For Potuakhali University -

Fossil insect from Green River Formation Eocene Green River Shale, Wasatch County, Utah, USA tml

Along the White River south of Bonanza, Utah. The low light colored outcrops near the river on the right are the Green

River Formation

Ammonite (Hematite replacement) Era – From – Morocco

Triassic Scute Locality- Saint john, Arizona, USA

(Blue-green Algae/ cyanobacterial colony) Stromatolite from Morocco Billion Years – 600 Million Years Old. Pre- Locality – Near Atlas Mountain, Ourzarzate Morocco stromatolites stromatolites.html

Mosasaur Tooth, Cretaceous, Morocco . / reptile bone ?

Need better picture

Ancient Mollusk, The Orthoceras 400 MYO, Morocco

Echinoid fossil , Morocco

Baltic Amber (Please confirm)

44 MYO - Eocene epoch Baltic amber (succinite) From-Poland (collected from Baltic Sea shores)

Dinosaur Bone and black iron stone from Dinosaur Provincial park, Canada. Cretaceous ~65 MYO (reference Pictures below)

Silurian Horn Coral – Rugos Kentucky, USA

Jelly fish Era, Mazon Creek , USA

(reference Pictures below)

Carboniferous , 300 Million Years=৩০ ক ো綿 বছর পুরোন ো Era – Carboniferous Locality – Bangor Limestone Formation, Northern Alabama, USA unit.php?unit=TNMbh%3B3 PA7&lpg=SL8- PA7&dq=Bangor+Limestone+Formation&source=bl&ots=JlCU5 _bKBc&sig=wCZ87cTc8hWHZHzXfSsteqG5azA&hl=en&sa=X&ve d=0ahUKEwi- lqL7_qnKAhULjZQKHQgzBQMQ6AEIOjAF#v=onepage&q=Bang or%20Limestone%20Formation&f=false


Could not recognize from picture the left one and the one under the paper & the one under the bigger ammonite in Ziplock. Please send me clear picture(of all the items in the ziplock bag) for identification.

100 million years old= ১০ ক ো綿 বছর Random Mollusk collection (bivalve or gastropod) from my collection Era: Lower Cretaceous (Albian Stage) Locality – Bell County, Texas, USA Walnut Formation(A marine formation)

Pic 3 -

Need better picture

Montana Agate Facts, Information and Description

The Montana agate is usually a creamy light yellow to almost clear color with embedded moss structures in varying shades of brownish red to black. Most of these Montana agates are found in gravel deposits from the Pleistocene age (10,000 - 1,6000,000) in the area of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries.

Agates are hard stones between 6.5-8 on the Mohs scale. They take an exceptional polish and are used extensively in jewelry and carvings.

Agate Agate is the Mystical birthstone for the month of September From Montana, USA and the birth stone for the Zodiac sign of Gemini. See the Agate is a cryptocrystalline variety of silica, chiefly birthstone list for additional references to agates. Agate is chalcedony, characterised by its fineness of grain and brightness of color. suggested as a stone to give on the 12th and 14th wedding anniversaries. Folklore, Legend, and Healing Properties: Balances emotions, discerns the truth, accepts circumstances, powerful emotional healer.

Pumice from New Zealand.

Pumice is a light-colored, extremely porous igneous rock that forms during explosive volcanic eruptions

Oreodonts Jaw with teeth Age –around 30 million Years old ~৩ ক ো綿 বছর Locality - White River badlands in South Dakota, USA An extinct superfamily of prehistoric cud-chewing artiodactyls with short faces and fang-like canine teeth.

Anasazi pottery fragment (American Red Indian Pottery) bitions/north_america/southwest/anasazi/anasazi.php n/pdfs/35-1/blinman.pdf

Crinoids Era- Carboniferous Texas, USA

Hadrosaur tooth Cretaceous Era Montana/ South Dacota, USA

Hadrosaur Dinosaur Bone , Cretaceous Era Hell Creek, USA

Permian reptile Bones Oklahoma, USA xt.htm ml Spur-NEW-book-pelycosaurs-Captorhinus-jaws-teeth- /351369634012?hash=item51cf4320dc:g:vBoAAOSwcwhVKR AG

