputy coroner. bilt hotel at Orlando and it was given highly complimented. plied to a fund which will be used by on the north side of West Front bequeathed the property to her niece, Graco M. Finch. Tho corps was formed for the pur- by Mra. Seelcy. The Bhow was baaed on a business tho graduating class of 1930 to make street whore tho garage la located. LAW FIRM SOON TO MOVE. pose of rendering free ambulance Tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. •EW PASTORAL CHANGES. man's attitude toward his employeca an educational trip. Tho garage and lot wore owned by The lot has a frontage of 57 feet on and toward his business associates Gus Hill and Mr. Qulnn paid $35,000 Broad street and it Is 310 feet deop. service to Eatontown residents and James L. Riles, Dr. and Mrs. J. Dean Miss Mary L. Rouse was In charge The houso was built many years ago victims of accidents within tho bor- Adcoclc, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Marshall, RED BANK PASTOR IS RE- beforo and after ho became a Ro- of tho performance Ths coaches for the property. Mr. Hill la a Now FISCHER & CROWEIX TO USE ough. The corps will also servo res- A. C. Marshall, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel tarlan. The play showed how the v/ero Miss Addle Scisco, Miss Cecelia York theatrical magnate who has a by tho lato Isaac H. Adlom, but it APPOINTED. Rotarlan intluence reformed ono of summer home at Locust Point. was so substantially built that it Is FORMER LEGION ROOMS. idents outside the borough, who do D. Hendrlckson, W. R. O'Neal, Mr. Mokray, Miss Maislo Hlloy, Miss Lora virtually as good us ever. Tho house not live within the range of freo am- and Mrs. John VanMater, Mrs. John the toughest of Tough Nuts Into a Gates, Lloyd Tingloy and Berchall Tho garage building Is 50x138 feet The New Quarters WUI Comprise a bulance service from other towns. T. Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. John H. Van- New Pastors for Little Sliver and highly polished gentleman with tcn- Hilton. Tho class colors are bluo and has flvo rooms on the first floor, six Occanport>-Ilev. Herbert ..J. Belt and Is two stories high. It Is built roomB on tho Becond floor, two bath- Large Reception Room, a Library The Eatontown men say they will Mater, R. B. Brosslcr and Mrs/Sadie dercst of tender hearts. yellow and they wero used in great almost entirely of cement. Jacob B. and Two Private Oftlces—Firm Ex- not charge a penny tor their snr- Ely. Ing Succeeded as Superintendent by Tho players and the characters profusion. rooms and a large attic. It la pro- Rev. F. A. DcMaris. " Rue of West Front street erected tho vided with hot water heat, a large Ice pects to More Next Saturday. lces, but any donations will be glad- Tho room where'the festivities took they depicted were Douglas Berry, The performance opened with a, building about twenty years ago and ly accepted. place was attractively decorated. In Mr. Rotary; Leonard Compton, Mike chorus and then came a minstrel for a tlmo ho conducted a garage box with automatic refrlgoratlon and The law firm of Fischer & Crowell But few changes were made In other Improvements. The window expects to move next Saturday from Mr. Brcese has donated a Chand- the center of tho table was a huge Methodist church pastors in this sec- ihe office boy; Kathryn Pope, a show with Fred Beam as Interlocu- there and he also ran a boat works. ler automobile chassis for an am- angel cako with 88 lighted candles of stenographer; Ruth Straus, Mrs. Ro- tor. The end men were John Wub- Mr. Rue sold tho garago to Frod H. shades, awnings and other fixtures its present quarters In the Patter- tion by tho conferenco which met at go with tho houso. A two-car garage son building to the former Ameri- bulance. The chassis was used as a red, -white and blue. The candles were Asbury Park last week and tho first tary; and Grandin Hammell and Wil- benhorat, William Allen, John O'Nell, VanDorn, who owned It ono year and Is on tho lot. hearse by Mr. Brecse and It Is al- placed around a small silk American of this week. Rev. Herbert J. Belt- liam Firth, Rolnrlan friends of Mr. Edgar Dunfee, Tony Nogrosky and then sold out to Henry McDermott, can Legion rooms over the Red Bank Rotary. The sketch was written by 1 Mr. Schwartz paid $10,500 for the candy kitchen. Lack of room neces- most new. An ambulance body has flag. Red. white and blue streamers Ing of Red Bank has completed a William Pape. Grcnvillo Murray * who now conducts an automobile re- been put on tho chassis and tho body extended from the cake to blue nut term as superintendent of the New Mrs. Theodora Brown, dramatio In- sang "Old Black Joe" and Henry pair shop on West street. Mr. Mc- property. Ho bought it for a homo sitated the change. structor at the high school. and ho expects to occupy tho prop- and chassis will be repainted In a cups and clipper ship place cards Brunswick district.
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