Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine

JUNE 2011 St. George Brockholes

St. Mary the Virgin

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Dear Friends

Have you ever noticed we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the world pauses to celebrate Christmas with us. We rejoice at the resurrection and some of the world recognises Easter as a special day on the calendar. Yet we come to the feast of Pentecost (Whitsun) and hardly anybody recognises it.

The feast of Pentecost (12th June) is the time we celebrate the birthday of the church. Most birthdays and most parties have one thing in common, presents! Birthday presents come in all shapes and sizes. When the church celebrated its birthday it was no different. However the gift it received was very unusual indeed. It came wrapped in wind and decorated in flames and descended on each of the disciples. It was the gift that would change them from frightened timid men into courageous preachers of the gospel. It was the gift of the Holy Spirit, the power of God empowering them to fulfil Jesus’ command to go to all nations and baptise them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God offers us that same gift today. It costs nothing. It’s free. All we have to do is accept it and use it for the furtherance of his Kingdom.

Max Lucado tells a story of a lady who had a small house on the sea shore of Ireland at the turn of the 20th


century. She was a wealthy women but also quite frugal. The people were surprised when she decided to be among the first to have electricity in her home. Several weeks after the installation, a meter reader appeared at her door. He asked if her electricity was working well and she assured him it was.

“I’m wondering if you can explain something to me,” he said. “Your meter shows scarcely any usage. Are you using your power?” “Certainly,” she answered. “Each evening when the sun sets I turn on my lights just long enough to light my candles; then I turn them off.”

The old lady tapped into the power but she did not use it. Her house was connected but not changed. It is very easy to make the same mistake! Denis Yarborough put it very well when he said, “We too - with our souls saved but our hearts unchanged - are connected but not altered; trusting Christ for salvation but resisting transformation. We occasionally flip the switch, but most of the time we settle for the shadows.”

So come and join us as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost on Sunday June the 12th. It’s a time to allow God’s Holy Spirit to invigorate and transform you into that which he wishes you to be.

Yours in Christ’s service

David 2

Parish Giving Corner

responding to God’s love enabling mission

A Time to Reflect

Every so often it does us all good to stop and reflect. This month we offer you:


Heavenly Father give grace to us, the living stones who form your Church, to reflect prayerfully on our love for You and our neighbour.

Make us mindful of the many gifts You bestow upon us and we ask that your Holy Spirit will inspire and direct us in our choice of giving remembering that we are only giving back that which is truly yours.

Strengthen us Lord to meet this challenge according to your will.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord who has given all that we may live.


Please ask and we will be happy to help on any aspect of giving.

Clive Green and Roger Kenworthy - Parish Giving Officers


ST. MARY'S CALENDAR MAY Wednesday 1 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm Mother’s Union Coffee Day and 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm Thursday 2 Ascension Day 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group 7.30 pm Ascension Day Service

Sunday 5 7th Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Service 6.30 pm Parish Eucharist Wednesday 8 9.30 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm Finance & Property Committee Thursday 9 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 10 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal

Sunday 12 Pentecost 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 15 9.30 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm Mother’s Union Quiet Day at Farnley Tyas Thursday 16 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group

Sunday 19 Trinity Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion + Children’s Club Tuesday 21 7.30 pm D C C Meeting Wednesday 22 9.30 am Holy Communion 7.45 pm Men’s Society Meeting Thursday 23 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 24 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal

Sunday 26 RSCM Music Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion 4

9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 29 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 30 10.00 am - 12 noon Coffee in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group

JULY Sunday 3 2nd Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Service 6.30 pm Parish Eucharist Helpers’ Rota

Service Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Serving Coffee Type

Jun Family Sandra and Helen Graham and Diana and 5 Service John Dean Martin Jane Wardman Charles Kaye

Jun Parish Pauline and Jenny Pat and Kath Kennedy 12 Eucharist John Adams Lockwood Cliff Green Janet Sykes

Jun Family Mary Stapleton Pat Leslie and Margaret Jenkinson 19 Communion Janet Sykes Dransfield Jean Chadwick Shirley Mitchell

