Inside: Free A-Z guide to council services Spring 2010

Aiming high for the county’s disabled children Win tickets to see Jools Holland

visit for regular updates on the issues affecting you Welcome to YourCumbria 10 magazine It’s been a harsh winter for Cumbria with some very extreme weather. From the floods in November to the ice and snow of December and January, day to day life for many people in our county has been a struggle. Following the flooding the county council has been working hard to come up with solutions to the problems that our communities face. There’s been an impressive roll call of achievements and progress made but for many people this is far from over. Read more about what we’ve done so far and our plans for the future on page six. Cumbria did not escape lightly when the temperature Contents Your Cumbria on CD! dropped and the ice and snow If you would like an audio CD of arrived. The gritters stepped this magazine call 01228 221008 into action to keep Cumbria Keeping the moving and you can find out 04 county moving more about how we deal with these treacherous conditions on Stronger communities Cumbrian page four. 06 are safer communities 18 floods And throughout it all, the county council continues to Win tickets to see Your diary provide a wide range of services, 08 Jools Holland 20 See it. Do it day in, day out. I hope this issue gives you an insight into just Better care Your A–Z guide to services some of the work we do on 09 and support 23 around the county your behalf. Enjoy your read. Putting schools at the 12 heart of the community Jim Buchanan Aiming high for the Leader of county’s disabled children Cert no. TT-COC-002166 Cumbria County Council 16

What’s the cost? Each YourCumbria costs around 18p to produce and deliver to your door. It is printed on YourCumbria FSC certified paper from sustainable sources. Please recycle the magazine when you have finished reading it. produced by Any comments? Please contact the editor on 01228 221008 or email [email protected]

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01228 226338. 01228 606060. 01228 606060 YourNews

Cumbria Libraries’ new borrowing scheme

umbria County Council has joined Cother local authorities all over the UK to operate a ‘universal’ borrowing scheme in libraries. The scheme gives library users more freedom and choice when using library Fortnight services. Visitors from outside the county are able to borrow books from any one of Cumbria’s 48 public libraries without having to sign up for The Big Swap membership. All they have to do is pop into the local library with their own library card or proof of name and address, they can then borrow books and, in some libraries, also In October 2009 the distinctive borrow DVDs. Fairtrade Mark celebrated its 15th The scheme also allows library users in Cumbria to return their books to birthday. Fairtrade supporters all over any library in the county. For example, if you borrow a book from Carlisle the country, and especially in Cumbria library, you can return it to the one in Workington. where Fairtrade has strong support It’s an exciting new idea which is designed to increase accessibility to from the county council, are now libraries. Over 4,000 libraries are taking part across the country. Members of planning events for Fairtrade Fortnight our library service who are staying outside Cumbria will be able to use their this year: 22 February - 7 March. The membership cards and borrow just as they would from their local library. theme is The Big Swap. Supporters The Library Service has also launched an online will be asking the nation to swap their borrowing system called Library Elf. This allows users usual ‘stuff’ for Fairtrade ‘stuff’; your to keep track of their borrowings online. This service usual tea, coffee, bananas, wine, sugar, can send an email to the customer to let them know or oranges for Fairtrade equivalents. when their books are due back, and also sends Each swap will be proof that we a notification when reserved items are ready for want farmers in developing countries, collection. To sign up for Library Elf visit whose products we buy, to get a better deal, just as we want a better deal for our own farmers, especially in Cumbria. So in future always buy Fairtrade and local. Now register here – and get swapping!

Joe Human, Coordinator, Cumbria Fair Trade Network

YourCumbria 3 YourNews

Sandy Cameron Keeping the county

It could be you... moving School governors wanted! ave you ever thought about Hbeing a school governor? If so the Governor Development Team want to hear from you. They’ve just started a new recruitment drive to increase the number of governors in Cumbria. The team will be working with schools This winter snow, frost and ice created treacherous in areas where there is greatest need – but they’re always on the lookout conditions on the roads and underfoot. But with a for new people. Governor Support Team Manager, 30-strong fleet of specialist gritters and a host of other Sandy Cameron: “It is essential we have governors to help with the vehicles on standby, Cumbria was prepared when the leadership of our schools. While schools will always welcome people temperature dropped. with experience in finance and business, what we’re looking for is umbria Highways, the partnership Fact people who are confident, good Cbetween Cumbria County Council, The county keeps a stock listeners and feel comfortable Capita Symonds, Amey and Connect of approximately 18,000 challenging the schools.” is responsible for managing and tonnes of salt at huged barns Lisa Mosey from Grasmere is maintaining 4,784 miles of highway in main highways depots. a property administrator for the network. This covers everything from National Trust and has been a school major routes to minor rural roads. It isn’t feasible to grit every single governor at the village primary school They’re on call 24 hours a day during road so we concentrate on treating the for more than two years. She serves high season and operate from a series priority routes. These cover around on two sub committees and attends of depots across the county. They grit 1,200 miles. Priority routes are the most meetings eight times a year. “By being a core network of priority routes that important for road users in that they are a governor you can take the pressure are chosen to maintain transport used for business, leisure, recreational, off teachers so they can get on with connections for as many communities educational and domestic purposes. their jobs. It’s nice to do something as possible. The treatment times adopted by the to help the children, I feel quite county council are three hours and privileged.” Fact five hours for first and second priority Do you think you fit the bill? If so Each full grit run on all roads respectively. This is achieved by get in touch with the Governor of the priority routes ensuring that the first priority roads Development Team. Contact: uses around 300 tonnesd are treated early in the gritters’ [email protected] of rock salt. pre-determined route. or call 01228 226925.

4 YourCumbria YourNews

Northern Keeping development route forges the county ahead espite dealing with a major moving Drecovery effort in west Cumbria following the unprecedented flooding How do we grit the roads? that hit the county, Cumbria County We use six-millimetre crushed Council has ensured the Carlisle rock salt to melt ice or prevent it Northern Development Route from forming on the roads during (CNDR) is progressing as planned winter. Usually, this is spread onto and to schedule. the road using a purpose-built The existing Kingmoor Railway machine, mounted on a wagon. Bridge north of Carlisle is being The spreaders are designed to give replaced with a new two-lane bridge an even distribution of salt across that will form an integral part of the road and spread the salt at CNDR. Demolition of the old bridge a controlled rate. To prevent ice took place over a 58.5-hour period from forming, we spread salt at when the west coast main line was fifteen grammes per square metre. closed, starting in the early hours of But more is needed to melt ice Christmas morning. which has already formed and the To help ensure traffic disruption rate of spread can be increased to was kept to a minimum, a temporary 40 grammes per square metre to bridge is now in use. The temporary Fact achieve this. The wagons also have bridge carries traffic travelling from Cumbria has a fleet of fittings which enable a snowplough Cargo and Rockliffe to Carlisle. The 30 gritters, each capable of to be fitted when it is needed. new Kingmoor Railway Bridge is due carrying around 10d tonnes to be completed by Autumn 2010. of salt. Who looks after what? Major construction of CNDR got Almost the entire road network underway last October and the route The priority three roads include bus in Cumbria is looked after by is set to bring massive transport and and commuter routes in the urban Cumbria Highways. Carlisle City economic improvements not just to areas and access to villages in rural Council treats certain bus routes Carlisle but to west Cumbria as well. areas. They are treated only after the and unclassified roads in Carlisle The northern end of the new road is priority one and two roads are clear, as part of its claimed maintenance set to be open by August 2011, with during daytime hours or when there is rights, taking on responsibility for the whole road open by April 2012. sufficient time at the end of the night’s gritting on behalf of the county To find out more information visit work and before the normal working council. The Highways Agency is day begins, and only when a prolonged responsible for gritting motorway period of bad weather is forecast to and trunk roads – the M6, A66, last at least 72 hours. A69, the majority of the A590, and As well as treating priority road the A595 from the A66 to routes and pavements in town centres, Calder Bridge. the county council provides around 10,000 salt heaps and grit across the Can it get too cold for county. Salt heaps and grit bins are salt to work? located in areas that are not routinely Yes. Salt will work at temperatures treated and allow people to spread salt down to minus 8-10 oC. Below themselves on pavements and more that salted roads will still freeze. minor roads. lt works by lowering the temperature at which water freezes. It relies on the action of vehicle tyres to be spread over the road, For more information visit so requires traffic to be effective.

