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Taormina Summit | May 2017 May 2017 g7g20.com | @g7_g20 G7 ITALY G7 : The Taormina Summit | May 2017 | May Summit Taormina The : The Taormina Summit g7g20.com Italy as G7 host Citizen safety Economic stability Inclusive growth The theme of the summit Working towards ending 2030 Agenda and An orderly and fair is building the foundations terrorism and managing the Sustainable transition towards the of renewed trust migrant and refugee flows Development Goals Next Production Revolution Give Hope When millions of Syrian Your donation to the World Food refugees felt forgotten, Programme could make a huge the world responded. difference by providing Syrian refugees with vital food vouchers. That glimmer of hope is keeping them going. No refugee should go hungry. YOU CAN HELP TOO wfp.org/Syria THANK YOU. WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian agency providing food asssistance to some 80 million people in 80 countries. Join us follow us on Facebook @WFP WFP/Dina El Kassaby WFP/Dina Give Hope When millions of Syrian Your donation to the World Food refugees felt forgotten, Programme could make a huge the world responded. difference by providing Syrian refugees with vital food vouchers. That glimmer of hope is keeping them going. No refugee should go hungry. YOU CAN HELP TOO wfp.org/Syria THANK YOU. WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian agency providing food asssistance to some 80 million people in 80 countries. Join us follow us on Facebook @WFP WFP/Dina El Kassaby WFP/Dina Italy: The Taormina Summit | May 2017 Leaders' perspectives UNITED TO FIGHT DESPAIR 08 Paolo Gentiloni, 40 Prime Minister of Italy AT THE CROSSROADS 10 Beji Caid Essebsi, President of Tunisia LEADERS' VIEWS 14 Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Jean-Claude Juncker and Emmanuel Macron 32 LEADERS' VIEWS 16 Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau and Shinzo Abe A SUMMIT OF 18 SECURITY SUCCESS John Kirton, Editor of G7 Italy: The Taormina Summit Investing in innovative Italy FOR THE MANY, NOT THE FEW 22 Pier Carlo Padoan, Minister of Economy and Finance, Italy ENSURING GLOBAL INNOVATION 26 DELIVERS BENEFITS Carlo Calenda, Minister of Economic Development, Italy 22 FORGING THE FOURTH 28 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Giuliano Poletti, Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Italy TRANSFORMING THE 30 WELL-BEING OF THE WORLD Beatrice Lorenzin, Minister of Health, Italy HERITAGE IS PRECIOUS 32 Dario Franceschini, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Italy 4 G7 Italy: The Taormina Summit • May 2017 g7g20.com CONTENTS @g7_g20 www.g7g20.com linkedin.com/company/g7g20 44 INFRASTRUCTURE’S ROLE 34 IN SOCIAL INTEGRATION Graziano Delrio, Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, Italy FIGHTING INSECURITY 36 Vincenzo Boccia, President, Confindustria Citizen safety A FAIR CHANCE IN LIFE 40 Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International A REFLECTION OF PROGRESS 44 William Lacy Swing, Director General, International Organization for Migration STAUNCHING THE TIDE 46 Juan Manuel Vega-Serrano, President, Financial Action Task Force TAKING BOLD STEPS 54 48 HE Dr Bandar MH Hajjar, President, Islamic Development Bank Group STARK CHALLENGES 50 David Ramin Jalilvand, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and Kirsten Westphal, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik FACING UP TO CHALLENGES 54 IN EAST ASIA David A Welch, CIGI Chair of Global Security, Balsillie School 81 of International Affairs g7g20.com May 2017 • G7 Italy: The Taormina Summit 5 58 64 PROFESSOR DAME JAMES HOSPEDALES SALLY DAVIES Executive Director, Chief Medical Officer, Caribbean Public Health Agency United Kingdom Economic, environmental and social stability CAN THE PARIS 74 AGREEMENT SURVIVE? Ella Kokotsis, Director of Accountability for the G7 and G20 Research Groups COMBATING MIGRANTS’ 76 HUNGER David Beasley, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme AIMING TO PROTECT 78 FREE TRADE Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Peterson Institute for International Economics FOCUS ON ENERGY SECURITY 81 Paul Simons, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency ALL ON BOARD 84 Angel Gurría, Secretary General, 120 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development TACKLING THE ROOT 88 CAUSES OF MIGRATION Gilbert F. Houngbo, President, International Fund for Agricultural Development LEAVE NO WOMAN 78 90 OR GIRL BEHIND Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Undersecretary General and TRANSFORMING EDUCATION Executive Director, UN Women 97 Irina Bokova, Director General, UNESCO MOVE TO THE LONG TERM 94 Julia Kulik, Director of Research, PLACING TEACHING G7 Research Group 102 AT THE CORE Caroline Bracht, Senior Researcher, G7 Research Group EDITORIAL & DESIGN SALES & MANAGEMENT Published by Editors John Kirton & Madeline