Jun Parish Bill Kemp Huw Diana and Cynthia Hepper 26 Eucharist David Wainwright Giffiths Huw Griffiths Elaine Shaw

Kate and Jul Family Mary Briggs Clive Alison and Ian 3 Service Jean Cheeseman Waind Simon Dean Walter In June we remember in our Year’s Mind Mary Tinker d. June 1911 Graham Alfred Allan d. 5 June 2003 Edward Thomas d. 8 June 1968 Eunice Bray d. 19 June 1986 Mabel Hildred d. 17 June 2000 Brian Thomas d. 27 June 1957 Marjorie Booth d. June 2008 5

HONLEY NEWS Air Ambulance

Thank you for all your support which is much appreciated as you will see from the following letter I have received from the Y.A.A. Please continue to fill the box at the back of the church. Mary Stapleton

Dear Mary,

On behalf of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance I would like to thank all the ladies of St. Mary’s, Honley, and St. Stephen’s, Lindley, for their generous donation of bras for our Bra Appeal. Each bra is worth 10p under the E.U. recycling scheme and the E.U. in turn donates them for free to Third World countries. Our two helicopters each make at least 6 flights per day to save lives at a cost of £500 per flight. Your uplifting support is very greatly appreciated. With grateful thanks and very best wishes.

Cynthia Warrington (Volunteer, Y.A.A.) The Old Vicarage, Pocklington

Lent Lunches - Honley Churches Together

Many thanks to all who made soup or helped at the Lent Lunches and to all who supported the lunches week by week. This year, we raised £560 for the Honley Aid in Sickness Fund.

Gillian Greaves

Mothering Sunday

Thank you to Mrs Clarkson-Jones and the children of the Infants School Choir who led the music to a packed church for Mothering Sunday. It was wonderful to see the boys and girls sing (and act!) with so much enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment.

Helen Martin 6

I do hope that you have all remembered our Coffee Day on Wednesday 1st June from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and 6.00pm to 8.30pm. There will be a warm welcome for everyone and the usual stalls and raffle.

Please help us to raise money for A.F.I.A. and provide holidays for families in need. This year the need is even greater with many families in the diocese struggling financially.

The Deanery Quiet Day this year will take place on Wednesday 15th June at Farnley Tyas starting at 7.30 pm. If you wish to attend please let me know, or Beth if you require transport.

We all enjoyed our May meeting when Jean Thurman, one of our vice presidents, talked to us about the various MU projects and in particular a new initiative they have started in Halifax to help asylum seekers. The ladies are helped with language problems and given assistance with practical skills such as dressmaking and gardening.

Andrea is now the Deanery Action and Outreach representative so we will be receiving more news about this aspect of the work of MU. Many thanks to Andrea for taking on this role for the deanery.

The evening of ‘May Merriment’ at Birchencliffe lived up to its name. It was the official A.G.M. for the diocese but the business part of the evening only lasted for five minutes! It was preceded by a moving talk by the Rev’d Canon Jane Clay who spoke about the Mothers Union’s involvement in both practical and spiritual matters concerning the women in New Hall Prison. She was ably assisted by Jan Millar, the branch leader from Kirkheaton.

The ‘merriment’ was provided by a group of Christian entertainers called ‘Mixed Harmony’ who had us all in stitches. Ask either Andrea or myself if you want to know more, you missed a treat!

Pat Green 7

St Mary’s DCC Report - April 19 th 2011

There were 12 members of the DCC present when the Vicar opened the meeting with a prayer. Minutes from the previous meeting were unanimously accepted and the Secretary reported a letter of thanks from Pauline and Kenneth Ellis for the present of a plant and planter which now resides on the patio of their new home.

The main item of business was a discussion on the subject of “Mission” following the visit of Canon Missioner Tony Macpherson to the last meeting. A wide-ranging discussion including a review of our present involvement in activities within and beyond the church and a number of suggestions as to how we can be more pro-active in promoting our faith led to the following possible areas for action:

1. Individual – demand for an Alpha Course to be investigated. 2. Church – Jane Wardman will look into a possible system for welcoming new visitors at services and the development of relationships with the two Church Schools. 3. Community – possible developments relating to the Coffee Wagon .

