New Publications Offered by the AMS

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New Publications Offered by the AMS New Publications Offered by the AMS Relatively Hyperbolic Algebra and Algebraic EMOIRS M of the American Mathematical Society Groups: Intrinsic Geometry Volume 179 Number 843 Relatively Hyperbolic Geometry, Algebraic Groups: Intrinsic Geometry, Properties, and Algebraic Properties, The Theory of and Algorithmic Problems Algorithmic Problems The Theory of Denis V. Osin THEMAT A IC M A L N Group Characters A S O Group Characters C I C R I E Denis V. Osin E T M Y A F OU 88 and Matrix NDED 18 Representations and Matrix Contents: Introduction; Relative American Mathematical Society of Groups Representations isoperimetric inequalities; Geometry Second Edition of finitely generated relatively Dudley E. Littlewood of Groups hyperbolic groups; Algebraic properties; Algorithmic Second Edition problems; Open questions; Appendix. Equivalent definitions of AMS CHELSEA PUBLISHING relative hyperbolicity; Bibliography. American Mathematical Society • Providence, Rhode Island Dudley E. Littlewood Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 179, Number 843 Originally written in 1940, this book remains a classical source on December 2005, 100 pages, Softcover, ISBN 0-8218-3821-0, LC representations and characters of finite and compact groups. 2005053663, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20F65; The book starts with necessary information about matrices, 20F05, 20F06, 20F10, 20F67, 20F69, Individual member algebras, and groups. Then the author proceeds to US$35, List US$58, Institutional member US$46, Order code representations of finite groups. Of particular interest in this MEMO/179/843 part of the book are several chapters devoted to representations and characters of symmetric groups and the closely related theory of symmetric polynomials. The Analysis concluding chapters present the representation theory of classical compact Lie groups, including a detailed description of representations of the unitary and orthogonal groups. The The Calculus of EMOIRS book, which can be read with minimal prerequisites (an M of the undergraduate algebra course), allows the reader to get a good American Mathematical Society One-Sided M-Ideals Volume 179 Number 842 understanding of beautiful classical results about group The Calculus of and Multipliers in representations. One-Sided M-Ideals and Multipliers Operator Spaces This item will also be of interest to those working in discrete in Operator Spaces mathematics and combinatorics. David P. Blecher and David P. Blecher Vrej Zarikian Vrej Zarikian THEMAT Contents: Matrices; Algebras; Groups; The Frobenius algebra; A IC M A L N A S O C I C R I E E T M Y A F OU 88 The symmetric group; Immanants and S-functions; S-functions NDED 18 Contents: Introduction; Preliminaries; of special series; The calculation of the characters of the American Mathematical Society Spatial action; Examples; Constructions; symmetric group; Group characters and the structure of One-sided type decompositions and groups; Continuous matrix groups and invariant matrices; Morita equivalence; Central M-structure Groups of unitary matrices; Appendix; Bibliography; for operator spaces; Future directions; Appendix A. Some Supplementary bibliography; Index. results from Banach space theory; Appendix B. Infinite matrices AMS Chelsea Publishing over an operator space; Appendix. Bibliography. March 2006, 310 pages, Hardcover, ISBN 0-8218-4067-3, 2000 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 179, Mathematics Subject Classification: 20Cxx, Individual member Number 842 US$41, List US$45, Order code CHEL/357.H December 2005, 85 pages, Softcover, ISBN 0-8218-3823-7, LC 2005053579, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L07, 46L89; 46B20, 46B04, Individual member US$35, List US$58, Institutional member US$46, Order code MEMO/179/842 288 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 53, NUMBER 2 New Publications Offered by the AMS techniques minimal but giving detailed proofs and many Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Wave Packet CBMS examples and illustrations from physics and celestial Regional Conference Series in Mathematics Analysis mechanics. After all, the celestial N-body problem is the origin Number 105 of dynamical systems and gave rise in the past to many Christoph Thiele mathematical developments. Wave Packet Analysis The concept of “wave packet analysis” Jürgen Moser (1928–1999) was a professor at the Courant originates in Carleson’s famous proof Institute, New York, and then at ETH Zurich. He served as Christoph Thiele of almost everywhere convergence of president of the International Mathematical Union and Fourier series of L2 functions. It was received many honors and prizes, among them the Wolf Prize later used by Lacey and Thiele to in mathematics. Jürgen Moser is the author of several books, THEMAT A IC M A L N ΤΡΗΤΟΣ ΜΗ ΕΙΣΙΤΩ A S American Mathematical Society O C I C R I E E ΑΓΕΩΜΕ T Y M with support from the A prove bounds on the bilinear Hilbert among them Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical F 8 O 88 National Science Foundation UNDED 1 transform. For quite some time, Systems. Eduard Zehnder is a professor