
Journal of Arid Environments 130 (2016) 54e61

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Prospects for rewilding with camelids

Meredith Root-Bernstein a, b, *, Jens-Christian Svenning a a Section for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, b Institute for Ecology and Biodiversity, , article info abstract

Article history: The wild camelids wild Bactrian (Camelus ferus), ( guanicoe), and vicuna~ ( Received 12 August 2015 vicugna) as well as their domestic relatives (Lama glama), (Vicugna pacos), Received in revised form (Camelus dromedarius) and domestic (Camelus bactrianus) may be good candidates for 20 November 2015 rewilding, either as proxy for extinct camelids or other , or as reintroductions to their Accepted 23 March 2016 former ranges. were among the first species recommended for rewilding. Camelids have been abundant and widely distributed since the mid-Cenozoic and were among the first species recommended for . They show a range of adaptations to dry and marginal habitats, keywords: Camelids and have been found in , and savannas throughout paleohistory. Camelids have also Camel developed close relationships with pastoralist and farming cultures wherever they occur. We review the Guanaco evolutionary and paleoecological history of extinct and extant camelids, and then discuss their potential Llama ecological roles within rewilding projects for deserts, grasslands and savannas. The functional Rewilding ecology of camelids has not been well researched, and we highlight functions that camelids are likely to Vicuna~ have, but which require further study. We also discuss alternative rewilding-inspired land-use models given the close relationships between humans and some camelid species. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction protected by vicunas~ Convention in , , Chile and . Both species are listed in CITES and are subject to con- Camelids were among the first species recommended for servation protections in Chile, Argentina, Peru (where is Pleistocene rewilding in (Donlan et al., 2005, 2006). considered Endangered) and Bolivia (where guanacos is considered Trophic rewilding is an emerging conservation paradigm that has Critically Endangered) (IUCN Red List accessed 2015; Iriarte, 2000; recently been defined as “species introductions to restore top- Nugent et al., 2006; Grimberg Pardo, 2010) After many decades of down trophic interactions and associated trophic cascades to pro- vicuna~ conservation can be considered a success story mote self-regulating biodiverse ” (Svenning et al., 2015; (Arzamendia et al., 2006; Bonacic et al., 2002). Camelus ferus, the see also Naundrup and Svenning, 2015; Sandom et al., 2012; Donlan , by contrast is listed as Critically Endangered et al., 2005). In many cases such (re-)introductions are associated (IUCN Red List accessed 2015) due to its small and declining pop- with passive conservation management, an emphasis on large ulation, estimated at around 350e500 in 1997 (, 1997), 1000 in protected areas, and a cultural mythology of wilderness (Lorimer 1999 (Reading et al., 1999) and 950 in 2004 (IUCN Red List accessed et al., 2015) Here, we examine how camelids could be used in 2015). Camelus ferus is found in the Gobi in and both proxy and non-proxy trophic rewilding. (Kaczensky et al., 2013). The four domestic species, There are currently three wild camelid species and four do- Lama glama, Vicugna pacos, Camelus drome- mestic ones. Of the wild species, vicunas~ Vicugna vicugna and darius and Bactrian camels Camelus bactrianus, as a group can be guanacos Lama guanicoe can be found in the and southern found on every except Antarctica, with a large cone of . Both vicunas~ and guanacos are listed as population of dromedary in . The ancestral wild form of Least Concern by the IUCN Red List (accessed 2015). Vicunas~ is dromedary is extinct (Churcher et al., 1999; Lovei,€ 2007), whereas the probable ancestors of the other three are extant. All extant camelids share adaptations to marginal habitats. The * Corresponding author. Section for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. cameline (subfamily : Camelus spp.) species are notably E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Root-Bernstein). adapted to arid desert conditions: they can survive for many days http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2016.03.011 0140-1963/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. M. Root-Bernstein, J.