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Item for:- Decision Recommendation Information X AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.0. Meeting Title/Date: Primary Care Commissioning Committee - 2 July 2020 Update Report: Dispersal of Patient List - Askam-in- Report Title: Furness Date of Paper Prepared By: Kay Wilson 22 June 2020 Paper: Responsible Executive Sponsor: Hilary Fordham Kate Hudson Manager: Committees where Paper 2 April 2020. Previously Presented: 18 February 2020. 3 October 2019. Background Paper(s): N/A. Summary of Report: The report provides an update on the dispersal of the patients registered at the former Askam-in-Furness surgery following the end of the GMS contract. Recommendation(s): The Primary Care Commissioning Committee are asked to note the contents of the report. Please Select Y/N Identified Risks: N (Record related AF or RR reference number) Impact Assessment: An Equality Impact Assessment was Y (Including Health, Equality, presented to the Committee in February Diversity and Human Rights) 2020 as part of the decision making process regarding the future of the contract. Strategic Objective(s) Please Supported by this Paper: Select (X) Better Health - improve population health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities Better Care - improve individual outcomes, quality and experience of care Delivered Sustainably - create an environment for motivated, happy staff X and achieve our control total Please Contact: Kate Hudson Head of Primary Care [email protected] UPDATE: DISPERSAL OF PATIENT LIST – ASKAM IN FURNESS _________________________________________________________________________________ MORECAMBE BAY CCG PRIMARY CARE COMMISSIONING COMMITTEE ASKAM IN FURNESS: UPDATE REPORT DISPERSAL OF PATIENT LIST 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 At the April 2020 Committee meeting, Members were asked to note that the GMS contract with Dr Jain had been extended by a three month period in line with the recommendation from the February 2020 Committee meeting. 1.2 The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on actions taken in respect of the dispersal process since April 2020. 2. DISPERSAL PROCESS / CONTRACTUAL ISSUES Patient List 2.1 Following the April 2020 Committee meeting a further letter was sent to the patients registered at Askam in Furness surgery setting out the need for patients to register with a GP of their choice in advance of the practice closing at the end of June 2020. 2.2 In May 2020, the Committee approved a variation to an existing GMS contract held with Duddon Valley Medical Practice which would mean that an additional practice premise would be added to that contract. The proposed location of these additional premises was within Askam in Furness. 2.3 The application received identified, which was confirmed during discussions with Duddon Valley Medical Practice, that the aim of Duddon Valley Medical Practice was to provide primary medical services to patients registered at that time with Askam in Furness surgery once the practice closed. 2.4 During discussion with NHS England / Improvement the CCG was advised that, to ensure patients were not left without a GP at the contract end, consideration should be given to transferring the patient list to another practice no later than two weeks before the end of the contract. 2.5 Consequently, a third and final letter was sent to patients in May 2020 reiterating the need for patients to register with a GP of their choice. However, this letter went on to explain that patients should aim to do this by 16 June 2020 as after this date the CCG would transfer any patients remaining on the list at Askam in Furness to Duddon Valley Medical Practice; copy attached as Appendix 1. The need to transfer patients to Duddon Valley Medical Practice earlier than the end of the contract was discussed with both Dr Jain and Duddon Valley Medical Practice in separate meetings. UPDATE: DISPERSAL OF PATIENT LIST – ASKAM IN FURNESS _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.6 As at 01 June 2020, the list size for the practice was 1,113 patients which had reduced from the start of the quarter (April 2020) when the list was 1,277. However, it is understood that a number of patients left the Askam in Furness practice between the start of June and mid-June resulting in approximately 900 patients remaining on the list. 2.7 The CCG contacted the GP clinical system supplier (EMIS) to arrange a transfer of patients from Askam in Furness Surgery to Duddon Valley Medical Practice. This transfer took place overnight between Thursday 18 June and Friday 19 June. Clinical responsibility for these patients, therefore, has now transferred to Duddon Valley Medical Practice. Contractual Issues 2.8 The GMS contract held by Dr Jain at Askam in Furness ceases on 30 June 2020. A contract variation notice