Revision of the Genus Cyphura Warren, 1902. Part I: Introduction of the New Subgenus Xysterophora with Two New Species From
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 159 (2016) 143–163 Revision of the genus Cyphura Warren, 1902. Part I: Introduction of the New Subgenus Xysterophora with Two New Species from New Guinea (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae: Uraniinae) Siep Sinnema & Jannie Sinnema-Bloemen A new subgenus, Xysterophora, is introduced for the albisecta species group of the genus Cyphura Warren, 1902 (Lepidoptera: Uraniidae). Two new species are described: Cyphura (Xysterophora) devosi and C.(X). femkeae. The subspecies Cyphura atramentaria extensa Rothschild, 1915 is raised to species level. New combinations are formed for the species albisecta Warren, 1907, atramentaria Warren, 1907, extensa Rothschild, 1915, semialba Warren, 1907, and urapteroides Joicey & Talbot, 1917. Lectotypes are designated for the species albisecta, atramentaria, semialba, and urapteroides. Xysterophora is restricted to New Guinea. Keywords: Lepidoptera; Uraniidae; Uraniinae; Cyphura; Xysterophora S.G. Sinnema, J.W. Sinnema-Bloemen, Sparjeburd 29, NL-8409CK Hemrik, The Netherlands. Introduction species in the genus. On the abdomen the males Cyphura Warren, 1902 is most likely a monophyletic have a “grater”, a structure on the third abdominal genus (Uraniidae, Uraniinae) with about 20 species; sternite, consisting of several spines placed in longi- it is almost totally restricted to New Guinea. A few tudinal rows. These and other characteristics justify species occur in the Moluccas, Sulawesi and North- the introduction of a new subgenus, Xysterophora. ern Australia. All species in the genus have white All members of the genus Cyphura, like many wings with a more or less broad blackish margin on other white Uraniidae, were originally placed in the the forewing and a submarginal blackish or brown genus Urapteroides Moore, 1888.
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