Murder and Actual Bodily Harm in Itaborai, Brazil: Brazil: and Actual Bodily Harmitaborai, in Murder Scales Analysis at Different 2 2
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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232018232.00072016 463 Murder and actual bodily harm in Itaborai, Brazil: FREE THEMES analysis at different scales Edinilsa Ramos de Souza 1 Heitor Levy Ferreira Praça 2 Eliane Santos da Luz 2 Paulo Chagastelles Sabroza 2 Liana Wernersbach Pinto 1 Abstract An ecological study aimed at analyz- ing homicide rates and actual bodily harm was conducted in Itaboraí, in the years 2010 to 2011. The entire municipality was used in the study covering critical and non-critical areas. The data came from the Information System for the Public Security Institute in Rio de Janeiro state. The ter- ritories were identified and defined by referring to studies on illegal occupations of areas. The snow- balling method was used for the social recognition of poor conditions. The morphological differen- tiation of urban and housing standards marked the locations. The areas were georeferenced, and the problems were located geographically and or- ganized according to their corresponding critical area. We calculated the municipal rates using population estimates from IBGE. For the crit- ical areas, we obtained estimates of the number of households multiplied by a factor equal to the average household density in the corresponding census tract. There was a decrease in homicide 1 Departamento de Estudos rates and a rise in actual bodily harm in Itaboraí. sobre Violência e Saúde We also found that there was an increased risk of Jorge Careli, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (ENSP), bodily injury in critical areas with the worst liv- Fiocruz. Av. Brasil 4036/7º, ing conditions, suggesting the existence of social Manguinhos. 21040-210 inequalities that make certain social spaces more Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil. [email protected] vulnerable to incidents involving violent injuries. 2 Laboratório de Key words Homicide, Injury, Assault, Violence, Monitoramento de Grandes Spatial analysis Empreendimentos, ENSP, Fiocruz. Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil. 464 et al. Souza ER Introduction As a methodological alternative to access the different living conditions of the populations, The implementation of a major commercial ecological studies on specific areas were used as enterprise such as the Rio Petrochemical Com- units of analysis and they were compared with plex, Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro/ each other to identify socio-spatial inequalities COMPERJ in the eastern region of Rio de Janei- and health conditions4-7. ro has brought about major socioenvironmental Barcellos et al.6 working in a similar theoreti- transformations1. In order to check the hetero- cal vein concerning the methodological resource geneity of the areas and its relations with the of space stated: health situation, epidemiological monitoring of if the disease is a manifestation of the individ- the commercial enterprise is taking place. In the ual, the health situation is a manifestation of the ambit of this monitoring, we analyzed the inci- place. The places inside of a city or region, are the dents of actual bodily harm and murders in the result of an accumulation of historical, environ- municipality of Itaboraí and in specific areas in mental and social situations that promote particu- this municipality that presented poor sanitary, lar conditions for the production of diseases. living and economic conditions which we called They highlighted the importance of the “de- critical areas2,3. velopment of indicators that can detect and re- The search for inter-relations between liv- flect conditions that present health risks based ing conditions and health is not a recent search; on the environmental and socially adverse con- pioneers in this area produced studies on the ditions”6, for the diagnosis of the differences in above in the 19th century. Subsequently with the health situations. advent of the “bacteriological era”, such studies In general, the studies described as “ecolog- increased in intensity and there was a marked ical”, use indicators that come from censuses or increase in the 1950s “emphasizing the relations health reports that, due to how they have been between health levels and socioeconomic factors, obtained, end up limiting the construction of the principally in relation to the theme of health and territorial units to be analyzed8,9. development”4. In the ambit of the Plan for Epidemiological The studies are theoretically based on the Monitoring of the Process for the Implementa- presence of inequality in health for certain pop- tion of COMPERJ2, there were two with com- ulation groups, which is a reflection of the differ- plementary ones that employed methodological ent living conditions demonstrated in the classic tools to investigate the influence of the popula- research findings produced by Villermé and En- tion’s living conditions in the municipalities cov- gels. According to Paim4, these studies provide an ered by the research in relation to worsening peo- explanation for the health conditions. ple’s health for those that were being monitored. based on the relations between the development The first consists of the socioeconomic strat- of productive forces connected to industrialization ification of the boroughs and census sectors in and the social processes such as: urbanization, the the municipalities of Itaboraí, Guapimirim and agrarian question, migrations and the formation Cachoeiras de Macacu grouped in Local Surveil- of the so-called reserve army of labor, meaning the lance Units (UVL). This was done in accordance population surplus exposed to poverty and serious with the indices composed of urban installations health problems. and social structures in order to cross reference Based on this assumption, this idea is very the information on the notification of assaults well summarized by Castellanos7 (apud Paim4), and deaths. The UVLs are territorial units for that: analysis created based on an agglomeration of each individual, family, community and pop- census sectors. The Demographic Census from ulation group in every moment of their existence, IBGE10 is the primary database that has demo- have necessities and risks that are characteristic to graphic and socioeconomic information in the them, based on their age, sex and on other individ- country that is in accordance with the criteria ual attributes such as geographical and ecological of contiguity and similarity in relation to indi- locality, culture, level of education or economic-so- cators comprising living conditions and urban cial standing which translates itself into health infrastructure created for the Epidemiological problems/peculiar diseases and which can either be Monitoring of the Process of Implementation for favorable to them or, to a greater or lesser extent, COMPERJ. Lastly the UVLs were mapped onto make their being an fulfilled individual difficult -in the boroughs of the municipalities through the cluding realizing social projects. analysis of images. 465 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 23(2):463-470, 2018 23(2):463-470, Coletiva, & Saúde Ciência The second idea that this paper is based on, Itaboraí between 2010 and 2011. These acts were consists in the identification of the critical areas chosen as they are characterized by: violence that are localities that have the worse living con- against someone, their gravity and because they ditions in the ambit of the municipalities that are indicators for social violence11,12. In addition were covered and monitored and in the checking to this, the offence of actual bodily harm has of the distribution of assaults in these areas. been registered the most amount of times by the The search for another perspective for the police. recognition of living conditions comes from our The information relative to actual bodily concordance with criticism in the use of social harm and murders came from the Information indicators obtained through the aggregation of System for the Public Security Institute in state data on the population. These indicators have as of Rio de Janeiro. It was taken from the police re- an assumption, the internal homogeneity of the ports made at the police stations which had been territorial units, but according to Barcellos7, placed on the system. these assumptions are false, being the result of Two spatial scale analysis were used: the mu- a simplification of structure and dynamics in the nicipality and its parts and three analysis units. geographic space. Various studies have shown that These included the municipality, critical areas there is not always a linear and direct correlation and the localities without critical areas in the between poverty and poor health conditions. In same municipality. some cases, to the contrary, areas with higher num- The critical territories were initially identified bers may increase the risks of health of their resi- through the review of studies on urban condi- dents. tions in the municipality (including the Direc- The acceptance of this hypothesis easily takes tor’s Plan for the Municipality of Itaboraí and us to the conclusion that these areas would not be the Strategic Municipal Plan for Informal Urban homogenous as assumed by the aggregated analysis Settlements - PEMAS) principally those referring methodology (ecological speaking), but extremely to the existence and location of illegal occupa- differentiated internally. tions and through the social recognition of the Thus, in relation to the panorama provided worse conditions using the snowballing13 method. by the secondary data referring to living condi- Thus, the areas were identified by the research- tions and health at territorial