Following : Week 4 Feb. 2, 2020 Matthew 14:22-33

Warming Up

1. Share with the group a time when you had to trust God the most in your life? What were the circumstances? How did you respond to the storm or situation? Did your response change from beginning to end of the storm?

Knowing the

2. Matthew 14 is not the first time in Matthew Jesus demonstrates he is Lord over creation, even the waters of the sea of . Check out :23-27. How are these episodes similar? How are they different? Compare the disciples’ responses in both instances. How can we see their faith changing?

3. Check out these passages and discuss the questions below: Heb. 1:1-3, Col. 1:15- 17, Jn. 1:3. What do we learn about Jesus’ relationship to all of creation? In the past? Now? How can these truths encourage us in times of trouble?

4. In verse 27, when Jesus says, “it is I” he is using the greek: “Ego Eimi” which literally means “I am”. Check out 2 other instances in the where God uses this name for himself: Exodus 3:14 and John 4:26. What is God trying to communicate to these individuals in each of these settings? How can this truth about Jesus encourage our faith in the midst of storms?

Living the Gospel… 5. Even Jesus needed concentrated times of conversation with his father. Read these passages: :46, Luke 6:12, :35, Luke 5:16, 9:18, Matt. 26:36 Heb. 5:7. What were the circumstances in which Jesus got away to pray? Why do you think he often “got alone” to pray? How and when do you follow Jesus’ example to get away in solitude and pray to your heavenly father? What things get in the way of you doing this? How can you grow in this area?

6. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus immediately sends the disciples onto the boat and out into the sea, knowing they would encounter a storm (v.22,24). Why do you think he did that? Why do you think God allows us to do things that result in encountering storms in our lives? Check out James 1:2-8, Is. 43:2. What types of storms are you encountering now in your life? What is God teaching you about Himself, yourself, others? How are you responding to the storm?

7. Do you think Peter is to be commended or reprimanded for his actions in verses 28-30? Why did Peter begin to sink? (v.31). Share some examples of times when you have let doubt overcome faith in God in your life. Peter basically had 3 choices, when he started to drown. Call out to the disciples in the boat for help, swim and try to make it back to the boat, or call out for mercy from Jesus. What does it say about Peter’s faith that he chose option #3—he called on Jesus to save him? Which response tends to be your first reaction when “sinking” in the midst of a storm?

Telling the Gospel…

8. How has God proven faithful during storms in your life? How can sharing these experiences with others challenge them to consider the claims of Christ?

9. Take up the challenge to pray for someone in your life that you know is apathetic or even antagonistic towards Jesus. Take up the stiffer challenge to tell them you love them and are praying for them.

Next Week: :24-28