MINUTES OF THE STUDY SESSION – AUGUST 11, 2020 Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a study session on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 2:30 P.M. The study session took place in the auditorium at and was also available to the public through live stream.

Board members present: Board President S. Scott Carlson, Vice President Dr. Mark J. Clement, Sarah L. Beeson, Amber L. Bonner, Sara M. Hacken, Julie E. King, and Ada S. Wilson.

Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman, and members of the administrative staff. There were approximately 20 others in attendance.

K-12 School Reports Elementary Supervisors Dr. Elizabeth Wilson, Eric Woodhouse, Dr. Vicki Carter, Dr. Mark Pew, and Barry Beckstrand, and Secondary Supervisors David Smith, Tim Brantley, and Jeff Schoonover, reported on the challenges and successes that occurred during the 2019-20 school year for the K-12 schools in Alpine School District.

Assistant Superintendents Dr. John Patten and Rhonda Bromley reported on the updated Return to Learn Plan for the 2020-21 school year. As of the board meeting date, 87% of the 96% who responded declared face to face learning. Of the percentage that chose online, the options are Alpine Online (K-8), teacher supported online learning and East Shore Online. Board members expressed concern about so many students choosing face to face which makes it difficult to maintain social distancing. Rhonda reported that ASD will continue to work in partnership with the Utah County Health Department as we return to school. The return to learn plan is fluid and can be adapted as needed. The safety of students and employees is the number one priority. PPE supplies are being delivered to all locations, and all students, employees, volunteers, etc., entering the school will be required to wear face coverings. Rhonda will follow-up on the board’s request to get specifics regarding the data being used by the UCHD.

The meeting adjourned at 4:02 P.M.

MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING – August 11, 2020 Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a study session on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 4:30 P.M. The board meeting took place in the auditorium at Lehi High School and was also available to the public through live stream.

Board members present: Board President S. Scott Carlson, Vice President Dr. Mark J. Clement, Sarah L. Beeson, Amber L. Bonner, Sara M. Hacken, Julie E. King, and Ada S. Wilson.

Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman and members of the administrative staff. Business Administrator Robert W. Smith was excused. There were approximately 60 others in attendance.

Board President Scott Carlson conducted the meeting.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dr. Elizabeth Wilson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Board Meeting Minutes 2 August 11, 2020

REVERENCE A reverence was offered by Aiden Brookheart.

RECOGNITIONS Lee Ann Elzey from American Fork Junior High was recognized as the Utah Counselor of the Year.

COMMUNITY COMMENTS Becky Jones is a mother and a teacher. She will have 26 students in class and is concerned that she cannot assure parents that students will be safe. She asked the UCHD and city for data points and they do not have them. She loves teaching, but wants more than anything to be able to assure parents their students are safe in their classroom.

Lauren Reeves spoke in favor of the hybrid model and/or having a dedicated online teacher.

Aiden Brookheart is a senior at AFHS and provided the perspective of a student. He is grateful for the careful consideration the board had in making decisions. The board is responsible for the health of students and he thanked them for taking it seriously.

Dr. Michael Rhodes is a physician and spoke about his concerns regarding the Return to Learn Plan. He referred to the outbreaks in Georgia and Mississippi after schools opened earlier this month. He suggested small class sizes are needed through a hybrid program to avoid the snowball effect. He is concerned that the athletic coaches are supporting the “don’t ask, don’t tell” mentality so students can continue to play.

Jody Zabriskie owns four childcare facilities. She has been operating her business and has not closed during COVID. They take proper precautions and have been successful. She spoke in support of the schools remaining open to provide stability and emotional support to students.

Steven Phelps commented that the school plan puts the safety of students on the teacher. He asked the board to delay the start of school to allow teachers time to get their classrooms ready. He is concerned how IEP services will be for students with disabilities and how ALL students will be taught.

Laura Jones is a student at and said students have not been given a voice or asked how they feel about returning to school. The classrooms are not big enough for social distancing. The safety of students and teachers requires both masks and social distancing.

Joey Bosen said that the teachers at Canyon View Jr. High are worse off now than when schools closed last spring. He said the current Return to Learn Plan is reckless and is concerned that the students who are healthy will contract the virus. Returning to school too early will sacrifice the health of students and their families.

Board Meeting Minutes 3 August 11, 2020

MINUTES Scott Carlson recommended the approval of the July board meeting minutes. Mark Clement made the motion to approve the July board meeting minutes, Ada Wilson seconded it and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

CLAIMS Check numbers 00181199 through 00182328 and 00001839 through 00001916 totaling $20,521,458.40 were presented for the board’s acceptance. Superintendent Jarman recommended the board’s acceptance of the claims for July. Sara Hacken made the motion to accept the July claims as presented, Amber Bonner seconded it and it passed with a unanimous vote.

ROUTINE BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Monthly Budget Report The latest budget report was included for the board’s review. 2. Personnel Reports Personnel Actions – Certified Certified Employee – New Hire Employee Assignment Location Date Akina, Johanna Computer ES-Cherry Hill 8/13/20 Anderson, Emily English HS-Skyridge 8/13/20 Baker, Chad BTS Art ES-Sage Hills 8/13/20 Barker, Ashlee Math HS-Lehi 8/13/20 Benham, Lynne Math MS-Willowcreek 8/13/20 Blad, Casey Art MS-Willowcreek 8/13/20 Cherry, Jennifer Kindergarten ES-Silver Lake 8/13/20 Christensen, Susan DLI Chinese MS-Vista Heights 8/13/20 Gaudi, Taylor Grade 4 ES-Freedom 8/13/20 Hendricks, Craig English MS-Mountain Ridge 8/13/20 Hitch, Elena Bd. Cert. Behavior Analyst DO-Special Education 8/13/20 Jones, Allyce Health HS-Pleasant Grove 8/13/20 Kemp, Heather French HS-Westlake 8/13/20 Lees, Teresa SPED-Autism Sm. Grp. ES-Northridge 8/13/20 Mackey, Ashley SPED-Resource (M/M) HS-Westlake 8/13/20 Malone, Jennifer Kindergarten ES-Alpine 8/13/20 McLauchlin, Macy SPED-Speech L/P DO-Special Education 8/13/20 Melton, Paige SPED-SMH ES-Dan Peterson 8/13/20 Miller, Rachel PE ES-Springside 8/13/20 Nair, Jeffrey Math HS-Mountain View 8/13/20 Pack, Cindee SPED-Resource (M/M) ES-Mount Mahogany 8/13/20 Pack, Kristy Guided Studies HS-Orem 8/13/20 Pratt, Robin SPED-Speech L/P DO-Special Education 8/13/20 Pulu, BrieAnne English Development MS-Orem 8/13/20 Board Meeting Minutes 4 August 11, 2020

Quinn, Melisa Counselor ES-Deerfield 8/13/20 Siemers, Carolyn Grade 2 ES-Grovecrest 8/13/20 Smith, Easton Grade 6 ES-Highland 8/13/20 Taylor, Wendy Kindergarten ES-Lehi 8/13/20 Thompson, Elizabeth Music ES-Geneva 8/13/20 Tills, Darleen Math MS-Vista Heights 8/13/20 Walters, Alicia English MS-Oak Canyon 8/13/20 Watts, Shelby Science MS-Willowcreek 8/13/20

Certified Employees – Resignations Employee Assignment Location Date Albino, Erika Sped M/M Resource ES-Rocky Mountain 5/29/20 Allen, Robin Grade 1 ES-Cherry Hill 5/29/20 Argyle, James Physics HS-Lone Peak 5/29/20 Arnesen, Melissa Grade 5 ES-Deerfield 5/29/20 Austin, Heather Grade 3 ES-Snow Springs 5/29/20 Beckh, Samantha Grade 6 ES-Westmore 5/29/20 Black, Sean Welding HS-Timpanogos 5/29/20 Cheng, Ju Han Grade 1-Chinese DLI ES-Cascade 5/29/20 Egan, Fanny Grade 2-DLI ES-Windsor 5/29/20 Favaron, Elizabeth Special Education ES-Lehi 5/29/20 Ficklin, Lauren Grade 1 ES-Foothill 5/29/20 Gale, Kamree Art HS-American Fork 5/29/20 Garrett, Stacey Grade 5 ES-Hidden Hollow 5/29/20 Jacob, Lauren Grade 2 ES-Geneva 5/29/20 Leakehe, Amy SPED-Speech Technician ES-Cedar Ridge 5/29/20 Lee, Kristin Special Education HS-Cedar Valley 5/29/20 Lindquist, Andrea Grade 2 ES-Fox Hollow 5/29/20 McMurtrey, Mary Grade 5 ES-Shelley 5/29/20 Miner, Lauren (Zufelt) Grade 5-ALL ES-Lindon 5/29/20 Monson, Jordan Grade 6 ES-Foothill 5/29/20 Moore, Dana PE Specialist ES-Sage Hills 5/29/20 Petersen, Amanda SPED-Psychologist ES-Centennial 5/29/20 Quan, Shannon Computer Specialist ES-Sage Hills 5/29/20 Reynolds, Dallas PE Specialist HS-Orem 5/29/20 Robinson, Amber Kindergarten ES-Sharon 5/29/20 Rollins, Tiffany Special Education ES-North Point 5/29/20 Routson, Spancer CTE-Photography HS-Lehi 5/29/20 Rowley, Jamie Kindergarten ES-Valley View 5/29/20 Schmidt, Nicole Math HS-Timpanogos 5/29/20 Schoenfeld, Miranda Grade 6 ES-Vineyard 5/29/20 Skinner, Crystal Grade 3 ES-Saratoga Shores 5/29/20 Smith, Allison Grade 2 ES-Pony Express 5/29/20 Snyder, Lauren SPED-Speech Technician ES-Snow Springs 5/29/20 Stevenson, Linda SPED-Resource (M/M) ES-Aspen 5/29/20 Stewart, Lucas Drama ES-Brookhaven 5/29/20 Board Meeting Minutes 5 August 11, 2020

Stone, Irene DLI French ES-Belmont 5/29/20 Sudweeks, Jessica Grade 4 ES-Saratoga Shores 5/29/20 Taylor, Cathrine Kindergarten ES-H. Hollow, Mtn. Trails 5/29/20 Tomlinson, Morgan Grade 6 ES-Highland 5/29/20 Ward, Natalie BTS Specialist ES-Suncrest 5/29/20 Wilde, Brenda SPED-Speech Technician ES-Harvest 5/29/20 Wilkins, Tara Grade 4 ES-Traverse Mountain 5/29/20 Woolley, Katelyn Grade 4 ES-Sharon 5/29/20 Zabriskie, Jonathan Spanish MS- Frontier 5/29/20 Certified Employees – Retirement Employee Assignment Location Date Bartholomew, Stephen Art HS-Pleasant Grove 5/29/20 Burton, Sherri Grade 5 ES-Northridge 5/29/20 Cloward, Paula Library Media MS-Pleasant Grove 5/29/20 Davis, Cheree Music K-6 ES-Shelley 5/29/20 Dorsey, Claudia English MS-American Fork 5/29/20 Herrmann, Karl (Steven) Grade 3 ES-Orem/Westmore 5/29/20 McLelland, Bette Jo Grade 1 ES-Grovecrest 5/29/20 Stanfield, Holly Grade 5 ES-Cedar Ridge 5/29/20 Steel, Heather Grade 3 ES-Vineyard 5/29/20 Thornton, Kathe Education Specialist MS-Orem 5/29/20 Williams, Rebecca Physical Education ES-Westmore 5/29/20

Personnel Actions- Classified Classified Employees – New Employees Employee Assignment Location Date Parker, Clifton II Network Engineer DO-Technology 7/27/20 Paur, Ian Cert. OT Asst. (COTA) DO-Special Education 8/14/20

Classified Employees – Changes/Transfers Employee Assignment Location Date Harmon, Kathleen Payroll Specialist DO-Business Services 7/27/20 LaHargoue, Susan Administrative Assistant DO-Educational Services 7/01/20

Classified Employees – Resignations Employee Assignment Location Date Clark, Brian Head Custodian ES-Cedar Valley 7/31/20 Gleed, Shari Office Technician HS-Westlake 5/29/20 Manning, Todd On Site Tech DO-Technology 6/22/20 Mardesich, Sharon General Secretary HS-Cedar Valley 7/01/20 Norton, Linda Bus Driver DO-Transportation 5/29/20 Taylor, Ronald On Site Tech DO-Technology 6/22/20 Board Meeting Minutes 6 August 11, 2020

3. Alpine Foundation Report The latest Alpine Foundation report was included for the board’s review.

Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the routine business. Sarah Beeson made a motion to approve the routine business, Mark Clement seconded it and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

ACTION ITEMS 1. LEA Specific Licenses Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the LEA Specific Licenses. On motion by Ada Wilson and seconded by Sarah Beeson, the LEA Specific Licenses were approved by unanimous vote.

2. 2021 Board Meeting Schedule Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the 2021 board meeting schedule. Sara Hacken made the motion to approve the 2021 board meeting schedule, Amber Bonner seconded it and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

3. Resolution 2020-019 – Sale of CTE Home in Eagle Mountain Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of Resolution 2020-019 to authorize the sale of the CTE Home in Eagle Mountain. The home was built by the students in the CTE construction program. The proceeds from the sale will be used to continue the program. Julie King made the motion to approve Resolution 2020-019, Sarah Beeson seconded it and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

4. Resolution 2020-020 – Authorizing a Truck to be Declared Excess for Disposition Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of Resolution 2020-020 to declare two cars as excess for disposition. Julie King made the motion to approve Resolution 2020-020, Sara Hacken seconded it and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.

DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM 1. District Literacy Plan Michelle Stephenson, Director of Literacy K-6, presented ASD’s Early Literacy Plan to the board for their approval.

Literacy Goal #1: Alpine School District will increase the percentage of first grade student proficiency on the Acadience Reading Composite by beginning of year (BOY) to end of year (EOY) by 8% (71% to 79%).

Literacy Goal #2: Alpine School District will reduce the number of first grade students who scored below benchmark on the Acadience Reading Composite from BOY to EOY by 59%.

Literacy Goal #3: 60% of the first thru third grade students to achieve typical or better growth from BOY to EOY. Board Meeting Minutes 7 August 11, 2020

These goals will be accomplished through collaborative, highly effective professional development for instructional coaches focused on Tier 1 instruction. High quality instruction will also be available with the online curriculum. An “all in this together and all hands on deck” approach will be emphasized creating a sense of urgency amongst school staff.

Action: Superintendent Jarman recommended the approval of the District’s Early Literacy Plan as presented. Ada Wilson made the motion to approve the literacy plan, Amber Bonner seconded it and the motion passed with a unanimous vote.


1. 2020 Bond Dr. Shane Farnsworth, Assistant Superintendent of District Operations, presented information regarding the 2020 bond. He said the staff’s recommendation is to pursue Truth in Taxation and delay the general obligation bond until 2022. Dr. Farnsworth said the recommendation is based on the patron feedback received during the listening tour, to consider the following options before going out for a bond:

• Online courses • Boundary adjustments/consolidation • Grade configuration/consolidation • Expand modified extended day (60 of our 65 schools are on the extended day and all jr. highs are productivity)

Dr. Farnsworth also shared that the feedback received from professional consultants discouraged going out for a bond in 2020 due to voter unsettledness and uncertainty. Board members recommended that we move forward with the engineering process for projects that have been on hold for numerous years so we will be ready to build in 2022. They also discussed the seismic issues in some of the older school buildings.

Adjournment Mark Clement made to motion to adjourn the meeting into the Truth in Taxation Hearing at 5:53 P.M. The motion was unanimously approved.

Reconvene Meeting Alpine School District’s Board of Education reconvened the board meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:19 P.M. at Lehi High School.


1. 2020 Bond (discussion continued) Board members discussed accountability to the public and allowing them to have a voice by exercising their right to vote for a bond. Julie King expressed concern that the growth is in the west and that our projections have been off regarding enrollment. If there is a negative impact for not going out for a bond in 2020, it will be felt in the west area of the district. There are several Board Meeting Minutes 8 August 11, 2020

developments in Saratoga Springs and Eagle Mountain and she is afraid we will be painted into a corner if we do not have the money to build new buildings, and classes sizes continue to increase. Although uneasy about not going out for a bond for two more years, the majority of the board members agreed we need to listen to the public and pursue other options to handle the growth over the next few years.

BOARD MEMBERS’ AND SUPERINTENDENT’S INFORMATION ITEMS The employee celebration video that will be sent out district wide was shared with the board members.

Julie King reported that she has been working with the Foundation Director to create a scholarship fund for students enrolled in the CTE Education Program, to encourage education as a career path. Sara Hacken reported that the STARS reading program was a success. Children wore their face masks without complaining. DoTerra is filling 2100 back packs with school supplies.

Adjournment On motion by Julie King and seconded by Sara Hacken, the meeting was adjourned into closed session at 7:55 P.M. with Scott Carlson, Dr. Mark Clement, Sarah Beeson, Amber Bonner, Sara Hacken, Julie King, and Ada Wilson voting unanimously in favor.

MINUTES OF THE CLOSED SESSION – August 11, 2020 Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a closed session on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 8:13 P.M. at Lehi High School.

Board members present: Board President S. Scott Carlson, Vice President Dr. Mark J. Clement, Sarah L. Beeson, Amber L. Bonner, Sara M. Hacken, Julie E. King, and Ada S. Wilson.

Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman, Assistant Superintendents Rhonda Bromley, Dr. John Patten, Dr. Shane Farnsworth, and Robert W. Smith (joined by phone).

The purpose of the closed session was to discuss personnel, property, litigation and collective bargaining.

ADJOURNMENT On motion by Sarah Beeson and seconded by Mark Clement, the meeting adjourned at 10:02 P.M.


Alpine School District’s Board of Education met in a Truth in Taxation Hearing on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. The hearing took place in the auditorium at Lehi High School and was also available to the public through live stream.

Board members present: Board President S. Scott Carlson, Vice President Dr. Mark J. Clement, Sarah L. Beeson, Amber L. Bonner, Sara M. Hacken, Julie E. King, and Ada S. Wilson.

Also present: Superintendent Samuel Y. Jarman and members of the administrative staff. Business Administrator Robert W. Smith was excused. There were approximately 75 others in attendance.

Board President Scott Carlson declared the Truth in Taxation Hearing open and invited any person wishing to express his or her views to come forward.

Bob Webster spoke against the tax increase. He said his property tax value went up $33 a year due to inflation.

Stephen Phelps said that Utah is ranked as one of the lowest in per pupil spending. For being one of the lowest, we have had some of the best educational outcomes, but the system is stressed. He encouraged the increase in taxes to fund education.

Branden Segall said he moved here from Washington because of the high property taxes. He could afford a home in Utah because of the lower property taxes. Lower taxes will also bring businesses in that can pay additional taxes. He said there has to be better ways to raise money for education than increasing taxes. If taxes are too high, people will not stay in Utah.

Jared Lundhall is a resident of Vivian Park and in 2019 he saw a 35.5% increase in taxes. Over three years he saw a 123% increase. He said the county commissioner has assessed his property for more than he can sell it. He is opposed to the tax increase.

Paula Gerald spoke against the tax increase. Her property taxes have gone up on her second home to the point that she can no longer afford to stay.

Zach is from Saratoga Springs and spoke against the tax increase. His property taxes have increased by $1500 over the last few years. His salary hasn’t increased and he may not be able to stay in the home if the increases continue.

Aaron Harward lives in Lehi and asked why taxes have to be raised for schools. Referring to Lehi High School, he said the school has been remodeled several times over the years and the district needs to use their funds more wisely.

Carla Harding lives in Lehi and wants ASD to use their money more wisely. Referring to Lehi High, she said there is not enough parking spaces and the remodel costs more than if a new school was built on a larger lot. Her taxes have continued to increase and there needs to be accountability.

Chad is a Vivian Park resident and asked that a message be given to the property assessor about the increase in property assessments and taxes. He lives in Cambodia and he feels his children receive a great education there in a system that is underfunded. They do not need the fancy buildings to get a superior education.

Bob Anderson is from Pleasant Grove. He reported that 67.3% of his property tax goes to Alpine School District. He is not against teachers making more money, or education, but is concerned that the schools are fancier than some of the students’ homes. We need to build schools that cost less.

No name given spoke about the need for the district to be more frugal and responsible when it comes to the cost of building schools.

Phil moved to Utah County from Draper in 2016. As property values increase, it doesn’t serve anyone, but just causes more taxes. The county is growing and not understanding how increased population isn’t adding to taxes. We need to rethink expensive schools. There has to be other options besides raising taxes.

Max Sims lives in Lehi and referred to the 2014-18 data on the accountability dashboard. He said there was a 2% increase in instruction spending, 4% increase for support, and 6% for non- instruction. He said this needs to be addressed.

Aaron Bullen lives in Lehi. He said ASD is lower than the certified rate than we were three years ago, but that doesn’t speak to what is really happening. He would like more spend on instruction.

Christopher Forbush spoke about those who have been affected by job loss or reduced hours. He works at UVU and will not receive an increase this year. Why should we raise taxes when no one is else is receiving increases?

Board President Scott Carlson declared the public hearing closed.

Finalization of the FY21 Property Tax Rate Board President entertained a motion to set the FY2020-21 final tax rate for Alpine School District at 0.006800 as proposed.

General Fund: Basic Program 0.001628 Board Local Levy 0.000583 Voted Leeway 0.001600

Non K-12 Fund: Board Local Levy 0.000099 Capital Outlay: Capital Local 0.000529

Debt Services: Debt Services 0.002305

Charter School: Charter Local Replacement 0.000056

Total 0.006800

Mark Clement made the motion to adopt the final tax rate for Alpine School District at 0.006800 and Amber Bonner seconded it.

Board members discussed their responsibility to be frugal. ASD is funded at a lower per pupil rate and the board of education needs to do their part in providing education for all students. They also discussed the need to increase the tax increment so the district does not lose $10 million in funding from the state. Board members acknowledged that this is a difficult time due to job loss or reduction in employment. Julie King stated that she feels it is poor timing and is opposed to the raising of tax increments.

Superintendent Jarman clarified that when the county raises taxes, it is separate from the school district. This year there was a large increase from the county. A large portion of the property taxes supports ASD; however, we are conservative. ASD is one of the few in the state that has a triple A rating which is earned by being conservative and responsible. ASD is located in one of the fastest growing areas in the state and nation, which requires a need for additional schools. Tax assessments are the same across the state, with a primary residence taxed at 55% of its value, and 100% of the value of additional homes. We do our best to provide a safe learning environment for our students.

The board voted to approve the motion to set the fiscal year tax rate for Alpine School District at 0.006800 and it passed with a six to one vote. Scott Carlson, Mark Clement, Sarah Beeson, Amber Bonner, Sara Hacken, and Ada Wilson voted in favor, and Julie King against.

Public Hearing for the Local Building Authority to Receive Feedback on the Lease Revenue Bonds Board President Scott Carlson declared the public hearing open to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of lease revenue bonds by the Local Building Authority of Alpine School District. The lease revenue bonds will be used for the construction of Vineyard Elementary and all of the construction costs of the South Saratoga Springs elementary school.

There were no comments.

Board President Scott Carlson declared the public hearing closed.

Sara Hacken made the motion to adjourn the hearing and reconvene the board meeting. Sarah Beeson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote at 7:18 P.M.