YourCumbria 5 YourCommunity

In Cumbria we are fortunate to live in an area with lower than average rates of crime. Research shows that this has a lot to do with the strong sense of community found in many Stronger communities areas of the county. Together with other organisations like the are safer communities district councils, police and NHS, the county council is helping residents come together to cut crime and make their area a better place to live. Get together for safer neighbourhoods ou’ve probably heard of Neighbourhood Watch, but did you Yknow that people who live in a watch area experience 80% less crime than those that who don’t? Simply by getting to know our neighbours and looking out for one another we can curb crimes like burglary, cold calling and fly tipping and help create a better sense of community at the same time. Brian Dawson is co-ordinator of the Neighbhourhood Watch scheme in Levens near Kendal. He said: “The whole village is covered by the scheme. Everyone just tends to be aware of anything out of the ordinary and I’m pleased to say we’ve seen crime rates fall lower and lower over the years. “I’d urge anyone to set up a neighbourhood watch scheme because there are so many benefits: feeling safer in your home and community, getting to know your neighbours, and there may even be a chance of a lower home insurance premium.” In Cumbria, neighbourhood watch schemes are Freezing out supported by the county council and Cumbria Constabulary and are cold callers members of Cumbria Neighbourhood Watch hen residents of West Shore Association. Anyone can WPark in Barrow became set up a scheme in their plagued by cold callers the county neighbourhood: call council worked with them to help Cumbria Constabulary on them feel safer and more secure in 0845 3300247 or go to their homes. for Residents said that a No Cold more information. Calling Zone, which bans unexpected door to door traders, would be welcome in their community. Brian Dawson of Levens Resident Barry Threlfall said “Cold Neighbourhood Watch callers were a concern for my wife scheme. and I and many of our neighbours.

6 YourCumbria YourCommunity Stronger communities are safer communities Together we can n towns and villages across Cumbria, Iresidents are getting involved in a county council scheme which is helping make communities safer, stronger and cleaner. The project, called Together We Can, is currently being held in the Harraby area of Carlisle. The county council, along with Carlisle City Council, Police, NHS and Riverside Housing Association have been listening to residents’ views about the improvements they want to see. Lewis Powell is Police Constable for Harraby. He said: “Harraby is a really good place to live but like anywhere it’s not perfect. Clearing graffiti, improving street lighting and going door to door to talk to residents about community safety have all helped reduce crime and antisocial behaviour. “A BMX track has helped give young people more to do and seen them learn about bike safety and have their cycles coded.” Freezing out Family fun days, community events and neighbourhood forums have also cold callers helped bring the community together. We’re delighted with the No Cold Calling Zone as it’s put a stop to nuisance callers and now we feel a Help make your community lot safer, particularly when we go to answer the door.” stronger and safer Austin Shields, Principal Trading Standards Officer said: “When Neighbourhood Forums are a great way to meet your neighbours and we approached residents about a councillors and have your say on the issues that matter to you. No Cold Calling Zone we found There are more than 60 forums in Cumbria. Go to overwhelming support for the neighbourhoodforums to find your nearest one. plans. We’re now working with To find out more about what’s on in your community and ways to get communities in other parts of the involved contact your nearest neighbourhood developmentCumbria. team. Find county to set up similar zones.” their number in the A-Z Guide at the back of Your

YourCumbria 7 YourCompetition

Win WinWin Cumbria County Council has made a tickets to see Jools major step forward to at Carlisle Racecourse! improve the care and support adults receive

e’ve teamed up with Carlisle Racecourse to offer two lucky readers the in Cumbria. From Wopportunity to win a pair of premier badge tickets to see keyboard king Jools Holland play a record-breaking, open-air concert on 3 July 2010. As part of the November 2009, we CFM Summer Family Festival, enjoy an afternoon of racing and other fantastic entertainment including Alison Moyet, rounded off with this amazing concert started to offer personal and fireworks finale. To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the following question and budgets to adults who send your completed entry form to: need social care and Jools Holland Competition, YourCumbria Magazine, Cumbria County Council, Communications Team, The Courts, Carlisle, CA3 8NA. support.

On what date will Jools Holland play at Carlisle Racecourse Q? this year?


Name: Address:

Postcode: Tel no: Email: # Bernadette Quinn

sing personal budgets, we can Uoffer people who need support greater choice and control over the support they receive. For example, someone can use their personal budget to pay for a carer to take them out to a football match or bingo night rather than go to a day centre. Terms and Conditions Personal budgets can offer people 1 Closing date 15 April 2010. more flexible support so they can 2 The prize of one pair of premier badge tickets will be awarded to the first two decide what support they receive, correct entries drawn at random after the closing date. who provides this, when and where. 3 The prize is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative. The important thing is that personal 4 The judge’s decision is final. budgets must be spent on things Carlisle Racecourse would like to send you details on forthcoming events and promotions, which meet people’s assessed needs. please tick should you wish not to receive such information

8 YourCumbria YourCare Better care and support using personal budgets

Bernie could have gone to a day • People can have their centre but decided to use direct personal budget as a direct payments to employ her own personal payment. This is money we assistants. They help her go out and pay them to enable them to have enabled her to develop a busy arrange their own support. work and social life. Bernie says: Alternatively, we can arrange “By employing my staff, I tend to the support on their behalf. choose friends or people that know me. If I had life without this, I wouldn’t Who can have a be able to do the things I’m doing. Life personal budget? is so much better for me and I prefer it We are offering personal budgets to that way.” older people, people with physical disabilities and people with learning anything. We will discuss personal How do personal disabilities. Personal budgets apply to budgets with you at your next budgets work? people living in the community. annual review. • People who need social care have an Different arrangements apply to If you are not receiving support from assessment from us which works people in residential and nursing homes us and think you may need this, please out how much money could be made and people wanting occupational contact Customer Services at your local available to meet their needs. therapy equipment. Adult Social Care office and ask for an • They put together a support plan We are planning to offer personal assessment. – with help if needed – which sets budgets to carers and people with mental We have new booklets and a DVD out what services they would like to health problems later in the year. which tell you more about personal meet their needs. budgets. Social workers will share these • Once the support plan is agreed, the How can I find out more? with customers or you can see these funding is released and this becomes If you are already receiving support on our website their personal budget. from us, you do not need to do

YourCumbria 9 YourSafety Fire safety in the community Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service work with communities to deliver a diverse range of fire safety activities and programmes. Working with young people The Fire & Rescue Service run a variety of programmes to educate and inform children and young people about the dangers of fire, fire-related crime and its consequences. The aim is to prevent Community them becoming involved in fire crime, volunteers road traffic accidents and anti-social Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service has a behaviour and to stop them becoming growing team of volunteers, who give harmed or killed in accidental fires their own time freely, because they are or causing fires through ignorance or interested in helping local communities carelessness. stay safe. The volunteers make a vital The photo taken at Inglewood School contribution by helping the service to in Carlisle shows a group of enthusiastic provide fire safety advice and practical Year 1 children (aged between 4 and 5) assistance. They work alongside Fire & taking part in the Fire Awareness Child Rescue Service personnel under the Education Programme. supervision of, and supported by Fire Officers. They help to support the Working with vulnerable community fire safety departments in communities each area, meeting the fire safety needs Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service is of the many diverse areas of Cumbria. committed to help create a safe if you have a fire. They will also environment for all the residents of Home safety visits fit, where applicable, a battery Cumbria and to make sure that they Every home in Cumbria is eligible to powered smoke alarm free of charge. meet the needs of all community apply for a free Home Safety Visit to The Service aim to carry out around members. They work with a number help deal with any potential fire hazards 18,000 visits per year. of organisations including Deaf Vision in the home. During the visit the teams To arrange a visit call freephone and Age Concern and have specialist can help design a fire plan so that you 0800 358 4777 or contact your local advocates who concentrate on the and your family will know how to react fire station. specific needs of more vulnerable residents. These include older people and those with disabilities to help keep them safe and secure in their homes. For all the latest information from Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service visit

