It’s all about our students and their achievements ISSUE 12 WINTER TERM 2016 PRINCIPAL’S LETTER

Dear Parents, Carers & Students, As we come towards the end of a very busy I know that an immense amount of work term I would like to take this opportunity and creativity went into making that a to say a huge thank you to all the students, success and I would like to thank all those parents and staff of who took part and donated money to what Academy who have worked so hard, both is a very worthwhile cause. individually and corporately, and together we have achieved a great deal. On a personal note it has been a very busy and fast moving time and I would like to One of my proudest moments has been thank all the students and staff who have when we all stood together in our Act of welcomed me to my new role as Principal Remembrance in November. The whole of this exciting and driven academy. I am school assembled to mark the occasion also grateful to parents who have given with poignant poems, readings and a me such a warm welcome, especially reflective silence. The fact that the students our parent voice team who have created took part in a mature, respectful and an honest, supportive and purposeful powerful way was incredibly moving and atmosphere at our meetings. It has taken a very fitting tribute to all those who have a while to get to know the students, staff suffered in warfare. and all the personalities, routines and This magazine details just a few of the very challenges that go to make Thomas many exciting projects, trips and activities Clarkson Academy such a unique and that have taken place at Thomas Clarkson exciting place to study and work. Academy since September and I hope Your support has been appreciated it gives just a flavour of our day to day and I, in turn, am looking forward working life and successes. to offering sustained and targeted support to make sure that Well done to our students who achieved such amazing GCSE and A Level results goes from strength to strength, offering in the summer. Our top performing GCSE the best education, aspiration, support students received letters of congratulations and outcomes for our students. from our local MP Mr Barclay for which they were very grateful. They are setting the I’d like to take this opportunity to wish benchmark for future students to aspire to you all a very happy and relaxed holiday. and I am very proud of them. I look forward to welcoming you back for yet more challenges, inspiration and Other achievements have included the cause for celebration in 2017.” whole school raising over £1,400 for Children in Need during a very exciting afternoon of activities and fundraising. Anne Hill, Principal