-C. Svenning / Journal of Arid Environments 130 (2016) 54e61 55 without access to water by maintaining hyperglycaemia, allowing North America had already broken away from Gondwana as part for a very low metabolic rate, maintaining a high level of in of Laurasia around 175 Ma. Gondwana then broke into South their blood by eating salty plants and drinking brackish water, and America, Antarctica, and Australia (184-40 Ma). A number of land- raising their body temperature (Soliman, 2015; Wu et al., 2015). bridges sporadically connected and North America, all They also have morphological adaptations for preventing damage before the emergence of camelids (Brikiatis, 2014). This accounts from dust, for walking on sand, for cooling the brain, and for for the lack of early camelids outside North America. Continental extracting a maximum amount of water from ingested food drift then allowed this large diversity of camelids to spread beyond (Soliman, 2015). Domestic camels predominantly browse woody, North America. However, the formation of the including spiny, plants, but it must be noted that they also graze allowed the Great American Biotic Interchange of species, peaking (Sato, 1980; Migongo-Bake and Hansen, 1987). Both cameline and around 3 Ma, towards the end of the ( et al., 2015). lamine (subfamily Lamelinae: Lama and Vicugna spp.) species are Among the species from North America that extended their ranges both grazers and browsers, and have lower metabolic rates than into South America were camelids. The camelids that were present other large grazers and browsers, an adaptation that can be ad- or evolved in South America by the Pleistocene include Hemi- vantageous in arid and semi-arid environments with sparse and auchenia spp., and the lamine camelids, Paleolama spp., Lama spp., low quality forage (Dittmann et al., 2014). Vicuna~ specialize in high Provicugna spp. and Vicugna spp., which coexisted throughout altitudes and predominantly graze (Lucherini,1996; Wurstten et al., South America with large grazers and browsers such as the locally 2014). Guanacos by contrast are able to survive in isolated pop- evolved toxodonts, , capybaras, and giant sloths as ulations in marginal and stressful habitats due to generalist feeding well as other immigrant herbivores such as gomphotheres, , strategies (browsing and grazing), flexible social structure and , , and (MacFadden and Shockey, 1997; Hubbe timing of birth to coincide with rainfall (Gonzalez et al., 2014; et al., 2013). Paleolama, for example, was a browser of the - Belardi and Rindel, 2008; Wurstten et al., 2014). ian tropical dry forests, which are likely to have been much more Rewilding is most likely to be successful when large fauna can extensive during the Pleistocene (Pennington et al., 2000), and be reintroduced onto large, continuous tracts of land with low further south inhabited more open habitats (de Melo França et al., likelihood of human- conflict (Navarro and Pereira, 2012), 2015). Other lamine species were primarily grazers (MacFadden although it can also be applied to densely populated landscapes and Shockey, 1997). While the rise of the Andes had contributed (Jepson, 2015). Such wild, abandoned or marginal lands in the to increased aridity on the west coast of South America around 14 , Eurasia and North , and the are, in Ma (Le Roux, 2012), cooling and/or increased aridity are associated general, likely to have once had at least one camelid species with the Ice Age (beginning 10.5e7 Ma) in South America sometime between the and the present. Australian dry- (Pennington et al., 2000). These conditions would have favored lands, although not native habitat for camelids (since they evolved camelids. in what became North America after the split between Laurasia and Meanwhile, a land bridge formed across the Bering Strait linking Gondwana), have lost most of their marsupial large herbivores, and Eurasia to North America in the late Miocene, allowing faunal thus could be assessed for proxy rewilding (cf. Bowman, 2012). interchange throughout the late Miocene until its opening around Although the Pleistocene occurrence patterns is usually taken as 5.5 Ma (Rybczynski et al., 2013). The tribe diverged from the earliest reasonable baseline for rewilding, we emphasize that the camelids earlier, around 17 Ma (cited in Rybczynski camelids are generalists and their pre- as well as et al., 2013), 8 Ma (cited in Cui et al., 2007) or 25 Ma (Cui et al., Pleistocene and niches might point to ways in which they 2007). Notably, dromedaries and guanacos are able to form hy- can serve as proxy (or ecological analogue) species. The biota in brids despite what is referred to as 11 Ma of reproductive isolation different regions are a product of evolution over millions of , by Skidmore et al. (1999). Either a so-called High Arctic giant camel and shaped by biotic interactions across these time frames and not ( spp.) and/or hesternus are thought to be the just between extant species, with large species most ancestor of Eurasian camels (Zazula et al., 2011; Rybczynski et al., having had large continental-to hemisphere-scale range dynamics. 