10 YourCumbria YourTransport

In Cumbria, 298 cases of In Cumbria, nearly half of vulnerable adult abuse and adults who are Have your abused have been neglect were physically assaulted say about... by someone close reported last to them Transport year, but we its easy eople are being asked for their know that this it’s easy Pviews to help shape the future of transport in Cumbria. is only the tipto turn a Cumbria County Council is its to easyturn a launching the first engagement of the iceberg. stage of Local Transport Plan Three. blind to eye turn a The plan will set out how roads, blinditseye easy pavements, cycleways, rights of way, bus and train services will be to abuse improved and managed in the county. blind to eyeturn a And to ensure the plan reflects the don’t let it be you concerns and opinions of residents, local people are being urged to have blind eyetheir say and let the council know what they think should be the aims Are you worried that someone you know may and priorities for transport over the be being hurt or harmed and want some advice? coming 10-15 years. call 01228 606060 Whether people are regular bus passengers, train commuters, motorists, walkers or cyclists their views are keenly sought. Adult abuse Until 31 March people can comment on an issues paper, setting out the approach to addressing Cumbria’s transport needs via the and neglect county council’s website. After reading the document they will then be able to answer a dult abuse and neglect can happen questionnaire to give their views and A anywhere but adults are most at in Cumbria opinions that will be used to shape risk in their own homes. People with and determine the content of the learning disabilities and those aged if people are aware of the issue and final document. over 65 experience the majority of feel confident to raise their concerns. The plan needs to be submitted to abuse. Nearly half of the adults abused The Safeguarding Adults Board is Government by April 2011. in Cumbria last year were physically launching a new poster campaign The plan will contain a 10 year assaulted by someone close to them. over the coming months highlighting transport strategy and the measures More than a quarter of the reported the impact of abuse on adults. The and policies to implement it over five adult abuse was theft or fraud. county council’s Adult Social Care team years (2011-2016). Cumbria County Council, the Police, will also be launching a new website, To comment on the issues paper the NHS and all the other partners on to raise visit the Cumbria Adults Safeguarding Board awareness of abuse and neglect and Anybody without access to the have a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ to adult where to go for help and advice. internet who wants to see and abuse and neglect. They are all working Safeguarding adults in Cumbria is comment on the issues paper can do together to raise public awareness, as everyone’s business and we need your so by writing to: abuse and neglect can only be reduced help to prevent abuse and neglect. Local Transport Plan Transport Unit The Courts For more information visit, contact 01539 713398 Carlisle CA3 8NA or email the team at [email protected].

YourCumbria 11 YourSchools

Putting schools at the heart of the community with Building Schools for the Future

In the last YourCumbria we let you know that Cumbria is bidding for £80 million of funding through Building Schools for the Future (BSF).

SF is a national government A bigger say Bfunded programme aimed Wider public consultations at transforming learning and will take place across West Thanks to Millom School for rebuilding or remodelling Cumbria in the near future. providing the images! every secondary and special There are also plans for school. We are doing this as an event bringing together it will bring lasting benefits to everyone who may have an Cumbria and its communities. input from both the public for the future. In other words if a new There are so many things and private sector so library, sports facility or fire station we aim to do in the county we ensure the thinking is is planned – what about creating a and BSF could help us deliver joined up when planning community hub on the school site? some of this. What we’d like to do Making your voice heard The plan is to start in West Cumbria We’ve already started the process of asking you what you think – 29,000 leaflets as this is the area of greatest need in went out via schools in West Cumbria before Christmas. Around 300 parents terms of educational attainment. The and carers responded and this has already provided much food for thought. map opposite gives you examples of Some of you will also have taken part in a series of parent/carer focus some of the ideas we have. groups held in Millom, Wigton (including Silloth and Aspatria) and Workington. They were conducted by pollsters IPSOS Mori and looked at It’s going to take time things like what really makes a school the heart of its community and how we The funding is going to be provided in can make better use of school premises for everyone in the local area. The several allocations. information from this will help shape the more detailed consultations that will take place over the coming months. • An initial phase of £80 million planned to start 2013/14 and be completed by What parents have said so far... 2015/16 (Mayfield, Millom, Netherhall, “Wouldn’t it be nice for the kids to have a quiet place in school – just to take time out.” Southfield, Stainburn, Whitehaven Want to know more? It is a long term programme and the journey has just begun. In January the county School and the West Cumbria “Schools could work more as a team.” council Cabinet rubber stamped the initial plans – this has now gone before the Learning Centre). government. We should know by late spring if we’ve been successful with our first • A second phase of around £100 “Involvement in the community seems to be few and far between as kids get a bit phase bid. Get more details and keep up to date with our plans at: million two or three years later older, but the reception classes are heavily involved in the community and that’s a (remaining West Cumbria schools). good thing.” or email the BSF team with your comments to [email protected] 12 YourCumbria YourSchools

Putting schools at the heart of the community with Building Schools for the Future

Workington Solway Plain What do head Single school in a Wigton, Silloth, Aspatria teachers think? new building to Different arrangements for running schools? “BSF could provide opportunities replace the two Extended/remodelled buildings? for learning for all members of the community schools? Maryport community, from preschool to adults, New services, New building Silloth by creating learning environments leisure and other on existing which will give easy access to Wigton facilities linked to Netherhall Aspatria inspirational facilities.” the new schools? site? Susie Shepherd, Head, Extended/ Solway School, Silloth remodelled buildings Maryport Cockermouth for St Joseph’s? Extended/remodelled buildings? “How we learn, what we learn, and why we learn are all changing in the Workington Cockermouth light of the growth in information and Keswick knowledge worldwide. That is why this Whitehaven Distington opportunity is so important for all our Extended/remodelled Distington* Keswick communities.” Whitehaven buildings? (including New building? Extended/ David Sibbit, Head, Mayfield Special Different site? remodelled Netherhall School, Maryport School) Egremont buildings?

Egremont** * West Cumbria Learning Centre Millom A Federation with local primary schools ** West Lakes Academy (all through school arrangement)? (new building not Extended/remodelled buildings? funded through BSF) Millom

“It’s about making a real difference Want to know more? for people of all ages - getting It is a long term programme and the journey has just begun. In January the county qualifications, jobs, and making a council Cabinet rubber stamped the initial plans – this has now gone before the success of themselves.” government. We should know by late spring if we’ve been successful with our first Ian Smith, Head, Millom phase bid. Get more details and keep up to date with our plans at: School or email the BSF team with your comments to [email protected] YourCumbria 13 YourCommunity Linking Cleator Moor together council services

ver the last couple of year’s the county, district and Oparish councils and their partners have worked together to improve customer access via face to face contact through Local links centres in Cumbria. We now have eight Local links offices up and running around the county, they include: • Alston • Grange-over-Sands • Wigton • Milnthorpe • Aspatria • Ambleside and • Longtown • Cleator Moor Any questions? o you know that you can find answers to nearly D1,250 of the most frequently asked questions the public ask by visiting Or you can call into your Local links office and a trained member of staff will find the answer to your query.

Here are some examples of the most common questions the public ask at a Local link: Longtown - it’s a success - it’s a fact

• Who would answer a query about my Council Tax? • Who is my local councillor? • I want to report a street light that is not working. • Who do I contact about road problems? (eg potholes or a verge that needs cutting) • My bin hasn’t been emptied, who do I speak to? Since becoming a Local link, • Who do I speak to about the removal of fridges/ beds etc from my home? Longtown library has seen some • Where can I obtain a copy of my birth certificate? • My road needs gritting, who do I contact? impressive statistics. • When are the school holidays for this school year? • Where do I find out about meals on wheels and • 27% increase in the number of items issued* disabled parking badges? • 32% increase in the number of active borrowers* • Where can I find out about jobs at Cumbria • 119 new members in 6 months County Council? * This is a like for like comparison between the period December 08 to May 09 and June 09 to December 09.

14 YourCumbria LOCALlinks YourCommunity Cleator Moor

new one-stop-shop for Cleator AMoor has brought together the local library and many public services into one convenient place. The town library has been transformed to allow advisors to point people in the right direction on what services they receive from the council on a local and county-wide level. Local links are a single place where local people can go to find out information about council services and get help and advice from trained customer service advisors. Local links have already been successfully opened elsewhere in the county in Ambleside, Aspatria, Alston, Grange-Over-Sands, Longtown, Milnthorpe and Wigton. This will be the first stage of the project, the long-term plan is for all the council- owned buildings at Cleator Moor Square to be used as Local links facilities. A consultation period will take place later this year to see whether this will be feasible. The scheme has already seen staff from Copeland Borough Council move into Cleator Moor Library which will be LOCAL open from 9am to 5pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and from 9am to li12pm onn Wednesdayk and Saturday.s Longtown - it’s a success - it’s a fact

taff at Longtown Local links are dealing with a Shuge range of enquiries including blue badge applications, free school meals and clothing grants, lighting and potholes in roads. The extended hours are beneficial in many ways, William Howard, Longtown Primary School and Fir Ends School pupils can now use our facilities after school for homework or leisure. Parents are bringing their children to the library after school closes and people now have the chance to use the library after work.

