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" I 2 JUlle 94 $*DFnA COMUNITA'rrALIANA Sommario • Contents Servizi Speciali Giugno • June Un voto importante p. 5 Meeting Giovani p.1O America Riconquistata? p. 14 Tony Deritis p. 16 Letters p. 16 Sempre dolorosa p. 17 My Life in the Sky p.33 Mia Woodruff p.36 Regular Features Due Parole p. 4 The Hill p. 8 Cronaca della Comunita' p. 20 Dall'ltalia p. 23 In Cammino con Carmelo p. 25 Ecclesia Nostra p.29 Eurofocus p. 32 For a Rainy Day p. 37 Face to Face p. 40 GIi Azzuri riconquisteranno America? Vedete pagina 14. Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Photo courtesy of Sporting Pictures Pausa Poetica p. 28 Cinema p.41 To advertise in Backhill write to: Sportlight p. 44 Italsport p.45 Anna Anglo Italian Football League p. 46 Advertising Department Backhill GolfTournament p.46 Backhill Magazine Tempo Libero p. 49 4 Back Hill London EC1 R 5EN Mamma's Ricetta p.50 Notices - Avvisi 0718371966 Chiesa di San Pietro p.27 @ 1994 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, Noticeboard p.51 LondonEC1 Calendario p.52 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd. 78 Bounds Green Road. wndon N.J I lEU :tJ;~EU.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA Due Parole Padre Roberto Russo

Cari Amici, umana. Non e' una scusa. Noi ricona­ e ci perfezionano per tutta la nostra Questo mese di Giugno, dedicato sciamo veramente ehe siamo pccca­ vita. aI Sacro Cuore di Ocsu', ei fa vivere tori: questo pensiero non ci riempie di Queste feste sono proprio iI mis­ ancora due grandi feste di Ocsu': e tristezza, ma ci da' tanta umilta' per tero della nostra vita. La nostra vita cioc' iI Corpus Domini e appunto la rivolgerci a Dio con tanto affello, per ehe e' unita a quella di Ocsu'. Gesu' festa del Sacro Cuore. fargli capire ehe gli vogliamo bene. non ci abbandona piu': 10 abbiamo Abbiamo'avuto tanti earl momenti Abbiamo bisogno di questo rap- sentito nel Vangelo del Buon Pastore. di preghiera insieme, comineiando daI porto con Dio cosi' semplice, cosi' Viviamo insieme: Ocsu' e noi, Gesu' Natale. Ci siamo incontrati nell'Epifa- affelluoso, cosi' profondo: per questo e io. Quando noi parliamo che dob­ nia, nella Quaresima, nella Pasqua, facciamo i fioretti, perche' con un biamo amare iI Signore Dio nostro nell'Ascensione, nella Pentecoste. In piecolo senso di orgoglio diciamo a intendiamo dire una cosa tanto bella: tulle queste feste abbiamo pregato Dio Padre: "Vedi che anch'io faccio intendiamo dire: "Lasciamoci amare anche la Madonna, specialmente du- quaIche cosa per te. Vedi che ti voglio da Dio" perche' Dio sa che cosa vuol rante iI mese di Maggio. Abbiamo bene". Con questi nostri fioretti noi dire quando dice ehe mi ama. L'unica' fallo i nostri fioretti. Parlando con vogliamo fare la volonta' di Dio. Noi cosa che Dio desidera e' che io 10 tanti amici e con per- .-----=--=---.., sappiamo che iI nostro possa aecogliere nella mia vita: e' sone giovani ho sentito Signore Ocsu' ci ha .tullO qui. Amiamo la vita che Dio ci tanti fioretti che sono dcllo di non chiacchi- ha dato, cosi' come ce I'ha data: con stati fatti. 10 ci credo erare troppo, ma di tulle quelle cose ehe riuseiamo a ai fiorelli e sono sicuro fare la volonta' di Dio capire e con tulle quelle cose che non che anche Dio ci Padre: per questo noi riusciamo a capire. crede. Ci credo anche facciamo i nostri L'amore di Dio e' uguale per tutti se noi facciamo iI fioretti: perche' non gli uomini, perche' e' infinito: ma fiorello e poi facciamo sono un momento ognuno di noi 10 vive in un modo iI pcccato: altrimenti della nostra vita, ma diverso dall'altro. Ognuno di noj porta se non facciamo i sono una scelta della iI suo amore di Dio nella propria vita fiorelli, ci rimane solo nostra vita. Le feste in un modo diverso daIl'altro. Vivi­ iI peccato. Sarebbe Iiturgiche di Gesu', amo dunque questo amore che Dio ci meglio se non faces- dello Spirito Santo, cia, perche' altrimenti tante persone simo i peccati: la della Madonna, non rimarranno senza coraggio, speranza, buona volonta' di es- sono momenti della serenita', amore: e per colpa nostra. sere buoni c'e' sem- nostra vita, ma sono Coraggio quindi, perche' tullo iI senso pre, ma poi c'e' anche L 'arnore di Dio: scelte della nostra vita della vita e' qui: accettare I'amorc la nostra debolezza uguaieperlulll. che ci aecompagnano che Dio mi da.

Dear Friends, wc can proudly say to God the Father: "Scel I too can do something for Youl Seel I do love Youl". In this month,of June, which is dedicated to the Most In making these sacrifices wc fulfil God'S will. We Saered Heart of Jesus, wc also participate in two great know that Our Lord Jesus said to us: "Do not talk too Feasts of Our Lord, namely the Feasts of Corpus Christi much but carry out God's Will". and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When we say that we must always love Our Lord with Many beautiful and lovely moments of prayer have all our heart, soul and mind wc mean it to be something so united us together since Christmas. We eame together beautiful and simple that wc can hardly believe it. We during the Epiphany, Lent, Easter, the Ascension and mean to say: Let God love us because God knows'what it Pentecost. During these Feasts wc have also prayed to Our means to love me; He has given me His Life. Lady especially in the month of May. All God wants is that we fully accept Him in our life. We have also made some small sacrifices: talking with And so let us welcome God in our heart, let us love that many friends and young people I have heard of a lot of life He has given us, a life full of things that we can and saerifices that have been made. I like to believe these and cannot understand. I am sure God 'does so too. I believe in them even though God's love for mankind is universal and is the same for wc fall foul of sin as well, otherwise if wc don't make everyone because it is infinite. Each one of us is given ~is these saerifices, however small, sin itself will remain. love in different ways, and in receiving it wc are given It would be much beller if wc did not succumb to sins; courage, hope, peace of mind. Let us therefore" live this we are always willing to be good but at the same time we love that.God has given us otherwise many others, through are also subject to human frailties and weakness. This is our own fault, will be without courage, hope, peace of not an excuse; we admit to being sinners but this should mind and love. Let us also pluck up courage because the not dishearten us because wc can always, with genuine full meaning of life is contained in accepting the love that sorrow and humility, turn affectionately to God and God has bestowed on u~" manifest our love for Him. It is very necessary to have this Lord with all Our Heart, soul and mind wc mean it to closely affectionate and profound relationship with God; be, something so beautiful and simple that wc can hardly for this reason we make whatever sacrifices we can so that believe it.

4 June 94 :iJ;.*DFn.A COMUNITA'ITAlJANA Un voto importante Belfagor

Parlamento Europco. Un appunta­ seranni vuoti che dovrcbbero esscre ca\abrese, Dastoli e' uno studioso di mento importante per l'Europa ma occupati da gente regolarmente eletla problemi del federalismo e deUa de­ che per molti cittadini curopei e' ma troppo impegnala in patria per mocrazia intemazionale che daI 1976 soltanto una "noia". Ancora votare? potersi occupare delle qucstioni eu­ ha iniziato a lavorare come assistente Si', perche' oltre ad cssere eittadini ropee. di Altiero Spinelli, iI "padre" del italiani (0 inglcsi, franccsi ccc.) siamo L'Europa invcce si costruisce a federalismo europco. Durante i dieci anehe cittadini d'Europa, una dimen­ piccoli passi, non sol tanto con i anni di intensa attivita' di Spinelli ,aI sione nuova per molti ma che rappre­ grandi vertici dei capi di stato e di Parlamento Europeo, Dastoli ha lavo­ senta iI futuro del "vccchio continen­ govemo, non solo con le, maralone rato aI rafforzamento del fondo eu­ le". nOllume per definire i prezzi agricoli ropeo di sviluppo regionalc, alIa ri­ AI vertice di Bruxellcs dello o per concordare le quote di produzi­ forma del bilancio deUa Comunita' e scorso diccmbre i capi di stato e di one del lalle 0 del vino, non solo per alia creazione di nuove risorse linan- govemo dei Dodici membri dell'Un­ decidere se ' ziarie a sostegno ione Europca hanno approvato iI "Ii­ aecogliere delle politiehe bro bianco" su "crcscita, competitivi­ nuovi paesi comuni. Ha ancbe ta' e occupazione" per affron~ eha hanno lavorato alia ri­ insieme iI problema grave delle disoc­ chiesto di en­ forma istituzionale cupazione in continuo aumento in trace, come e' della Comunita' tutta l'Europa. La soluzione viene recentemenle nel suo cammino vista nella crcazione di grandi linee di avvenuto per verso l'Unione eu­ comunieazione (ferroviaria, auto­ Austria" ropea. Dopo la stradale, di inforrnatica) e nella mcssa Svezia, Fin­ morte di Spinelli, in opera di attivita' comunitarie. E' landia e Nor­ nel maggio 1986, quindi della massima importanza la­ vegia. L'Eu­ Dastoli ha promo­ vorare insieme, per poter affrontare ropa e" anche sso la costituzione insieme le slide del futuro. fatta di difesa del gruppo feder­ E' quello che iI Parlamento Eu­ dei consuma­ - alista nel Parla- ropco (I'unica di tulte le isitutizioni tori, di difesa mento europeo. europcc direttamente eletta dal po­ dei dirilli di coloro che non riescono a Allualmente, come funzionario del polo) si ripromelle di fare. Cercare di farseli riconoscere in patria, di con­ Parlamento Europeo, si occupa deUe essere al di sopra delle parti per tributi per iniziative di vario tipo, questioni relative deU'Europa dei Cit­ coordinare I'allivita' degli europei, anche cullurali e del lempo Iibero. tadini, l'Europa appunto piu' vicina per difenderli nei loro contrasti con le Per poter riuscire a districarsi nel agli interessi dei singoli. istituzioni, per indicare le strategie da labirinto dei nomi dei candidati sara' Dastoli ha ancbe serillo numerosi seguire per la difesa del territorio, un bene contattare i consolati italiani in Iibri, su questioni relative aUa difesa bene comune europeo oltre che nazi­ Gran Bretagna. Salvo che i nostri deU'ambiente, alia cooperazione sei­ onale. connazionali non abbiano optato per entifica aI trasferimento di tccnologie E' quindi importante nel momento votare nei seggi brilannici. Ma per pulite ai paesi in via di sviluppo, e di sccgliere i deputati da inviare al farlo, avrebbero dovuto presentare una soprallullo per guidare i cittadini prossimo parlamento europco che la richiesta aUe autorita' britanniche en­ europei neUa difficile ma stimolante scclta cada su persone di provata tro iI 29 marzo. Chi non 10 ha fallo, 0 strada che si apre ora dinanzi all'Eu­ '''fede'' europca, su persone che, oltre preferisce votare per i candidati ital­ ropa dopo I'entrata in vigore del a difcndere gli intercssi nazionali, iani, puo' volare neUe sedi predis­ trattato di Maastricbt. abbiano anehe a cuore gli intcrcssi dei poste dai consolati sempre che sia Dastoli e' impegnato da oltre ven­ 'singoli cilladini d'Europa. Spcsso, chi iserillo aU'alOO deU'Aire (l'Anagrafe ticinque anni come militanle feder­ 'vota per le europcc, si limita a degli ltaliani Residenli aU'Estero). alista, e' allualmente viccpresidente indicare iI partito, faccndo automati­ Tra i candidati in grado di distric­ nazionale del Movimento Federalista c.1menle selezionare il capo della lista arsi nel difficile labirinlo deUe nOrIDe Europco (MFE) e membro del comi­ che spcsso e' gia' un parlamentare europee, e in grado quindi di difen­ talO federale deU'Unione europea dei iroppo occupato nel parlamenlo nazi­ dere i dirilli dei suoi connazionali nel Federalisti (Uel). E' anche membro oimle per poter scderc anche nelle Parlamento europco, chi meglio di un deUa direzione nazionale deU'Associ­ sessioni (mollo frequenti) del Parla­ funzionario che nel parlamento da azione ltali~na per iI Consiglio dei menlo Europco. Basta entrare una anni lavora e che per anni ha lavorato Comuni e deUe Regioni d'Europa e volta nel salone circolarc di Stras­ neUa Commissione europea? del comitato direllivo del Centre In­ burgo 0 di Bruxelles (il Parlamento Si lralla di Pier Virgilio Dastoli, ternational de Fommation Europ­ curopco si riuniscc rcgolarmentc in candidato indipendente neUe Iiste del ccnne. una deUe due cilia' europcc) per Pds per la circoserizione sud deU'lta­ toccare con mano la realta' dell'as­ lia (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, sentcismo" osservare tulli quegli Campania, Molisc, Puglia). Di origine





