May 18, 2021 742 House Journal, Tuesday, May 18, 2021
JOURNALS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OHIO House of Representatives JOURNAL TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 742 HOUSE JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 FORTY-EIGHTH DAY Hall of the House of Representatives, Columbus, Ohio Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 9:00 o'clock a.m. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Pursuant to House Rule No. 23, the Clerk called the House to order. Representative Lampton was selected to preside under the Rule. The journal of the previous legislative day was read and approved. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS The following bills were introduced: H. B. No. 310 - Representatives Kelly, Miller, A. Cosponsors: Representatives Blackshear, Boggs, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Crawley, Crossman, Denson, Galonski, Ingram, Leland, Lepore-Hagan, Lightbody, Miller, J., Miranda, O'Brien, Robinson, Skindell, Sheehy, Smith, K., Sobecki, Sweeney, Sykes, Troy, Weinstein, West, Hicks-Hudson, Howse, Jarrells, Liston, Russo, Smith, M., Upchurch. To amend section 101.15 of the Revised Code to require that a committee of the General Assembly establish a means of hearing virtual testimony. H. B. No. 311 - Representatives Ghanbari, Miller, A. To amend section 5902.09 of the Revised Code to expand the Electroencephalogram (EEG) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Pilot Program and to make an appropriation. H. B. No. 312 - Representatives Boggs, Lightbody. Cosponsors: Representatives Galonski, West, Miranda, Russo, Crossman, Skindell, Denson, Lanese, O'Brien, Riedel, Smith, K., Brent, Brown, Smith, M., Holmes, Miller, J., Richardson, Crawley, Sheehy, Weinstein. To enact section 5.2316 of the Revised Code to designate November 23rd as "Women and Girls in STEM Day." H. B. No. 313 - Representative Hicks-Hudson. Cosponsors: Representatives Boyd, Boggs, Skindell, Miranda, Troy, O'Brien, Sheehy, Crossman, Smith, K., Robinson, West, Miller, A., Sweeney, Kelly, Lepore-Hagan, Crawley, Leland, Brown, Weinstein, Miller, J., Denson, Smith, M., Sykes, Upchurch, Liston, Blackshear, Ingram, Brent, Russo, Sobecki, Howse.
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