
Rift topography linked to at the intermediate spreading Juan de Fuca Ridge

Suzanne M. Carbotte Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York 10964, USA Robert S. Detrick Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA Alistair Harding Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, 92093, USA Juan Pablo Canales Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA Jeffrey Babcock   Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California 92093, USA Graham Kent  Emily Van Ark Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA Mladen Nedimovic   Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York 10964, USA John Diebold 

ABSTRACT ridge morphology along the Juan de Fuca New seismic observations of crustal structure along the Juan de Fuca Ridge indicate Ridge to non-steady-state accretion through that the axial topography reflects -induced deformation rather than alternating alternating magmatic-tectonic phases. Since phases of magmatism and tectonic extension, as previously proposed. Contrary to predic- then, the Juan de Fuca Ridge has been widely tions of the episodic models, crustal magma bodies are imaged beneath portions of all cited as a type example for episodic magma- ridge segments surveyed at average depths of 2.1–2.6 km. The shallow rift or axial tism in ongoing debate over the steady-state associated with each Juan de Fuca segment is ϳ50–200 m deep and 1–8 km wide versus non-steady-state nature of crustal for- and is well correlated with a magma body in the subsurface. Analysis of graben dimen- mation (e.g., Pezard et al., 1992; Wilcock and sions (height and width) shows that the axial graben narrows and graben height dimin- Delaney, 1996; Perfit and Chadwick, 1998). ishes where the magma body disappears, rather than deepening and broadening, as ex- The Juan de Fuca Ridge comprises seven pected for rift topography due to tectonic extension. We propose an evolutionary model segments, each with a distinct axial morphol- of axial topography that emphasizes the contribution of intrusion to and ogy (Fig. 1). Cleft, the southernmost segment, slip at the seafloor. In this model an evolving axial topography results from feedbacks has a shallow and broad axial high notched by between the rheology of the crust above a magma sill and dike intrusion, rather than a 2–3-km-wide axial rift flooded with recent episodic magma delivery from the mantle. . Within Vance, the next segment to the north, an axial volcanic ridge (AVR) is located Keywords: Juan de Fuca Ridge, magma chambers, dikes, faulting, spreading centers. in the center of a much broader, ϳ8 km wide, valley. A narrow 1–2-km-wide bi- INTRODUCTION and possibly subcrustal melt sills build the sects the crest of a narrow and deeper axial The formation of at mid- layered gabbros of the lower crust (e.g., Ke- high at the Northern Symmetric (or Cobb) ocean ridges involves the production of melts lemen et al., 1997). Melt transport and extrac- segment. At Endeavour segment, abundant in the upper mantle through what is probably tion from the mantle may be episodic; some faulting is observed in the floor of a 2–3-km- a continuous process of adiabatic melting and studies of ridge axis structure and chem- wide axial trough; there is little evidence for porous flow. Once melt reaches crustal levels, istry indicate crustal accretion during inter- recent eruptions. In the Kappel and Ryan melt is extracted during discrete events; dike mittent magmatic phases (e.g., Lewis, 1979; (1986) model, these ridge segments are each injection from mid-crustal melt bodies builds Tucholke and Lin, 1994). Kappel and Ryan in a different phase in a cycle of alternating the sheeted dike section of the upper crust, (1986) attributed the marked variations in magmatism and tectonism. An AVR is formed

Figure 1. A: Cross-axis bathymetry profiles showing contrast in ridge morphology at adjacent ridge segments. Latitude of profile crossing at axis is indicated. B: Regional bathymetry for Juan de Fuca Ridge; track of seismic survey is overlain.