Our high achieving Sixth with their letters, typed on Congratulations to Connor Formers have been official House of Commons Atkins, Alicia Baghdouyan, presented with congratulatory stationery, and told the Naomi Baxter, Courtney notes from local MP Stephen students how proud she Beckett, Charlotte Cameron, Barclay following their was of their endeavours. Susan Farg, Lola Lynn, exceptional GCSE exam Lauran Seekings, Harry Between them the ten results this summer. Spriggs and Livvi Williams. students achieved a Mr Barclay asked for the staggering 14 A*, 35 A and Head Girl Charlotte said: names of our top performers 35 B graded GCSEs, plus 7 ‘We are all very grateful and he wrote each of Distinction * graded BTECs, that Mr Barclay took time them a personalised letter and they are all in the Sixth out of his busy schedule to congratulating them on their Form at Thomas Clarkson get in touch with us. It was hard work and giving them Academy, many working amazing to receive these encouragement for their towards four A Levels and letters and they are very future studies. Principal Mrs all aiming for places at top much appreciated.’ Hill presented the students level universities. recent training daywith localprimaryschools. schools within thetrust.’ This includessubject leadermeeting s anda is lessthangood and‘gooduseisbeingmadeof expertise from other Strategies havebeen putintoidentifyandsupport thosewhosepractice The focushasbeen onensuringthatallteachingis atagoodlevel. of theacademy’s strengths andtheweaknessesthatremain.’ of teaching’meanthat‘academy leadershaveaclearer understanding ‘Regular visitstoclassrooms, scrutiny ofpupils’workandobservation and ‘theactionsthathavebeentaken are havingapositiveimpact.’ effective focusonimproving andassessment’ thequality ofteaching,learning Ofsted said‘academyleadershaveensured thatthere hasbeenastrong and teachers andtheacademyisnowfullystaffed. Vice Principal,seniorteacherformathspluseightadditionalsubject In additiontonewPrincipal,AnneHill,recent appointmentsincludea support giventotheacademybyBrooke Weston Trust. focused onstaffing,qualityofteaching,off-site provisionandthe a positiveimpactonstandards across theacademy.’ Theirreport Thomas ClarksonAcademyoverthepastsixmonths‘are having Ofsted hasreported that‘significantchanges’implementedat ‘POSITIVE IMPACT’ AT TCA ‘SIGNIFICANT CHANGES’ AND OFSTED REPORTS GREAT RESULTS our classroom practices andboostperformance.’ other Trust schoolstocome alongandwork alongsideus tostrengthen Clarkson Academy, both at a strategic level and also by allowing staff from The Brooke Weston Trust hasplayedahuge partbysupportingThomas progress butthe mostimportantthingisthatwe continuetoimprove. that thechildren ofWisbechreceive agreat education.There hasbeen recognise thatthere isstillagreat dealofworktobedoneensure Principal AnneHillsaid:‘Whilewe are verypleasedwiththereport, we improvement planandthetrust’s statementofactionare ‘fitforpurpose.’ removal oftheseriousweaknesses designation’ andthatboththeschool’s stated: ‘Leadersandmanagersare takingeffectiveactiontowards the The report, writtenafterOfsted’s monitoringinspection inSeptember, which includes‘ambitioustimescales.’ to ensure thatthenecessaryimprovements are madetotheacademy’ Ofsted saidthattheschoolhas‘developedaplanwhichyouare using and HeadBoyEuanMcConnachie. Principal AnneHillispictured withHeadGirlCharlotteCameron great achievement.’ and staffinvolvedfortheirfantasticefforts resultinginthis of theirUCASoffers.Iamextremely proud ofallstudents that 100%ofourYear 13studentsmettherequired grades with thehuge22%increase inASpassrateandthefact delighted withthisyear’s results. Iamparticularly pleased Head ofSixthFormJessSmithsaid:‘I’mabsolutely University. University, TheUniversityofEssexandBedfordshire providers includingtheUniversityofEastAnglia,Lincoln subjects asdiversemarinebiologyandcriminologyat A* -Egrades.OurformerSixthFormcohortisnowstudying AS results jumpingto87% (from 66%)forthoseachieving grades atA2increasing to81%from lastyear’s 57%andthe Thomas ClarksonAcademythisyearwiththosescoringA*-B There were massiveleapsinboththeA2andASfigures at A LEVELGRADES A gradesand3CisnowHeadGirl. without myteachers.’CharlotteCameron gained2A*sand5 said: ‘Ihaveworkedreally hard butcouldnothavedoneit maths, French, history, Spanishandbusinessstudies.She Alicia BaghdouyangainedallA*andAgradeswithA*sin expected progress inEnglishand52%Maths.Student students gainedthislevel.77%ofmadethe A-C gradesinEnglishandMaths45percent ofTCA introducedThis yearthegovernment anewmeasure of2 a huge15percentage pointincrease ontheprevious year. measure oftwoA-CgradesinEnglishandmaths.Thiswas the cohortachievinggovernment’s newlyintroduced in Englishwhile52%hitthetarget formathswith45%of risen. 77%ofstudentsmadetheexpectedlevelprogress including English and Maths and levels of progress have also year withmore studentsgainingfiveA*toCgradedGCSE At ThomasClarksonAcademyresults were uponlast GCSE GRADES


Our new Principal, Anne Hill has massive in Northamptonshire, but that became a conduct and behaviour around the school is very aspirations for her students and is encouraging consistently good school with strong outcomes. good indeed. A huge part of what we need to do them to aim high in their studies and ambitions. in this school is raise their aspirations. We have ‘That experience has enabled me to see those got a fantastic Sixth Form and we expect all our Mrs Hill said: ‘Since being in post it has been factors that will accelerate progress more students to aspire to join the Sixth Form here and a busy and interesting time. We have had an quickly than others. To put a timeline on this ensure that they progress to good universities. Ofsted visit, a DfE visit and both have gone school is very difficult, it is a bit too early to say well. We know that we have work to do here but but absolutely focusing on raising aspirations ‘Wanting to do well and believing success is actually we are beginning to see some of the of students, raising their self belief and showing possible are critical ingredients in making sure systems, structures and processes that we are them the opportunities that are available outside that the whole school improves. It is all about putting in place are paying dividends. We are of school are absolutely critical. looking up, success breeds success and if we getting much more positive feedback from the can show to our younger students that you too students saying they like the fact that we have ‘I firmly believe that context within which a can go to a top university from this school then shifted into concentrating on learning rather school operates is fundamentally important that sends a really powerful message to the than just behaviour. We have had two Parent and we have to address issues that are specific whole school and community; that children in Voice meetings so far both of which have been to Thomas Clarkson Academy in Wisbech, not this school, no matter what their background positive. They recognise that there are changes try and impose a one size fits all model. It was have the same opportunities to go to a good being made and, like all parents, they just want reassuring for me to have both Ofsted and the university as any child in any school in this the best for their children.’ DfE say that our plans were robust and they country. That is what it is about, making sure agree with not only the plans but our priorities.’ we provide the same opportunities to our Mrs Hill’s previous experience in turning students as anybody else. around an underperforming school informs her Mrs Hill has been spending time getting to know decision making: ‘There are a lot of parallels her students and staff, as well as liaising with ‘Education makes a huge difference to people’s between this school and the previous school the local authority and MPs: ‘I have been very lives. Fundamentally our job is to make sure I was at, which was the most deprived school pleasantly surprised by our students, their general our students get the best opportunities.’


