Towards Universal Dependencies for Learner Chinese

John Lee, Herman Leung, Keying Department of Linguistics and Translation City University of Hong Kong [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract framework. One advantage of UD is the potential for contrastive analysis, e.g., comparisons between We propose annotation scheme for a UD treebank of standard Chinese, a UD treebank learner Chinese in the Universal Depen- of language X and portions of a UD treebank of dencies (UD) framework. The scheme was learner Chinese produced by native speakers of X. adapted from a UD scheme for Mandarin The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Chinese to take interlanguage characteris- Section 2 reviews existing treebanks for learner tics into account. We applied the scheme to texts. Section 3 describes the adaptation of a Man- a set of 100 sentences written by learners of darin Chinese UD scheme to account for non- Chinese as a foreign language, and we re- canonical characteristics in learner text. Section 4 port inter-annotator agreement on syntac- reports inter-annotator agreement. tic annotation. 2 Previous work 1 Introduction Two major treebanks for learner language — the A learner corpus consists of texts written by non- Treebank of Learner English (TLE) (Berzak et al., native speakers. Recent years have seen a ris- 2016) and the project on Syntactically Annotating ing number of learner corpora, many of which are Learner Language of English (SALLE) (Ragheb error-tagged to support analysis of grammatical and Dickinson, 2014) — contain English texts mistakes made by learners (Yannakoudakis et al., written by non-native speakers. TLE annotates a 2011; Dahlmeier et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2016b). In subset of sentences from the Cambridge FCE cor- order to derive overuse and underuse statistics on pus (Yannakoudakis et al., 2011), while SALLE syntactic structures, some corpus have also been has been applied on essays written by univer- part-of-speech (POS) tagged (Díaz-Negrillo et al., sity students. They both adapt annotation guide- 2010; Reznicek et al., 2013), and syntactically an- lines for standard English: TLE is based on the alyzed (Ragheb and Dickinson, 2014; Berzak et UD guidelines for standard English; SALLE is al., 2016). These corpora are valuable as training based on the POS tagset in the SUSANNE Cor- data for robust parsing of learner texts (Geertzen pus (Sampson, 1995) and dependency relations in et al., 2013; Rehbein et al., 2012; Napoles et al., CHILDES (Sagae et al., 2010). 2016), and can also benefit a variety of down- Both treebanks adopt the principle of “literal an- stream tasks, including grammatical error correc- notation”, i.e., to annotate according to a literal tion, learner proficiency identification, and - reading of the sentence, and to avoid considering guage learning exercise generation. its “intended” meaning or target hypothesis. While most annotation efforts have focused on learner English, a number of large learner Chinese 2.1 Lemma corpora have also been compiled (, 2009; SALLE allows an exception to “literal annotation” Wang et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2016a). However, when dealing with lexical violations. When there POS analysis in these corpora has been limited to is a spelling error (e.g., “*ballence”), the annotator the erroneous words, and there has not yet been puts the intended, or corrected form of the word any attempt to annotate syntactic structures. This (“balance”) as lemma. For real-word spelling er- study presents the first attempt to annotate Chinese rors, the distinction between a word selection error learner text in the Universal Dependencies (UD) and spelling error can be blurred. SALLE requires

