April 29, 1999

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April 29, 1999 PAGES 9-12 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 24 IYAR 13, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1999 35¢ PER COPY Have You Hugged Your Kids Today? Searching for answers to country find themselves in the samesituationwithschool," said dations about returning to tims were being punished for position of explaining to and Giusti. school this week. Rabbi James something they did wrong­ the Columbine tragedy easing the fears of their own Over the last weekend, con­ RosenbergofTemple Habonirn, thoug_hts we may believe to be by Kimberly Ann Orlandi children. gregations of all religious faiths Barrington,includedinhisApril irrational but are quite rational Herald Editor According to Dr. Laura throughout Rhode Island came 23servicethenamesofthedead for young children who are be­ Children are our most valuable Giusti, a clinical psychologist together to remember those who as part of the Kaddish. Like ginning to develop differences natural resource. specializinginchildren and their perished, including an interfaith Giusti, Rabbi Rosenberg be­ between right an:d wrong." - Herbert Hoover families and a consultant to area service on April 23 at Temple lieves that any explanation to Giusti further recommends schools, any conversation a par­ Shalom, Middletown. Pleased the tragedy should be age ap­ turning the television off at 6 s the community of Little­ ent has with their child should with the turnout, Rabbi Marc propriate, but he goes even one p.m. for youngsters and watch­ ton, Colo., begins to recon­ be age appropriate. Jagolinzer said "it was a oppor­ step further. ing as a family with middle and Acile the events of April 20, "For young kids who don't tunity for everyone in the com­ "It's important to answer the high school students. The situa­ so do many families across have the skills and maturity to munity to come together and question which children ask of tion should be discussed in a the country. At the hands of two understand that this is a rare support one another." you," said the rabbi, "but it's calm and rational tone, free from teenage boys, Dylan Klebold occurrence, they may find the also important not to answer any personal bias a parent may and EricHarris, 12youngpeople information more frightening thosewhicharenotasked." Last have regarding the situation. and one teacher were gunned than informative," said Giusti. week, Rabbi Rosenberg did Save that commentary, says down in a place many thought "In this case, too much knowl­ "Parents need to attend speak to some concerned par­ Giusit, for conversations with was free from violence--their edge is a bad thing." to what their child's ents, but said when the kids your friends and adult family school. Fifteen people lost their Young children, naturally, return to school this week, he members. Children are very lives, including the two gun­ are much more egocentric in behavior is saying will not initiate any conversa­ perceptive, and will pick up on men. The incident happened at development than their older about how they feel tion about the shootings, but the slightest edge to your voice. 1 :30 Eastern Time, 11:30 Central counterparts. However, middle about themselves." will instead take his cue from "Help them understand and Time, during what was spring and high school children can the kids. Rabbi Jagolinzer also empathize for the families," said vacation week for many chil­ probably handle some conver­ l.nura Giusti spoke with a few parents of Giusti. "Don'tminimizethesitu­ dren around the country and at sation with a parent by explain­ some of the younger children ation, but don' t instill fear ei­ a time when many were watch­ ing to them that this was a scary and discussed with them how ther." ing their favorite program, situation but that they are safe Jagolinzer was also pleased "the hand of a person can create The question on many which was interrupted by news in school. Giusti uses the air­ to see so many young faces at as well as destroy." people's minds, including those briefs throughout the day. Now, plane analogy to stress her point. the service, many of whom ex­ "Encouraging open discus­ of young people, i~ what would nine days later, as the commu­ "It may seem that there are a pressed their concern that the sion at home and answering make two otherwise normal nity and investigators struggle lot of airplane crashes, but on situation in Littleton could hap­ your child's question in a direct teen-age boys undertake such a to find answers to the question average you' re safer in the air pen here. Some, according to and concise manner will not mass event of distruction and of w hy, parents all over the than driving in a car, that's the