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Ii[I»Iiminiaiimi | **Nggs%£Z 8WBB&'' GRADS FAVORED BY BIG MARGIN THE EVENINO STAR, Washington, D. C. Haas, Maxwell apsi. Aran. i, tees ** C-5 Terrapins Hope Alumni Toughest on '55 Slate Lead Attack on BY MERRELL WHITTLESEY 370, Bob Dean, 365; Chet Gierula, Maryland’s football team will 365; Jones, 259. and Dick Mod- Par in Azalea be overmatched for the first and zelewskl, 255. AHhut Gierula are 11 WILMINGTON,N. C„ April 1 what it hopes will fir the last, established pro*. There will be 1 UP).— Today is April Poet 1* Day time in 1965 when it meets-the other stellar backflelds, too. such i but there was no kidding about alumni at Byrd Stadium at 2:30 as last year’s combination, and I the way the touring golf profes- ” pm. tomorrow. Jack Scarbath with a third. sionals rolled out their big guns *4B iJK, This Will be the fifth annual Tbe alumni will hkve the ad- for another assault on par tn the WRI game for the benefit of the equip- vantage of tbe unlimited substi- second round ofttM! Azalea Open sports. ment fund for other All tution lule, and despite the po- golf tournament. school children will be admitted varsity, for 50 cents, with the program tential of the Maryland BillyMaxwell. 25, chunky 1951 including a lacrosse game with the grads figure to win by some- National Amateur champion Dartmouth that starts at 11 am., thing more than last year’s from Odeeea, and Fred also in Byrd Stadium. score of 26-6. Coach Jim Tatum will have Haas. 39-y«ar-a|d. one-time Na- In'the past this has been the year’s squad Intercollegiate champion jHKy day next available with tional JBrwmFKM* final of Maryland’s spring from Claremont, CaUf„ practice, of bad tbe exception of Walker and were the but because Paul Kramer, both with top marksmen in yesterday’s ’ba' 1 a® Jr W s weather the Terpe are five prac- ' the baseball team. opening round that tew par-72 tice sessions behind in the 36 for the 6,795-yard Cepe Fear allotted them and will extend Tamburelle Quarterback Country Club bettered by spring course their drills at least The backfield will be Frank 32 player* add matched by another week. • Femburello at quarterback, with eight outers. Athletic Dimeters Hw* Ed .Vereb and Howie Dare at ’ wdbeU and Hpas halfback stored the A fifthofficial, the back judge, and Tom Selep at full- flr«t-da*lead st «5 inihe chase will be on display and athletic back On the line Itwill be Rus- tor top money ,of *2,200 in this directors of the Atlantic Coast sell Dennis and Jim Parsons at four-day, evfttit, b 4 they -wjSgi • : BHF ’ ;¦'"* ¦HHH|BHKi Conference schools, plus Com- end. Ed Heuring and Mike San- couldn’t afford to Telia*. J 4R' ¦ dusky Dyson missioner Jim Weaver, will be on at tackle. Gene and Pressing them were four iirst- hand for look. They will re- Jack DavU, guard, and Bob Pel- a legrini day 67 shooters, one who posted meetings Sunday at center. With two or main for and exception!,, 66 and eight others with 69. Monday. three this could % THEY CUT A NICE FlGUßE—Colorado Springs, Colo.—Tenipy Albright (left), next year’s starting lineupbe Sharing the; interest with the The alumni will start 10 of the against feats ofthe top Wo were a hole- defending champion from Boston, strikes a fetching pose after taking the lead in sea- Missouri September. 17. 11 men who ended the 1953 ln-one by Gene Littler, 1953 • the school at national figure skating Tatum win dress about 50 Na- - figures the championships yesterday. son with 10 straight and tional Amateur champion from Other are (left to Miggs Dean ofDetroit, Patricia Firth of Ta- championshipvictories men and will do some experi- IMIi Bfc- Ki’U competitors right) the national menting. new Palm Springs, who shot tbe 68. Carol Heiss*of New York, who was second.—AP Wirephoto. trophy. The rule will be coma, Wash., and The absentee will be used to advantage, particularly and a double eagle by Ted Kroll undergraduate Bill Walker. 09 a at quarterback, Lynn of Betheada, Md„who la fighting trip with the baseball team. where get Beightol will play behind Tam- to the berth still open In next BASEBALL The backfield will be an all- burello on offense and the former week’s Masters tournament and Daughter of9-Time Champion From Age C-l pro outfit of Bernie Faloney at high Wound up with a 70 on dentinwed District school stars. Ralph the A HOT SET good bet to win a regular 1 job quarterback, Chet Hanulak and Hawkins and Bob Rusevlyn, be- strength of a sparkling 32 on the OF CLtfßS—Wilmington, N. C.