Campo Del Cleo Iron Metiorite

Camel Bone

Reptile Jaw from Hell Creek, Montana, USA

Pic 4

Triceratops Frill Section Jurassic – Cretaceous, USA

500 million years old=৫০ ক ো綿 Elrathia Kingii – Trilobite - ট্রাইল াবাইট Era – Cambrian Locality – Utah, USA

Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Trilobita Subclass: Librostoma Order: Suborder: Superfamily: Ptychoparioidea Family: Alokistocaridae Genus: Elrathia Species : Kingii

Gold-Copper Ore from China

Jurassic era - ~100 Million Years old Squalicorax (crow shark) Fossil Shark Tooth - Morocco

Hadrosaur Rib Bone, Cretaceous, Montana, USA

Rain Drops on El Pueblo early Permian tracksite , NM., USA _Mexico_Early_Permian_Facies

The Green IronStone on the back

Iron Stone Red variety

Foundation The rock layers in Waterton are primarily eroded sediments laid down particle by particle at the bottom of an ancient sea which existed 1,500 million years ago. Evidence of this ancient seabed is provided by fossilized ripple marks and salt crystal casts. These rock layers make up the park's geological foundation.

The rocks were formed at a time before the development of complex life on earth, so only fossils formed by primitive cyanobacteria are found. Some developed into impressive cabbage-like fossils called stromatolites.

The park's unusual red and green rocks are shaly siltstones called argillite. The red rocks contain oxidized iron; the green rocks contain unoxidized iron. Beige/grey/brown rocks are limestone or dolomite. A noticeable black band seen on the face of some park mountains, called the Purcell Sill, is igneous rock.

Belemnite rostrum, Jurassic Era, China te.html

Baculite Cretaceous- ~80 MYO Bear Paw Shale, Northern Montana, USA

Trilobite from Chengjiang biota, Cambrian Era, China Biota.htm 11-2-4.pdf

Anything behind the rib bone ?

The Mazon Creek fossil beds are a conservation lagerstätte found near Morris, in Grundy County, Illinois. The fossils are preserved in ironstone concretions, formed approximately 300 million years ago in the mid-Pennsylvanian epoch of the Carboniferous period. These concretions frequently preserve both hard and soft tissues of animal and plant materials, as well as many soft-bodied organisms that do not normally fossilize. The quality, quantity and diversity of fossils in the area, known since the mid-nineteenth century, make the Mazon Creek lagerstätte important to paleontologists, in attempting to reconstruct the paleoecology of the sites -

Mazon Creek Field Excursion Francis Creek

Morris, Illinois May 7, 2000 Fossil Collecting –

Braceville, IL, Mazon Creek

Mazon Creek fossil hunting -

The Kem Kem Beds (also referred to by various names including the Continental Red Beds and Continental intercalaire[2]) is a geological formation along the border between Morocco and Algeria in southeastern Morocco, whose strata date back to the Late Cretaceous. Dinosaur remains are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation

Some of the best-preserved fossils in the world may be found within the paleontologic deposits of Lebanon, with a number of species unique to this locality. The best known of these fossil sites comprise the Lebanese lagerstatten of the Late Cretaceous age.

The paleontological sites of Lebanon contain deposits of some of the best-preserved fossils in the world, and include some species found nowhere else. The most famous of these is the Lebanese lagerstätten of the Late Cretaceous age, which contain a well-preserved variety of different fossils. Some fossils date back to the Jurassic period, and younger fossils of mammals from a different site belong to the Miocene through the Pleistocene. The fossils found in Lebanon are displayed in natural history, geology and paleontology museums around the world.

Byblos, Lebanon –

Dinosaur provincial park, Alberta

Dinosaur bone Discovery by Waheduzzaman Talukder Shipon(DU geology Alumni) Different layers of rock , cretaceous, Dinosaur provincial park, Alberta, Canada

Dinosaur bone picture of real bone attached. Red iron stone(mud) layer with plant remains, Bentonite clay representing different layers of the Drumheller formation/ layer formation representations of Dinosaur Provincial Park.

Class 9-10

Intermediate biology Donated by - Zubayer & Amrina (Calgary, Canada) Mirpur-12, Dhaka [email protected] (