Charles County's Water Trails
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Anadromous Fish: Anadromous sh are species that live in marine environments WATER TRAILS IN CHARLES COUNTY, MD and migrate to freshwater to spawn. Many species, such as striped bass, yellow Butterflies and Dragons Religious Freedom National Scenic Byway Paddling and Boating Safety Tips perch, white perch, shad and river herring, have substantial economic benet for For More Information commercial and recreational sheries. ere has been a decline in these species in Maryland is home to about 151 species America’s roots of “toleration” run throughout Southern Maryland, where the Although many Charles County streams and coves are suitable for beginners, there of butteries. Of these, 129 species are areas of open water that are subject to tidal inuence, high winds and strong Charles County Parks Department The Wild Side of the Potomac River the Chesapeake Bay system due, in part, to changing environmental conditions and original English settlers – Protestant and Catholic – recognized the rights of 1001 Radio Station Road water quality that impact the early regularly occur in Maryland and 22 individuals to hold dissenting religious opinions. Now, such freedoms are celebrated currents. Be prepared! Review these guidelines before getting on the water. La Plata, MD 20646 others are either irregular vagrants, such ose new to the water can take part in group paddle trips oered by the County and harles County is located in Southern Maryland approximately 18 miles life stages of the sh. at long established places of worship all over the region. phone: 301-932-3470 as the Gulf Fritillary, or were once a more experienced boaters can create their own adventures that can range from a few south of Washington, D.C. Charles County features a wealth of natural, Natural Heritage Areas and part of our landscape, but have now e Scenic Byway route includes hours to all day. Be prepared before you get on the water and review these guidelines. cultural and historic treasures, diverse natural landscapes, and an expansive Endangered Species: vanished, such as the Regal Fritillary. several branches that reach Charles County Office of Tourism Cwaterfront which oers numerous 200 Baltimore Street, P.O. Box 2150 toward the Potomac River and Wear a properly-tted, U.S. Coast Guard approved, lifejacket while on the water. There are several endangered La Plata, MD 20646 opportunities for recreation and Maryland’s butteries range in size from incorporates many of the nation’s (See Maryland Boating Regulations below) species habitats throughout Roland Tom phone: 301-259-2500 or 301-369-5819 water-based activities such as the large, showy Giant Swallowtail to the County including: Long’s oldest churches, including the site Boat with others and e-mail: [email protected] boating, paddling, shing, and the tiny and easily overlooked Eastern A Monarch butterfly Bittercress (Cardamine longii) on of the rst Roman Catholic Mass carry a spare paddle. wildlife viewing. Service U.S. Fish & Wildlife Tailed-Blue. Some are relatively camouaged to blend into their surroundings, like the Federal endangered species held in English speaking America. Boating safety increases the Tawny Emperor, while others are brilliantly colored to warn potential predators Long's Bittercress (left) and Joint-Vetch (right) with numbers. Leave Maryland Department of Natural Resources list, and Sensitive Joint-Vetch Visit the Religious Freedom Historically, Charles County's of their poisonous taste, like the Monarch. a copy of your "oat Chesapeake and Coastal Service (Aeschynomene virginica), which is on Maryland's list of endangered plants. Scenic Byway web site at www. economy was based on agriculture – plan" with a land-based Public Access and Water Trails Planning Program e dragony dates back at its rural landscapes interspersed with Communities that contain one or more threatened or endangered species or wildlife Charles County 580 Taylor Avenue, Suite E-2, Annapolis, MD 21401 least 320 million years, long contact. small towns and farming villages. species in need of conservation are designated as Natural Heritage Areas (NHA). and click on Byways and Trails to The Religious Freedom Scenic Byway features historic DNR coordinates the creation of a statewide system of Charles County before dinosaurs roamed the But in the last decade, the county ese areas contain a unique blend of geological, hydrological, climatological or learn more. churches and cemeteries. Know your route and public water access sites and water trails and provides A scenic view of the Potomac River Shoreline. earth. Today nearly 5,000 technical, planning and design assistance to local has seen tremendous suburban biological features, and are considered to be among the best statewide examples of any potential hazards Lisa Gutierrez types are known worldwide. along it. Review