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The Hill Olive Besagni

Due to a misunderstanding with the printers the captio'ns in last month's group photos were omitted. Here are the captions which I hope you can match to the photos. Staff at the Italian School: Stand­ ing L-R: Sig.ra Zaccarini; Sig. Gio" vanni Ferrari (on staff 43 years and has been awarded the,silver medal by the Italian government); Rev. Cav. Fr. Anthony (Vice Director for 24 years); Mr. John Taylor (Head­ master for ,35 years); Cav. Raffaele Terroni (Hon. Sec; of the School and also of the Benevolent Society). Seated L-R Sig.ma Chiapponcelli; Sig.ra Dorothy Nathan (Lady Inspec­ tor); Ca". mf. Allatini (Chairman) and Sig.rna T. Balestreri (Head Mis­ tress). Clergy of the Italian Church: Standing L-R: Rev. Dominie Crcscitelli and Rev. Hugh O'Connor., Seated L-R: Rev., Anthony de Cristo­ From left to right: Maria Terroni (wift ofGiovanni), Giuseppe di Falco (father faro; Rev. Gco Haines and Rev. ofthe bride), Letizia Terroni (bridesmaid), Raffaele Terroni (groom), Duillio Augustine Gough. (Giovani andMaria's young son), Giovanni Terroni (Raffaele's brother) Now on to this month's article... and Luigi Terroni. many of our pacsani in those early their first child was Giovanni born years, there really wasn't mueh alter- in 1881; followed by Roberto in Fainiglia Terroni native. 1885; then Raffaele in 1890; Maria Luigi made his way across north- in 1893 and Lctizia in 1895. From Luigi Terroni was born in the em Italy finding work where he 1881 up to 1895 Caterina actually year 1853 way up in the mountains could and travelling mostly on foot. gave birth to ten children but lost of Northern Italy in the little hamlet Eventually he reached Paris where five which in those days would have of Vesrada which lies just above he stayed for a while but clearly been about average. The surviving Pontremoli near Massa Carrara. At a Paris wasn't the answer so on he children thrived and as they grew up very early age the young Luigi set went finally crossing the Channel to the two older boys worked for the off from his paesc leaving behind England. Journey's end for Luigi business which was doing pretty his family and young girlfriend Cate­ was London and it was here in well, in faet a second shop was set rina Terroni (same name, different Warner Street '11 Quartiere Italiano' up - a wine shop in Clerkenwell family). It must have taken a great where he found the answer living Road. no. 138, where they rented the deal of courage for one so young to amongst other Italians, no doubt premises from SI. Peter's Italian embark into the unknown in order to sharing a room with other men like Church. The shop was situated next find a better life. However. like so himself. ,seeking a living and a hope door to the church and the land is for the future. still owned by the Church today. r:· Luigi worked and saved. He In 1902. when Raffaele was just --; rented a small shop premises in 12 years old. his father Luigi fell ill Summer Street selling Italian provi- and as a result the young boy had to sions. He made enough money to leave sehool in order to help his return to Italy where he claimed his brothers in the business. In those far 'Caterina. They married and returned off days helping in the family busi­ to England and his little business. ness meant working from dawn till Their first home was in a little dusk. However, things were going house in Warner Strcet opposite a well and they were now employing large dwelling house (Warner House other immigrants to work for them. where many other immigrants The workers lived in the rooms over lodged). It was in this house that the the shop in Summer Street: young couple raised their family: Ten years on Raffaele, now 22, married a pretty little Neapolitan girl Luigi Terroni Snr around 1900 (see wedding photo). who also lived

8 June 94 :J;~FJLA COMUNITA' ITAUANA' • in '11 Quartiere·. Paola Maria De & Sons became the well known ,Jiaffaele's wife Paola, longing to Falco. Paola's family wcre from Sa­ delicatessen. familiar to all who sce· her husband and her family viano a village on the outskirts of lived in '11 Quartiere' over a period made the return journey to saviano. . The young couple moved in of many years. taking with her her two little girls, with the Terroni family and their On August 14th 1914 Britain de­ Caterina and Luisa. They set off first baby Caterina was born there. clared war on Germany. Italy. in a accompanied by a friend of the fam­ The substantial increase in family bid to reclaim their land East of the ily on a roundabout journey which mcmbers must have prompted their Adriatic, joined the allies by declar­ was long and arduous by train and first move in 1914. Not too far from ing war on Austria, the date May boat to avoid trouble spots as war the business and still in Warner 23rd 1915. Robcrto (the second eld­ was still raging - what courage they Street was a fairly large property on est) was conscripted into the British had in those daysl However they the corner of Little Bath Street (Eyre Army where he served the major arrived safely and Paola stayed with Street Hill today) and'Warner Street. part of the war in Italy. Meanwhile family and Ralfaele made his way nos. 32-34, spacious .rooms over a Ralfaele was employed by the ltaI: down from the ,North for a joyous warehouse. The original Terroni fam­ ian government and sent to Italy in reunion with his Wire and children. ily and their offspring lived in this a civilian eapacity where he was put It was in saviano Italy in Sep­ home for 27 years. Raffaele's second to work as an interpreter. During the tember 1918 that,Luigi Terroni came baby. Luisa. was born in the same course of his woik he travelled the into the world; the only member of year that the family moved into the length and breadth of war tom Ralfacle's family to be born in Italy. new home., The younger families northern Italy. When the baby Luigi was six now had their own spaee and were 1917 was a tragic year for the months old the family returned to all quite content to live with family. family. They lost young Maria who London and '11 Quartiere·... I will It was during this same period that died in the prime of life aged 24. continue with the story of Famiglia the shop in Summer Street and the Some of the older members of the Terroni in next month's edition. rooms above were destroyed by fire. community remember the beautiful The photo of the Procession One of the workers who lived above young girl lying in state when, as shown here was possibly taken in the shop only just managed to es­ children. they entered the Terroni the late'20s. I'm putting it in this cape by jumping out of onc of the home to sce her and pay their last month because it will establish ex­ top floor windows. As a result of the respects. Papa Luigi diea that same actly where the Terroni home was. fire the main business was trans­ year aged 64. Giovanni. Roberto and The people looking out of the win­ ferred to Clerkenwell Road and com­ Ralfaele were now partners in the dows are friends and family mem­ bined with the wine shop. L. Terroni business. bers.