2013). Paracamelus has been found in and China by 6 Ma Hence, there is no strong biological reason to focus solely on extant (late Miocene) and in , the Levant and species that have occurred in the focal region within the last few between the late Miocene and early Pliocene (Payne and Garrard, hundreds years. 1983; Titov and Logvynenko, 2006; Gautier et al., 2012; Rybczynski et al., 2013). Geraads (2014) suggests that drome- 1.1. Camelids from the Miocene to the Holocene daries and Bactrian camels are more closely related to one other than to either Camelus thomasi, Camelus grattardi, or any other Af- Camelids emerged in the (around 34-23 Ma) in North rican Pliocene and Pleistocene camelid species, based on archaeo- America, with three main branches including the , logical morphological evidence. Further, confusing the evidence, and Pseudorabis (McKenna, 1966). They were small, the split between the Bactrian and dromedary species is dated at such as Stenomylus hitchcocki at just 30 kg around 30 Ma (Mendoza around 8 Ma, apparently while still in North America, by Cui et al. et al., 2006), but later during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene (2007) based on mDNA analysis. According to population size es- the camelids radiated into large forms, even megaherbivores timates by Wu et al. (2015), Bactrian camels are present from the ( 1000 kg, Owen-Smith, 1988), such as Gigantocamelus spp. During end of the Miocene and dromedaries since the end of the Pliocene. ! the Miocene camelids such as Gigantocamelus spatulus, On the whole, the evolution and paleoecology of the Eurasian spp., merriami, Camelops spp., spp., camelines has been studied far less than that of the South American spp., Paramiolabis spp., spp., Miolabis spp., lamines, and appears to be somewhat unresolved. spp., spp., and Pliauchenia spp., coexisted The modern camelid species are many fewer than their ances- with a high diversity of other browsers and grazers, such as rhi- tors (Fig.1). Humans crossed the Bering Strait land bridge from , noceros, proboscideans, horses, and numerous genera of rumi- and have been implicated in the late Late Pleistocene/early Holo- nants, in the savanna woodlands of North America (Janis et al., cene megafaunal in the Americas (Sandom et al., 2014). 2004). These camelids were predominantly browsers and mixed However, evidence that they hunted camelid species in North and browsers (Dompierre and Churcher, 1996; Feranec, 2003; South America more than sporadically is lacking (Frison et al., 1978; Semprebon and Rivals, 2010; Kita et al., 2014). Haynes and Stanford, 1984: Frison, 1998; Prado et al., 2015; Waters 56 M. Root-Bernstein, J.-C. Svenning / Journal of Arid Environments 130 (2016) 54e61

Fig. 1. Top, the current and historical ranges of extant wild camelid species. Domestic species are not shown. Bottom, potential ranges under current of seven camelid species that have gone globally extinct in the Late Pleistocene or Holocene (or now only survive in domesticated form). Data from Faurby and Svenning (2015). et al., 2015). This may be because camelids require water less than the beginning of Holocene may have favored generalists, including other large herbivores, and are thus found more often in marginal the surviving guanaco and vicuna~ (Prado et al., 2015). One unsat- habitats and less often at waterholes where they may be sur- isfactory thing about such local explanations is that they ignore that rounded by hunters (Frison et al., 1978). However, a more likely the megafaunal constitute a global-scale event that is explanation is that the absence of evidence of extensive human unique for the Cenozoic in its size-selective nature. In addition, hunting of camelids is due to taphonomic bias (Surovell and Grund, humans are the only novel feature in the environment differenti- 2012). During this period, North American camelids were mainly ating that from previous ones, and must have mixed browsers and grazers (Kohn et al., 2005; Semprebon and played a major role in extinction despite lack of direct evidence for Rivals, 2010). At the PleistoceneeHolocene transition in the extensive hunting (Surovell and Grund, 2012; Sandom et al., 2014). Pampas, guanaco and Paleolama spp. coexisted with among others, Further, other species that went extinct throughout South America Macrauchenia, horses (Equus ferus), , and a range of ground were as generalist as the surviving camelids, demonstrating that sloths such as , Eutatus, and Glossotherium as well as generalist diets alone do not convey extinction survivalship (Dantas large armadillos and their relatives, e.g., Glyptodon, and et al., 2013; Franca et al., 2015). Vicugna vicugna is proposed to be a there is evidence that both horses and guanaco were hunted by surviving subpopulation of Lama gracilis (Weinstock et al., 2009). In humans (Borrero et al., 1998). With the onset