The importance of the 5 Transformational Planning Groups and their involvement in all aspects of mission was stressed.

For the Worship Planning Group, Jane Wardman reported that they had received very favourable feedback from the Mothering Sunday Service. Pat Green reported that the Pastoral Care Group had sent Easter Cards to all visitors who had signed the Visitors Book in church and Carol Hirst is organising Open Church on Thursday mornings from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. The Vicar reported that the Prayer and Spirituality Group had organised and run the Lent Course on Wednesday evenings and thanks were due to Angeline Baker and Kate Walter for their work on this. There were no reports from the Finance and Property and Community Groups.

Under Any Other Business it was noted that at present St Mary’s does not have a Health and Safety Officer and any suitably qualified person willing to fill this post would be most welcome.

Cliff Green, DCC Secretary 8

‘Thank Yous’ from Easter

Easter Egg Decorations

A big thank you to all the children at the Infants School who decorated Easter Egg pictures which were displayed in church over the Easter period. They looked fantastic! Helen Martin Good Friday Play

Can I take this opportunity to say thank you for the positive reaction and many encouraging comments I have received since our dramatized reading of Blood Acre on Good Friday.

I am so pleased that many of you found it very thought provoking, as that is what we (and the author) were aiming for. I have to say, it triggered many interesting discussions with one or two of you after the Easter Sunday service.

Thank you also to Jane, Lucy, Clive & Craig who gave that most precious of things, TIME (we don't just turn up and read it). To Jill Kemp for her most moving musical reflections. To Rev David Barnes for his support and for giving us the chance to tell a very familiar story from a different angle. But most of all Thanks to you, the congregation, for coming along to see it. Bless you.

Dennis Thewlis Easter Flowers

St Mary’s was beautifully decorated this Easter and I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone who gave generous donations towards the purchase of the flowers. Many thanks to the ladies who gave their time to create displays. Also grateful thanks to Sheila Rogers for her continued support. Sandra Dean Easter Cards

We managed to cover most of the village with our Easter Cards this year. This was due to our own stalwarts who deliver from St Mary’s and our friends from Trinity and Elim. Sincere thanks to you all.

9 John Dean

Gallery Evening

To support the church boiler fund, Pat Allsop, Geoff Harrop (owner of Lupton Square Gallery) and Jenny Lockwood decided to hold an Open Evening at the gallery on Thursday, May 12th. Jeff Beaumont generously offered an original painting of Church Street for the lucky ticket holder, Keith Mountain came along to demonstrate his considerable talents as an artist and Pat, Jenny and Geoff provided the wine and food.

It was lovely to see so many of the congregation alongside those who may not attend Church but were pleased to support the fund. It was an enjoyable evening and in the event we raised the grand total of £615.

Many thanks to all who supported us so generously.

Jenny Lockwood Choir News

This year RSCM Sunday is on Sunday, 26 June and as a celebration of music that is a vital and beloved part of our church life we are already preparing music, old and new, for choir and congregation to join in and celebrate on Parish Eucharist.

In order to support RSCM’s 50-50 campaign to raise funds for them and our own church funds, Jean Chadwick has produced a simple, musical quiz for everyone to enter at a nominal charge. This will be available shortly. Please listen for the announcement. We hope everyone will support our efforts for this special day as you do at services all year round.

Before this, on Sunday 12 June (Pentecost) some of the choir will be singing in the RSCM Wakefield Area Festival in the Cathedral at 6.30 pm. As in previous years this should be a splendid musical occasion joining with not only the Cathedral Choirs, but others from all over the Diocese.

B Shirley Turner 10


JUNE Wednesday 1 1.30 pm Churches Together in Methodist Parlour Sunday 5 Sunday after Ascension 11.00 am Family Communion 6.00 pm Compline

Sunday 12 Pentecost 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Sung Evensong Tuesday 14 7.30 pm D C C Meeting at 8 Crodingley

Sunday 19 Trinity Sunday 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline

Sunday 26 1st Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Parish Communion with Holy Baptism 6.00 pm Compline

JULY Sunday 3 2nd Sunday after Trinity 11.00 am Family Communion 6.00 pm Compline

Flower Rota June 5 Mrs M Jianu June 12 Mrs O Gill June 19 Mrs M Kenworthy June 26 Mrs S King


BROCKHOLES NEWS Celebration of Saint George

Due to Easter and May Bank holidays our Celebration of St. George was delayed from the 23rd April time to Sunday 8th May. As always the gazebos and bunting teams did a great job - starting at 8.30am on the Sunday morning!