Gi/lgno 94 9 :J:.~Fll.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA

Meeting Giovani joanna Giacon

Last year we were a motley crew was because of of 5, totally unprepared but never­ It Russo's loud theless absorbed by the atmosphere flat singing ­ of the Meeting Giovani of the PaI­ who could stay lottini at Grottaferrata. My orders shy after that!; (thoughito-one would admit to using maybe it was such. a word) were' to ,bring a round something else dozen to this year's gathering. altogether. But Well, what we lacked in quantity whatever it was I we made up for in quality. "This can quite simply happy breed of men"· from the say that in all of "scepter'd isle"· were three males: my experiences Mirko Morena, Daniele Vizzachero working with dif­ and Mario Zeppettelli and six fe­ ferent people and males; Olive Besagni, Maria Pagano, different groups I Nicky Pagnotta, Johanna Powell, Lu­ have never been ciana Solari and yours truly. We with a bunch of ranged from the ages of 13 to 50 people who have plus (and a big plus at thatl). It may got on so well be a meeting giovani but as we all with each other ",' '. know: you are as young as you feel. and where there This 'year we decided to follow was such a won­ Armedwith the T-Shirts and the sun ofGrottaferrata the scouts and "be prepared". From derful atmos­ the outset we had three strict rules phere. I even looked forward to hospitality and warmth of their· hosts. which were to be adhered to within giving up my Friday evenings for Short of rolling out a red carpet the Christian context. We ealled the meetingsl wherever we went there was little them the three "O"s (spot the spell­ EveI)' obstacle was approached as else they could have done. ing mistake): Openness - each had a if swatting a fly. For those not There was nothing we could not right and was encouraged to express confident with their Italian the play do. Audience with the Pope? Tiekets their opinions rather than wait until was mimed and narrated. No time to were sitting there waiting for us. theY had gone home to have a learn the 20 or more songs? - let's Assisi? Here arc the keys to the moan; Honesty - there was nothing tape them and listen to them at minibus. Rome by night? What time to fear and no feelings to hurt! Off home. Those that didn't understand shall we leave? Sun? Not a eloud in your ar** - no-one was going to sit Italian were assigned an interpreter ­ the sky. around and criticise. If you didn't we were a team, a family, and I had had the wonderful time of like something, say so, then get up no-one was going to feel left out. experiencing the hospitality of the and do something about it. I firmly believe that the more parish priest at Ostia last year. Don Maybe it was· because we were you put in the more you get out. We Tonino "Ho da fa' H. Lotti comes such im ad-hoc group; maybe it waS had all participated in the prepara­ across as a hurrier, a workaholic ­ because there was at least somcone tion (rule no. 3) and whatever hap­ we all know the type. He hates fuss in the group that Was a stranger; pened in Rome, I for one had en­ and detests thank yous. Well whether maybe it was because we were there joyed myself. The week in Rome, he likes them or not he certainly has because We wanted to be and not however, was beyond our wildest them from nine "inglesi" who were because we had..to be; maybe it was expectations. We were treated as amazed at how this busy man because of our three rules; maybe it royalty. We were paired up (except seemed to put everything on hold for for Mario) and us, looked after evel)' detail and stayed as guests entertained us wonderfully (aided of some of the and abetted by the able Don Mario parishioners of Morelli). Regina Pacis at Our rules in London were flown Ostia. Luciana over with us on the charter flight. and I were at the Each day there would be open dis­ parish house, a cussion about what to do, when and very handy sub­ with whom. There was· time for the base for the beach, time for the Pope, time for group. Eaeh of San Franccsco, time for the Fontana the group could dei Trevi, time for family visits, time not get over the for San Vincenzo. This year's meeting - oh yes, that Curtain call on is what we were there for - had as its theme "Gcsu' e' iI Signore". We Balthazar introduced ourselves with a song,

10 June 94 :/!f;~EU.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA adventu~oU~ly sung aecaix:lla (per­ With Don haps thiS IS too polite let alone a Tonino (left) wholly inaccurate description) which and Don Moria began: the pressure "Onoriamo Vinccnzo Pallotti finally tells on 11 fondator della nostra chicsa. the young ladsl Un'amico quand'eravamo da soli E lontani della nostra terra." Mass was said, lunch eaten under rate (we justi­ the wonderful Italian sun, games fied it under were. played (for the second year rule 3), Mirko mnmng a tearn member was in the played Bait­ victorious side) and then for the bazar with one afternoon.- As with last year each of the loudest group was invited to sing,' dance, T-shirts I have act, talk, even sleep for 10 minutes eVer seen and nately could not come) with his This year we had no need of BeaUcs' the rest played characters and Scen­ songs. This year we had Balthazar. eI)'. For instance Daniele was p:irt of T-shirt we almost didn't make it to the pizzeria for want of the ehatting The play was based on the leg­ a market stall then a table, then a the exchanging of photos, the laugh: end that Balthazar, one of the wise nomad, then Jesus. Olive (with onc of the more glamorous parts) was a ter. And our next reunion has been men, who many years later sold all set already - don't forget: 17 June. he had and went to seek Gesu' il doorway, a part of a cupboard, a ~et palm tree and an arguing womanl Next year is the 200th anniver­ Signore. On the winding road he sal)' of S. Vincenzo's birth and the a poor man, took pity on him and I don't think I have ever been so organisers are looking for a bigger gave him some money. At the top of nervous before the play since Italy played Brazil in the 1982 World and beller meeting. It would be th.e mountain he eame across a naive of us 10 think we could also WIdow and her family who gave him Cup when I had my mother on her achieve that goal. Still there's no shelter. He gave them more of his knees in the kitchen praying to S. goods. Then in the descrt nomads Antonio 10 find another goal for harm trying. We were but a small mustard seed of nine - but you know gave him the last of their drink - he Italy! I knew we could do it. Ma)be what can happen to lhat. gave them the last of his wealth. He I wanted evel)'one else to see we could do it. By the reception we On a personal nole I know that then :trrived at Galilee famished. He you cannot put things in a bottle. ate hiS fill of bread and fish - there received I think they enjoyed it too. But this was just one high of so Yel, nevertheless, we have had a was no need to pay for this food ­ glimpse of what can be achieved. only the desire to eat it. Having many in seven days that left us almost floating. Nol that the enthusi­ For that and for the sheer fun and asked who to thank he discovered enjoyment, thank you "giovani". Gesu'" iI Signore but was ashamed asm has waned. At our gathering that he had come so far yet had after our return where wc presented n?thing to give him in homage. He our '''Boss'' P. Russo (who unfortu- did not understand when the Lord said he had seen all that Balthazar Right: one ofthe typi­ h:td ~?ne until it was explained to cal alleies ofAssisi. lum: ' Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me" Below: The Papal au-. Luciana was volunteered to ~ar- dience.


- ... o



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America Riconquistata? Gabriele Speri

Alcuni sccoli fa, Cristoforo Co­ crilichc piu' crudc cd anchc grottc­ lombo, fu iI primo italiano a con­ schc. Comunquc fa parte del cos­ quistare Ic Ameriehe. tume italiano csagcrare, non siamo Nel 1994, Arrigo Sacehi, con la gente da mczzc misure: tragcdia e sua Nazionale, si presta a ritentare farsa, in Italia, si confondono spcsso. I'avventura. 11 cammino per gli Stali Non dimcnlichiamo chc anche ncl Uniti non e' stato facile e, a poco 1982, prima dclla storica partit:i col piu' di un mese dall'inizio dei Brasile, Ic critichc a

Probabile Forrnazione: Pagliuca Benarrivo Baresi Costacurta Maldini Albertini Berti Baggio Signori Massaro Casiraghi

14 June 94 :tJ;~EUA COMUNITA'ITALlANA Saint Patriek's Church Third Century A:rpeal St, Patrick's Church was one of the first to be built after an' Act of Parliament freed Catholics at last from prosecution at law for saying or hearing Mass in 1791. Today it pioneers the ';,' practice of. welcoming non-English speaking visitors by offering them a leaflet every Sunday with the mass readings I, and a commentary in five languages. ,I , Now in its third century the Church in Soho Square is in urgent need of renovation both inside and out. £400,000 is needed to make the • •• '1" ",- Church watertight, remedy the extenor detenora- i i: I tion, repair the interior and improve the parish I,,,11" • rooms. : 0'" " If you would like to donate to Saint Patrick's Church Third Century Appeal then please send any donations, made payable to "St, Patrick's Church", to: Third Century Appeal Director, 21a Soho Square, London Wl.


Spol/sored by SER'E "A." ItlANA.GERS Associazione THIS COVW BE }'OV III ~ ParmigianiValceno ~ "'MGIIIIE TIlE OPPOIeTVIIIIT}' TO ~ .. .. SELECT &, ''''NAGE TilE BEST PUl'ERS 1,'1 TilE "'OIeW I,V TilE • BESTLEAGVEI,VTIIElI'OIeW_ • STARTING SOON •••• BilCKlllLL will be running" Fantasy Football League cl,ampionslaip base" on tl,e teams and players from tl,e italian Serie "A." league. TI,ere .vill be a bottle of cllampagne for tIle "ltlanager of tIle montl,". TI,e overall league .vhmer will .vin " trip to tl,e final of tile "CoPJJa 'talia".


Giugno 94 15 :tJ:~J-A COMUNITA'ITAUANA

Tany Deritis Olive Besagni

It is with deep regret that I Children's Befana party, indeed on early fifties. He was an excellent announce, to those of you who do every occasion where 'assistance was player and a good sportsman. He not know already, the death of required. . remained faithful to his Italian roots Cavaliere Anthony (fony) Deritis Tony was a quiet. modest man and would always attend golfing who passed away on Tuesday 19th with an engaging disposition and tournaments and occasions organised April 1994. will be remembered for his lovely by his old friends from the Cav.· Tony was the son of smile. he was loved and resj>ected community. Alfredo Deritis, proprietor of by his family and many friends. We extend our sincere Alfredo's Cafe in Essex Road, At the age of 11 Tony won a condolences to Tony's father , Angel, Islington. The well known scholarship to the London Oratory. Alfredo, his devoted sister Nina and cafe has been in the Deritis family From there· he attended Chelsea her husband and daughter. To his for more than 100 years. Famiglia University where he gained a degree brother Vince and sister-in-law Deritis originate from Pieinisco in in Pharmacy. As a young man he Sheila and their children. To his the province of Frosinone south of bought a chemist shop in brother Victor who was his constant Rome. . Leytonstone where he practised as a companion and friend. Tony was invested with the resident pharmacist for 20 years. Tony will be sadly missed by his honour of Cavaliere by the Italian He loved football and played for family and friends. God Bless you government for his work for the the Mazzini-Garibaldi Club from the Tony, you won't be forgotten. Mazzini-Garibaldi Club in Red Lion age of 17. When he retired from Street. He was treasurer of the Club football he transferred his energy to for 24· years and was a reliable the golf course. He was a member committcc member working tirelessly of Enfield Golf Club in his early the Club at their annual events: golfing years transferring to a Dinner & Dances; Scampagnalas; Brighton club when he retired in his

Letters dai nostri lettori

Welling, Kent. Bringing back memories Dear Sir,

"On this occasion it is my great pleasure to compliment you and all your colleagues for the accurate research gathered for the publishing of BACKHILL each month. For example all the events that affected the Italian community during the war years 1940-45 though sometimes very sad as we could expect are nevertheless very authentic and must surely bring back so many memories to the readers of your excellent journal of those years. Also of the many interesting stories beyond that has the effect of recreating that common bond that is the inspiration which Italian people seck; so continue with your excellent work which must be appreciated by so many who enjoy reading BACKHILL. Many congratulations. Yours sincerely,


