Water-Quality and Lake-Stage Data for Wisconsin Lakes, Water Year 2007

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Water-Quality and Lake-Stage Data for Wisconsin Lakes, Water Year 2007 Water-Quality and Lake-Stage Data for Wisconsin Lakes, Water Year 2007 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Open-File Report 2008–1182 Prepared in cooperation with the State of Wisconsin and local agencies U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Water-Quality and Lake-Stage Data for Wisconsin Lakes, Water Year 2007 A report by the Wisconsin Water Science Center Lake-Studies Team– W.J. Rose (team leader), H.S. Garn, G.L. Goddard, S.B. Marsh, D.L. Olson, and D.M. Robertson Open-File Report 2008–1182 Prepared in cooperation with the State of Wisconsin and with other agencies Middleton, Wisconsin 2008 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Mark D. Myers, Director For additional information write to: Copies of this report can be purchased from: Center Director U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Earth Science Information Center 8505 Research Way Open-File Reports Section Middleton, WI 53562 Box 25286, MS 517 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 iii CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Methods of data collection ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Explanation of physical and chemical characteristics of lakes ................................................................................ 13 Water temperature and thermal stratification.............................................................................................. 13 Specific conductance .................................................................................................................................. 14 Water clarity ................................................................................................................................................ 14 pH .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Dissolved oxygen........................................................................................................................................ 15 Phosphorus ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Nitrogen....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Chlorophyll a ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Classification of lakes............................................................................................................................................... 17 References cited ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Lake data.................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Beulah Deep Hole, 424840088241600 .............................................................. ............................................ 23 Station #2, 424929088231300 ................................................................ ............................................ 25 Big Cedar North Site, near West Bend, 432409088151600.................................................................................. 27 South Site, near West Bend, 432224088154900................................................................................. 30 Blue East Basin, 455011089445600 ............................................................................................................ 33 West Basin, 455024089454400 ........................................................................................................... 35 Delavan near Delavan, 423706088363400 ........................................................................................................ 37 at Center near Delavan Lake, 423556088365001 ............................................................................... 40 at North End near Lake Lawn, 423659088354401 .............................................................................. 47 at SW End near Delavan Lake, 423526088380101............................................................................. 47 Site A4, 423534088373700.................................................................................................................. 48 Site A5, 423642088355300.................................................................................................................. 49 Devils near Baraboo, 05404500 ................................................................................................................. 50 Geneva at Lake Geneva, 423525088260400 .................................................................................................... 52 West End, near Williams Bay, 423329088323300............................................................................... 54 Green at County Trunk Highway A near Green Lake (East End), 434928088553601 ................................... 60 Deep Hole, 434756089020500 ............................................................................................................ 62 East End, 434928088570000............................................................................................................... 67 Kawaguesaga near Minocqua, 455208089435800 .................................................................................... 71 Kegonsa, 425715089164700...................................................................................................................... 74 Koshkonong near Newville, 05427235 ....................................................................................................... 75 Little Cedar North Site, near West Bend, 432255088134700.................................................................................. 76 South Site, near West Bend, 432249088134500................................................................................. 79 Mendota at Madison, 05428000 ................................................................................................................. 82 Middle Genesee at Genesee Lake Road, near Oconomowoc, 430251088284700 ................................... 83 Minocqua Deep Hole, at Minocqua, 455214089412800....................................................................................... 84 North Bay, at Minocqua, 455232089424100........................................................................................ 87 Monona at Madison, 05429000 .................................................................................................................. 90 Oconomowoc No. 1 (Center) at Oconomowoc, 430551088273500 ........................................................................... 92 No. 2 (off Hewitt Point) at Oconomowoc, 430609088262200 .............................................................. 96 iv Potter near Mukwonago, 424905088204000.............................................................................................. 99 Powers at Powers Lake, 423246088175800 ............................................................................................ 104 Puckaway West Basin, near Marquette, 434515089124000............................................................................... 107 East Basin, near Marquette, 434542089073000................................................................................ 110 River Site, near Marquette, 434824089083200 ................................................................................. 113 Waubesa, 05429485................................................................................................................................. 116 Wind, at Outlet at Wind Lake, 424848088083100 .................................................................................... 118 at Wind Lake, 424915088083900 ...................................................................................................... 120 Winnebago at Oshkosh, 04082500 ....................................................................................................................... 123 near Stockbridge, 04084255 .............................................................................................................. 125 Introduction to National EPA Lake Survey............................................................................................................. 127 Aldridge Lake, Deep Hole, near Eagle River, 455158089180300......................................................................... 131 Arrowhead Lake, Above Dam, near Nekoosa, 441242089511200 ....................................................................... 132 Atkins Lake, Deep Hole, near Grand View, 461642091021800 ............................................................................ 133 Bashaw Lake, Deep Spot, near Hertel, 454616092082100 .................................................................................. 134 Berry Lake, Deep Hole, near Gillett, 445325088282900 ....................................................................................... 135

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