A short communion service took place at 11.00am; afterwards everyone enjoyed coffee and then excitement rose as the children got ready to form the dragon procession. Vintage Brass played enthusiastically as the procession left church at midday. The dragon took the usual route down to the recreation ground and then twice round the village.

On return to church, with the band still playing, people tucked into barbecued burgers/hot dogs, headed for the face painting or tried their hand at the variety of sports equipment available. Some enjoyed a seat just watching what was going on whilst others had a good chat with village folk they had not seen for a long time. To close a short service of celebration of St. George was held at 1.30pm. Hope you saw our photographs in the Examiner.

We would like to express our thanks to everyone who helped us achieve a really successful day by participating in preparations beforehand, taking on duties on the day or who came to be part of it enjoying a community event.

Donations have enabled us to send £60 to NSPCC and likewise to St. George’s Church.

Sue Clay, Verena Wood, Rev. David Barnes, Kate Drake 12


The May AD meeting was held on Thursday 5th May and centred mainly on getting ready for St George’s Day. Some songs were rehearsed and at the afternoon celebration of St George on the Sunday, a small group of AD children sang really well. The children also helped to complete the ‘orange’ display at the back of Church.

There will not be another AD meeting now until Thursday September 2nd. We welcome all young people in the age category 8 to 12 years, but not after the first year at High School unless you come along, by invitation, as a young helper.

Thanks to all who have supported AD for another year and have a good summer. Sue Clay, Verena Wood, Caroline Lee, Kate Drake

Life in Year 6 at Brockholes School

As the new Head Teacher at Brockholes CE (C) Junior and Infant School, I am very proud of all the children and the school community who make it a very special place to be. It is getting to the time of year when our oldest class are reflecting on their year at Brockholes School before moving forward to the next stage of their school lives. These are just a few of their memories!

Clare Thomas, Head Teacher

Year 6 has been a whirlwind of fun but one of the main highlights by far was the drama production of King Lear. It was extremely exciting as well as nerve-wracking as we had to learn lots of lines and get used to having a huge crowd watching us perform.

Another one of the thrilling things we have done is a canoeing trip on the River Calder. It was three in a canoe and our teachers, Mr Penson and Mrs Henderson, kept splashing us and at one point it turned into a huge water fight! Yet another thing I enjoyed was ‘Film Fortnight’ where we watched a number of movies before writing and producing our own movie. We ended up making a film and we learnt a lot from the experience. 13

What will we do now? One of the things we are going to do is have a ‘Rock and Roll’ week. Finding out about 1950’s and 60’s music and the culture of the period, we will finish off the week by dressing up in poodle skirts and blue suede shoes and watching ‘Back to the Future’. However we are not just doing glamorous things; we are also getting in touch with our outdoor side and going camping in . Year 6 will definitely be a year I will never forget! Rhianna

My best time in year 6 was going to Robinwood activity centre because we did loads of activities; my favourite was the caving because it was different to everything else. I also really enjoyed ‘Film Fortnight’ where we wrote a script which had an evil teacher who turned into a werewolf. I had to dress up as a teacher (female!) which was funny and embarrassing at the same time. Bobbie

In year 6 we have been doing lots of interesting and fun things like the canoeing trip which was scary at first when you got in the boat but as soon as you set off it was fine. We also had a ‘Water Day’ where we all got wet but it was still lots of fun. Even Mr Penson and Mrs Goodwin got wet when they set off a water-rocket. I am looking forward to the Summer Fayre and Sports Day. Sophie

I enjoyed Red Nose Day because lots of money was raised and there was lots of talent on show, both children and adults! Water Day was also lots of fun. We flicked water bombs into the air from our towels in a tennis-type game and had a water ‘duel’ with giant syringes. I am really looking forward to the leaving assembly which include lots of singing, dancing and acting and should be loads of fun. Adam

Year 6 has been a wicked adventure – we have discovered lots of new activities such as canoeing, going to Robinwood and we have lots more still to do such as the leavers assembly which is going to take a lot of planning but we can’t wait!!! Year 6 has been amazing so far and I’ve learnt loads of things. I can’t believe there’s still more to come!!!!!!! Maisie 14


The Probus Club of Honley

The Probus Club of Honley meet at Honley Community Centre, Stony Lane, Honley on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon. Retired and semi-retired men will be most welcome to join us, to see for themselves, who we are and what we do.