16 June 94 -baelr/ult- . .,r;:;> RIVISI'A DEILA COMUNITA'ITALlANA

Sempre doloroso Pietro Molle

Maggio e giugno sono i due mesi che iI nuovo govemo sc le porta via. mancata denuneia fiscale, ollre ad dell'anno che onnai sono stati mar­ Qucst'anno lulla I'operazione e' attirarc le multe previste dalla legge cati come i mesi della prcparazione piu' 'scmplice poichc' rimangono da non consente, Ira I'altro, la forrnaliz­ e prcscntazione dei moduli relativi pagare' solo due tasse: I'IRPEF ed zazione del litolo di posscsso per alle dichiarazioni fiscali. . le!. Vcdiamole brcvcmente. . I'cscrcizio della compro·vendita e Ed e' per questo che dcdico ,IRPEF - la sigla sta per ImPosta della successione. questo articolo a questo argomento sui Rcddili delle PErsone Fisiehe. E' Qucsti sono.i tempi: iI Modulo anche se mi rendo conto che le tassc I'imposta ehe io paragono all'lncome 740/94 va compitato e spedito entro che ogni cittadino e' obbligato a Tax che si paga qui in Gran Bre· il 30 giugno menlre i primi paga· tagna. Voglio sottolinerare menli dell'IRPEF vanno fatli enlro il pero' ehe mentre qui non si ,30 maggio scnza alcuna sopratassa; paga sc uno possicde solo sc i pagamenli vengono effettuali degli irnrnobili, in ltalia in· entro iI 20 giugno e' necessario vece si paga e I'importo e' aggiungere una sopratassa dello proporzionato aI valore della 0.5%. proprieta', Non e" chiaro 3Ocora quando ..aj. ICI- la sigla sta per Irn­ vanno effettuali i pagamenli dell'ICI posta Comunale Immobiliare. ma sc le cosc non cambiano fonda­ anche qui viene facile it para­ mentalmente si prevede che 30che gone con la tassa comunale quest'3Ono i contribuenli residenli al· ehe si paga in Inghitterra e I'estero potranno pagare qucsta tassa Un modo di pagare le tasse cioe' con la Council Tax. una sola volta, a dicembre senza C'e' una cosa da far rilevare: sopratassa. pagare allo Stato sono sempre dolor­ la Council Tax comprende Vorrei coneludere ricordando ai ose come quando iI dentista ci tutti i scrvizi che iI cornune da' alIa lellori che la legge che prevcdeva strappa i denti che non sono piu' propria cittadinanza fatta ececzione che I'unica casa, non affittata, che i tanto buoni ma fanno ancora male. della water e sewage rates, cosi' connazionali rcsidenti all'cstero pos­ Per noi emigrati poi, iI dentista 1'ICI non comprende la tassa per la sicdono in ltalia, fosse considerata fa ancor piu' male perche" sincera­ collezione dei rifiuti che bisogna come abitazione principalc, spccifica mente, non riusciamo ancora a gius­ pagare a parte. che qucsta posizione e' giusta solo tificare questo ennesimo dovere Sia I'IRPEF che I'ICI vanno pa­ ai fini del calcolo dell'ICI ma non senza che, in elfetti, siano contrap­ gate da tutli coloro che possiedono dell'IRPEF. posti da uguali diritti. dei terreni oppure una 0 piu' case. Cio' significa che tutti g1i italiani Ed e' quindi necessario pagare le E- ovvio che ci sono delle ececzioni residenti all'estero ehe possicdono tasse. Vale la pcna, allora, guardarle pcrcui vale la pena di inforrnarsi sc una sola casa in ltalia che non e' in faccia, sapeme di piu' e non uno e' obbligato 0 meno a prescn·' affittata, dcbbono fare la dichiarazi­ mettere la testa sotto la sabbia, come tare le diehiarazioni. onc 30che se la rendita catastale e" fa 10 struzo, spcrando nel frattempo, E' bene tener prescnte che la inferiore all'orrnai famoso milione.

Avviso daJ Consolato ltaJiano

Sabato II giugno 1994 si svolgeranno le vo­ Consolato Generale d'ltalia tazioni per I'elezione dei rapprescntanti italiani al Uffieio Elezioni Europee Par~am~nto Europco. Gli italiani re~idcnti nei pacsi 38 Eaton Place dell Umone Europca che non abblano gia' optato London, SWIX 8AN. per i seggi locali, potranno esereitarc il dirilto di Tc1: 0585 280976 voto nci seggi allestiti dai consolati. I seggi, Fax: 071 630 5711 distribuiti in ~utto if t~rritorio della Gran Brctagna, 11 par/amento Eurapeo e' l'organo deWUnione Europea saranno ~pertl I'll glUgoo dalle sette di, rnaltina demoeralieamente e/etto ed esprime pertanta /0 v%nta' alle 10 dl sera. popo/are. Esso ha acquisito negli u/timi tempi poteri Nclla circoserizione consolare di Londra saranno sempre piu' ampi. istituti .56 seggi per ogoi infonnazionc sui rcquisiti Esercitare il diritto di voto signifiea dUnqUe eantribuire per esercitarc iI diritto di voto e sulla dislocazione democralieamente a determinare il futuro dell'Europa. A dei scggi gli interessati potranno rivolgersi a: rajJorzare i vineoli ehe uniseono i eittadini dei paesi de/l'Unione Europea e afar vo/ere /0 propria opinione.

Giugno 94 17 -b~ ~ .. r------'---"'---.,..:,RIVJSTA DE,LLA COMUNITA' ITALIANA The Bomboniere Ifyou are 17actory BUYING, LETTING, BOMBONIERE FOR ALL OCCASIONS SELLING or RENTING



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Gill1:"O 94 19 -b~ . .,J::>. RIVISl'A DELLA COMUNITA'rrALIANA Cronaca attivita'della comunita'

( Confirmation at the Italian Church )

Over fIfty candidates processed in the Church with their sponsors on Sunday 8th May 1994 at the start of a moving and dignified mass. They were then sealed with the Holy Spirit by i Bishop O'Donoghue, the bishop of West London, in , the absence of Cardinal Hume (who had been called away to Rome).

Four of the candidates also recieved their First Communion at the Mass.

Compliments should go to the catechists who prepared the candidates, to the young choir and to all those who made the day a very special one for the candidates.

Above: one ofthe candidates receiving the gift ofthe Holy Spiritjrom Bishop O'Donoghue with Fr. Carmelo and the candidate's sponsor looking on.

Below: The candidates andsponsors with Bishop 0 'Donoghue at the end ofthe Mass.

Photos: Bruno Mcdici



( Filippo e Maria Lipizzi

Basta dire i Lipizzi e gia' si sa di chi parliamo. E' una famiglia cara, affclIuosa e generosa con tutti: non dico che sia I'unica famiglia cosi' carina, ci sono tante a1tre famiglie italiane brave, belle e buone. Ma questa volta dcdiehiamo la nostra attenzione ai Lipizzi, pcrche' hanno fcsteggiato i loro venticinque anni di matrimonio. Li vedete in fotografia con Padre Russo. Siamo nella hall della SI. Michael's Grammar School in Finchlcy. Abbiamo cominciato i festcggiamenti proprio rinoo­ vando i voti del Matrimonio. Ecco tutta la farniglia, Lipizzi Filippo con la moglie Maria e con i due simpatici figlioli Tercsa e ~ Massimo. i La festa, cominciata con la benedizione di Dio, si e' svolta in un clima veramente di sincera panecipazione alia gioia degli ·"sposini". GIi invitati hanno ponalO la gencrosita' dei loro sentimenti. Erano piu' che dei semplici invitati: sono quegli amici che veramente si possono chiamare "amici di famiglia". I Lipizzi hanno accollo i loro amici in un modo mcraviglioso. La sala era dccorosamcnte preparata, la musica invitanle e melodiosa, rna it mangiare era una cosa eecczionale. Quando ci pcnso anche adesso, mi vicne famel C'erano una infinita' di pialli, uno piu' buono dell'altro, accompagnali da tulle le bcvande che volevi. Si puo' dire ehe it momenlo dclla ehiusura e' stato rappresentato dal taglio della lorta. Li vcdele in fOlografia, i Lipizzi, Filippo e Maria, abbracciati con la slcssa "passione" del primo giomo di malrimonio e con la bencdizione del Papa vicino alia Iona. Cari Lipizzi, la tona era buonissima, ma per tUlli noi la vostra amicizia e, molto piu' dolce. Che Dio ei faecia viverc !anti e !anti anni insieme uniti sempre nell'affello e nclla generosita', sia nei momenti sereni che nei momenti tristi: Dio ei vuole bene.

Voce degli Italiani Dinner and Dance

This year's dinner and dance in aid of the Voce dcgli ltaliani took place at the Lancaster Gale Hotel on 7th May 1995.

We will publish a full report next month.

Top: the guests ofhonour

BOl/om: Sig.ra BrojJerio•. the Italian Ambassador Giaeomo AI/olieo, P. Gaetano Parolin and the Consul General Luea BrojJerio.

Photos: S.lvatorc Manwso

Continua a pagina 30

Gi/lgno 94 21 , :if:~J;q'TACOMUNITA'ITALIANA

"I I

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A family day out

Lots offun for the children Bouncy Castle Roundabout SwingBoats

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Starts at 12.00 noon ,

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I d7i01cea - £20 " ?fk~'b 0/10 'J'(3({/)t{j, ()/}t WJldfl/Jt - £10 . \

GillgllO 94 23 TilE MAZZINI GARIBALDI 51 RED LION STREET Melis LONDONWCl Interior I 11 Designs I Specialist Curtain Maker \1 THE MAZZINI GARIBALDI CLUB Modern & Anl;(IUe Upholstery and Repairs SHOWROOM: 21 High SIrI'.ct I WELCOMES YOU I T01lIEIRANNUAL \Vald,arn Cross Herts EN8 7AA ~@AJM((@AGJiATA • Tel. 0992 651144 \ Fax. 0992 652333 on the Confezione e Posa in Opera: 10TII JULY 199~ Tendaggi - Tappezzerie ­ J CHINGFORD RUGBYCLUB T~nde Verticali - Copriletti ­ WAL1lIAMWAY CHINGFORD E4 Trapunte. Ricopertura e Restauro di Salotti e Sedie. ADMISSION Vasto Assortimento di Tessuti e

ADULTS £4.00 Parati Coordinati. CHILDREN 12 yrs & under FREE Interpellateci! Lavorazione Artigianale .~ Italiana NO DOGS ALLOWED Bcrnardo Sorrentil)o




24 Jlllle 94 ::tJ;~ COMUNlTA'ITAUANA

Dall'ltalia news from Italy you may have missed

La regina di Danimarca One-fifth of the members of the In Sicilia arriveranno altri 200 Margrethe 11 e iI presidente della outgoing parliament, ineluding four earabinieri. La decisione e' stata presa I Repubblica Oscar Luigi Sealfaro sono fonner prime ministers. have been ieri durante il vertice del comitato per stati a Firenzc per inaugurare, aI museo warned by magistrates that they are I'ordine alia sicurczza convocato in degli Argenti di Palazzo Pitti, la mostra under investigation for alleged forma straordinaria dopo g1i attentati ,"Tcsori rcaJi di Danimarca". corruption or Mafia links. At least 2S of mafiosi ehe da qualche mcsc sono L'esposizione presenta tesori d'arte them faced arrest when they lost their diretti contro g1i amministratori I provenienti dalla collczione del immunity when the new parliament progrcssisti di alcuni comuni del castello di Rosenborg. meton IS April. comprensorio.