Check Register All Checks August 2020

Bank No Check No Check Date Vendor No / Name Batch No Type Check Amount Void? 51 00124302 8/23/2018 999496 WILLOWCREEK STIPEND VENDOR 796026 C 70.00 V 00125166 9/6/2018 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 004116 C 200.00 V 00135314 2/14/2019 999496 WILLOWCREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VENDOR 796137 C 57.97 V 00136299 3/7/2019 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739076 C 57.00 V 00139486 4/25/2019 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 028920 C 60.00 V 00139586 4/25/2019 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 028930 C 50.00 V 00140781 5/16/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 030580 C 50.00 V 00141666 5/30/2019 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786162 C 57.00 V 00142096 6/6/2019 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 033243 C 60.00 V 00153222 9/26/2019 078962 SCOTT SORENSEN 002608 C 225.00 V 00153241 9/26/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 002669 C 16.71 V 00153749 10/3/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 002381 C 42.00 V 00155000 10/24/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 003527 C 28.00 V 00155071 10/31/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 003671 C 42.00 V 00156423 11/14/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 004246 C 114.67 V 00156615 11/21/2019 004012 BETTY BROWN 004402 C 140.00 V 00157387 12/5/2019 005996 JOAN STEINMANN 004901 C 130.00 V 00157535 12/5/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 005083 C 38.28 V 00158187 12/19/2019 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 005495 C 90.00 V 00158927 1/2/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092001 C 56.55 V 00159193 1/9/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 005835 C 128.07 V 00159605 1/16/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 006226 C 227.00 V 00160515 1/23/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 006056 C 21.00 V 00161670 2/6/2020 006127 NATHAN JOSEPH MACDONALD 006879 C 150.00 V 00161677 2/6/2020 005062 SHANNON MORTENSEN 006862 C 180.00 V 00161817 2/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 006974 C 23.00 V 00163267 2/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 007725 C 173.00 V 00163443 2/27/2020 006185 GRETCHEN MAXWELL 007705 C 40.00 V 00164345 3/12/2020 047188 LARRY'S TOWING 007898 C 297.00 V 00164375 3/12/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 008118 C 105.65 V 00164591 3/19/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 008399 C 20.00 V 00164618 3/19/2020 013054 BYU/ASD AGENT BYU-PSA CITES 008325 C 200.00 V 00164668 3/19/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 008523 C 334.80 V 00165131 3/26/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 008698 C 118.66 V 00165232 3/26/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 008695 C 14.24 V 00165923 4/2/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735152 C 1,470.00 V 00169933 4/30/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779163 C 90.00 V 00170550 5/7/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739061 C 100.00 V 00175716 6/11/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737216 C 100.00 V 00182259 7/30/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779014 C 45.00 V 00182329 8/6/2020 001221 NEWSELA 000345 C 7,986.00 N 00182330 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000626 C 50.00 N 00182331 8/6/2020 006365 ASSOCIATED FIXTURE MANUFACTURING 000734 C 520.00 N 00182332 8/6/2020 004085 CPS GRAPHIX 000734 C 305.00 N 00182333 8/6/2020 000699 DESERT HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 000734 C 750.00 N 00182334 8/6/2020 003461 FOOD SERVICE SUPPLY 000734 C 848.28 N 00182335 8/6/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000734 C 636.00 N 00182336 8/6/2020 006404 KIMBERLY BEATON QUINTERO 000734 C 1,500.00 N 00182337 8/6/2020 002304 MORGAN ST PIERRE 000734 C 1,200.00 N 00182338 8/6/2020 000227 SALT LAKE EXPRESS / WESTERN TRAILS 000734 C 1,500.00 N 00182339 8/6/2020 004800 SWEETWATER 000734 C 2,492.00 N 00182340 8/6/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 000734 C 3,116.00 N 00182341 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000739 C 137.45 N 00182342 8/6/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 000783 C 4,042.00 N 00182343 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182344 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182345 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182346 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182347 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182348 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182349 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182350 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182351 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182352 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000807 C 200.00 N 00182353 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182354 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182355 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182356 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182357 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182358 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182359 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182360 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182361 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182362 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182363 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182364 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000808 C 500.00 N 00182365 8/6/2020 017511 THE CHARIOT GROUP, INC. 000821 C 7,001.76 N 00182366 8/6/2020 004125 VALLEY OFFICE SYSTEMS 000822 C 3.70 N 00182367 8/6/2020 006422 Alterra Medical 000831 C 1,139.30 N 00182368 8/6/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 000831 C 11.57 N 00182369 8/6/2020 000097 THE INK SPOT 000831 C 510.00 N 00182370 8/6/2020 004058 UTAH VALLEY TIP OFF CLASSIC LLC 000831 C 940.00 N 00182371 8/6/2020 000034 EMPIRE ACTIVE BY BACKSTAGE 000834 C 7,195.30 N 00182372 8/6/2020 082520 T MOBILE OFFICE 000834 C 58.80 N 00182373 8/6/2020 006333 MOD MOBILES 000843 C 2,600.00 N 00182374 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000846 C 37.60 N 00182375 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000846 C 70.00 N 00182376 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000846 C 201.20 N 00182377 8/6/2020 005344 HARD JIVE LLC 000856 C 750.00 N 00182378 8/6/2020 050942 MICHAEL MARTIN 000856 C 230.00 N 00182379 8/6/2020 000999 PURE WATER PARTNERS 000856 C 150.00 N 00182380 8/6/2020 006274 BEACON COMMERCIAL DOOR & LOCK 000859 C 27,140.00 N 00182381 8/6/2020 001442 JEFFREY LOUIZIA 000861 C 1,200.00 N 00182382 8/6/2020 002937 NASSP/NHS 000861 C 385.00 N 00182383 8/6/2020 003452 U & S PORTABLE TOILETS 000861 C 1,020.00 N 00182384 8/6/2020 004058 UTAH VALLEY TIP OFF CLASSIC LLC 000861 C 940.00 N 00182385 8/6/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 000898 C 6.07 N 00182386 8/6/2020 002304 MORGAN ST PIERRE 000898 C 1,200.00 N 00182387 8/6/2020 000428 SNOW COLLEGE 000898 C 9,620.00 N 00182388 8/6/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 000947 C 4.02 N 00182389 8/6/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 000982 C 3,386.14 N 00182390 8/6/2020 025528 DEEP SEVEN ARCHIVE & SHRED 000614 C 42.55 N 00182391 8/6/2020 004015 FRANKLIN COVEY CLIENT SALES INC 000614 C 7,500.00 N 00182392 8/6/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 000695 C 27.74 N 00182393 8/6/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 000695 C 85.35 N 00182394 8/6/2020 027110 DONE RITE LINES LLC 000695 C 510.00 N 00182395 8/6/2020 071093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 000695 C 142.84 N 00182396 8/6/2020 080289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE 000695 C 1,376.16 N 00182397 8/6/2020 006381 THRIVE NURSERY LLC 000695 C 108.00 N 00182398 8/6/2020 002044 CLAYTON'S CUSTOM CURBING 000727 C 1,505.00 N 00182399 8/6/2020 071045 MOUNTAIN STAINLESS 000727 C 90.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182400 8/6/2020 092311 VALENTINER CRANE BRUNJES ONYON ARCHITECT 000727 C 5,000.00 N 00182401 8/6/2020 066756 POSTMASTER 000732 C 365.24 N 00182402 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000769 C 126.00 N 00182403 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000769 C 59.00 N 00182404 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000769 C 59.00 N 00182405 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000769 C 76.00 N 00182406 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000769 C 70.00 N 00182407 8/6/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 000770 C 752.40 N 00182408 8/6/2020 015644 CARPENTER PAPER CO 000770 C 6,264.00 N 00182409 8/6/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000770 C 1,654.40 N 00182410 8/6/2020 042005 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 000770 C 2,179.20 N 00182411 8/6/2020 034776 KEN GARFF FORD 000770 C 36,264.12 N 00182412 8/6/2020 059889 NICHOLAS & COMPANY 000770 C 1,489.20 N 00182413 8/6/2020 010685 RIGHTWAY SANITARY SUPPLY 000770 C 827.40 N 00182414 8/6/2020 006375 SUGAR HOUSE DISTILLERY LLC 000770 C 21,500.00 N 00182415 8/6/2020 005432 ALSCO 000772 C 32.22 N 00182416 8/6/2020 084948 THOMAS PETROLEUM 000772 C 2,992.72 N 00182417 8/6/2020 005432 ALSCO 000773 C 62.71 N 00182418 8/6/2020 009672 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC 000773 C 3,569.60 N 00182419 8/6/2020 010639 BEST DEAL SPRING, INC 000773 C 84.95 N 00182420 8/6/2020 013609 BRYSON SALES & SERVICE INC 000773 C 4,352.36 N 00182421 8/6/2020 040872 HOSE & RUBBER SUPPLY 000773 C 146.24 N 00182422 8/6/2020 043708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC 000773 C 658.40 N 00182423 8/6/2020 045601 KENWORTH SALE CO 000773 C 127.00 N 00182424 8/6/2020 072645 ROMAINE ELECTRIC INC 000773 C 269.24 N 00182425 8/6/2020 030165 EDUCATORS MUTUAL INS - DENTAL 000817 C 101,659.50 N 00182426 8/6/2020 085996 TOTAL DENTAL ADMINISTRATORS 000817 C 79,343.70 N 00182427 8/6/2020 024687 HAROLD DANCE INVESTMENTS 000829 C 975.00 N 00182428 8/6/2020 057687 NATIONAL BENEFIT SERVICE TSA - 403(B) 000829 C 130,956.77 N 00182429 8/6/2020 090880 UTAH INTERLOCAL EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS TRU 000829 C 2,695.91 N 00182430 8/6/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000835 C 9,426.56 N 00182431 8/6/2020 004308 ALPINE ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION 000836 C 868.00 N 00182432 8/6/2020 003760 ALPINE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION 000836 C 9,028.35 N 00182433 8/6/2020 003554 ALPINE UNISERV 000836 C 78,817.21 N 00182434 8/6/2020 050421 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 000836 C 415.00 N 00182435 8/6/2020 082144 SUNSHINE FUND 000836 C 430.00 N 00182436 8/6/2020 083927 TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 000836 C 108.00 N 00182437 8/6/2020 003237 TRANSPORTATION SUNSHINE FUND 000836 C 125.00 N 00182438 8/6/2020 090040 UAESP 000836 C 994.06 N 00182439 8/6/2020 090042 UASSP 000836 C 1,325.00 N 00182440 8/6/2020 088950 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL & SOUTHERN UTAH 000836 C 937.05 N 00182441 8/6/2020 090290 UTAH SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION 000836 C 14,746.17 N 00182442 8/6/2020 014593 CACHE VALLEY ELECTRIC 000844 C 204,232.83 N 00182443 8/6/2020 004512 INSTRUCTURE INC 000844 C 29,250.00 N 00182444 8/6/2020 004876 LUCID SOFTWARE INC 000844 C 84,000.00 N 00182445 8/6/2020 009674 BATTERIES PLUS (STORE #357) 000848 C 14.95 N 00182446 8/6/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 000848 C 4,838.72 N 00182447 8/6/2020 043702 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER 000848 C 626.35 N 00182448 8/6/2020 049247 LOWRY OVERHEAD DOORS 000848 C 120.00 N 00182449 8/6/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 000848 C 1,964.12 N 00182450 8/6/2020 071366 RHINEHART OIL 000848 C 20.57 N 00182451 8/6/2020 080289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE 000848 C 732.39 N 00182452 8/6/2020 037277 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 000848 C 100.89 N 00182453 8/6/2020 056325 MOUNTAIN ALARM 000852 C 1,729.00 N 00182454 8/6/2020 000528 ABS - ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING SUPPLY 000858 C 361.90 N 00182455 8/6/2020 002400 AL'S AUTO PART & SERVICE 000858 C 620.88 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182456 8/6/2020 006886 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC 000858 C 72.00 N 00182457 8/6/2020 009672 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC 000858 C 524.72 N 00182458 8/6/2020 011282 BISCO 000858 C 9.70 N 00182459 8/6/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 000858 C 6.97 N 00182460 8/6/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 000858 C 860.68 N 00182461 8/6/2020 004520 BRYAN J TURNER 000858 C 2,000.00 N 00182462 8/6/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 000858 C 3,494.22 N 00182463 8/6/2020 027921 DCD TRANSFER 000858 C 120.00 N 00182464 8/6/2020 039770 EAST PENN MANUFACTURING CO 000858 C 253.65 N 00182465 8/6/2020 002826 ELITE CONCRETE LIFTING 000858 C 1,650.00 N 00182466 8/6/2020 006426 ENVIRO WASTE SERVICE 000858 C 650.00 N 00182467 8/6/2020 096705 HD SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION & INDUS WHITE CAP 000858 C 33.52 N 00182468 8/6/2020 043069 INTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS 000858 C 259.58 N 00182469 8/6/2020 046678 L K L ASSOCIATES 000858 C 395.20 N 00182470 8/6/2020 048439 LINDEN NURSERY 000858 C 166.60 N 00182471 8/6/2020 051194 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS 000858 C 253.66 N 00182472 8/6/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 000858 C 3,949.78 N 00182473 8/6/2020 060530 NORTHWEST FENCE & SUPPLY 000858 C 21.81 N 00182474 8/6/2020 002466 OVERHEAD DOOR OF UTAH VALLEY 000858 C 180.00 N 00182475 8/6/2020 071093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 000858 C 207.25 N 00182476 8/6/2020 071366 RHINEHART OIL 000858 C 529.50 N 00182477 8/6/2020 072260 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TURF 000858 C 710.92 N 00182478 8/6/2020 072847 ROTO AIRE FILTER SALES SERVICE 000858 C 2,168.54 N 00182479 8/6/2020 001457 RPM AUTO PARTS, INC 000858 C 168.74 N 00182480 8/6/2020 077375 SIX STATES DISTRIBUTORS 000858 C 4,663.34 N 00182481 8/6/2020 079620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC 000858 C 1,298.75 N 00182482 8/6/2020 079690 STANDARD PLUMBING SUPPLY CO 000858 C 4.60 N 00182483 8/6/2020 037277 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 000858 C 2,163.36 N 00182484 8/6/2020 084948 THOMAS PETROLEUM 000858 C 2,362.46 N 00182485 8/6/2020 084875 THOMPSON LOGGING INC. 000858 C 2,660.00 N 00182486 8/6/2020 087909 UNITED SERVICE & SALES INC 000858 C 280.34 N 00182487 8/6/2020 000791 VALLEY GLASS COMPANY 000858 C 570.18 N 00182488 8/6/2020 011909 BONNEVILLE BILLING & COLLECTIN 000889 C 1,177.31 N 00182489 8/6/2020 017893 CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES OFFICE OF RECOVER 000889 C 4,438.17 N 00182490 8/6/2020 031525 EXPRESS RECOVERY SERVICES INC 000889 C 223.35 N 00182491 8/6/2020 005403 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 000889 C 486.95 N 00182492 8/6/2020 054196 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 000889 C 762.26 N 00182493 8/6/2020 003391 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 000889 C 1,510.00 N 00182494 8/6/2020 068100 PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOC 000889 C 221.28 N 00182495 8/6/2020 002355 THE CHERRINGTON FIRM, PLLC 000889 C 600.00 N 00182496 8/6/2020 087462 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL PAYM 000889 C 841.87 N 00182497 8/6/2020 091603 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION 000889 C 1,706.13 N 00182498 8/6/2020 090430 UTAH COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 000892 C 15,730.00 N 00182499 8/6/2020 000301 EXPERCOM 000893 C 1,829.82 N 00182500 8/6/2020 028234 EARTHTEC ENGINEERING 000895 C 106.25 N 00182501 8/6/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000895 C 252.76 N 00182502 8/6/2020 076060 KENNY SENG CONSTRUCTION 000895 C 19,500.00 N 00182503 8/6/2020 050505 KEVIN MADSON & ASSOCIATES, INC 000895 C 21,542.79 N 00182504 8/6/2020 005336 RALPH TYE & SONS INC 000895 C 45,207.65 N 00182505 8/6/2020 000202 BYU 000911 C 5,550.00 N 00182506 8/6/2020 000428 SNOW COLLEGE 000911 C 1,000.00 N 00182507 8/6/2020 003098 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 000911 C 1,600.00 N 00182508 8/6/2020 091890 000911 C 2,500.00 N 00182509 8/6/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000917 C 24,892.48 N 00182510 8/6/2020 003055 DIEGO'S SHOP 000929 C 2,105.10 N 00182511 8/6/2020 048090 LEWIS BUS GROUP 000929 C 4,212.12 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182512 8/6/2020 005380 TOP NOTCH COLLISION 000929 C 1,000.00 N 00182513 8/6/2020 030185 EDUCATORS MUTUAL FLEXIBLE SPENDING 000943 C 4,872.88 N 00182514 8/6/2020 030163 EMI HEALTH 000943 C 22,344.44 N 00182515 8/6/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 000954 C 3,280.00 N 00182516 8/6/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000954 C 122,891.42 N 00182517 8/6/2020 061697 OREM CITY CORPORATION 000978 C 14,806.40 N 00182518 8/6/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705004 C 25.00 N 00182519 8/6/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721014 C 30.00 N 00182520 8/6/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735013 C 150.00 N 00182521 8/6/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737014 C 150.00 N 00182522 8/6/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737014 C 325.00 N 00182523 8/6/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789011 C 150.00 N 00182524 8/6/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789011 C 160.00 N 00182525 8/6/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789011 C 75.00 N 00182526 8/6/2020 999494 MOUNTAIN RIDGE STIPEND VENDOR 794005 C 70.00 N 00182527 8/6/2020 999496 WILLOWCREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VENDOR 796011 C 25.00 N 00182528 8/6/2020 005973 JIAJIE WU 000162 C 5,000.00 N 00182529 8/6/2020 005965 NING ZHAO 000162 C 5,000.00 N 00182530 8/6/2020 005967 XIAOQIAN XU 000162 C 5,000.00 N 00182531 8/6/2020 006418 YU-TING THOMPSON 000162 C 5,000.00 N 00182532 8/6/2020 005708 BMJ SPORTS 000682 C 800.00 N 00182533 8/6/2020 001405 PRO GROWER SUPPLY 000682 C 646.60 N 00182534 8/6/2020 005062 SHANNON MORTENSEN 000682 C 1,150.00 N 00182535 8/6/2020 056731 MOVIE LICENSING USA, SWANK 000786 C 465.00 N 00182536 8/6/2020 006425 AUSTIN WILSON 000806 C 2,700.00 N 00182537 8/6/2020 082500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERVICE 000810 C 28,364.78 N 00182538 8/6/2020 005822 LITERACY RESOURCES INC 000842 C 10,754.21 N 00182539 8/6/2020 082520 T MOBILE OFFICE 000847 C 108.44 N 00182540 8/6/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 000865 C 33,901.16 N 00182541 8/6/2020 014089 BURBIDGE & WHITE LLC 000868 C 8,096.00 N 00182542 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182543 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182544 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182545 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182546 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 185.00 N 00182547 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 185.00 N 00182548 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182549 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182550 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000868 C 60.00 N 00182551 8/6/2020 003309 ALEXI RUFFELL 000871 C 30.00 N 00182552 8/6/2020 004012 BETTY BROWN 000871 C 140.00 N 00182553 8/6/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 000871 C 200.00 N 00182554 8/6/2020 000377 LORI HICKS 000871 C 50.00 N 00182555 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000871 C 128.07 N 00182556 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000871 C 28.00 N 00182557 8/6/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 000871 C 90.00 N 00182558 8/6/2020 000255 ONE ON ONE PROMOTIONALS 000894 C 1,306.45 N 00182559 8/6/2020 001298 SPORTS LINE SOFTWARE, LLC 000894 C 275.00 N 00182560 8/6/2020 040675 HOME DEPOT 000899 C 331.09 N 00182561 8/6/2020 004833 HUTCH'S HOME FURNISHING'S 000899 C 2,401.98 N 00182562 8/6/2020 060500 NORTH POINTE SOLID WASTE SPEC SERVICE DI 000899 C 22.00 N 00182563 8/6/2020 087912 UNITED SITE SERVICES 000899 C 153.35 N 00182564 8/6/2020 005230 WALL SMART LLC 000899 C 1,450.00 N 00182565 8/6/2020 000394 FUEL EDUCATION, LLC 000906 C 2,768.00 N 00182566 8/6/2020 004902 ALLISON NICCUM PHOTOGRAPHY 000915 C 450.00 N 00182567 8/6/2020 089083 UNIVERSAL ATHLETICS 000915 C 27,236.50 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182568 8/6/2020 005638 LISA NOELE WHATCOTT 000916 C 200.00 N 00182569 8/6/2020 001946 ON SITE STORAGE 000916 C 5,030.00 N 00182570 8/6/2020 006422 Alterra Medical 000919 C 176.00 N 00182571 8/6/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 000948 C 10,079.85 N 00182572 8/6/2020 091081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 000990 C 57,060.43 N 00182573 8/6/2020 016250 TOWN OF CEDAR FORT 000990 C 195.50 N 00182574 8/6/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092132 C 74.35 N 00182575 8/6/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092132 C 161.46 N 00182576 8/6/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092132 C 57.96 N 00182577 8/6/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092132 C 35.54 N 00182578 8/13/2020 005936 ALEXANDRA TAYLOR 000949 C 300.00 N 00182579 8/13/2020 000055 ANYTIME SERVICES 000949 C 220.00 N 00182580 8/13/2020 032480 FEDEX SHIPPING 000949 C 300.67 N 00182581 8/13/2020 039861 HERFF JONES, INC (YEARBOOK) 000949 C 5,860.31 N 00182582 8/13/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 000949 C 257.00 N 00182583 8/13/2020 006549 JOSHUA ANDERSON 000949 C 50.00 N 00182584 8/13/2020 004728 MINT JULEP DESIGN LLC 000949 C 156.00 N 00182585 8/13/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 000949 C 862.50 N 00182586 8/13/2020 006013 THE FOOD TRUCK LEAGUE 000974 C 372.00 N 00182587 8/13/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 000987 C 4,286.00 N 00182588 8/13/2020 090430 UTAH COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 001010 C 750.00 N 00182589 8/13/2020 003121 ANDERSON MONOGRAMS LLC 001014 C 945.00 N 00182590 8/13/2020 017261 CERTIFIED SHRED INC 001014 C 41.00 N 00182591 8/13/2020 041487 INTERMOUNTAIN WORKMED - OREM 001014 C 1,625.00 N 00182592 8/13/2020 081815 SUMNER PRINTING & MARKETING 001015 C 17,327.00 N 00182593 8/13/2020 001455 MYSTI ROSE 001039 C 800.00 N 00182594 8/13/2020 005051 MZHY EDITORS GROUP 001040 C 75.00 N 00182595 8/13/2020 033292 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC 001042 C 462.20 N 00182596 8/13/2020 006447 HAYLEE NELSON 001042 C 50.00 N 00182597 8/13/2020 041246 HUMPHRIES INC 001042 C 11.16 N 00182598 8/13/2020 000980 JERRA STOUT 001042 C 1,200.00 N 00182599 8/13/2020 047325 LE BUS 001042 C 1,027.50 N 00182600 8/13/2020 005801 LEHI CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 001042 C 2,100.00 N 00182601 8/13/2020 067912 PRO LOOK SPORTS 001042 C 15,750.00 N 00182602 8/13/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 001042 C 1,600.00 N 00182603 8/13/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001042 C 4,814.37 N 00182604 8/13/2020 090409 UTAH COUNTY AUDITOR 001044 C 638,184.50 N 00182605 8/13/2020 091580 UTAH STATE RISK MANAGEMENT 001044 C 13,145.13 N 00182606 8/13/2020 091600 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION 001044 C 1,122,212.60 N 00182607 8/13/2020 091891 UTAH VALLEY CHAMBER COMMERCE 001044 C 499.00 N 00182608 8/13/2020 005704 EDGENUITY INC 001050 C 8,625.00 N 00182609 8/13/2020 092170 VALCOM 001073 C 3.19 N 00182610 8/13/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 001073 C 7,655.15 N 00182611 8/13/2020 006422 Alterra Medical 001075 C 635.88 N 00182612 8/13/2020 020095 COLONIAL FLAG 001075 C 303.78 N 00182613 8/13/2020 007765 ASPEN REAL ESTATE TRUST ACCT 001080 C 471.30 N 00182614 8/13/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 001080 C 80.62 N 00182615 8/13/2020 006295 COPYTEC 001080 C 139.68 N 00182616 8/13/2020 004973 LEXIA LEARNING SYSTEMS LLC 001082 C 5,664.00 N 00182617 8/13/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001105 C 5,526.57 N 00182618 8/13/2020 005161 CRP ENTERPRISES 000651 C 3,000.00 N 00182619 8/13/2020 030280 EDUTEK CORPORATION 000926 C 544.44 N 00182620 8/13/2020 006366 A WISH COME TRUE 000941 C 6,190.00 N 00182621 8/13/2020 006441 ANDREA ARBUCKLE 000941 C 120.00 N 00182622 8/13/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 000941 C 4,939.63 N 00182623 8/13/2020 049559 MVP SPORTS 000941 C 72.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182624 8/13/2020 081796 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC 000941 C 20.00 N 00182625 8/13/2020 087912 UNITED SITE SERVICES 000941 C 315.10 N 00182626 8/13/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 000941 C 30.00 N 00182627 8/13/2020 082491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA 000955 C 57.60 N 00182628 8/13/2020 023515 CREATIVE SIGNS & GRAPHICS 000963 C 24,807.77 N 00182629 8/13/2020 054244 MICHAELIS DESIGNS, LLC 000964 C 4,213.26 N 00182630 8/13/2020 078544 SNOW COLLEGE FOOTBALL CAMP 000976 C 22,265.00 N 00182631 8/13/2020 001986 DOLLAMUR SPORT SURFACES 000977 C 26,469.98 N 00182632 8/13/2020 006446 HEATHER DIAMOND 001001 C 1,000.00 N 00182633 8/13/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 001001 C 138.05 N 00182634 8/13/2020 004074 LIFEMED SAFETY INC 001001 C 199.90 N 00182635 8/13/2020 001109 LORI HIGBEE 001001 C 125.00 N 00182636 8/13/2020 004958 MCKINLEY HAWKES 001001 C 800.00 N 00182637 8/13/2020 005853 VARSITY SPIRIT LLC DBA V!ROC 001001 C 5,700.00 N 00182638 8/13/2020 003375 WHITNEY BEZZANT 001001 C 1,500.00 N 00182639 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001016 C 52.68 N 00182640 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001016 C 15.00 N 00182641 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001016 C 78.00 N 00182642 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001016 C 48.00 N 00182643 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001016 C 44.91 N 00182644 8/13/2020 006428 ANDREA HANSEN-PRETTY MACABRE 001038 C 5,000.00 N 00182645 8/13/2020 000239 MAD SCREEN PRINTING 001045 C 331.80 N 00182646 8/13/2020 005711 GOLDEN GATE MOVEMENT 001065 C 99.00 N 00182647 8/13/2020 000762 WASATCH SCHOLASTIC SERVICES 001065 C 970.00 N 00182648 8/13/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 001067 C 1,094.00 N 00182649 8/13/2020 004465 SEPULONI PULU 001067 C 800.00 N 00182650 8/13/2020 082491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA 001067 C 255.28 N 00182651 8/13/2020 087440 UCI-UTAH CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES 001067 C 345.27 N 00182652 8/13/2020 089083 UNIVERSAL ATHLETICS 001067 C 3,601.00 N 00182653 8/13/2020 050942 MICHAEL MARTIN 001083 C 555.00 N 00182654 8/13/2020 003452 U & S PORTABLE TOILETS 001083 C 490.00 N 00182655 8/13/2020 005950 UC BANTAM BASKEBALL 001083 C 3,800.00 N 00182656 8/13/2020 000988 CRAFTWISE 001100 C 1,028.30 N 00182657 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001103 C 85.30 N 00182658 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001103 C 70.90 N 00182659 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001103 C 75.15 N 00182660 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001103 C 35.00 N 00182661 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001103 C 12.50 N 00182662 8/13/2020 069322 DOMINION ENERGY 001116 C 14,318.38 N 00182663 8/13/2020 003565 ALPINE CITY 001136 C 3,897.35 N 00182664 8/13/2020 004804 AMERICAN FORK CITY 001136 C 16,898.98 N 00182665 8/13/2020 016230 CITY OF CEDAR HILLS 001136 C 2,595.59 N 00182666 8/13/2020 018695 CITY SANITATION 001136 C 410.84 N 00182667 8/13/2020 069322 DOMINION ENERGY 001136 C 1,145.18 N 00182668 8/13/2020 040193 HIGHLAND CITY 001136 C 7,432.07 N 00182669 8/13/2020 047686 LEHI CITY CORP 001136 C 101,915.99 N 00182670 8/13/2020 048445 LINDON CITY 001136 C 7,287.04 N 00182671 8/13/2020 061689 OREM CITY CORP UTILITIES 001136 C 58,149.84 N 00182672 8/13/2020 066168 PLEASANT GROVE CITY UTILITIES 001136 C 12,835.30 N 00182673 8/13/2020 091081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 001136 C 125,106.44 N 00182674 8/13/2020 074225 SARATOGA SPRINGS UTILITIES 001136 C 16,428.77 N 00182675 8/13/2020 004138 SUMMIT ENERGY LLC 001136 C 1,378.20 N 00182676 8/13/2020 093253 VINEYARD TOWN OF 001136 C 863.49 N 00182677 8/13/2020 000528 ABS - ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING SUPPLY 000849 C 722.49 N 00182678 8/13/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 000849 C 1,718.94 N 00182679 8/13/2020 023700 CREER SHEET METAL WORKS 000849 C 192.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182680 8/13/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 000849 C 673.05 N 00182681 8/13/2020 046678 L K L ASSOCIATES 000849 C 7.88 N 00182682 8/13/2020 087909 UNITED SERVICE & SALES INC 000849 C 1,280.00 N 00182683 8/13/2020 099051 WURTH LOUIS AND COMPANY 000849 C 55.40 N 00182684 8/13/2020 005708 BMJ SPORTS 000890 C 800.00 N 00182685 8/13/2020 001779 CHRISTOPHER BROWN- TRADEWINDS LLC 000890 C 500.00 N 00182686 8/13/2020 002069 NIKOLE BLACK 000890 C 1,200.00 N 00182687 8/13/2020 000470 ADP LEMCO INC 000966 C 5,380.00 N 00182688 8/13/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 000966 C 1,323.20 N 00182689 8/13/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 000966 C 44,765.79 N 00182690 8/13/2020 069150 PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS 000966 C 22,846.08 N 00182691 8/13/2020 079080 SOUTHWEST PLASTICS BINDING COMPANY 000966 C 9,650.00 N 00182692 8/13/2020 092170 VALCOM 000966 C 3,285.31 N 00182693 8/13/2020 094680 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 000966 C 1,059.00 N 00182694 8/13/2020 082491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA 000985 C 134.64 N 00182695 8/13/2020 006396 GOOSEBERRY ART STUDIO 001012 C 4,896.00 N 00182696 8/13/2020 030280 EDUTEK CORPORATION 001013 C 106,199.64 N 00182697 8/13/2020 016600 CENTRA COM 001036 C 5,190.60 N 00182698 8/13/2020 026708 DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS 001036 C 3,843.90 N 00182699 8/13/2020 000301 EXPERCOM 001036 C 549.97 N 00182700 8/13/2020 006424 KAMI - NOTABLE INCORPORATED 001037 C 90,000.00 N 00182701 8/13/2020 092170 VALCOM 001037 C 7,597.13 N 00182702 8/13/2020 003461 FOOD SERVICE SUPPLY 001056 C 3,653.27 N 00182703 8/13/2020 003917 MANDARIN MATRIX 001056 C 1,260.00 N 00182704 8/13/2020 003640 AIR QUALITY CONSULTING LLC 001060 C 424.99 N 00182705 8/13/2020 002400 AL'S AUTO PART & SERVICE 001060 C 224.73 N 00182706 8/13/2020 004671 AMERICAN CHILLER MECHANICAL SERVICE 001060 C 3,000.62 N 00182707 8/13/2020 006886 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC 001060 C 95.08 N 00182708 8/13/2020 010632 BEST AWNING AND SIDING CO 001060 C 727.50 N 00182709 8/13/2020 011282 BISCO 001060 C 446.96 N 00182710 8/13/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 001060 C 1,726.40 N 00182711 8/13/2020 014593 CACHE VALLEY ELECTRIC 001060 C 8,703.17 N 00182712 8/13/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001060 C 2,554.48 N 00182713 8/13/2020 026591 DIAMOND RENTAL 001060 C 997.49 N 00182714 8/13/2020 076589 DUFF SHELLEY CYCLE & MOWER, INC 001060 C 24.99 N 00182715 8/13/2020 002826 ELITE CONCRETE LIFTING 001060 C 525.00 N 00182716 8/13/2020 006426 ENVIRO WASTE SERVICE 001060 C 910.00 N 00182717 8/13/2020 031480 ERIKS NORTH AMERICA 001060 C 43.63 N 00182718 8/13/2020 032257 FASTENAL 001060 C 60.18 N 00182719 8/13/2020 037154 GREAT BASIN TURF PRODUCTS 001060 C 599.70 N 00182720 8/13/2020 041246 HUMPHRIES INC 001060 C 22.32 N 00182721 8/13/2020 043950 JACK'S TIRE & OIL 001060 C 274.00 N 00182722 8/13/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 001060 C 208.81 N 00182723 8/13/2020 005886 KEN GARFF CHEVROLET 001060 C 36.70 N 00182724 8/13/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 001060 C 2,850.98 N 00182725 8/13/2020 059870 NICKERSON CO INC 001060 C 1,840.00 N 00182726 8/13/2020 060530 NORTHWEST FENCE & SUPPLY 001060 C 1,900.00 N 00182727 8/13/2020 003397 R&L BOWES DISTRIBUTING 001060 C 208.20 N 00182728 8/13/2020 071093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 001060 C 1,326.84 N 00182729 8/13/2020 071366 RHINEHART OIL 001060 C 719.31 N 00182730 8/13/2020 010685 RIGHTWAY SANITARY SUPPLY 001060 C 627.00 N 00182731 8/13/2020 072847 ROTO AIRE FILTER SALES SERVICE 001060 C 2,144.98 N 00182732 8/13/2020 004877 SILICON SIGNS 001060 C 991.68 N 00182733 8/13/2020 077375 SIX STATES DISTRIBUTORS 001060 C 381.74 N 00182734 8/13/2020 079620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC 001060 C 844.30 N 00182735 8/13/2020 079690 STANDARD PLUMBING SUPPLY CO 001060 C 32.47 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182736 8/13/2020 004062 STEVENS ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP INC 001060 C 265.00 N 00182737 8/13/2020 037277 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 001060 C 1,704.40 N 00182738 8/13/2020 084948 THOMAS PETROLEUM 001060 C 86.20 N 00182739 8/13/2020 084875 THOMPSON LOGGING INC. 001060 C 2,470.00 N 00182740 8/13/2020 087909 UNITED SERVICE & SALES INC 001060 C 278.33 N 00182741 8/13/2020 093252 VINYL INDUSTRIES LLC 001060 C 6,753.39 N 00182742 8/13/2020 002051 ARTIST CORNER 001019 C 1,094.40 N 00182743 8/13/2020 041487 INTERMOUNTAIN WORKMED - OREM 001019 C 94.00 N 00182744 8/13/2020 082500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERVICE 001041 C 3,458.97 N 00182745 8/13/2020 028234 EARTHTEC ENGINEERING 001066 C 4,129.50 N 00182746 8/13/2020 040442 HOGAN & ASSOCIATES CONSTRUCTION, INC 001066 C 2,728,484.64 N 00182747 8/13/2020 050929 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES INC 001066 C 9,662.00 N 00182748 8/13/2020 096243 WESTLAND CONSTRUCTION 001066 C 6,475,344.92 N 00182749 8/13/2020 000202 BYU 001077 C 3,000.00 N 00182750 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001078 C 386.86 N 00182751 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001078 C 437.58 N 00182752 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001084 C 125.00 N 00182753 8/13/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001084 C 104.93 N 00182754 8/13/2020 052474 MEADOW GOLD DAIRIES 001088 C 11,841.35 N 00182755 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 69.00 N 00182756 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 132.00 N 00182757 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 104.00 N 00182758 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 74.00 N 00182759 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 238.00 N 00182760 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 79.00 N 00182761 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 137.00 N 00182762 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 77.00 N 00182763 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 79.00 N 00182764 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 62.00 N 00182765 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 105.00 N 00182766 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182767 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 79.00 N 00182768 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 203.00 N 00182769 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 62.00 N 00182770 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 69.00 N 00182771 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 77.00 N 00182772 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 62.00 N 00182773 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 67.00 N 00182774 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 108.00 N 00182775 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 103.00 N 00182776 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182777 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 64.00 N 00182778 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 62.00 N 00182779 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 62.00 N 00182780 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 62.00 N 00182781 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182782 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182783 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 182.00 N 00182784 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 99.00 N 00182785 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 117.00 N 00182786 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 97.00 N 00182787 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 57.00 N 00182788 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182789 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 57.00 N 00182790 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 119.00 N 00182791 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 57.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182792 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182793 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 112.00 N 00182794 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 144.00 N 00182795 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 103.00 N 00182796 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 122.00 N 00182797 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 72.00 N 00182798 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 79.00 N 00182799 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 117.00 N 00182800 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 92.00 N 00182801 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 102.00 N 00182802 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 103.00 N 00182803 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 110.00 N 00182804 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 282.00 N 00182805 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 118.00 N 00182806 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 64.00 N 00182807 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 127.00 N 00182808 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 72.00 N 00182809 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 98.00 N 00182810 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 99.00 N 00182811 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 55.00 N 00182812 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 57.00 N 00182813 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 97.00 N 00182814 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 127.00 N 00182815 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 99.00 N 00182816 8/13/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705009 C 77.00 N 00182817 8/13/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735019 C 150.00 N 00182818 8/13/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735019 C 25.00 N 00182819 8/13/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735019 C 152.00 N 00182820 8/13/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735019 C 150.00 N 00182821 8/13/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735019 C 150.00 N 00182822 8/13/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735019 C 35.00 N 00182823 8/13/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737021 C 100.00 N 00182824 8/13/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737021 C 250.00 N 00182825 8/13/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737021 C 25.00 N 00182826 8/13/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737021 C 150.00 N 00182827 8/13/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737021 C 105.00 N 00182828 8/13/2020 999441 LEHI JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 741006 C 1,500.00 N 00182829 8/13/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779019 C 200.00 N 00182830 8/13/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779019 C 225.00 N 00182831 8/13/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779019 C 200.00 N 00182832 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 60.00 N 00182833 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 220.00 N 00182834 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 120.00 N 00182835 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 170.00 N 00182836 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 470.00 N 00182837 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 130.00 N 00182838 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 25.00 N 00182839 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 250.00 N 00182840 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 170.00 N 00182841 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 150.00 N 00182842 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 130.00 N 00182843 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 130.00 N 00182844 8/13/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784013 C 300.00 N 00182845 8/13/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791007 C 45.00 N 00182846 8/13/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791007 C 105.00 N 00182847 8/13/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791007 C 100.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182848 8/13/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791007 C 105.00 N 00182849 8/13/2020 005432 ALSCO 000920 C 183.67 N 00182850 8/13/2020 009672 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC 000920 C 5,745.36 N 00182851 8/13/2020 013609 BRYSON SALES & SERVICE INC 000920 C 858.17 N 00182852 8/13/2020 000012 DOSSIER SYSTEMS INC. 000920 C 6,799.32 N 00182853 8/13/2020 001772 EP UPHOLSTERY 000920 C 988.75 N 00182854 8/13/2020 032257 FASTENAL 000920 C 1,705.39 N 00182855 8/13/2020 043708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC 000920 C 439.04 N 00182856 8/13/2020 000026 JACKSON GROUP PETERBILT 000920 C 85.38 N 00182857 8/13/2020 045601 KENWORTH SALE CO 000920 C 32.92 N 00182858 8/13/2020 048090 LEWIS BUS GROUP 000920 C 476.48 N 00182859 8/13/2020 072645 ROMAINE ELECTRIC INC 000920 C 292.76 N 00182860 8/13/2020 005380 TOP NOTCH COLLISION 000920 C 11,527.33 N 00182861 8/13/2020 040695 HON CO 000687 C 11,540.52 N 00182862 8/13/2020 040695 HON CO 000922 C 3,137.10 N 00182863 8/13/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092133 C 55.55 N 00182864 8/13/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092133 C 494.84 N 00182865 8/13/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092133 C 102.35 N 00182866 8/13/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092133 C 3.56 N 00182867 8/13/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092133 C 106.89 N 00182868 8/17/2020 074225 SARATOGA SPRINGS UTILITIES 001199 C 13,600.64 N 00182869 8/20/2020 025791 DEPT OF HEALTH HEALTH CARE FINANCING 000828 C 17,543.84 N 00182870 8/20/2020 025791 DEPT OF HEALTH HEALTH CARE FINANCING 000875 C 151,863.16 N 00182871 8/20/2020 005432 ALSCO 001009 C 85.39 N 00182872 8/20/2020 009672 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC 001009 C 1,608.60 N 00182873 8/20/2020 010639 BEST DEAL SPRING, INC 001009 C 333.78 N 00182874 8/20/2020 013609 BRYSON SALES & SERVICE INC 001009 C 702.36 N 00182875 8/20/2020 001994 CHALK'S TRUCK PARTS, INC 001009 C 552.55 N 00182876 8/20/2020 040872 HOSE & RUBBER SUPPLY 001009 C 38.37 N 00182877 8/20/2020 043708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC 001009 C 2,094.17 N 00182878 8/20/2020 000026 JACKSON GROUP PETERBILT 001009 C 285.59 N 00182879 8/20/2020 048090 LEWIS BUS GROUP 001009 C 72.18 N 00182880 8/20/2020 003640 AIR QUALITY CONSULTING LLC 001055 C 1,201.59 N 00182881 8/20/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 001055 C 169.80 N 00182882 8/20/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001055 C 490.89 N 00182883 8/20/2020 031340 EVANS GRADER & PAVING INC 001055 C 300.00 N 00182884 8/20/2020 041303 HUNT PEST CONTROL/PRO LAWN 001055 C 1,535.00 N 00182885 8/20/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 001055 C 237.69 N 00182886 8/20/2020 054245 MIDWEST FLOOR COVERINGS INC 001055 C 61.18 N 00182887 8/20/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 001055 C 81.76 N 00182888 8/20/2020 053627 ROBERT I MERRILL COMPANY 001055 C 362.00 N 00182889 8/20/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 001089 C 31,138.50 N 00182890 8/20/2020 069150 PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS 001089 C 5,932.80 N 00182891 8/20/2020 069370 QUILL CORP 001089 C 111.96 N 00182892 8/20/2020 079081 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY 001089 C 1,409.28 N 00182893 8/20/2020 019766 COBALT REFRIGERATION, INC. 001090 C 196.00 N 00182894 8/20/2020 002872 WELCH EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC 001090 C 88.04 N 00182895 8/20/2020 001337 LECTICON 001140 C 3,125.00 N 00182896 8/20/2020 001337 LECTICON 001142 C 6,250.00 N 00182897 8/20/2020 006457 CANYONS SD EDUCATION FOUNDATION 001145 C 5,000.00 N 00182898 8/20/2020 006459 REACH OUT 001151 C 3,600.00 N 00182899 8/20/2020 002400 AL'S AUTO PART & SERVICE 001170 C 130.36 N 00182900 8/20/2020 004671 AMERICAN CHILLER MECHANICAL SERVICE 001170 C 830.00 N 00182901 8/20/2020 004685 AMERICAN EQUIPMENT 001170 C 564.80 N 00182902 8/20/2020 009672 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC 001170 C 457.52 N 00182903 8/20/2020 010632 BEST AWNING AND SIDING CO 001170 C 5,581.32 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182904 8/20/2020 010639 BEST DEAL SPRING, INC 001170 C 482.92 N 00182905 8/20/2020 011282 BISCO 001170 C 3,508.52 N 00182906 8/20/2020 011911 BONNEVILLE EQUIPMENT CO 001170 C 103.12 N 00182907 8/20/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 001170 C 43.28 N 00182908 8/20/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001170 C 2,319.27 N 00182909 8/20/2020 027921 DCD TRANSFER 001170 C 90.00 N 00182910 8/20/2020 028234 EARTHTEC ENGINEERING 001170 C 1,001.59 N 00182911 8/20/2020 032257 FASTENAL 001170 C 13.11 N 00182912 8/20/2020 041008 HOUSE OF DRAPERY INC 001170 C 316.00 N 00182913 8/20/2020 041487 INTERMOUNTAIN WORKMED - OREM 001170 C 131.00 N 00182914 8/20/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 001170 C 113.07 N 00182915 8/20/2020 046678 L K L ASSOCIATES 001170 C 290.86 N 00182916 8/20/2020 051194 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS 001170 C 966.81 N 00182917 8/20/2020 054245 MIDWEST FLOOR COVERINGS INC 001170 C 55.48 N 00182918 8/20/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 001170 C 654.19 N 00182919 8/20/2020 071366 RHINEHART OIL 001170 C 617.85 N 00182920 8/20/2020 072919 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC 001170 C 28.54 N 00182921 8/20/2020 001457 RPM AUTO PARTS, INC 001170 C 150.36 N 00182922 8/20/2020 006307 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC 001170 C 53.61 N 00182923 8/20/2020 076870 SIERRA FOREST PRODUCTS 001170 C 93.52 N 00182924 8/20/2020 077375 SIX STATES DISTRIBUTORS 001170 C 1,091.89 N 00182925 8/20/2020 079620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC 001170 C 268.45 N 00182926 8/20/2020 037277 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 001170 C 1,099.22 N 00182927 8/20/2020 084948 THOMAS PETROLEUM 001170 C 678.10 N 00182928 8/20/2020 087909 UNITED SERVICE & SALES INC 001170 C 196.41 N 00182929 8/20/2020 093252 VINYL INDUSTRIES LLC 001170 C 3,217.81 N 00182930 8/20/2020 094680 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 001170 C 285.23 N 00182931 8/20/2020 099051 WURTH LOUIS AND COMPANY 001170 C 219.40 N 00182932 8/20/2020 001337 LECTICON 001177 C 6,562.50 N 00182933 8/20/2020 004193 CURTIS MINER ARCHITECTURE 001189 C 11,337.00 N 00182934 8/20/2020 028234 EARTHTEC ENGINEERING 001189 C 15,353.13 N 00182935 8/20/2020 040442 HOGAN & ASSOCIATES CONSTRUCTION, INC 001189 C 333,211.66 N 00182936 8/20/2020 068689 MERIDIAN ENGINEERING, INC 001189 C 30,000.00 N 00182937 8/20/2020 006429 SHEFFIELD POTTERY INC 001189 C 19,422.50 N 00182938 8/20/2020 096594 WHEELER MACHINERY COMPANY 001189 C 1,788.18 N 00182939 8/20/2020 014593 CACHE VALLEY ELECTRIC 001194 C 2,177.00 N 00182940 8/20/2020 025803 DTS DEPT OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 001194 C 500.00 N 00182941 8/20/2020 005139 TOOELE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 001198 C 5,000.00 N 00182942 8/20/2020 000202 BYU 001209 C 3,650.00 N 00182943 8/20/2020 003035 SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY 001209 C 200.00 N 00182944 8/20/2020 091890 UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY 001209 C 250.00 N 00182945 8/20/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 001256 C 656.00 N 00182946 8/20/2020 025571 DGS EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS 001256 C 6,403.60 N 00182947 8/20/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 001256 C 9,486.97 N 00182948 8/20/2020 069150 PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS 001256 C 120.42 N 00182949 8/20/2020 079081 SOUTHWEST SCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY 001256 C 8,197.13 N 00182950 8/20/2020 094680 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 001256 C 3,913.83 N 00182951 8/20/2020 058168 NATIONAL FLOORING BROKERS 001265 C 11,652.77 N 00182952 8/20/2020 006399 STATE OF UTAH - FUEL NETWORK 001271 C 15,116.25 N 00182953 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001273 C 70.00 N 00182954 8/20/2020 006410 IMAGE HOME DECOR LP 001288 C 7,210.00 N 00182955 8/20/2020 025791 DEPT OF HEALTH HEALTH CARE FINANCING 001302 C 233,871.68 N 00182956 8/20/2020 011282 BISCO 001309 C 193.04 N 00182957 8/20/2020 073707 SALT LAKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 001309 C 15,000.00 N 00182958 8/20/2020 005691 EASTMAN ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY 000827 C 827.00 N 00182959 8/20/2020 003147 GREAT MINDS 001094 C 4,851.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00182960 8/20/2020 004236 PTA - WINDSOR ELEMENTARY 001110 C 1,782.00 N 00182961 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001122 C 32,286.95 N 00182962 8/20/2020 020990 COMPANION CORPORATION 001125 C 630.00 N 00182963 8/20/2020 081642 SUCCEED PLANNERS & SPECIALTY ITEMS 001139 C 24.50 N 00182964 8/20/2020 019766 COBALT REFRIGERATION, INC. 001152 C 550.00 N 00182965 8/20/2020 049505 MK SOLUTIONS, INC 001152 C 927.00 N 00182966 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001152 C 5,989.55 N 00182967 8/20/2020 090430 UTAH COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 001152 C 155.00 N 00182968 8/20/2020 044966 JOSTENS, INC (YEARBOOK.2) 001159 C 1,763.50 N 00182969 8/20/2020 025528 DEEP SEVEN ARCHIVE & SHRED 001174 C 57.35 N 00182970 8/20/2020 000233 CHRISTOPHER M. NELSON 001175 C 500.00 N 00182971 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001175 C 7,187.54 N 00182972 8/20/2020 082491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA 001187 C 52.41 N 00182973 8/20/2020 000483 A & Z PRODUCE 001188 C 35,752.00 N 00182974 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001217 C 2,411.62 N 00182975 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 34.65 N 00182976 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 53.20 N 00182977 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 80.50 N 00182978 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 2.25 N 00182979 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 21.25 N 00182980 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 79.20 N 00182981 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 84.00 N 00182982 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001240 C 141.75 N 00182983 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 7.80 N 00182984 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 32.50 N 00182985 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 45.50 N 00182986 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 53.75 N 00182987 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 11.75 N 00182988 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 22.31 N 00182989 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 48.00 N 00182990 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 14.00 N 00182991 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 13.45 N 00182992 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 10.65 N 00182993 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 40.00 N 00182994 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 13.30 N 00182995 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 131.15 N 00182996 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 35.95 N 00182997 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001321 C 26.25 N 00182998 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092134 C 35.19 N 00182999 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092134 C 222.01 N 00183000 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092134 C 55.43 N 00183001 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092134 C 212.17 N 00183002 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092134 C 317.40 N 00183003 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092134 C 37.38 N 00183004 8/20/2020 072794 ROSETTA STONE LTD 000328 C 15,187.50 N 00183005 8/20/2020 000218 CHARISSA LITTLE 000818 C 527.00 N 00183006 8/20/2020 024745 DANIELS SUMMIT LODGE 000818 C 9,419.94 N 00183007 8/20/2020 005681 ABBEY HALSEY 001058 C 500.00 N 00183008 8/20/2020 006440 AUTUMN HEWLETT 001058 C 500.00 N 00183009 8/20/2020 000628 SPECTATOR BLANKET 001058 C 11,481.00 N 00183010 8/20/2020 006449 MORETRANSLATIONS 001068 C 318.23 N 00183011 8/20/2020 004198 AMERICAN FORK POLICE DEPARTMENT 001091 C 105,000.00 N 00183012 8/20/2020 006420 AMERICAN HARLEQUIN CORPORATION 001123 C 10,469.74 N 00183013 8/20/2020 081795 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CENTER 001133 C 10,236.00 N 00183014 8/20/2020 006416 HSIUFANG LIN 001134 C 5,000.00 N 00183015 8/20/2020 006455 MARTY CHEN 001134 C 5,000.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183016 8/20/2020 006456 GLOBAL GOODS 001147 C 33,670.00 N 00183017 8/20/2020 000489 CUSTOMINK, LLC 001150 C 467.71 N 00183018 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001179 C 53.44 N 00183019 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001179 C 1,129.90 N 00183020 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001179 C 31.79 N 00183021 8/20/2020 003524 ALPHAGRAPHICS 001185 C 962.58 N 00183022 8/20/2020 006458 CASEPAK INC 001185 C 9,999.00 N 00183023 8/20/2020 026900 DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY 001185 C 13,150.00 N 00183024 8/20/2020 000119 HUDL 001185 C 450.00 N 00183025 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001185 C 13,668.75 N 00183026 8/20/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001185 C 1,115.00 N 00183027 8/20/2020 001437 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL TRACK COACH'S ASSOC 001185 C 60.00 N 00183028 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001186 C 50.00 N 00183029 8/20/2020 001324 BINGHAM HIGH SCHOOL 001193 C 495.00 N 00183030 8/20/2020 006203 EMILY KAPRAL ROBERTS 001193 C 162.50 N 00183031 8/20/2020 005706 ERIC KRUSE 001193 C 2,000.00 N 00183032 8/20/2020 006123 JOHN GRAHAM 001193 C 112.50 N 00183033 8/20/2020 003182 JORDAN PETERSON 001193 C 1,200.00 N 00183034 8/20/2020 005219 RIDGELINE HIGH SCHOOL 001193 C 450.00 N 00183035 8/20/2020 004054 TREU DANCING LLC 001193 C 1,800.00 N 00183036 8/20/2020 004058 UTAH VALLEY TIP OFF CLASSIC LLC 001193 C 940.00 N 00183037 8/20/2020 000088 UTAH'S PREMIER GAME 001193 C 900.00 N 00183038 8/20/2020 005740 GREG BAIRD AKA PISO MOJADO MEDIA LLC 001230 C 600.00 N 00183039 8/20/2020 006454 MEGAN ADELSBERGER 001230 C 75.00 N 00183040 8/20/2020 005305 STS EDUCATION INC 001242 C 3,968.00 N 00183041 8/20/2020 001509 MAKE-A-WISH UTAH 001244 C 1,000.00 N 00183042 8/20/2020 000339 CHRIS JENSENS PIANO & ORGAN SERVICE 001246 C 105.00 N 00183043 8/20/2020 000056 SPIRIT MONKEY, LLC 001248 C 291.00 N 00183044 8/20/2020 005795 AFW LLC 001249 C 32,695.39 N 00183045 8/20/2020 079670 SQUIRE & CO PC 001249 C 3,000.00 N 00183046 8/20/2020 090552 UTAH DEPT WORKFORCE SERVICES 001249 C 25,355.55 N 00183047 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001250 C 5,000.00 N 00183048 8/20/2020 006444 FRYDRYCH TAILORING 001252 C 5,600.00 N 00183049 8/20/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001266 C 455.00 N 00183050 8/20/2020 006185 GRETCHEN MAXWELL 001295 C 40.00 N 00183051 8/20/2020 005996 JOAN STEINMANN 001295 C 130.00 N 00183052 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 38.28 N 00183053 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 114.67 N 00183054 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 227.00 N 00183055 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 23.00 N 00183056 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 16.71 N 00183057 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 21.00 N 00183058 8/20/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 56.55 N 00183059 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001295 C 42.00 N 00183060 8/20/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001182 C 2,000.00 N 00183061 8/20/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 000952 C 5,406.00 N 00183062 8/20/2020 004947 BRADEN PETERSEN 001092 C 826.00 N 00183063 8/20/2020 018967 CLARK WHOLESALE 001092 C 617.00 N 00183064 8/20/2020 006361 GOLDESIGN JEWELERS 001092 C 150.00 N 00183065 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001092 C 14,906.75 N 00183066 8/20/2020 049559 MVP SPORTS 001092 C 2,196.00 N 00183067 8/20/2020 000420 REGIONAL SUPPLY CO 001092 C 104.54 N 00183068 8/20/2020 003356 RELEVANT INC 001092 C 250.00 N 00183069 8/20/2020 090430 UTAH COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 001092 C 155.00 N 00183070 8/20/2020 001437 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL TRACK COACH'S ASSOC 001092 C 50.00 N 00183071 8/20/2020 004058 UTAH VALLEY TIP OFF CLASSIC LLC 001092 C 940.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183072 8/20/2020 005616 NOREDINK CORP 001138 C 9,450.00 N 00183073 8/20/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001158 C 8,073.17 N 00183074 8/20/2020 036726 GOPHER SPORT 001160 C 4,373.69 N 00183075 8/20/2020 081796 SUMMERHAYS MUSIC 001160 C 699.00 N 00183076 8/20/2020 005936 ALEXANDRA TAYLOR 001171 C 375.00 N 00183077 8/20/2020 005608 KRISTEN ALLEY 001171 C 175.00 N 00183078 8/20/2020 005431 SPECIAL OLYMPICS UTAH INC 001171 C 992.50 N 00183079 8/20/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001171 C 2,025.00 N 00183080 8/20/2020 001437 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL TRACK COACH'S ASSOC 001171 C 50.00 N 00183081 8/20/2020 017261 CERTIFIED SHRED INC 001181 C 33.00 N 00183082 8/20/2020 026900 DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY 001181 C 7,750.00 N 00183083 8/20/2020 000119 HUDL 001181 C 1,050.00 N 00183084 8/20/2020 047325 LE BUS 001181 C 850.00 N 00183085 8/20/2020 005074 STARVING STUDENT CARDS 001181 C 980.00 N 00183086 8/20/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 001181 C 3,052.28 N 00183087 8/20/2020 000988 CRAFTWISE 001213 C 688.75 N 00183088 8/20/2020 026900 DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY 001213 C 6,710.00 N 00183089 8/20/2020 000377 LORI HICKS 001213 C 75.00 N 00183090 8/20/2020 000378 RYAN DILELLO 001213 C 125.00 N 00183091 8/20/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001213 C 3,276.00 N 00183092 8/20/2020 000242 WASATCH THREADS 001213 C 4,534.00 N 00183093 8/20/2020 069322 DOMINION ENERGY 001218 C 1,332.93 N 00183094 8/20/2020 001437 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL TRACK COACH'S ASSOC 001232 C 50.00 N 00183095 8/20/2020 069322 DOMINION ENERGY 001241 C 1,949.21 N 00183096 8/20/2020 028238 EAGLE MOUNTAIN CITY UTILITIES 001241 C 5,081.06 N 00183097 8/20/2020 061689 OREM CITY CORP UTILITIES 001241 C 57,011.20 N 00183098 8/20/2020 091081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 001241 C 148,690.56 N 00183099 8/20/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704014 C 230.00 N 00183100 8/20/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704014 C 70.00 N 00183101 8/20/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705013 C 45.00 N 00183102 8/20/2020 999411 CANYON VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 711005 C 65.00 N 00183103 8/20/2020 999411 CANYON VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 711005 C 35.00 N 00183104 8/20/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721023 C 17.00 N 00183105 8/20/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721023 C 15.00 N 00183106 8/20/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721023 C 60.00 N 00183107 8/20/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721023 C 60.00 N 00183108 8/20/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721023 C 160.00 N 00183109 8/20/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721023 C 178.00 N 00183110 8/20/2020 999423 LAKERIDGE JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 723014 C 73.00 N 00183111 8/20/2020 999423 LAKERIDGE JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 723014 C 70.00 N 00183112 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183113 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183114 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 59.00 N 00183115 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 105.00 N 00183116 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 250.00 N 00183117 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183118 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183119 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183120 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 150.00 N 00183121 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 330.00 N 00183122 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183123 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183124 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183125 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 134.00 N 00183126 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 147.00 N 00183127 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183128 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 127.00 N 00183129 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183130 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 147.00 N 00183131 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 157.00 N 00183132 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 177.00 N 00183133 8/20/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 735023 C 2.00 N 00183134 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183135 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183136 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183137 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183138 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183139 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 150.00 N 00183140 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183141 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183142 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183143 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183144 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183145 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 50.00 N 00183146 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183147 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 50.00 N 00183148 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 110.00 N 00183149 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183150 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 75.00 N 00183151 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183152 8/20/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737026 C 100.00 N 00183153 8/20/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739002 C 105.00 N 00183154 8/20/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739002 C 3,116.00 N 00183155 8/20/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739002 C 500.00 N 00183156 8/20/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739002 C 100.00 N 00183157 8/20/2020 999441 LEHI JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 741008 C 45.00 N 00183158 8/20/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754028 C 54.50 N 00183159 8/20/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754028 C 20.00 N 00183160 8/20/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754028 C 150.00 N 00183161 8/20/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779028 C 105.00 N 00183162 8/20/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779028 C 145.00 N 00183163 8/20/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779028 C 105.00 N 00183164 8/20/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779028 C 65.00 N 00183165 8/20/2020 999485 OAK CANYON STIPEND VENDOR 785006 C 122.00 N 00183166 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 30.00 N 00183167 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183168 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183169 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183170 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183171 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183172 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183173 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183174 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183175 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183176 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 192.00 N 00183177 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183178 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183179 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183180 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 50.00 N 00183181 8/20/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 786018 C 25.00 N 00183182 8/20/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789022 C 191.00 N 00183183 8/20/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789022 C 45.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183184 8/20/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789022 C 94.00 N 00183185 8/20/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791008 C 105.00 N 00183186 8/20/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791008 C 105.00 N 00183187 8/20/2020 999494 MOUNTAIN RIDGE STIPEND VENDOR 794012 C 70.00 N 00183188 8/20/2020 999494 MOUNTAIN RIDGE STIPEND VENDOR 794012 C 19.00 N 00183189 8/21/2020 005426 SWIVL INC 001344 C 40,044.40 N 00183190 8/21/2020 088096 U S BANK 001370 C 2,871,813.08 N 00183191 8/21/2020 000152 ARBITERPAY TRUST ACCOUNT 001221 C 2,134.95 N 00183192 8/21/2020 002112 ASPEN MEDIA WORKS 001221 C 40.00 N 00183193 8/21/2020 000838 ERIC THOMAS ROBINSON 001221 C 800.00 N 00183194 8/21/2020 082500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERVICE 001221 C 356.40 N 00183195 8/21/2020 087912 UNITED SITE SERVICES 001221 C 252.40 N 00183196 8/21/2020 090430 UTAH COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 001221 C 155.00 N 00183197 8/21/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001221 C 5,157.00 N 00183198 8/21/2020 003524 ALPHAGRAPHICS 001296 C 1,086.92 N 00183199 8/21/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001336 C 1,133.49 N 00183200 8/21/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001359 C 20.00 N 00183201 8/21/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001359 C 20.00 N 00183202 8/27/2020 022774 COSTCO MEMBERSHIP 001053 C 193.05 N 00183203 8/27/2020 002326 FOOTE INSURANCE AGANCY INC 001053 C 50.00 N 00183204 8/27/2020 056731 MOVIE LICENSING USA, SWANK 001053 C 486.00 N 00183205 8/27/2020 000180 PACIFIC OFFICE AUTOMATION 001053 C 580.59 N 00183206 8/27/2020 004538 QUADIENT 001053 C 945.84 N 00183207 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 337.25 N 00183208 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 187.53 N 00183209 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 27.97 N 00183210 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 162.37 N 00183211 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 41.98 N 00183212 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 216.53 N 00183213 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 52.45 N 00183214 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 60.00 N 00183215 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 36.62 N 00183216 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 65.66 N 00183217 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 100.00 N 00183218 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 32.98 N 00183219 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001113 C 48.90 N 00183220 8/27/2020 003524 ALPHAGRAPHICS 001087 C 321.93 N 00183221 8/27/2020 002326 FOOTE INSURANCE AGANCY INC 001087 C 50.00 N 00183222 8/27/2020 005711 GOLDEN GATE MOVEMENT 001087 C 5,385.00 N 00183223 8/27/2020 005412 CASEY SNEAD 001254 C 5,000.00 N 00183224 8/27/2020 005847 CIERRA PETERS 001254 C 1,000.00 N 00183225 8/27/2020 004909 INFERNO DANCE LLC 001254 C 459.99 N 00183226 8/27/2020 004728 MINT JULEP DESIGN LLC 001254 C 1,400.00 N 00183227 8/27/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001254 C 4,500.00 N 00183228 8/27/2020 059543 NEVCO, INC 001254 C 219.26 N 00183229 8/27/2020 005368 SAMANTHA TAYLOR 001254 C 1,000.00 N 00183230 8/27/2020 005062 SHANNON MORTENSEN 001254 C 2,200.00 N 00183231 8/27/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001254 C 75.00 N 00183232 8/27/2020 000521 UWI / UNIFORMS WEST 001254 C 287.50 N 00183233 8/27/2020 092170 VALCOM 001254 C 57.39 N 00183234 8/27/2020 004886 VOLLEYTOUCH 001254 C 6,765.00 N 00183235 8/27/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 001254 C 3,723.00 N 00183236 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 12.00 N 00183237 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 78.69 N 00183238 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 58.95 N 00183239 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 10.65 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183240 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 142.00 N 00183241 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 35.00 N 00183242 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 15.49 N 00183243 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 39.97 N 00183244 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 18.87 N 00183245 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 89.98 N 00183246 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001325 C 35.20 N 00183247 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001363 C 78.41 N 00183248 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001363 C 44.50 N 00183249 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001363 C 75.00 N 00183250 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001363 C 398.49 N 00183251 8/27/2020 004915 NINE FIVE INC 001365 C 675.00 N 00183252 8/27/2020 005412 CASEY SNEAD 001369 C 4,000.00 N 00183253 8/27/2020 005023 KARI HELBUSCH 001369 C 1,600.00 N 00183254 8/27/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 001369 C 8,624.40 N 00183255 8/27/2020 006469 ORTHOGONAL PROPERTIES 001372 C 6,800.00 N 00183256 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 88.50 N 00183257 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 131.95 N 00183258 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 62.90 N 00183259 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 50.60 N 00183260 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 57.80 N 00183261 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 36.00 N 00183262 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 56.10 N 00183263 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001380 C 23.90 N 00183264 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001385 C 68.81 N 00183265 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001385 C 33.35 N 00183266 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001385 C 125.15 N 00183267 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001385 C 27.50 N 00183268 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001385 C 13.98 N 00183269 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001385 C 41.98 N 00183270 8/27/2020 082500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERVICE 001389 C 3,914.93 N 00183271 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001391 C 149.90 N 00183272 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001391 C 15.99 N 00183273 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001391 C 57.45 N 00183274 8/27/2020 011909 BONNEVILLE BILLING & COLLECTIN 001401 C 922.82 N 00183275 8/27/2020 006468 CHAD B MCKAY 001401 C 730.59 N 00183276 8/27/2020 017893 CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES OFFICE OF RECOVER 001401 C 4,629.38 N 00183277 8/27/2020 031525 EXPRESS RECOVERY SERVICES INC 001401 C 29.82 N 00183278 8/27/2020 005403 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 001401 C 486.95 N 00183279 8/27/2020 054196 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 001401 C 544.57 N 00183280 8/27/2020 003391 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 001401 C 1,510.00 N 00183281 8/27/2020 002355 THE CHERRINGTON FIRM, PLLC 001401 C 600.00 N 00183282 8/27/2020 087462 US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL PAYM 001401 C 841.86 N 00183283 8/27/2020 091603 UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION 001401 C 300.00 N 00183284 8/27/2020 006471 GREEN CANYON HIGH SCHOOL 001412 C 600.00 N 00183285 8/27/2020 000202 BYU 001426 C 5,025.00 N 00183286 8/27/2020 026900 DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY 001426 C 200.00 N 00183287 8/27/2020 006476 MARICOPA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGES 001426 C 1,000.00 N 00183288 8/27/2020 000428 SNOW COLLEGE 001426 C 1,500.00 N 00183289 8/27/2020 091671 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR'S OFFICE 001426 C 700.00 N 00183290 8/27/2020 091890 UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY 001426 C 500.00 N 00183291 8/27/2020 003301 HONEY BUCKET 001439 C 106.00 N 00183292 8/27/2020 087912 UNITED SITE SERVICES 001439 C 153.35 N 00183293 8/27/2020 082500 SYSCO INTERMOUNTAIN FOOD SERVICE 532688 C 109,401.13 N 00183294 8/27/2020 005235 INFINI D LEARNING 001076 C 4,800.00 N 00183295 8/27/2020 000520 ALPINE MARINE IMPORTS, LLC 001162 C 524.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183296 8/27/2020 000807 HEATH ENTERPRISES, LLC 001220 C 430.00 N 00183297 8/27/2020 000641 HOSA - FUTURE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS 001270 C 40.00 N 00183298 8/27/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 001270 C 374.44 N 00183299 8/27/2020 048970 LOGO IT ON 001270 C 2,820.68 N 00183300 8/27/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001270 C 1,280.00 N 00183301 8/27/2020 005829 SAVANNA CAVER 001270 C 550.00 N 00183302 8/27/2020 006466 EMILY KEARSLEY 001311 C 250.00 N 00183303 8/27/2020 025528 DEEP SEVEN ARCHIVE & SHRED 001322 C 42.55 N 00183304 8/27/2020 009750 AMERICA'S BATTLE OF THE BOOKS 001326 C 100.00 N 00183305 8/27/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001328 C 2,451.26 N 00183306 8/27/2020 003301 HONEY BUCKET 001342 C 199.00 N 00183307 8/27/2020 006464 NICOLE OAK 001342 C 500.00 N 00183308 8/27/2020 000028 SHEILA STAPLES 001342 C 200.00 N 00183309 8/27/2020 030280 EDUTEK CORPORATION 001343 C 3,814.80 N 00183310 8/27/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001356 C 1,462.25 N 00183311 8/27/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001358 C 1,250.48 N 00183312 8/27/2020 024297 D&L PLASTERING & CONST. INC 001368 C 1,000.00 N 00183313 8/27/2020 092170 VALCOM 001368 C 575.00 N 00183314 8/27/2020 091081 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 001409 C 153,950.62 N 00183315 8/27/2020 004414 BRAYDEN SINGLEY 001416 C 500.00 N 00183316 8/27/2020 006320 MEGAN MATHESON 001416 C 150.00 N 00183317 8/27/2020 003567 MYLES WOOLSTENHULME 001416 C 75.00 N 00183318 8/27/2020 005465 NAEVI STAHELI 001416 C 50.00 N 00183319 8/27/2020 006465 TAGTEAM GLASS 001416 C 225.00 N 00183320 8/27/2020 000470 ADP LEMCO INC 001434 C 483.00 N 00183321 8/27/2020 001426 IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC 001434 C 500.38 N 00183322 8/27/2020 004915 NINE FIVE INC 001434 C 3,900.00 N 00183323 8/27/2020 000028 SHEILA STAPLES 001434 C 1,335.00 N 00183324 8/27/2020 002542 BLOOMIN IDIOTS INC 001451 C 35.00 N 00183325 8/27/2020 082491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA 001462 C 38.40 N 00183326 8/27/2020 092170 VALCOM 001473 C 540.00 N 00183327 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001498 C 114.75 N 00183328 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001498 C 16.80 N 00183329 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001498 C 52.20 N 00183330 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001498 C 16.90 N 00183331 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001498 C 19.60 N 00183332 8/27/2020 069322 DOMINION ENERGY 001510 C 1,975.38 N 00183333 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 163.70 N 00183334 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 90.27 N 00183335 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 105.40 N 00183336 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 146.74 N 00183337 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 27.83 N 00183338 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 28.41 N 00183339 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 73.94 N 00183340 8/27/2020 999991 STIPEND VENDOR 092135 C 304.18 N 00183341 8/27/2020 006445 CAROLINE TARBET 001071 C 995.00 N 00183342 8/27/2020 001790 JOHN HOFFMAN 001071 C 50.00 N 00183343 8/27/2020 000255 ONE ON ONE PROMOTIONALS 001071 C 1,195.84 N 00183344 8/27/2020 092560 VALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES 001071 C 1,974.00 N 00183345 8/27/2020 099488 YBA SHIRTS, INC. 001071 C 1,476.00 N 00183346 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001180 C 75.00 N 00183347 8/27/2020 999998 Stipend Vendor 001180 C 142.08 N 00183348 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001263 C 20.00 N 00183349 8/27/2020 002765 ALL PHASE ELECTRICAL, INC 001332 C 12,340.00 N 00183350 8/27/2020 011282 BISCO 001332 C 124.04 N 00183351 8/27/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 001332 C 920.76 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183352 8/27/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001332 C 1,314.84 N 00183353 8/27/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 001332 C 614.77 N 00183354 8/27/2020 071045 MOUNTAIN STAINLESS 001332 C 170.00 N 00183355 8/27/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 001332 C 6.49 N 00183356 8/27/2020 069223 QUALITY DESIGN COUNTERTOPS 001332 C 420.00 N 00183357 8/27/2020 003397 R&L BOWES DISTRIBUTING 001332 C 51.00 N 00183358 8/27/2020 072919 ROYAL WHOLESALE ELECTRIC 001332 C 126.54 N 00183359 8/27/2020 080289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE 001332 C 653.25 N 00183360 8/27/2020 001252 STONE SECURITY 001332 C 914.60 N 00183361 8/27/2020 000791 VALLEY GLASS COMPANY 001332 C 95.00 N 00183362 8/27/2020 090726 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 001341 C 35.00 N 00183363 8/27/2020 006449 MORETRANSLATIONS 001364 C 1,529.55 N 00183364 8/27/2020 050568 JODI MANTILLA 001366 C 500.00 N 00183365 8/27/2020 000050 BIRRELL - PEPSI 001367 C 73.76 N 00183366 8/27/2020 000807 HEATH ENTERPRISES, LLC 001367 C 150.00 N 00183367 8/27/2020 000463 MTI ENTERPRISES, INC 001367 C 1,990.00 N 00183368 8/27/2020 082491 SWIRE COCA-COLA USA 001367 C 69.87 N 00183369 8/27/2020 005795 AFW LLC 001405 C 18,856.73 N 00183370 8/27/2020 007973 ASBO INTL 001405 C 240.00 N 00183371 8/27/2020 014089 BURBIDGE & WHITE LLC 001405 C 2,706.00 N 00183372 8/27/2020 091201 UTAH RETIREMENT SYSTEMS 001405 C 93,938.85 N 00183373 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001407 C 308.20 N 00183374 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001408 C 30.88 N 00183375 8/27/2020 004609 CADE PEIRCE 001410 C 140.00 N 00183376 8/27/2020 002084 KW STRIPING 001410 C 200.00 N 00183377 8/27/2020 047325 LE BUS 001410 C 2,860.00 N 00183378 8/27/2020 004972 TORI COOK 001410 C 528.00 N 00183379 8/27/2020 006460 ULTIMATE GYM REPAIR 001410 C 3,242.00 N 00183380 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001417 C 94.90 N 00183381 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001417 C 144.71 N 00183382 8/27/2020 002326 FOOTE INSURANCE AGANCY INC 001448 C 50.00 N 00183383 8/27/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 001454 C 316.72 N 00183384 8/27/2020 000152 ARBITERPAY TRUST ACCOUNT 001457 C 6,953.48 N 00183385 8/27/2020 000044 CPM EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 001474 C 30,739.50 N 00183386 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 60.00 N 00183387 8/27/2020 999735 LEHI HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 1,470.00 N 00183388 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 100.00 N 00183389 8/27/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 57.00 N 00183390 8/27/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 100.00 N 00183391 8/27/2020 006127 NATHAN JOSEPH MACDONALD 001511 C 150.00 N 00183392 8/27/2020 005062 SHANNON MORTENSEN 001511 C 180.00 N 00183393 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 50.00 N 00183394 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 14.24 N 00183395 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 42.00 N 00183396 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 118.66 N 00183397 8/27/2020 999786 TIMPANOGOS HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001511 C 57.00 N 00183398 8/27/2020 005759 RIVERSIDE INSIGHTS 001157 C 7,698.01 N 00183399 8/27/2020 000359 A-1 CASTERS & EQUIP INC 001169 C 166.50 N 00183400 8/27/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001169 C 357.67 N 00183401 8/27/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 001169 C 58.24 N 00183402 8/27/2020 051194 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS 001169 C 161.98 N 00183403 8/27/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 001169 C 49.97 N 00183404 8/27/2020 071093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 001169 C 80.58 N 00183405 8/27/2020 053627 ROBERT I MERRILL COMPANY 001169 C 191.85 N 00183406 8/27/2020 087909 UNITED SERVICE & SALES INC 001169 C 114.90 N 00183407 8/27/2020 999996 STIPEND VENDOR 001247 C 21.32 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183408 8/27/2020 005432 ALSCO 001251 C 171.76 N 00183409 8/27/2020 008535 AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTY EQUIP 001251 C 395.29 N 00183410 8/27/2020 010639 BEST DEAL SPRING, INC 001251 C 595.78 N 00183411 8/27/2020 013609 BRYSON SALES & SERVICE INC 001251 C 467.44 N 00183412 8/27/2020 032257 FASTENAL 001251 C 522.67 N 00183413 8/27/2020 043708 INTERSTATE BILLING SERV INC 001251 C 2,531.93 N 00183414 8/27/2020 043950 JACK'S TIRE & OIL 001251 C 1,715.00 N 00183415 8/27/2020 000026 JACKSON GROUP PETERBILT 001251 C 139.40 N 00183416 8/27/2020 047188 LARRY'S TOWING 001251 C 819.00 N 00183417 8/27/2020 072645 ROMAINE ELECTRIC INC 001251 C 856.76 N 00183418 8/27/2020 003126 ROYCE INDUSTRIES, LC 001251 C 968.00 N 00183419 8/27/2020 084948 THOMAS PETROLEUM 001251 C 7,374.79 N 00183420 8/27/2020 005380 TOP NOTCH COLLISION 001251 C 2,537.47 N 00183421 8/27/2020 002006 INCSUB, LLC 001280 C 15,000.00 N 00183422 8/27/2020 001337 LECTICON 001316 C 11,250.00 N 00183423 8/27/2020 004973 LEXIA LEARNING SYSTEMS LLC 001323 C 1,416.00 N 00183424 8/27/2020 063722 PEARSON ASSESSMENTS 001329 C 14,137.82 N 00183425 8/27/2020 005919 ADI 001335 C 229.89 N 00183426 8/27/2020 002400 AL'S AUTO PART & SERVICE 001335 C 47.43 N 00183427 8/27/2020 004671 AMERICAN CHILLER MECHANICAL SERVICE 001335 C 3,962.00 N 00183428 8/27/2020 010632 BEST AWNING AND SIDING CO 001335 C 747.84 N 00183429 8/27/2020 011282 BISCO 001335 C 42.99 N 00183430 8/27/2020 030601 BORDER STATES 001335 C 395.32 N 00183431 8/27/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 001335 C 28.85 N 00183432 8/27/2020 017593 CHEMSEARCH DIVISION 001335 C 177.67 N 00183433 8/27/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001335 C 3,141.21 N 00183434 8/27/2020 020095 COLONIAL FLAG 001335 C 71.20 N 00183435 8/27/2020 027921 DCD TRANSFER 001335 C 20.00 N 00183436 8/27/2020 027110 DONE RITE LINES LLC 001335 C 1,283.88 N 00183437 8/27/2020 039770 EAST PENN MANUFACTURING CO 001335 C 253.65 N 00183438 8/27/2020 004372 FOUNDATION BUILDING MATERIALS HOLDING CO 001335 C 152.00 N 00183439 8/27/2020 035564 GENEVA ROCK PRODUCTS 001335 C 823.75 N 00183440 8/27/2020 037154 GREAT BASIN TURF PRODUCTS 001335 C 39.98 N 00183441 8/27/2020 041246 HUMPHRIES INC 001335 C 147.32 N 00183442 8/27/2020 042005 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO 001335 C 290.22 N 00183443 8/27/2020 043069 INTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS 001335 C 485.66 N 00183444 8/27/2020 043249 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCKS 001335 C 2,589.52 N 00183445 8/27/2020 043839 INTERWEST SAFETY SUPPLY INC 001335 C 138.24 N 00183446 8/27/2020 043840 INTERWEST SAW AND TOOLS, LLC 001335 C 272.94 N 00183447 8/27/2020 044725 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 001335 C 138.47 N 00183448 8/27/2020 005886 KEN GARFF CHEVROLET 001335 C 279.81 N 00183449 8/27/2020 056723 MOUNTAINLAND SUPPLY COMPANY 001335 C 1,299.73 N 00183450 8/27/2020 059342 NELSON FIRE SYSTEMS 001335 C 690.00 N 00183451 8/27/2020 060500 NORTH POINTE SOLID WASTE SPEC SERVICE DI 001335 C 84.24 N 00183452 8/27/2020 071093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 001335 C 536.68 N 00183453 8/27/2020 071366 RHINEHART OIL 001335 C 814.20 N 00183454 8/27/2020 072260 ROCKY MOUNTAIN TURF 001335 C 326.08 N 00183455 8/27/2020 072847 ROTO AIRE FILTER SALES SERVICE 001335 C 4,278.45 N 00183456 8/27/2020 079620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC 001335 C 260.79 N 00183457 8/27/2020 080289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE 001335 C 483.47 N 00183458 8/27/2020 037277 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 001335 C 932.36 N 00183459 8/27/2020 084948 THOMAS PETROLEUM 001335 C 1,256.14 N 00183460 8/27/2020 002320 TRI CITY NURSERY SOUTH 001335 C 60.00 N 00183461 8/27/2020 000791 VALLEY GLASS COMPANY 001335 C 1,355.46 N 00183462 8/27/2020 093252 VINYL INDUSTRIES LLC 001335 C 6,445.97 N 00183463 8/27/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 001340 C 11,834.06 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183464 8/27/2020 006375 SUGAR HOUSE DISTILLERY LLC 001340 C 16,200.00 N 00183465 8/27/2020 076880 SIGNATURE IMAGES 001349 C 16,247.00 N 00183466 8/27/2020 090167 UTAH BUREAU OF CRIMINAL ID 001349 C 9,516.00 N 00183467 8/27/2020 056415 MT STATE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY 001351 C 12,844.34 N 00183468 8/27/2020 006469 ORTHOGONAL PROPERTIES 001351 C 208.40 N 00183469 8/27/2020 001231 SCREENPLAY 001351 C 162.50 N 00183470 8/27/2020 006452 THERAPRO INC 001355 C 2,600.00 N 00183471 8/27/2020 019766 COBALT REFRIGERATION, INC. 001381 C 196.00 N 00183472 8/27/2020 000295 ZACHARY BIRD 001388 C 1,100.00 N 00183473 8/27/2020 004671 AMERICAN CHILLER MECHANICAL SERVICE 001394 C 804.19 N 00183474 8/27/2020 006886 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH INC 001394 C 206.75 N 00183475 8/27/2020 011282 BISCO 001394 C 532.49 N 00183476 8/27/2020 019768 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 001394 C 760.67 N 00183477 8/27/2020 076589 DUFF SHELLEY CYCLE & MOWER, INC 001394 C 4.99 N 00183478 8/27/2020 043249 INTERMOUNTAIN LOCKS 001394 C 800.48 N 00183479 8/27/2020 046678 L K L ASSOCIATES 001394 C 58.56 N 00183480 8/27/2020 067504 PRESSURE WORKS INC 001394 C 4,845.00 N 00183481 8/27/2020 071093 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 001394 C 2,620.25 N 00183482 8/27/2020 077375 SIX STATES DISTRIBUTORS 001394 C 395.13 N 00183483 8/27/2020 079620 SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO., INC 001394 C 657.30 N 00183484 8/27/2020 080289 STATE FIRE SALES & SERVICE 001394 C 1,579.47 N 00183485 8/27/2020 001252 STONE SECURITY 001394 C 341.00 N 00183486 8/27/2020 094680 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 001394 C 629.76 N 00183487 8/27/2020 000301 EXPERCOM 001396 C 1,074.91 N 00183488 8/27/2020 092170 VALCOM 001397 C 581,260.07 N 00183489 8/27/2020 006467 WIRELESS LAN PROFESSIONALS INC 001397 C 21,570.00 N 00183490 8/27/2020 000807 HEATH ENTERPRISES, LLC 001400 C 765.00 N 00183491 8/27/2020 000807 HEATH ENTERPRISES, LLC 001411 C 169.00 N 00183492 8/27/2020 006473 MIKE REIMER 001415 C 77.50 N 00183493 8/27/2020 005950 UC BANTAM BASKEBALL 001415 C 2,655.00 N 00183494 8/27/2020 089083 UNIVERSAL ATHLETICS 001415 C 2,594.00 N 00183495 8/27/2020 005958 UPSTAGE CREW SERVICES INC 001415 C 1,912.50 N 00183496 8/27/2020 012601 BRADY INDUSTRIES INC 001418 C 837.13 N 00183497 8/27/2020 041441 HYLON-KOBURN CHEMICALS INC 001418 C 10,175.00 N 00183498 8/27/2020 045565 KENDRICK BROS ROOFING INC 001418 C 1,949,071.40 N 00183499 8/27/2020 076060 KENNY SENG CONSTRUCTION 001418 C 31,655.00 N 00183500 8/27/2020 088111 US MECHANICAL, LLC 001418 C 83,978.10 N 00183501 8/27/2020 006470 ANGORA LLC 001436 C 49,985.00 N 00183502 8/27/2020 000988 CRAFTWISE 001444 C 721.40 N 00183503 8/27/2020 000289 LONE PEAK TRAILERS 001472 C 5,764.50 N 00183504 8/27/2020 061689 OREM CITY CORP UTILITIES 001502 C 3,467.21 N 00183505 8/27/2020 005271 BANGARANG FC 001506 C 13,125.00 N 00183506 8/27/2020 068527 PROVO SCHOOL DISTRICT 001545 C 25,361.55 N 00183507 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 40.00 N 00183508 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183509 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 180.00 N 00183510 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183511 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 112.00 N 00183512 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 45.00 N 00183513 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 70.00 N 00183514 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 30.00 N 00183515 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 65.00 N 00183516 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 320.00 N 00183517 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 85.00 N 00183518 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 112.00 N 00183519 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 85.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183520 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 35.00 N 00183521 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 10.00 N 00183522 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183523 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183524 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 70.00 N 00183525 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 70.00 N 00183526 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 20.00 N 00183527 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 75.00 N 00183528 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 20.00 N 00183529 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183530 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 65.00 N 00183531 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183532 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 150.00 N 00183533 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 55.00 N 00183534 8/27/2020 999704 AMERICAN FORK HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 704023 C 20.00 N 00183535 8/27/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705018 C 114.00 N 00183536 8/27/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705018 C 94.00 N 00183537 8/27/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705018 C 25.00 N 00183538 8/27/2020 999405 AMERICAN FORK JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 705018 C 25.00 N 00183539 8/27/2020 999411 CANYON VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 711010 C 15.00 N 00183540 8/27/2020 999411 CANYON VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 711010 C 120.00 N 00183541 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183542 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183543 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 170.00 N 00183544 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183545 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183546 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 20.00 N 00183547 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183548 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183549 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183550 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183551 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183552 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183553 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 48.00 N 00183554 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 48.00 N 00183555 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183556 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183557 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183558 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 52.50 N 00183559 8/27/2020 999721 CEDAR VALLEY HIGH STIPEND 721030 C 90.00 N 00183560 8/27/2020 999423 LAKERIDGE JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 723018 C 70.00 N 00183561 8/27/2020 999423 LAKERIDGE JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 723018 C 147.00 N 00183562 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 30.00 N 00183563 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 85.00 N 00183564 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 80.00 N 00183565 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 10.00 N 00183566 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 40.00 N 00183567 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183568 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 10.00 N 00183569 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183570 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 45.00 N 00183571 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183572 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 45.00 N 00183573 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 25.00 N 00183574 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 85.00 N 00183575 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 22.50 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183576 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183577 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 45.00 N 00183578 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 45.00 N 00183579 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 7.50 N 00183580 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183581 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183582 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183583 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183584 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 7.50 N 00183585 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183586 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183587 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 60.00 N 00183588 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 90.00 N 00183589 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 167.00 N 00183590 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 90.00 N 00183591 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 25.00 N 00183592 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183593 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 50.00 N 00183594 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183595 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 120.00 N 00183596 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183597 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183598 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183599 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 20.00 N 00183600 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183601 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183602 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 40.00 N 00183603 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183604 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 15.00 N 00183605 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 25.00 N 00183606 8/27/2020 999737 LONE PEAK STIPEND VENDOR 737032 C 35.00 N 00183607 8/27/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739004 C 50.00 N 00183608 8/27/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739004 C 105.00 N 00183609 8/27/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739004 C 100.00 N 00183610 8/27/2020 999739 MOUNTAIN VIEW STIPEND VENDOR 739004 C 105.00 N 00183611 8/27/2020 999441 LEHI JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 741012 C 64.00 N 00183612 8/27/2020 999441 LEHI JR HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 741012 C 14.00 N 00183613 8/27/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754033 C 25.00 N 00183614 8/27/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754033 C 110.00 N 00183615 8/27/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754033 C 20.00 N 00183616 8/27/2020 999754 OREM HIGH STIPEND 754033 C 80.00 N 00183617 8/27/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779033 C 119.50 N 00183618 8/27/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779033 C 228.00 N 00183619 8/27/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779033 C 47.50 N 00183620 8/27/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779033 C 95.00 N 00183621 8/27/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779033 C 222.00 N 00183622 8/27/2020 999779 PLEASANT GROVE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 779033 C 173.00 N 00183623 8/27/2020 999783 POLARIS WEST STIPEND 783001 C 150.00 N 00183624 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 445.00 N 00183625 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 62.50 N 00183626 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 62.50 N 00183627 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 162.00 N 00183628 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 177.00 N 00183629 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 45.00 N 00183630 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 20.00 N 00183631 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 18.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183632 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 15.00 N 00183633 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 110.00 N 00183634 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 90.00 N 00183635 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 160.00 N 00183636 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 120.00 N 00183637 8/27/2020 999785 SKYRIDGE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 784020 C 50.00 N 00183638 8/27/2020 999789 WESTLAKE HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 789027 C 167.00 N 00183639 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 15.00 N 00183640 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 5.00 N 00183641 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 20.00 N 00183642 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 10.00 N 00183643 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 7.00 N 00183644 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 20.00 N 00183645 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 23.00 N 00183646 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 5.00 N 00183647 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 8.00 N 00183648 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 18.00 N 00183649 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 37.00 N 00183650 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 72.00 N 00183651 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 15.00 N 00183652 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 17.00 N 00183653 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 10.00 N 00183654 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 10.00 N 00183655 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 28.50 N 00183656 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 30.00 N 00183657 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 45.00 N 00183658 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 23.00 N 00183659 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 10.00 N 00183660 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 45.00 N 00183661 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 8.00 N 00183662 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 149.98 N 00183663 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 25.00 N 00183664 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 15.00 N 00183665 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 45.00 N 00183666 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 15.00 N 00183667 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 10.00 N 00183668 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 9.00 N 00183669 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 55.00 N 00183670 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 20.00 N 00183671 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 20.00 N 00183672 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 30.00 N 00183673 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 5.00 N 00183674 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 45.00 N 00183675 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 11.00 N 00183676 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 35.00 N 00183677 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 5.00 N 00183678 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 20.00 N 00183679 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 39.00 N 00183680 8/27/2020 999490 VISTA HEIGHTS MIDDLE SCHOOL STIPEND VEND 790019 C 5.00 N 00183681 8/27/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791009 C 50.00 N 00183682 8/27/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791009 C 50.00 N 00183683 8/27/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791009 C 105.00 N 00183684 8/27/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791009 C 105.00 N 00183685 8/27/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791009 C 105.00 N 00183686 8/27/2020 999790 EAST SHORE STIPEND VENDOR 791009 C 105.00 N 00183687 8/27/2020 999494 MOUNTAIN RIDGE STIPEND VENDOR 794017 C 35.00 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00183688 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183689 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183690 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183691 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183692 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183693 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183694 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183695 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183696 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183697 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183698 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183699 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183700 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183701 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183702 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183703 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183704 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183705 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183706 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183707 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183708 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183709 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183710 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 15.00 N 00183711 8/27/2020 999792 SUMMIT HIGH STIPEND VENDOR 001442 C 30.00 N Void Total for Bank Number 51: $5,422.60 Check Total for Bank Number 51: $21,798,182.67