67 Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2017), pages 67–71, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22 May 2017. a spelling error to be “reasonable orthographic or “most common usage” of the original word, if dif- phonetic changes” (Ragheb and Dickinson, 2013). ferent from the POS tag, is indicated in the TYPO For a sentence such as “... *loss its ballence”, the field of the metadata; there, “disappoint” is marked lemma of the word “loss” would be considered to as a verb. be “lose”. The lemma forms the basis for further analysis in POS and dependencies. 2.3 Dependency annotation To identify spelling errors, TLE follows the In both treebanks, “literal annotation” requires de- decision in the underlying error-annotated cor- pendencies to describe the way the two words are pus (Nicholls, 2003). Further, when a word is mis- apparently related, rather than the intended usage. takenly segmented into two (e.g., “*be cause”), it For example, in the verb phrase “*ask the uses the UD relation goeswith to connect them. money” (with “ask you for the money” as the tar- get hypothesis), the word “money” is considered 2.2 POS tagging the direct object of “ask”. For each word, SALLE annotates two POS tags, SALLE adds two new relations to handle non- a “morphological tag” and a “distributional tag”. canonical structures. First, when the morpholog- The former takes into account “morphological ev- ical POS of two words do not usually participate idence”, i.e., the linguistic form of the word; the in any relation, the special label ‘-’ is used. Sec- latter reflects its “distributional evidence”, i.e., its ond, the relation INCROOT is used when an extra- syntactic use in the sentence. In a well-formed neous word apparently serves as a second root. In sentence, these two tags should agree; in learner addition, SALLE also gives subcategorization in- text, however, there may be conflicts between the formation, indicating what the word can select for. morphological evidence and the distributional ev- This information complements distributional POS idence. Consider the word “see” in the sentence tags, enabling a comparison between the expected “*I have see the movie.” The spelling of “see” pro- relations and those that are realized. vides morphological evidence to interpret it as base form (VV0). However, its word position, following 3 Proposed annotation scheme the auxiliary “have”, points towards a past partici- Our proposed scheme for learner Chinese is based ple (VVN). It is thus assigned the morphological tag on a UD scheme for Mandarin Chinese (Leung et VV0 and the distributional tag VVN. al., 2016). We adapt this scheme in terms of word These two kinds of POS tags are similarly in- segmentation (Section 3.1), POS tagging (Sec- corporated into a constituent treebank of learner tion 3.2) and dependency annotation (Section 3.3). English (Nagata et al., 2011; Nagata and Sak- We follow SALLE and TLE in adhering to the aguchi, 2016). They are also implicitly encoded principle of “literal annotation”, with some excep- in a POS tagset designed for Classical Chinese po- tions to be discussed below. ems (Wang, 2003). This tagset includes, for exam- ple, “adjective used as verb”, which can be under- 3.1 Word segmentation stood as a morphological tag for adjective doubling There are no word boundaries in written Chinese; as a distributional tag for verb. Consider the sen- the first step of analysis is thus to perform word tence 春風又綠江南岸 chūnfēng yòu lù jiāngnán segmentation. “Literal annotation” demands an àn “Spring wind again greens Yangtze’s southern analysis “as if the sentence were as syntactically shore”1. The word lù ‘green’, normally an adjec- well-formed as it can be, possibly ignoring mean- tive, serves as a causative verb in this sentence. It ing” (Ragheb and Dickinson, 2014). As a rule is therefore tagged as “adjective used as a verb”. of thumb, we avoid segmentations that yield non- TLE also supplies similar information for existing words. spelling and word formation errors, but in a dif- A rigid application of this rule, however, may ferent format. Consider the phrase “a *disappoint result in difficult and unhelpful interpretations in unknown actor”. On the one hand, the POS tag re- the face of “spelling” errors. Consider the two pos- flects the “intended” usage, and so “disappoint” is sible segmentations for the string 不關 bù guān tagged as an adjective on the basis of its target hy- ‘not concern’ in Table 1. Literal segmentation pothesis “disappointing”. On the other hand, the should in principle be preferred, since bù guān are 1English translation taken from (Kao and , 1971). two words, not one. Given the context, however,

68 Literal Segmentation root segmentation w/ spelling error Text 不 關 不關 subj dep bù guān bùguān ‘not’ ‘concern’ ‘not-concern’ REL: POS tag: PRON ADJ PRON Lemma 不 關 不管 Text: 我 可怕 他 bù guān bùguǎn wǒ kěpà tā ‘not’ ‘concern’ ‘no matter’ ‘I’ ‘scary’ ‘him’


Table 1: Word segmentation of the string 不關 bù obj guān into two words (left) or one word (right), and the consequences on the lemma and POS tag. Figure 1: Parse tree for the sentence wǒ kěpà ta ‘I scary him’, likely intended as ‘I scare him’. The POS tags and REL relations reflect the morpholog- the learner likely confused the character guān with ical evidence. Additionally, the POS tags (Sec- the homophonous guǎn; the latter combines with d tion 3.2) and REL relations (Section 3.3) consider bù to form one word, namely the subordinating d the distributional evidence. conjunction 不管 bùguǎn ‘no matter’. If so, the lit- eral segmentation would misrepresent the seman- tic intention of the learner and yield an unhelpful a verb); but in others, a word insertion or deletion syntactic analysis. We thus opt for the segmenta- elsewhere might be preferred. tion that assumes the spelling error; this interpre- 3.3 Dependency annotation tation, in turn, leads to bùguǎn as the lemma and SCONJ as the POS tag. We now discuss how typical learner errors — word We follow SALLE in limiting spelling errors to selection errors, extraneous words and missing orthographic or phonetic confusions. Specifically, words — may affect dependency annotation. for Chinese, the surface form and the lemma must 3.3.1 Word selection error have similar pronunciation2 or appearance.3 Dependency relation (henceforth, “REL”) is de- 3.2 POS tagging termined on the basis of the POS tags rather than the POSd tags. As long as these two agree, word Similar to SALLE, we consider both morpho- selection errors should have no effect on depen- logical and distributional evidence (Section 2.2). dency annotation. If a word’s POS tag differs from When non-native errors create conflicts between POSd, however, it can be difficult to characterize them, the former drives our decision on the POS its grammatical relation with the rest of the sen- tag, while the latter is acknowledged in a separate, tence. In this case, we also annotate its “distribu- “distributional” POS tag (henceforth, “POSd tag”). tional relation” (henceforth, “RELd”) on the basis In Figure 1, the POS tag for kěpà ‘scary’ is ADJ, 4 of its POSd tag. reflecting its normal usage as an adjective; but its Consider the sentence in Figure 1. From the POSd tag is VERB, since the pronoun tā ‘him’ sug- point of view of POS tags, the relation between gests its use as a verb with a direct object. the adjective kěpà ‘scary’ and the pronoun tā ‘him’ The POSd tag is useful for highlighting specific is unclear. We thus assign the unspecified depen- word selection errors involving misused POS (e.g., dency, dep, as their REL.5 From the point of view kěpà as a verb). It can also derive more general of POSd tags, however, kěpà functions as a verb statistics, such as the use of adjectives where verbs 4 are expected. In some cases, it suggests a target Similarly, Nagata and Sakaguchi (2016) use error nodes (e.g., VP-ERR) to annotate ungrammatical phrases (e.g., “*I hypothesis (e.g., in Figure 1, to replace kěpà with busy”). 5Similar to the underspecified tag ‘-’ in SALLE, dep is 2We allow different tones, such as {guān, guǎn}; and eas- used in English UD “when the system is unable to determine ily confusable pairs such as {j, zh} and {x, sh}. a more precise dependency relation”, for example due to a 3E.g., confusion between the characters 了 le and 子 zǐ. “weird grammatical construction.”

