Southland Boys' High School Esta
Southland Boys' High SchooL Esta. blished 1877. Opened 1881. BOA lrn Ol' GOVERNOHS. CHAIRi\IA.:\"-R. A. AKDERSOK. Esq. R. A. ANDERSOX, Esq. Elected by The Governor. A. F. HAvVKE. Esq. G. T. STEVENS, Esq. B!Pcted bo· Southland Education Board. J. CROSBY Si\'IITH. Esq.) Elected by Parents. J. T. CARSWELL, Esq. I HTS WORSHJP THE }lAYOR OF INVERCARGILL. SECRETARY-MR F. STEVENSON. Tay Street. ST.\FF OF 'Ht:E SCHOOL. PRIKCIPAL-:.\IR T. D. PEARCE, i\LA. FIRST ASSISTAKT MR J. P. DAKIN, B.A. SECO.ND ASSISTAXT MR_ J. S. McGRATH, B.A. THJRD ASSISTANT :\'IR i\1. ALEXANDER, M.Sc. FOURTH ASSISTANT MR ,J. STOBO, M.A. FIFTH ASSISTANT- MR L. J. B. CHAPPLE. (On active service.) SIXTH ASSISTAl\"T :VIR R. R. MACGREGOR. SEVEl'-:TH ASSISTA.:\"T i\IR .P. E. RICE. PHYSJCAL INSTRUCTOR ,\IR .J. PAGE. DRA WT;\"G �-JASTER- i\IR J. W. DICKSOK. 'SCHOOL OFFICERS, 1916. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PREFECTS. H. Dyer, J. Donald, G. Kingston, .J. :\I. Laing, C. Lipscombe, F. McDonald, D. i\!Ianson, T. Preston. R. G. Stevens. CADETS. strations-Lieut. .J. B. Strutliers. 0.C.-Major Pearce. illu 2nd in Command-Lieut. Stobo. The First XV. Artillery Section-Lieut. Stobo. Platoon CommanderE-Lieut. Rice. R. R. :\[acgregor. Pages. •Company Sergt.-Major-I-I. Dyer. Governors a,nd Staff 1 Platoon Sergeants-D. :\1anson. G. Kingston. R. G. Ste1·ens, L. Soper. School Officers 2 Section Cornmander8-Corporals D. Hay, .J. Donald, R. Fraser, Roll of Honour 5-J-! .J. Mayo, T. .James, T. Preston. Fnr King and Empire Lance-Corporals-F.
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