Votes to Be Sold for 13 Carnival Queen Entries

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Votes to Be Sold for 13 Carnival Queen Entries APO's Complete University Cuts Campus Chest Plans Financial Corners See Below See Below Vol. 77 The of Delaware, ' ark, Del., i\1ar. 23, 1956 Top Linguistic Student Votes To Be Sold For 13 Wins Fulbright Award Carnival Queen Entries f or Study Abroad In Fall Selling vot in an election year i s con id red sl ightly un· By Scott W ilson 1 ard Junior High in Wilmington. ethical in many quarter . How. Filomcna Giammarco. proba- nable to peak a word of Eng. ev r, the Alpha Phi Omega er­ bl th most outstanding lingui.·- li h. she w a faced with the vic fraternity not only will be t lc . t ud nt ever to r ach the ta k of learning a new l anguage eJ.ling ote 1 gaily from April Unlv rsity of D Jawar campu , in a foreign ountry. 2 to A pri I 6, but for a good ha hee n. awarded a Fulbright Jokiug about her plight. Fil - cau c. cholar htP for tudy -abroad omena remarl< c1 in Italian : Votes will be sold at one p n ­ · next Y 8:r. "Non capivo l'lngle .'' then ny apiece for th le ·tion of a She wtll l eave for P~n next added in French: " J ne parlai Fair Queen, to be crowned ar fall and expects to arnv there pa angl ais.'' To th " quare the N w pring Dance on April on . cpt mber 29. he. plans to from Delawar " who didn't auit ~ 6. The Fair Queen contest is be­ ~ gt. t r at the Untv rstt. of P~r· get it, he "couldn't spea k Eng­ ing run by APO 11s part of their IS at the Sorbonne. wher she tn - 11 h " ampu. he t arnival and all t nct.· to f ollow co ur e in French · , proceed from the voting will lang uage and literature. wasn. t long before 1 It go to the ampus hest. Befor leaving for France. Fit - ( ontmued on Pa g Thirteen women h ave be n om na will tak e a P.r<'liminary nominated by ariou fraterni· our e thi ummer at MiddiP- 1 tie and living groupS for Queen . .bu ry L anguage School. With h r The women and the nominating tudie at Middlebury and the I E-52 Socic~y Aclcls groups are: Yvonne Nylund orb nne. " h will have nough (ATOl, Jan Wiley ('OTD): Kath· cr clit t me t t he requirements I Thrl'c NeJv Playt.'1r leen J rdan (Ca nnon), Mary R. for r Mast r of Arts degree in 11 1 herwood ( myth " "), Jay I At R l'Ccnt Mel'ling Rowland (Warner). Shirliann I n order to receive hr r Ful­ immons (KA ), Ann Hori k brig ht. Fi lomena h ad interview:; Jo e Gott hall. harte· Ogle (Sm lh " B"), Mallory D. Hugh es wit h the modern language com · and · Jim :vJcKenney w re vot d ( PE. Top y and Turvey), Peg. mitt es of the univer ity and into the E -52 Player at the time for fun. Betty Ewinq I!V W oerner (Women's ommut­ the tate. At these interviews meeting Ia t night. At the meet· poses h ere with Warner Hall's snow man, built after the er·). Loui. e Lattomus (Smyth she wa a ked what her future ing Ia t month Dorothy Brugge w int er's worst blizzard threatened Women's Weekend activ· " A"). Barbie Dunn <Johnston ), Plan were and was tested on al o became a member. iti es and k ept scores of comilKlters from classes last Monday. Sa rah Jane Rudolph (Sussex) h er knowledge of French. T o . and Lee-Lee Hannold <PKT) . give a ample of her French. Mtss Gott hall, a ophmore ·Fil mena recited "Le corbeau 1 transfer student and Ogl .. a The carnival will be held in et te renard" by la Fontaine. · freshman, both h.avf7 been admit- th~ hangar of the Field Hous . Applica tion for l;,ter scholar· ted to th, organlzatton after only Delaware High School Send ad1acent to the dance Iioor. The hip wa made with the aid of one years work. dance will begin at ! p. m . and Dr. E lbert D. Turner, Fulbright As a drama m ajor, the former end at 1 a. m. repres ntative for the univ r- worked back tage on all the Student To All-State Concert Booths and concessions are be· ily. he was notified about th productions this year and was ing Ponsored by a number of award on Mar h 10 by a letter a istant to t he dire tor for the One hundred and twenty-two K nt and u ex ounties are ~ratcrnities and dorms . These th State Department In Ia t major