HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, December 17, 1998
27770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE December 17, 1998 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, December 17, 1998 Pursuant to section 3 of House Con Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour Mr. Thomas J. Murrin, Pennsylvania; current Resolution 353, One Hundred nal stands approved. Mr. Kenneth Saxe, Pennsylvania; Fifth Congress, the House met at 10 Mr. Frank Riggs, California; and a.m. and was called to order by the Mr. Frank Roberts, California. Speaker, Hon. NEWT GINGRICH. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. SPENCE) COMMUNICATION FROM THE NOTIFICATION OF REASSEMBLING come forward and lead the House in the CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS Pledge of Allegiance. ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN The SPEAKER. The Chair lays before Mr. SPENCE led the Pledge of Alle FRASTRUCTURE the House the text of the formal notifi giance as follows: The Speaker laid before the House cation sent to Members on Monday, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the following communication from the December 14, 1998, of the reassembling United States of America, and to the Repub chairman of the Committee on Trans of the House, which the Clerk will read. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, portation and Infrastructure; which The Clerk read as follows: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. was read and referred to the Com OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER, mittee on Appropriations. Washington, DC, December 14, 1998. APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF WASHINGTON, DC, Pursuant to section 3 of House Concurrent THE ADVISORY COMMISSION ON October 13, 1998. Resolution 353 and after consultation with ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Hon.
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