—Billy Shares Figure Skating Title with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Dick Nolan at halfbaok and hind Tam bo on defense. back nine. Maxwell, former National Amateur champion from Ralph Montemayor had a double and Felton, fullback. The Some of last year’s freshman Two shots behind Maxwell and Odessa, Tex., watches while his pretty wife cleans his COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo.. skating events for her title. three singles in five trips yester- linemen will be Marty Crytier stars, particularly Dick Kennedy Haas at 67 were Jim Turnesa, hot set of clubs after he fired a 7-under-par 65 in the • April 1 (IP).—The 14-year-old Lynn Finnegan, 12 year -old day as the Pirates edged Balti- and Lou Weldensaul at end. Stan at fullback, Don Healy at tackle Briarcliff, N. Y.; Mike Souchak, opening round of the Open golf tournament Brooklyn miss, 6-5, Daytona Morgan tackle, Azalea daughter won the free more, at Beach. Jones and Bob at and John McVicker Durham, N. C„ year’s yesterday.—AP Wirephoto.. of a nine-time national portion George at halfback. the NO. 1 skating to move from Last the 25-year-old Jack Bowersox and Pala- get tryouts money ' r ' • " r *¦— champion season will under pressure. winner with about sll,- shared honors with fifth to second in overall stand- outfielder hit .309 for New Or- hunik at guard and John Irvine, 000; ’. three other young titlists Jack Fleck, Davenport, crowned ings. leans of the Southern Associa- center. _ lowa, and Doug Ford, in the National Figure Skating swept Kiamesha Alan Burton Opens Short firsts in both tion. Twenty-four of his hits Squad Plenty to Lake, PHI BETA KAPPA championships here last night. figures skating to Has of Beef Sandlotters Drill N. Y. and free out- were homers. Members of the Tbe leaden: Pert Maribel Y. Owen teamed distance his closest challenger, The alumni squad has plenty of Arcade Pon- New Driving Range TAPS RICHARDSON, BEACH,> Fla., Ray Krouse tiac sandlot baseball club shoul\ with Charles Foster, 20, of Bos- Tommy Weinrelch of Tucson, WEST PALM beef. Co-coach at report Washington ton, junior April l (A*).—Manager Lou Bou- for tomorrow’s practice Hie ranks of area TENNIS to capture the pairs Arts., skating for the Broadmoor at p.m. CHAMPION a dreau of the Kansas City Ath- 1 at Sixteenth and Ken- pro golfers who heve interests title with 3-minute free skat- Ice Club. nedy streets N.W. NEW ORLEANS, April 1 (IP). ing performance Tenley Albright letics has lopped four men off tn driving ranges has gained * on the Broad- of Boston and moor ice. Pasadena. his roster, sending them to SENATORS Eric Most! li-it—ng Hamilton Richardson of Baton Robert Lee Brewer of - Another recruit. Page Intercollegiate Miss Owen is the daughter of Calif., took early leads in senior Columbus of the International Continued From C-l Burton, Rouge, National League. walked, second, worried CXHIBITION Beytr Alan the veteran Maribel Vinson Owen, who was women’s and junior men’s com- stole GAMPS teaching Army Navy tennis champion, has been Limmer, Johnny Klippstein pro at nine times national senior ladies petition. Finals in both events The four are Lou first into commit- Kappa, baseman; By Nery Country Club, la opening named to Phi Beta na- ehampion between 1928 and 1937. tonight. A1 Pinkston, outfielder; ting a balk with his antics on tbe AModeled Pru> WU 34.35Hm a new will be held range tomorrow on Route 7. one honorary Other champions are Carol Miss Albright’s fellow-winner Erfc McKenzie, catcher, and Carl the bases, and scored on Jim STANDINGS or TUB TEAMS j«bMyjp*imeriii:ii:::i:: 78 tional scholastic Duser. pitcher. single. AMEBIC AN LEAGUE Buddy Weaver 32-38 70 mile west of Tysons Corners. Wanek, 14. of New York, in the in recent world and national Lemon's Al Meocert society. *•«» .-11 l 37-33Z70 Burton and his silent partner in division, figure contests, Hayes Duser was a standout inning TTorlt Jo g‘ .026 Bud HoUchcr novice women’s and Jim skating rookie In the fifth Eddie Yost Tommy Bolt S4SSZ7O venture calling The third-ranked amateur 17, Angeles, but the purchase of three players walked, 38-34—70 the are It the Short, of Los in the Alan Jenkins of Colorado stole second before Ora- Dave Doutlae 38-34—70 Double B driving range. tennis player in the country. feeeund Jo 1! Leo Bluett! ... 38-35—70 novice men’s class. Springs, makes his first showing from the Yankees forced Bou- vetz again walked, and tbe bases .11l PauMlaraey captured dreau to do more cutting than he « 37-3:i—7o In addition to the usual Richardson Is a Rhodes scho- Miss Wanek first in today in senior men’s compul- were loaded when Lemon beat | iff lar-elect.
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