of a more humid any case, all camelid species in North America went extinct by the environment in the Pampas around 10,500 ya, the responses of Holocene, leaving only the currently extant camelines and lamines humans are unclear, but their low population has been hypothe- in Eurasia and South America, respectively. sized to have impeded overhunting of camelids (Borrero et al., As in all pastoralist systems, human hunting of camelids is 1998). This argument, however, is unlikely to be valid (Alroy, thought to have evolved into and a pastoralist sys- 2001). One hypothesis for the megafaunal extinctions in the tem, often involving to track environmental vari- Pampas is that increased cooling 14,000 ya followed by warming at ability along altitudinal and other gradients (Alvard and Kuznar, M. Root-Bernstein, J.-C. Svenning / Journal of Arid Environments 130 (2016) 54e61 57

2001; FAO, 2001). The process of domestication has been studied areas (Farah et al., 2004; Volpato and Puri, 2014). Thus, millennia of extensively in South America and almost entirely ignored in Eura- domestic camelid socio-ecologies are at risk of disappearance sia. In the Andes and Pampas, wild guanacos and vicunas~ were across Eurasia and Africa. hunted or exploited for their fiber () continuously alongside Bactrian camels are feral or free-ranging in some areas. In some the domestication of several species or breeds in addition to alpacas Gulf States, high densities of free-ranging dromedaries result in and llamas (Gasco and Marsh, 2013; Belardi and Rindel, 2008; land degradation by overgrazing (Gallacher and Hill, 2006a, b). In Westreicher et al., 2007; Jackson et al., 2005; Yacobaccio, 2004; Australia, a small number of dromedaries that were imported Lynch, 1983). Camelids were the only domestic large during the 1800s to provide transportation across the desert, was species of South America. Andean cultures relied in multiple ways eventually abandoned and formed a feral population that appears on llama breeds, collecting their to fertilize staple potato to have slowly increased in population to an estimated size of crops, using their fiber for cloth and rope, and transporting trade 1,000,000 (Spencer et al., 2012; Crowley, 2014). (While Spencer goods across empires on their backs (Lynch, 1983). Interestingly, et al. (2012) notes that dromedaries have no history of being unlike in Eurasia and Africa, in South American cultures the milk of invasive species outside Australia, camelids are clearly able to camelids has apparently never been a food resource. With the migrate into suitable habitat and establish new populations). arrival of European colonists and their , several varieties of Australian dromedaries are blamed for soil degradation and domestic camelid went extinct, including for example the chili- reduction in water quality at watering holes (Crowley, 2014; hueque, a somewhat mysterious domestic guanaco or llama breed McBurnie et al., 2015). Others argue that dromedaries are an from central Chile (Miller,1980). Overhunting of guanaco starting in acceptable part of modern Australian fauna, carrying out proxy the colonial period led to the disappearance of guanacos from parts functions (Crowley, 2014; Gibbs et al., 2015). Dromedary and Bac- of their range, including the heavily colonized central zone of Chile trian camels were imported to the western during the (Miller, 1980; Westreicher et al., 2007). mid-1800s as military , and small feral populations exis- In Eurasia, domestic camel pastoralist cultures are found ted for several years, but were eradicated before the turn of the continuously from Mongolia to the Sahel. The wild Bactrian camel century (Young, 1982). Llamas and alpacas, although popular as (Camelus ferus) may be the ancestor of the domestic Bactrian camel, livestock and even as in North America and elsewhere, seem to which is found in northern Asia (Tulgat and Schaller, 1992; Potts, rarely form feral populations. One exception is the Lago Penuelas~ 2004) or a congener (Ji et al., 2009). Bactrian camels are thought National Reserve in Chile, where feral llamas have crossed with to have been domesticated in China, Mongolia or , and guanacos to form “guallamas” or “llamacos,” a fertile with subsequently introduced into and (Peters and intermediate appearance and behaviors (pers. comm. L. Gutierrez, Driesch, 1997). Bactrian camels provide essential resources to pers. obs. MR-B). Guanaco were experimentally introduced as part nomadic pastoralists, including feces collected for use as fuel, of a naturalistic grazing scheme in sown swards in Scotland, with for rope and cloth, milk, and transport, although , , the conclusion that they did not compete with goats and horses and have increasingly been adopted since the 1800s and could be raised for their fiber along with these species (Fraser (Chuluunbat et al., 2014; Berger et al., 2013; Peters and Driesch, and Gordon, 1997). 