50 00001917 8/6/2020 003080 ALLIED WASTE SERVICE #864 SALT LAKE CITY 000990 O 429.91 N 00001918 8/6/2020 018217 BELL JANITORIAL SUPPLY,LC 000861 O 4,786.08 N 00001919 8/6/2020 019873 BSN SPORTS 000734 O 6,056.20 N 00001920 8/6/2020 000211 COLEMAN KNITTING MILLS 000831 O 3,292.00 N 00001921 8/6/2020 022209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY 000848 O 321.40 N 00001922 8/6/2020 024010 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN LLC 000773 O 832.72 N 00001923 8/6/2020 033209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 000858 O 5,776.70 N 00001924 8/6/2020 037221 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY, INC 000858 O 1,160.93 N 00001925 8/6/2020 040817 HORIZON SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL 000839 O 1,400.00 N 00001926 8/6/2020 044965 JOSTENS, INC (YEARBOOK) 000894 O 8,958.00 N 00001927 8/6/2020 061203 LES OLSON CO 000924 O 2,233.09 N 00001928 8/6/2020 003463 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 000858 O 383.38 N 00001929 8/6/2020 060941 OFFICE DEPOT 000770 O 2,986.20 N 00001930 8/6/2020 064739 PETERSON PLUMBING SUPPLY 000695 O 766.95 N 00001931 8/6/2020 003644 PHIL'S FINE FLOORING 000895 O 3,305.25 N 00001932 8/6/2020 062382 PPG PORTER PAINT 000858 O 365.83 N 00001933 8/6/2020 071734 RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP 000915 O 3,147.95 N 00001934 8/6/2020 074683 SCHOLASTIC INC 000915 O 979.11 N 00001935 8/6/2020 000279 SHRED-IT USA, LLC / CINTAS CORP 000947 O 38.95 N 00001936 8/6/2020 090343 UTAH/YAMAS CONTROLS INC 000858 O 190.00 N 00001937 8/6/2020 092851 VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS 000876 O 14,860.73 N 00001938 8/13/2020 003080 ALLIED WASTE SERVICE #864 SALT LAKE CITY 001136 O 55,033.59 N 00001939 8/13/2020 000744 ALTAVIEW CONCRETE / KILGORE CO 001060 O 1,226.75 N 00001940 8/13/2020 018217 BELL JANITORIAL SUPPLY,LC 001066 O 35,569.33 N 00001941 8/13/2020 087456 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC 001052 O 805.19 N 00001942 8/13/2020 018640 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 001014 O 57.74 N 00001943 8/13/2020 000211 COLEMAN KNITTING MILLS 000949 O 3,585.00 N 00001944 8/13/2020 022209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY 001060 O 319.15 N 00001945 8/13/2020 024010 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN LLC 000920 O 1,379.94 N 00001946 8/13/2020 033209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 001060 O 239.19 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00001947 8/13/2020 033292 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC 001042 O 9,491.73 N 00001948 8/13/2020 037221 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY, INC 001060 O 780.65 N 00001949 8/13/2020 047187 LAMONICA'S REST EQUIP 000849 O 333.51 N 00001950 8/13/2020 061203 LES OLSON CO 000949 O 529.47 N 00001951 8/13/2020 003463 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 001060 O 122.05 N 00001952 8/13/2020 064739 PETERSON PLUMBING SUPPLY 001060 O 923.25 N 00001953 8/13/2020 003644 PHIL'S FINE FLOORING 001066 O 767.20 N 00001954 8/13/2020 062382 PPG PORTER PAINT 000849 O 792.58 N 00001955 8/13/2020 002644 PROTEK FIRE AND SYSTEMS 001060 O 1,354.58 N 00001956 8/13/2020 071632 RICOH USA, INC 000956 O 1,043.75 N 00001957 8/13/2020 000435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS 001021 O 5,288.26 N 00001958 8/13/2020 074683 SCHOLASTIC INC 000873 O 4,848.88 N 00001959 8/13/2020 085097 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 001060 O 1,177.27 N 00001960 8/13/2020 093020 VERACITY NETWORKS LLC 001036 O 17,945.93 N 00001961 8/13/2020 002378 VERIZON WIRELESS 001059 O 2,883.28 N 00001962 8/20/2020 011607 BLICK ART MATERIALS 001256 O 61.94 N 00001963 8/20/2020 024010 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN LLC 001090 O 367.50 N 00001964 8/20/2020 033209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 001170 O 29.63 N 00001965 8/20/2020 037221 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY, INC 001170 O 40,911.51 N 00001966 8/20/2020 047187 LAMONICA'S REST EQUIP 001055 O 65.66 N 00001967 8/20/2020 061203 LES OLSON CO 001194 O 744.88 N 00001968 8/20/2020 060336 NORCO 001289 O 39,599.40 N 00001969 8/20/2020 003463 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 001170 O 64.22 N 00001970 8/20/2020 060941 OFFICE DEPOT 001256 O 15.24 N 00001971 8/20/2020 064739 PETERSON PLUMBING SUPPLY 001055 O 9,044.90 N 00001972 8/20/2020 066447 POLL SOUND 001189 O 5,370.25 N 00001973 8/20/2020 062382 PPG PORTER PAINT 001170 O 500.03 N 00001974 8/20/2020 000435 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS 001138 O 689.52 N 00001975 8/20/2020 074683 SCHOLASTIC INC 001062 O 1,175.81 N 00001976 8/20/2020 074683 SCHOLASTIC INC 001144 O 7,403.18 N 00001977 8/20/2020 076654 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 001265 O 140.76 N 00001978 8/20/2020 090343 UTAH/YAMAS CONTROLS INC 001170 O 285.00 N 00001979 8/20/2020 092851 VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS 001030 O 19,136.94 N 00001980 8/27/2020 019873 BSN SPORTS 001410 O 88.00 N 00001981 8/27/2020 022209 CONTRACTORS HEATING & COOLING SUPPLY 001335 O 118.35 N 00001982 8/27/2020 024010 CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN LLC 001251 O 1,705.91 N 00001983 8/27/2020 033209 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC 001332 O 302.92 N 00001984 8/27/2020 033292 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC 001410 O 212.30 N 00001985 8/27/2020 033292 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS, INC 001291 O 3,696.00 N 00001986 8/27/2020 037221 GREAT WESTERN SUPPLY, INC 001332 O 2,612.49 N 00001987 8/27/2020 040817 HORIZON SOFTWARE INTERNATIONAL 001482 O 3,280.00 N 00001988 8/27/2020 040924 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT 001434 O 810.00 N 00001989 8/27/2020 044967 JOSTENS, INC (GRADUATION SUPPLIES) 001369 O 1,816.00 N 00001990 8/27/2020 047187 LAMONICA'S REST EQUIP 001169 O 38.30 N 00001991 8/27/2020 061203 LES OLSON CO 001093 O 212.44 N 00001992 8/27/2020 064739 PETERSON PLUMBING SUPPLY 001335 O 12,964.08 N 00001993 8/27/2020 003644 PHIL'S FINE FLOORING 001394 O 24,912.00 N 00001994 8/27/2020 066447 POLL SOUND 001335 O 522.50 N 00001995 8/27/2020 062382 PPG PORTER PAINT 001335 O 278.96 N 00001996 8/27/2020 002644 PROTEK FIRE AND SYSTEMS 001335 O 3,702.36 N 00001997 8/27/2020 071734 RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP 001367 O 4,835.21 N 00001998 8/27/2020 074609 SCHOOL DATEBOOKS 001071 O 6,444.88 N 00001999 8/27/2020 076654 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 001335 O 52.27 N 00002000 8/27/2020 076654 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 001169 O 26.07 N 00002001 8/27/2020 000279 SHRED-IT USA, LLC / CINTAS CORP 001053 O 180.41 N 00002002 8/27/2020 081641 SUBURBAN PROPANE -1243 001251 O 448.14 N Check Register All Checks August 2020