᭧ 2006 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. Geology; March 2006; v. 34; no. 3; p. 209–212; doi: 10.113/G21969.1; 3 figures; Data Repository item 2006039. 209 at the axis during a magmatic phase (Vance), and Vance segments, which represent ex- ends. A prominent example of this relation- and is split tectonically as magmatism wanes tremes in ridge axis morphology along the ship is found at the Split or Surveyor sea- to form a shallow axial depression (Cleft). Juan de Fuca Ridge, differ by Ͻ50 m. Ex- mount, a rifted conical seamount as high as With ongoing tectonism and intermittent mag- cluding the overlapped portions of segments, 475 m, ϳ7 km in diameter, and centered on matism, this depression widens (Northern the magma body is detected beneath 60% of the axis at the north end of NSymm segment Symmetric and Endeavour) until a new mag- the ridge axis, remarkably similar to findings (Fig. 2; Fig. DR1 [see footnote 1]). No magma matic phase initiates construction of a new at the EPR (Detrick et al., 1987). body is detected for ϳ25 km south of Split AVR. The abyssal hills on the flanks of the The base of seismic layer 2A, often inter- seamount where the axis is subdued and a lin- Juan de Fuca Ridge were interpreted by Kap- preted as the boundary between the extrusive ear axial graben Ͼ25 m in relief is not present. pel and Ryan (1986) as split AVRs formed at and dike sections (e.g., Karson and Christe- However, directly beneath Split Seamount, the axis during these major magmatic phases. son, 2002), is well imaged throughout the re- where steep fault scarps bound a 3–5-km- In this study we present new observations gion. There are segment-to-segment differenc- wide, 250-m-deep graben, there is a strong on the crustal structure of the Juan de Fuca es in the average thickness of layer 2A along isolated AMC reflection. Similarly, at Endeav- Ridge from the first detailed seismic reflection the axis (Fig. 2E); the thinnest and most uni- our segment, a magma body is only detected study carried out in the region (Fig. 1). Data form is at Cleft segment (219, Ϯ40 m), and a under the central shallow portion of the ridge were collected along the entire length of the thicker and more variable 2A is beneath the segment where the axial graben is well defined ridge axis south from Endeavour segment, Endeavour segment (322, Ϯ90 m). Uncertain- by two parallel axis-facing scarps. In some with detailed surveys of Endeavour, Vance, ties in depth estimates are Ϯ50 m for layer cases, the fine-scale segmentation of the axial Cleft, and Axial , and along three long 2A and Ϯ70 m for the AMC (Canales et al., graben defined by along-axis changes in gra- ridge flank transects. Our observations of seis- 2005). ben dimensions coincides with segmentation mic layer 2A and the presence and depth of The shallow or axial graben of the AMC (Fig. 2). For example, a break in magma bodies provide insights into the mag- found at each Juan de Fuca Ridge segment is the AMC reflection suggests that separate matic state of each Juan de Fuca Ridge seg- defined by remarkably linear parallel walls magma sills underlie north and south Cleft ment and allow us to test the alternating that extend for part or all of each segment. (Canales et al., 2005). This discontinuity in magmatic-tectonic cycle model for ridge Here we prefer the term axial graben to dis- the AMC coincides with segmentation of the structure. Here we focus on segment to seg- tinguish this feature from the much larger re- axial graben defined by the graben height pro- ment differences in axial structure. Details on lief (500 m to several kilometers) rift valleys file, suggesting differences in the history of ridge-axis structure within Cleft and Vance found at slow spreading ridges. Axial graben graben growth associated with each magma segments and description of the seismic ex- dimensions (height and width) are measured sill. periment are in Canales et al. (2005; see also for comparison with observations on internal 1 the GSA Data Repository ). crustal structure (Figs. 2B, 2C). Graben width DISCUSSION Contrary to predictions of the magmatic- differs between