
Freedom in the 2015 freedomhouse.org

Greenland (Denmark)

United States Iceland Sweden Finland Russia Norway Estonia

Latvia Denmark United Kingom Lithuania Netherlands Belarus Ireland Poland Belgium Ukraine Luxembourg Czech Slovakia Transnistria Kazakhstan Liechtenstein Austria Mongolia Hungary Moldova Switzerland Slovenia Romania Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina San Marino Abkhazia South Ossetia Montenegro Serbia Andorra Monaco Bulgaria Uzbekistan Kosovo Georgia Kyrgyzstan Macedonia North Korea Portugal Azerbaijan Albania Armenia Turkmenistan Nagorno-Karabakh Tajikistan Greece Northern Cyprus Cyprus Pakistani Kashmir Malta Syria Tunisia Lebanon Afghanistan Indian Kashmir Iran Morocco Israel West Bank Iraq Tibet Gaza Strip Kuwait Algeria Jordan Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Libya Bahrain Egypt UAE Bahamas Western Sahara Qatar Saudi Arabia Bangladesh Myanmar Dominican Republic Laos Hong Kong Mauritania Belize Haiti Puerto Rico Mali Niger Oman Honduras Dominica Cape Verde Eritrea Yemen Vietnam Guatemala Senegal Burkina Faso Chad El Salvador Nicaragua The Gambia Cambodia Saint Vincent and Grenadines Guinea Djibouti Costa Rica Guinea-Bissau Benin and Tobago Somaliland Marshall Côte d’Ivoire South Sudan Venezuela Togo Ethiopia Guyana Central African Republic Sri Lanka Panama Ghana Brunei Suriname Cameroon Colombia Maldives French Guiana (France) Equatorial Guinea Uganda Somalia São Tomé and PrÍncipe Gabon Ecuador Rwanda DRC Congo Burundi Seychelles Tanzania Peru Brazil Comoros Angola Zambia Bolivia Mozambique Madagascar Zimbabwe Mauritius Paraguay

Chile Swaziland

Lesotho Argentina South


New Zealand

Falkland Islands (UK)

Freedom in the World 2015 Findings

The Map of Freedom reflects the findings of Freedom A Free has broad scope for open political Freedom Status Country Breakdown Breakdown in the World 2015, which rates the level of political competition and a climate of respect for civil liber- free 88 (45%) 2,826,850,000 (40%) Free rights and civil liberties in 210 and territo- ties. Partly Free countries have some restrictions on partly free 59 (30%) 1,822,000,000 (25%) Partly Free ries during 2014. Based on these ratings, each coun- political rights and civil liberties. In a Not Free coun- try or is designated as Free, Partly Free, or try, basic political rights and civil liberties are absent not free 48 (25%) 2,467,900,000 (35%) Not Free Not Free. or systematically violated. Total 195 7,116,750,000 , as opposed to independent countries, Freedom House is an independent nongovernmental organization that supports the expansion of freedom worldwide. are labeled in italics when rated separately.