00002003 8/27/2020 002378 VERIZON WIRELESS 001416 O 140.06 N Void Total for Bank Number 50: $0.00 Check Total for Bank Number 50: $403,775.67 Grand Total: $22,207,380.94 Financial Report - Fund 10 - General Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($145,577,891) $963,160 ($144,614,731) ($3,010,251) ($141,604,480) 2.08%

State Revenue ($450,604,068) ($50,000) ($450,654,068) ($75,927,478) ($374,726,590) 16.85%

Federal Revenue ($35,923,354) ($8,793,412) ($44,716,766) ($27,598) ($44,689,168) 0.06%

Other Sources & Uses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Revenue Total ($632,105,313) ($7,880,252) ($639,985,565) ($78,965,327) ($561,020,238) 12.34%


Expenditures Instruction $450,919,584 $8,299,272 $459,218,856 $6,838,786 $452,380,070 1.49%

Student Support Services $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $3,000 0.00%

Attendance & Social Work Svcs $1,778,775 $0 $1,778,775 $1,219 $1,777,556 0.07%

Guidance Services $17,188,031 $60,000 $17,248,031 $111,098 $17,136,933 0.64% Health Services $2,937,150 $0 $2,937,150 $659,878 $2,277,272 22.47%

Physical Therapist Services $460,469 $0 $460,469 $44,241 $416,228 9.61% Psychological Services $4,678,203 $0 $4,678,203 $33,826 $4,644,377 0.72% Occupational Therapist Services $3,092,922 $0 $3,092,922 $75,516 $3,017,406 2.44% Audiologist Services $129,481 $0 $129,481 $18,163 $111,318 14.03% Instructional Staff Support $761,615 $0 $761,615 $0 $761,615 0.00% K-12 Instr Support/Prof Dev $14,746,243 ($11,400) $14,734,843 $1,892,300 $12,842,543 12.84% Media/Library Services $7,991,050 $23,500 $8,014,550 $61,108 $7,953,442 0.76% District Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Board of Education $282,766 $0 $282,766 $85,132 $197,634 30.11% Election Expenses $40,000 $0 $40,000 $0 $40,000 0.00% Auditor Services $75,000 $0 $75,000 $3,000 $72,000 4.00% Legal Services $90,000 $0 $90,000 $10,802 $79,198 12.00% Insurance Services $1,410,602 $0 $1,410,602 $0 $1,410,602 0.00% Superintendent $754,963 ($200,000) $554,963 $92,828 $462,135 16.73%

Assistant Superintendents $993,480 $0 $993,480 $158,334 $835,146 15.94% Assistant to Superintendent $306,895 $0 $306,895 $35,930 $270,965 11.71%

Support Services Administrator $328,242 $0 $328,242 $49,507 $278,735 15.08%

School Leadership (Faculty) $42,534,416 $141,200 $42,675,616 $5,061,578 $37,614,038 11.86%

Business Administrator $424,299 $0 $424,299 $73,725 $350,574 17.38%

Accounting & Fiscal Services $1,501,836 $0 $1,501,836 $224,862 $1,276,974 14.97% Budget Development $1,555,271 $0 $1,555,271 $252,892 $1,302,379 16.26%

Purchasing Services $842,506 ($37,941) $804,565 $75,588 $728,977 9.39%

Warehouse Services $313,247 $0 $313,247 $16,889 $296,358 5.39%

Print Shop Services $459,093 $0 $459,093 $75,112 $383,981 16.36%

Public Relations $739,394 $0 $739,394 $151,178 $588,216 20.45%

Personnel Services $2,198,031 $0 $2,198,031 $337,356 $1,860,675 15.35%

Technology Services $8,984,030 $0 $8,984,030 $1,129,909 $7,854,121 12.58%

Maintenance of Facilities $45,538,809 $844,278 $46,383,087 $6,042,976 $40,340,111 13.03%

Student Transportation $18,917,787 $0 $18,917,787 $874,213 $18,043,574 4.62% Other Support Services $1,813,557 $231,227 $2,044,784 $0 $2,044,784 0.00%

Land Acquisition $2,200,000 $0 $2,200,000 $1,645,010 $554,990 74.77% Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Building Acq & Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Building Improvement $1,823,000 $317,613 $2,140,613 $184,102 $1,956,511 8.60% Equipment Services $0 $0 $0 $45,212 ($45,212) 0.00% Other Sources & Uses ($6,708,434) ($1,787,497) ($8,495,931) $0 ($8,495,931) 0.00% Expenditures Total $632,105,313 $7,880,252 $639,985,565 $26,362,269 $613,623,296 4.12% Financial Report - Fund 21 - Student Activity Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($23,500,000) $0 ($23,500,000) ($5,793,560) ($17,706,440) 24.65%

Revenue Total ($23,500,000) $0 ($23,500,000) ($5,793,560) ($17,706,440) 24.65%


Expenditures Instruction $22,196,330 ($0) $22,196,330 $1,500,779 $20,695,551 6.76%

Health Services $3,565 $0 $3,565 $0 $3,565 0.00%

K-12 Instr Support/Prof Dev $428,179 $0 $428,179 $3,368 $424,811 0.79%

Media/Library Services $268,686 $0 $268,686 $574 $268,112 0.21%

School Leadership $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

School Leadership (Faculty) $319,142 $0 $319,142 $30,115 $289,027 9.44%

Accounting & Fiscal Services $488,552 $0 $488,552 $25,571 $462,981 5.23%

Maintenance of Facilities $295,547 $0 $295,547 $27,253 $268,294 9.22%

Other Sources & Uses ($500,000) $0 ($500,000) $0 $414,170 0.00%

Expenditures Total $23,500,000 $0 $23,500,000 $1,587,660 $22,826,510 6.50% Financial Report - Fund 23 - Non K-12 Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($4,358,561) ($977,160) ($5,335,721) ($109,132) ($5,226,589) 2.05%

State Revenue ($8,354,826) $0 ($8,354,826) ($1,067,371) ($7,287,455) 12.78%

Federal Revenue ($374,307) $0 ($374,307) $0 ($374,307) 0.00%

Revenue Total ($13,087,694) ($977,160) ($14,064,854) ($1,176,503) ($12,888,351) 8.36%


Expenditures Community Recreation Svcs $3,678,561 $977,160 $4,655,721 $34,682 $4,621,039 0.74% Adult Education $453,000 $0 $453,000 $17,699 $435,301 3.91%

Preschool $8,956,133 $0 $8,956,133 $239,800 $8,716,333 2.68%

Other Sources & Uses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Expenditures Total $13,087,694 $977,160 $14,064,854 $292,181 $13,772,673 2.08% Financial Report - Fund 26 - Tax Increment Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($24,000,000) $0 ($24,000,000) $0 ($24,000,000) 0.00%

Revenue Total ($24,000,000) $0 ($24,000,000) $0 ($24,000,000) 0.00%


Expenditures Other Community Services $24,000,000 $0 $24,000,000 $0 $24,000,000 0.00%

Expenditures Total $24,000,000 $0 $24,000,000 $0 $24,000,000 0.00% Financial Report - Fund 30 - LBA Fund


Revenue Local Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses ($36,404,000) $0 ($36,404,000) $0 ($36,404,000) 0.00%

Revenue Total ($36,404,000) $0 ($36,404,000) $0 ($36,404,000) 0.00%


Expenditures Maintenance of Facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Land Acquisition $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Professional Services $790,000 $0 $790,000 $38,905 $751,095 4.92%

Building Acq & Construction $33,650,000 $0 $33,650,000 $2,157,720 $31,492,280 6.41% Equipment Services $685,000 $0 $685,000 $125,097 $559,903 18.26%

Debt Service $1,404,000 $0 $1,404,000 $0 $1,404,000 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses ($125,000) $0 ($125,000) $0 ($125,000) 0.00%

Expenditures Total $36,404,000 $0 $36,404,000 $2,321,722 $34,082,278 6.38% Financial Report - Fund 31 - Debt Service Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($81,828,738) $0 ($81,828,738) ($873,402) ($80,955,336) 1.07%

Other Sources & Uses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Revenue Total ($81,828,738) $0 ($81,828,738) ($873,402) ($80,955,336) 1.07%


Expenditures Debt Service $80,812,636 $0 $80,812,636 $0 $80,812,636 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses $1,016,102 $0 $1,016,102 $0 $1,016,102 0.00%

Expenditures Total $81,828,738 $0 $81,828,738 $0 $81,828,738 0.00% Financial Report - Fund 32 - Capital Projects Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($20,702,857) $0 ($20,702,857) ($200,447) ($20,502,410) 0.97%

State Revenue ($4,846,621) $0 ($4,846,621) ($807,770) ($4,038,851) 16.67%

Federal Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses ($17,470,000) $0 ($17,470,000) ($400) ($17,469,600) 0.00%

Revenue Total ($43,019,478) $0 ($43,019,478) ($1,008,617) ($42,010,861) 2.34%


Expenditures Instruction $3,174,230 $0 $3,174,230 $464,174 $2,710,056 14.62%

Personnel Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Technology Services $4,038,343 $0 $4,038,343 $613,361 $3,424,982 15.19%

Maintenance of Facilities $350,000 $0 $350,000 $34,136 $315,864 9.75%

Student Transportation $6,104,382 $0 $6,104,382 $88,002 $6,016,380 1.44%

Land Acquisition $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Land Improvement $3,200,000 ($1,785,000) $1,415,000 $31,570 $1,383,431 2.23% Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Building Acq & Construction $0 $0 $0 $79,003 ($79,003) 0.00% Building Improvement $8,400,000 $2,229,110 $10,629,110 $2,017,297 $8,611,813 18.98% Equipment Services $2,972,000 $0 $2,972,000 $474,544 $2,497,456 15.97% Other Sources & Uses $14,780,523 ($444,110) $14,336,413 $0 $14,336,413 0.00% Expenditures Total $43,019,478 $0 $43,019,478 $3,802,086 $39,217,392 8.84% Financial Report - Fund 33 - Bond Projects Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($200,000) $0 ($200,000) $0 ($200,000) 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Revenue Total ($200,000) $0 ($200,000) $0 ($200,000) 0.00%


Expenditures Land Acquisition $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Professional Services $710,000 $0 $710,000 $42,494 $667,506 5.99%

Building Acq & Construction $61,095,030 $0 $61,095,030 $513,557 $60,581,473 0.84%

Building Improvement $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Equipment Services $275,000 $0 $275,000 $62,002 $212,998 22.55%

Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses ($61,880,030) $0 ($61,880,030) $0 ($61,880,030) 0.00%

Expenditures Total $200,000 $0 $200,000 $618,053 ($418,053) 309.03% Financial Report - Fund 49 - Nutrition Services Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($7,420,000) $0 ($7,420,000) ($217,745) ($7,202,255) 2.93%

State Revenue ($5,000,000) $0 ($5,000,000) ($21,865) ($4,978,135) 0.44%

Federal Revenue ($13,403,000) $0 ($13,403,000) ($145,521) ($13,257,479) 1.09% Revenue Total ($25,823,000) $0 ($25,823,000) ($385,132) ($25,437,868) 1.49%


Expenditures Accounting & Fiscal Services $400 $0 $400 $0 $400 0.00%

Nutrition Services $26,042,620 $0 $26,042,620 $399,997 $25,642,623 1.54%

Other Sources & Uses ($220,020) $0 ($220,020) $0 ($220,020) 0.00% Expenditures Total $25,823,000 $0 $25,823,000 $399,997 $25,423,003 1.55% Financial Report - Fund 60 - Industrial Insurance Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($2,860,000) $0 ($2,860,000) ($99,680) ($2,760,320) 3.49% Revenue Total ($2,860,000) $0 ($2,860,000) ($99,680) ($2,760,320) 3.49%


Expenditures Industrial Insurance Services $2,860,000 $0 $2,860,000 $230,048 $2,629,952 8.04%

Other Sources & Uses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Expenditures Total $2,860,000 $0 $2,860,000 $230,048 $2,629,952 8.04% Financial Report - Fund 66 - Warehouse/Print Shop Fund


Revenue Local Revenue ($1,151,750) $0 ($1,151,750) ($177,747) ($974,003) 15.43% Revenue Total ($1,151,750) $0 ($1,151,750) ($177,747) ($974,003) 15.43%


Expenditures Accounting & Fiscal Services $20,000 $0 $20,000 $0 $20,000 0.00%

Warehouse Services $1,131,750 $0 $1,131,750 $297,286 $834,464 26.27%

Building Acq & Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Building Improvement $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Equipment Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00%

Other Sources & Uses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% Expenditures Total $1,151,750 $0 $1,151,750 $297,286 $854,464 25.81% Summary of Budget Changes August 2020

The following is a summary of the budget changes of interest for ASD during August 2020.

 Allocated $977,160 of Board Local Levy revenues to meet extra‐curricular stipend obligations for current year.  Allocated $57,000 from Drug Prevention Grant to schools.  Allocated $2,572,914 from Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund to aid special education students and students at risk for academic failure.  Removed $12,000 budget for REACH program for FY21 and repurposed funds to mileage for Education Services.  Allocated additional $45,000 for sweeper custodial salaries to meet current year obligations.  Physical Facilities budget adjusted $444,110 for projects in progress for budgets that were approved to roll. (This item was included in July’s report – entry completed in August.

The following is a summary of the budget changes of interest for ASD during July 2020.

 Allocated $60,000 to elementary schools for counselor supplies from Superintendent’s discretionary fund.  Allocated $795,000 to lease American Fork property for Polaris West.  Allocated $8,000 to East Shore Focus Center that was committed as ongoing funds in FY20.  Allocated $140,000 for Elementary and Secondary mileage from Superintendent’s discretionary fund.  Received a new grant from USBE for $50,000 for Oral Translation Services.  Allocated FY21 TSSA funds to schools according to their approved plans.  Allocated newly awarded CARES grant of $6.2 million to address the impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic.  Allocated $39,400 for Summit and Polaris for their Title I Comprehensive School Improvement (year 2 of 3).  Decreased Purchasing budget for $37,941 for hourly job moved to a contracted position.  Physical Facilities budget adjusted $444,110 for projects in progress which budgets were approved to roll.

Superintendent Discretionary Use As of August 2020

Month Description Program Number Program Description Budget Amount Balance

July Original Budget $350,000 $350,000 Budget Changes ($66,280) $283,720 July ADM Mileage 0501 & 502 ADM Mileage ($100,000) $183,720 July Secondary Mileage Budget Adj 0502 Secondary Mileage ($40,000) $143,720 July FY21 Elem Counselor Supplies 5642 Elementary Counselors ($60,000) $83,720 July Hand Sanitizer 9001 Discretionary Funds ($18,750) $64,970 August WO 291351-PDC New Cubicals 9001 Discretionary Funds ($12,594) $52,377 August Annual Membership- Business 9001 Discretionary Funds ($499) Builder $51,878 August Youth Court Training 9001 Discretionary Funds ($67) $51,811 August Youth Court Training 9001 Discretionary Funds ($67) $51,744 Certified Hiring Report August 2020

One Effective Yrs. Yr Exp Degree NEW TEACHERS Position School Year Date Lane Step Exp. Allow Degree University Date Major Minor Replacing Anderson, Emily English HS-Skyridge 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA BYU 4/2020 English Rachel Phipps Barker, Ashlee math HS-Lehi 8/13/20 6 4 3 3 MA UVU 4/2010 math Holly McAllister Univ of Benton, Amy grade 3 ES-Vineyard 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 MA Cincinnati 12/2020 Elem ECE Heather Crossley Social Studies Black, Glen Spanish, History MS-Willowcreek x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA UVU 5/2019 History composite Cindy Ness Blad, casey Art MS-Willowcreek x 8/13/20 1 4 3 3 BA BYUI 12/2016 sec art growth Capehart, Amber Kindergarten ES-Fox Hollow x 8/13/20 3 2 1 1 BS ASU 5/2014 Elem Ed Rebecca Abbott U of Christensen, Susan DLI Chinese MS-Vista Heights 8/13/20 6 6 5 5 MA Baracelona 9/2019 chinese Petra Chou Clement, Samuel Kindergarten ES-Windsor 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA WGU 5/2020 Elem Ed Fanny Egan Day, Sabrina grade 6 ES-Vineyard x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS UVU 12/2019 Elem K-6 Miranda Schoenfeld Dibb, Alyse grade 3 ES-Mountain Trails 8/13/20 1 2 1 1 BS BYUI 7/2012 Elem K-8 Larry Deuel Exercise Dickerson, Gentry CTE Health HS-fMountain View 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA UVU Dec-19 Science Chemistry Teresa Barney Fairbanks, Deborah 5/6 split ES-Vineyard x 8/13/20 1 4 3 3 BS BYU 06/1993 Elem Ed Natalie Gurr Fehr, Brittany music ES-Saratoga Shores x 8/13/20 1 8 7 7 BM USU 09/2006 Sec ed music Katie Ross Floyd, Tracy grade 6 ES-Thunder Ridge 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS BYU 7/2020 Elem Ed Growth George Mason Funn, Jennifer grade 5 ES-Shelley x 8/13/20 6 4 3 3 MA University 12/2018 Elem 1-6 Mary McMurtrey Garrity, Dustin grade 2 ES-Mountain Trails x 8/13/20 1 5 4 4 BS BYU 6/1991 Elem Kali McKenna Glad, Melissa counselor ES-Cedar Valley 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 MA USU 12/2017 counselor growth Goodrich, Sherri grade 4 ES- Black Ridge X 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS SUU 6/1997 Elem Ed Kristopher Woodbury Idaho State Elem 1-8, Elem K- Graf, Kaitlyn grade 5 ES-Northridge 8/13/20 1 2 1 1 BA U 5/2019 6 Sherri Burton Green, Sylvia grade 1 ES-Cedar Ridge x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA WGU 5/2020 Elem growth Guy, Lisa art ES-Greenwood X 8/13/20 2 7 6 6 BS BYU 4/2020 Elem ECE Cynthia Helquist Hamblin, Paula PE ES-Orchard X 8/13/20 1 18 17 17 BS BYU 6/1992 Elem Ed Lisa Pettys Hill, Rachel Grade 6 ES-Deerfield x 8/13/20 1 7 6 6 BS BYU 4/2014 Elem K-6 growth Hitch, Elena BCBA District Office 8/13/20 1 2 1 1 MA U of KY 5/2019 Behavior growth Jensen, Melissa grade 2 ES-Riverview X 8/13/20 1 9 8 8 BS UVU 4/2012 Elem Ed growth Johnson, Korin Kindergarten ES-Fox hollow x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS BYU 4/2020 Elem ECE Laura Santos Jones, Allyce health HS-Pleasant Grove 8/13/20 1 4 3 3 BA UVU 4/2011 Health growth Larsen, Christene Grade 6 ES-Grovecrest x 8/13/20 1 4 3 3 BS SUU 7/2020 Elem K-6 Tess McCleskey larsen, Tiffany grade 3 ES-Sage Hills 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS BYUI 4/2020 Elem Charlene Savage generaal Lees, teresa SPED autism ES-Northridge 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA Dixie 5/2012 psychology studies Christine Thomas Lemons, Emily grade 2 ES-manila x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS OSU 3/2020 Elem growth McLaws, McKenna grade 6 ES-Saratoga Shores x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS BYUI 4/2019 Elem Ed Nick Allred Merrill. Kryshel grade 1 ES-Grovecrest x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS UVU 4/2020 Elem Betejo McLellard .5 Emily Kunz/.5 Nair, Jeffrey math HS-Mt View 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA BYU Math growth Pack, Cindee SPED resource m/m ES-Mt Mahogany 8/13/20 1 8 7 7 BA UT state 5/2013 Sped m/m Jenn payne coaching, teaching, Pack, Kristy Guided Studies HS_Orem 8/13/20 1 8 7 7 BA BYU 4/2011 History music growth Payne, Shera grade 3 ES-Greenwood x 8/13/20 1 5 4 4 BA BYU 12/2015 Elem K-8 Lindsey Funk Perez, valerie Kindergarten ES-Mt Trails/Eagle Valley X 8/13/20 1 11 10 10 BS BYU 6/1998 Elem ECE growth

Peterson, Jena Intervention HS-Cedar Valley High 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS UVU Aug-20 Behavior science growth Potter, Rachel grade 5 ES-Cascade X 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS BYU 6/2018 Elem growth Pratt, Dennis music ES-Shelley x 8/13/20 6 4 3 3 MA BYU 8/1998 Secondary music Cheree Davis Pulu, BrieAnne ELD MS-Orem 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA BYUH 5/2019 TESOL Cathy Freeman Certified Hiring Report August 2020

Roberts, Shauna grade 1 ES-Traverse Mt x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BA UNLV 12/2001 elem growth Stewart, Haley grade 5 ES- manila X 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS USU 12/2019 Elem ed Kirsten Cherry Stewart, Jessica grade 2 ES- Sharon x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS BYU 12/2012 Elem 1-8 growth Stoddard, Suzanna grade 6 ES-Westmore x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS UVU 4/2020 Elem K-6 Matt gowans Swartz, Aimee grade 4 ES-Ridgeline x 8/13/20 1 6 5 5 BS BYU 6/2013 elem growth Underwood, Ashley grade 6 ES-North Point X 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS UVU 4/2020 Elem Ed growth Vargason, Anna Grade 4 ES-Traverse Mt 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS USU 4/2020 elem Tara Wilkins Wakefield, Lisa Grade 4 ES-Westmore x 8/13/20 6 15 14 14 MA SUU 12/2018 Elem 1-8 Cindy Chilcoat Instructional Walters, Alicia English MS-Oak Canyon 8/13/20 6 7 6 6 MA WGU 5/2019 design English Cameron Wilson Ward, Alaire music ES-Mt Mahogany 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BS UVU 12/2019 Elem Tami Makin Watts, Shelby science MS-Willowcreek 8/13/20 1 3 2 2 BA BYU 6/2015 Biology growth Whetten, Elizabeth Kindergarten ES-Deerfield x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 MA WGU 6/2020 Elem Camille Maynard