Our Year 10 students designed and made an intriguing array of animal habitats and products as part of their Product Design curriculum. Mr Loosemore gave them the brief to research a product to suit the needs of garden wildlife and they could choose which animals they would cater for. Firstly the students researched what was currently available by visiting garden centres to see the size, shape, features and functions of products already on the market. After that they had to think about the specific needs of the animal or bird they were catering for. Finally, after drawing up plans and making scale models as test pieces and to iron out any manufacturing or design problems, the students took about 10 weeks to make the full sized versions. Most went for animal houses and bird boxes and there were some very creative designs such as a miniature wooden caraven with a rounded roof. Students wrote a descriptor for each of their creations and they were all included in a specially produced catalogue. Charlie Wallace said: ‘I thought that it was an amazing experience and a really fun project to make’. Connor said: ‘I thought it was good and fun but I wish I made a better design with more detail’ while Jody Haines added: ‘I enjoyed making my product because I liked the design. However I wish I had made it easier to make!’


Principals from across the Trust effective schools to see how well the Schools met for the first phase of the schools have got these features in place. NAHT Aspire Programme, an initiative From that, across the Trust, we see if to drive up performance in schools. The there are any common development areas scheme develops key aspects of school and that becomes the focus. life and achievement, particularly across multi-academy trusts, helping ‘Aspire has been running since 2012 them to share best practice and and since then the programme has been achieve measurable impact. rolled out across the country as the NAHT can see the impact of the initial Ian Rawstorne from Edison Learning, pilot and now good and outstanding said: ‘We look at schools through the schools are joining as well. It is a wrap- Aspire model which has features of highly around approach for schools.’ NEWS their donations and thewinning Each formgroup istracking the mostnon-perishables. vying toseewhichcandonate the eventandformgroups are Clarkson Academyissupporting This isthethird yearthatThomas the ‘We Scare Hunger’campaign. food bankinWisbechaspartof food itemstodonatethelocal Staff andstudentsare collecting BANK INITIATIVE TCA SUPPORTS FOOD supported bytheSkillsService. volunteering andcommunityengagement.Theeventwas the nextstepsavailableThere wasalsoinformationabout students experimentsanduniversitiescollegesexplaining bringing mannequinsforstudentstodress, ALSshowing their cabsforstudentstoclimbinto,bricklaying,Tescos There were variousactivitiesfrom Knowlesproviding oneof employers andproviders alike. hour slottomaketheirwayaround theeventandengagewith Students from Years 8,10,11,12and13were givenahalf jobs andhighereducationopportunitiesonoffer. our recent Careers Eventwithnearly800studentslookingatthe More than30companiesandorganisations were represented at TCA CAREERS EVENT and aquizfortutor time. their formgroup’s foodcollection 20 non-perishable fooditemsto member ofstaffhadtodonate Roulette where thelosing events havebeenEggRussian teacher BenArrowsmith. Other Hunger’ isbeingco-ordinated by at King’s Lynn. ‘We Scare courtesy ofFrankieandBenny’s Year 11willwinapizzaparty, forms from eachcommunity plus • • • • • Knowles • • • • • Army • • • 3AAA Thanks toallourexhibitors:

Babcock Training Greater UTC Fire Service Fenland DistrictCouncil Tesco Stores Ltd Childcare, H&B,Simulator College ofWest Anglia(CWA) – Royal AirForce Royal Navy/Marines Anglian Water MMB, MWH,Grontmij) Barhale, BalfourBeatty, @One Alliance(Skanska,