For more information visit

YourCumbria 15 YourCare

... Aiming high ... for the county’s disabled children

16 YourCumbria YourCare


What is Aiming High? There is clear guidance on how the iming High for Disabled Children money from the government should Ais a nationwide programme be spent; therefore stakeholder for transforming disabled children’s forums across the county have services. In Cumbria, the been set up to bring together local county council and the Primary organisations, parents and carers with Care Trust are working with an aim to develop longer term plans disabled children, young people for the future. and their families to make What we need to do now is develop this transformation happen. this work and agree together how Aiming High includes improving we are going to significantly increase information on services, the volume, quality and range of improving co-ordination of short break provision based on the services, increasing parents’ identified needs of all eligible disabled involvement, improving children, young people and their families. transition to adulthood, improving access to child Change is happening, but care for disabled children and don’t just take our word access to essential equipment. for it... Robert and Carol. Above all, Aiming High Robert, pictured to the left on involves supporting parents horseback and supported by Locality to have a break from caring and gives Manager Carol Abernethy, has disabled children and young people made the most of the various fun more opportunities for positive activities on offer to him. Robert activities. told us that: “The play scheme was We know that families’ number one great, I especially enjoyed the horse priority is regular and reliable short riding and want to go again please!” breaks. A short break can be anything Robert’s mum added: “The Aiming from a couple of hours in a sports High projects have been fantastic. It club to an overnight stay. has given Robert the opportunity to The council has now been given get out there and meet new people new funding by the government to and take part in experiences that I help make sure disabled children and wouldn’t have been able to give him. young people can access more of the All the staff in each different event we places and activities they want, are attended have been great and their aware of all the opportunities that support has really improved Robert’s exist for them and are able to access confidence.” the support they need so that they For more information on Aiming can be as independent as possible. High please contact Jon Parnaby on Change has already started to 01228 221156 or email jon.parnaby@ happen. Last year, disabled children For short break and young people in Cumbria were enquiries please contact Maria Kielty able to take advantage of extra on 01539 713309 or email holiday and out-of-school activities. [email protected]

YourCumbria 17 YourCommunity Cumbrian Floods t’s been almost three months since the floods hit Cumbria, I a devastating time for many people across the county. Cockermouth and Workington may have made the national news but many other areas of the county were also badly affected including Ulverston and Keswick. Cumbria County Council has been the lead organisation co-ordinating the recovery operation since last November, taking over from Cumbria Constabulary, who were in charge during the emergency phase of the incident. As well as working out how to help those whose lives have been impacted by the floods, there has been a successful lobbying effort to make sure Cumbria gets the help it needs from the Government. There has also been a big communications drive, with a wealth of information available on how to get help and assistance. Flood support centres were set up offering help and advice in Keswick, Cockermouth, Workington and Ulverston along with two mobile centres.

The floods in numbers

Warm moist air Ground already 24 residents evacuated mm 1 makes landfall over 2 saturated from 314 Cumbria Care worked quickly to evacuate the peopleof rain offell Ravensfield in 24hrs on the Cumbria. Deposits previous fells in Seathwaite UK record for rain rain Care Home and to find them safe alternatives. Cockermouth in 36 hrs CUMBRIAN MOUNTAINS

Keswick Derwent Water Buttermere 10mm Skiddaw Average daily rainfall for Newlands Beck Bridge, down Ennerdale Cumbria in November Bassenthwaite Lorton bridge, down Crummock Water flood support Water Lake Goat bridge, closed 4 centres R Derwent Loweswater Ulverston and Keswick Libraries Cockermouth R Cocker graphi acted as Flood Support Centres. m Whitehaven 2.5 c: ww Camerton Footbridge, down Depth of water in Cockermouth w.paulwes Isle Bridge, closed Cockermouth Library was closed Northside footbridge, down town centre during peak ton.inf Footbridge at Croft Terrace due to flood damage, but staff o /South Street, closed Workington Water coming down Papcastle Bridge (A595), closed Calva Bridge, closed were deployed to the Flood Support 3 from the fells in the Centre at Christ Church in Derwent and Cocker Northside road bridge, down N converges on Cockermouth. There was also a A66 to Great Broughton Maryport H Bridges collapse and others 1800 Cockermouth and I R T Bridges being inspected road bridge, closed S O L W A Y F 4 become unstable due to shear then Workington weight of water and scouring centre in Cumbria of the foundations

bridges 18 YourCumbria 29 Collapsed or closed in this area


Pier Great force applied by water Area of scour

Fast-owing oodwater scours away the riverbed downstream of the bridge piers, eventually destabilising the bridge foundation YourCommunity Cumbrian Cumbria has remained open for business throughout, with advertisement campaigns to encourage local people to shop local and to encourage visitors to support Cumbria. The flooding directly affected hundreds of homes and businesses Floods but the sheer volume of water has also had a major impact on Cumbria’s transport network. There’s been a lot of work done to check the safety of bridges, reopen damaged roads and begin the process of linking together communities separated by bridge collapses. A temporary footbridge was organised with the help of the army, and public transport set up to help people get around. A temporary railway station, ‘Workington North,’ and additional train services have helped to get people across to the town centre. The process to build a temporary road bridge across the River Derwent to connect the two sides of Workington by road is being done as quickly as humanly possible – far quicker than normal for such a large engineering project. The new bridge will be in place by late spring. There’s been an impressive roll call of achievements and progress made in the flood recovery operation. But for many people the hard work to get affected areas back to normal will continue for months to come. 120,000 If you have been affected we’d like to hear from you. You can help us metric tonnes of debris gather a definitive picture of the impact the flooding has had and help ... cleared out of the Port of Workington following an us tackle any ongoing issues. For more information visit emergency dredging operation, meaning it is now fully floods where there’s a short online questionnaire to complete. open for business.

1240 bridges checked £1m injection 170 Ulverston 17 road bridges were closed plus three collapsed. Payments have already been made to businesses homes flooded Five bridges were reopened in the first week alone qualifying for a flood recovery grant. The scheme Work begun to reduce the chance of and visual inspections took place on all 1,240 bridges is being administered by the Cumbria Chamber future flooding from Dragley Beck. in the county which are near water. of Commerce with support from the county Community engagement officers have council and funded by a £1m injection from the attended meetings with local flood action Northwest Regional Development Agency. groups to offer on-going practical help

85 tonnes of waste Collected at an emergency waste recycling centre opened in Sullart Street, Cockermouth. Free collection £750,000 of government funding was provided for water-damaged bulky and electrical Free train service set up to help residents will continue until May 2010. Shuttle buses from the household waste items and opening hours were new station to the temporary footbridge and additional school transport has been provided extended for nearby centres. where necessary.

52 metre temporary steel footbridge £750,000 for farms Barker Crossing, built across the River Derwent in Workington by army ...has been made available for affected farms through the Rural engineers in a project co-ordinated by the county council and funded by Development Programme for which is administered by Cumbria the Government. County Council.

YourCumbria 19 YourDiary

• Drawing • Directing • Writing • Reading • Playing an instrument • Textile arts • Jewellery •

• Plays • Operas • Festivals • Carnivals • Pantomimes • Painting • Sculpture • Woodworking • Carnival activities • Embroidery • Furniture making •

February Events in your area 15 Chinese New Year Celebration Forum Twenty Eight, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness 01229 820000 March 15 Still Breathing 2 Ludus Dance: ID:me Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 017687 74411 15 Feb- Meet the Curator 3 Chumbawamba & O’Hooley & Tidow 20 Dec Blackwell, The Arts & Craft House, Bowness-on-Windermere Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 015394 46139 017687 74411 16 The Greatest Kids Sing-A-Long - Ever! 3-6 The Likes of Us Forum Twenty Eight, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness Carnegie Theatre, Finkle Street, Workington 01229 820000 01900 602122 17-Feb Craft Demonstrations 5 Indonesian Evening 2 June Museum of Lakeland Life & Industry, Abbot Hall, Kendal High Chapel House, Ravenstonedale, Kirkby Stephen 01539 722464 015396 23411 17-18 LipService - Move Over Moriarty 6 Malcolm Wilson Rally Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Cockermouth, Main Street, Cockermouth 017687 74411 01524 410753 17 The Little Big Club Live in Concert!! 6 The Hollies Forum Twenty Eight, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness The Sands Centre, The Sands, Carlisle 01229 820000 01228 625222 19 Lempen Puppet Theatre: Ugly Beauty 8 Eden Valley Mountaineering Club Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Penrith, Cumbria 017687 74411 01768 864728 19-20 The Ashton Group 9 Kitaj: In the Picture Forum Twenty Eight, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Abbot Hall, Kendal 01229 820000 01539 722464 21 Family Creativity Day 10 The Atlantic Arc Coronation Hall, County Square, Ulverston Settlebeck High School, Long Lane, Sedbergh 01229 587140 01539 816300 21 Keswick Music Society Concerts 12 Ben Nicholson: 1932 (crowned head: the queen) Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Abbot Hall, Kendal 017687 74411 01539 722464 22-27 Ruddigore 13 Illuminating the Wall Forum Twenty Eight, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness Carlisle City 01229 820000 01228 625600 22-23 The Sorcerer 13 Welcoming the Light Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Carlisle City 017687 74411 01228 625600 23 Paula Rego: Telling Tales 15-16 Huck Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Abbot Hall, Kendal Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 01539 722464 017687 74411 24 My Mother Told Me Not To Stare 17 Keswick Music Society Concerts Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 017687 74411 25 Ardeo String Quartet Carlisle City Huck 01228 625600 25-28 The 11th Keswick Film Festival Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 26 Dance Nights Forum Twenty Eight, 28 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness 01229 820000