One Effective Yrs. Yr Exp Degree INTERNS Position School Year Date Lane Step Exp. Allow Degree University Date Major Minor Replacing Benham, Lynne math MS_Willowcreek x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 WGU math growth Hendricks, Craig English MS- Mountain Ridge x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 UVU english Lenise Volmer Kemp, Heather French HS-Westlake x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BYU french Chloe Losee Ouimette, Taylor math HS-Timpanogos x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 BYU math Clint Goldman Tills, Darleen math MS-Vista Heights x 8/13/20 1 1 0 0 WGU math Paige Abbott

One Effective Yrs. Yr Exp Degree RESIGNATIONS Position School Year Date Lane Step Exp. Allow Degree University Date Major Minor Reason Abbott, Rebecca Kindergarten Fox Hollow 5/29/20 Personal Reasons Albino, Erika SPED M/M Resource Rocky Mountain 5/29/20 Moving out of state Allred, Nicholas 6th Grade A.L.L. Saratoga Shores 5/29/20 Personal Reasons Anderson, Ashley 7 grade math MS-Mt Ridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Barrus, Natalie English MS-Frontier 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Beal, Matthew Biology HS-Westlake 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Birch, Pamela Life Skills Horizon 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Blackham, Bradley Chemistry HS-Lone Peak 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Burtenshaw, Blake History, Geography MS-American Fork 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Carpenter, Kevin Grade 6 ES-Deerfield 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Cathatoorian, Brianne Grade 5 ES-Dry Creek 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Chipman, Julie PE 140 Eaglecrest 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Closson, Lisa Grade 1 ES-Manilla 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Cordner, McKenzie Grade 1 ES- Sharon 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Cox, Challis PE 209-Northridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Danjoux, Beatrice Grade1 ES-Belmont 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Davies, Bradley SPED Resource MS-Canyon View 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Demulder, Anais Grade 2 DLI French 114-Belmont 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Dong, Jinfeng Grade 4 Chinese ES-Riverview 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Duerden, Mark Grade 6 220-Rocky Mt 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Earl, James Geography, history MS-PGJH 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Eaton, Alisha Kindergarten 115-Blackridge 5/29/20 Changing positions Eldredge, Debbie Kindergarten ES-Vineyard 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Enconomides-Weeks, Sacha Food HS-Orem 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Evelyn, Reyna Grade 4 201-River Rock 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Ferguson, Rebecca Grade 5 ES-Legacy 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Ferrell, Tiffany art 222-Sage Hills 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Fossum, Sarah Life Skills MS-Canyon View 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Gardiner, Kaitlyn SPED m/m MS-Timberline 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Certified Hiring Report August 2020

Grant, Melissa Grade 3 ES-Westfield 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Hagberg Katlyn Grade 6 ES-Dry Creek 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Hales, Katharine Culture connection 222-Sage Hills 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Hansen, Adrienne music 222-Sage Hills 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Harouny, Jasmine Kindergarten ES-Snow Springs 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Hickman, Wendy music 212-Orchard 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Higbee, Lisa headstart no school listed 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Hill, Juliana Grade 5 ES-Cherry Hill 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Howell, Angela CTE Business 405-AFJH 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Huff, Patricia SPED ES-River Rock 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Huntington, Brandon Health HS-lone Peak 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Huntsman, Adela 092-Ed Services 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Hyer, Raquel Sm Groug autism 209 North Point 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Ika, Felisita SPED 737-Lone Peak 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Jarvis, Shauna Speech tech 207-North Point 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Jepson, Kimberly SLT 256-Thunde Ridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Johnson, Emilee Grade 2 HS-Westmore 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Johnson, Gioia Grade 4 ES-Mt Mahogany 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Kallas, Hannah Life Skills 220-Rocky Mt 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Kildew, Jenessa SPED m/m ES-Forbes 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Kim, Yoojin psychologist 478 PGJH 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Krause, Katy computers ES-Saratoga Shores 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Kunz, Belinda Kindergarten 222-Sage Hills 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Laudie, Nora Grade 6 200-Meadow 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Lee, Christie counselor HS-AFHS 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Lewis, Hayden Science 459-OJH 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Long, Erik Earth Science HS-Polaris 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Lund, Lenise English LA 494-Mt Ridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Lux, Jessica Grade 3 ES-Ridgeline 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract McCandless, Meagan Grade 1 ES-Thunder Ridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract McGuire, Drew speech 256-Thunder ridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract McKenna, Kali Grade 2 205-Mountian Trails 5/29/20 Personal Reasons Michels, Terri Kindergarten ES-Legacy 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Mielke, Stefanie Grade 2 Portuguse ImmersionES_Rocky Mountain 5/29/20 Personal Reasons Miller, Falon SPED resource HS-Westlake 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Phelps, Steven Math JH -Lakeridge 5/29/20 Personal Reasons Richter, Rebecca Grade 3 ES-Rocky Mt 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Rossi, Catherine Grade 5 ES-Lindon 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Saunders, Seth Spanish HS-Timpanogos 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Sommer-Martin, Ashten Grade ES-Forbes 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Spiesman, Tonya Grade 4 ES-Freedom 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Stratford, Candice Social Studies MS-AFJH 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Taylor, Cathrine Kindergarten ES-Hidden Hollw/Mt Trails 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Tolman, Jessica Grade 4 ES-Bonneville 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Torgeson, Lindsay Grade 5 ES-Ridgeline 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Truman, Meghan History MS-Canyon View 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Walsh, Andrew Drama MS-AFJH 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Wilbur, Jacquel Grade 4 ES-Vineyard 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Wilson, Lynn Math MS-lakeridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Wood, Brandon Math 4 HS-Westlake 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Workman, Laura History, Geography MS-Lakeridge 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Wright, Kenneth History HS-Lone Peak 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Young, Kaitlyn Grade 2 ES-Mt Mahogany 5/29/20 end of 1 year contract Classified Hiring Report August 2020

NEW EMPLOYEES POSITION SCHOOL/DPT. Effective Date REPLACING reason Young, Maryanne Administrative Secretary ES- Barratt 8/3/20 Jean Olsen Retired Krout, Jeannie Media Assistant HS-Lone Peak 8/17/20 Branda Pollock Retired Knighton, Ciria Media Specialist ES- Westmore 8/11/20 Diane Stay Retired Thomas Jennifer Ann Media Specialist ES- Shelley 8/11/20 Bevery Cook Retired Belen, Lucrecia Finance Specialist MS-Orem 8/3/20 Wency Talbert Transfer Castillos, Blanca Nutritional Services Manager ES-Fox Hollow 8/13/20 Sveanne Carter Retired Ma Guadalupe Baird, Carie Nutritional Services Manager ES-Sego Lily 8/13/20 Llamas-Diaz Transfer Phillips Torri Media Specialist (untrained) ES-Fox Hollow 8/11/20 Lisa Adams Transfer Fielding, Jill Registrar MS-Orem 8/3/20 Gina Breton Transfer Montgomery, Deborah Media Specialist (untrained) ES-Geneva 8/11/20 Lara Hinckley Personal Reasons Quintana, RAchel Administrative Secretary ES-Bonneville 8/3/20 Evan Stewart Personal Reasons Jensen, Natalie General Secretary HS-Cedar Valley 8/3/20 Sharon Mardeshich Moved to contract position Carlisle Jenny Administrative Secretary ES- Lehi 8/3/20 Jacki Thomas Transfer Bellon, Justin Day Custodian MS-Lakeridge 8/3/20 Sam Martinez Transfer Sheldrake, Elise Media Specialist (untrained) ES-Westfield 8/10/20 Cherie Smith Transfer Donadel, Gabriel Day Custodian HS-Lehi 8/3/20 Daryle Horne Deceased Kiddle, Mitcheal Computer Onsite Technician DO-Technology 8/12/20 Todd Manning Personal Reasons Lay, Bryson Computer Onsite Technician DO-Technology 8/12/20 Ron Taylor Retired Browning, Rebecca Media Assistant MS-Orem 8/14/20 Janet Clark Retired Anderson. Stephanie Nutritional Services Manager HS- Lone Peak 8/13/20 Charlene Dansie Transfer to Thunder Ridge McDevitt, Kelli Office Technician/Campus Aide HS-Westlake 8/14/20 Shari Gleed Retired Reid, Michael Computer Onsite Technician DO-Technology 8/24/20 Brock Giles Changed to 250 Day Contract Myntti, Rebecca Computer Onsite Technician DO-Technology 8/31/20 Jason Froelich Changed to 250 Day Contract Preschool Program General Pitcher, Georgina Secretary DO-Special Education 8/31/20 New Growth New Growth EFFECTIVE CHANGES/TRANSFERS PREVIOUS POSITION PREVIOUS SCHOOL/DPT. DATE REPLACING NEW POSITION NEW LOCATION Chapman, Andrea Media Specialist (untrained) 114 BELMONT 8/11/20 N/A Media Specialist (trained) E-Belmont

Brenton, Gina Registrar 459 Orem Jr 8/3/20 Denise Jensen Registrar HS-Mountain View

Martinez, Sam Day Custodian 423 Lakeridge Jr. High 8/3/20 Brian Clark Custodian ES-Cedar Valley DO-Business Thomas, Jackie Administrative Secretary 187 Lehi Elementary 8/3/20 Kathleen Harmon Account Technician Services

Denney, Betsy Nutritional Services Manager 247 Snow Springs Elem 8/13/20 Sarai Jones Nutritional Services Manager MS-Lake Mountain

Giles, Brock Computer Onsite Technician 091 Technology 8/17/20 Nancy McPolin Computer Onsite Technician Do-Technology

Froelich, Jason Computer Onsite Technician 091 Technology 8/17/20 Jon Christensen Computer Onsite Technician Do-Technology Simmons, Andrea Nutritional Services Manager 275/098 Westfield Elem 8/13/20 Betsy Denney Nutritional Services Manager ES-Snow Springs

EFFECTIVE RESIGNATIONS/TERM. POSITION SCHOOL/DPT. DATE REASON Janet Clark Media Assistant MS - Orem 5/29/20 Retired Jones, Sarai Nurtritional Services Manager DO- Nutritional Services 5/29/20 Moving out of Hansen, Austin Bus Driver DO-Transportation 5/29/20 Other employment Hodson, Jacob Lead Custodian HS- Cedar Valley 8/10/20 Military Leave Thomson, Michael Bus Driver DO-Transportation 5/29/20 Retire Chatwin, Lynette Account Technician DO- Nutritional Services 5/29/20 Moved Jones, Bonnie Bus Driver DO-Transportation 8/24/20 Other employment Maynard, Raymond Bus Driver DO-Transportation 5/29/20 Deceased

Alpine School District Foundation Board Report August 2020

Current Month Summary

08/2020 08/2019 Employees Participating in Payroll Deduction 1390 1461 Payroll Deduction $20,372 $21,869 Total Other Donors 651 1027 Total Donations $158,225 $267,780

Fiscal Year To Date

20/21 19/20 Payroll Deduction $40,851 $43,714 Total Donations $291,125 $393,135

Current Month Top Donors

Donor Amount Purpose of Donation T Luke Savage Family Foundation $15,000 AFHS Band Transportation Old North State Trust $8,000 SHS As Needed LPHS Cross Country, Football, Girls Volleyball, Cheer, Girls Soccer, Athletic Training, Boys Golf SHS Girls Volleyball, Cross Country, Athletic Training, Girls Tennis, Girls Soccer, Drill Sportsmed Associates $7,100 Team, Foundation for the American West $5,000 OHS Life Skills Smith, Stanley $4,000 LHS Football & Football Scholarships

YTD 20/21 Top Donors

Donor Amount Purpose of Donation Lindley, Corey & Janis $40,000 MVHS Athletics Department Nu Skin International, Inc, $25,000 Learning Stash T Luke Savage Family Foundation $15,000 AFHS Band Transportation Community Foundation of Utah $10,000 LHS Band Westland Construction $10,000 STARS Golf Tournament Old North State Trust $8,000 SHS As Needed Sportsmed Associates $7,100 LPHS & SHS Various Sports Cigna Health & Life Insurance Company $5,000 Principal’s Pantry Foundation for the American West $5,000 OHS Life Skills

Resolution #2020-021


WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and in the best interests of the Alpine School District that the following action be taken by the ASD Board of Education, pursuant to this Resolution,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, pursuant to applicable law, the Board of Education of the Alpine School District, hereby consent to, approve and adopt the following:


. . Board President Date



The enclosed items are additions, corrections, or deletions to previous Negotiated Agreements



Lisa Adams, Spokesperson Craig Jensen, Spokesperson Rick Montague Shane Farnsworth Shauna Markle Joe Hayes Korrin Thompson Randy Upton Jeremy Wangemann Frank Pulley Jr. Jeremiah Sniffin-USEA Steven Reese Classified Settlement 2020-2021

1. Alpine School District agrees to fund a 1% COLA to the base salary schedule.

2. Alpine School District agrees to fund step and lane.

3. Alpine School District agrees to fund the insurance increase on the base plan (Plan 4).

4. Alpine School District agrees to update Education Requirement on the Professional Salary Schedule for the Transportation Coordianator.

5. Alpine School District demonstrates our commitment to our employees’ social and emotional well-being through the enhancement of mental health benefits by adding services with a third party provider.

6. Policy 4412 Health and Disability Leave

7. Policy 4413 Personal Leave

8. Policy 4413.1 Personal Leave for Hourly Employees

9. Policy 4416 Bereavement Leave

10. Policy 4417 Other Leaves

11. Policy 4440 Job Study Program

12. Policy 4456 New Contract Classified Employee

13. Policy 4457 Pre-Employment Screening

14. Policy 4483 Uniform Allowance

Alpine School District Professional Salary Schedule (Exempt) Lane Placement Fiscal Year 20-21 (DRAFT) A B C D E F G H I J K Office Office Office Application Specialist Application Application Specialist Construction Coord Construction Architect (Masters in Architect (Licensed in Utah Network Architect. Manager/Accountant Manager/Accountant Manager/Accountant (SIS) Specialist (SIS) (SIS) B.S. in related (Bachelors in Supervisor (5 yr Architecture or AIA/NCARB) (B.S. in Networking & (2 years acct./finance (Assoc. in acct or (Bachelors in acct or Assoc. in non related degree~120 credit hrs) construction, business experience in K- Bachelors that is Network SEcurity experience) business related field) business related field) field, some higher ed or facilities related 12/Commercial eligible for license) related degree~120 credit hrs) (~50 hrs) Certs or field/combination construction) equivalent work building inspector) experience. Computer Systems Buyer Buyer (w/ Associates Buyer (w/ active National Budget Analyst Budget Analyst Budget Analyst Mainteance Construction Construction Supervisor Repair Specialis Degree) or Utah state govt. (Bachelors Degree in Masters Degree in Coordinator (Masters Supervisor (Masters in construction, buying cert.) acctg or related field acctg or a related field in construction, (Bachelors in business or facilities with a minimum of 12 w/min of 21 credit hrs business or facilities constuction, business related field) credit hours of acctg of acctg courses from related field) or facilities related courses from an an accredited field/combination accredited college/university) building inspector) college/university) Telecome Wiring Computer Systems Computer Systems Computer Network Computer Network Building Inspector (4- Maintenance Coord Architect (Bachelors Maintenance Maintenance Specialist Reapir Specialist Repair Specialist (B. Specialist Specialist (Assoc. in way ICC certification) w/ ed (Bachelors in in Architecture) Supervisor Supervisor (Masters in (Assoc. in non related S. in Computer non related field, some construction, business (Bachelors in construction, Business or field, some higher Ed Systems related higher ed (~50 hrs), or facilities related construction, business Facilities related field) (~50 hours), Certs or degree (~120 credit Certs or equivalent field/comb building or facilities related equivalent work hrs.) work experience. inspector) field/combination expereince. building inspector) Prof. Accountant Prof. Account (Assoc Prof. Accountant (12 Prof. Accountant Construction Senior Budget Network Enginner (+4) Network Engineer Network Architect (Assoc degree or an active credit hrs acctg courses (Related bachelors Coordinator (2 yrs Analyst (Assoc. (+4)(Assoc. in non in non related field, some accounting, from an accredited degree or 12 credit experience in K- degree w/min of 12 hrs related field, some higher ed (~50 credit hrs), bookkeeping or college/university) hrs. acct courses from 12/Commercial of acct courses from higher ed (~50 hrs), Certs or equivalent work auditing cert) accredited construction) an accredited Certs or equivalent experience) college/university and college/university) work experience.) an active acct. bookkeeping or auditing certificate) Telecom Wiring Telecom Wiring Office Internal Auditor Computer Network Building Inspector Construction Software Engineer Software Engineer B. Specialist (Assoc. in Specialist (B.S. in Manager/Accountant (Related bachelors Specialist (B.S. in (Bachelors in Supervisor Assoc. in non related S. in Software non related field, some Networking, Electrical (Masters in acct or degree or equivalent Networking, computer construction, business Coordinator (5 yrs field, some higher ed Programming related higher ed (~50 hrs), Design based business related field) amount of education, software and systems, or facilites related field) experience in K- (~50 crd.hrs), certs or degree (~120 credit hrs) certs or equivalent degree~120 credit expereince, and/or wireless related 12/Commercial equivalent work work experience) hours) cert.) degree~120 credit hrs) construction) experience. Web/Video Telecommunication Telecommunication Maintenance GIS Specialist Maintenance Network Architect Network Engineer (B.S in Production Splecialist Specialist (BS non- Coordinator (2 yrs (Bachelors Degree in a Supervisor (5 years networking & security related, Assoc. in non experience in K- related field) experience in K- related degree-120 credit related field, some 12/Commercial building 12/Commercial hrs) higher Ed (~50 hrs), Maintence) building mantenance) Certs or equivalent work experience) Benefits Coordinator GIS Specialist Risk Manager Fleet Manager Senior Budget (Associates degree) (Bachelors in facilities (Bachelors degree in Analyst (Masters or business related related field) degree in acctg or field) related field w/min of 21 credit hrs of acctg courses from an accredited college/university) Payroll Supervisor Internal Auditor Internal Auditor GIS Specialist Software Engineer (Requires minimum of (Bachelors degree in (Masters Degree in (Masters Degree in (B.S. in Software 1 year of experience acctg or related field acctg or a related field related field) Programming related with payroll & 2 yrs w/min of 12 credit hrs of w/a minimum of 15 degree~120 credit hrs) supervisory acctg courses from credit hrs of acctg experience) accredited courses from an college/university (refer accredited to course requirements college/university or a below) or a related related masters degree bachelors degree with with an active acctg or an active acctg or auditing certification) auditing certification) Fleet Manager Senior Accountant Transportation Senior Accountant (Related bachelors Coordinator Masters (Masters degree in degree or an Degree +20 acctg or a related field equivalent amount of (Bachelors Degree in w/min of 21 credit hrs ed., experience, and related field) of acctg courses from /or certifications) an accredited college/university)

Risk Manager (2 years Transportation Senior Buyer experience in facilities Coordinator (Bachelors degree and or business related w/Masters Degree an active National or field) (Associates Degree) Utah govt buying certificate) Senior Buyer Fleet Manager SOFTWARE (Associates Degree) ENGINEER

Transportation Risk Manager Building Inspector Coordinator (Bachelors in facilities (Masters in or business related construction, business field) or facilities related field) Telecommunication Senior Buyer Risk Manager Specialist (B.S. in (Bachelors degree or (Masters in facilities or Networking, active Utah St. govt. business related field) Telecommunications buying cert) Related degree (~120 credit hrs) Payroll Supervisor Benefits Coordinator Senior Accountant (Bachelors degree in (Maters Degree in (Bachelors degree in acctg or related field as related field) acctg or a related field approved by Business w/min of 21 credit hrs Services Admin team of acctg courses from plus a min. of 12 credit an accredited hours of acctg courses college/university) from accredited college/university) Benefits Coordinator Payroll Supervisor Senior Budget (Bachelors degree in (Masters degree in Analyst (Bachelors reated field) acctg or related field degree in acct or a as approved by Bus. related field w/min 21 Serv. Admin team plus credit hrs of acct a min. of 12 credit hrs courses from of act courses from accredited accredited college/university) college/university) Policy No. 4412 (DRAFT)

Health and Disability Leave


Definition: Calendar day includes contract days, weekends and holidays combined.


1.1. Provisional contracted employees, those with less than three years continuous, current, experience in the District, are granted health and disability leave as follows: 1.1.1. A contracted Classified employee, hired on or after July 1, 2011 and who has retired from a government agency, will not be eligible for the 180 days sick leave benefit. They will earn seven (7) days of sick leave per year, which may accrue to a maximum of 21 days. 1.1.2. A maximum of up to seven working days may be granted annually in the event of health or disability absence. 1.1.3. Health and disability leave may accumulate up to twenty-one working days through the third year of employment. During the absence of an employee for health or disability reasons the employee’s full salary shall be paid for the cumulative days used. When provisional status is extended, the employee is not eligible for 180 sick days but is eligible for 7 more fully paid sick days per year up to 35 days. 1.1.4. Beyond the cumulative health and disability leave, when an employee is absent because of health or disability reasons, an employee’s salary shall be paid as follows: A classified employee shall have his/her daily salary reduced by $30 for each day of health or disability leave taken

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 beyond the earned cumulative days according to the following graduated scale: If an employee has been with the district for less than one year, they would be eligible for 30 calendar days at a $30 dock on each working day and continuation of health benefits through the 180 day limit. There would be no pay beyond 30 days. If an employee has been with the district between one and two years, they would be eligible for 60 calendar days at a $30 dock on each working day and continuation of health benefits through the 180 day limit. There would be no pay beyond 60 days. If an employee has been with the district between two and three years, they would be eligible for 90 calendar days at a $30 dock on each working day and continuation of health benefits through the 180 day limit. There would be no pay beyond 90 days. If an employee's provisional status is extended to a fourth or fifth year, they would be eligible for 90 calendar days at a dock of $30 dock on each working day and continuation of health benefits through 180 day limit. There would be no pay beyond 90 days. A contracted classified employee, hired on or after July 1, 2011 and who has retired from a government agency, will not be eligible for the 180 days sick leave benefit. They will earn seven (7) work days of fully-paid sick leave per year, which may accrue to a maximum of 21 fully-paid work days.

1.2. Career employees, those who have completed three or more current consecutive years of employment with the district, are granted health and disability leave for 180 calendar days beginning with the first day of disability. (For example: An absence on Friday will count as three sick days, if the employee returns on Monday. Each calendar day counts as an absence, including holidays, as a sick leave day.)

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 1.2.1. A classified career employee who has exhausted the 180 calendar days of health and disability leave and returns to work on the 181st calendar day must obtain a release to return to work letter from their primary care physician, releasing them to return to work capable of fulfilling all essential functions without restrictions. The employee who uses 180 calendar days of health and disability leave and returns to work will be placed on sick leave probation. Sick leave probation begins with the upcoming year and extends to the employee 21 calendar days annually, of health and disability leave for two years. These days are not accumulative. Upon successful completion of sick leave probation, the employee will have their 180 calendar days of health and disability leave restored. 1.2.2. Should an employee be unable to return to work on the 181st calendar day of health and disability leave, they will be separated from employment. 1.2.3. Employees who use twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days of health and disability leave, or establish a pattern of sick leave usage, which may indicate a misuse, will trigger the beginning count of 180 calendar days of sick leave usage. The calendar count will begin with the first day of the illness/disability for which the 180 days sick leave count is considering. The 180 day sick leave count may only go back for two years, unless a recommendation by the sick leave panel to go beyond the two years is reached. Employees whose sick leave usage indicates a possible misuse will be notified in writing of the triggering of the 180 calendar days of health and disability leave.

An employee absent from work for a period of twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days for health and disability reasons in one contract year must supply the Human Resource department with a medical doctor's statement regarding the exact nature of the disability and shall include the doctor's prognosis of when the employee can return to

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

3 work. An employee who has taken fifteen (15) cumulative days or more of health and disability leave in any one contract year, may be required to submit medical justification upon request of the immediate supervisor. In the event it appears the benefit is being misused the superintendent or his designee will refer the case to a review panel consisting of two employees to be determined by the classified association and a designee determined by the superintendent. The employee will be asked to appear before the panel. In the event it is determined that the benefit is being misused, the panel will make the recommendations for action to the superintendent and to the employee. This review panel will be reviewed annually by the association and the district for its effectiveness and fairness. 1.3. Employees shall be provided with a long-term disability insurance policy with the full cost of the premium being paid by the board of education for full time employees as long as the employee has not waived the benefit. The benefits of this policy become effective following the expiration of the 180 day health and disability leave. The employee must make application to both the social security office and the insurance carrier. 1.4. Fitness to return to work after a prolonged illness or disability shall be determined by the employee’s attending physician. A letter from the physician is required before the employee shall be allowed to return to work. In the event of a conflict with the attending physician and the district administration, a second physician may be consulted at Board of Education's expense. In the event of a disagreement between the two doctors, a third doctor may be consulted to determine disposition of the case at the Board of Education's expense. 1.5. When poor health seems to impair an employee’s ability to carry on his or her work in a satisfactory manner, the Board of Education may request them to have a complete physical examination by a competent doctor of medicine at the board's expense, to determine fitness for duty. 1.6. Absence caused by the death of members of immediate families may be construed as health/disability leave. Members of the immediate family include spouse, mother, father, child, brother, sister, father-in-law,

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

4 mother-in- law, brother- in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, and grandchildren. Absences caused by the death of a family member may not be counted as part of the twenty-one (21) consecutive days that would trigger the 180 calendar day count of health and disability leave. 1.7. Employees shall provide plans so that their work shall progress normally whenever they must absent themselves from their places of employment. 1.8. Employees who schedule treatment, or surgical procedures which are not deemed medically necessary by a doctor, will not be granted sick leave. Any cosmetic or voluntary procedures that are not medically necessary will not be granted sick leave and days must be taken as personal leave, comp time or vacation.

(Intent-to discourage abuse of sick leave and preserve current benefit)

1.9. A supervisor may request medical certification if sick leave is taken before or after a holiday or vacation day. 1.10. Sick leave data is protected by HIPPA and will not be shared with any unqualified employee or employee representative without written consent of the employee. 1.11. Beginning September 1, 2015 Tier 1 employees (as defined by the Utah Retirement System) who qualify for Long-Term Disability (LTD) will have an elimination period of 120 days. Tier 2 employees (as defined by the Utah Retirement System) who qualify for Long-Term Disability (LTD) will have an elimination period of 180 days.


Guidelines for administering the health/disability policy are:

1. The administrator shall review the health/disability leave policy with the entire staff during the start of each fiscal year. 2. All special requests for health/disability leave beyond that which is specified in this policy shall be referred to the administrator and the superintendent for individual consideration.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

5 3. Absence caused by serious or emergency illness of spouse, children or parents of contracted employees can be granted by the administrator. The following examples are provided as guidelines to employees and administrators so that employees may know when to request additional time off for the illness of a family member and administrators may have a basis upon which to grant such requests:

Example A. If the spouse or child of an employee has surgery, the employee may be excused the day of surgery but unless the patient is critical the employee should be in school during the period of recovery.

Example B. If the child of an employee has a cold or communicable disease and is not seriously ill, the employee should be in school.

Example C. If a newborn child has an illness but the parent is physically able to return to work and the child is not critically ill, the employee should be at work.

Example D. If an employee must be absent from work for maternity reasons for a period beyond fifteen working days, then a doctor’s statement must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor identifying the actual complication which might prevent the employee's return to work. In most cases, in the normal birth of a child, the employee shall return to work within fifteen working days or $30 per day shall be withheld from the educator’s pay.

Example E. Employees may take the day a dependent child or spouse is admitted to, or released from the hospital as family illness upon receiving verification from the hospital.

4. An employee who has taken 15 days or more of health and disability leave in each of two consecutive years shall have the reasons for leave reviewed by the administration and in the event the leave is not legitimate the employee’s health and disability leave may be restricted. 5. If the employee adopts a child under the age of five he/she may take four days health leave to help the child settle into the family.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

6 Board Approvals

● Board Approved: May 21, 1980: Negotiated Revisions: August 19, 1986; August 11, 1987; June 27, 1989; January 14, 1992; August 24, 1994; June 14, 2004; June 3, 2005; May 2006; May 2009; April 2011; May 2012; May 2014; April 2015: Board Reviewed: January 2009: Amended: September 26, 2016 Procedures

1. EXTENDED SICK LEAVE 1.1. An employee absent from work for a period of twenty-one (21) calendar days for health or disability reasons must, upon request of his/her supervisor, supply the supervisor with a medical doctor’s statement regarding the exact nature of the disability and shall include the doctor’s prognosis of when the employee can return to work (Policy No. 4412, 1.2). The statements from the medical doctor, if requested, are to be forwarded to the Personnel Office for review and placement in the employee’s personnel file. (Note: This is a change from earlier directives which required a letter from the employee’s physician when the employee had been off work for health or disability reasons for fifteen consecutive days. The principal or district level work-unit supervisor of the employee will now determine if such written notice is required.) 1.2. Those employees who have been required to supply a medical doctor’s statement to substantiate extended health and disability leave are not to be permitted to return to work without a doctor’s release. If the employee is given only a partial release, please check with the Personnel Office before allowing the person to return to work. Principals/supervisors are to forward these releases without delay to the Personnel Office so they may be placed in the employee’s personnel file. 1.3. Employees who have been absent for an extended period shall not be allowed to return to work for a day or a few days and then be absent due to health or disability reasons for another extended period of time without

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

7 proper medical documentation. Principals/supervisors will need to monitor carefully this type of situation.


● Board Approved: April 19, 1988 Rules & Regulations (Under Health & Disability Policy 4162)

1. COVID-19 Related Information 1.1. Symptoms of COVID-19 have been identified and outlined by the Utah Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control. 1.1.1. Fever over 100.4 1.1.2. Cough 1.1.3. Sore throat 1.1.4. Shortness of breath 1.1.5. Muscle aches and pain (without recent physical exertion) 1.1.6. New reduced sense of taste or smell

1.2. Employees who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 should not be at work and should be tested. COVID-19 testing locations can be found at https://coronavirus.utah.gov/testing-locations/. ​

1.3. High-Risk Individuals 1.3.1. People of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. People of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19: Chronic kidney disease COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 or higher)

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

8 Serious heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies Sickle cell disease Type 2 diabetes mellitus 1.3.2. COVID-19 is a new disease. Currently, there is limited data and information about the impact of underlying medical conditions and whether they increase the risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

1.4. Employees identified as High-Risk Individuals should adhere to guidelines issued by the Utah Department of Health: 1.4.1. Wear face masks at all times in public settings. 1.4.2. Stay home as much as possible. If you need to go into public settings, stay at least 6 feet from others. 1.4.3. Wash hands often. 1.4.4. Limit travel to only essential travel. 1.4.5. Continue to seek emergency care, routine doctor visits, and medication pickups. 1.4.6. Limit visiting friends or family without urgent need. 1.4.7. Limit physical interactions with other high-risk individuals, except for members of your household or residence. 1.4.8. Limit attending gatherings of any number of people outside your household or residence. 1.4.9. Do not visit others in hospitals, nursing homes, or other residential care facilities. 1.4.10. When working remotely is not possible, maintain social distancing.

1.5. When schools are operational and students/employees are present, the responsibilities of staff of the District cannot be fulfilled by working remotely. For example: 1.5.1. District Office Personnel - must be physically present to provide ​ face-to-face services and support to employees/parents/patrons addressing student learning/safety and other concerns. 1.5.2. School Administrators - must be physically present to oversee the ​ general operations of the school and address student learning as well as safety/emergency situations. 1.5.3. Teachers - must be physically present to address student learning ​ and supervision, provide social and emotional support, as well as address safety/emergency situations.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

9 1.5.4. Academic Coaches (Innovative, Instructional, PLC) - must be ​ physically present to provide support for teachers specific to student learning and supervision. 1.5.5. Counselors - must be physically present to provide students social ​ and emotional support as well as address safety/emergency situations. 1.5.6. School Psychologists/Social Workers/Other Related Service Providers - must be physically present to provide student social and ​ emotional support, complete required testing, as well as address safety/emergency situations. 1.5.7. Administrative Assistants/Secretaries - must be physically present to ​ address student, patron, educator, and supervisor needs/concerns as well as address safety/emergency situations. 1.5.8. Para Educators/Aides - must be physically present to address ​ student learning and supervision as well as address safety/emergency situations. 1.5.9. Nurses - must be physically present to address ongoing student ​ medical issues as well as address safety/emergency situations. 1.5.10. Custodial - must be physically present to clean, sanitize, and ​ maintain the facility. 1.5.11. Physical Facilities Services - must be physically present to perform ​ maintenance duties such as electrical, HVAC, mowing, painting, plumbing, etc. 1.5.12. Information Technology Services - must be physically present to ​ perform maintenance duties such as computer and network repair, on-site employee customer service, etc. 1.5.13. Nutrition Services - must be physically present to prepare and serve ​ meals to students as well as clean and sanitize. 1.5.14. Transportation Services - must be physically present to transport ​ students as well as clean and sanitize, maintain and repair.

1.6. High-Risk Individual Employees: ​ 1.6.1. are not precluded from working onsite; however, the employee should adhere to social distancing (ideally 6+ feet), wash hands often, and use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). 1.6.2. upon authorization from the principal/supervisor and Human Resources, an alternative position could be available for remote work. 1.6.3. who are required to work onsite will be provided general PPE, at the employee’s request through their supervisor.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

10 1.6.4. who require further accommodations and qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), should contact the Human Resources Department for assistance.

1.7. Due to the unprecedented events caused by COVID-19, the U.S. Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), beginning April 1, 2020 and which expires December 31, 2020. 1.7.1. Leave is available through the FFCRA. A section of the Act grants employees emergency paid sick leave, which provides that a full-time employee is entitled up to two weeks (80 hours), or a part-time employee’s two-week equivalent (a number of hours equal to the number of hours that such employee works, on average, over a 2-week period) of paid sick leave. Employees eligible for this leave would need to meet one of the following six (6) qualifying conditions: is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19; has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine related to COVID-19; is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking medical diagnosis; is caring for an individual subject to an order described in ( or self quarantined in (; is caring for their son or daughter whose school or place of care is closed (or child care provider is unavailable) for reasons related to COVID-19. Employees who use this leave must fill out must complete the FFCRA Expanded FLMA for ​ Qualifying Condition #5 Form; ​ If leave is needed beyond the initial 2 weeks and they have worked for the District for at least thirty (30) days, an eligible employee may receive an additional 10-week partially paid expanded family and medical leave, for which this leave can be taken (please contact Human Resources). Or, is experiencing any other substantially similar conditions specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretaries of Labor and Treasury.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

11 1.7.2. Conditions,, are paid at the employee's regular rate of pay for two weeks (up to 80 hours) or the maximum per day ($511 for qualifying conditions -,, 1.7.3. Conditions,, are paid at 2/3 of the employee's regular rate of pay for two weeks (up to 80 hours) or the maximum per day ($200 for qualifying conditions -,, 1.7.4. FFCRA paid sick leave is capped at two weeks (up to 80 hours) for any combination of the qualifying conditions. 1.7.5. Notice will be posted at each work location site and sent to all ​ employees through district email.

1.8. Employees testing positive for COVID-19 1.8.1. Employees who test positive for COVID-19, and have been told to self-isolate by the health department or a medical provider, are required to self-isolate for fourteen (14) days or until the employee tests negative for COVID-19. 1.8.2. Employees who use this leave must complete the Employee Family ​ First Coronavirus Response Act Leave Form and submit it to Human ​ Resources as soon as possible. 1.8.3. If additional leave is required, as directed by a medical provider, benefit-eligible employees may use leave according to District policy (i.e. Health and Disability, or FMLA).

1.9. Employees caring for someone who has been quarantined as specified in FFCRA qualifying conditions or can apply for the stipulated leave and must complete the FFCRA Leave Form and submit it to Human ​ ​ Resources as soon as possible.

1.10. Notice: Where leave is foreseeable, an employee should provide notice of leave to the District as soon as possible. Under these rules, after the first workday of paid sick time, employees are required to follow reasonable notice procedures in order to continue receiving paid sick time.

1.11. Employees who have been or were potentially exposed to COVID-19, and have been told to self-isolate by the health department or a medical provider, are required to self-isolate for fourteen (14) days or until the employee tests negative for COVID-19.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

12 1.11.1. Employees who use this leave must complete the FFCRA Leave ​ Form and submit it to Human Resources as soon as possible. ​ 1.11.2. Employees experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking medical diagnosis should NOT be at work and should self-isolate until the employee tests negative for COVID-19. Employees who use this leave must complete the FFCRA ​ Leave Form and submit it to Human Resources as soon as ​ possible.