• • • • Wildcats • • Police • • YMCA • Metalcraft • ALS • • • Skills Service NOVA Training POSH –Peterborough United Computing (PRC) –Hospitality&Catering, Peterborough Regional College National CitizenService(NCS) Defence Group Aero Academy Marshall Aerospace and Bishop Grosseteste University Lincoln University


The students and staff raised £1413.40 for Children in Need with a mufti day and afternoon full of fun-packed activities including crafts, sports and competitions. Head of Sixth Form Jess Smith said: ‘The fun started early as people dressed in something spotty with prizes for the spottiest tutor group and mini competitions. In the afternoon the entire school was off timetable and engaged in sporty, creative or fun activities. Thanks to everyone that donated, took part or helped to organise the fundraising for such a good cause.’

Students from Years 7 and 8 watched a film in the theatre while Year 9s made ‘Spotacular art’ include Pudsey pots. There was also a ‘Spotacular Steps’ dance competition and other crafty workshops.

Year 10 pitted their wits against judges in ‘Pudsey’s Den’ presenting pitches about local charities with the best ones going through to a nerve-racking final in front of an audience plus Principal Mrs Hill and a team of judges. Year 11s had a mash up of ‘It’s a Knockout’ and ‘Total Wipeout’ while the Sixth Formers created and served snacks and refreshments and acted as ushers for the younger students enjoying the cinema experience.

Afterwards Ms Smith said: ‘The day was a huge success due to everyone’s input, team work and positive approach. The children behaved impeccably and the atmosphere throughout the day was fantastic. Many staff got involved in the activities during break and lunch and all period 3 & 4 activities produced some great outcomes. The Sixth Form leadership team, led by Charlotte Cameron and Ewan McConnachie were exemplary role models during the day. They ran all events, collected the money and even made TWO Tesco runs when we ran out of cakes on the bake sale! Considering this was their first ever organised event, they did an amazing job!’ TRIPS &OPPORTUNITIES could leadtogreater opportunities. understand thatuniversity ispossibleand ensuring thatprospective undergraduates to debtandhowtheloansare paidoff, The session‘bustedmyths’inrelation financial reasons, to reconsider theiroptions. that universitywasbeyondtheirreach for and toencouragestudents,whothought the applicationandrepayment process when anexpertcameintotalkthrough information aboutstudentfinance recently Sixth Formerswere abletoaccess REVEALED STUDENT FINANCE be appliedinreal lifesituations.’ with agreater knowledgeofhowphysicscan and thestudentscamebackenthused planet. There were lotsofinteresting activities motion usingoneofthefastestcamerason as seeingdynamitebeingblownupinslow wings. Theydidallsortsofotheractivitiessuch level flightbymanipulationofthenoseand They mademodelaeroplanes andhadtoget students hadsomeactivitiesduringtheday. researchers andscientistshavestudied.The institutions intheUKwhere manyleading students toseeoneofthegreat scientific said: ‘Thiswasagreat opportunityforour Trafford andHeadofPhysicsMrCobbywho The studentswere accompaniedbyMrs taken placethere since itopenedin1874. groundbreaking workandresearch thathas a guidedtourandintroduced tosomeofthe lots ofpracticalexperiments.Theywere given ‘Physics atWork’ eventwhere theycarriedout University’s physicsdepartmentforaspecial Cavendish Laboratory, thehomeofCambridge Our Year 10and11scientists visitedthe UNIVERSITY TO CAMBRIDGE PHYSICS TRIP organizations and colleges and universities. organizations andcollegesuniversities. alongside theArmedForces, voluntary Rover, Toyota andBritVic were represented, themes andlarge companiesincludingLand to practicalandacademiccareers and The showencompassedartisticandcreative, options available. wide rangeofcareers andfurthertraining National SkillsShowattheNECtosee Our SixthFormstudentsattendedthe NATIONAL SKILLSSHOW TO TAKE PART IN ENCOURAGED STUDENTS great onuniversity applications.’ scheme isalsorecognised byUCAS soitlooks willing togetinvolved innewactivities.The they becomeso motivated, confidentand amazing toseetheirpersonaldevelopment; abilities, focusandconfidencelevels. Itis you seeafterwards intheyoungpeople’s ‘The bestthingabouttheNCSis thedifference anewsetofskills. and learning to them.Itisallabouthelpingthe community money forcancerorrenovating anarea, itisup from raisingawareness aboutanissue,raising they are passionateabout.Itcouldbeanything community project thatinvolvessomething together. They havetoplanandimplementa people from different areas doingprojects ‘One ofourkeythingsistryingtogetdifferent university life. talk tothemaboutemployabilityskillsand and different businessesandorganisations the participantsspendaweekatuniversity that promote teamworkandleadership.Then week isanoutdoorresidential withactivities Co-ordinator NiallRobinsonsaid:‘Thefirst participant paysanominalfee. food andequipmentisprovided andeach heavily subsidisedandallaccommodation, old andinYears 11-13.Theschemeisvery to studentsagedbetween15and17years schemeisopen The Government-backed careers options. chance tofindoutmore aboutcoursesand university-style accommodationandhavethe well asaweek’s residential theyalsostayin skills andruntheirowncommunityproject. As take partinadventure new activities,learn their excitingprogramme where studentscan visited ThomasClarksonAcademytopromote Delegates from the NationalCitizenService NCS SCHEME unsure abouttheirfuture path. few, givingavaluableinsighttothosestill programming androbotics tonamebuta and hospitality, design,ITandcomputer construction, theleisure industry, catering number ofindustriesfrom buildingand The event,inNovember, covered a could seeacrimescenebeingexamined. Science sectionofparticularinterest andthey A numberofstudentsfoundtheForensic