segments with abrupt steps of RESULTS FROM SEISMIC tectonic model of Kappel and Ryan (1986), several kilometers marking segment boundar- OBSERVATIONS seismic observations reveal that magma bod- ies. Smaller steps in graben width (Ͻ1 km) Seismic reflection profiles reveal a strong ies are present beneath portions of each Juan are found within segments, separating sections reflection, believed to correspond with a mag- de Fuca Ridge segment, including those pre- of approximately uniform or continuously ma sill associated with the axial magma cham- viously assumed to be in a . varying width that extend for tens of kilome- ber (AMC; Detrick et al., 1987), beneath all Each segment is associated with a distinct ters. At the two segments with the widest gra- Juan de Fuca Ridge segments including magmatic system with a magma body at dif- bens (Ͼ6 km), Vance and Coaxial, low-relief Northern Symmetric (Nsymm), where the ax- ferent depths in the crust. The zero-age thick- (as much as ϳ100 m) AVRs mark the zone of ial high is narrowest and in places difficult to ness of the seismically inferred extrusive layer active . identify (Figs. 1 and 2). With the exception of (layer 2A) also varies from segment to seg- Axial Volcano (0.6–1.2 s two-way traveltime Graben height varies within each segment ment; thicker 2A is present where the magma [twtt]; Kent et al., 2003), the AMC at this in- and ranges from Ͻ50 m to ϳ250 m. In all sill is deeper (Figs. 2D–2E), consistent with termediate spreading ridge is deeper within cases, the axial graben diminishes in relief the model of Buck et al. (1997) and suggest- the crust (ϳ0.8–1.0 s twtt or ϳ2–2.5 km) than near segment ends (Fig. 2B) or becomes ing magmatic controls on extrusive layer at the fast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR), asymmetric with one wall disappearing. At thickness. consistent with predictions of theoretical mod- several segments, systematic along-axis vari- Our observations indicate that the axial rift els of crustal accretion (Phipps Morgan and ations in graben height form humped graben relief along the Juan de Fuca Ridge is also Chen, 1993). The depth of the AMC reflection height profiles (Fig. 2B). Graben height min- linked to magmatic processes, with a close varies from segment to segment; the shallow- imums separating adjacent humped sections correlation between the location of the axial est (excluding Axial Volcano) and most uni- typically coincide with changes in graben graben and a crustal magma sill and coinci- form depths are beneath Cleft segment (aver- width and may define a third-order segmen- dent fine-scale segmentation of both features. age 2055 m, standard deviation Ϯ70 m), and tation of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the clas- If the axial rift were a tectonically generated the deepest and most variable is beneath En- sification scheme of Macdonald et al. (1988). feature, as is commonly assumed, it is ex- deavour segment (2584 Ϯ330 m, Fig. 2D). Within each Juan de Fuca Ridge segment, pected to be well developed in regions where Average magma sill depth beneath NSymm a close spatial association is found between the magma body is absent, and where contin- where an axial magma body is imaged and uous plate separation should be accommodat- 1GSA Data Repository item 2006039, description where the axial graben is well defined. With ed by tectonic extension. Instead, the opposite of seismic experiment and map view showing extent the exception of south Vance, a magma sill is relationship is observed. Where the magma of magma lens beneath Endeavour segment and consistently present where graben height is body is absent, the symmetric axial graben Split Seamount, is available online at www. geosociety.org/pubs/ft2006.htm, or on request from greatest along a segment (Figs. 2A, 2B), disappears. Furthermore, for rift topography [email protected] or Documents Secretary, whereas the graben diminishes in relief where generated by tectonic stretching, wider and GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA. the magma body disappears toward segment deeper are predicted where the brittle