to end the contract was issued to Dr Jain on 09 April 2020 which has been signed both by Dr Jain and the CCG. 2.9 A dispersal plan was sent to Dr Jain setting out the various actions that needed to be complete to ensure the closedown of the practice, which included: The return of patient records: the paper records held by a practice are returned to Primary Care Support England (PCSE). These notes were due to be collected on 30 June 2020 and in the first instance will be taken to a central point within PCSE. From there the records will then be reissued to Duddon Valley Medical Practice. IT Equipment: the CCG made arrangements for the IT equipment used by Dr Jain to be collected from the premises on 30 June 2020. This allowed time for Dr Jain to ensure that all relevant returns to, for example, the Business Services Authority (BSA) were made in relation to the dispensing element of the contract. The IT equipment will be returned to Duddon Valley Medical Practice when the site in Askam in Furness opens. Destruction of controlled drugs / dispensary stock: arrangements were made by the CCG for the destruction of controlled drugs whilst NHS England dealt with the disposal of the dispensary stock. Similarly clinical waste was collected from the practice at the end of the contract. 3. SUMMARY 3.1 The dispersal of the patients registered with the practice at Askam in Furness has been completed. No patient was left without access to a GP as the entire list as at 19 June 2020 was transferred to Duddon Valley Medical Practice. JUNE 2020 UPDATE: DISPERSAL OF PATIENT LIST – ASKAM IN FURNESS _________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX 1 – PATIENT LETTER – MAY 2020 Moor Lane Mills Moor Lane Lancaster LA1 1QD Tel: 01524 519369 [email protected] 21 May 2020 Dear Patient Re: Important information for patients of Dr Jain – Askam GP Surgery Further to my recent letter to you dated Thursday 2 April, I am writing to provide an update on the situation in relation to the surgery in Askam-in-Furness. I can confirm that Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group received an application from Duddon Valley Medical Practice to begin providing services from within Askam-in-Furness; in effect, to open a branch surgery. That application was considered by Morecambe Bay CCG’s Primary Care Commissioning Committee on Monday 18 May and I can confirm that the Committee has approved the application. I had intended to write to patients at the end of April, but I felt it better to wait until after the Committee so I could let you know the decision. This means that Duddon Valley Medical Practice will open a branch surgery within the village as soon as possible; the practice’s hope is that this will open as early in July as is practical. However, there are a number of issues to be finalised before Duddon Valley Medical Practice can begin providing services in Askam, and some of these will be more difficult to achieve because of the current social distancing requirements. I am, therefore, unable at this time to give you a date on which the branch surgery will open but I can confirm that the opening will be publicised in advance. As you are aware from my previous letters, Dr Jain is due to retire on 30 June 2020 and your registration at your current practice will end at that point. Therefore, in order to ensure you are able to continue accessing GP services, including prescriptions for repeat medicines, you still need to register with an alternative GP practice of your choice and I would ask you do this by Tuesday 16 June 2020. If, after this date, you have not re-registered with a GP of your choosing, then the CCG will need to take steps to ensure that you are allocated a GP. The CCG is able to take this action in situations where a practice is closing and patients have not registered with an alternative GP. Consequently, if by 17 June you have not registered elsewhere, then I must inform you that the CCG will allocate you to Dr Wilson at Duddon Valley Medical Practice. You will, of course, still have the opportunity to register with a GP of your choice should you wish to do so. For ease I have attached the UPDATE: DISPERSAL OF PATIENT LIST – ASKAM IN FURNESS _________________________________________________________________________________ information sent in my last letter about registering with a practice without attending in person together with the list of practices within the local area. If you have chosen Duddon Valley Medical Practice to be your new practice I would encourage you to register with the practice now; there is no need to wait for the CCG to allocate your name. As soon as you register with Duddon Valley Medical Practice you will have access to their current GP services immediately (at either Kirkby-in-Furness or Broughton-in-Furness) without having to wait for the branch surgery in Askam to become operational.