20 YourCumbria YourDiary

• Drawing • Directing • Writing • Reading • Playing an instrument • Textile arts • Jewellery •

• Plays • Operas • Festivals • Carnivals • Pantomimes • Painting • Sculpture • Woodworking • Carnival activities • Embroidery • Furniture making •

Still Breathing

March 17 Trio Con Brio Copenhagen Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 01768 774411 18 My Brilliant Divorce Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 01768 774411 20 Far Eastern Cooking High Chapel House, Ravenstonedale, Kirkby Stephen 01539 623411 20-21 Ambleside Daffodil & Spring Flower Show The Kelsick Centre, St. Mary’s Lane, Ambleside 01539 432252 21 John Hallam & Friends Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 22-27 The Crucible Carlisle City 01228 625600 25 Bartholdy Piano Trio Carlisle City 01228 625600 26- A Taste Of India 13 June LucyCooks, Lakes Mill Yard, Staveley, Nr Kendal 015394 32288 26- Stones in his Pockets Trio Con Brio Copenhagen 17 April Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 27 Cumbria Choral Initiative Concert Kendal Parish Church, Kirkland, Kendal 01539 724449 Stones in 28 Abba Fever his Pockets Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 28 Chamber Classics - Concert Coronation Hall, County Square, Ulverston 01229 587140 28 Northern Sinfonia Principal Players Appleby Public Hall, Boroughgate, Appleby-in-Westmorland 01768 483777 28 Voices of the North Carlisle City 01228 625600 31 Mar- The Great Peter Rabbit Easter Egg Hunt 10 Apr- World of Beatrix Potter, The Old Laundry, Bowness-on-Windermere 015394 40874

For more details visit This is just a selection of the events on offer - check out’s on near you.for aYour fullCumbria list of 21 YourDiary

• Drawing • Directing • Writing • Reading • Playing an instrument • Textile arts • Jewellery •

• Plays • Operas • Festivals • Carnivals • Pantomimes • Painting • Sculpture • Woodworking • Carnival activities • Embroidery • Furniture making •

Events in your area Events in your area

April 2 Easter Eggstras Lake District Visitor Centre, Brockhole, Windermere 015394 46601 2-5 Easter Fairy Trail Carlisle City 01228 591922 2-9 Life in a Medieval Castle Journey of turtle Carlisle City 01228 591922 April 4 Fiddlers’ Bid 16 Hen Sculptures for the Garden Using Chicken Wire Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Greystoke Cycle Cafe, Poplin Dub, Greystoke, Penrith 017687 74411 017684 83984 5 Secret City Guided Walking Tour 17 Malaysian Cookery Carlisle City High Chapel House, Ravenstonedale, Kirkby Stephen 01228 625600 015396 23411 7 Have a Go at Archery 19 Film: Singin’ in the Rain Lake District Visitor Centre, Brockhole, Windermere Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 015394 46601 017687 74411 8-10 Like a Virgin 20 A Night at the Opera Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 017687 74411 9-23 Sir Joshua Reynolds: Portrait of an Officer 21 Borrowdale - The Secret Valley Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Abbot Hall, Kendal Settlebeck High School, Long Lane, Sedbergh 01539 722464 01539 816300 11 Journey of Turtle 21 Music at Crosthwaite Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Crosthwaite Church, Keswick 017687 74411 017687 73342 14-17 Going Straight 22 Evening Lecture - Mark Francis: Arena Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Abbot Hall, Kendal 017687 74411 01539 722464 14 Photography Evening 22-25 Peatbog Faeries Moot Hall, Market Place, Brampton Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 01539 816300 017687 74411 15 Indian Runner Duck Garden Sculptures in Wire 24 Barry Cryer & Ronnie Golden Greystoke Cycle Cafe, Poplin Dub, Greystoke, Penrith Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017684 83984 017687 74411 15-16 Lunchtime Readings 25 Concert for Children Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 017687 74411 25 The European Union Chamber Orchestra Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 29 Silent Film Special Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick 017687 74411 This is just a selection of the events on offer - 30 Elkie Brooks Theatre by the Lake, Lakeside, Keswick check out for a full list of 017687 74411

what’s on near you.

22 YourCumbria Your updated guide • Drawing • Directing • Writing • Reading • Playing an instrument • Textile arts • Jewellery • now featuring additional useful numbers!

• Plays • Operas • Festivals • Carnivals • Pantomimes • Painting • Sculpture • Woodworking • Carnival activities • Embroidery • Furniture making •

Archives Any problems? Barrow 01229 407377 Carlisle 01228 227285 If you are unsure of who to contact or Kendal 01539 713540 experiencing difficulties in getting through to Whitehaven 01946 506420 the numbers listed please phone our main switchboard on Arts and culture 01228 227306 Aspatria Dreamscheme 016973 20893 01228 606060 B Barrow Borough Council – 01229 876300 Barrow Youth Inclusion Project 01229 871420 Basement Bar, Barrow 01229 894644 A Beach cleaning contact your district council Abandoned vehicles advice line contact your district council Accidents and Emergencies 999 Benefits advice centre contact your district council Adoption and fostering – see Fostering and adoption Benefit enquiry line 0800 88 22 00 Adult education 01228 227304 / 227303 Bereavement services provided in contact your district council Carlisle, Allerdale, Copeland and Eden Births, deaths, registration see registration of births and deaths Adult Social Care The National Blood Service 08457 711711 Barrow 01229 407894 For details of blood donor sessions Carlisle 01228 227000 Blue car parking badges for disabled people see Adult Social Care Kendal 01539 713377 Botcherby Healthy Living Initiative 01228 543405 Penrith 01768 812242 Brewery Arts Centre 01539 725133 Whitehaven 01946 506352 Building regulations contact your district council Workington 01900 706325 Building planning applications contact your district council Emergency out of hours service 01228 526690 Bus timetables 0871 200 2233*

*Calls from landlines cost 10p per minute

Age Concern Carlisle 01228 536673 How to... Eden 01768 863618 Register a birth Northwest 01946 66669 You can register a birth or death by appointment only at Barrow 01229 831425 one of Cumbria’s Register offices. To view opening times Millom 01229 774573 the location of your local office or for further information South Lakeland 01539 728118 visit

or phone: Allerdale Borough Council 01900 702702 01228 227433 (Carlisle) Allotments contact your district council 01229 894513 (Barrow) Animal health and welfare 01539 713137 01900 706068 (Workington) Archaeology 01539 713428 01539 713567 (Kendal)

YourCumbria 23 A–ZGuide

Your A–Z guide to council services in Cumbria Important: For all services highlighted in blue please see district council section for your local council number Councillor contacts

Moss Bay L Bowness, Thursby & Caldbeck CM C St John’s L Cockermouth East C Barbara Cannon - 01946 834702 Duncan Fairbairn - 016973 43160 Joe Holliday - 01900 66319 Eric Nicholson - 01900 827944 Aspatria & Wharrels CM LC C Seaton I Moorclose L Solway Coast CM C James Buchanan - 016973 21331 Trevor Fee - 01900 61635 Gerald Humes - 01900 63976 Tony Markley - 016973 31998 St Michael’s L Maryport West L Keswick & Derwent LD Dearham & Broughton CM C Alan Barry - 01900 604289 Bill Cameron - 01900 812783 Elizabeth Barraclough - 017687 72771 Eddie Martin - 01900 819918 Wigton C Cockermouth West C Harrington, Clifton & Stainburn L Maryport East L

ALLERDALE Joseph Cowell - 016973 43479 Alan Kennon - 01900 826368 Marjorie Rae - 01946 831004 Keith Little - 01900 812981

