Extensions of Remarks E1456 HON. DENNIS A. ROSS HON. RON

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Extensions of Remarks E1456 HON. DENNIS A. ROSS HON. RON E1456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 19, 2014 That is why I strongly support H. Res. 726, QuakeWrap is to be recognized and cele- ford’s Fall Foliage Festival. This wonderful which condemns the continuing political, eco- brated for its job creation and sales here in event celebrates not only the changing of the nomic, and military aggression by the Russian the United States and in multiple international seasons, but all that the town of Bedford has Federation against Ukraine and the violation of markets, including Australia, Indonesia, Mex- to offer. its sovereignty, independence, and territorial ico, Nigeria and Vietnam, as well as its work Every year, the coming of fall brings about integrity. with the United Nations. Both private and pub- a beautiful transformation across Central I strongly support the resolution’s demand lic sector customers are utilizing its patented Pennsylvania. From the changing color of the that the Russian Federation remove its military carbon fiber technology to repair, modernize leaves, to the return of autumn favorites like forces and military equipment from the territory and secure vital infrastructure for public safety Sunday football and pumpkin pie, there truly is of Ukraine, including equipment provided to and commerce, such as bridges, pipelines, no better place to experience all that the sea- the separatist and paramilitary forces. buildings and piers. Among their diverse port- son has to offer than in the heart of our state. I applaud the resolution’s call for the Presi- folio of projects, they have repaired the tunnel That is why I am honored to stand here today dent to cooperate with allies and partners in system under the University of Arizona, done to celebrate 50 years of the Bedford Fall Foli- Europe and other nations around the world to retrofit work on Alcatraz Island in the San age Festival. impose visa bans, targeted asset freezes, sec- Francisco Bay, provided seismic retrofit for the In 1964, the Bedford County Motor Club and tor sanctions, and other measures on the Rus- VA Medical Center in Albuquerque, provided the Antique Auto Club joined together to cre- sian Federation and its leadership sufficient to blast protection for the new UN building in Bei- ate the Historical and Fall Tour, an event compel it to end its violation of Ukraine’s sov- rut, Lebanon and begun an extensive infra- which then came to be known as the Fall Foli- ereignty and territorial integrity. structure pile project in Nigeria. age Festival in 1966 and has grown ever Mr. Speaker, I ask all members to join me QuakeWrap is an example of a small U.S. since. Today, the event draws an estimated in voting for H. Res 726. business that has grown by being a leader in 70,000 visitors to Bedford over the course of f state-of-the-art technology and by embracing two weekends, and features the work of over exporting as key to their growth strategy. Even 400 artists and craftsmen. In addition, pa- TAIWAN’S NATIONAL DAY in the face of great economic recession, rades, antique cars, the crowning of the fall fo- QuakeWrap increased its revenues and cre- liage queen, and a wide range of musical en- HON. DENNIS A. ROSS ated jobs in our community. QuakeWrap has tertainment offer excitement for people of all OF FLORIDA also made strategic and effective utilization of ages. The event is one of the largest fall foli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES key export resources at both the federal and age festivals in the Northeast, and its 50th an- state levels, including the U.S. Commercial niversary this year promises to be the best Thursday, September 18, 2014 Service and its Arizona Export Assistance one yet. Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, as Taiwan’s na- Center in Arizona, the Arizona Commerce Au- I would like to thank all of the dedicated vol- tional day, known as Double Ten Day, ap- thority, and the U.S. Small Business Adminis- unteers who have put so much effort into mak- proaches on October 10, I rise to remind my tration—demonstrating the impactful collabora- ing the Bedford Fall Foliage Festival such a colleagues that Taiwan, our democratic ally, tion that can indeed exist between the private lasting success. Their hard work has ensured continues to be left out of international organi- and public sectors. that the festival continues to be a highlight zations at the insistence of China. f every autumn, and I know that it will only get Taiwan’s exclusion does not befit a society better in the years to come. I’m proud to have that is modern, prosperous, and democratic, OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL such a wonderful event in the 9th District, and and a government whose institutions have im- DEBT hope that everyone has a chance to visit and plemented the operating procedures and experience fall in Bedford County. guidelines set forth by