Some of the activities which are going to take place as part of our 20011/12 programme include: illustrated talks on various topics, including: Yorkshire Humour, Lakeland by Stagecoach, Amazon Adventure, and Digging Up Honley. We also have a number of interesting trips, lunches, bowls and golf.

For further information contact the secretary, Leslie Chadwick or myself. John Dean

Whit Friday

Whit Friday was traditionally the time when people wore new clothes and ‘Whit Walks’ became an opportunity to show off these clothes. The wearing of new clothes (often white, to symbolise a new start) originates from the past practice of newly baptised members being received into the church at Whitsun.

‘Over the Tops’ in Tameside and Saddleworth this tradition continues today. For example, members of the various churches in Mossley parade to the Market Place, where they assemble for an inter-denominational service of witness.

Everyone then walks in procession through the town, with brass bands leading each group. This year, Honley Band are taking part once again supporting Mossley Unitarian Church. If you have never been to witness this spectacle – ensure you visit Mossley on Friday morning, 17th June from 9.30 am. Alison Dean 15

Methodist Mission Welcome Centre

The Welcome Centre at the Methodist Mission, Lord Street, Huddersfield is now giving out 74 food packs a week to people who have nowhere to turn for help. Due to more families struggling in the current economic climate and more requests for help, the centre is now struggling to meet demand.

Those the centre helps includes people waiting six to eight weeks without benefits, those fleeing domestic violence and people with physical and mental health issues. It also offers support for the homeless, young vulnerable people estranged from their families, people with alcohol and drugs issues, asylum seekers, families with debt, job losses and redundancy.

St Mary’s collects donations to take to the Welcome Centre on an ongoing basis throughout the year, co-ordinated by Heather Cockhill. The gifts are taken to the front during the 9.30 am service each week, along with the collection, to receive a blessing. Some weeks the tray is almost full and overflowing, but other weeks there are hardly any items at all. Would you consider helping those less fortunate than yourself and bring along one donation each week?

Suitable gifts which are always in demand are: long life milk, tinned meat and fish, vegetables and fruit, soup, jam, meat paste, pasta, pans, quilts, sleeping bags, toothpaste and toothbrushes, deodorant and disposable razors. Editor Fathers Day - June 19th

A young father was taking care of his baby daughter while his wife went to town shopping. He decided to go fishing and he had to take the toddler along. "I'll never take her along with me again!" he told his wife that evening. "I didn't catch a thing!"

"Oh, next time I'm sure she'll be quiet and not scare the fish away," his wife said. The father said gloomily. “No, it wasn't that. She ate all the bait." Parish Pump


Cherokee Legend

Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youths’ rite of passage?

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a man. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience because each lad must come into manhood on his own.

The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man!

Finally after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.

We, too, are never alone, even when we don’t know it. God is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us.

When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.

Moral of this story: just because you can’t see God, doesn’t mean He is not there. “For we walk by faith, not by sight”.

Submitted by John Ambler with thanks to B Lofts



At Christian festivals across the UK during 2011, 200 limited edition Bibles are being released, courtesy of Hodder Publishing. At each festival week, ten different-coloured Bibles will be let loose into the crowd. Those receiving a Bible are asked to simply highlight their most meaningful passage, fill in their details online and pass it on. Each Bible has a unique code, so you can follow its adventures and be inspired by the verses and stories that others share. The Bibles will travel the length and breadth of the UK - and hopefully throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

It is hoped that the 200 Bibles will be passed from hand to hand, connecting friends and strangers. This ‘Viral Bible Project’ is part of Biblefresh, a movement of over 100 organisations, helping the church engage with the Bible in new and creative ways.