show . "The Corn Is tudent from twenty- nine high each sending twent. -nine, while Include a fortune teller's booth. Wa hington. Green.'' in which Charle had a schools have been scheduled New Castle contributes ixty­ a refre hment booth, a kissing ,Filomena is one of those in- mall part. M oKcnn y, a opho- members of the Delaware All four m ember to the choru .. arch. a baseball throw, a bow(. dlvidual eldom found anv- more el ctri al engineer.. ha State horus, inging tonight at Largest repre ntatlon comes ing booth and a pie-throwing where. Born in the province of earned the maiority of his points 8:15 in Mitchell Hall. Dr. lvan from William P nn chool in booth. Abruzzi near Rome in Italy, she working on the lighting crew, Trusler will direct the e repre­ New Ca tl . follow d by Newark came to the United State with while Mis Bruggc, a senior edu ­ sentatives in a program of num ­ High School. Accompanimen t A eparate entrance will be her family eight years ago, .en - cation ma.ior. has crved m any bers vary ing from Gershwin to i s threefold: Wallace W . Pan­ provided for ·p ople who want to tering the ighth grade at Bav- time a hou e manager. Bach. coa t. mu ic diroctor at Willlam attend the carnival but not the Penn, who provid s piano back­ dance. ground for all but three num ­ ber . Anthony J. Loud! of th Dr. Perkins Accepts Groo's Resignation; university mu ic department Scholarship Group and Phylli Fi her (HE 56). and Jo Ann. Litchfiel d (Ed 59J, flu­ Admit 33 Senior , ti ·t . Combines Alumn~ Public Relatiom Offices hopin's ··s herzo" in B Minor Faculty Member and "Three Preludes" by Ger h­ A reorganization of the offl­ functioning of the u niversi ty. W II known in local music win form S ction II of the pro- The Delaware Chapter of Phi c of Alumni and Public Rela­ The recent consolidation of the and dramatic circle . ha.'lce i · gram. obth accompanied by Mr. K apoa Phi, a national honorary tion · at the university w as an­ dutie of regi trar and director baritone soloist at Fir t and Loudi . Five r Ji giou numbers fraternity dedkated to the stim· nou nced today by Dr. John A. of admission und r Dr. Wil- nlral Pr sbyteri a. n C ~urch , a from thr e centuri will precede ulation and recognition of scho· P rki n . liam G. Fletcher was cited by member of the W 1 I m 1 n g ton th i ction. one b ing the Bach l la tic achievement in all fields T he plan to combine the two the pre ident as a similar ad- Opera ~oci ty and of the "Happy Flock in Safety W an - of knowledge, has elected to dep rtments resulted after Dr. mini trative change. Brandy~mer s. der" with duo flute accompani- member hip, thirty-one senior P rkin had accepted the re - Mr. Chance joined the u.niver- Mr. Dill, a nat1ve of Mtlfo r~ . ment. 0Lher in this group in - and two fa ulty members. The e ignation of Richard D. Groo, sity a a istant director of " 1tb· D 1., graduated from the U.nt· 1 elude Mozart' "Lacrymo ·a" newly le ted members will be dir ctor of alttmni relation lie rel ation and · port .. publicist versitv of Delaware in 1954 and Ifrom the "Requit>m," ;'Hind . hon red at a dinner in conne . 1949. Mr. Groo will join in 1952 and b ca me dir ctor of b cam a istan't director of smith' 'Since All i Pa sing," tion with the initiation on the Farmer ' Mutua'l Fire I n - public relations on Se'ltember public relations in September of and Virgil Thomp on' "Th Pa - Honor ' Day. uranc ompany, Delaware's _1_, _19_5_4_. ____________t_h _a_t _y_e_a_r_. --------- per Reed by, the Brook ." 1 Th tw faculty members to be olde t in urance organization. Dr. ~r .u ler arrangem nt of initiated are· Dr Robert L Pig· on April 16. the pmtual, "Je u W alkeri . · · · fter a period of training he Thi Lonesom V all y," begin. ford, chatrman. of th . dep ~rt· Ferver Name'd King Of Aggie th final section Mo t vari ci l mt>nt f ch mJCal eng1.neerr!lg will a ~ umc the po Irion of · · t h A and Dr. Raphael R. Ronktn, sup rvi or of ag ncie . o f . a II th e part tn pr gr . ,m. acting chairman of the depart· th1 group move from two ! " · 1 .
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