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COMBINED BOOK EXHIBIT® Page 1 COMBINED BOOK EXHIBIT® 10.___ DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 21.___ JOURNALISM: A Guide to the AND RELATIVE INDEX ABRIDGED EDITION Reference Literature (Reference Sources in 000 - Generalities 14. Devised by Dewey, Melvil. Edited by Joan the Humanities) Cates, Jo A.. Libraries 1.___ FAXUSA: A Directory of Facsimile S. Mitchell et al.. OCLC Dewey Decimal Unlimited/Greenwood Publishing Group $65 Numbers for Businesses and Classification $99 HC (0-910608-73-3) 2003 HC (1-59158-061-7) 2004 (CHOICE OABN) Organizations Nationwide, 2005 12th Ed £70 (incl. Shipping UK) Euro 100 (excl. 22.___ MEDIA MYTHMAKERS: How Omnigraphics Inc. $170 PB (0-7808-0753-7) shpping)* Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers 2004 11.___ DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Mislead Us Radford, Benjamin. Prometheus 2.___ OPERATION HOLLYWOOD: How the AND RELATIVE INDEX. EDITION 22 FOUR Books $25 HC (1-59102-072-7) 2003 Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies VOLUMES. Devised by Dewey, Melvil. (CHOICE OABN) Robb, David L.. Prometheus Books $28 HC Editors: Joan S. Mitchell et al.. OCLC Dewey 23.___ SUPERHERO BOOK, THE: The (1-59102-182-0) 2004 (CHOICE OABN) Decimal Classification $375 HC (0-910608-70- 9) 2003 UK £250 (incl. Shipping UK) Euro 350 Ultimate Encyclopedia of Comic-Book 3.___ TOLL-FREE PHONE BOOK USA 2005, (excl. shipping)* Icons and Hollywood Heroes Misiroglu, Gina 9th Ed.. Omnigraphics Inc. $155 PB (0-7808- with Roach, David A. (eds.).. Visible Ink 0754-5) 2004 12.___ ONLINE COMPETITIVE Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $56 LE (0-7808- INTELLIGENCE. Burwell, Helen. BRB 0772-3) 2004 Publications $25.95 PB (1-889150-41-X) 2004 004 - Computers * 100 - PHILOSOPHY & RELATED 4.___ CONCISE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF 13.___ SCHOLARLY JOURNALS IN THE COMPUTING, THE. Pountain, Dick. Penguin NEW DIGITAL WORLD. Boismenu, Gerard READINGS and Beaudry, Guylaine. University of Calgary Group (USA) $16 PB (0-1405-1436-8) 2003 24.___ CARING FOR THE DYING: Critical Press $24.95 PB (1-5523-8127-7) 2004 Issues at the Edge of Life Baird, Robert M. 5.___ WEB SITE SOURCE BOOK 2005: A and Rosenbaum, Stuart E. (eds.).. Guide to Major U.S. Businesses, Prometheus Books $20 PB (1-57392-969-7) Organizations, Agencies, Institutions, and 030 - General Encyclopedic Works 2003 (CHOICE OABN) Other Information Resources on the World Wide Web, 10th Ed Omnigraphics Inc. $160 14.___ CRITICAL THINKING AND 25.___ PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS IN THE PB (0-7808-0755-3) 2005 LEARNING: An Encyclopedia for Parents TWENTIETH CENTURY: V. 1: The Dawn of and Teachers Kincheloe, Joe L. and Weil, Analysis Soames, Scott. Princeton University Danny (eds.).. Greenwood Press/Greenwood Press $5 HC (0-691-11573-7) 2004 (CHOICE 010 - Bibliography Publishing Group $99.95 HC (0-313-32389-5) OABN) 20% Discount: $40 2004 (CHOICE OABN) 6.___ GENERAL STUDIES OF CHARLES 26.___ PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS IN THE DICKENS AND HIS WRITINGS AND 15.___ INTRODUCED MAMMALS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: V. 2: The Age of COLLECTION EDITIONS OF HIS WORKS: WORLD: Their History, Distribution and Meaning Soames, Scott. Princeton University An Annotated Bibliography: Volume 1: Influence Long, John L.. CSIRO Publishing Press $50 HC (0-691-11574-5) 2004 Bibliographies, Catalogues, Collectons, $135 HC (0-6430-6714-0) 2003 Award: 2004 (CHOICE OABN) 20% Discount: $40 and Bibliographical and Textual Studies of Australian Awards for Excellence in Dicken's Works. (AMS Studies in Educational Publishing (CHOICE OABN) Nineteenth-Century, No. 22) DeVries, 16.___ MEXICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, 130 - Paranormal Phenomena & Duane. AMS Press Inc. $238.40 HC (0-404- THE: An Encyclopedia Meier, Matt S. and Arts 64452-X) 2004 (CHOICE OABN) Convention Gutierrez, Margo. Greenwood Price: $190.00 Press/Greenwood Publishing Group $79.95 27.___ ASTROLOGY BOOK, THE: The HC (0-313-31643-0) 2003 (CHOICE OABN) Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences, 2nd Ed. Lewis, James R.. Visible Ink 020 - Library & Information 17.___ PENGUIN ENCYCLOPEDIA, THE. Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $52 LE (0-7808- Crystal, David. Penguin Group (USA) $35 PB 0719-7) 2003 Sciences (0-1405-1543-7) 2004 28.___ FORTUNE-TELLING BOOK, THE: 7.___ AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES The Encyclopedia of Divination and CORE LIST OF RESOURCES: An Soothsaying Buckland, Raymond. Visible Ink Annotated List of Selected Resources 050 - General Serial Publications Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $52 LE (0-7808- Used by Teachers of African-American 0720-0) 2003 Studies at Colleges and Universities in the 18.___ EMERGENCE: Complexity and Organization Allen, Peter; Goldstein, Jeffrey United States During the 1998-99 Academic 29.___ REAL GHOSTS, RESTLESS and Snowden, David. ISCE Publishing $300 Year Nosakhere, Akilah Shukura, Hughes, M. SPIRITS, AND HAUNTED PLACES. Steiger, PB 2004 ISSN: (1521-3250)* Elaine and Mosby, Anne Page. Blackburn Brad. Visible Ink Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $52 Press, The $24.95 PB (1-932846-01-8) 2004 LE (0-7808-0721-9) 2003 8.___ DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION: 070 - Journalism, Publishing, 30.___ UNEXPLAINED! Strange Sightings, Principles and Application Revised and Newpapers Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Expanded for DDC 22, 3rd Ed. Chan, Lois M. Phenomena, 2nd Ed. Clark, Jerome. Visible and Mitchell, Joan S.. OCLC Dewey Decimal 19.___ BAD NEWS. Fenton, Tom. Ink Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $49 LE (0-7808- Classification $40 HC (0-910608-72-5) 2003 ReganBooks/HarperCollins Academic 0715-4) 2003 £27, Euro 44* Marketing $25.95 HC (0-0607-9746-0) 2005 31.___ VAMPIRE BOOK, THE: The 9.___ DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION: 20.___ HUMAN JOURNALIST, THE: Encyclopedia of the Undead, 2nd Ed. 200 Religion Class Edition Devised by Reporters, Perspectives, and Emotions Melton, J. Gordon. Visible Ink Dewey, Melvil. Edited by Joan S. Mitchell et Willis, Jim. Praeger Paperback/Greenwood Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $52 LE (0-7808- al.. OCLC Dewey Decimal Classification $30 Publishing Group $19.95 PB (0-275-97307-7) 0716-2) 2003 PB (0-910608-74-1) 2004 £20.50, Euro 33.00* 2003 A hardcover edition is available: 0-275- 97283-6 $59.95 2003 (CHOICE OABN) 32.___ WEREWOLF BOOK, THE: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings Steiger, Brad. Visible Ink Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $49 LE (0-7808-0717-0) 2003 Page 1 COMBINED BOOK EXHIBIT® 33.___ WITCH BOOK, THE: The 170 - Ethics (Moral Philosophy) 56.___ JUDAICA REFERENCE SOURCES: Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and A Selective, Annotated Bibliographic Guide Neo-Paganism Buckland, Raymond. Visible 43.