It was Organised Chaos in the Expressive Arts department DANCE THROUGH TIME as our students performed their own choreographies! Organised Chaos was the title of the event and for some Inspire, the school’s contemporary dance company, are currently it was the first time they had performed. Well done to working with Rambert, Britain’s oldest dance company, as part of everyone as they all did really well and produced original their ‘Dancing through Time’ project to celebrate the 90th anniversary and creative movements. of the company. The students will be continuing to develop and rehearse the piece ready for a performance at Swavesey in February and the next school dance performance in March.


Five of our students attended the Getaway ART at the University of East Anglia to get a taste of what life at university is like. A total of six schools attended and so they Well done to Year 7 student Meida Rucinskaite who received a spent time doing outward-bound activities and team building box of oil pastels and certificates for handing in some amazing events to get to know the others. They stayed in en-suite homework. Meida and her class were asked to make a colour university accommodation, and attended the UEA campus the wheel using any materials. Meida made a working clock that now following day. This enabled them to explore what university had has pride of place on her teacher Ms Murphy’s wall. Ms Murphy to offer and gain a taste for student life. This is the fourth time said: ‘This was an amazing piece of homework as the colour wheel that students from Thomas Clarkson Academy have attended was so well executed, but to have the idea of making it into a this programme and the feedback is always very positive. clock was a stroke of genius and showed a real creative flair.’