at ETH Zurich. He is Carleson’s wave packet analysis was coauthor with Helmut Hofer of the book Symplectic Invariants thought to be an important idea, but and Hamiltonian Dynamics. that it had limited applications. But in recent years, it has This item will also be of interest to those working in analysis. become clear that this is an important tool for a number of other applications. This book is an introduction to these tools. Titles in this series are copublished with the Courant Institute of Math- ematical Sciences at New York University. It emphasizes the classical successes (Carleson’s theorem and the Hilbert transform) in the main development. However, the Contents: Transformation theory; Periodic orbits; Integrable book closes with a dedicated chapter on more recent results. Hamiltonian systems; Bibliography. Carleson’s original theorem is sometimes cited as one of the Courant Lecture Notes, Volume 12 most important developments of 20th century harmonic January 2006, 256 pages, Softcover, ISBN 0-8218-3577-7, LC analysis. The set of ideas stemming from his proof is now 2005055871, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 37–01, seen as an essential element in modern harmonic analysis. 37Kxx, 53Dxx, 58Exx, 70Fxx, 70H05, All AMS members Indeed, Thiele won the Salem prize jointly with Michael Lacey US$27, List US$34, Order code CLN/12 for work in this area. The book gives a nice survey of important material, such as an overview of the theory of singular integrals and wave packet A Geometric analysis itself. There is a separate chapter on “further EMOIRS M of the developments”, which gives a broader view on the subject, American Mathematical Society Mechanism for though it does not exhaust all ongoing developments. Volume 179 Number 844 A Geometric Mechanism Contents: Introduction; Wavelets and square functions; for Diffusion in Hamiltonian Diffusion in Systems Overcoming the Interpolation of multilinear operators; Paraproducts; Wave Large Gap Problem: Heuristics and Rigorous Hamiltonian Systems packets; Multilinear forms with modulation symmetries; Verification on a Model Carleson’s theorem; The Walsh model; Further applications of Amadeu Delshams Overcoming the Rafael de la Llave Tere M. Seara THEMAT A IC wave packet analysis; Bibliography. M A L N A S O C I C R I E E T M Y A Large Gap Problem: F OU 88 NDED 18 CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, Number Heuristics and 105 American Mathematical Society February 2006, 86 pages, Softcover, ISBN 0-8218-3661-7, 2000 Rigorous Verification Mathematics Subject Classification: 42–02; 42A99, 47H60, 42A20, All Individuals US$23, List US$29, Order code on a Model CBMS/105 Amadeu Delshams, Rafael de la Llave, and Tere M. Seara Contents: Introduction; Heuristic discussion of the Differential Equations mechanism; A simple model; Statement of rigorous results; Notation and definitions, resonances; Geometric features of the unperturbed problem; Persistence of the normally hyperbolic invariant manifold and its stable and unstable ˜ COURANT 12 manifolds; The dynamics in Λε; The scattering map; Existence of transition chains; Orbits shadowing the transition chains J Ü RGEN MOSER LECTURE EDUARD J. ZEHNDER NOTES and proof of Theorem 4.1; Conclusions and remarks; An Notes on Dynamical example; Acknowledgments; Bibliography. Notes on Systems Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 179, Dynamical Number 844 Systems Jürgen Moser and Eduard J. Zehnder December 2005, 141 pages, Softcover, ISBN 0-8218-3824-5, LC 2005053662, 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 37J40, This book is an introduction to the 37C29, 34C37; 70H08, 37C50, 34C29, Individual member American Mathematical Society field of dynamical systems, in US$37, List US$62, Institutional member US$50, Order code Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences particular, to the special class of MEMO/179/844 Hamiltonian systems. The authors aimed at keeping the requirements of mathematical FEBRUARY 2006 NOTICES OF THE AMS 289 New Publications Offered by the AMS and expositors is intended to capture the essence of the Discrete Mathematics and Coxeter legacy. It is a mixture of surveys, up-to-date information, history, storytelling, and personal memories; and Combinatorics it includes a rich variety of beautiful illustrations. This item will also be of interest to those working in discrete mathematics and combinatorics. A Sharp Threshold Contents: B. Mühlherr, The isomorphism problem for Coxeter EMOIRS M of the groups; A. V. Borovik, Coxeter theory: The cognitive aspects; American Mathematical Society for Random Graphs Volume 179 Number 845 M. Ronan, From Galois and Lie to Tits buildings; B. Kostant, A Sharp Threshold with a The Coxeter element and the branching law for the finite for Random Graphs with subgroups of SU(2); R. Kellerhals, Hyperbolic Coxeter groups a Monochromatic Triangle Monochromatic in Every Edge Coloring and space forms; P. McMullen and E. Schulte, Regular and chiral polytopes in low dimensions; B. Monson and Ehud Friedgut Triangle in Every Vojtech Rödl Andrzej Rucinski´ A. I. Weiss, Polytopes, honeycombs, groups and graphs; Prasad Tetali THEMAT A IC M A L N A S O C I C Edge Coloring R I J.
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