[ The transfer of the world's most An Italian appeal court expensive footballer, Gianluigi Lentini, sentenced the fonner leader of " to AC Milan, the tcam owned by Italy's Propaganda Due (P2) tycoon-turned-politician Silvio masons. Licio Gelli, to 17 years Berlusconi, came under serutiny amid in jail. but ruled that the lodge claims that the deal was linked to a had not conspired against the finance house and a Swiss bank used state.A parliamentary inquiry for laundering Mafia drug money and found that P2 had committed paying bribes to politicians. Two of acts of violence to ercate a Berlusconi's aides, Adriano Galliani. climate of tension since 1969 and Mareo Del'Utri have also been together with others including implicated but have denied all charges. right-wing extremists and the Mauro Borsano, (seen right with Mafia. But Rome judge Sergio Galliani) chairman of Torino football Sorichilli rejected prosecution 'I club, who sold Lentini, told the judges claims that P2 had pursued that Albis Bank and Fimo finance illegal aims. consultants, both registered at the same addrcss in Switzerland, had handled an La mania dei telefoni cellulari Four men are to stand trial for the illegal part of the transfer fee. 1992 car bomb murder of anti-Mafia Invcstigating magistrates believe that imperversa dappertutto. Anche aI Parlamento. Trilli di telefonini in ogni judge Paolo Borsellino and his five S13.5 million was paid by Berlusconi angolo nell'aula distraggono, i bodyguards. Salvatore Profeta, a Mafia legally, but that AC Milan paid spesso. parlamentari intenti a prestare boss, and Vincenzo Scarantino. his between S5.2 million and,$6.3 million atlenzione ai dibattiti e alle relative brother-in-law, are charged with to Torino under the counter. Fimo was votazioni. A dire basta all'uso dei ordering the theft ofthe car used in the the channel for vast sums from the telefonini cellulari in aula e' stato il attack, packing it with explosives and Madonia clan of the Sicilian Mafia to nco presidente del Senato parking it at its detonation point. Colombian cocaine barons in 1991. Scognamiglio: '''Poiehe' 10 squillare Telephone engincer Pietro Scotto is I dei telefonini puo' disturbare ehe non charged with tapping telephone lines to A man alleged to be a serial killer, possiede telefoni cellulari invito i discover Borsellino's movement and the so-called "Monster of Florence" colleghi senatori a non fame uso in Giuseppe Orofino, a mechanic, faces 'f stood trial accused of 16 murders in 17 aula". charges offalsifying number plates. years. Pietro Pacciani, a 69-year-old farm labourer, is charged with the Italian monarchists were in Mirko Tremaglia non abbandona r,• grucsome double murders of eight mourning following the death of la grande. nave degli emigrati italiani. couplcs between '68 - '85 • Most of the Ratraello Reyna of Savoy, the Ha vinto la sua battaglia, ha dato un "Monster's" victims were shot and grandson of the last king of lIaly, who ministero ai nostri connazionali nel mutilated while courting in their cars. died in mysterious circumstances in mondo. Ma adcsso non si fara' da parte, Fourvictims were foreign tourists. America. Prince Ralfaello. 23, fell to sol tanto perehe' gliene e' stata negata his dcath from a seventh floor flat at la guida. La ha annunciato al meeting Criminals are not always all bad. Boston University., where he had been di New York sull'infonnazione, ehe 10 as Signore Tomascllo from Milan studying. ha applaudito a lungo. Tomera' alia found out. He collapsed and fell carica presto. portando in Parlamento unconscious with fright after being Seven people died when a coach la sua proposta di legge per iI confronted by two men armed with carrying pilgrims to sce the Pope riconoscimento del diritto attivo e knivcs as he closed up his office. Onc caught fire on a motorway. The coach, passivo di 'voto agli italiani residenti of the robbers, in a surprising carrying S4 people, had left the town of all'eslero. Tremaglia ha confermato di humanitariangesture, began mass.1ging Maiori. on the Amalfi coast. at dawn csscre in pole position per diventare his hc.1rt. Once assured that the beat and intended 10 spend a day in Rome, presidente della commissione Esteri was regular, he made offwith lAOm. wilha visilto SI. Peter's Square. della Camera.

Giugno 94 15 -b~ . ~ RlVISl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA In Cammino Con Carmelo

Carissimi Fratel/i e Sorelle, dato la. grazia di avere tanti giovani un "goodbye" alia Chicsa e chissa' In questo mese abbiamo vissuto che hanno riccvuto iI Sacramento quando ci rivcdremo! molti eventi importanti pre la nostra della Crcsima e molti bambini iI Inoltre vorrci ringraziare di vero Parrocchia. Sacramento della Prima Comunione. cuore I'associazione CILSE (Comitato Uno dei piu' belli e commoventi E' stato bello vedere tutte le famiglie Italiano Londra Sud Est) di Lewisham e" stato iI Pellegrinaggio a Lourdes: per la festa organizzata insieme aI eravamo 90 persone. Rotary Club, in favore dei giovani Un particolare grazie a P. Carlo con di/licolta'. Sorrenti che 10 ha organizzato. Sono E' stata una esplosione di gioia, in stati tre giomi di vero pellegrinaggio un ambiente veramente familiare og­ I e non di turismo. nuno ha portato iI cibo e vino fatti in ( Ci siamo inginocchiati e pregato casa. Ho notato, gia' in prcccdenza in j I tantc volte davanti a quella grotta questi nostri italiani del Sud Est di ~ bcnedctta. dovc la verginc Maria e' Londra una grande scnsibilita' e apparsa a Bernadette, una povera e amore per i piu' poveri e bisognosi. umile ragazza. Spcsso, purtroppo, in molti italiani Ci siamo lavati e purificati a c'e' iI disprezzo e I'indifferenza. quella fontana, da dove zampilla un­ 1:1. Un grazie particolare va aI Prcsi­ acqua fresca e Iimpida ehe ci ha dente Tcodoro Di Nardo e aI comi­ ricordato iI nostro battesimo. 1/ papa alia grotto di Lourdes tato: Gino Biasi, Francesco Pace, Sono stati per me giomi di rifles­ unite venire all'altare e ricevere la S. Lucia Peretta, Maria Frisoli, Michele sione e di preghiera. Ho affidato e Comunione. Purtroppo questo avviene Frisoli, Gennaro Masiello, Michele consccrato a Maria, nostra Madre, forse per alcune una volta nella vita. Ficelola, Antonio D'Apicc, rnario tutta la nostra Parrocchia: i giovani, i Sono i genitori a passare la fede ai D'Apice, A1essio Caltagerone e a tutti bambini, le famiglie, le coppie dei loro figli, noi sacerdloi e catechisti i partccipanti alia festa e al Rotary fidanzati, i vari gruppi, gli ammalati, i siamo solo un aiuto. Club di Lewisham. • poveri, le famiglie in difficolta', e noi Mi auguro che questi giovani e II Signore ci aiuti scmpre a for­ sacerdoti. bambini possano continuare e non che mare una comunita' unita e sincera. Anche quest'anno iI Signore ci ha la Crcsima 0 la Prima Comunioe sia Un abbraccio a tutti. Oggetti Religiosi

r I i I

Potete trovare tutti gli oggetti religiosi per: Prima Comunione, Cresima, Matrimoni, Benedizione del . Papa, Rosari, Bibbie, Statue, if Nuovo Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica, quadri, ecc...

26 June 94 :tJ;~FlLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA La Vita della nostra Parrocchia

Sono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo

Vivien Tomasello: Cannelo Tomasello e Magda de Almeida Miehael NiehoJas Harris: David Harris e Giovanna Patli A1maz Gabriella CamporeaJe: Saverio CamporeaJe e Dcbritu Merid Giorgio Slerlini: Luigi Sterlini e lennifer Lockie Cbiara Anna Vainella: Vinccnzo e Lueia Vainella Gianmareo SlrappeJli: Mariano Strappelli e Anna Petruccl Roberlo Piaequadio: Giulio e Giovanna Piacquadio Fabio Roberli: WaIter Roberli e Tina Riglia Gianna Marco Leceese: Marco Lecccse e Debbie Williams Vineenzo Gino Fiala: Steven Fiata e Antonietta Trnvaglione Lauren Bemadelle Byme: Cbristopber Byrne e LOrnine PaIagi Nalalia Soulbon: Miebael Soutbon e Diane Massey Henry James Cooper: Henry Marco Cooper e Amanda WaJlis Chiara Anloniella Bragoli: Andrea Brngoli e Anna Maria ZeppeteJli Omar Sebaslian Omodei: Clarich Omodei e Rossella Omodci Alieia Victoria Bosloek: Jobn Bostock e Giuscppina Alfano Alessandro Marra: Angelo Marrn e lacqucline Toft

Hanno unito le loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio

Candicc Cook· Antonio PaIluollo Giovanna Vella • Giovanni Schifano Anna Uncini • Riccardo Maini Claudia Bastiani • Tonino Corrndi Antonictta Palmicro • !nnoecnzo Zeolla Giancarla Dadomo • Trevor Hazcll Marisa lotti • Rcmo PovineJli Tania D'Souza • Giuscppe Culora Patrizia Parla • Neopbytos Cbarnlambous Nicoletta Musacchio-Adorisio • Giuscppe Di Liberto

Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore

Carmela Alvinc • 93 Gernrdo Ballista Beatricc Schia • 80 Tony Dcritis Giovanni Polledri • 79 Giacomo Rossi • 64 Candida Marnzzi ved Gallonc • 88 Filomena Cavaciuti • 82


Pausa Poetica dai nostri fettori

L'amore e' estasi, perfezione purissima, un sogno senza fine cbe possiamo vivere per tutta la vita. Non potremo mai afferrare la sublimita' cbe Dio rappresenta, ed ecco che cose'e' "1'Amore" per me.

