28 January 200328 January Issue No.46 the graceof thespiritualmaster, onecannot benedicted bythemercy ofKrishna.Without of Viswanath Chakravarti Thakur: lose everything.Thisisconfirmedbythesong and bythedispleasureofguruonecan can becomemostpowerfulwithinthisworld, demigods thatbythestrengthofguruone tremely weakbecauseoftheirdisrespectto- ādadīran nilayanamamāpibhgu-devatā sampraty upacitānbhūya kāvyamārādhyabhaktita maghavan dviata paśyaprakī āngurv-atikramāt “By themercyofspiritual masteroneis Lord Brahmawantedtopointoutthe O Indra,yourenemies,thedemons,wereex- A.C. BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada Highlights T yasya prasādādbhagavat-prasādo • T R • Srila BhaktisiddhantaSaraswatiThakur • AH His DivineGraceA.C.BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada HE Translation andPurportby Śrīmad Bhāgavatam6.7.23 yasyāprasādān nagati kuto ’pi ward Sukracharya,butsincethey AGHUNANDAN Mora PranaTumi, to easilyseizemyabodefromme. M have nowworshipedSukracharya HE devotion toSukracharya,they again becomepowerful.Bytheir with greatdevotion,theyhave much thatnowtheyareevenable have increasedtheirstrengthso His DivineGrace M ERCY UNDRED PURPORT Fortnightly emailmini-magazinefromGopalJiuPublications ERCY

OF a QaaMa*Ta&TaáJaqvNaMa( Tav k a QaaMa*Ta&TaáJaqvNaMa( Tav k tava kathāmtatapta-jīvanam

OF W S  a-tilā RI S ARNINGS G RI G Ekādaśī URU P URU ART A , 11 5: N GAINST Mādhava ARAHARI therefore praytothespiritualmaster: seize Brahmalokafrom Lord .We they weresopowerfulthatcouldeven Brahma, becauseofthestrengththeirguru mons areinsignificantincomparisontoLord make anyadvancement.” Although thede- relishing devotional mellows never tellanother, “You are mydisciple.”(64) mellows. Oneinwhom oneshouldnevermixinmaterialistic injunction ifonedesiressuccessinhislife. Lord Brahma,oneshouldrememberthis lame mancancross mountains. As advisedby can becomethegreatest orator, andevena yat-kpā tamahavandeśrī-dīna-tāra am mūka karotivācālapa gula ghayategirim M The bestofthedevotees whoareexpertin If onedesirestoperformsomeactualservicefor A H By themercyofguru,evenadumbman , 516 UNDANE S S S S S S S S S S rasika-janera śiyaeibhāvachā e nā rasika-bhakata-rāja kabhuśiya karenā rasodaye konajīve‘śiya-buddhi’karenā k era sevanalāgi’ja a-rasemiśenā Prākta RasaŚataDūiī Saraswati ThakurPrabhupada r r UNDRED r r r r r r r r T i K i K i K i K i K M i K i K i K i K i K Sri SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Gaurābda HAKUR B B B B B B B B B B UNDANE M r r r r r r r r r r is is is is is is is is is is ELLOWS W i i A i i i h h i i h h h h h h i h h i i n n n n n n n n n n rasa ARNINGS n n PPEARS n n n n n n n n M a K a K a K a K a K a K a K a K a K a K hasawakenedshould ELLOWS du du du du du du du du du du Circulation 1,230 a a a a a a a a a a

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