Parish Pump

The Line Up (...it’s just a bit of fun)

When everybody on earth was dead and waiting to enter Paradise, God appeared and said, “I want the men to make two lines. One line for the men who were true heads of their household and the other line for the men who were dominated by their women. I want all the women to report to St Peter.”

Soon the women were gone and there were two lines of men. The line of men who were dominated by their wives was 100 miles long and in the line of men who were truly heads of their household, there was only one man.

God said, “You men should be ashamed of yourselves, I created you to be the head of your household! You have been disobedient and have not fulfilled your purpose! Of all of you, only one obeyed. Learn from him”.

God turned to the one man: “how did you manage to be the only one in this line?” The man replied, “My wife told me to stand here”.

18 Submitted by ‘Anon’.

Ascension: Coming and going, yes – but back again?

June 2nd is Ascension day, when it is remembered how Jesus concluded his earthly life. He fondly blessed his disciples and the Bible says, ascended back to his father in heaven. As his disciples stood staring in astonishment and some dismay, the book of Acts records that two angels appeared to the disciples, assuring them that one day he would return. (Acts 1).

What did Jesus mean? Isn’t the idea of Jesus of Nazareth returning to earth a bit quaint now, in a computerised world of emails and the Internet?

Well, the Bible has a lot to say about Jesus’ return and indeed makes clear that the Christian story is not complete until that happens. Various passages describe his return as the climatic event of history. It will be sudden and final. It will take the world by surprise. At the return of Christ the resurrection of believers will take place. They will be gathered to be with the Lord forever.

We can only speculate on many of the details, but the Bible is definite on the fact that all people will have to face him at that time, as either saviour or judge. In the Old Testament there are numerous prophecies which can only be fulfilled by Jesus’ return. In the New Testament his return is mentioned more than 300 times. For example, in John 14 Jesus says: “I am going... to prepare a place for you. And if I go... I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” Jesus also said, in Matthew 24.30 ‘They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.’

Paul had no doubts but that Jesus would return one day. In 1 Thessalonians 4.16 he wrote: ‘For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God...’ In Rev 1.8 Jesus sums it all up: ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega... who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’ Parish Pump


Material for Publication

All contributions to future editions of the Magazine welcome.

e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01484 323832

Address: 26 Croft Court, Honley, Holmfirth HD9 6HB

Deadline for the July issue: Wednesday 15th June

If you are interested in subscribing annually to the magazine and/or having it delivered, please contact John Dean 664347

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VICAR Rev. David K Barnes 661178 The Vicarage, St Mary's Road, Honley

HONORARY ASSISTANT Dean Henry Stapleton MBE 666629 PRIEST 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley

READER Jean Barnes The Vicarage, St Mary's Road, Honley 661178

PCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

PCC TREASURER Ian Walter, 32 River Park, Honley 666202


SUNDAY SERVICE 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Family Service (1 st Sunday) Family Communion and Children's Sunday Club (3 rd Sunday) Sung Eucharist (2 nd 4 th 5 th Sundays) 6.30 pm Sung Eucharist (1 st Sunday) Evening Prayer (other Sundays)

WEEKDAY SERVICES 9.30 am Wednesdays, Holy Communion See weekly list on Church Gate Notice Board

CHURCHWARDENS Clive Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 John Ambler, 19 Brownroyd Road, Honley 664368

DCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

DCC TREASURER Pauline Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510

CHOIR SECRETARY Shirley Turner, 3 The Terrace, Honley 661481

VERGER John Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510

MU BRANCH LEADER Pat Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

WEB SITE http://honleystmary.btck.co.uk POSTCODE HD9 6AH


SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 am Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Family Service with Communion (1st Sunday)

6.00 pm Compline (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Sung Evensong (2nd Sunday)

CHURCHWARDENS Margaret Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 Rosalind Watt, 7 Smithy Place, Brockholes 663783

DCC SECRETARY Julie Booth, 44 Riverholme Park, Brockholes 662060

DCC TREASURER Roger Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169

ORGANIST & Verena Wood, 85 Brockholes Lane, Brockholes 664406 CHOIRMISTRESS