governments and other partners. For more information expansion. e population has grown steadily from 111,600 in 1995, to 150,000 in its kind. Charles County has four designated Natural Heritage Areas: Allen's Fresh, Paddle with others visit Maryland is home to 180 Leave No Trace maps, river levels, and 2014. In spite of its growth, the county still has areas with small town characteristics Chicamuxen Creek, Popes Creek, and Upper Nanjemoy Creek. species and 60 percent are weather conditions before launching. Be aware of obstacles such as fallen trees, and a diverse variety of agricultural lands, natural areas and protected open space. Please practice the following stewardship principles of Leave No Trace: In Case of Emergency considered rare or uncommon, debris, islands and rocks which you In case of emergency, contact the Sheri's Dept. Dispatch including the treetop emerald, may encounter along the route. Check at (301) +911 and specify that you are in Charles County, Birding and Wildlife Viewing Charles County For more information on paddling Natural Resource Features and Conservation the jewel wing and the 1) Plan Ahead and Prepare streamow conditions at the USGS Maryland or call the Maryland Natural Resource Police at 410-260-8888. Dragonflies are generally larger than Damsels and hold Know your route and the limitations of yourself and boating safety visit Charles County has many lakes, ponds and extensive wetlands. Virtually all forested their wings horizontal when perched. blackwater bluet. website and your group. or Partnerships and Coordination Charles County's environmental assets include an extensive shoreline, broad estuarine areas in the county are second-growth, but some are quite old. e varied topography Dragonies are actually two closely-related groups of insects: damselies and Carry the proper equipment and clothing. Dress appropriately for the weather, air Project coordination, design and mapping for this publication were provided by the Maryland and proximity to water make Charles County a natural destination for wildlife. rivers, forested areas, vistas of the Potomac, Patuxent and Wicomico Rivers and rural true dragonies. Dragons tend to be larger, more robust and stronger iers; they Notify someone of the time you intend to return. and water temperatures and always wear Department of Natural Resources, Chesapeake and Coastal Service in partnership with the Charles County Parks Department. landscapes. e County's Paddling Charles County’s water trails provides an opportunity to explore and learn typically extend their wings horizontally. Damsels are comparatively small, dainty protective footwear. rivers, streams, marshland, about diverse habitats, in appearance and weaker iers. eir wings are usually lifted vertically and folded 2) Stay in Designated Areas and view all kinds Keep to designated trails and public areas. Carry a supply of food and water adequate for the length of your trip. Stay e facilities and services of the Department of Natural forests and shoreline support together above the body. ey feed on a variety of mosquitoes, midges, and black and Resources are available to all without regard to race, color, Keep groups small and avoid trampling plants. hydrated and protected from the sun year-round to minimize the danger of a wide variety of plant of wildlife. Here is a deer ies. Dragonies have excellent vision. eir compound eyes contain 28,000 religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin or physical Protect wildlife and your food - store rations securely. dehydraton and heat exhaustion. and wildlife communities. sampling of some of facets, whereas a housey has only 4,000. or mental disability. ese diverse environments the County’s most Leave recreation areas and picnic sites cleaner than you found them. Never paddle farther from shore than you are prepared to swim and stay at least contribute to the County's celebrated natural For more information on Maryland's butteries and dragonies see 100 yards away from all moving vessels, piers and other restricted areas. Call toll free in Maryland, 1-877-620-8DNR ext. 8780. 3) Dispose of Waste Properly TTY users call via the Maryland Relay. Accomodations for overall beauty, quality of residents. and Clean sh at designated areas. Keep your weight centered and as low as possible at all times, especially when individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. life, and rural character. e Seven days advance notice is requested. 1st edition - 2008 Pick up litter and dispose of all waste in proper recepticals or take it with you. entering and exiting a boat. If your boat ips over, remain calm. Hold onto your 2nd edition - 2014 County has: The Bald Eagle: paddle and the boat if possible. Try to reach a calm, shallow spot or the shoreline, Every year, more and Layout, design and maps by Lisa Gutierrez. Text by DNR and the Charles County Parks Department.