1997; Krader, 1955). Throughout and the Near East since antiquity, Bactrian and dromedaries have been crossed, 1.2. Potential ecological roles of camelids within rewilding projects yielding a fertile and hardy hybrid that was highly valued in the region (Potts, 2004). However, it was not allowed to breed as the Reintroductions of camelids are already taking place in some offspring were aggressive. Observing “camel wrestling” contests areas and can provide insight into the challenges of camelid between hybrid males is a traditional social activity that continues rewilding. The Wild Camel Protection Foundation NGO is breeding in Turkey (Çakırlar and Berthon, 2014). is additionally and reintroducing Camelus ferus in Mongolia (www.wildcamels. an important traditional sport both with Bactrian camels in Central com accessed May 2015). Here, the main challenges are the low Asia and dromedaries, in the Gulf States. population of Camelus ferus, its avoidance of human presence, and Dromedaries appear to have been domesticated around 5000 ya the increase in anthropogenic activities in its habitat, including in central Arabia from Camelus thomasi (Grigson et al., 1989; mining, poaching, and herding for cashmere production (Hare, Spassov and Stoytchev, 2004; but see Gautier, 1966). Camelus tho- 1997; Berger et al., 2013). In South America, reintroductions of masi occurred in northern Africa, and perhaps the Levant, into the vicuna~ from captive breeding facilities have been declared suc- Holocene (Grigson, 1983; Churcher et al., 1999). Its extinction is cessful (Arzamendia et al., 2006; Bonacic et al., 2002). Guanaco are attributed to the increasingly arid conditions of the after a still being reintroduced sporadically into some parts of their former moist period ended around 4000e5000 ya; some large range, primarily in protected areas, while in other areas they are survived in the , but Camelus thomasi, along with the managed for sustainable harvests (Sarno et al., 1999). The main Atlantic and North , disappeared (Lovei,€ challenges to these programs include ongoing poaching, and un- 2007). However, it is more likely to have been incorporated into controlled feral populations in Chile (Donadio and Buskirk, domestic herds or exterminated to prevent competition with 2006; C. Bonacic, pers. comm.). dromedaries than to have gone extinct due to climate change alone. This last challenge underscores the important role that Pleis- Subsequently dromedaries became integral parts of pastoralist tocene history can have on reintroductions or rewilding. Since the cultures throughout arid and semi-arid parts of northern Africa, the Pleistocene, southern South American ecosystems appear have not Levant and (Raziq et al., 2011; Farah et al., 2004; Mehta et al., included group-hunting pursuit predators. Group-hunting pursuit 2007; Raziq et al., 2011; Volpato and Puri, 2014). There are many canids are only known from further north, although it is not clear local breeds across this range, often complementary, such that one what would have restricted their expansion further south: Proto- breed in a particular area is preferred for transport of goods, while cyon spp. are known from Brazil, and northern Argentina another is a good source of milk and fiber (e.g. Raziq et al., 2011; (Prevosti et al., 2005), while the dire (Canis dirus) ranged from Mehta et al., 2007). Transhumance in camel pastoralists systems North America as far south as Bolivia (Dundas, 1999). The saber is threatened by economic and political pressures toward seden- toothed cat populator, although likely social, was probably tarization throughout Africa and Eurasia, despite recognition that primarily an ambush predator, like modern (McCall et al., camel transhumance is a robust and adaptive system in marginal 2003; Carbone et al., 2009). Dusicyon avus, a large , and 58 M. Root-Bernstein, J.-C. Svenning / Journal of Arid Environments 130 (2016) 54e61

Arctotherium tarijense, a , were omnivorous, are likely to have (Puigdefabregas and Mendizabal, 1998; Eldridge et al., 2011; been solitary, and may have scavenged camelids more than they Maestre et al., 2012). Camels are the obvious choice for rewilding hunted them (Prevosti and Vizcaíno, 2006; Prevosti and Martin, in the most arid regions, and the introduction histories in Australia 2013). After the end-Pleistocene/early Holocene and the western US suggest that dromedaries and Bactrian camels extinction in South America, the remaining camelid species in are both able to find suitable forage in unfamiliar habitats domi- South America were those existing south of these canids' historical nated by spiny and woody plants. Camels could probably be used to range, in the Pampas, Tierra del Fuego and