69 Agreement Overall Error span only and 20 sentences where it is the same. Two annota- POS 94.0 91.0 tors, one of whom had access to the target hypoth- POSd 93.7 89.7 esis, independently annotated these sentences. REL 82.8 75.1 Word segmentation achieved 97.0% precision RELd 82.1 73.8 and 98.9% recall when one of the annotators was taken as gold. After reconciling their segmenta- Table 2: The percentage of POS tags and labelled tion, each independently annotated POS tags and attachment on which the two annotators agree, dependency relations. The inter-annotator agree- measured overall and within text spans marked as ment is reported in Table 2. Overall agreement erroneous. is 94.0% for POS tags and 82.8% for REL (la- beled attachment). The agreement levels are com- and takes tā as a direct object, with the relation obj parable to those reported in (Ragheb and Dickin- as their RELd. son, 2013), where agreement on labeled attach- 3.3.2 Extraneous words ment ranges from 73.6% to 88.7% depending on the text and annotator. One must bear in mind, When a word seems extraneous, we choose its however, that annotation agreement for standard head based on syntactic distribution. For exam- Chinese is also generally lower than English. ple, the aspect marker 了 le must modify the verb that immediately precedes it with the relation ‘aux- Annotation agreement based on distributional iliary’ (aux). Even when le is extraneous — i.e., evidence — i.e., POSd and RELd — is slightly when the verb should not take an aspect marker — lower. This is not unexpected, since it requires we would annotate it in the same way. a higher degree of subjective interpretation. The A more difficult situation arises when there is no most frequent discrepancies between morphologi- verb before the extraneous le, e.g., in the sentence cal and distributional tags are ADJ vs. VERB, i.e., * 我被了他打 wǒ bèi le tā dǎ ‘I PASS ASP he an adjective used as a verb (as in Figure 1); and hit’ (“I was hit by him”). In this case, we choose VERB vs. NOUN, i.e. a verb used as a noun. bèi as head of le on account of word order, but the Annotation agreement is also lower within text relation is dep rather than aux. spans marked as erroneous in the corpus, with agreement dropping to 91.0% for POS tags and 3.3.3 Missing words 75.1% for labeled attachment. Further analysis re- When a word seems missing, we annotate accord- vealed that agreement is especially challenging for ing to UD guidelines on promotion by head elision. word selection errors whose target hypothesis has For example, in the sentence fragment 在中國最 a different POS. A post-hoc discussion among the 近幾年 zài zhōngguó zuìjìn jǐ nían ‘in China recent annotators suggests that multiple plausible inter- few years’, we promote nían ‘year’ to be the root. pretations of an ungrammatical sentence was the Although both zhōngguó ‘China’ and nían would main source of disagreement. For these cases, be obl dependents if a verb was present, nían is more specific guidelines are needed on which in- promoted because it is closer to the expected loca- terpretation — e.g., considering a word as extra- tion of the verb. neous, as missing, or misused in terms of POS — entails the most literal reading. 4 Evaluation We harvested a 100-sentence evaluation dataset 5 Conclusions and Future Work from the training data of the most recent shared task on Chinese grammatical diagnosis (Lee et al., We have adapted existing UD guidelines for Man- 2016b). The dataset included 20 sentences with darin Chinese to annotate learner Chinese texts. extraneous words, 20 with missing words, 20 with Our scheme characterizes the POS and depen- word-order errors, and 40 with word selection er- dency relations with respect to both morphologi- rors. In order to include challenging cases of word cal and distributional evidence. While the scheme selection errors, i.e., those involving misuse of adheres to the principle of “literal annotation”, it POS (Section 3.3.1), we examined the target hy- also recognizes spelling errors when determining pothesis in the corpus. We selected 20 sentences the lemma. Evaluation results suggest a reason- where the replacement word has a different POS, able level of annotator agreement.

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