Board Approvals

● Approved Rules & Regulations July 2020

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

13 Policy No. 4413 (DRAFT)

Personal Leave


1. PERSONAL LEAVE 1.1. Classified employees may have up to five days personal leave annually. If employees take these days, they will be required to pay 30% of their daily salary for each personal leave day up to a maximum of $30. Personal leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 10 days. Personal leave accumulates by carrying the number of unused personal leave days over into the next school year. 1.1.1. Contracted classified employees that do not have vacation accrual may take one two personal days per year without a dock in pay. ​ ​ ​ ​ The no dock personal days may not be used during the first five (5) ​ ​ student days (six (6) student days when seventh grade or ninth ​ grade day is held) or and the last five (5) student days of the school ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ year. 1.2. Personal leave without loss of pay for worthwhile absences may be approved by the Superintendent or his designee. 1.3. Employees may not take personal leave during the first week of school or during the last week of school. Employees may take a personal day the day preceding or following Christmas vacation. The first week of school and the last week of school are defined as the first five (5) student days (six (6) ​ student days when seventh grade or ninth grade day is held) and the last ​ five (5) student days of the school year. When a holiday occurs on a day that would have been one of the five student days, this day will count as one of the five student days. 1.4. Classified employees are discouraged from taking personal leave to work for any other organization.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 1.5. Classified employees are encouraged to request the leave days in sufficient time to permit the supervisor to obtain a suitable substitute. 1.6. Personal leave days must be cleared in advance with the employee’s supervisor, otherwise the employee may receive a full dock in pay for each day missed. 1.7. Any personal leave days taken beyond what has been accrued, if approved, will be taken at a 100% dock. 1.8. When a classified employee adopts a child he/she may take personal leave up to the number of days they have accrued, without a dock in salary with the Superintendent's approval. These days are in addition to the days listed in policy procedure 4412. 1.9. If an employee has 8 hours or more comp time, the employee must take the comp time off before personal leave is approved.

Board Approvals

● Negotiated: September 17, 1985: Revised: June 27, 1989; August 25, 1993; August 24, 1994; June 2003: Negotiated Revision: June 14, 2004; May 2008; May 2009; May 2010; May 2012; April 2015: Board Reviewed: March 17, 2009: Negotiated: April 2019; August 2020 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations

No rules & regulations have been established at this time.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 Policy No. 4413.1 (DRAFT)

Personal Leave For Hourly Employees



1.1. Hourly employees will be provided three (3) days of personal leave after working 2 years. 1.1.1. One additional day may be earned for each additional year for a maximum of five (5) personal leave days. 1.1.2. Personal leave is paid at the rate of 50% of the employee's regular daily work hours. 1.1.3. Employees may not take personal leave during the first week of school or during the last week of school. Employees may take a personal day preceding or following Christmas vacation. The first week of school and the last week of school are defined as the first five student days and the last five student days of the school year. When a holiday occurs on a day that would have been one of the five student days, this day will count as one of the five student days. 1.1.4. Classified hourly employees, hired before July 1, 2013, may take one ​ two personal days annually at no dock in pay. The no dock personal ​ ​ ​ day may not be used during the first five (5) student days of school ​ (six (6) student days when seventh grade or ninth grade day is held) or and the last five (5) student days of school. ​ ​ ​ 2. ELIGIBILITY

2.1. Hourly employees hired after July 1, 2013 are not eligible for leave. Any days not worked must be cleared in advance and will be taken at 100% dock.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 Board Approvals

● Negotiated Revision: June 14, 2004; August 28, 2007; May 2012; April 2013; April 2016: Board Reviewed: January 2009; August 2020 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations No rules & regulations have been established at this time.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 Policy No. 4416 (DRAFT)

Bereavement Leave



1.1. Absence caused by the death of members of the immediate families or ​ ​ ​ extended family may be construed as health/disability leave. Members of ​ the immediate family include spouse, mother, father, child, brother, sister, stepmother, stepfather, stepchild, stepbrother, stepsister. Members of extended family include aunt, uncle, aunt-in-law, uncle-in-law, niece, ​ ​ nephew, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, and one day per year for a close ​ personal friend.

1.1.1. Provisional contracted employees may take one bereavement day without dock. It shall not count as a personal or sick day. 1.2. An employee may be absent up to five (5) working days at the death of an immediate family member and up to three (3) working days for an extended family member and one (1) day per year for a close family or personal friend ​ ​ without loss of salary. In instances where extenuating circumstances warrant additional time off, the supervisor may recommend to the Superintendent additional consideration which may be granted. 1.3. Absence for bereavement covers only the immediate family, and absences for bereavement of others, unless cleared in advance with the Superintendent by the supervisor, must be taken as personal leave. 1.4. In the event that bereavement leave is needed for other legitimate reasons not covered above, requests should be made in writing directly to the Superintendent.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 1.5. Bereavement leave may be taken anytime during the school year, including the first and last weeks of school, and before and after Christmas break.

Board Approvals

● Negotiated: September 27, 1984: Negotiated Revision: October 9, 1990; June 14, 2004; May 2009; May 2012; April 2013; May 2014; April 2015: Revised: August 25, 1993: Board Reviewed: March 2009: Negotiated Revision: April 2019; August 2020 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations

No rules & regulations have been established at this time.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 Policy No. 4417 (DRAFT)

Other Leaves



1.1. Leaves for other reasons, i.e. travel, work experience, temporary change of residency, need to be requested by February 1 prior to the year of requested leave. Exceptions to this deadline will be considered on a case by case basis. Application for an exception to the deadline must be made to the superintendent.

1.2. In the event a leave is approved by the Board of Education for any of the above reasons, the following conditions shall apply: 1.2.1. There shall be no financial stipend or fringe benefits during the period of leave. 1.2.2. The duration of such leaves of absence shall be construed as one year, but in some instances, may be of shorter or longer duration. 1.2.3. The Board of Education cannot guarantee that an employee taking such a leave shall be returned to his former position, but the Board shall give preference to these employees in filling vacancies for the next school year. 1.2.4. Preference means that a former employee returning from an approved leave of absence will be granted an interview for any position that they are qualified for and make application for.

1.3. Upon returning to the school district after an approved leave of absence, the following conditions shall apply:

1.3.1. The employee shall receive the full employee benefit package that corresponds with the new position. The employee shall be placed in the lane of the new job and on the step closest to the rate they were previously paid but in no case can the rate be greater than the rate

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 of the top step in the new lane. If the employee has worked at least half of the contract year, he shall be advanced to the step immediately above the one he was on in that last year of employment if the maximum step has not been reached and he is returned to the same position. Otherwise, the employee shall be placed in a position for which he meets the qualifications and receive the salary that is designated for that position. The above condition (1.3.1) shall not apply to an employee coming back from an approved leave more than twelve months after the termination of that leave. Leaves in back to back consecutive years will not be an option for the employee.

Board Approvals

● Board Approved: February 18, 1975: August 11, 1987; September 27, 1988: Negotiated Revision: June 5, 1995; Board Reviewed: March 2009: April 2019; August 2020 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations

No rules & regulations have been established at this time.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 Policy No. 4440 (DRAFT)

Job Study Program


1. JOB STUDY PROGRAM 1.1. The Alpine School District is committed to the process of job analysis and job evaluation to determine compensable factors that have the power to establish relative values of all jobs in the organization. Any departure from this approach shall weaken the plan and increase the time of management spent on pay decisions. 1.2. The District shall make every effort to insure that this pay system is maintained on an annual basis. The entire system must be adjusted annually to reflect the local labor market responses to cost of living (this may not always equal the Consumer Price Index). 1.3. No employee, as a result of this pay system, shall experience a decrease in pay. Measures for bringing individual jobs into line with the system shall be worked out over time to minimize individual hardship. 1.4. The District shall assign the responsibility for pay plan administration to the Personnel Director for Classified Employees. It shall be the responsibility of this individual to see that job changes are evaluated as to impact on specific jobs and to coordinate all employee appeals as outlined under that section below (Section 1.9). The Personnel Director shall: 1.4.1. Gather needed information, do needed research, prepare agendas, keep minutes and notify employees of actions taken. It shall be this individual’s responsibility to hear complaints, receive new job descriptions, write new job descriptions when appropriate, prepare information for presentation to the Appeals Committee. 1.4.2. Keep personnel files updated with respect to salary issues. This should include performance review data justifying proposed changes in pay or justifying no change in pay. This shall provide a back-up for EEO investigations or potential civil actions.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 1.4.3. Accumulate, analyze and file for reference, data concerning salaries paid in the markets that represent each key job. This shall be of great value in the annual pay negotiations. 1.4.4. Be thoroughly acquainted with all federal, state, and local legislation dealing with salary administration. 1.5. This District commits itself to comply with all federal, state, and local laws that deal with employment and salary administration. The district shall exercise reasonable diligence in meeting its commitments to affirmative action. 1.6. The District shall maintain current job descriptions for all salaried employees showing required activities, job requirements, responsibilities and conditions. 1.7. The District shall communicate the salary plan to all covered employees clearly and completely. Each employee shall have access to his/her job description, job requirements and pay range that represents the lane in which the employee is located. Supervisors shall be encouraged to direct the attention of employees to those documents, and to indicate that only a change in the job description and job requirements can result in a change in job value. 1.8. Twelve steps shall be established to each lane. District officials shall decide the appropriate hiring step based on the qualifications of the person being considered (Refer to Policy No. 4444). The employee shall be advanced yearly on July 1. 1.9. If an employee feels that his or her job description does not adequately reflect the major responsibilities and duties actually assigned, or if the job has changed substantially since the job description was written, the employee may file an appeal requesting that the job description be revised and that the salary lane classification of the job be reviewed. If the District Board of Education or Superintendent decides to create a new job or revise existing jobs, the job description shall be written and submitted through the Appeals Committee for evaluation and lane placement. 1.9.1. When an employee decides to appeal perceived discrepancies in his or her job description, the employee must first obtain a copy of the current job description and an appeal form from the District Human Resource Office or from the Employee Association

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 representative. In filling out the form and filing the appeal, the employee has the obligation to provide sufficient reason and substantiation for making the appeal, by submitting all applicable documentation. Before submitting the completed appeals form to the District Human Resource Office, the employee must secure the signatures of both the Employee Association representatives and the immediate supervisor. In signing the form, the representatives and the supervisor must indicate whether or not they believe the changes recommended by the employee would make the job description more accurate. 1.9.2. Upon receipt of the appeals form, the Director of Human Resources or his designee shall review with the District administration the changes in job description proposed by the employee. This step is particularly important in view of the fact that any changes in a job description could affect all employees working in that job classification, not just the employee who filed the appeal. If the proposed changes do not accurately describe actual job requirements, the Personnel Office may attempt to resolve the appeal at this point by administrative clarification of the duties intended, or not intended, for this position. If the appeal cannot be resolved by administrative action, the Personnel Office shall forward the appeal to the Job Appeal Committee, along with any suggestions the Personnel Office may wish to make regarding the appeal and the job description 1.9.3. In order to insure objectivity and a thorough review of the job appeal process, the District agrees to provide and fund a third-party consultant who will train committee members and participate as a member of the Job Appeal Committee.

1.10. The Appeals Committee shall meet once every other year to review and act upon the submitted job appeals. The regular meeting shall be scheduled as early in the school year as is practicable. The Job Appeal Committee shall schedule as many meetings as necessary to thoroughly review all job appeals. The Appeals Committee shall consist of seven members.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

3 1.10.1. Director of Human Resource or designee, and two administrators chosen by the district representing administration 1.10.2. Employee Association president and two members chosen by the association representing employees 1.10.3. Third-party consultant 1.10.4. The roll of the third-party consultant shall be to consult and advise other members of the committee. However, to insure against a stalemate and committee ineffectiveness, the third party recommendation shall be followed in the event of a tie vote. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be binding, and shall be communicated in writing to the employee who filed the appeal.

1.11. Action on Appeals Committee decisions shall be subject to yearly budget considerations. All recommendation of the Appeals Committee shall be funded from a negotiated contingency fund, provided that:

1.11.1. If approved appeal costs exceed the budgeted contingency fund, the funds shall be equally shared among all of those who are to receive level advancements. 1.11.2. In the event that the contingency fund is entirely depleted, appealed cases requiring lane changes shall be adjusted in the new contract year, provided negotiated contingency funds are available. 1.11.3. Salary lane classifications resulting from appeals shall become effective on the date of the Appeals Committee approval. In exceptional circumstances the Appeals Committee may set a different date. 1.11.4. In the event of an employee being promoted to another pay lane, the policy shall be that the employee shall, at a minimum, retain his current salary so that no pay shall be lost. 1.11.5. As a goal, the District shall attempt to establish some kind of performance measures to recognize individuals who are contributing more than their job description requirements. A fund shall be established and made available to supervisors to award (within limits) annual, semi or quarterly bonus payments to such individuals. This should be an improvement over a system that advances people on the basis of seniority or length of service.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

4 1.12. Employees wishing to advance within the organization must meet the basic job requirements of the position they seek. Also, the District-seeking job applicants, from outside the District, shall use the job description designed in this study to describe the advertised job openings. New recruits must meet the standards for employment set by this study. This in no way restricts management from making changes in these job descriptions as the technology and circumstances dictate.

1.13. The District shall perform an audit of the salary plan at least every ten years to determine, among other things:

1.13.1. The currency and accuracy of job descriptions 1.13.2. The extent to which the appeal system is working 1.13.3. The currency and accuracy of job evaluation 1.13.4. Salary competitiveness 1.14. Employees wishing to advance within the organization must meet the basic job requirements of the position they seek. Also, the District-seeking job applicants, from outside the District, shall use the job description designed in this study to describe the advertised job openings. New recruits must meet the standards for employment set by this study. This in no way restricts management from making changes in these job descriptions as the technology and circumstances dictate. 1.15. The District shall perform an audit of the salary plan at least every five years beginning in 2020-2021 school year to determine, among other things: ​ 1.15.1. The currency and accuracy of job descriptions 1.15.2. The extent to which the appeal system is working 1.15.3. The currency and accuracy of job evaluation 1.15.4. Salary competitiveness 1.16. This audit shall be subject to yearly budget considerations.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

5 Board Approvals

● Negotiated: September 17, 1985; April 2016; April 2017: Negotiated Revision: May 2014; August 11, 1987; October 9, 1990; August 24, 1994; July 8, 1997; June 2003; June 14, 2004; June 3, 2005; May 2014: Board Reviewed: April 7, 2009: Negotiated: April 2019; August 2020 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations

No rules & regulations have been established at this time.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

6 Policy No. 4456 (DRAFT)

New Contract Classified Employee



1.1. Classified employees are employed for a period of one year. Contracts must be renewed each year. All employees who show ability to render the quality of service commensurate with standards desired shall be recommended for re-employment. Requests for release of contract must be submitted 15 calendar days before the employee wishes to be released from his/her employment.

1.1.1. At the discretion of the hiring supervisor, a 90 day contract may be offered which will automatically be renewed for the remainder of the year, unless the employee is informed of the intent to non-renew by the 60th working day of the contract. Before an employee on a 90-day contract is non-renewed, the supervisor will work with his/her direct supervisor and the Director of Human Resources to be certain there exists justification for the non-renewal. Before an employee may be informed of the intent to not renew their contract, the supervisor must have completed at least one formative evaluation. The 90-day contract is considered to be 90 contract days from the first working day. 1.2. Employees who are hired to work addenda days or extended year contracts will be required to sign a separate contract for the days beyond the basic contract

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 1.3. Classified employees should make every reasonable effort to complete each contracted year. Abandonment of position without the required 15 calendar days notice and without ethical prior release by the Superintendent of Schools will be considered a breach of contract. 1.4. Classified employees are on provisional status for the first three years of employment. (See Policy No. 4432, 1.1.2.)

2. Classified hourly employees who meet the requirements of either 2.01 or 2.02 will be considered a contract employee at the beginning of the contract year following the year they meet the requirements and be allowed to participate in all District benefit programs (i.e. Medical, dental, disability, etc.) that are offered to other contracted classified employees. An employee who meets the requirements and gains a contract in their current position will be career status. When these employees terminate or retire, their contracts will not be available for replacement. 2.1. Classified hourly employees who have completed fifteen (15) years or more of continuous employment with Alpine School District and have worked as an hourly for eight (8) hours per day or 2.2. Classified hourly employees who have completed a minimum of fifteen (15) years and 30,000 hours of employment with Alpine School District, of which the last ten (10) years need to be continuous and there cannot be more than a two (2) year break in service with the District. 2.3. An approved leave for military duty does not constitute a break in service towards the fifteen (15) years of continuous employment records for awarding of a contract.

Board Approvals

● Board Approved: Revised: August 26, 1986; June 27, 1989; August 24, 1994; Negotiated Revision: June 14, 2004; May 2009; April 2018: Board Reviewed: October 20, 2009; August 2020

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 Procedures


1.1. To Hire Contract Employees 1.1.1. The principal/supervisor notifies the Classified Personnel Office of vacancy. 1.1.2. The District level administrator verifies vacancy. 1.1.3. A vacancy notice including the job description is published by the Personnel Office. Vacancy notices are sent to every school/work area, designated administrators, the Classified Association President and Job Service. 1.1.4. Applications from interested persons are received including transfer requests from current employees. 1.1.5. Top candidates selected from applicants are called in for interviews. 1.1.6. The principal/supervisor, Personnel Director (with input from the district level administrator) make the final choice. 1.1.7. The candidate is notified of the selection. Other interviewees are notified that someone else was selected for the position. 1.1.8. The candidate comes to the Classified Personnel Office to sign the contract. 1.2. To Hire Hourly Classifed Classified Employees: ​ ​ ​ ​ 1.2.1. The principal/supervisor gives vacancy notice to the Classified Personnel Office. 1.2.2. When there are not sufficient numbers of applicants in the hourly pool, announcements of job needs by category will be placed on the bulletin. 1.2.3. Applicants that are recommended for hire must have a current application on file in the Classified Personnel Office. 1.2.4. The Classified Personnel Director and principal/supervisor make selection and establish pay rate and work assignment according to district policy. 1.2.5. The candidate is notified of selection.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

3 1.2.6. The candidate comes to the Personnel Office to sign the required forms. Rules & Regulations No rules & regulations have been established at this time.


1.1. REQUIREMENTS Each new employee must comply with the following requirements in order for employment to be assured: 1.1.1. An official CONTRACT document must be signed by the new employee. 1.1.2. Address and change of names must be kept current in the Human Resources Department. Name change cannot be made by telephone: signatures are required. 1.1.3. A TUBERCULIN TEST is required of all new employees under state law. Local clinics are conducted in the several communities on Tuesdays from 2:00-4:30 p.m. or any week day except Thursday at the County Health Office in Provo. 1.1.4. An EMPLOYEE STATUS sheet must be completed down to item 16. 1.1.5. A valid SOCIAL SECURITY CARD and Valid Driver’s License or a ​ Current Passport must be shown before a person will be hired for ​ work in Alpine School District. 1.1.6. The EMPLOYEE’S WITHHOLDINGS ALLOWANCE CERTIFICATE (W-4) must be completed at the time of employment. ​ 2. FRINGE BENEFIT PACKAGE 2.1. INSURANCE APPLICATION: Complete this item at the time of employment. (1) Check the coverage desired (single, couple, family, one-parent family, etc.) (2) Choose policy desired from EMIA (premium required). or EHC ​ ​ ​ (premium required) or another approved insurance carrier. If EHC coverage

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

4 is chosen, a doctor and a pharmacy from the approved list must be named and written on the application. 2.2. RETIREMENT APPLICATION: Every employee working 20 hours or more each week in a job expected to last at least 9 months of each year, must join the Utah State Retirement Program. The district pays 11.82% into the retirement system: 1.5% of this amount goes into a deferred compensation plan. The 1.5% is available upon termination. The rest of the amount provides a benefit which is available upon retirement only. Please keep the first (instructional) page; fill out both sides of the second page. Begin at the boxes “To be completed by employee,” sign and have signature witnessed. 2.3. SOCIAL SECURITY: This deduction is compulsory and automatic. Your deduction will be calculated by the accounting division. 2.4. TERM LIFE INSURANCE: The District carries a term life insurance policy on all contracted employees working 1260 or more hours per year and pays ​ ​ the premium in his/her behalf. It has a face value of $15,000 ($10,000 is with Educators Mutual Insurance Association - $5,000 is with the Board of Education). If accidental death occurs, $25,000 will be paid to the named beneficiaries. Three Five thousand dollars of life insurance is provided for ​ ​ ​ ​ spouse and dependent children of classified employees. 2.5. SICK LEAVE AND DISABILITY: New employees are entitled to seven days sick leave annually for the first three years of employment. Sick leave is accumulative to 21 days. At the conclusion of three years of initial service the employee becomes entitled to 180 days of sick leave and any prior accumulative sick leave is cancelled. Any illness that extends beyond 15 days must be documented with a statement from a physician stating exact medical reasons for the inability to return to work. 2.6. LONG TERM DISABILITY: Under certain circumstances an employee may be found eligible for long term disability through Educators Mutual Insurance Association and Social Security. The Board of Education pays the premium for this coverage for contracted employees working 1260 or more ​ hours per year. 2.7. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION: Alpine School District participates in this program and is self insured. Federal and State laws apply in the administration of this program.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

5 2.8. WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION: Alpine School District is self insured for work related injuries.

3. MISCELLANEOUS 3.1. An employee may have five (5) days personal leave which may be taken upon approval of the principal or supervisor. The employee is docked 1/2 of his/her salary regardless of whether a substitute is hired or not. Unless an emergency occurs, personal leave cannot be taken immediately preceding or following the Christmas vacation or the first and last week of school. 3.2. Request for release of contract must be submitted at least two weeks before the employee wishes to be released from his/her assignment. 3.3. Occasionally it is necessary to mail a contract to an employee. Each item should be carefully reviewed and necessary data completed before mailing the contract back to the Personnel Director. Contracts must be signed and mailed back within five (5) days to be valid unless exceptions are granted by the Assistant Administrator of Personnel Services.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

6 Policy No. 4457 (DRAFT)

Pre-Employment Screening


1.1. School Authorities are charged with protecting the health and safety of all students. As a means of helping to fulfill this charge, the Alpine School District requires prospective employees to have a criminal background check.

1.1.1. Each prospective employee shall be requested to have his/her fingerprints taken and sign a waiver permitting the district to request a search of the Utah Criminal History File.

1.2. The Human Resources Department shall submit to the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) a set of fingerprint cards and a waiver statement signed by the prospective employee.

1.3. The Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification shall release only to the Superintendent or his designee the person’s record of any criminal conviction.

1.3.1. Information shall not be released where there is no conviction.

1.4. The school district shall not release information disclosed by the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification to any other agency or individual.

1.5. Applicants who have been CONVICTED of any felony shall not be hired by Alpine School District. Applicants who have been convicted of any job related misdemeanor shall be reviewed and may not be hired by Alpine School District.

Board Approvals

● Board Approved: November 11, 1986: Negotiated Revision: August 25, 1993: Board Reviewed: December 15, 2009; August 2020

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations


1.1. At the time of a classified employee’s hire they will submit to being fingerprinted by Human Resources and be responsible for all fees as negotiated. The District will fund background check costs of all employees with 10 years or more of service to the District. All employees hired before July 1, 2015 will need to submit one more background check at their regularly scheduled rotation.


2.1. As a condition of continued employment, all employees must notify the District if they are charged, plead guilty to, or are otherwise found guilty (including a plea in abeyance, or diversion agreement) of the following crimes, regardless of the imposition of sentence: 2.1.1. Any matters involving alleged sex offenses. 2.1.2. Any matters involving alleged drug-related offenses. 2.1.3. Any matters involving alleged alcohol-related offenses. 2.1.4. Any matters involving alleged offenses against another person.

2.2. Employees must notify Human Resources as soon as possible, but no later than five (5) business days 48 hours after being charged, arrested, ​ ​ ​ ​ convicted, entering a plea in abeyance, or diversion agreement.

2.2.1. Employees who fail to disclose relevant matters subject themselves to appropriate personnel action may include: Reprimand, suspension with/without pay, or possible termination.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 2.2.2. Incarceration shall not be a condition absolving an employee for not notifying the District within the required five (5) day 48 hour limit. ​ ​ ​ ​ 2.3. Upon receipt of background check results, the District shall determine what, if any action is warranted.

2.3.1. The employee shall have the opportunity to respond to any information received that is of concern to the District.

2.3.2. Any conviction that would cause loss of public trust to the District may result in termination.

2.4. All information from a background check is confidential, and will be protected as private under Government Records and Management Act (GRAMA).

2.4.1. The District will use the information for internal office purposes and will keep the information in a separate file in a secure location in the District Office for a period of 65 years and one day, or as dictated by Utah statute.

2.5. Refusal to submit to a background check, or respond to District inquiries relative to a background check will be cause for termination.


3.1. In compliance with Utah State law, the District is required to invoke immediate suspension from student supervision, transportation, or other job related responsibilities, any employee for alleged sex offenses and other offenses including drug related offenses which may endanger students or other employees during the period of investigation.

3.2. This policy shall not be interpreted to mean that due process or orderly termination policies shall not be followed.

3.2.1. All orderly termination timelines and procedures governing termination and suspension will be followed with all relevant records including: Arrests, convictions, pleas in abeyance, and diversion agreements; being maintained by the District. These efforts will be

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

3 done to protect the safety of students and employees, with the strict requirements for the protection of confidential employment information.

3.3. The District shall maintain this policy on the District website as required by Utah State Law and provisions of the Utah State Office of Education.


● Board Adoption: November 2009: Negotiated: April 2017; August 2020

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

4 Policy No. 4483 (DRAFT)

Uniform Allowance


1.1. Uniform allowance for contract food service workers. 1.1.1. Uniform allowance shall be paid by November 1 of each year in the amount of $100.00 $150.00 to all lunch employees who are on ​ ​ ​ ​ contract. For less than a full contract year the allowance shall be prorated. An employee must work at least 40 working days in order to be eligible for the uniform allowance. 1.1.2. Part-time contract food service workers shall receive prorated amounts of uniform allowance as follows: Six hours shall receive full allowance; five hours shall receive 5/6 allowance; and four hours shall receive 2/3 allowance. No allowance shall be given below four hours. 1.1.3. All contract food service employees are required to wear an approved uniform. Uniform guidelines shall be provided by a committee co-chaired by the Director of Food Services and another member of the committee selected by the Association. The committee will include the Director of Food Services, one manager, one food service worker and the Association president.

1.2. Uniform allowance for contracted employees working as custodians, bus mechanics, technology personnel, mail delivery, warehouse, and maintenance personnel. 1.2.1. An employee must work at least 40 working days in order to be eligible for the uniform allowance. Employees mentioned in 1.2 above are required to wear an approved uniform while performing normal work assignments. A uniform generally consists of a shirt conforming to an approved color and style.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

1 1.2.2. A committee comprised of appropriate representatives will be responsible to select uniforms. Shirts will have the Alpine School District logo permanently attached. The committee shall make prudent efforts to ensure that a reputable vendor is secured to supply the uniforms. 1.2.3. The uniform allowance shall be $150.00 for each qualifying employee. This allowance will be paid to qualifying employees in the October paycheck.

1.3. If an employee leaves Alpine School District employment for any reason after receiving the uniform allowance allocation, the employee may be docked a prorated amount based on the unfulfilled portion of their contract. Anyone who leaves prior to completing 40 working days shall have the full allowance recaptured. Any recapture of uniform allowance shall be taken from the employees’ final check.

The uniform allowance is allocated to employees in an effort to help make the employee more identifiable as they move about the District facilities. The allocation is generally made available to certain departments, however, some employees in a given department may be excluded depending on their specific assignment.

Board Approvals

● Negotiated: June 22, 1998: Negotiated Revision: May 21, 2008: Board Reviewed: May 11, 2010; August 2020 Procedures No procedures have been established at this time. Rules & Regulations

No rules & regulations have been established at this time.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork Utah, 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

2 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 1 - B.S. Degree Step Lane 1 Lane 1A Lane 1B Lane 1C Lane 1D Lane 1E Lane 1F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.00000 $40,421 $45,946 $43,261 $49,910 $43,308 $46,195 $44,135 2 1.02120 $41,278 $46,920 $44,179 $50,968 $44,226 $47,175 $45,071 3 1.04240 $42,135 $47,894 $45,096 $52,026 $45,145 $48,154 $46,007 4 1.06366 $42,994 $48,871 $46,015 $53,087 $46,065 $49,136 $46,945 5 1.10231 $44,556 $50,646 $47,687 $55,016 $47,739 $50,922 $48,651 6 1.14087 $46,115 $52,418 $49,356 $56,941 $49,409 $52,703 $50,353 7 1.19486 $48,297 $54,899 $51,691 $59,635 $51,747 $55,197 $52,736 8 1.24893 $50,483 $57,383 $54,030 $62,334 $54,089 $57,695 $55,122 9 1.30292 $52,665 $59,864 $56,366 $65,028 $56,427 $60,189 $57,505 10 1.35699 $54,851 $62,348 $58,705 $67,727 $58,769 $62,687 $59,891 11 1.41098 $57,033 $64,829 $61,041 $70,422 $61,107 $65,181 $62,274 12 1.46505 $59,219 $67,313 $63,380 $73,120 $63,449 $67,679 $64,661


For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 2 - B.S. Degree + 20 Sem Hrs. Step Lane 2 Lane 2A Lane 2B Lane 2C Lane 2D Lane 2E Lane 2F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.01509 $41,031 $46,639 $43,914 $50,663 $43,962 $46,893 $44,801 2 1.04155 $42,100 $47,855 $45,059 $51,984 $45,108 $48,115 $45,969 3 1.06799 $43,169 $49,070 $46,203 $53,303 $46,253 $49,336 $47,136 4 1.09451 $44,241 $50,288 $47,350 $54,627 $47,401 $50,561 $48,307 5 1.13316 $45,803 $52,064 $49,022 $56,556 $49,075 $52,347 $50,012 6 1.17944 $47,674 $54,190 $51,024 $58,866 $51,079 $54,485 $52,055 7 1.23351 $49,860 $56,675 $53,363 $61,564 $53,421 $56,983 $54,441 8 1.28750 $52,042 $59,155 $55,699 $64,259 $55,759 $59,477 $56,824 9 1.34157 $54,228 $61,639 $58,038 $66,957 $58,101 $61,974 $59,211 10 1.39556 $56,410 $64,120 $60,374 $69,652 $60,439 $64,468 $61,594 11 1.44963 $58,595 $66,604 $62,713 $72,351 $62,781 $66,966 $63,980 12 1.54226 $62,340 $70,860 $66,720 $76,974 $66,793 $71,245 $68,068


For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 3 - B.S. Degree + 37 Sem Hrs. Step Lane 3 Lane 3A Lane 3B Lane 3C Lane 3D Lane 3E Lane 3F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.03028 $41,645 $47,337 $44,571 $51,421 $44,620 $47,594 $45,472 2 1.05943 $42,823 $48,676 $45,832 $52,876 $45,882 $48,941 $46,758 3 1.08858 $44,001 $50,016 $47,093 $54,331 $47,144 $50,287 $48,045 4 1.11773 $45,180 $51,355 $48,355 $55,786 $48,407 $51,634 $49,331 5 1.15630 $46,739 $53,127 $50,023 $57,711 $50,077 $53,416 $51,034 6 1.21038 $48,925 $55,612 $52,363 $60,410 $52,419 $55,914 $53,421 7 1.26436 $51,107 $58,092 $54,698 $63,104 $54,757 $58,408 $55,803 8 1.31844 $53,293 $60,577 $57,038 $65,803 $57,099 $60,906 $58,190 9 1.37242 $55,475 $63,057 $59,373 $68,497 $59,437 $63,400 $60,572 10 1.42650 $57,661 $65,542 $61,712 $71,196 $61,779 $65,898 $62,959 11 1.48048 $59,842 $68,022 $64,048 $73,890 $64,117 $68,391 $65,342 12 1.55769 $62,963 $71,569 $67,388 $77,744 $67,461 $71,958 $68,749 15 1.63487 $66,083 $75,115 $70,727 $81,596 $70,803 $75,524 $72,156 18 1.72751 $69,828 $79,372 $74,734 $86,220 $74,815 $79,803 $76,244


For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 4 - B.S. Degree + 50 Sem Hrs. Step Lane 4 Lane 4A Lane 4B Lane 4C Lane 4D Lane 4E Lane 4F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.04569 $42,268 $48,045 $45,238 $52,190 $45,287 $48,306 $46,152 2 1.08257 $43,759 $49,739 $46,833 $54,031 $46,884 $50,010 $47,780 3 1.11943 $45,248 $51,433 $48,428 $55,871 $48,481 $51,713 $49,406 4 1.15630 $46,739 $53,127 $50,023 $57,711 $50,077 $53,416 $51,034 5 1.19486 $48,297 $54,899 $51,691 $59,635 $51,747 $55,197 $52,736 6 1.25665 $50,795 $57,738 $54,364 $62,719 $54,423 $58,051 $55,463 7 1.31073 $52,981 $60,222 $56,704 $65,418 $56,765 $60,550 $57,850 8 1.36471 $55,163 $62,703 $59,039 $68,112 $59,103 $63,043 $60,232 9 1.41879 $57,349 $65,187 $61,379 $70,812 $61,445 $65,542 $62,619 10 1.47277 $59,531 $67,668 $63,714 $73,506 $63,783 $68,035 $65,001 11 1.52685 $61,717 $70,152 $66,054 $76,205 $66,125 $70,533 $67,388 12 1.60403 $64,836 $73,698 $69,393 $80,057 $69,468 $74,099 $70,794 15 1.68118 $67,955 $77,243 $72,730 $83,907 $72,809 $77,663 $74,199 18 1.75836 $71,075 $80,789 $76,069 $87,759 $76,151 $81,228 $77,606 21 1.83557 $74,196 $84,337 $79,409 $91,613 $79,495 $84,795 $81,014 24 1.93718 $78,303 $89,005 $83,805 $96,684 $83,896 $89,489 $85,498


For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 5 - B.S. Degree + 70 Sem Hrs. Step Lane 5 Lane 5A Lane 5B Lane 5C Lane 5D Lane 5E Lane 5F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.04569 $42,268 $48,045 $45,238 $52,190 $45,287 $48,306 $46,152 2 1.08257 $43,759 $49,739 $46,833 $54,031 $46,884 $50,010 $47,780 3 1.11943 $45,248 $51,433 $48,428 $55,871 $48,481 $51,713 $49,406 4 1.15630 $46,739 $53,127 $50,023 $57,711 $50,077 $53,416 $51,034 5 1.19486 $48,297 $54,899 $51,691 $59,635 $51,747 $55,197 $52,736 6 1.25665 $50,795 $57,738 $54,364 $62,719 $54,423 $58,051 $55,463 7 1.31073 $52,981 $60,222 $56,704 $65,418 $56,765 $60,550 $57,850 8 1.36471 $55,163 $62,703 $59,039 $68,112 $59,103 $63,043 $60,232 9 1.41879 $57,349 $65,187 $61,379 $70,812 $61,445 $65,542 $62,619 10 1.47277 $59,531 $67,668 $63,714 $73,506 $63,783 $68,035 $65,001 11 1.52685 $61,717 $70,152 $66,054 $76,205 $66,125 $70,533 $67,388 12 1.60403 $64,836 $73,698 $69,393 $80,057 $69,468 $74,099 $70,794 15 1.68118 $67,955 $77,243 $72,730 $83,907 $72,809 $77,663 $74,199 18 1.75836 $71,075 $80,789 $76,069 $87,759 $76,151 $81,228 $77,606 21 1.83557 $74,196 $84,337 $79,409 $91,613 $79,495 $84,795 $81,014 24 1.93718 $78,303 $89,005 $83,805 $96,684 $83,896 $89,489 $85,498 27 2.01731 $81,542 $92,687 $87,272 $100,684 $87,366 $93,190 $89,035 Secondary Subtitute Pay (Per Period) = $38.94 LANE 5 = 7 HRS/DAY, 185 DAYS LANE 5A = 8 HRS/DAY FOR 177 DAYS & 7 HRS/DAY FOR 8 DAYS LANE 5B = 185 DAYS + 13 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS (5 PERIODS (0.8333 FTE)=9.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 4 PERIODS (0.6667 FTE)=8 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 3 PERIODS (0.5 FTE)=6.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS) LANE 5C = 185 DAYS + 17 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS AND 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS LANE 5D = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 1 SEMESTER LANE 5E = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 2 SEMESTERS LANE 5F = 185 DAYS + 17 ADDITIONAL DAYS