the southern Andes. The combat shrub encroachment and reduce the risk of fire. However, predator defense strategies most appropriate for ambush as camels are able to eat very spiny and thorny plants, and their opposed to pursuit, and solitary vs. group predators are different, generalist foraging habitats combined with selective bite capacity and it is likely that South American camelids would have evolved mean that they may be prone to destroy plants that are not adapted appropriate defense mechanisms against social and solitary to intensive grazing or browsing. ambush hunters, such as Smilodon, pumas, , and humans. Semi-arid grasslands such as the Pampas, the North American This strategy, present in guanacos (Darwin 2015 (1839); MR-B pers. , or the Eurasian , are important ecosystems for many obs.), consists of “predator inspection,” in which the predator loses large grazers including species that are endangered or that used to the advantage of surprise (FitzGibbon, 1994). At the same time, be much more numerous, such as the saiga Saiga tatarica and the surviving camelid populations may have lost components of de- American Bison bison. Grasslands can also be important fense strategies suitable for group-hunting pursuit predators (e.g. habitats for migratory birds, as well as providing migratory corri- Walther, 1969; Blumstein and Daniel, 2005), which could explain dors for large herbivores (Berger, 2004; Brennan and Kuvlesky, their vulnerability to feral . 2005). Shrub encroachment, overgrazing by livestock in pasto- Rewilding introductions are distinguished from classical rein- ralist systems, desertification, and land conversion to troductions by a motivation to restore ecological functions rather are common conservation problems in grasslands (Bond and Parr, than populations per se (Svenning et al., 2015). A stumbling block in 2010; Henwood, 2010). All extant camelids are well suited to the use of camelids for rewilding is the relative lack of research on habitats. From a compositionalist perspective, reintro- camelid functions in ecosystems. As camels drink brackish water ducing camelids to parts of their historical range or as proxies for and eat salty plants, they may act to redistribute , as well as extinct camelids can serve to recreate the high richness of grazers other nutrients, over the landscape (Doughty et al., 2015; Doughty typical of most grasslands. From the functionalist perspective, this et al. 2013a,b; Wolf et al., 2013). As both browsers and grazers, can provide greater prey for large predators and assist in nutrient camelids may participate in functions such as stimulating tree cycling. In addition, as camelids rarely compete directly with other growth (McNoughton, 1983; Gowda, 1997) and affecting N and P grazers, they are expected to perform slightly different grazing cycling rates (Schmitz, 2008; Metcalfe et al., 2014). Guanacos in functions, which may be unexpectedly beneficial or harmful. A particular make latrines, forming large mounds, which are likely to likely benefit is that they can avoid competing with livestock and have ecological engineering effects. Camelids' role in transporting may thus be compatible with rewilding in areas and projects where seeds via endo- and exo-zoochory is largely unexamined. Guanacos removal of is neither feasible nor desirable. However, are reported to stimulate the germination of Acacia caven and using the same camelid species or breed for rewilding that is used Prosopsis seeds via endozoochory (Fuentes et al., 1989). Guanacos for pastoralism in a given area is likely to create problems related to also form trails, which could have intermediate disturbance effects the mixing of feral and domestic populations. Where camel or act as corridors for seed dispersal. Camelid interactions with pastoralism is declining, wild camelids could maintain ecological species other than livestock are seemingly not researched. benefits of camel movements over the landscape. However, as highly selective foragers, they rarely or weakly Finally, savannas and thorn woodlands include many different compete with other grazers even when sharing territory with them kinds of open and generally thorny woodlands around the world, (Migongo-Bake and Hansen, 1987; Fraser and Gordon, 1997; such as the acacia savannas of sub-Saharan Africa, seasonally dry Borgnia et al., 2008; Acebes et al., 2012; Berger et al., 2013; Iranzo tropical forests and thorn woodlands (Pennington et al., 2000; van et al., 2013; Wurstten et al., 2014; O'Connor et al., 2015). Thus Bloem et al., 2004). Although diverse in form, these habitats in they may either increase or decrease plant species evenness by general have many endemic plant species, and a relatively high targeting specific plants (rare or common) not eaten by other species richness (van Bloem et al., 