___ ARTILECT WAR, THE: Cosmists vs. 3rd Revised and Expanded Edition Cutter, Ink Press/Omnigraphics Inc. $52 LE (0-7808- Terrans de Garis, Hugo. ETC Publications Charles. Libraries Unlimited/Greenwood 0718-9) 2003 $29.95 HC (0-88280-153-8) 2005 $22.95 PB Publishing Group $50 HC (1-59158-133-8) (0-88280-154-6) * 2004 (CHOICE OABN) 44.___ CHEATING CULTURE, THE: Why 57.___ MADE FOR HEAVEN. Lewis, C.S.. 140 - Specific Philosophical More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get HarperSanFrancisco/HarperCollins Academic Viewpoints Ahead Callahan, David. Harcourt Trade Marketing $9.95 HC (0-0607-6692-1) 2005 Publishers $14 PB (0-15-603005-5) 2004 34.___ BLACKFOOT WAYS OF KNOWING: (CHOICE OABN) 58.___ MONOTHEISTS, THE: Jews, The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and Bastien, Betty. Edited by Jurgen Kremer. 45.___ MORAL COURAGE. Kidder, Competition V. 1 The Peoples of God University of Calgary Press $34.95 PB (1- Rushworth M.. William Morrow/HarperCollins Peters, F.E.. Princeton University Press 5523-8109-9) 2004 Academic Marketing $24.95 HC (0-0605- $29.95 HC (0-691-11460-9) 2003 (CHOICE 9154-4) 2005 OABN) 20% Discount: $24 150 - Psychology 59.___ MONOTHEISTS, THE: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and 35.___ CHILDREN'S FEARS OF WAR AND 190 - Modern Western Philosophy Competition V. 2 The Words and Will of TERRORISM: A Resource for Teachers and 46.___ PROBLEM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, God Peters, F.E.. Princeton University Press Parents Moses, Lisa F.; Aldridge, Jerry; THE. Thompson, Evan (ed.).. University of $29.95 HC (0-691-11481-7) 2003 (CHOICE Cellitti, Anarella and McCorquodale, Gwenyth. Calgary Press $25 PB (0-9194-9129-4) 2004 OABN) 20% Discount: $24 Assoc. for Childhood Education International $18.50 PB (0-87173-160-6) 2003 47.___ SPINOZA'S MODERNITY: 60.___ PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS. Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine Lewis, C.S.. 36.___ INTERPERSONAL FOUNDATIONS Goetschel, Willi. University of Wisconsin HarperSanFrancisco/HarperCollins Academic OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. Horowitz, Press $29.95 PB (0-299-19084-6) 2004 Marketing $9.95 HC (0-0607-6154-7) 2005 Leonard M. Ph.D.. American Psychological (CHOICE OABN) Assn. $49.95 HC (1-59147-081-1) 2004 61.___ RELIGION, CIVILIZATION, AND (CHOICE OABN) CIVIL WAR: 1945 through the New Millennium Fox, Jonathan. Lexington 36A.__PERSONAL VILLAGE: How to Have 200 - RELIGION Books/see Rowman & Littlefield Publishers People in Your Life by Choice Not Chance. 48.___ ALLAH'S TORCH. Dahlby, Tracy. $75 HC (0-7391-0744-5) 2004 (CHOICE Thomas, Marv Lakeridge Institute $16.95 PB William Morrow/HarperCollins Academic OABN) (1-887592-08-6) Reviews/Awards: USA Book Marketing $25.95 HC (0-0605-6090-8) 2005 News – Best Self Help 11/04 2004* 62.___ STANDING ALONE IN MECCA. 49.___ DON'T THROW AWAY TOMORROW. Nomani, Asra. 37.___ PSYCHOLOGY OF STEREOTYPING, Schuller, Robert H.. HarperSanFrancisco/HarperCollins Academic THE. Schneider, David J.. Guilford HarperSanFrancisco/HarperCollins Academic Marketing $24.95 HC (0-0605-7144-6) 2005 Publications $75 HC (1-57230-929-6) 2003 Marketing $21.95 HC (0-0605-6342-7) 2005 (CHOICE OABN) 63.___ UNSPEAKABLE. Guinness, Os. 50.___ ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BUDDHISM, 2 HarperSanFrancisco/HarperCollins Academic 38.___ RELATIONAL REMEMBERING: Vol. Set. Boswell, Robert E. Jr. (ed.).. Marketing $21.95 HC (0-0605-8636-2) 2005 Rethinking the Memory Wars Campbell, Macmillan Press/Thomson Gale $265 HC (0- 64.___ VIRTUE AND VICE.
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