Gosforth & Ennerdale C Bransty C Hensingham & Arlecdon L Kells & Sandwith L Norman Clarkson - 01946 841126 Graham Roberts - 01946 692860 Mike Hawkins - 01946 65447 Wendy Skillicorn - 01946 692628 Hillcrest C St Bees & Egremont L Millom C Cleator Moor N & Frizington CM L Andrew Wonnacott - 01946 63601 David Southward MBE - 01946 841476 Raymond Cole - 01229 774378 Timothy Knowles - 01946 811687 Cleator Moor S & Egremont L Seascale & Whicham C Distington & Moresby L Mirehouse L Frank Morgan - 01946 830759 Susan Brown - 01229 774666 Cam Ross - 01946 861552 John Woolley - 01946 695804 COPELAND

Parkside I C C CM L Lisa Hammond - 01229 823071 David Marcus - 01229 470629 David Roberts - 01229 811994 Anne Burns - 01229 471824 C S C Roosecote C Jill Heath - 01229 465051 Jim Hamezeian - 01229 829454 Bill Bleasdale - 01229 468804 Ray Guselli - 01229 830739 Risedalele L L Newbarns C Old Barrow CM I

BARROW Kevin Hamilton - 07849 847158 Melvyn Worth - 07779 247957 Tina Macur - 01229 820158 Oliver Pearson - 01229 836367

Penrith East LD Penrith North C Appleby C Patricia Bell - 01768 867826 Hilary Carrick - 01768 898147 Martin Stephenson - 017683 51378 Eden Lakes C Penrith Rural CM C Kirkby Stephen LD Thomas Lowther - 01931 712284 Gary B Strong - 01228 599435 Peter Thornton - 01539 823640

EDEN Greystoke & Hesket C Penrith West C Alston & East Fellside I Bert Richardson - 01768 483704 Helen Fearon - 01768 892731 Mary Robinson - 01768 896147

Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale C Kendal Highgate LD Low Furness LD Ulverston West C Kevin Lancaster - 015396 20800 Geoff Cook - 01539 740133 Janet Willis - 01229 861250 James Airey - 01539 721010 High Furness C Lakes LD Kent Estuary LD Grange C Claire Salisbury - 015394 36611 David Earnshaw - 015394 33573 Ian Stewart - 015395 62391 Bill Wearing - 015395 32482 Kendal Castle LD Lower Kentdale C C Upper Kent LD Lyth Valley C Tom Clare - 01539 725946 Roger Bingham - 015395 63694 Stan Collins - 01539 821086 Jim Bland - 015395 68576 LAKELAND Kendal Strickland & Fell LD Windermere LD Kendal Nether LD Brendan Jameson - 01539 735540 Jo Stephenson - 015394 45448 Clare Feeney-Johnson - 01539 734086 Ulverston East C Cartmel LD Kendal South LD Peter Hornby - 01229 585416 Rod Wilson - 015395 36673 Brenda Gray - 015395 61135 SOUTH

Dalston & Cummersdale LD Harraby L Brampton & Gilsland C Wetheral C Trevor Allison - 01228 523923 Cyril Weber - 01228 539215 Lawrence Fisher - 01228 512550 Nicholas Marriner - 01228 561546 St Aidan’s L Morton L Longtown & Bewcastle C Stanwix Urban CM C Reg Watson OBE - 01228 521676 John Bell - 01228 530388 Amanda Long - 01228 577277 Liz Mallinson - 01228 533746 Botcherby I Yewdale C Stanwix & Irthington C Robert Betton - 01228 530747 Fiona Robson - 07919 374121 John Mallinson - 01228 533746 Denton Holme L Castle LD Upperby DL CM L

CARLISLE Hugh McDevitt - 01228 530223 Jim Tootle - 01228 546410 Stewart Young - 01228 541905 Belle Vue L Belah C Currock L Ian Stockdale - 01228 529678 Alan Toole - 01228 530681 Heather Bradley - 01228 533162

KEY: Party: C Conservative L Labour LD Liberal Democrats I Independent S Socialist People’s Party 24 YourCumbria Title: C Chairman CM Cabinet Member LC Leader of Council DL Deputy Leader of Council A–ZGuide

Your A–Z guide to council services in Cumbria Important: For all services highlighted in blue please see district council section for your local council number

Children’s Services How to... Head Office, Portland Square, Carlisle 01228 226877 Catch a bus Barrow – Market Street 01229 407894 If you are using the bus for the first time or using a bus Barrow – Nan Tait Centre 01229 407400 away from home – the first step is the hardest! Carlisle – Alfred Street North 01228 227002 Kendal – Busher House 01539 713456 When? Where? How much? – Answers to all these Kendal – Condor Block 01539 713377 questions can be found in a number of places but the Penrith 01768 812242 simplest way is to contact Traveline on 0871 200 22 33 Whitehaven – Somerset House 01946 506352 – calls from landlines 10p a minute. If using a mobile Whitehaven – Union Hall 01946 506200 dial 874 as soon as “Welcome” message starts to get Workington 01900 706325 straight through to Cumbria Call Centre. Or go online Emergency out of hours service 01228 526690 to This service is available daily 7.00 am to 10.00 pm. Citizens Advice Bureaux Information – Timetables etc can be obtained from Barrow 01229 830367 a number of outlets eg Tourist Information Centres. Carlisle 01228 633909 If you have access to the internet these can be found on Grange 01539 533100 the county council’s website Kendal 0870 1264061 Copies of the Cumbria and Lakes Rider which gives Keswick 017687 73472 information on bus timetables and maps of town services Millom 01229 772395 for the summer – available from your local library. Penrith 01768 863564 Ulverston 01229 585585 Something for nothing? – If you are over 60 you are Whitehaven 01946 693321 entitled to travel free on all buses. Contact your local Windermere 01539 446464 district/borough council for further information. Workington 01900 604735

Most services in Cumbria are paid for by the fares collected on the bus. Where fares do not cover costs the county council can provide financial support. Cumbria Connexions Cumbria County Council would be pleased to hear any suggestions Free phone number 0800 435709 to improve services and supply of information. Partnership Office 01931 711300 Barrow-in-Furness 01229 824052 C Carlisle 01228 596272 Carlisle City Council – 01228 817000 Kendal 01539 730045 Carlisle Castle 01228 891922 Penrith (part time) 01768 865296 Car parking contact your district council Maryport 01900 815928 Cemeteries and crematorium contact your district council Ulverston (part time) 01229 583466 Children’s information service 08457 125737 Whitehaven 01946 695541 Provides you with details of early years childcare and educational facilities Workington 01900 604674 Client Services 01228 227747 Including highways and waste management Consumer advice 0845 4040506 Coast protection contact your district council Contaminated land contact your district council Community centres support contact your district council Copeland Borough Council – 0845 054 8600 Community events contact your district council Councillors details 01228 226368 Community Law Centre 01228 515129 Council meetings 01228 226368 Complaints about county council services 0800 1218800 Council tax contact your district council Complaints about Adult Social Care and Children’s Services Countryside access 01228 221052 Contact local offices or ring 01228 227140 Complaints about district council services Contact your local district council Countryside Rangers (outside the National Parks) Community Action Furness 01229 832073 Allerdale District outside the National Park 07773 819101 Concessionary fares contact your district council Barrow-in-Furness District 07789 603435 Carlisle District 07789 603253 Copeland Borough outside the National Park 07773 819101 Eden District outside the National Park 07789 602281 South Lakeland outside the National Park 07789 603435

YourCumbria 25 A–ZGuide

Your A–Z guide to council services in Cumbria Important: For all services highlighted in blue please see district council section for your local council number