building, watched the resident graduate They really put their all in and have widened DANCE dance company, Transitions, and took their dance knowledge. STUDENTS VISIT part in a contemporary class followed by a creative session. ‘We will definitely be using some of the TRINITY LABAN ideas and tasks used in future work with Dance teacher Mr White said: ‘All of the the Inspire Dance Company as well as in A total of 14 of our students took part in a students are currently studying GCSE lessons. The class the students watched taster day at Trinity Laban Conservatoire dance so they really engaged with was a Cunningham based class. It was a of Music and Dance, one of the UK’s everything they saw and took part in. For great insight as to where dance can take best dance universities. The students, some, it was very different to what they are them once they have finished their GCSEs from Years 9, 10 and 11, had a tour of the used to but they didn’t let that faze them. and further education.’ CURRICULUM NEWS Afterwards thechildren madetheirownChristmascakes whichtheyenjoyedattheirChristmasparty. listening tothechoir. Itwaslovely, thebuildingwashugeandIreally hadagoodtime.’ in CambridgeandIlovedsingingtheconcert.’‘Ithoughtitwasamazing,really enjoyed and enjoyedaprocession. Afterwards thechildren said‘Ienjoyedseeingtheoldbuildings The invitationwasinrecognition oftheirimpeccablebehaviourandtheysawlotsdignitaries Our studentsfrom theCooperCentre attendedacarol concertatKing’s College,Cambridge. Miss McNicol,aCanadianteacher, brought things theywere mostgrateful for. feast andhadachancetotalkaboutthe teaching assistantstoshare inthetraditional pumpkin pieeach.Theyinvitedteachersand roast chickenswithallthe trimmingsplusa tradition. Theyworkedinteamstocookfour more aboutthehistoryof learning mouthwatering Thanksgivingmealafter Students workedtogethertocreate a STUDENTS HOLD THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION around theWisbecharea. exhibition thatwillbeshared inchurches interesting andthought-provoking art of RE,MrsBoldero, havecreated an Year 8s,underthedirection oftheHead of theWisbechInterfaithForum. drama andculture shared withmembers The result wasaneveningofart,song, question: ‘Whatdoesfaithmeantoyou?’ 13 chosetheirownwaytoanswerthe Students from years8,9,10,11,12and Reformed Church. interfaith festivalatWisbech’s United participate inathoughtfulanddynamic November sawagroup ofTCAstudents CHAMPIONS TCA INTERFAITH NEWS FROM THECOOPER CENTRE They researched recipes andcalculated Thanksgiving anditslinkstoBritishhistory. the historyofCanadianandAmerican As apreparation about students learned and spentafulldaypreparing themeal. Meadowgate InclusionandNurture Group the CooperCentre worked withthosefrom years ago.HerKeyStage3studentsfrom Clarkson Academywhenshejoinedfour the ThanksgivingtraditiontoThomas they hadmade. enjoyed someofthedeliciouspumpkinpie sauce. MrsHillspokewithstudentsand green beans,bread, gravyandcranberry mashed potatoes,roasted vegetables, in smallgroups tocookroast chickens, to takehometheirfamiliesandworked people. Theyeachmadeapumpkinpie to makeaThanksgivingdinnerfor15 the costofbuyingingredients needed

08/09 NEWS

been on updating and expanding the library’s collection, getting every tutor group to read PROFILE via the book box scheme and having lots of TCA’S LIBRARIAN competitions and visiting authors so there is DEBBIE TRAFFORD always something exciting going on. She said: ‘We keep the book boxes up to date and make sure we have lots of popular titles Our Librarian Mrs Debbie Trafford is like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and the Guinness passionate about getting students Book of World Records. Tutors bring their reading and excited about fiction and has groups down to the library to select their own Over the years Debbie has arranged many developed many literacy strategies since books so students can see the value and author visits: ‘Seeing real life artists, novelist taking up the post four years ago. relevance of regular library visits. and poets is an amazing way of enthusing Sheis ideally qualified for her career as she ‘We have at least one competition every the students and getting whole year groups initially trained as a primary school teacher half term and give out green cards just for involved. Authors and poets bring their before becoming a librarian, firstly in public entering. We bring a lot of fun, excitement words to life and it means that students get libraries and then in the education sector. and bright displays to the library and prizes access to genres and topics that they might are awarded in assembly; sometimes it is not necessarily encounter normally. My aim She took two years to become a certified a package of things like books, pencils, is to ensure that our students can access as librarian and had to provide detailed certificates and sweets or we give out much good material as possible in order to evidence and a portfolio of her professional vouchers as well for more complex expand their horizons and develop a lifelong skills. Her focus at Thomas Clarkson has competitions.’ passion for reading.’ STUDENTS SIGN BWT COMBINED UP FOR DOFE’S CADET FORCE’S AWARD SCHEME

BERET PARADE 2016 This year’s cohort has already signed up for the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme and is busy planning this year’s activities. Students have to complete a combination of voluntary work, a physical skill and expeditions and around 40 attended the initial meeting.