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 6 - M.S. Degree Step Lane 6 Lane 6A Lane 6B Lane 6C Lane 6D Lane 6E Lane 6F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.04569 $42,268 $48,045 $45,238 $52,190 $45,287 $48,306 $46,152 2 1.08257 $43,759 $49,739 $46,833 $54,031 $46,884 $50,010 $47,780 3 1.11943 $45,248 $51,433 $48,428 $55,871 $48,481 $51,713 $49,406 4 1.15630 $46,739 $53,127 $50,023 $57,711 $50,077 $53,416 $51,034 5 1.19486 $48,297 $54,899 $51,691 $59,635 $51,747 $55,197 $52,736 6 1.25665 $50,795 $57,738 $54,364 $62,719 $54,423 $58,051 $55,463 7 1.31073 $52,981 $60,222 $56,704 $65,418 $56,765 $60,550 $57,850 8 1.36471 $55,163 $62,703 $59,039 $68,112 $59,103 $63,043 $60,232 9 1.41879 $57,349 $65,187 $61,379 $70,812 $61,445 $65,542 $62,619 10 1.47277 $59,531 $67,668 $63,714 $73,506 $63,783 $68,035 $65,001 11 1.52685 $61,717 $70,152 $66,054 $76,205 $66,125 $70,533 $67,388 12 1.60403 $64,836 $73,698 $69,393 $80,057 $69,468 $74,099 $70,794 15 1.68118 $67,955 $77,243 $72,730 $83,907 $72,809 $77,663 $74,199 18 1.75836 $71,075 $80,789 $76,069 $87,759 $76,151 $81,228 $77,606 21 1.83557 $74,196 $84,337 $79,409 $91,613 $79,495 $84,795 $81,014 24 1.93718 $78,303 $89,005 $83,805 $96,684 $83,896 $89,489 $85,498 27 2.01731 $81,542 $92,687 $87,272 $100,684 $87,366 $93,190 $89,035 Secondary Subtitute Pay (Per Period) = $38.94 LANE 6 = 7 HRS/DAY, 185 DAYS LANE 6A = 8 HRS/DAY FOR 177 DAYS & 7 HRS/DAY FOR 8 DAYS LANE 6B = 185 DAYS + 13 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS (5 PERIODS (0.8333 FTE)=9.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 4 PERIODS (0.6667 FTE)=8 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 3 PERIODS (0.5 FTE)=6.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS) LANE 6C = 185 DAYS + 17 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS AND 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS LANE 6D = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 1 SEMESTER LANE 6E = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 2 SEMESTERS LANE 6F = 185 DAYS + 17 ADDITIONAL DAYS

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 7 - M.S. Degree + 20 Sem Hrs. Step Lane 7 Lane 7A Lane 7B Lane 7C Lane 7D Lane 7E Lane 7F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.05341 $42,580 $48,400 $45,572 $52,575 $45,621 $48,663 $46,493 2 1.09798 $44,381 $50,448 $47,500 $54,800 $47,552 $50,722 $48,460 3 1.14257 $46,184 $52,496 $49,429 $57,025 $49,483 $52,782 $50,428 4 1.18715 $47,986 $54,544 $51,358 $59,250 $51,413 $54,841 $52,395 5 1.22579 $49,548 $56,320 $53,029 $61,179 $53,087 $56,626 $54,101 6 1.28750 $52,042 $59,155 $55,699 $64,259 $55,759 $59,477 $56,824 7 1.34157 $54,228 $61,639 $58,038 $66,957 $58,101 $61,974 $59,211 8 1.39556 $56,410 $64,120 $60,374 $69,652 $60,439 $64,468 $61,594 9 1.44963 $58,595 $66,604 $62,713 $72,351 $62,781 $66,966 $63,980 10 1.50367 $60,780 $69,087 $65,051 $75,048 $65,121 $69,463 $66,365 11 1.55769 $62,963 $71,569 $67,388 $77,744 $67,461 $71,958 $68,749 12 1.63487 $66,083 $75,115 $70,727 $81,596 $70,803 $75,524 $72,156 15 1.71209 $69,204 $78,663 $74,067 $85,450 $74,148 $79,091 $75,564 18 1.78921 $72,322 $82,207 $77,404 $89,299 $77,488 $82,653 $78,967 21 1.86642 $75,443 $85,754 $80,744 $93,153 $80,831 $86,220 $82,375 24 1.95260 $78,926 $89,714 $84,472 $97,454 $84,564 $90,201 $86,179 27 2.04825 $82,792 $94,108 $88,610 $102,228 $88,706 $94,620 $90,400 Secondary Subtitute Pay (Per Period) = $38.94 LANE 7 = 7 HRS/DAY, 185 DAYS LANE 7A = 8 HRS/DAY FOR 177 DAYS & 7 HRS/DAY FOR 8 DAYS LANE 7B = 185 DAYS + 13 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS (5 PERIODS (0.8333 FTE)=9.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 4 PERIODS (0.6667 FTE)=8 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 3 PERIODS (0.5 FTE)=6.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS) LANE 7C = 185 DAYS + 17 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS AND 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS LANE 7D = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 1 SEMESTER LANE 7E = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 2 SEMESTERS LANE 7F = 185 DAYS + 17 ADDITIONAL DAYS

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 8 - M.S. Degree + 37 Sem Hrs. Step Lane 8 Lane 8A Lane 8B Lane 8C Lane 8D Lane 8E Lane 8F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.06112 $42,892 $48,754 $45,906 $52,960 $45,955 $49,019 $46,833 2 1.11341 $45,005 $51,156 $48,168 $55,570 $48,220 $51,434 $49,141 3 1.16570 $47,119 $53,559 $50,430 $58,180 $50,484 $53,850 $51,449 4 1.21808 $49,236 $55,966 $52,696 $60,794 $52,753 $56,270 $53,760 5 1.25665 $50,795 $57,738 $54,364 $62,719 $54,423 $58,051 $55,463 6 1.31844 $53,293 $60,577 $57,038 $65,803 $57,099 $60,906 $58,190 7 1.37242 $55,475 $63,057 $59,373 $68,497 $59,437 $63,400 $60,572 8 1.42650 $57,661 $65,542 $61,712 $71,196 $61,779 $65,898 $62,959 9 1.48048 $59,842 $68,022 $64,048 $73,890 $64,117 $68,391 $65,342 10 1.53456 $62,028 $70,506 $66,387 $76,590 $66,459 $70,890 $67,728 11 1.58854 $64,210 $72,987 $68,722 $79,284 $68,797 $73,383 $70,111 12 1.66572 $67,330 $76,533 $72,061 $83,136 $72,139 $76,949 $73,517 15 1.74293 $70,451 $80,080 $75,402 $86,989 $75,483 $80,515 $76,925 18 1.82015 $73,572 $83,628 $78,742 $90,843 $78,827 $84,083 $80,333 21 1.89727 $76,690 $87,171 $82,079 $94,692 $82,167 $87,645 $83,737 24 1.98345 $80,173 $91,131 $85,807 $98,994 $85,900 $91,626 $87,540 27 2.07910 $84,039 $95,526 $89,945 $103,767 $90,042 $96,045 $91,762 Secondary Subtitute Pay (Per Period) = $38.94 LANE 8 = 7 HRS/DAY, 185 DAYS LANE 8A = 8 HRS/DAY FOR 177 DAYS & 7 HRS/DAY FOR 8 DAYS LANE 8B = 185 DAYS + 13 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS (5 PERIODS (0.8333 FTE)=9.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 4 PERIODS (0.6667 FTE)=8 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 3 PERIODS (0.5 FTE)=6.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS) LANE 8C = 185 DAYS + 17 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS AND 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS LANE 8D = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 1 SEMESTER LANE 8E = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 2 SEMESTERS LANE 8F = 185 DAYS + 17 ADDITIONAL DAYS

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 9 - Ph.D Degree Step Lane 9 Lane 9A Lane 9B Lane 9C Lane 9D Lane 9E Lane 9F Elem (K, Traditional) Elementary Jr. High/Middle Tch Jr. High/Middle Tch Sr. High Teacher Sr. High Teacher Jr. High/Middle Sr. High (Tch/Media) Extended Day 6 Periods 7 Periods Extra Period for Extra Period for Media Specialist w/ Productivity w/ Productivity Half Year Full Year

Index Base + 13.6680% + 7.0270% + 23.4749% + 7.14% + 14.29% + 9.1892% 1 1.06883 $43,203 $49,108 $46,239 $53,345 $46,289 $49,375 $47,173 2 1.12884 $45,629 $51,865 $48,835 $56,340 $48,888 $52,147 $49,822 3 1.18884 $48,054 $54,622 $51,431 $59,335 $51,487 $54,919 $52,470 4 1.24893 $50,483 $57,383 $54,030 $62,334 $54,089 $57,695 $55,122 5 1.30292 $52,665 $59,864 $56,366 $65,028 $56,427 $60,189 $57,505 6 1.36471 $55,163 $62,703 $59,039 $68,112 $59,103 $63,043 $60,232 7 1.41879 $57,349 $65,187 $61,379 $70,812 $61,445 $65,542 $62,619 8 1.47277 $59,531 $67,668 $63,714 $73,506 $63,783 $68,035 $65,001 9 1.52685 $61,717 $70,152 $66,054 $76,205 $66,125 $70,533 $67,388 10 1.58083 $63,899 $72,632 $68,389 $78,899 $68,463 $73,027 $69,771 11 1.63487 $66,083 $75,115 $70,727 $81,596 $70,803 $75,524 $72,156 12 1.71209 $69,204 $78,663 $74,067 $85,450 $74,148 $79,091 $75,564 15 1.78921 $72,322 $82,207 $77,404 $89,299 $77,488 $82,653 $78,967 18 1.86642 $75,443 $85,754 $80,744 $93,153 $80,831 $86,220 $82,375 21 1.94363 $78,563 $89,302 $84,084 $97,006 $84,175 $89,787 $85,783 24 2.02982 $82,047 $93,262 $87,813 $101,308 $87,908 $93,768 $89,587 27 2.12537 $85,910 $97,652 $91,946 $106,077 $92,046 $98,182 $93,804 Secondary Subtitute Pay (Per Period) = $38.94 LANE 9 = 7 HRS/DAY, 185 DAYS LANE 9A = 8 HRS/DAY FOR 177 DAYS & 7 HRS/DAY FOR 8 DAYS LANE 9B = 185 DAYS + 13 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS (5 PERIODS (0.8333 FTE)=9.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 4 PERIODS (0.6667 FTE)=8 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS, 3 PERIODS (0.5 FTE)=6.5 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS) LANE 9C = 185 DAYS + 17 PRODUCTIVITY DAYS AND 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS LANE 9D = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 1 SEMESTER LANE 9E = 185 DAYS + 1 ADDITIONAL CLASS FOR 2 SEMESTERS LANE 9F = 185 DAYS + 17 ADDITIONAL DAYS

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Summer School Rate 2017 $33.70 2018 $35.04 2019 $36.44 2020 $38.55 2021 $38.94 Alpine School District Teacher Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21 High School Extended Year - Per Period Per Term

Lane I Lane II Lane III Lane IV Lane V Lane VI Lane VII Lane VIII Lane IX B.S. 1-Period B.S. Degree 1-Period B.S. Degree 1-Period B.S. Degree 1-Period B.S. Degree 1-Period M.S. 1-Period M.S. Degree 1-Period M.S. Degree 1-Period Ph.D 1-Period Step Degree per Term +20 Sem. Hrs per Term +37 Sem. Hrs per Term +50 Sem. Hrs per Term +70 Sem. Hrs per Term Degree per Term +20 Sem. Hrs per Term +37 Sem. Hrs per Term Degree per Term

1 40,421 1,684.21 41,031 1,709.63 41,645 1,735.21 42,268 1,761.17 42,268 1,761.17 42,268 1,761.17 42,580 1,774.17 42,892 1,787.17 43,203 1,800.13

2 41,278 1,719.92 42,100 1,754.17 42,823 1,784.29 43,759 1,823.29 43,759 1,823.29 43,759 1,823.29 44,381 1,849.21 45,005 1,875.21 45,629 1,901.21

3 42,135 1,755.63 43,169 1,798.71 44,001 1,833.38 45,248 1,885.33 45,248 1,885.33 45,248 1,885.33 46,184 1,924.33 47,119 1,963.29 48,054 2,002.25

4 42,994 1,791.42 44,241 1,843.38 45,180 1,882.50 46,739 1,947.46 46,739 1,947.46 46,739 1,947.46 47,986 1,999.42 49,236 2,051.50 50,483 2,103.46

5 44,556 1,856.50 45,803 1,908.46 46,739 1,947.46 48,297 2,012.38 48,297 2,012.38 48,297 2,012.38 49,548 2,064.50 50,795 2,116.46 52,665 2,194.38

6 46,115 1,921.46 47,674 1,986.42 48,925 2,038.54 50,795 2,116.46 50,795 2,116.46 50,795 2,116.46 52,042 2,168.42 53,293 2,220.54 55,163 2,298.46

7 48,297 2,012.38 49,860 2,077.50 51,107 2,129.46 52,981 2,207.54 52,981 2,207.54 52,981 2,207.54 54,228 2,259.50 55,475 2,311.46 57,349 2,389.54

8 50,483 2,103.46 52,042 2,168.42 53,293 2,220.54 55,163 2,298.46 55,163 2,298.46 55,163 2,298.46 56,410 2,350.42 57,661 2,402.54 59,531 2,480.46

9 52,665 2,194.38 54,228 2,259.50 55,475 2,311.46 57,349 2,389.54 57,349 2,389.54 57,349 2,389.54 58,595 2,441.46 59,842 2,493.42 61,717 2,571.54

10 54,851 2,285.46 56,410 2,350.42 57,661 2,402.54 59,531 2,480.46 59,531 2,480.46 59,531 2,480.46 60,780 2,532.50 62,028 2,584.50 63,899 2,662.46

11 57,033 2,376.38 58,595 2,441.46 59,842 2,493.42 61,717 2,571.54 61,717 2,571.54 61,717 2,571.54 62,963 2,623.46 64,210 2,675.42 66,083 2,753.46

12 59,219 2,467.46 62,340 2,597.50 62,963 2,623.46 64,836 2,701.50 64,836 2,701.50 64,836 2,701.50 66,083 2,753.46 67,330 2,805.42 69,204 2,883.50

15 66,083 2,753.46 67,955 2,831.46 67,955 2,831.46 67,955 2,831.46 69,204 2,883.50 70,451 2,935.46 72,322 3,013.42

18 69,828 2,909.50 71,075 2,961.46 71,075 2,961.46 71,075 2,961.46 72,322 3,013.42 73,572 3,065.50 75,443 3,143.46

21 74,196 3,091.50 74,196 3,091.50 74,196 3,091.50 75,443 3,143.46 76,690 3,195.42 78,563 3,273.46

24 78,303 3,262.63 78,303 3,262.63 78,303 3,262.63 78,926 3,288.58 80,173 3,340.54 82,047 3,418.63

27 81,542 3,397.58 81,542 3,397.58 82,792 3,449.67 84,039 3,501.63 85,910 3,579.58

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year. Alpine School District K-12 Counselor Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

212 Contract Days Step Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Lane 9 B.S. Degree B.S. Degree B.S. Degree B.S. Degree B.S. Degree M.S. Degree M.S. Degree M.S. Degree Ph.D Degree +20 Sem Hrs. +37 Sem Hrs. +50 Sem Hrs. +70 Sem Hrs. +20 Sem Hrs. +37 Sem Hrs.

Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index 1 1.14595 $46,320 1.16324 $47,019 1.18065 $47,723 1.19830 $48,437 1.19830 $48,437 1.19830 $48,437 1.20715 $48,794 1.21599 $49,151 1.22482 $49,509 2 1.17024 $47,302 1.19356 $48,245 1.21405 $49,073 1.24057 $50,145 1.24057 $50,145 1.24057 $50,145 1.25823 $50,859 1.27591 $51,573 1.29359 $52,288 3 1.19453 $48,284 1.22386 $49,470 1.24745 $50,423 1.28281 $51,852 1.28281 $51,852 1.28281 $51,852 1.30932 $52,924 1.33583 $53,996 1.36235 $55,067 4 1.21890 $49,269 1.25425 $50,698 1.28086 $51,774 1.32506 $53,560 1.32506 $53,560 1.32506 $53,560 1.36041 $54,989 1.39585 $56,422 1.43121 $57,851 5 1.26319 $51,059 1.29854 $52,488 1.32506 $53,560 1.36925 $55,346 1.36925 $55,346 1.36925 $55,346 1.40469 $56,779 1.44005 $58,208 1.49308 $60,352 6 1.30738 $52,845 1.35157 $54,632 1.38703 $56,065 1.44005 $58,208 1.44005 $58,208 1.44005 $58,208 1.47541 $59,637 1.51086 $61,071 1.56388 $63,214 7 1.36925 $55,346 1.41354 $57,137 1.44889 $58,566 1.50203 $60,713 1.50203 $60,713 1.50203 $60,713 1.53737 $62,142 1.57272 $63,571 1.62586 $65,719 8 1.43121 $57,851 1.47541 $59,637 1.51086 $61,071 1.56388 $63,214 1.56388 $63,214 1.56388 $63,214 1.59924 $64,643 1.63469 $66,076 1.68771 $68,219 9 1.49308 $60,352 1.53737 $62,142 1.57272 $63,571 1.62586 $65,719 1.62586 $65,719 1.62586 $65,719 1.66120 $67,147 1.69655 $68,576 1.74969 $70,724 10 1.55504 $62,856 1.59924 $64,643 1.63469 $66,076 1.68771 $68,219 1.68771 $68,219 1.68771 $68,219 1.72312 $69,650 1.75852 $71,081 1.81155 $73,224 11 1.61691 $65,357 1.66120 $67,147 1.69655 $68,576 1.74969 $70,724 1.74969 $70,724 1.74969 $70,724 1.78503 $72,153 1.82038 $73,582 1.87347 $75,728 12 1.67887 $67,862 1.76735 $71,438 1.78503 $72,153 1.83813 $74,299 1.83813 $74,299 1.83813 $74,299 1.87347 $75,728 1.90883 $77,157 1.96196 $79,304 15 1.87347 $75,728 1.92654 $77,873 1.92654 $77,873 1.92654 $77,873 1.96196 $79,304 1.99730 $80,733 2.05034 $82,877 18 1.97963 $80,019 2.01499 $81,448 2.01499 $81,448 2.01499 $81,448 2.05034 $82,877 2.08579 $84,310 2.13882 $86,453 21 2.10346 $85,024 2.10346 $85,024 2.10346 $85,024 2.13882 $86,453 2.17417 $87,882 2.22730 $90,029 24 2.21990 $89,731 2.21990 $89,731 2.21990 $89,731 2.23757 $90,445 2.27293 $91,874 2.32606 $94,022 27 2.31173 $93,442 2.31173 $93,442 2.34718 $94,876 2.38254 $96,305 2.43556 $98,448

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

The salary schedule base is the same as the Teacher Salary Schedule.

Note: 185 Days + 27 Additional Days = 212 Contract Days Alpine School District Fiscal Year 2020-21

Schedule A - Extra Hourly and Addenda Pay Summary for Certified Staff

1. Extracurricular Addendas (Certified Policies #4030 & #4031) See Schedules B & C 2. Activity Supervision $ 15.00 /hr (school staff) - For example, ticket sales, crowd supervision, dance supervision, scorekeeper, timer, PA announcer 3. Adult Education - Adult HS Completion Teacher: $ 31.21 /contract hr - Part-time East Shore High: $ 31.21 /hr 4. Teach Hourly $ 31.21 /hr - Less than 1/2 time, teaching in a classroom (non-contract) 5. Curriculum $ 22.47 /hr 6. Secondary Substitute Pay (Teachers covering during their Prep) $ 38.94 /period 7. Home and Hospital Bound $ 22.47 /hr - Plus mileage to and from child's home and school at IRS standard mileage rate 8. Inservice Instructor $ 22.47 /hr 9. Advanced Placement $ 22.47 /hr - For extra hourly help 10. Driver's Education - Administrative amount per card: $ 6.00 - Student Allotment: $ 95.00 Proposals: Pay per student to instructor ~$30.00 per student for outside of regular school hours. If a student does not pass the classroom portion with 70%, they must pay the classroom portion ($45.00) to retake class. This implies for instruction outside of regular school hrs. The class instructor will meet all expectations to help a student succeed in the program. Instructors will be paid 50% for students that do not complete the behind the wheel portion but has completed the range portion. This will be paid after the student has been in the incomplete file for a minimum of four (4) months.

11. Mileage IRS Standard Mileage Rate 12. Summer School (see policy #4050) $ 38.94 /hr 13. Summer Band Paid the same as summer school 14. Clear Creek Certified $ 1,000 /wk Certified Instructor $ 1,000 /wk Certified Head Instructor 15. Bantam Basketball Supervision $ 17.00 /hr 16. Athletic Trainer (additional hours) $ 38.94 /hr 17. Mail Driver Sub - flat rate $ 78.00 (sub for 4.5 hr contract driver) $ 138.00 (sub for 8 hr contract driver)

All people who have a contract with the District should record their extra time on a time card and submit to the school's payroll secretary. People who work for the District without a contract should keep a time card and submit it to the school's payroll secretary. Hourly rate changes are effective as of the next fulltime attendance period after new rates are approved.

Rates Subject to Change Alpine School District Fiscal Year 2020-21 Schedule B - Extracurricular Addendas High Schools Use Account Number YR.23.LOC.0000.3310.0134.000000.00 Points Points Men's Basketball Women's Basketball HEAD 23 $ 3,273 HEAD 23 $ 3,273 Asst. (3) $ 2,193 Asst. (3) $ 2,193 Men's Football Women's Track HEAD 27 $ 3,842 HEAD 18 $ 2,561 Asst. (7) $ 2,574 Asst. (2) $ 1,716 Men's Wrestling Women's Volleyball HEAD 19.5 $ 2,775 HEAD 19 $ 2,704 Asst. (2) $ 1,859 Asst. (2) $ 1,811 Men's Baseball Women's Softball HEAD 18.5 $ 2,633 HEAD 18.5 $ 2,633 Asst. (3) $ 1,764 Asst. (3) $ 1,764 Men's Track Women's Soccer HEAD 18 $ 2,561 HEAD 16.5 $ 2,348 Asst. (2) $ 1,716 Asst. (2) $ 1,573 Men's Lacrosse Women's Lacrosse HEAD 18.5 $ 2,633 HEAD 18.5 $ 2,633 Asst. (2) $ 1,764 Asst. (2) $ 1,764 Men's Soccer Women's Wrestling HEAD 16.5 $ 2,348 HEAD 19.5 $ 2,775 Asst. (2) $ 1,573 Asst. (1) $ 1,859 Tennis Non-Athletic Addendas Men's HEAD 13.5 $ 1,921 Ballroom 11.5 $ 1,636 Women's HEAD 13.5 $ 1,921 Color Guard 11.5 $ 1,636 Cross Country Dance - Fall 11.5 $ 1,636 Men's HEAD 14.5 $ 2,063 Debate 14 $ 1,992 Women's HEAD 14.5 $ 2,063 Drama - General 16 $ 2,277 Golf Drama - Musical 17 $ 2,419 Men's HEAD 12.5 $ 1,779 Drumline - Winter 11.5 $ 1,636 Women's HEAD 12.5 $ 1,779 Instru Music (Band) 18.5 $ 2,633 Swimming Marching Band - Fall 20.5 $ 2,917 Men's HEAD 16.5 $ 2,348 Asst. (2) $ 1,954 Women's HEAD 16.5 $ 2,348 Marching Band - Summer 18.5 $ 2,633 Cheer - Fall Asst. (2) $ 1,764 HEAD 18 $ 2,561 Marching Band Pit 11.5 $ 1,636 Asst. $ 1,716 Newspaper 9.5 $ 1,352 Cheer - Winter Orchestra 15.5 $ 2,206 HEAD 18 $ 2,561 Student Council 18.5 $ 2,633 Asst. $ 1,716 Asst. (2) $ 1,764 Drill Vocal Music 17.5 $ 2,490 HEAD 22 $ 3,131 Winter Guard 11.5 $ 1,636 Asst. (1) $ 2,098 Yearbook 9.5 $ 1,352 Discretionary Fund 1 Point = $ 142.30 42.834 $ 6,095

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the point base was increased by 1% over the prior year. If an assistant coach is listed above, they will receive 67% of the head coach addenda. Longevity Steps - All coaches will receive the following longevity steps. The time must be continuous years in Alpine School District and be in that sport. Starting in FY2019-20: years in the sport will be given both in and out of the district (even if there is a break in years). This is going forward (not retroactive).

1-2 years = base amount 3-5 years = base amount plus 25% 6-10 years = base amount plus 50% 11-15 years = base amount plus 100% 16 or more years = base amount plus 125%

Rates Subject to Change Alpine School District Fiscal Year 2020-21

Schedule C - Extracurricular Addendas Junior High Schools / Middle Schools Use Account Number YR.23.LOC.0000.3310.0134.000000.00 (same as High School)

Points Points Men's Basketball Women's Basketball HEAD 16.5 $ 2,348 HEAD 16.5 $ 2,348 Asst. $ 1,573 Asst. $ 1,573

Men's Track Women's Track HEAD 13 $ 1,850 HEAD 13 $ 1,850 Asst. $ 1,239 Asst. $ 1,239

Cross Country Non-Athletic Addendas Men's HEAD 10 $ 1,423 Newspaper* 3 $ 427 Women's HEAD 10 $ 1,423 Yearbook 8 $ 1,138 Drama - General** 6.5 $ 925 Intramurals Drama - Musical** 8.5 $ 1,210 HEAD 6.5 $ 925 Student Council*** 5 $ 712 Orchestra 4 $ 569 Choir 5 $ 712 Band 5 $ 712 Dance Team 4 $ 569

Discretionary Fund 1 Point = $ 142.30 23.622 $ 3,361

* If a monthly newspaper/If bi-monthly 1/2 pay ** Single one-act play, if practices are after school *** If requires after school responsibilities For the fiscal year 2020-21, the point base was increased by 1% over the prior year. If an assistant coach is listed above, they will receive 67% of the head coach addenda. Longevity Steps - All coaches will receive the following longevity steps. The time must be continuous years in Alpine School District and be in that sport. Starting in FY2019-20: years in the sport will be given both in and out of the district (even if there is a break in years). This is going forward (not retroactive).

1-2 years = base amount 3-5 years = base amount plus 25% 6-10 years = base amount plus 50% 11-15 years = base amount plus 100% 16 or more years = base amount plus 125%

Rates Subject to Change Alpine School District Occupational/Physical Therapist and Audiologist Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21 185 Days (7 hrs per day)

Lane I Lane II Lane III Lane IV Lane V Lane VI Lane VII Step B.S. Degree BS+20 Sem Hrs BS+37 Sem Hrs Master Degree MS+20 Sem Hrs MS+37 Sem Hrs Ph.D Degree 1 1.39528 56,399 1.45664 58,879 1.51801 61,359 1.57938 63,840 1.64062 66,316 1.71074 69,150 1.76336 71,277 2 1.45664 58,879 1.51801 61,359 1.57938 63,840 1.64062 66,316 1.71074 69,150 1.76336 71,277 1.83372 74,121 3 1.51801 61,359 1.57938 63,840 1.64062 66,316 1.71074 69,150 1.76336 71,277 1.83372 74,121 1.89734 76,692 4 1.57938 63,840 1.64062 66,316 1.71074 69,150 1.76336 71,277 1.83372 74,121 1.89734 76,692 1.96328 79,358 5 1.64062 66,316 1.71074 69,150 1.76336 71,277 1.83372 74,121 1.89734 76,692 1.96328 79,358 2.03167 82,122

Salary Schedule Base (Lane 1, Step 1): $ 40,421

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

The salary schedule base is the same as the Certified Salary Schedule base. Alpine School District Psychologist Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Step Master Degree Daily Rate MS +20 Daily Rate MS +37 (Ed.S.) Daily Rate PH.D Degree Daily Rate 1 $50,911 $261.08 $52,947 $271.52 $54,984 $281.97 $57,020 $292.41 2 $52,947 $271.52 $55,065 $282.38 $57,183 $293.25 $59,301 $304.11 3 $55,065 $282.38 $57,268 $293.68 $59,470 $304.97 $61,673 $316.27 4 $57,268 $293.68 $59,559 $305.43 $61,849 $317.17 $64,140 $328.92 5 $59,559 $305.43 $61,941 $317.65 $64,323 $329.86 $66,706 $342.08 6 $61,941 $317.65 $64,419 $330.35 $66,896 $343.06 $69,374 $355.76 7 $64,419 $330.35 $66,996 $343.57 $69,572 $356.78 $72,149 $369.99 8 $66,996 $343.57 $69,676 $357.31 $72,355 $371.05 $75,035 $384.79 9 $69,676 $357.31 $72,463 $371.61 $75,249 $385.89 $78,036 $400.18 10 $72,463 $371.61 $75,362 $386.47 $78,259 $401.33 $81,157 $416.19 11 $75,362 $386.47 $78,376 $401.93 $81,389 $417.38 $84,403 $432.84 12 $78,376 $401.93 $81,511 $418.01 $84,645 $434.08 $87,779 $450.15 13 $81,511 $418.01 $84,771 $434.72 $88,031 $451.44 $91,290 $468.15

Assignment: One school - base contract Two schools - base contract + additional 26 days at daily rate Three schools - base contract + additional 26 days at daily rate + $6,000 stipend

Notes: 1) Salary Schedule Base: Step 1 of Lane 1 is the base for the entire salary schedule. Base: $ 50,911 For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased 1% over the prior year. 2) Cost of Living Adjustment: COLA's will be applied directly to Step 1 of Lane 1. 3) Lane and Step Indexing: Step 1 of Lane 2 is 104% of the salary schedule base. Step 1 of Lane 3 is 108% of the salary schedule base. Step 1 of Lane 4 is 112% of the salary schedule base. Steps 2 through 13 of each lane are indexed at 104% of the preceding step. 4) Base Contract: 195 days Alpine School District Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Total Total Masters Total Total Additional Annual Masters Additional Annual +37 Additional Annual Additional Annual Step Masters 26 Days Stipend Salary +20 26 Days Stipend Salary (Ed.S.) 26 Days Stipend Salary Ph.D 26 Days Stipend Salary 1 $50,911 $ 6,788 $6,000 $ 63,699 $52,947 $ 7,060 $6,000 $ 66,007 $54,984 $ 7,331 $6,000 $ 68,315 $57,020 $ 7,603 $6,000 $ 70,623 2 52,947 7,060 6,000 66,007 55,065 7,342 6,000 68,407 57,183 7,624 6,000 70,807 59,301 7,907 6,000 73,208 3 55,065 7,342 6,000 68,407 57,268 7,636 6,000 70,904 59,470 7,929 6,000 73,399 61,673 8,223 6,000 75,896 4 57,268 7,636 6,000 70,904 59,559 7,941 6,000 73,500 61,849 8,247 6,000 76,096 64,140 8,552 6,000 78,692 5 59,559 7,941 6,000 73,500 61,941 8,259 6,000 76,200 64,323 8,576 6,000 78,899 66,706 8,894 6,000 81,600 6 61,941 8,259 6,000 76,200 64,419 8,589 6,000 79,008 66,896 8,919 6,000 81,815 69,374 9,250 6,000 84,624 7 64,419 8,589 6,000 79,008 66,996 8,933 6,000 81,929 69,572 9,276 6,000 84,848 72,149 9,620 6,000 87,769 8 66,996 8,933 6,000 81,929 69,676 9,290 6,000 84,966 72,355 9,647 6,000 88,002 75,035 10,005 6,000 91,040 9 69,676 9,290 6,000 84,966 72,463 9,662 6,000 88,125 75,249 10,033 6,000 91,282 78,036 10,405 6,000 94,441 10 72,463 9,662 6,000 88,125 75,362 10,048 6,000 91,410 78,259 10,435 6,000 94,694 81,157 10,821 6,000 97,978 11 75,362 10,048 6,000 91,410 78,376 10,450 6,000 94,826 81,389 10,852 6,000 98,241 84,403 11,254 6,000 101,657 12 78,376 10,450 6,000 94,826 81,511 10,868 6,000 98,379 84,645 11,286 6,000 101,931 87,779 11,704 6,000 105,483 13 81,511 10,868 6,000 98,379 84,771 11,303 6,000 102,074 88,031 11,737 6,000 105,768 91,290 12,172 6,000 109,462

Assignment: 1) All BCBA's will serve three or more schools: Base Contract (195 at 7 Hours per Day) + Additional 26 Days at 7 Hours per Day + Annual Stipend

Notes: 1) Salary Schedule Base: Step 1 of Lane 1 is the base for the entire salary hdl Base: $50,911 For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased 1% over the prior year. 2) Cost of Living Adjustment: COLA's will be applied directly to Step 1 of Lane 1. 3) Lane and Step Indexing: Step 1 of Lane 2 is 104% of the salary schedule base. Step 1 of Lane 3 is 108% of the salary schedule base. Step 1 of Lane 4 is 112% of the salary schedule base. Steps 2 through 13 of each lane are indexed at 104% of the preceding step. 4) Base Contract: 195 days at 7 hours per day for a total of 1,365 hours. 5) Additional Days: 26 days at 7 hours per day for a total of 182 hours. 6) Annual Stipend Amount: $ 6,000 Alpine School District Athletic Trainer Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Step District Payment School Payment Total 1 6,638 2,654 9,292 2 6,638 2,654 9,292 3 6,638 2,654 9,292 4 6,638 2,654 9,292 5 6,638 2,654 9,292 6 6,638 4,977 11,615 7 6,638 4,977 11,615 8 6,638 4,977 11,615 9 6,638 4,977 11,615 10 6,638 4,977 11,615 11 6,638 7,300 13,938 12 6,638 7,300 13,938 13 6,638 7,300 13,938 14 6,638 7,300 13,938 15 6,638 7,300 13,938 16 6,638 11,946 18,584

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule was increased 1% over the prior year. Alpine School District Interpreter Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

UIP State Certification Annual Salary 180 days / 8 hours (1.00 FTE) Annual Salary 180 days / 7 hours (0.875 FTE) Certification Only A.S or A.A/Dual Certification B.S / B.A Certification Only A.S or A.A/Dual Certification B.S / B.A Step Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Temporary 15.43 22,219 15.43 22,219 15.43 22,219 15.43 19,442 15.43 19,442 15.43 19,442 Novice: 1 23.01 33,134 23.16 33,350 23.31 33,566 23.01 28,993 23.16 29,182 23.31 29,371 2 23.58 33,955 23.73 34,171 23.88 34,387 23.58 29,711 23.73 29,900 23.88 30,089 3 24.17 34,805 24.32 35,021 24.47 35,237 24.17 30,454 24.32 30,643 24.47 30,832 Professional 1 26.03 37,483 26.18 37,699 26.33 37,915 26.03 32,798 26.18 32,987 26.33 33,176 2 26.65 38,376 26.80 38,592 26.95 38,808 26.65 33,579 26.80 33,768 26.95 33,957 3 27.32 39,341 27.47 39,557 27.62 39,773 27.32 34,423 27.47 34,612 27.62 34,801 4 28.01 40,334 28.16 40,550 28.31 40,766 28.01 35,293 28.16 35,482 28.31 35,671 5 28.71 41,342 28.86 41,558 29.01 41,774 28.71 36,175 28.86 36,364 29.01 36,553 6 29.43 42,379 29.58 42,595 29.73 42,811 29.43 37,082 29.58 37,271 29.73 37,460 7 3 0.19 43,474 30.34 43,690 30.49 43,906 30.19 38,039 30.34 38,228 30.49 38,417 8 30.96 44,582 31.11 44,798 31.26 45,014 30.96 39,010 31.11 39,199 31.26 39,388 9 31.72 45,677 31.87 45,893 32.02 46,109 31.72 39,967 31.87 40,156 32.02 40,345 10 32.53 46,843 32.68 47,059 32.83 47,275 32.53 40,988 32.68 41,177 32.83 41,366 11 33.37 48,053 33.52 48,269 33.67 48,485 33.37 42,046 33.52 42,235 33.67 42,424

