Molly Mangle’s Meander - led by Molly the only lady in who had a mangle in the 19th century. reverse walk on on walk

Farnley Tyas Farnley

Here stands I, Molly Mangle, Thank goodness for the guide stoop, mile 5 a And there’s now’t I know that I can’t handle, That we can see from here, includes You’ll often see me with a sack, I tell you on a misty day it proves to be quite dear. Of people’s washing on my back. For one short day in winter, I was getting all the linen, And I took to chatting rather long, As the road bears left, For I’m the only woman, With all the farm house women. There’s a bus stop at the side, With a mangle around here, And when I set off back to mine, Turn right just past the bus stop, And so on washday I must go, I saw that it was dark, Even though its someone’s arrive. And pick up all the sheets and clothes, The moon gave light to monsters, And all day long I turn them through, In the trees hid in the bark. And hang them out to dry. Wood To End Just as day begins to break, Turn right onto the Hall Ings Road. Farnley I’m up the hill and through the gate, Tyas Turn right down Brown’s Then take left and then a right. walk Along to pick the washing up, Knoll Road. Take the footpath Then straight away turn right, From houses all around. signposted to the left, half way Through a gate onto a path, up the hill and follow the path Follow it towards some trees, And when the young ’uns have now’t to do, up to the road. oad You see across the grass. I bring them on the journey too, Hall Ing Road Green Side Road ide R en S And when their feet begin to ache, Gre I tell them fancy tales. Pass through an old stone squeeze post, So if you came along today, At the corner of the field Follow the path M And enter into blue bell woods, And help with washing all the way, Heights a r as it bears left, to Farm s But keep your lips sealed. I might tell you the tales from h

join the road near the place that we are stood. H a Heights farm. At l Black l

the corner take the L House Now be careful of the slope,

Marsh a

footpath, a left up n As the path heads to the stream.

Hall e

through the field. Cross a bridge and mind the grope,

Of all the trolls that live beneath. Bluebell Brown’s Knowl Wood walk nature mile 4 A Brown’s Knowl Woods Meander

Cross the track and go over a stile,

And then up the field to Stocksmoor Road B Moor Mangle’s Molly r o w Bottom n ’s


n o l Stocksmoor l

Keep straight on across the field and R


a go through a gap in the wall. d I’ll always stop for a drink and a chat, o a d Pass through a wooden gate, and Thurstonland o r R Stocksmoor Then off with their washing under my arm. M o A squeezeCross post Lane then comes next, railway station

S t o c k s Here we pass a stone gate post, Then carefully go across the road. Walks Parish Where all the men would stand and boast, o r And each would claim to weave the finest School Whitestones cloth in the Thurstonland. Butts T o w n M o Farm Now you will see a wrought iron gate. Kirkburton Parish Walks Then to the Wuzzing Holes they’d go, I n gs Where is the blacksmith that hammered the shape? With wool to wash and wuzzing pole, H With the Rose and Crown on ea All carried in a wuzzing skep, d R Thurstonland and your right, walk down the road. Sometimes the trees along this road, oa (Like a basket or a net). d Turn right through the cornerd stile, Take the footpath signposted to Reach out to touch each other, a o Stocksmoor the right adjacent to ‘The Barn, And form an arch across the way, Then right across the field R we’ll go, e Upperfold’. A place to stop for cover. Then through a little squeezen stile, Rose and Crown Ing o By a metal post. t e Head ls g u a F l Stocks Molly Mangle’s i l V Pond e Go down Thurstonland Bank T h You need to go diagonally. Cross the field rstonland B n e Thu ank Road a Road, turn right again. k s L to the guide stoop and follow the path. Meander Thurstonland S t o c A 4 mile nature walk

Lane O’ Th’ Bank ad Top lste Pass the houses then turn Ha Start and finish Other walksHiggler in Hikethe series: right, down Top O’ The’ Bank. Fitton Frolic

H Hester’s Haunt a PC Dibb Dash w

C Lower Halstead Farm Jessop’s Jaunt l i Lizzie’s Lollop Area covered by f f Beaumont’s Bolt OS Landranger L Over the stile then go straight across, Sheet 110 ane And follow Halstead Lane along. Billy Sweep Saunter Wardroper Wander How to get there: Follow the path up the e n hill and along the top, to a By bus: 311, 341 from L d the houses. a By car: parking opposite the school HD4 6XB s t e Pass Lower Halstead Farm, on Marsh Hall Lane Occupation Lane a l H And the turn for Haw Cliff Lane, By train: Stocksmoor Station hourly from Huddersfield And ignore the footpath sign To the right, that’s not the way! So take this right hand path, Just before the bend in the road. Bus and train services are correct as of December 2011. e n And at the bench, a L Please check at for timetables. l l

Rest your feet, i



l And maybe have some food. o C Key See: The route

As the lane descends, Stone stile There’s a house to the left, Wood stile And on the path across, Wood gate There’s a place to stop and rest. Look out for the Molly Mangle’s Kissing gate Meander Waymarker disc to help Footbridge guide you around the walk

Photography - Ian Lumb, Project manager - Michelle Atkinson, Story telling - Ruthie Boycott-Garnett, Sculptor - Dave Bradbury, Graphic design - Graphics, Illustration - John McGregor, Kath Stewart Viewpoint Thanks to: Malcolm McDonald, Geoff Hickey and Robert Barraclough for their work on the Kirkburton Parish Council to initiate these walks. Walking in the East Peak -