The scheme is co-ordinated by teachers Tom Cobby and Dan Hudson and they are planning to run two or three groups of Bronze participants, along with one group at Silver Around 60 students from across the Trust announcement of promotions and awards level. Sixth Formers who completed Silver last Schools, including Thomas Clarkson with trophies presented to four cadets who year may also have the chance to continue to Academy, took part in the latest Combined had excelled this year. Gold level with a county-based group. Cadet Force parade where the 22 newest This is the third cohort of students to join Some of the physical activities that our recruits were presented with their Berets. The our CCF detachment and they range in age event was attended by parents, VIPs and the students have undertaken include practice from Years 9/10 to 12. walks in Thetford Forest, treks around the rivers Trust’s Chief Executive Dr Andrew Campbell. Dr Campbell told parents: ‘I am a great and canals north west of Peterborough and The Brooke Weston Trust CCF banner believer in the CCF and to bring five schools expeditions to a forest outside Birmingham. was paraded before cadets gave a display together every week to make the most of these Mr Cobby said: ‘The benefits of taking part of drill practice. Dr Campbell inspected opportunities is a big task, for the schools, are enormous. All of the things they learn the cadets, which marked the formal volunteers and all the people that help us relate to various aspects of academic study; presentation of the Royal Anglian Regiment so it is testament that we have a growing including mathematics, geography, history Beret & Cap badge. Then followed the contingent. The future really is very bright.’ and the skills needed for them to become more independent. TEACHING STAFF to be involved. Each of the teachers had to submit an application at the end of the ‘It broadens students’ horizons as they visit NEWS summer term and this was followed by a half- different places and see the physical and day assessment in Birmingham. Demand for human geography of the country. They learn Congratulations to Mrs Deborah Simpson places on this course is high and it attracts map reading and how to use compasses. and Mr Trevor Jones, who are among 16 high calibre staff from all over the country. Maths accuracy is crucial as they route plan teachers from across Brooke Weston Trust and work out timings, pacing, how far they who have successfully secured places on The two-year course stretches and supports are going to walk at what speed, and their the nationally accredited Teaching Leaders participants to become leaders in the future planned arrival times. Fellows programme. This is a two-year and improve educational outcomes for ‘One of the main benefits is that they learn course aimed at further developing high students. This group of Brooke Weston Trust leadership skills, planning and self-reliance potential middle leaders. staff will now work together and lead an Impact Project focused on a key strategic as they have to complete solo tasks including The programme has been running for a priority for the Trust, that is securing voluntary work and a skill. Finally the scheme number of years and this is the first time that seamless curriculum provision from primary is something that they physically enjoy doing. the Trust has sponsored a number of staff to secondary school. It is hard and requires commitment and dedication, which are valuable life skills.’ SPORTS SUCCESS YEAR 8NETBALL and they have made Miss Thomas and the Academy very proud. and theyhavemadeMissThomastheAcademyveryproud. unbeaten inallsixoftheirgames.Thisisagreat successforallinvolved Champions 2016.Thegirlshavebecomechampionsinstyleremaining Congratulations totheYear 7girls’netballteamonbecomingIsle ofEly Ford, CharlotteJudge,MaisieStratton. Kirby, SianCundell,KacieHancock,ChelseaHandley, Eleanor Akinrefon, ChantelleLott,KyiaHolmes,Lloyd,Tarryn Year 7netballteam:MeganAllen(Captain),TiaOnslow, Sharon CHAMPIONS YEAR 7ISLEOF ELY Rookies NetballClubbasedatWisbechGrammarSchool. Lily BaileyatGS.HarmonieMattlesshasrecently progressed to being veryhigh.Vanesa Marcova hasexcelledatGDas team spirithasbeenakeytotheirsuccess,withcommitment currently unbeatenintheIsleofElyleaguesinceOctober. Thegirls’ have improved theirgametremendously, somuchthattheyare this term.TheyformedasabrandnewteaminSeptember, and The Year 8Netballteamhavemadegreat progress throughout Harvey Fewster andKarolis Jankunas. Krastins, Julianas Jonusas,BrunonBajalski,Aironas Jacina, Larner, SonnyLynn, BrandonRust,Redgford Kilby, Raivo Hajdukiewicz, MatthewHollis, RodrigoSeborro, Joshua Brighty, LukasAleksandravicius,DeclanWakeham, Tomasz Knowles, ConnorBand,Kacper Bembenek-Widuch,Reeve Well donetoourteam: DannyGrieve(Captain),Tyler league andwinningtheirfinal game aconvincing60–0. They played6andwonnetting atotalof18pointsinthe unbeaten runofwinstobecrowned theIsleofElyChampions. Congratulations toourYear 8rugbyteamwhohavehadan CHAMPIONS! YEAR 8RUGBY TEAMARE NETBALL NETBALL Congratulations onagreat trainingcampBen. were beatenbythePremier Leagueteamstheywere upagainst. thattheyplayedinbut Ben andhisteamwonthetournament to bebacktrainingandplayingthenextday. they didn’t getbacktothehoteluntil11.30eachnightthenhad plus gamesagainstotherteams.Itwasagruellingscheduleand with avarietyofteams.Benhastwotrainingsessionseachday hockey andhasrecently spentaweekinPortugalcompeting Student BenDavishasrepresented Englandinthesportofroller ENGLAND INROLLER HOCKEY STUDENT REPRESENTS my homeworkalong anddoitbetweenmatches!’ I alwayslookforward tothecompetitions andsometimesItake give up.Thelongest matchIhadlastedfourand ahalfhours! can goonforalongtimeandyou havetojustkeepatitandnot doubles. You needtobementally strong becausethematches tennis becauseitisquiterelaxed althoughIprefer singlesto old theyare, astheyare justanotherplayeronthecourt.Ilike Premier Leaguesquaddoesn’t fazehim:‘Itdoesn’t matterhow Playing againstopponentsupto fiveyearsolderintheU-16s so Ikeeppractisingbasicthingslikeforehand andbackhand.’ of drills,likefootwork,asIneedtorunaround thecourtquickly put inabout12–15practicesessionsaweek.Ihavetodolot at acompetitioninNorthampton.Itraineverydayuntillateand U12 competitionandcamesecondinthe16-and-undercategory andcamesecondand, that sameweekend,Iwonthe tournament invited to.Irecently played inLondonacountyfinalU14 Seth said:‘Themore competitions youwinthemore youget game stillfurther. to aspecialisttrainingcampinSpainnextsummerboosthis the countryinhisagegroup. Heishopingtobeinvitedalong course tobethetopincountyandfiveplayers When theplayers’rankingsare updatedinAprilSethison TENNIS CHAMPAIMSHIGH specialises inhittingtechniques. footwork andtheotherwho coaches, onewhohelpswith in Peterborough andhastwo He trainsupto15timesaweek Association’s rankings. is risinguptheLawnTennis latest competitionboutsand a goldandtwosilversinhis playing agedjustthree, achieved medals sofar. Seth,whobegan around 50trophies and100 a tenniscareer afterwinning Williams hashissightsseton Year 7studentSethBriggs-