D How to... DaCE IT & Training - recycle and refurbish IT equipment and provide training for local disabled people. 01228 606485 Find out about childcare Email [email protected] and free nursery education Dangerous structures contact your district council Cumbria County Council’s Children’s Information Service Day care services, older adults contact Adult Social Care can give you this information and lots more. To find out Deaths, registration see registration of births and deaths about services, activities and entitlements, including the Derelict land contact your district council following contact 08457 125 737. Development control contact your district council National Park authority within boundaries • childcare Development control planning 01539 713066 • free nursery education and who provides it • out of school and holiday clubs Dentist (NHS) • support and advice groups To register 01539 797855 • parent and toddler groups Emergency Dental treatment and advice: • activities for children and young people Allerdale, Carlisle, Copeland and Eden 01228 603900 • local services, national helplines and websites Barrow and South Lakeland 01539 716822 • financial help with childcare costs • maternity and paternity rights and benefits • parental leave and work-life balance District council’s We also Allerdale Borough Council – 01900 702702 • Offer a brokerage service to anyone who has tried Barrow Borough Council – 01229 876300 to find childcare without success. We will contact Carlisle City Council – 01228 817000 providers on your behalf to try to find suitable childcare Copeland Borough Council – 0845 054 8600 • Produce a range of information leaflets Eden District Council – 01768 817817 • Provide information to anyone thinking about becoming South Lakeland District Council – 01539 733333 a registered childminder • Maintain the Cumbria Children’s Services Web Directory – • Develop and maintains a website for 13–19 year olds Doctor To register: Allerdale, Carlisle, Copeland and Eden 01228 603633 Barrow and South Lakeland 01772 221444 Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership 01768 812369 Out of hours service: Cumbria Association of Local Councils 01768 242141 Allerdale, Carlisle, Copeland and Eden 01228 401999 Cumbria Care 01228 227790 Barrow and South Lakeland 0845 052 4999 Cumbria Centre for Independent Living - providing services Hearing impaired users (South Cumbria) 18001 01539 716999 and advice for local disabled people 01228 606483 Email [email protected] Dogs – barking and fouling contact your district council Cumbria Community Foundation 01900 820822 Drop Zone Café, Barrow 01229 812888 Cumbria Chamber of Commerce (business advice) 01228 534120 Duke of Edinburgh Awards 01228 226937 Cumbria Sport 01228 221263 Dustbin emptying contact your district council Cumbria Youth Support Services Team Allerdale 01900 706375 E Carlisle 01228 226939 Economic development 01228 226691 Copeland 01900 706289 Eden Carers (support for unpaid carers) 01768 890280 Eden 01768 242071 Local election offices Furness 01229 404105 Allerdale 01900 702550 South Lakes 01539 773487 Barrow 01229 876318 Cycleways 01228 226735 Carlisle 01228 817555 Copeland 01946 598531 Eden 01768 817817 Cumbria County Council South Lakes 01539 797535 Comments, compliments and complaints Eden Community Outdoors 017683 51640 For complaints 0800 121 8800 Eden District Council – 01768 817817 Email: [email protected] Eden Housing Association 01768 861400 For comments and compliments Eden Rural Foyer 01768 861650 Email: [email protected] Eden Youth Work Project 01768 861404 Write: Customer Services, Cumbria County Council, Freepost Education and Education Welfare – see Children’s Services NWW6059A, The Courts, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 8NA. Energy efficiency advice centre contact your district council Environment Agency advice, floodline 0845 9881188

26 YourCumbria A–ZGuide

Your A–Z guide to council services in Cumbria Important: For all services highlighted in blue please see district council section for your local council number

Environmental issues including: pest control, Longtown Youth Project 07780 688734 food safety, dog control (dirt), health and safety at work, noise pollution contact your district council Environmental protection services contact your district council Libraries Cumbria has 49 libraries around the county – the main six are listed below: F Barrow 01229 407370 Fire service 01900 822503 Carlisle 01228 227310 Fly tipping contact your district council Kendal 01539 713520 Food inspection control contact your district council Penrith 01768 812100 Fostering and Adoption 0303 333 1216 Whitehaven 01946 506400 Workington 01900 706170 G Girlguiding 01946 694868 Grants – community groups See Neighbourhood Development M Grants – student 01228 226774 Markets contact your district council Gritting 0845 609 6609

H Marriages, Civil Partnerships and copy certificates For health care related matters contact: NHS Direct (24hrs) see panel at bottom right for all numbers Barrow 01229 894511 Highways Hotline 24 hours / 7 days 0845 609 6609 Carlisle 01228 607432 Email: [email protected] Cockermouth/Maryport/Workington 01900 325960 Home care see Adult Social Care Kendal 01539 713567 Homelessness contact your district council Millom 01229 772357 Hospice at Home West Cumbria 01900 705200 Penrith 01768 812114 Hospice at Home Carlisle & North Lakeland 01768 210719 Ulverston 01229 894170 Hospitals Whitehaven 01946 852690 Furness General Hospital (Barrow) 01229 870870 Wigton 01228 223446 Cumberland Infirmary (Carlisle) 01228 523444 Westmorland General Hospital (Kendal) 01539 732288 West Cumberland Hospital (Whitehaven) 01946 693181 Meals on wheels see Adult Social Care Household Waste Recycling Centres 01228 227644 Millom Youth Partnership 01229 777500 Housing advice contact your district council Minerals and waste planning 01539 713066 Housing benefit contact your district council Multi-cultural service 01229 833933

I N Impact Housing 01946 833100 J NHS Direct Junk Mail (to stop junk mail) 0845 703 4599 0845 4647 Or write to the Mailing Preference Service at: For 24 hour free expert health advice MPS, Freepost 22, London, WE1 7EZ. NHS Trusts in Cumbria • NHS Cumbria (Cumbria NHS Teaching Primary Care Trust) K Provides leadership for the NHS, commissions all Kendal Youth Work 07709 797534 health care, provides public health and primary health care services across Cumbria. 01768 245317 L • North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust Lake District National Park 01539 724555 Includes Cumberland Infirmary Carlisle and West Land charges contact your district council Cumberland Hospital. 01228 523444 Litter and street cleaning contact your district council • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust Living Well Trust, Carlisle 01228 599426 Includes Furness General, Westmorland General and Local plans contact your district council Royal Lancaster Infirmary. 01539 732288 • Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Local Links - Alston 01434 382244 Includes mental health and learning disability services. Local Links - Aspatria 016973 20515 01228 602000 Local Links - Ambleside 01539 432507 Local Links - Cleator Moor 01946 855030 • North West Ambulance Services NHS Trust Local Links - Grange-over-sands 015395 32749 Includes Ambulance and Patient Transport Services Local Links - Longtown 01228 791638 01228 596909 Local Links - Milnthorpe 015395 63040 For all Trusts: Local Links - Wigton 01900 702890

YourCumbria 27 A–ZGuide

Your A–Z guide to council services in Cumbria Important: For all services highlighted in blue please see district council section for your local council number P Neighbourhood Development Parish council – County Association of Local Councils Community information including rural matters, neighbourhood For your parish council contact 01768 242141 forums, grants and funding, local councils, volunteering, Parks, open spaces and play areas contact your district council voluntary sector support and multi-cultural centre. Parish Paths Initiative 01228 226605 Barrow 01229 407312 Phoenix Youth Project 01946 814555 Carlisle 01228 226315 Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) 01900 705005 Cleator Moor 01946 505020 Pest control contact your district council Alston 01434 382128 Phoenix Youth Project 01946 814555 Kendal 01539 713180 Planning contact your district council Workington 01900 706011 Police – non emergencies 0845 3300247 Print services and photocopying 01228 226420 ‘Neighbourhood Watch in Cumbria’ - information can Product safety see trading standards be obtained from the Cumbria Neighbourhood Watch Property contact your district council Association website at or by contacting Public conveniences contact your district council your local policing team officer through the non emergency Public rights of way 01228 226558 Police number - 0845 3300247. Public transport 0871 2002233

Recycling contact your district council O General information and advice 0845 0551118 Open Access 01228 221052 Email [email protected] Outdoor activities 01768 772816 Household waste recycling centres 01228 227644 Household collections services contact your district council Recycle points contact your district council (eg supermarkets, village halls, pubs etc)

Refuse and special collections contact your district council

Registration of births and deaths Barrow 01229 894510/894512 Carlisle 01228 227433/227430 Cockermouth/Maryport 01900 325961 Kendal 01539 713566 Millom 01229 772357 Penrith 01768 812114 Ulverston 01229 894171 Whitehaven 01946 852691 Wigton 01228 223447 Workington Contact Cockermouth Office above

Residents parking permits contact your district council Respite care see Adult Social Care and Children’s Services Residential homes see Cumbria Care and Adult Social Care Road safety education/training 01768 812336 For highways safety matters 0845 609 6609 Road safety general 01228 221009 Roads 0845 609 6609 Rural wheels 01228 226721

S Samaritans UK wide 08457 90 90 90 Governor Support Team see Children’s Services

School Meals (free) and Clothing Grants Barrow 01229 407400 Carlisle 01228 226998 Kendal/Penrith 01539 713456 Whitehaven/Workington 01946 506200

