The London Gazette, November 26, 1395
6672 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1395. Captain T. P. B. Ternan, D.S.O., the Man- ±th Battalion, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Cyril chester Regiment, is granted the local rank of Charlie Hamilton Potter, Gent., to be Second Major in Uganda whilst in command of the Lieutenant. Dated 27th November, 1895. Soudanese Troops in that country. Dated 27th 3rd Battalion, the South Wales Borderers, Thomas November, 1895. Catiell Greenway Gent., to be Second Lieu- Surgeon-Major and Honorary Deputy In- tenant. Dated 27th November, 1895. spector-General Richard Domenichetti, M.D., 3rd Battalion, the Gloucestershire -Regiment, The retired late Army Medical Department, to be transfer of Lieutenant W. A. Fuller, from the Honorary Physician to the Queen, vice Surgeon- 4th Battalion, as Second Lieutenant, which was General J. Irvine, M.D., retired pay late Medical gazetted on the 12th November, 1895, should Staff, deceased. Dated 27th November, 1895. have been dated 5th November, 1895. Surgeon - .Major - General Charles Dodgson Madden, retired pay late Medical Staff, to' be 3rd Battalion, the Hampshire Regiment, Captain Honorary Surgeon to the Queen, vice Director- Sir R. N. Rycroft, Bart., resigns his Commis- General Sir T. Crawford, M.D., F.R.C.S.I., sion. Dated 27th November, 1895. K.C.B.; retired pay late Medical Staff, deceased. 4th Battalion, the Essex Regiment, Altham Brown- Dated 27th November, 1895. ing Wilmer, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Surgeon-General Herbert Taylor Reade, V.C., Dated 27th November, 1895. C.B., retired pay late Medical Staff, to be Hon- 4/A Battalion, the Sherwood Foresters (Derby- orary Surgeon to the Queen, vice Surgeon- shire tiegiment), Arthur Blake, Gent., to be General Sir Thomas Longmore, Knt., F.R.C.S.
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