10/11 NEWS / DATES

DANNY SCORES IN RUGBY IS YOUR CHILD SELECTION PROCESS GETTING THEIR ENTITLEMENT? Congratulations to our student Danny Grieve who has just been accepted into Please help us to access Northampton Saints Rugby Academy despite additional funding for schools and only taking up the sport just a year ago. ensure your child receives their Danny, who also plays for Wisbech Town entitlement. They could be eligible Rugby Club, was encouraged to go along for to receive free food every day and trials by sports teachers Mr Porfirio and Mr the school could receive £935 per Smith who saw his potential. After trials at student to be spent by the school Cambridge and Northampton where he was on their education. put through his paces by coach, Bob Mann, Over the next few weeks our staff he got the great news he was in the squad. will be discussing eligibility with Although Danny, from Year 8, has to wait students, please help us to receive until winter 2017 before his academy this money. training regime kicks in, he is keeping up his fitness by playing with his older All parents/carers will shortly schoolmates in TCA’s Year 9 rugby team receive a letter in the post who most recently won 75 – 20 against regarding eligibility for free food Witchford Village College. entitlement. In order to access this funding please complete the He said: ‘I used to play football for five or online form (link will be shown in six years, but I found rugby just over a year parent/carer letter). Alternatively ago and it is my new hobby. My PE teachers you can find this information on put me through for the Saints Academy our website. selection process. I just had to practice really hard playing my best. They wanted to see what we could do in terms of speed and reaction and I had to wait a while before I got the news that I had been selected. ‘I love rugby and play in a variety of positions. I like it because I am a team player and it is good at developing tactics, friendship and leadership skills. My family and friends are thrilled for me and ideally I would love a career in rugby or something sports-related.’

Thomas Clarkson Academy Term Dates Spring 2017

Spring Term Training Day 5: Wednesday, 4 January 2017 Term Starts: Thursday, 5 January 2017 Half-Term: Monday, 13 February 2017 to Friday, 17 February 2017 We hope you have enjoyed Term Ends: Friday, 31 March 2017 reading this edition of News Summer Term @ TCA We are always keen Term Starts: Tuesday, 18 April 2017 to hear your feedback or Bank Holiday: Monday, 1 May 2017 Half-Term: Monday, 29 May 2017 to Friday, 2 June 2017 thoughts on content for future Term Ends: Friday, 21 July 2017 editions

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