Koch Sales Manager Laurie Pilate Managing Editor Zoë Henry Sales Executives Edward Syed, Mo Rami, Sub-Editors Sarah Evans & Fausta Fanatismi & James Johnston www.newsdeskmedia.com Matthew Hutchings Chief Executive Officer Richard Linn 6 Snow Hill, Art Director Ross Ellis London, EC1A 2AY, UK Senior Designer Alix Lawrence Printed by Stephens & George +44 (0) 20 7650 1600 @newsdeskmedia 6 G7 Italy: The Taormina Summit • May 2017 g7g20.com 66 86 ERIK SOLHEIM ROBERT FAUVER, Executive Director, United Nations Former US G7/G8 Sherpa Environment Programme 76 Innovation, skills and labour ANTICIPATING CHALLENGES 108 Joachim Breuer, President, ISSA ECONOMIC INCLUSION 112 FOR ALL Sir Suma Chakrabarti, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development TOMORROW’S WORK 114 Guy Ryder, Director General, 94 International Labour Organization RESILIENCE IS KEY TO 116 FINANCIAL SECURITY Chiara Oldani, Professor of Monetary Economics, University of Viterbo Strengthening the G7 system PRESERVING CONSENSUS 120 Jan Wouters, Professor of International Law and International Organisations at the University of Leuven, and Sven Van Kerckhoven, Co-chair of the Business and Economics Department at Vesalius College FROM COMMITMENTS 122 TO COMPLIANCE Brittaney Warren, Researcher, G7 Research Group ADVOCACY AND ENGAGEMENT 124 Peter I Hajnal, Fellow of Senior College and Research Associate at the Munk School of Global Affairs 108 © 2017. The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. All In cooperation with G7 Research Group rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval The G7 Research Group system, or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, Munk School of Global Affairs photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. The views and opinions expressed by independent authors and contributors in and Trinity College, this publication are provided in the writers’ personal capacities and are their sole University of Toronto, responsibility. Their publication does not imply that they represent the views or opinions of the G7 Research Group or Newsdesk Media and must neither be regarded 1 Devonshire Place, Room 209N as constituting advice on any matter whatsoever, nor be interpreted as such. Toronto ON M5S 3K7, Canada The reproduction of advertisements in this publication does not in any way imply +1 416 946 8953 www.g7.utoronto.ca endorsement by the G7 Research Group or Newsdesk Media of products or services referred to therein. g7g20.com May 2017 • G7 Italy: The Taormina Summit 7 Leaders' perspectives ALESSIA PIERDOMENICO/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTYALESSIA PIERDOMENICO/BLOOMBERG IMAGES e all know that the Mediterranean LEADER PERSPECTIVE plays a central role in human history in general. The sea between the lands has favoured the rise and flourishing of some among the most advanced Wand significant civilisations since ancient times ... It United to has preserved its long-standing character of a political, economic, social, and cultural crossroads between ... east and west, and between north and south ... fight despair The migration situation But in the last few years, the greater Mediterranean area has increasingly come to be associated with waves of The world needs to act in cohesion if the forces of chaos, fragmentation, volatility and loss of life ... Massive terrorism and enforced migration are to be defeated, as migration flows from Africa to Europe, widespread Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni commented on instability, open conflict, increasing terrorist threats against Western targets and interest, new conflicts with at the Center for Strategic and International Studies a religious basis or excuse – these issues have been confronting our governments and societies for years now, and if not adequately addressed, may imperil the very core of the Western political model founded on democracy, pluralism and the market economy. Italy is committed to tackle the root causes of these challenges, but we have to do it all together … These challenges correspond to a set of priorities: ... One, 8 G7 Italy: The Taormina Summit • May 2017 g7g20.com Leaders' perspectives We should continue to address the broader political and security challenges coming from areas of crisis around the Mediterranean effectively managing migration flows coming into Third, [this] year could be the year of the defeat of Europe. Two, stabilising areas of crisis in the Middle Daesh in the control of territory. Our strategy should East and Africa. Three, succeeding in the fight against continue to insist on the military campaign, as well as in terrorist, and in particularly eradicating Daesh ... counter-narrative, increased exchanges among relevant The priorities of the current Italian G7 presidency intelligence agencies, deradicalisation ... Cooperation [focus] among other things, on the management of with regional
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