Motor Racing Events Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014

Motor Racing Events Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014

Explanatory notes for SL 2014 No. 64

made under the

Motor Racing Events Act 1990

General Outline

Short title

Motor Racing Events Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014.

Authorising law

Section 51 of the Motor Racing Events Act 1990.

Policy objectives and the reasons for them

The Motor Racing Events Act 1990 (the Act) provides for the appointment of promoters and the declaration of motor racing events in , as well as facilitating the construction and staging of these events.

Declaration of events under the Act provides commercial certainty and protections for event promoters.

The Motor Racing Events Regulation 2003 includes the details of a declaration and provides for particular offences and penalties.

The policy objectives are to declare the area for the staging of the 500 event being held at Townsville in 2014, the dates of the event and the name of the promoter of the event.

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Motor Racing Events Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2014

Achievement of policy objectives

The policy objectives will be achieved by amending Part 4 of the Motor Racing Events Regulation 2003 to enable the provisions of the Act and the regulation to apply to the Castrol Townsville 500 event in 2014.

Consistency with policy objectives of authorising law

The intent of the Act is to enable the construction and staging of events in a declared area. The amendment regulation to declare the event is consistent with the intent of the Act.

Inconsistency with policy objectives of other legislation

The Motor Racing Events Regulation 2003 is specific to the State of Queensland, and is not uniform with or complementary to legislation of the Commonwealth or another state.

Benefits and costs of implementation

The amendment regulation provides for the staging of the Castrol Townsville 500 from midday on Thursday, 3 July 2014 and ending at midday on Monday, 7 July 2014.

The Townsville motor racing event has been held in Townsville since 2009.

The event is televised nationally and internationally, bringing valuable publicity for Townsville and Queensland.

The costs of implementing this regulation are negligible.

Consistency with fundamental legislative principles

The amendment regulation is consistent with fundamental legislative principles.


Consultation has been undertaken with V8 Supercars , who supports the making of the regulation.

The Office of Best Practice Regulation within the Queensland Competition Authority was consulted, and has advised that as the declared area for 2014 is substantially the same as the declared area for the 2013 event, this amendment regulation is excluded from the RIS system.

©The State of Queensland 2014

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