Quantum Representation Theory and Manin matrices I: finite-dimensional case Alexey Silantyev∗ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia State University ”Dubna”, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Abstract We construct Quantum Representation Theory which describes quantum analogue of representations in frame of ‘non-commutative linear geometry’ developed by Manin in [Man88]. To do it we generalise the internal hom-functor to the case of adjunction with a parameter and construct a general approach to representations of a monoid in a symmetric monoidal category with a parameter subcategory. Quantum Representation Theory is obtained by application of this approach to a monoidal category of some class of graded algebras with Manin product, where the parameter subcategory consists of connected finitely generated quadratic algebras. We formulate this theory in the language of Manin matrices and obtain quantum analogues of direct sum and tensor product of representations. Finally, we give some examples of quantum representations. Keywords: quadratic algebras; Manin matrices; quantum groups; non-commutative spaces; Representation Theory; monoidal categories. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Preliminaries 4 2.1 Vectorspacesandalgebras. 4 arXiv:2108.00269v2 [math.QA] 24 Sep 2021 2.2 Algebraicsetsandaffineschemes . 6 2.3 Monoidalcategoriesandfunctors . .. 8 2.4 Monoidsandtheiractions ............................ 11 2.5 Monoids and groups in a category with finite products . ... 17 ∗
[email protected] 1 3 Internal hom and representations 19 3.1 Internal (co)hom-functor and its generalisation . ....... 19 3.2 (Co)representationsof(co)monoids . .... 23 3.3 Translation of (co)representations under monoidal functors .......... 27 4 Quantum linear spaces 30 4.1 Operations with quadratic algebras . 31 4.2 Maninmatrices .................................