28 YourCumbria A–ZGuide

Your A–Z guide to council services in Cumbria Important: For all services highlighted in blue please see district council section for your local council number School places 01228 226930 / 226999 Voting contact your district council 01228 221171 / 221198 School transport – north 01228 226008 W To include Alston, Carlisle, Kirkby Stephen and Penrith Waste management 01228 227644 School transport – south 01228 226044 For household collection service enquiries please contact your district council To include Barrow, Kendal, Ulverston and Windermere Website Cumbria County Council 01228 226325 School transport – west 01228 226045 Wheels to Work 01946 820462 To include Aspatria, Cockermouth, Keswick, Millom and Whitehaven Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project 01946 690404 Scouts Association 01768 862040 Wigton Youth Station 016973 44200 Shopmobility contact your district council Windermere ferry enquiries 0845 609 6609 Social Services see Adult Social Care and Children’s Services South Cumbria Award Initiative 01539 742605 Y South Lakeland District Council 01539 733333 YMCA Carlisle 01228 815412 Spirit of Youth in partnership with Young Cumbria 015395 36032 YWCA Cumbria Young Women’s Project 01228 525817 Sport and recreation contact your district council Cumbria Stop Smoking Service 01900 324222 Young Carers Street cleaning contact your district council Carlisle 01228 542156 Street lighting 0845 609 6609 Eden 01768 890280 Student support services 01228 226777 Furness 01229 822822 Sure start 0845 712 5737 Sustainability 01228 226314 Swimming pools contact your district council Young Cumbria T Theatre by the lake 017687 74411 Allerdale 01900 68748 Tourist information centres contact your district council Barrow 01229 836426 Town twinning contact your district council Copeland 01946 599248 Town council – County Association of Local Councils Curriculum Development Team 01768 775085 For your parish council contact 01768 812141 Head Office 01768 775085 North 01768 867456 Trading standards South 01539 536032 Animal health licensing 01539 713137 Consumer advice 08454 040506 (For other trading standard issues contact your local office) Young Farmers 01768 866550 Headquarters 01539 713594 Youth forum contact your district council Carlisle 01228 227447 Cockermouth 01900 325980 Kendal 01539 713577 Youth Offending Service Ulverston 01229 404040 Headquarters 01228 227179 North office 01228 227090 South office 01229 826080 Traveline (public transport) 0871 200 2233 West office 01900 813531 (Calls from landlines cost 10p per minute) Traffic lights 0845 6096609 Tullie House 01228 534781 Youthtastic, Workington 01900 842993

U Youth Work Development Co-ordinators United Utilities 0800 195 4141 Allerdale, Graham Bassett 01900 706052 Unsafe goods see trading standards Barrow, Helen Bunting 01229 407952 V Carlisle, Joanne King 01228 226939 VOICES Project 01229 870150 Copeland, Paul McLoughlin 01946 506232 Voluntary Action Cumbria 01768 242130 Eden, Kath Calvert 01768 812071 South Lakeland, Lynn Robinson 01529 713487

Cumbria CVS - Volunteer Centres / Area Offices Barrow 01229 823144 Carlisle 01228 512513 Eden 01768 800350 Any problems? South Lakes centre 01539 742636 - office 01539 742627 Unsure who to contact? Then email your enquiry to West Cumbria 01900 819191 [email protected]

YourCumbria 29 Inside: Free A-Z guide to council services A–ZGuide Spring 2010

How to... FIT/CHECK A SMOKE ALARM Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service carry out free home safety Aiming checks and will fit a smoke detector in your property completely high for the county’s free of charge. If you would like to arrange a check on your property contact their disabled children free telephone number 0800 3584777. Don’t forget to check your smoke alarm is Win tickets to see working at least once per week, it takes less time than making a cup of tea and could Jools Holland

save your life. visit for regular updates on the issues affecting y

ou What do you think of How to... YourCumbria Apply for student support To enquire about applying for student maintenance loans and tuition fee loans magazine? for full-time and part-time Higher Education courses contact 01228 226774 or apply online at It’s officially an award winning publication but we’re keen to know what you think of the magazine. Not only does your feedback help us to make improvements but you could also win yourself a luxury hamper courtesy of Made in Cumbria. How to... Simply complete the form opposite Report a street lamp and return it to: If you have a fault with your streetlight, then Cumbria County Council can help you. Cumbria Highways is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a Freepost NWW 6059A week Call 0845 609 6609, email [email protected] Cumbria County Council or report the fault online at The Communications Team The Courts Carlisle CA3 8NA

Closing date for responses is Prefer to write? 19 March 2010. With telephone systems and the convenience of emails it’s Complete the questionnaire easy to forget that some people prefer to put things in writing. on-line We’re happy to receive enquiries at: Communications Department, If you would prefer to complete this Cumbria County Council, The Courts, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 8NA questionnaire on-line please visit or email: [email protected]

Inside: Free A-Z guide to council services Winter 2008 Spring 2009

The clearYour plasticCumbria wrap usedis biodegradable on this issue of

Inside: Free A-Z guide to council services How to... FOSTER

Interested in fostering and adoption but need more information then contact Inside: Enrolment form

Autumn 2008 your local office, see below for numbers or visit Together we can Latin Belly dancing Garden design Highways Stewards work Fostering and Adoption Restoring antiques Japanese Desk- with Parish Councils Inside this issue top publishing CLAIT e-citizen Carlisle 01228 607078 Biology Yoga T’ai Chi Beginners’ Useful emergency numbers French Quilting Computing for your wallet Knitting Navigation Guitar Barrow 01229 407862 MakingYour theone stop localshop for local link services Belly dancing Latin English Workington 01900 706356 Life painting Together we can Pilates Creative Feeling writing Celebrating our service users and employees ECDL Maths the crunchWeb design Sign language Kendal 01539 713312 visit Could Citizens AdviceSociology help you? Roman for regular updates on the issues affecting you for regular updates on the issues affecting you history cover.indd 1 Meditation Reiki visit Woodwork Salsa Psychology 15/1/09 15:30:58 Family history Kayaking Patchwork Football refereeing Chinese Quilting Spanish Aerobics Italian PortugueseAdult SugarEducation craft Family historySpecial Food 30 YourCumbria hygiene Navigation Spreadsheets Self-defence Linevisit dancing Plaster sculpture to search for courses Pilates throughout Sign the year languageYour complete Horse care Baby dance African guide to courses in Cumbria 2008-2009

visit ✃ for regular updates on the issues affecting you YourCumbria readers’ survey 1 how much do you agree or disagree c Include more about consultations and how with the following statements? you can have your say on council decisions that affect you. a At 18p per copy per home YourCumbria represents good value for money. Good idea Bad idea No opinion Strongly agree Agree Neither/Nor 5 how would you rate the Adult Disagree Strongly disagree Education Special sent last Autumn? This featured a directory of courses b The information in YourCumbria is useful. throughout the county. Strongly agree Agree Neither/Nor Great Good OK Poor Very poor Disagree Strongly disagree Didn’t receive 2 how would you rate the different 6 What other information would you aspects of the magazine listed below: find useful inYour Cumbria? a A-Z service directory a Public sector job vacancies Great Good OK Poor Very poor Good idea Bad idea No opinion b Events diary b Public notices such as road closures, planning Great Good OK Poor Very poor applications c Stories and articles Good idea Bad idea No opinion Great Good OK Poor Very poor b Advertisements/articles from other public sector organisations d Writing style Good idea Bad idea No opinion Great Good OK Poor Very poor

Inside: Enrolment form e Look and feel Autumn 2008

Latin Belly dancing Garden design Restoring antiques Japanese Desk- Great Good OK Poor Very poor top publishing CLAIT e-citizen Biology Yoga T’ai Chi Beginners’ French Quilting Computing Knitting Navigation Guitar Belly dancing Latin English 3 have you ever visited the YourCumbria Life painting Pilates Creative writing ECDL Maths Web design Sign language website Sociology Japanese Roman history Meditation Embroidery Reiki Woodwork Salsa Psychology Yes No Family history Kayaking Patchwork Football refereeing ChineseAdult Quilting Education Spanish Aerobics Special Italian 4 Following feedback from Cumbrian o search for courses throughout the year visit t Your complete residents the county council is guide to courses in Cumbria 2008-2009

visit for regular updates on the issues considering changes to YourCumbria 1 cover.indd 1 affecting you and generally to how we keep residents 8/1/09 14:15:49 informed about what the council is Your age? Are you? Which district? doing for them. The questions below Under 15 Male Allerdale ask for your opinions of some of our ideas. 16-24 Female Barrow Inside: Free A-Z guide to council services Spring 2009 a Increase the number of issues of 25-34 Eden YourCumbria to 6 a year. Inside: Free A-Z guide to council services 35-44 Carlisle Good idea Bad idea No opinion 45-54 South Lakes b Increase the number of issues to 12 a year, 55-64 Copeland but make the magazine significantly shorter as a result. 65-74 Together we can 75+ Highways Stewards work Good idea Bad idea No opinion with Parish Councils Inside this issue Useful emergency numbers for your wallet Name: Telephone:

Return to: Freepost NWW 6059A, Cumbria County Council, The Communications Team, The Courts, Carlisle, CA3 8NA visit for regular updates on the issues affecting you cover.indd 1

15/1/09 15:30:58

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