Che cos'e' I'amore di Elisabetta Puglisi Gissara

Un fremito convulso nell'appartenere a lui "... /0 stringi. tanta dolcezza nei tuoi occhi quando 10 guardi. /0 accarezzl, una felieita' intensa e infinita quando 10 stringi, /0 baci... • . 10 acearezzi, 10 baci

La sua bocea sulla tua, iI tuo respiro iI suo, quelle mani che ami, che ti stringono, e iI mondo attomo che si colora, si anima, e' tutto bello dentro e quindi al di fuori di te... L'amore e' un miracolo, un miracolo che esplode nella tua anima, che attanaglia iI tuo cuore, non e'e' niente di piu' dolce, di piu' meraviglioso...

Quest'amore che si scnte, che io assaporo fino in fondo dentro la mia anima e che mi consuma, quest'amore cosi' grande, ehe e' I'unica spinta della vita, la sola essenza di essa, e' per me qualcosa di divino. L'amore e' vita. La carezza di colui ebe amiamo puo' sprigionare una luee piu' ra'diosa del sole, poiehe' niente e' piu' forte dell'amore. "My Tribute to Nonno" by Enzo Gizzi Energia solare See Enzo's article on page 33 di Elisabetta Puglisi Gissara

This man who in the '30s to Glasgow did come, Quella sua earezza Without much lira but a heart that was strong. sprigiono' una luce aceecante He did not want riehes, he did not want gold, scossc con un fremito I'aria, But his great love of people, will now all be told. che baeio' iI mio viso con dolcezza, As he pushed his small barrow throughout Glasgow City, cosi' come iI tocco His ice-<:ream was great but his patter was witty. delle su mani... He had great words to say to the rich and the poor. delle sue dita My ice-<:reams the best of that I am sure. lievi come un pctalo di un fiore; mi fcce f1uirc il sangue I must just say thanks and say lots of love, come un torrente in piena, To my Nonno who's now in heaven abovc. mi fcce tomare alia vha, He left me great riches not money it seems, che valeva la pcna di csscre vissuta but his name will remain long years in my dream. sol per luL.

28 June 94 Ecclesia Nostra Gloria

Con questo numero iniziamo la catechesi sulla Messa. Vi presentiamo alcune domande che talvolta ciascuno di noi si chiede, e abbiamo cercato di orrrire delle risposte.

Perche' andare in chiesa quando Cristo e fra di loro, e formarc quella caristica, in modo abiluale, iI giomo posso pregare anche in casa e forse che e' la Chiesa locale, cioe' dopo iI sabato, eioc' la domenica: anche con piu'fervore? I'asscmblca riunita. "La sera di qucllo stesso giomo, iI La rispOsta adeguata a qucsta Teno: Ne segue che la Mcssa primo dopo iI sabato" i disccpoli si " domanda pregiudiziale si potra' avere. diventa, anche da un punto di vista trovano insieme nel Ccnaeolo (Gv speriamo. alIa fine delle vane cat­ cstemo, la carta d'identita' del cris­ 20,19); ancora: "Otto giomi dopo i cchcsi; tuttavia e' bene prcscntarc fin tiano: e' iI termometro che verifica iI discepoli erano di nuovo in casa" (Gv da ora tre elementi di riflcssione. grado di appartenenza vitale alIa 20,26). Inizia, cosi', la settimana cris­ Primo: Non bisogna contrapporre Chiesa, Corpo di Cristo. tiana che.ha come punto di partenza e la preghiera in casa e la celebrazione E iI fervore? 11 fervorc vero con· di arrivo la "domenica", eucaristica, quasi ehe I'una cscluda 0 siste nell'adcsione piu' a1ta possible Quella tradizione continua ininter­ supplisca I'altra.. al volerc di Dio e non nel senlimento rotta finD ad oggi. dobbiamo fare 10 Infatti. da una parte Gcsu' dice: di gioia che puo' accompagnare una sforzo per riscoprire la domenica "Tu, quando preghi, entra nella tua prcghiera. come il giomo del Cristo Risorto e camera, e ehiusa la porta, prega it dclla celcbrazione eucaristica; E' iI Padre tuo nel segreto, e it Padre tUG caso di rieordarc che per la Bibbia la ehe vcde nel segreto, ti ricompens­ domenica iniziava iI sabato sera; cio' era'" (Mt 6,6). E' evidente ehe qui spiega I'uso altuale di anlieipare la Gcsu'· vuole biasimare la preghiera celcbrazione domenicale iI sabato fatta solo per ostentazione e iculcarc sera. la preghiera come autentieo rapporto Inoltre, si puo' osscrvare chc an­ filiale con Dio senza il minimo in­ che nei giomi domenicali ci sono tento di assolutizzare qucsto tipo di alcune Messe poco affollate; se si preghiera riSpellO ad altri. vuole cviate la calca, si scelga quelle. D'altra parte, e proprio nello stesso capitolo, it Signore, sempre 10 ascoUo la Messa alia Tivu: mi nell'intento di far nascere iI rapporto resta piu' comado, mi distraggo di filiale con Dio, mette sulle labbra dei menD, viene defta meglio cbe in eristiani la preghiera comunitaria per parrocchia. Sbaglw? cccellenza, it Padre nostro: siamo di Si, purtroppo, sbaglia. La parteci­ fronte alia preghiera ehe la comunita' Perche' allora andare a messa di pazione piena alia Mcssa comporta la dei crcdenti nel suo insieme, rivolge domenica? Non sarebbe meglio prcscnza fisica dell'individuo; infatti, al Padre. Ancor piu', istituendo l'Eu­ partecipare in un giorno diverso Cristo si rende e dona la sua persona caristia, Gesu' dona se stesso ai della settimana, che puo' risuUare nel segno sensibile dell'ostia consae­ partccipanti alia celcbrazione pur piu' comodo? rata; anehe I'asscmblca e' una rcalta'· senza escludere la moltitudine. Fissiamo la risposta sulla partcci· ben concrcta, composta da individui Secondo: I eristiani formano it pazione proprio in giomo di do· in came cd ossa. "corpo di Cristo U ~ eioc' sono u~ili menica. Occorre quindi che io partccipi con Cristo, morto e risorto, e tra loro Primo: La domenica e'· iI giomo in con tutta la mia persona e non solo in modo talc che Paolo puo' dire: cui Cristo e' risorto, eioc' iI giomo in con la mia mente; che - al sengo della "Voi siele it corpo di Cristo e sue cui ha inaugurato la vita nuova della pace - stringa la mano al mio fralello membra, eiascuno per la sua parte" (I nostra rcdenzione. Ebbene, la eel· in modo vero e non solo col pensiero Cor 12,27). cbrazione eucaristica rende prcscnle seguendo le immagini del video; che Ebbene, qucsta profonda unita' tra sull'altare Cristo risorto e glorioso, faccia - se ne sono moralmente dis­ Crislo e eristiani viene espressa, e, che porta con se' i meriti della sua posto - la comunionc sacramentale e ancor piu'.. rcalizzata in modo pieno passione. Proprio perche' Gesu' si non solo quella spirituale.. nella eelebrazione eucartistiea: rende prcsente nell'Eucaristia come Qualcuno dira': allora perche' la "poiehe' c'e' un solo pane - dice Risorto, i fcdeli aeelamano: "Procla· Messa viene telelrasmessa? Ecco, la Paolo - noi, pur essendo molti, miamo la tua risurrczione", Ma Mcssa per Tivu' 0 per radio c' formiamo un corpo solo", (1 Cor quando e' risorto Gesu'? I vangeli destinata dircltamente agli ammalati e 10,17); quest'unico pane e' prccisa­ rispondono: "i1 giomo dopo il saba· ai molto avanzati in eta', perehe' ­ mente il pane eucaristico. to",. eioc' precisamente quel giomo mancando loro altra possibilita' - si E' necessario pereio' ehe i eris­ che noi chamiamo ~'domcnica". ,uniscano spiritualmente a quella tiani si riuniscano insieme anche fisi­ Secondo: C'e' anehe I'esempio Mcssa che viene trasmcssa e ricevano camenle, per la celebrazione eucaris­ degli apostoli e dei primi cristani che aiulo spiriluale da cssa. tica, in modo da essere cosi' uniti con si riuniscono per la celcbrazione eu-

Giugno 94 29 ------,-----

:t:~Fn.ACOMUNITA'ITAUANA Cronaca Continua da pagina 21

(In Ricordodei Caduti di Guerra)

Domenica I maggio 1994 e' stata cclcbrata nella Chicsa Italiana di San Pietro la Santa Mcssa in ricordo dei Caduti di tulle le guerre. Nel corso dell'omelia il- celebrante Padre Carmelo Di Gio­ vanni ha ricordato il saerifieio compiuto dai comballenti cd ha sollolincato come cssi, ehe hanno provato la durczza della guerra, siano oggi operatori di pace. 11 Capitano Giovanni Fungo ha rccitato la preghiera del soldato. • Alia Ccrimonia erano prcsenti S.E. I'Ambas­ eiatore d'Italia Giacomo Allolico, il Console di Londra Doll. R.. Trombctta. addelli militari ·delle tre forze armate presenti in Gran Bretagna Ammi­ raglio Mario Maguolo, Col. Roeco Viglietta, Col. Sopra: Don R. Aldo Olivero, Cap. di Fregata Gianfranco Cueehi­ Russo e Am­ aro e molti altri Ufficiali. basciatore Erano presenti Presidenti e Rapprescntanti di Attolico scam­ Associazioni di Armi, di Istituzioni e Associ­ biano iI segno azioni Italiane cd un folto numero di Soci e dellaPace. Simpatizzanti. Dopo la Santa Mcssa tUlli i presenti si sono ritrovati nella sala convegni, dove e' stato servito Destra: un mo­ un ollimo rinfrcsco offerto dalla Sezione Combat­ mento durante tenti di Londra. laS.Messa.

11 Presidente Sebastiano Petrillo

(.... A_n_n_u_a_I_S~p_rJ_·n...::g::....F_a_ir _"_')

This year the Annual Spring Fair took place on 11th May Below left: Patron ofthe Fair•. The Duchess ofKent with at the Kensington Town Hall. ContessaAttolico atthe productstall. Below: The ladies ofthe embassy atthefoodstall The various Embassies to the Court of SI. James raised money for international social service. The Italian Embassy had two stands this year one with food the other with various Photo: SatvAtorc Mancuso products.