EIPA Certification Annual Salary 180 days / 8 hours (1.00 FTE) Annual Salary 180 days / 7 hours (0.875 FTE) Certification Only A.S or A.A/Dual Certification B.S/B.A Certification Only A.S or A.A/Dual Certification B.S/B.A Step Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Temporary 15.43 22,219 15.43 22,219 15.43 22,219 15.43 19,442 15.43 19,442 15.43 19,442 EIPA 3.5-3.9 1 23.01 33,134 23.16 33,350 23.31 33,566 23.01 28,993 23.16 29,182 23.31 29,371 2 23.58 33,955 23.73 34,171 23.88 34,387 23.58 29,711 23.73 29,900 23.88 30,089 3 24.17 34,805 24.32 35,021 24.47 35,237 24.17 30,454 24.32 30,643 24.47 30,832 EIPA 4.0-5.0 1 26.03 37,483 26.18 37,699 26.33 37,915 26.03 32,798 26.18 32,987 26.33 33,176 2 26.65 3 8,376 26.80 38,592 26.95 38,808 26.65 33,579 26.80 33,768 26.95 33,957 3 27.32 39,341 27.47 39,557 27.62 39,773 27.32 34,423 27.47 34,612 27.62 34,801 4 28.01 40,334 28.16 40,550 28.31 40,766 28.01 35,293 28.16 35,482 28.31 35,671 5 28.71 41,342 28.86 41,558 29.01 41,774 28.71 36,175 28.86 36,364 29.01 36,553 6 29.43 42,379 29.58 42,595 29.73 42,811 29.43 37,082 29.58 37,271 29.73 37,460 7 30.19 43,474 30.34 43,690 30.49 43,906 30.19 38,039 30.34 38,228 30.49 38,417 8 30.96 44,582 31.11 44,798 31.26 45,014 30.96 39,010 31.11 39,199 31.26 39,388 9 31.72 45,677 31.87 45,893 32.02 46,109 31.72 39,967 31.87 40,156 32.02 40,345 10 32.53 46,843 32.68 47,059 32.83 47,275 32.53 40,988 32.68 41,177 32.83 41,366 11 33.37 48,053 33.52 48,269 33.67 48,485 33.37 42,046 33.52 42,235 33.67 42,424

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year. Alpine School District Classified Hourly Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

Step Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Lane 9 Lane 10 Lane 11 Lane 12 Lane 13 1 9.06 10.19 10.85 11.64 12.42 13.22 13.99 14.90 15.80 16.64 17.50 18.49 19.55 2 11.31 12.06 12.93 13.81 14.68 15.54 16.54 17.53 18.48 19.46 20.57 21.74 3 12.51 13.32 14.31 15.26 16.22 17.20 18.30 19.39 20.45 21.51 22.74 24.05

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Lane 1 is not applicable to classified hourly employees and is used to display the fixed rate of pay for hourly student workers. Alpine School District Classified Contract Salary Schedule (Non-Exempt) Fiscal Year 2020-21

Base L2-S1: $ 10.11

Lane Index 0.9795 1.0000 1.0658 1.1439 1.2219 1.3001 1.3782 1.4673 1.5563 1.6416 1.7268 1.8262 1.9255 2.0246 2.1237 Lane Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 9.90 10.11 10.78 11.56 12.35 13.14 13.93 14.83 15.73 16.60 17.46 18.46 19.47 20.47 21.47 2 10.49 10.72 11.43 12.25 13.09 13.93 14.77 15.72 16.67 17.60 18.51 19.57 20.64 21.70 22.76 3 11.12 11.36 12.12 12.99 13.88 14.77 15.66 16.66 17.67 18.66 19.62 20.74 21.88 23.00 24.13 4 11.56 11.81 12.60 13.51 14.44 15.36 16.29 17.33 18.38 19.41 20.40 21.57 22.76 23.92 25.10 5 12.02 12.28 13.10 14.05 15.02 15.97 16.94 18.02 19.12 20.19 21.22 22.43 23.67 24.88 26.10 6 12.50 12.77 13.62 14.61 15.62 16.61 17.62 18.74 19.88 21.00 22.07 23.33 24.62 25.88 27.14 7 12.75 13.03 13.89 14.90 15.93 16.94 17.97 19.11 20.28 21.42 22.51 23.80 25.11 26.40 27.68 8 13.01 13.29 14.17 15.20 16.25 17.28 18.33 19.49 20.69 21.85 22.96 24.28 25.61 26.93 28.23 9 13.22 13.51 14.40 15.45 16.52 17.57 18.63 19.81 21.03 22.21 23.34 24.68 26.03 27.37 28.70 10 13.44 13.73 14.64 15.70 16.79 17.86 18.94 20.14 21.38 22.58 23.73 25.09 26.46 27.82 29.17 11 13.66 13.96 14.88 15.96 17.07 18.15 19.25 20.47 21.73 22.95 24.12 25.50 26.90 28.28 29.65 12 13.89 14.19 15.13 16.22 17.35 18.45 19.57 20.81 22.09 23.33 24.52 25.92 27.34 28.75 30.14

Lane Index 2.2301 2.3364 2.4504 2.5644 2.6850 2.8055 2.9404 3.0753 3.2287 3.3820 Lane Step 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 22.55 23.62 24.77 25.93 27.15 28.36 29.73 31.09 32.64 34.19 2 23.90 25.04 26.26 27.49 28.78 30.06 31.51 32.96 34.60 36.24 3 25.33 26.54 27.84 29.14 30.51 31.86 33.40 34.94 36.68 38.41 4 26.34 27.60 28.95 30.31 31.73 33.13 34.74 36.34 38.15 39.95 5 27.39 28.70 30.11 31.52 33.00 34.46 36.13 37.79 39.68 41.55 6 28.49 29.85 31.31 32.78 34.32 35.84 37.58 39.30 41.27 43.21 7 29.06 30.45 31.94 33.44 35.01 36.56 38.33 40.09 42.10 44.07 8 29.64 31.06 32.58 34.11 35.71 37.29 39.10 40.89 42.94 44.95 9 30.13 31.57 33.12 34.67 36.30 37.91 39.75 41.56 43.65 45.69 10 30.63 32.09 33.67 35.24 36.90 38.54 40.41 42.25 44.37 46.44 11 31.14 32.62 34.23 35.82 37.51 39.18 41.08 42.95 45.10 47.21 12 31.65 33.16 34.79 36.41 38.13 39.83 41.76 43.66 45.84 47.99

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year. Alpine School District Professional Salary Schedule (Exempt) Fiscal Year 2020-21

Base: $ 23.39 Days: 250 Hours: 2,000

Hourly Lane Index 1.09769821 1.148849105 1.200511509 1.25831202 1.316112532 1.381585678 1.447570332 1.534526854 1.611204819 1.69176506 Step Index Lane Step A B C D E F G H I J K - 1 23.39 25.68 26.87 28.08 29.43 30.78 32.32 33.86 35.89 37.69 39.57 1.040 2 24.33 26.71 27.94 29.20 30.61 32.01 33.61 35.21 37.33 39.20 41.15 1.080 3 25.26 27.73 29.02 30.33 31.78 33.24 34.91 36.57 38.76 40.71 42.74 1.120 4 26.20 28.76 30.09 31.45 32.96 34.47 36.20 37.92 40.20 42.21 44.32 1.160 5 27.13 29.79 31.17 32.57 34.14 35.70 37.49 39.28 41.63 43.72 45.90 1.200 6 28.07 30.82 32.24 33.70 35.32 36.94 38.78 40.63 43.07 45.23 47.48 1.240 7 29.00 31.84 33.32 34.82 36.49 38.17 40.08 41.99 44.50 46.74 49.07 1.280 8 29.94 32.87 34.39 35.94 37.67 39.40 41.37 43.34 45.94 48.24 50.65 1.320 9 30.87 33.90 35.47 37.07 38.85 40.63 42.66 44.70 47.37 49.75 52.23 1.360 10 31.81 34.92 36.54 38.19 40.02 41.86 43.96 46.05 48.81 51.26 53.82 1.400 11 32.75 35.95 37.62 39.31 41.20 43.09 45.25 47.40 50.25 52.77 55.40 1.440 12 33.68 36.98 38.69 40.44 42.38 44.32 46.54 48.76 51.68 54.27 56.98

Annualized Lane Step A B C D E F G H I J K 1 46,780 51,360 53,740 56,160 58,860 61,560 64,640 67,720 71,780 75,380 79,140 2 48,660 53,420 55,880 58,400 61,220 64,020 67,220 70,420 74,660 78,400 82,300 3 50,520 55,460 58,040 60,660 63,560 66,480 69,820 73,140 77,520 81,420 85,480 4 52,400 57,520 60,180 62,900 65,920 68,940 72,400 75,840 80,400 84,420 88,640 5 54,260 59,580 62,340 65,140 68,280 71,400 74,980 78,560 83,260 87,440 91,800 6 56,140 61,640 64,480 67,400 70,640 73,880 77,560 81,260 86,140 90,460 94,960 7 58,000 63,680 66,640 69,640 72,980 76,340 80,160 83,980 89,000 93,480 98,140 8 59,880 65,740 68,780 71,880 75,340 78,800 82,740 86,680 91,880 96,480 101,300 9 61,740 67,800 70,940 74,140 77,700 81,260 85,320 89,400 94,740 99,500 104,460 10 63,620 69,840 73,080 76,380 80,040 83,720 87,920 92,100 97,620 102,520 107,640 11 65,500 71,900 75,240 78,620 82,400 86,180 90,500 94,800 100,500 105,540 110,800 12 67,360 73,960 77,380 80,880 84,760 88,640 93,080 97,520 103,360 108,540 113,960

For the fiscal year 2020-21, the salary schedule base was increased by 1% over the prior year. Alpine School District Administrative Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

District Leadership Step Director I Director II Director III Director IV Director V 1 81,167 85,264 88,388 95,017 101,995 2 83,304 87,401 90,525 97,154 104,132 3 85,441 89,538 92,662 99,291 106,269 4 87,578 91,675 94,799 101,428 108,406 5 89,715 93,812 96,936 103,565 110,543 6 91,852 95,949 99,073 105,702 112,680 7 93,989 98,086 101,210 107,839 114,817 8 96,126 100,223 103,347 109,976 116,954 9 98,263 102,360 105,484 112,113 119,091 10 100,400 104,497 107,621 114,250 121,228 11 102,537 106,634 109,758 116,387 123,365 12 104,674 108,771 111,895 118,524 125,502 13 106,811 110,908 114,032 120,661 127,639 14 108,948 113,045 116,169 122,798 129,776 15 111,085 115,182 118,306 124,935 131,913 16 113,222 117,319 120,443 127,072 134,050 17 115,359 119,456 122,580 129,209 136,187 18 117,496 121,593 124,717 131,346 138,324 19 119,633 123,730 126,854 133,483 140,461 20 121,770 125,867 128,991 135,620 142,598

Step Value: $2,137

For the fiscal year 2020-21, step 1 of each lane and the step value was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Degree Enhancement Master's degree + 20 sem hours = the value of 1 step in additional salary when certified by HR. Master's degree + 37 sem hours = the value of 2 steps in additional salary when certified by HR. Doctorate degree = the value of 4 steps in additional salary when certified by HR. Alpine School District Administrative Salary Schedule Fiscal Year 2020-21

School Leadership Asst Principal - Asst Principal- Principal - Principal - Middle Principal - High Step Elementary Secondary Elementary School School 1 78,191 81,167 85,264 88,388 95,017 2 80,328 83,304 87,401 90,525 97,154 3 82,465 85,441 89,538 92,662 99,291 4 84,602 87,578 91,675 94,799 101,428 5 86,739 89,715 93,812 96,936 103,565 6 88,876 91,852 95,949 99,073 105,702 7 91,013 93,989 98,086 101,210 107,839 8 93,150 96,126 100,223 103,347 109,976 9 95,287 98,263 102,360 105,484 112,113 10 97,424 100,400 104,497 107,621 114,250 11 99,561 102,537 106,634 109,758 116,387 12 101,698 104,674 108,771 111,895 118,524 13 103,835 106,811 110,908 114,032 120,661 14 105,972 108,948 113,045 116,169 122,798 15 108,109 111,085 115,182 118,306 124,935 16 110,246 113,222 117,319 120,443 127,072 17 112,383 115,359 119,456 122,580 129,209 18 114,520 117,496 121,593 124,717 131,346 19 116,657 119,633 123,730 126,854 133,483 20 118,794 121,770 125,867 128,991 135,620

Step Value: $2,137

For the fiscal year 2020-21, step 1 of each lane and the step value was increased by 1% over the prior year.

Degree Enhancement Master's degree + 20 sem hours = the value of 1 step in additional salary when certified by HR. Master's degree + 37 sem hours = the value of 2 steps in additional salary when certified by HR. Doctorate degree = the value of 4 steps in additional salary when certified by HR.

Activity Stipends * Elementary School 1,000 Middle School 1,750 High School 7,500 Polaris 3,500 Summit 3,500 * Activity Stipends are based on the assignment of the administrator and are paid for additional work required within that assignment to include evening programs, activities, board meetings, boundary meetings, etc.



August 4, 2020

The enclosed items are additions, corrections, or deletions to previously negotiated agreements.


Todd Dawson Kate Ross Mike Erickson


1. Alpine School District agrees to add a 1% COLA. (Attached) ​ ​

2. Alpine School District agrees to fund step and lane.

3. Alpine School District agrees to fund insurance increase on base plan (Plan 4) (Attached) ​ ​

4. Alpine School District demonstrates our commitment to our employees’ social and emotional well-being through the enhancement of mental health benefits by adding services with a third party provider.

Policy No. 7150


Statement of Policy

Alpine School District is committed to providing a workplace and ​ educational environment that are free from sexual harassment and retaliation. To affirm the District's commitment to equity in all aspects of the educational program, the District has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of sexual harassment or retaliation. These policies and procedures are in compliance with the Education Amendments of ​ 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C., and further detailed in 34 CFR 106. Students and ​ ​ ​ ​ employees who feel they have been subject to sexual harassment are encouraged to file a complaint in accordance with the process outlined in this policy.


1.1. The Alpine School District Title IX Coordinator is designated for protection against sexual harassment and is authorized to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with the requirements of Title IX.

Jason Theler 575 North 100 East American Fork, Utah 84003 Telephone: (801) 610-8449 [email protected]

1.2. Any person may report sex discrimination (including sexual harassment) to the Title IX Coordinator at any time in person, by using the mail, email, or telephone numbers listed above, or by any

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the report. 2. Definitions

2.1. “Actual Knowledge” refers to notice/awareness of sexual harassment or allegations of sexual harassment to any employee of the District, which triggers the District’s obligation to respond.

2.2. “Complainant” refers to an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.

2.3. “Education program or activity” means all locations, events, or circumstances over which the District exercises substantial control over both a respondent and the context in which sexual harassment occurs.

2.4. “False Complaint” refers to intentionally false, malicious, or frivolous complaints of sexual harassment and could result in corrective or disciplinary action taken against the complainant.

2.5. “Formal Complaint” refers to a document filed by a complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment against a respondent and requesting that the District investigate the allegation of sexual harassment. A formal complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, by email, or through this online form located on all school and District websites. ​ ​ 2.6. “Preponderance of the Evidence” refers to whether it is more likely than not that the Respondent violated the Policy as alleged.

2.7. “Respondent” refers to an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.

2.8. “Retaliation” refers to threats, intimidation, coercion, taunting, spreading rumors, unauthorized disclosure of the details of an investigation, ostracism, assault, destruction of property, discrimination, or other negative/harassing conduct toward any person who has filed a complaint, or has testified, assisted, or

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding related to the allegation.

2.9. “Sexual Harassment” refers to conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

2.9.1. A District employee conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (quid pro quo);

2.9.2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the District’s education program or activity; “Severe” - This identifier addresses whether the described occurrence or conduct was extreme from the perspective of a reasonable person in the complainant’s position “Pervasive” - This identifier stipulates that a single instance of an offensive comment or joke typically does not meet the Title IX standard for sexual harassment requiring investigation. However, there may be instances where a single unwelcome act may meet that standard. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to, the existence of a pattern of sexual harassment, the number of people involved, and the occurrence of widespread dissemination of offensive material. “Objectively Offensive” - This identifier addresses whether the described occurrence or conduct was offensive from the perspective of a reasonable person in the complainant’s position. Notably, the perspective for offensiveness is based on the reasonableness from the complainant’s perspective, and the intent of the respondent is irrelevant in the analysis.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

3 “Effectively Denies Equal Access” - This does not require ​ ​ that a complainant be entirely or physically excluded from educational or employment opportunities, but rather that the sexual harassment has so undermined and detracted from the complainant’s educational environment, that he or she is effectively denied equal access.

2.9.3. Any instance of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, as defined in the Clery Act and in this policy: “Sexual assault” is the unwelcome touching of a person’s private body parts for the purpose of sexual gratification without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent. “Dating violence” is violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the complainant, which may be determined by (1) the length of the relationship, (2) the type of relationship, and (3) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship; “Domestic violence” is violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the complainant, by a person with whom the complainant shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the complainant as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the complainant under Utah law, or by any other person acting against a complainant who is protected from that person’s acts under Utah law; or

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

4 “Stalking” is engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others, or suffer substantial emotional distress.

2.10. “Sexual Misconduct” refers to conduct which is not sexual harassment as defined above, but which is sexual in nature or based on gender or other sex characteristics and which is prohibited by District or school conduct standards.

2.11. “Supportive Measure” refers to any non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized service offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent before or after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the District’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening either party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the District’s educational environment, or deter sexual harassment.

Board Approvals

● Board Approved: September 2020 ​



1.1. Individuals who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment should immediately notify a teacher, administrator, or the Title IX Coordinator and may file a formal complaint.

1.2. A report or notice of alleged sexual harassment may be filed by someone other than a complainant, in which case the response,

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


procedures, and supportive measures will be followed as outlined below. However, a formal investigation is completed only upon receipt of a formal complaint by a complainant or, if a minor, the complainant’s parent/guardian, or by the Title IX Coordinator on behalf of the complainant.

1.3. A formal complaint must be in writing and must be delivered to the Title IX Coordinator and should include the elements described below.

1.3.1. Name, home address, email address, and telephone number of the complainant;

1.3.2. Date(s) of incident(s) leading to the complaint;

1.3.3. Name(s) of respondent(s);

1.3.4. Description of the conduct or incident(s) leading to the complaint;

1.3.5. Description of the harm caused by the incident; and

1.3.6. Description of the remedy sought.

1.3.7. The complainant’s physical or digital signature, or other indication that the complainant is the person filing the formal complaint. A parent/guardian may sign and file a formal complaint on behalf of a minor complainant.


2.1. An employee with actual knowledge of sexual harassment or allegation of sexual harassment shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, notify their immediate supervisor or the Title IX Coordinator.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org



3.1. Complainants and respondents are treated equitably by providing remedies to a complainant where a determination of responsibility for sexual harassment has been made against the respondent, and by following appropriate procedures before imposing any disciplinary sanction or taking any other action against the respondent.

3.2. The burden of proof and the burden of gathering evidence sufficient to reach a determination regarding responsibility rests on the District and not on the parties.

3.3. Legal evidentiary privileges will be respected, and the District will not require, allow, rely on, seek disclosure of, or otherwise use information protected by a legally recognized privilege unless the person holding the privilege has waived it.

3.4. Evidence regarding the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior is not relevant unless the evidence is being offered either to show that someone other than the respondent committed the alleged conduct or to show consent concerning specific instances of the complainant’s prior sexual behavior with respect to the respondent.

3.5. The Title IX Coordinator, investigation team, decision-makers, or any person designated to facilitate an informal resolution process shall not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally.

3.6. A respondent is presumed not responsible for alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the investigation.

3.7. The range of disciplinary sanctions and remedies following a determination of responsibility include:

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


3.7.1. Sanctions: Short-term removal from school Long-term removal from school Measures which are supportive of the complainant but which impose a burden on the respondent and which may be punitive in nature Any sanction which might be imposed under employee or student discipline policies, including but not limited to temporary or permanent restriction of a student’s participation in extracurricular activities

3.7.2. Remedies: Counseling, Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, Modifications of work or class schedules, Use of school safety plan procedures, Mutual restrictions on contact between parties, Changes in work or education setting locations, Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the school.

3.8. The standard of evidence for all complaints of sexual harassment through this process is a preponderance of the evidence.

3.9. Both the complainant and the respondent shall have the right to appeal the decision-maker’s decision, in accordance with section 10.0.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


3.10. The complainant and the respondent will be informed that the parties may have an adult advisor of their choice throughout the investigation of the formal complaint.

3.11. Where multiple allegations of sexual harassment arise out of the same facts or circumstances, the Title IX Coordinator may consolidate formal complaints made against more than one respondent, or made by more than one complainant against one or more respondents, or made by one party against another party.

3.12. The time frames established for this process are intended to provide a reasonably prompt resolution of complaints. However, the District may, for good cause and with written notice to the complainant and respondent, temporarily delay the process or extend a deadline for a limited time. Good cause may include (but is not limited to) considerations such as the absence of a party or a party’s advisor, concurrent law enforcement activity, or the need for language assistance or accommodation of disabilities.


4.1. Should a principal/supervisor become aware of an allegation of, or conduct that may constitute sexual harassment, the principal/supervisor will follow-up with an initial inquiry to determine ​ if the conduct, on the face of the allegations, is more likely sexual misconduct or sexual harassment.

4.1.1. If after the initial inquiry, the principal/supervisor determines the conduct is more likely Sexual Misconduct, protocols for investigating and discipline will proceed according to District policy and procedure 5180 Discipline or employee policy and ​ ​ procedure 4132 (certified), 4433 (classified), and/or 4759 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (managerial).

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


4.2. If after the initial inquiry, the principal/supervisor determines the conduct is more likely Sexual Harassment, the principal/supervisor will notify the Title IX Coordinator about the allegation.

4.3. The Title IX Coordinator along with the principal/supervisor, will promptly contact the complainant to discuss the availability of supportive measures (with or without the filing of a formal complaint), consider the complainant’s wishes with respect to supportive measures, explain to the complainant the process for filing and investigating a formal complaint, offer the option of an informal resolution, and advise the complainant that they may have an adult advisor of their choice throughout the investigation of a formal complaint.

4.4. If the complainant files a Formal Complaint or the Title IX ​ ​ Coordinator files a Formal Complaint on behalf of the complainant, the formal investigation process set forth in section 7.0 shall be followed.


5.1. Supportive measures will be offered to the complainant and the respondent when the District learns of allegations of Sexual Harassment.

5.2. They shall not be punitive or disciplinary.

5.3. They may be individualized depending on the circumstances of the complainant and/or the respondent.

5.4. Supportive measures may include counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus safety plan, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, supervised transitions, changes in work locations, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar measures.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


5.5. The District must maintain as confidential any supportive measures provided to the complainant and respondent, except to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would impair the ability of the District to provide the supportive measures.

5.6. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for coordinating and documenting the effective implementation of supportive measures.

5.7. Emergency Removal

5.7.1. The Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the school principal and supervisor, may conduct an emergency removal of a respondent from the District’s education program or activity. To remove a respondent on an emergency basis, the District must undertake an individualized safety and risk analysis and determine that an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of a student or other individual arising from the allegations of sexual harassment justifies the removal. The respondent must be given notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal. An emergency removal may not constitute or be documented as disciplinary action.

5.7.2. In cases when an emergency removal involves a student with a disability who is receiving services under an IEP or 504, a meeting can serve as the student’s manifestation determination and will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The meeting will be scheduled and held within ten (10) workdays of the decision to implement the emergency removal. If it is determined that an emergency removal is necessary for more than ten (10) workdays, that would constitute a change in placement and would be addressed in accordance with the requirements of the IDEA.

5.8. Suspension of Employee Respondent

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


5.8.1. A non-student employee respondent may be placed on administrative leave during the investigation and complaint resolution process consistent with District policies and procedures relating to employee discipline.


6.1. Informal resolution may be appropriate in cases of sexual harassment according to the following requirements:

6.1.1. Informal resolution can never be offered to resolve complaints alleging that an employee sexually harassed a student;

6.1.2. Resolution facilitators must be free from conflicts of interest or ​ ​ bias and be trained to serve impartially;

6.1.3. Informal resolution processes must have reasonably prompt time frames;

6.1.4. The initial written notice of allegations sent to both parties must include information about the informal resolution processes made available and the consequences of participation in the process (including what records will be maintained or could be shared); and

6.1.5. Parties retain their right to a formal resolution process, and can withdraw from informal resolution and resume a formal process at any time.

6.2. Both parties must submit, voluntarily and without compulsion, written confirmation of their desire to resolve the matter through informal resolution processes.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org



7.1. The procedures outlined in this section are detailed and constitute the recommended best practice. A good faith effort will be made in all cases. However, minor omissions and other procedural inconsistencies do not invalidate an otherwise equitable investigation. Investigators must be flexible and adapt to the circumstances of each complaint.

7.2. Assignment of investigation team

7.2.1. The Title IX Coordinator shall notify the applicable Supervisor of secondary or elementary education, the Directors of Human Resources, or any other applicable administrator when opening an investigation and creating an investigation team.

7.2.2. The investigation team shall include the Title IX Coordinator, an applicable school supervisor, and, in instances involving an employee, the Administrator of Human Resources. Investigators must receive training on the definition of sexual harassment under this policy, the scope of the District’s education programs and activities, how to conduct an investigation, how to determine relevance, how to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence, how to write and issue an investigative report, and how to serve impartially, including avoidance of prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.

7.3. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator determines whether the complaint must or may be dismissed. A dismissal may occur at any point in the investigation.

7.3.1. The Title IX Coordinator must dismiss the complaint if any of ​ ​ the following conditions apply:

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

13 The conduct alleged would not constitute sexual harassment as defined in this policy even if proved; The conduct alleged did not occur in a District program or activity; or The conduct alleged did not occur against a person in the United States.

7.3.2. The Title IX Coordinator may dismiss the complaint or any of ​ ​ the allegations therein if any of the following conditions apply: A complainant notifies the Title IX Coordinator in writing that the complainant would like to withdraw the formal complaint or any allegations therein; The respondent is no longer enrolled in or employed by the District; or Specific circumstances prevent the District from gathering evidence sufficient to reach a determination as to the allegations contained in the formal complaint.

7.3.3. Dismissal does not preclude action under another District policy. The District has the flexibility to provide supportive measures in response to allegations of conduct, and to investigate such conduct, that does not involve sexual harassment but is otherwise prohibited under District policy, including bullying, discrimination, and “sexual misconduct” as defined above.

7.3.4. If a complaint is dismissed, the Title IX Coordinator shall promptly notify both parties in writing of a dismissal decision and shall give both parties equal right to appeal a dismissal decision.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


7.4. The investigation team should begin each investigation by documenting the alleged conduct and creating an investigation file.

7.5. The investigation team shall refer the matter to law enforcement authorities or the Utah State Division of Child and Family Services, where appropriate or required by law. The investigation team must continue to conduct the investigation even if the matter has been referred to another agency. The investigation team should coordinate with the other agency and may adjust timelines and procedures accordingly.

7.6. Notice of Allegations

7.6.1. Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator shall provide the following written notice to the parties. If, in the course of the investigation, the District decides to investigate allegations about the complainant or respondent that are not included in the initial notice, the Title IX Coordinator must provide notice of the additional allegations to both parties. Notice of the District’s complaint and investigation process, including any informal resolution process available; Notice prohibiting retaliation, including a warning that ​ anyone found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action and a requirement that complainants, respondents, and witnesses report any retaliatory conduct; Notice of the allegations of sexual harassment, including sufficient details known at the time and with sufficient time to prepare a response before any initial interview. Sufficient details include the following, if known:

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org

15 The identities of the parties involved in the incident; the conduct allegedly constituting sexual harassment under this policy; and the date and location of the alleged incident; A statement that the respondent is presumed innocent until a determination has been made at the conclusion of the investigation; A statement that the parties may have an advisor of their choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, and that the parties may inspect and review evidence as described below; and A statement that District policy prohibits knowingly making false statements or knowingly submitting false information during the investigation and that a party found to have done so is subject to disciplinary action which may include, but not be limited to termination.

7.7. Access to a party’s records that are made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in their capacity in connection with the party’s treatment can only be obtained through the party’s voluntary, written consent (if the party is a minor, consent must be from the parent).


8.1. The investigation team shall provide written notice of the date, time, location, participants, and purpose of all investigative interviews to a party whose participation is invited or expected, with sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


8.2. The investigation team shall provide an equal opportunity for the parties to present witnesses, including fact and expert witnesses, and other inculpatory and exculpatory evidence.

8.3. Each of the following persons shall be interviewed by the investigation team, and a record made of the interview.

8.3.1. Interview with a complainant. The complainant may be accompanied by an adult representative, including legal counsel. The complainant may present evidence supporting the complaint.

8.3.2. Interview with a respondent. The respondent may be accompanied by an adult representative, including legal counsel. The complainant may present evidence supporting the complaint.

8.4. The investigation team gathers and reviews supplemental evidence.

8.4.1. Any relevant security camera footage or other evidence maintained on the District computer network or computers or devices.

8.4.2. Any relevant evidence gathered through lawful searches ​ ​ conducted in the course of the investigation.

8.4.3. Any interviews, statements, or documents from other students, employees, and parents who are not the complainant or the respondent.

8.5. The investigation team will notify the complainant and/or respondent of the need for any follow-up interview. 8.6. The investigation team shall gather and preserve all evidence, including video footage from surveillance cameras, photos, physical evidence, documents, correspondence, and any relevant electronic information such as text messages, videos, and social media postings.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


8.7. Upon completion of interviewing and gathering evidence, the investigation team shall send a draft investigative report to both parties for inspection in an electronic format or hard copy.

8.7.1. Both parties have ten (10) workdays to respond to the draft investigative report.

8.7.2. The investigation team shall consider the responses by both parties, but need not adopt the responses, and shall draft a Final Investigation Report which shall include a description of the complaint and a summary of the evidence.

8.7.3. The Final Investigation Report shall be shared simultaneously with both parties and the decision-making panel. 9. DECISION-MAKING

9.1. Decision-Makers

9.1.1. Decision-makers shall be appointed by the Title IX Coordinator subject to the following qualifications.

9.1.2. Decision-makers cannot be part of the investigation team.

9.1.3. The decision-makers may not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or an individual complainant or respondent.

9.1.4. The decision-makers must receive training on the definition of sexual harassment under this policy, the scope of the District’s education programs and activities, how to conduct an investigation, how to issue a written determination, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.

9.2. Parties’ Response to Final Investigative Report

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


9.2.1. Both parties shall have ten (10) workdays to submit written, relevant questions to the decision-makers to be asked of a party or witness. Questions that the decision-makers determine are not relevant do not need to be submitted for response.

9.2.2. After answers are received by the decision-makers, those will be provided to the parties. At the discretion of the decision-makers, additional, limited follow-up questions may be posed in person or submitted in writing.

9.2.3. The decision-makers will determine a deadline for when the responses are to be returned. 9.3. Decision-Making Process

9.3.1. The decision-makers must issue a written decision as to whether the respondent committed sexual harassment.

9.3.2. The decision-makers objectively evaluate all relevant evidence gathered and presented during the investigation, as found in the investigation report, along with the answers to any questions and follow-up questions to parties and witnesses as a response to the investigative report. The decision-makers evaluate the evidence, judging credibility based on factors of plausibility and consistency in party and witness statements, and then reach a decision regarding responsibility.

9.3.3. The decision-makers may consult with District Legal Counsel regarding legal questions, but otherwise must make the decision based on the evidence presented.

9.3.4. The decision-makers shall base the decision on the preponderance of the evidence standard. The District shall apply the same standard to all formal complaints of sexual harassment, whether the complaint involves a student or

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org



9.3.5. The Written Decision must include: Identification of the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment as defined in this policy; A description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the formal complaint through the decisions, including any notifications to the parties, interviews with parties and witnesses, site visits, and methods used to gather other evidence; Findings of fact supporting the decision; Conclusions regarding the application of the District’s conduct standards to the facts; A statement of, and rationale for, the result as to each allegation, including a decision, any disciplinary sanctions imposed on the respondent, and whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to the District’s education program or activity will be provided by the District to the complainant; and The District’s procedures for the complainant and respondent to appeal.

9.3.6. The Written Decision must be provided to the parties at the same time.

9.3.7. If the respondent is a student and found to have committed sexual harassment, the decision-makers shall ensure that the behavior and resulting disciplinary action is documented in the SIS.

9.3.8. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the effective implementation of any remedies under a decision regarding

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


sexual harassment.


10.1. Appeal of Decision

10.1.1. Either party may appeal a dismissal decision by the Title IX Coordinator or a written decision by the decision-makers.

10.1.2. Disagreement with the outcome of an investigation or with the interpretation of evidence or findings of fact are not grounds for appeal. The only permitted grounds for appeal are: A failure to follow the investigative procedures outlined in this policy which affected the outcome; There is new evidence (that is, evidence which was not reasonably available at the time the determination about dismissal or responsibility was made) that could affect the outcome; or There was a conflict of interest or bias on the part of the Title IX Coordinator, investigation team, or decision-makers.

10.1.3. A party may appeal by giving written notice to the Superintendent within fifteen (15) workdays of the date the written decision is issued. Failure to submit written notice of appeal to the Superintendent within fifteen (15) workdays constitutes forfeiture of any right to appeal.

10.1.4. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall promptly give the other party written notice of the appeal and provide a copy of the appeal.

10.1.5. Both parties shall have a reasonable and equal opportunity to submit a written statement in support of or challenging the decision.

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


10.1.6. The Superintendent or his/her designee will consider the appeal and statements submitted and issue a written decision on the appeal which includes the reasons for the decision and which is provided to the parties at the same time. The decision of the Superintendent or his/her designee is final.

10.1.7. Those considering appeals must receive training on the definition of sexual harassment under this policy, the scope of the District’s education programs and activities, how to conduct an investigation, how to issue a written decision, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.


11.1. It is District policy to respect, as far as possible, the privacy and anonymity of all parties and witnesses to complaints brought under this policy. However, because an individual’s right to confidentiality must be balanced with the District’s obligations to cooperate with law enforcement, government agencies, or legal proceedings, or to investigate and take necessary action to resolve a complaint, including by allowing each party the chance to provide information to the investigation team, information about the complaint may be disclosed in appropriate circumstances, and for other good reasons that apply to the particular situation.

11.2. Where a complaint involves allegations of child abuse, the complaint shall be immediately reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities or the Utah State Division of Child and Family Services. The anonymity of both the complainant and school officials involved in the investigation will be strictly protected as required by UTAH CODE ANN. § 62A-4a-412. ​ ​

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org



12.1. The Title IX Coordinator shall maintain a confidential record separate from the individual’s educational or personnel file that includes the complaint, response, witness statements, evidence, investigative report, written decision, any appeal and the result therefrom, and any informal resolution and the result therefrom for the later of seven years or two years after a student complainant or student respondent has graduated.

12.2. All complaints and any subsequent discipline made under this policy involving a student must be documented by an administrator on the District’s SIS. Complaints must be documented even if the investigation results in a finding that this policy was not violated. Consistent with the U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Data Collection, the documentation must indicate whether sexual harassment was alleged or whether the conduct alleged would constitute sexual harassment.

12.2.1. If allegations are substantiated, documentation of the incident must be recorded in the SIS for both the complainant and the respondent.

12.2.2. If the allegations are not substantiated, documentation of the incident must be recorded in the SIS for the complainant only.

12.3. All records created during the investigative process must be maintained for 7 years or 2 years after the student graduates (whichever is longer).


13.1. Alpine School District recognizes the importance of educating its employees and students regarding the prevention of sexual harassment and the observance of high ethical standards. To these ends, the District will provide ongoing training in this area. Notice of

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org


this policy will be distributed, and training will be conducted for employees and students of the District.

13.2. Training materials used will be posted on the District’s website and available for seven (7) years.

13.3. Decision-makers, investigators, and Superintendent Designees must be trained regularly.


14.1. This policy will be posted on the District’s website and published in student registration materials, employee and parent information guides, and other school publications as directed by the District.

14.2. A copy of this policy shall also be provided to each employee association.


● Board Approved: September 2020 ​ Rules & Regulations No rules & regulations have been established at this time.


● Board Approved: [Month],[Day],[Year]

Alpine School District | 575 N 100 E, American Fork, Utah 84003 | alpineschools.org | 801-610-8400 Alpine School District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. | additional information: ​alpineschools.org