2004). They are often threatened grazers in the system. They also act as prey species for large car- by strong anthropogenic influences including pasturing animals, nivores (Donadio et al., 2010). Unfortunately, many of these gathering firewood, setting fires, hunting , gathering food ecological functions are not well understood. Thus, a great deal of resources, or conversion to agriculture (van Bloem et al., 2004; Leal ecological research remains to be carried out, and rewilding may et al., 2005; Syampungani et al., 2009; Root-Bernstein and Jaksic, in provide opportunities to do so (Svenning et al., 2015). press). These influences can lead to fragmentation, degradation and Here, we consider the potential costs and benefits of rewilding defaunation. This is the kind of habitat in which camelids evolved with camelids in deserts, semi-arid grasslands and semi-arid sa- during the Miocene- Pleistocene, and thus they can be expected to vannas and thorn woodlands on a global scale. Such habitats have important ecological functions in such habitats, although correspond to the current habitats of extant camelids as well as the unfortunately these are among the least known of camelid- envi- past habitats of extinct camelids. ronment interactions since they are currently only relevant to small Deserts around the world hold a relatively small fraction of populations of guanaco in the (semi-tropical seasonally dry global biodiversity. However, their conservation is nonetheless forest) in Bolivia. Camelids could be reintroduced as seed dis- important because deserts have many species that are uniquely persers, to provide browsing on thorny trees, or as prey for large adapted to extreme conditions, including for example many EDGE predators. For example, a pilot rewilding project in central Chile, (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) species (www. Proyecto REGenera (run by MR-B) aims to reintroduce guanacos to edgeofesxitence.org; Olson and Dinerstein, 1998). While desertifi- restore browsing and seed dispersal functions with the goal of cation is often a threat to other habitats, deserts themselves can restoring the “espinal” savanna silvopastoral system (Root- also be threatened by increasing aridity and soil degradation or Bernstein and Jaksic, 2013; Lindon and Root-Bernstein, 2015; erosion, invasive species, shrub encroachment, and loss of plant Root-Bernstein et al., submitted). Conflicts with such models of diversity, and loss of pollinators and seed dispersers rewilding are likely to include issues surrounding wild animals in M. Root-Bernstein, J.-C. Svenning / Journal of Arid Environments 130 (2016) 54e61 59 highly anthropogenic habitats, such as human-wildlife conflict and Arzamendia, Y., Cassini, M., Vila, B., 2006. Habitat use by vicuna~ Vicugna vicugna in poaching. Laguna Pozuelos Reserve, Jujuy, Argentina. 40, 198. Bacon, C., Silvestro, D., Jaramillo, C., Smith, B., Chakrabarty, P., Antonelli, A., 2015. Although this review focuses on the functional ecology and Biological evidence supports an early and complex emergence of the Isthmus of paleoecology of camelids, a thorough consideration of rewilding Panama. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 112, 6110e6115. prospects must also consider human social and cultural in- Belardi, J., Rindel, D., 2008. Taphonomic and archeological aspects of massive mortality processes in guanaco (Lama guanicoe) caused by winter stress in teractions with the reintroduced species or proxy species. Oppor- Southern . Quat. Int. 180, 3851. tunities exist to rewild camelids in areas with low densities of Berger, J., 2004. The last mile: how to sustain long-distance migration in . humans and human uses. However, many camelid reintroduction Cons. Biol. 18 (2), 320e331. Berger, J., Buuveibaatar, B., Mishra, C., 2013. 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For example, domestic camelids could be Bowman, D., 2012. Conservation: bring elephants to Australia? Nature 482, 30. Brennan, L.A., Kuvlesky Jr., W.P., 2005. North American grassland birds: an managed in ways that allow them to carry out more ecosystem unfolding conservation crisis? J. Wildl. Manag. 69 (1), 1e13. functions. This might mean reviving transhumance, mixing cam- Brikiatis, L., 2014. The De Geer, Thulean and routes: key concepts for un- elids with other grazers and browsers, or allowing a percentage of derstanding early Cenozoic biogeography. J. Biogeogr. 41 (6), 1036e1054. Çakırlar, C., Berthon, R., 2014. Caravans, camel wrestling and cowrie shells: towards their feces to remain uncollected, for example. a social zooarchaeology of camel hybridization in and adjacent eegions. Anthropozoologica 49. Carbone, C., Maddox, T., Funston, P., Mills, M., Grether, G., Valkenburgh, B., 2009. 2. 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