Jagolinzer, even had some trepi- only make your .child feel more where did the boys obtain the at ease, but yourselves as well," arsenal of weaponry used to said Giusti. "Don't dismiss a carry out their gruesome mis­ question by saying 'You don't sion? In 1991, 5,840 children Pillars of the Jewish Community need to know that.' Younger were. killed as a result of gun children may wonder if the vie- (Continued on Page 19) We're honored to present the edgeable and those less knowl­ cessible to whoever seeks out Amudim Award for 1999 toa couple edgeable. His own knowledge is their counsel and advice. Rabbi who epitomize the word "amudim" immense; it is only through in­ Gold is always available to an­ - pillars. Rabbi and Mrs. Peretz depthlearningthatonecanknow swer halacha questions from com­ Lifespan/Care N.E. Gold truly are pillars of the Provi­ how to apply the halacha (law) in munity members-whetherit is dence community in general, and different situations. by phone or in person, whether PrClV idence Hebrew Day School in In their modest, unassuming it is Shabbos or Erev Yorn Tov, he Form Task Force particular. makes time for all. Lea Gold Lifespan and Care New En­ learn more about the merger and Rabbi Peretz Gold has also always finds time to gland recently announced the es­ its anticipated benefits from been a teacher at Provi­ help others. She privately tablishment of an Ad Hoc Com­ Lifespan and Care New England dence Hebrew Day collects tzedaka for those in mittee on Community Affairs in executive management. School / New England need, entertains in her an effort to establish a dialogue A report summarizing the rec­ Academy of Torah for the home, and quietly helps with area community organiza­ ommendations and concerns of past 30 years. He has in­ wherever she is needed. tions concerning the proposed the participating groups will be fluenced hundreds of Both Rabbi and Mrs. merger of the two health care developed and provided to the young men and women Gold were instrumental in systems. leadership of Lifespan and Care with his wit, his warmth, the building of the mikveh Co-chaired by Edward New England at the close of the and his vast storehouse of on the East Side 15 years Iannuccilli, M.D., a gastroenter­ process, anticipated for mid­ knowledge. Some of his ago, and they are still in­ ologiston the Rhode Island Hos­ summer. former students are now volved with it today. Their pital staff and a member of the In committing to establishing parents of current stu­ home is always open for Rhode Island Hospital board of new communication channels dents, as another genera­ guests and organizational trustees, and Ralph Fleming, a and engaging in an open discus­ tion has the privilege of meetings; they give of them­ local businessman and a mem­ sion with the community, both learning TorahfromRabbi selves freely. When most berof the Women & Infants Hos­ organizations also pledged their Gold. people are home preparing pital and Care New England full cooperation with the public Not only d oes Rabbi fora YomTov, the Golds are boards of trustees, the commit­ hearing process that will occur Gold teach theyoungmen busy with community tee includes trustees of the two as part of the Rhode Island At­ and women of Providence needs. Whether it is Rabbi systems and their affiliates and torney General's and the Rhode Hebrew Da ySchool/New Gold and his sons prepar­ other community representa­ Island Department of Health's England Academy of To­ ing lulavim and esrogim, or tives. review of the merger as well as rah; he also teaches their Rabbi Gold at the mikveh The charge of the new com­ with the legislative commission, before Rosh Hashana and mittee is to provide a forum for which has been recently charged parents and other commu­ Rabbi and Mrs. Peretz Gold nity members. Over the Yorn ](jppur, or Mrs. Gold groups to ask questions or to to study the proposed transac­ years, he has given count­ and the family cooking, or voice comments or concerns tion and its impact on the local lessshiurrm (classes) on a variety way, Rabbi and Mrs. Gold have the phone ringing with last­ about the proposed merger and health care system. of topics Rabbi Gold is truly a had an impact on the commu­ minute halacha questions, or its potential impact on the Groups wishing to meet with communi ty teacher- he relates nity as a whole and on each of us countless other activities, the group's constituencies. The ses­ the new committee are encour­ to everyone, young and old, men individually. Both feel strongly Golds are involved. sions will also provide interested aged to contact Lifespan at 444- and women, those more knowl- about community; they are ac- (Continued on Page 19) groups with an opportunity to 3720.
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