30 June 94 • ( G_a_J:l_C_h_a_r_ity:;,.·_c_o_D_ce_rt_-_--'l ~ At long last!! Something worthwhile to share with you after such a long interlude. Yes, a concert in a truly easy, very melodic style, not too taxing, not too profound, just very, very pleasing to the car, and, come to think of it, on the eye too. A veritable delight, but more of this later. Last Sunday evening 15th May saw St. Peter's Italian Cliurch transformed into a truly grandiose, sumptuous concert hall. The occa­ sion? A Gala Charity Concert in aid of the invaluable Cancer Research work at four major hospitals. This was sponsored by Spaghetti 0p­ era, Terrazza-Est and Tratoo Restaurants. After I had settled comfortably in my pew, I glanced through the programme and gave full marks to the selection of ever-popular tit-bits on offer to satisfy all taste buds· at the same time I S%ists and vio/inisttaking their applause Photo: Salvatorc M&IlCUso idly wondered as to the performers for the evening. Would they be seasoned artists, always a pleas­ and her pleasant voice came through calm and clear. John ure to listen to of course, or perhaps eager, fresh, spirited, Cunningham, baritone, was very obviously the most senior up and coming young hopefuls, full of surprise and of the quartet and markedly more experienced. He had a promise for the future of Bel Canto? You all know how very confident, good stage presence with a truly pleasing close to my heart is the delicate, parlous state of Bel voice. Perhaps a little too forceful and hearty at times for Canto today, and my tireless prayer and desperate hope me, but nevertheless a decidedly good and easy voice. for its continuity in the manner (which in the only Now for the very young, boyish tenor Bruce Rankin. A manner) of the Old School. I was not disappointed. As voice of true, natural, effortless beauty and immeasurable singers, instrumentalists and maestro alike took their potential. He did great things on Sunday evening, but I respective places, a sea of bright young faces beamed fear that he might be pushed into too much, too soon. I down on us from the altar which was tastefully adorned ventured into the Sacristy (doubled as a dressing room) with the loveliest of flowers. Oh yes! the eye had its full. after the performance to pay my humble 'ossequi' and Now for the car. profer a few comments. What a charming lad is Bruce Anna Marabini, a petite, gracious girl, the perfect foil Rankin. I thoroughly enjoyed our brief tete-a-tete and in for any budding tenor or stalwart baritone, was billed as a the space of these few minutes I repeatedly begged on the mezzo. To me she came over as a potential dramatic proverbial knce, that he seck out and attend a Carlo soprano, with a lovely, full, round tone and promise of Bergonzi master class on the maestro's next visit to things to come. The soprano, Penny Shaw, tall and London. Here he will hear, sec and learn the strict, natural, willowy, quite understandably showed slight signs of simple rules of voice production. Once armed with the nervousness as she opened the evening's performance greatest living exponent of Bel Canto's priceless tips and with Schubert's Ave Maria. She soon collected herself final touches, the skY is the limit for this young man. The flautist, Lianne Bamard was simply pure A viewfrom the orchestra Photo: Satvatorc M&IlCUSO delight. She made that flute sing like a nightingale. How she thrilled me and held me spellbound through­ out. Beautiful, really beautiful. Barbara Penny, violin­ ist, gave a perfect, polished performance of Vivaldi's 'L'Estate' a true virtuoso. Brava Barbara. The maestro Derek Carden is a man of many musical talents. Apart from his impeccable conducting, his rendering of Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor on the organ was very moving. Bravo. Last, but by no means least, a few words of praise and much applause for the fine orchestra. Bravo Tutlil Bravissimi - grazie - God bless tutta la Compagnia.

Giovanna Servini in Cardetti

For anyone Interested In obtaining a copy ofthe video ofthe gala concert contact: Salvatore Mancuso on 081-879 1378

Giugno 94 31 -b~ . ..&> RlVJSl'A DELLA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA

notizie daJla C£ Eurofocus ...,

Lingue e culture siglio dei ministri dell'Unione e La Franeia non accorda nessuno minoritarie della Commissione europea, per tute- - statulo giuridico alle Iingue minori­ lare e sviluppare questo patrimonio tarie, come la Gran Bretagna, ehe Avele ,gia' scnlilo parlare/ del Iinguistico e euhurale europco. ,tuttavia permette un uso Iimitalo del "pomak" 0 del "armina" 0 del II compilo non e' faeile, vista la gallese nei tribunali e nell'amminis­ "brczhoueg" 0 del "friisk-seelter­ complessita' della materia. Innanzi- trazione pubblica. L'Italia accorda sk'\ del uscrbski'\ del "euslcara",· tutto si deve precisare iI concctto di questo statuto aI tedesco, aI franccsc, del "kemewck" 0 del "gailhlig"? "lingue minoritarie", tanto' piu' ehe' a110 sloveno e aI latino nell'ambito o meglio, le avele scntile? Tranquil­ iI termine e' soddisfaccnle: basti dei trattati intemazionali 0 delle au­ Iizzalevi, non si tralta di un nuovo pensare, per esempio, ehe iI catilano tonomie regionali. La legislazione volapuk, ma scmpliccmenle di a1cune e' una "lingua minoritaria" a1I'in- piu' aperta e liberate e' quella spag­ delle lrenta Iingue aulOClone parlale temo della Spagna, Franeia e Italia, nola, considerando iI numero delle da milioni di eittadini dell'Unione ma iI numero di eittadini ehe 10 Iingue parlate nel paesc; ma anehe europea. Lingue talvohe poco cono­ parla e' pari, se non superiore, a in Belgio. in Germania, in Olanda e sciute, ma ehe.rapprescntano iI modo quello di coloro che si esprimono in in Danimarca sono stati fatti impor­ di esprimersi di un 'gran numero di tanti progressi. II Portogallo, persone, e ehe rapprescnlano iI modo bcato lui, non conoscc questo di eomunicare la loro eultura e la problema: e' infalti iI solo loro eredita'. paese a non possedere nes­ I nomi eitati sono scritti nella sun'altra lingua al di fuori di loro forma originale e Ii potrete quella uffieiale e nazionale. trovare, con la loro traduzione frane­ C'e' veramente di che esc e inglesc, in un prezioso manual­ perdere la bussola, ma etto pubblicato a euia dell' "Uffieio sarcbbe un pcccalO permel­ europco delle, Iingue poco diffuse". tere che sparisca una parte Se ancora non 10 sapete, imparerele danesc, che invecc e' una delle tanto importanle della nostra credita' ehe iI "friisk'" e' la lingua parlata Iingue uffieiali dell'Unione europca. cuhurale, ma soprattullo sarebbe in­ nella Frisia' scllentrionale, mentre si II tedesco e' una lingua minoritaria giusto obbligare milione di persone parla iI "scellersk" nell'est della in Belgio, in Danimarca" in Francia ad esprimersi csclusivamente in una stessa regione, ehe nelle regioni c in Italia, mentre e' la.piu' parlata lingua che non e' veramente la loro, montagnosc della penisola greca e in in Europa. anehe se la padroneggiano bene. Epiro, si parla ]'''armina'', chc in Pur aeccttando questa definizione Come c' logico. nel suo rapporto, aleune zone della Germania ci si imprecisa, si deve comunque fare iI Parlamento europeo ribadiscc an­ esprime in"serbski" , cbe una distinzione tra le,cinijue grandi cheche I'incoraggiamento alle I'''eusarka" e' la lingua basca e ehe categoric di Iingue "meno diffusc": Iingue minoritarie non deve andare a iI "gaeilge" e I'irlandese. Proprio I. Le Iingue nazionali 'di due delrimento di quelle nazionali e ehe eosi', anehe iI basco e 'I'irlandese: piccoli Stati membri dell'UE che I'insegnamento scolastico delle basla evocarc queste due Iingue e non sono Iingue uffieiali di lavoro Iingue prineipali non ne deve sofTr­ questi due popoli per rendersi conto nell'Unione: I'irlandese e iI lusscm­ ire. Ma nello stcsso tcmpo ha invi­ della dimensione del problema e burghesc; tato i govemi degli Stati membri a della sua importanza per la nostra 2. Le Iingue delle piccole cornu­ far profittare le Iingue 'c le culture euhura. nita' scnza Stati, situate in un solo meno diffuse di uno staluto legale Bisogna ammellerlo, nella nostra Stato membro, eome iI sardo e iI appropriato, a ratificare la Convenzi­ buona e vecchia Europa non ei friulano in Italia, il frisone in Olanda one europea sulle Iingue regionali 0 siamo prcoccupati veramente troppo c iI gallesc in Gran Bretagna; minoritarie; ha chiesto anehe di delle Iingue e delle culture·minori­ 3. Le Iingue delle piccole comu­ promuovere I'uso e 10 sviluppo di tarie: i rari progressi e le modesle nita' senza Stato, residenti in due 0 queste Iingue a Iivello, dell'insegna­ eonquiste degli uhimi anni sono stale piu' Stati, come iI basco in Franeia mento, della giustizia, dell'amminis­ strappate a forza a Stati aeccntratori e in Spagna, I'occitano in Francia, trazione pubblica. dei media. della e sordi persino alia piu' legittima Italia e Spagna; toponiinia e degli altri scllori della delle esigenzc, ehe e; quella di per­ 4. Le lingue dei popoli che costi­ vita pubblica e culturaJe. mellere alle persone di esprimersi tuiseono una minoranza negli Stati in GIi europarlamentari hanno inol­ nella loro lingua madre. cui vivono, ma che sono una mag­ tre invitato la Commissione europca Da una quindieina d'anni a gioranza in altri paesi, come c' iI a crearc un programma ispiralo aI questa parte, iI Parlamenlo europco caso (gia' eitalo) del tedesco, ma programma LINGUA" a favore delle si e' inlercssalo al problema e ha anehe del danesc in Germania, del Iingue minoritarie c di tcrier conto di adollalo tutta una serie di risoluzioni tureo e dell'albanesc in Grecia, del queste ultime in tutti i programmi di eui I'ultima in ordine di tempo e' franccsc, dell'albanesc, delle sloveno d'inscgnamenlo c culturali (ERAS­ stata adottata a stragrande mag­ o del eroato in Italia, ecc; MUS, TEMPUS, MEDIA, ecc.) c, gioranza, con 318 voti favorevoli, 5. Le lingue non territoriali che con iI Consiglio, a tener conto di uno contrario e sci astensioni: essa non possono esscrc identificale in questa eredita' nell'elaborazione ehiede un impegno politico e finan­ una zona particolare, come la lingua della politica regionale e nell'at­ ziario degli Stali membri, del Con- degli zingari e'degli cbrci. tribuzione delle risorzc del FEDER.