the very international HON. MIKE COFFMAN f organizations from which it has been shut out. OF COLORADO America shares many values with Taiwan, in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING RON TINGLEY cluding our commitment to democracy, human Thursday, September 18, 2014 rights, and free markets, and this is a voice Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January HON. JEFF DENHAM from which we should hear in the forums de- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- OF CALIFORNIA bating the complex issues and challenges of fice, the national debt was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our time. $10,626,877,048,913.08. Thursday, September 18, 2014 The best way we can honor our friends in Today, it is $17,770,878,224,353.80. We’ve Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Taiwan as they celebrate their national day, in added $7,144,001,175,440.72 to our debt in 5 acknowledge and honor the life of Ron addition to extending our best wishes and con- years. This is over $6.9 trillion in debt our na- Tingley, who passed way September 8th in a gratulations—which I do now—is to continue tion, our economy, and our children could tragic traffic accident. Ron was born to Ethel to build on the work we have done to strength- have avoided with a balanced budget amend- and Richard Tingley January 31, 1947. His en Taiwan’s meaningful participation in inter- ment. national organizations where Taiwan’s mem- lifelong interest in our veterans started with his f bership is impossible due to its unique political father who was a World War II vet stationed status. I hope my colleagues will join me in PERSONAL EXPLANATION primarily in Guam. In addition, his grandfather this effort and also join me in wishing Taiwan served as a motorcycle courier in Germany a Happy Double Ten Day. HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ during World War I. After retiring from 41 f OF PENNSYLVANIA years of service as a counselor at Modesto IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Junior College, Ron wanted to give back and CONGRESSIONAL RECOGNITION OF Thursday, September 18, 2014 continued his work with our country’s vet- QUAKEWRAP FOR ITS SUCCESS erans. IN IMPROVING INFRASTRUCTURE Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Mr. Tingley played an instrumental part in SAFETY WORLDWIDE No. 495 I was unable to attend. Had I been establishing the Veteran’s Resource Center present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ (VRC) at Modesto Junior College (MJC). The HON. RON BARBER f VRC opened three years ago as a permanent OF ARIZONA RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVER- location for vets to meet, study, and share ca- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SARY OF BEDFORD, PENNSYLVA- maraderie. Once in place, Ron worked with NIA’S FALL FOLIAGE FESTIVAL veteran students to solidify the purposes and Thursday, September 18, 2014 services of the VRC. Uniting partners in the Mr. BARBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in HON. BILL SHUSTER community helped the VRC extend services recognition and celebration of QuakeWrap, a beyond the college campus. OF PENNSYLVANIA growing business in Tucson, Arizona that is In addition, Mr. Tingley collaborated with off- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES improving the safety of infrastructure around campus resources to educate and train MJC the globe. On October 1, 2014, they will be Thursday, September 18, 2014 veteran students to facilitate peer support honored by the District Export Council of Ari- Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in groups. He became keenly aware of the zona for their success in exporting. recognition of the 50th anniversary of Bed- needs of spouses and dependents and it was VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Sep 20, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18SE8.007 E19SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 19, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1457 crucial for him to develop a veterans’ spousal to represent a district rich in cultural and eth- ognized Indian tribes for off-reservation com- support group and network. nic diversity and with a substantial Hispanic mercial activities. Because the United States Beyond meeting the needs of the veterans, population. Constitution expressly and exclusively grants Ron educated a wide variety of MJC per- Mr. Speaker, Texas is home to more than to Congress plenary authority over every one sonnel about the challenges that veterans face 10 million Hispanic residents and there are of our Nation’s 566 federally-recognized Indian on a daily basis as they acclimate to civilian 938,882 Hispanics in Houston, comprising tribes, I rise to provide my views on this deci- life. Campus staff and faculty leaned on Ron 43.4% of the city’s population, the third largest sion that can have serious ramifications for In- to handle the most sensitive situations.
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