210 GEOLOGY, March 2006 Figure 2. A: Along-axis profile showing two-way traveltime (twtt) to sea- floor (black), base of layer 2A (blue), and axial magma chamber (AMC, red). Vertical lines show primary segment bound- aries (bold lines) and possible third-order seg- ments (short light lines). B: Along-axis height of axial graben (black dots). Graben dimensions are measured from bathymet- ric profiles projected per- pendicular to ridge axis and spaced 300 m apart. We identify axial graben where two linear axis- facing scarps >25 m high bound axis. Except for segments with axial vol- canic ridge (AVR), graben height is measured as dif- ference between seafloor depth at axis and at top of graben walls, averaged for both walls. Where AVR is present within Co- axial and Vance segments, we add height of AVR above graben floor. Red line shows AMC depth below seafloor converted from twtt, assuming velocities of 2.26 for 2A and 5.5 km/s for seismic layer 2B. C: Graben width (black dots) measured as distance between tops of graben walls. Red line shows 2*AMC depth for comparison with graben width (see text). D: Average AMC depth and (E) on-axis 2A thickness with standard deviation (bars) and minimum and maximum range (open circles) for each ridge segment. Averages are plotted at latitude of segment midpoints.

layer is thicker (e.g., Shaw and Lin, 1996). cate that dike intrusion can lead to surface However, at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, graben faulting with subsidence of grabens up to sev- width differs markedly from segment to seg- eral kilometers wide during single intrusion ment where the brittle layer thickness inferred events (Rubin and Pollard, 1988; Rubin, from magma sill depths is similar (e.g., Vance, 1992). Dike-induced faulting at oceanic NSymm, Fig. 2), and maximum graben spreading centers has been invoked to account heights are typically found where the brittle for narrow (10–100 m) grabens formed during layer is thinnest, not thickest. The axial graben eruptions at Cleft and Coaxial segments does not deepen and widen toward segment (Chadwick and Embley, 1998). Models of the ends, as is typical of rift valleys on the slow mechanical effects of dike emplacement pre- spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (e.g., Shaw and dict dike-induced stresses in the surrounding Lin, 1996), but rather diminishes in relief to- crust with a zone of enhanced compression ad- ward the ends of segments as the magma body jacent to the walls of a dike and above disappears. the dike top (Rubin and Pollard, 1988; Chad- wick and Embley, 1998). Rubin (1992) pro- RIFT TOPOGRAPHY AND MAGMATIC posed that enhanced tension can trigger fault PROCESSES slip and graben subsidence ahead of a propa- Where magma is present in the crust and gating dike on deep preexisting fault planes as the is under continuous far-field the zone of enhanced tension migrates during extension, dike injection is expected to occur intrusion, as well as above the dike top. Based before compressive stresses within the brittle on observations at Krafla, Rubin (1992) attri- Figure 3. Evolutionary model for axial rift to- layer above a magma body are low enough to buted the tendency for dike-induced slip to oc- pography (see text). A: Narrow grabens give rise to normal faulting (e.g., Rubin, cur on deep faults versus above a dike to local form above dikes during dike intrusion and 1992). With magma bodies in the crust at all conditions related to the recent tectonic are readily buried by lavas contributing to Juan de Fuca Ridge segments, normal faulting history. axial volcanic ridge (AVR) relief. B, C: With Building on these observations, we suggest ongoing dike intrusion, fault slip becomes within the axial zone due to tectonic extension localized on preferred graben faults, which may be rare. This notion is supported by the that dike-induced faulting may play a key role grow with successive dike events. Graben lack of seismicity observed along the axis of in the formation of the axial rift at the Juan widens and eruptions become confined by the Juan de Fuca Ridge during the past ϳ15 de Fuca Ridge. In the first stage of our model graben walls. D: Graben faults cease to be yr of hydroacoustic monitoring, except during (Fig. 3), narrow grabens form in the shallow active as they are transported beyond zone of influence of stress perturbations due to dike injection events (Dziak et al., 1995; Boh- crust above dikes during intrusion centered dikes intruded from magma sill. New AVR nenstiehl et al., 2004). beneath an AVR. Eruptions readily flood these construction begins. Observations from subareal settings indi- grabens, feeding lavas to the flanks of the

GEOLOGY, March 2006 211 AVR and contributing to AVR relief and the cycle from an AVR to a wide axial graben. In Dziak, R.P., Fox, C.G., and Schreiner, A.E., 1995, The June–July 1993 seismo-acoustic event at CoAxial observed off-axis thickening of layer 2A (Ca- contrast to previous models that invoke epi- segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Evidence for a lat- nales et al., 2005). With ongoing dike intru- sodic magma delivery from the mantle, we at- eral dike injection: Geophysical Research Letters, sion, surface deformation becomes localized tribute this evolving topography to fault slip v. 22, p. 135–138. on graben-bounding faults and fault planes and surface deformation during dike intrusion Kappel, E.S., and Ryan, W.B.F., 1986, Volcanic episod- icity and a non-steady state rift valley along the deepen as tensile stress perturbations associ- from a steady-state crustal magma sill. 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212 GEOLOGY, March 2006