Our Life in the Sky Enzo Gizz;

The next time you are sitting on to the specific aircraft type that you caI exam must also be sat and board a British Airways flight, take a will be operating on. The Basie successfully passed before you can fly moment to think about the cabin crew course consists of 35% of classroom again. Once baek on line the crew and ask yourself why are thcy on sessions and 65% of practical. Eaeh must combine all their safety training board? They are not only there to session is assessed and a final exami- along with their highest possible make sure there is.icc and lemon in nation is given on practical and standard of cabin service and cus­ your gin and tonic. They have been thcory. Some of the praetical work tomer contaet role. It is an enjoyable specially selected to look after your will take place on the two aireraft experience to fly to all the exotie safety and welfare. The crew "strive simulators whieh cost, together, ap- destinations in our global network, for excellencc" in their job to ensure proximately £3.5ml Thcy both give a perhaps this is the reward for the long you are all safe whilst travelling on board their aircraft. Each of the approximately 10,000 cabin staff are trained to a very high standard both in cabin service and in safety equipment and procedures better known to us as SEP. The staff training centre is called "Cranebank" and is the home of instructors who train the cabin staff to the required standard. Cranebank training centre which is situated near Hcathrow is onc of the largest train­ ing est.1blishments in the world. The "New Entrant" training course begins in the Cabin Services building where you arc taught how to serve passengers in a professional way, deal with problems that may occur on board and learn how to communicate with the customer using skills and techniques. Giving excel­ lent service is the main theme, this is vital to stay ahead. During the Cabin Service training the trainees arc moni­ tored regularly and must achieve successful results in all the exams. The "Aviation Medicine'" course fol­ lows and is taught in thc medical school which is run by qualified nurses who instruct each crcw mem­ Enzo wilh one ofhis less successful predecessors! ber on how to deal with any medical crisis which may arise during the flight. The thrce day course entails sense of reality when praetising the duty days and coping with the world basic first aid, life saving (CPR), and emergency procedures and the famous time ehange whieh adds weight to this how to administer the Prescription 'evacuation'" whieh the CAA require challenging and motivated position. Only medicines that we carry on all crew to successfully complete. So, next time you fly with British board every aircraft. Only upon com­ You must be able to evacuate a whole Airways or any other airline, please pletion and having achieved the pass aireraft of anything up to ;190 or so spare a thought for the cabin crew; mark will the nurse sign your certifi­ passengers in 90 seconds flat. The you now know what is involved to cate of proficiency which is kcpt on aireraft simulators are even pro­ become a steward' or stewardess. Fi­ file for the Department of Health grammed to simulate take off and nally please pay particular attention to authorities. After the medical course landing with special sound effects. the safety demonstration, it is for your you are then rcquired to complcte and The erew have to be rcqualified on own safety... pass the SEP training course which is their aireraft types every 12 months. strictly govcrned by the Civil Avia­ All erew have to then return baek to tion Authority. The course is divided the training sehool for a one-day into two categories: the Basic SEP course whieh consists of an examina­ training course which lasts for four tion and a review of the safety" days and then a "Conversion" course equipment and procedures. The medi-

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GillgllO 94 35 :1J;~'£LLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA

Mia Woodruff }.Dunleavy

With the passing of Mrs Mia law. or the POW regulations, the heartrending work..... (she wrote to Woodruff Italy and its people loses a legal status of the internees and their Mackenzie) .....The ruthless cruelty lifelong friend. The Italian commu­ families was unclear. What was clear of transporting hundreds of people nity in Britain especially has cause was that internment had broken up who have never been before tribu­ to regret her death since she was families and frequently led to the nals and sorted out on their merits is one of the few in 1940 who made closure of businesses. 1940 proved to very difficult to explain always, and no secret of her destination of the be a traumatic experience for the we are trying to make their bitter­ internment policy and was prepared Italian community. ~" ness less by befriending them. The to devote her time and energies Mrs Woodruff and a few friends distress is very great, and it is not towards alleviating the plight of the realised that apart from access to easy to gain much support for Ital­ women, children and dependents of information, the Italian community ians today...... the men who had been taken into which prided itself on its self-help In fact the whole idea of intern­ detention. and independence had need of mate­ ment applied to aliens normally resi­ Lengthy obituaries and tributes to rial aid and towards this end she set dent here was abhorrent to Mrs Mrs Woodruff have appeared in the up the Italian Internees Aid Commit­ Woodruff and she welcomed a national press, notably "The tee. Part of the funds were sub­ change in public opinion noticeable rimes", "The Independent'"' and sCribed by friends and well-wishers in the late summer of 1940. This led "The Tablet" and while they list the though Mrs Woodruff was able to to improvements inside the camps numerous causes with which she was draw on the welfare funds at the and later still a staged release plan. associated, none of them dwell on former Italian Embassy under the However, while it lasted, the status her work for the internees and their supervision of a Brazilian diplomat, of the victims was less enviable than families during the war years. As the Brazil being the protecting power for that of a POW or a common crimi­ grand-daughter of the eminent histo­ Italians. nal. "Not one internee has received rian Lord Aeton she was the common justiee aware that this aspect of accorded to a criminal World War 11 which af­ caught in the act..... fected Germans, Austrians Mrs Woodruff wrote a and Italians normally resi­ little later to Macken­ dent here has still not re­ zie), .....and the send­ ceived any degrce of atten­ ing overseas of un­ tion in the published ac­ classified people is counts of the war. Mrs unbelievable...I saw Woodruff proved" to be a today two reports on constant source of encour­ the camps from re­ agement to the present leased internees, writer in his bid to raise themselves fugitives awareness of the eonse- 'The ruthless cruelty oftransporting hundred ofpeople" from anti-Jewish law- quenees of internment. s". Although deeply absorbed in re- It says much for the character of As the war developed into a lief and charitable work from the Mrs Woodruff that at a critical june­ global conflict and problems of refu­ start of the war, Mrs Woodruff was ture in the war she found time to gees, POWs and displaced persons drawn to the plight of the Italians in devote to the Italian community and proliferated, Mrs Woodruff was the wake of the sinking of the was not afraid to incur official dis­ drawn 10 helping these, undertaking Arandora Star. Unsure as to how pleasure by appealing for support relief work in the middle east and a many men had sailed on the ship on and sympathy from the general pub­ number of European countries. De­ JUly I, the authorities had difficulty lie. Her husband, Douglas Woodruff, spite the calls on her time she never preparing lists of victims and survi- editor of the influential weekly "The forgot the Italians and was instru­ vors. Mrs Woodruff performed the Tablet" was invariably supportive. mental in re-establishing communica­ unenviable role of dealing wilh per- Another staunch friend was Compton tions between numerous Italian fami­ sonal enquiries from relatives and Mackenzie, editor of "The Gramo­ lies resident in Britain with friends friends in London, a heartrending phone", and some of the correspond­ and relatives in the old country business as she would recall. ence which passed betwecn the two which had been severed abruptly in It would be some time before the has been published. It is clear from 1940. full extent of the tragedy could be the letters written in 1940 that Mrs Marie Immaeulee Antoinette assessed. Suffice to state that close Woodruff acted not simply because (Mia) Aelon: born 1 April 1905; on 500 Italians perished with the of her affeetion for the Italian peo­ married 1933 Douglas Woodruff Arandora Star. As for the remaining pie, or even out of Christian charity, (died 1978); died 5 April 1994. internees, they had been assigned to but because she felt the Italian com­ A Solemn Requiem Mass for the unspecified destinations where they munity had been treated abominably late Mia Woodruff was held at were to be held for an indefinite and that they should not be aban­ Brompton Oratory on 3 May with period. Not sUbjeet to the criminal doned in their hour of necd. "It is Ca~dinal Hume presiding.

36 June 94 :iJ;~EU.A COMUNITA'ITAIJANA Rainy Days Richard Si/via

Residential Mortgages consist ofboth capital and interest. As lump sum payable under the pension Housing is a foremost social issue. long as the amount of the monlhly arrangement. The policy holder can which is catered for in a number of repayment is adjusted in line with take up to 25% ofthe pension fund as a ways. Anyone needing accommodation changes in the rate of interest, and no lax-free lump sum (to repay the has two basic options: they can become arrears are allowed to build up, the mortgage) and use the remaining 75% a tenant of a local authority. housing mortgage will be repaid at the end of of the fund to purehase an annuity association or private landlord; alterna­ the chosen mortgage term. which will give him his pension (i.e. tively they can become owner-occupi­ Normally it is considered prudent income in retirement). ers ofa residential property which they (although not obligatory) for the 1J?r­ 4. Other In/eres/ Only Mar/gages: own themselves. rower to take out a mortgage protection there is no reason why lenders will In most cases owner-occupiers will policy to repay the mortgage in the insist that interest' only mortgages are need to finance the purchase of the event of the borrower's premature restricted to either (2) or (3) above. properly which is to become their death during the mortgage term. As the Lenders who take a practical view are family home, as it is most unlikely that mortgage debt reduces on an annual willing to consider alternative vehicles they will be able to purchase the basis (given that the capital is gradually for repaying the capital in full on properly outright from theirown finan­ being repaid), a decreasing term assur­ maturity of the mortgage, provided the cial resources. ance policy is effected to cover the borrower can demonstrate that he has a This article will attempt to give a reducing debt. definite and credible plan. Alternative general overview ofthisarea offinance methods of funding the by: repayment of the mortgage 1. explaining the nature of a mort­ could include investment gage; in: Personal Equity Plans. 2. outlining the various methods of Unit Trusts or even Foreign repaying a mortgage; Currency Mortgages. Such 3. considering the measures that can alternatives will appeal to be taken to ensure the mortgage the more sophisticated bor- repayments are maintained or that the •rower with a greater aware­ mortgage is repaid in certain events. ness of the mechanics of sueh schemes. What is a mortgage? A mortgage is a long-term loan 2. Endowment Mar/gage: under this General Financial Considerations (usually between 25 and 30 ycars) loan repayment method the borrower Given that there are wide range of which is used to purchase property. The pays the lender only enough money to mortgage schemes available from a properly is used as security for the loan cover the interest aecruing on the variety of lenders, it is very important and it is usual for the deeds to the capital. Therefore the original level of to choose a repayment scheme that is properly to be lodged with the lender. borrowing remains the same as there is the most appropriate to your circum­ Ifyou fail to pay back the loan. the no built-in mechanism to repay the stances and best suited to your needs. lender can compel you to sell the capital. This is essential as a mortgage will properly and settle the debt out of the Instead the borrower is required to probably be, by far, the largest finan­ proceeds. Although the deeds are in make re/!'I1ar premiums to an endow­ cial commitment you are likely to your name and you remain in posses­ ment poltcy. The policy consists oflwo encounter in your life. sion of the properly. the lender will elements: life assurance equivalent to In view ofthe long term nature ofa impose certain restrictions on what you the mortgage debt to ensure repayment mortgage advance, it is also necessary can do with the property until the loan of the loan in the event of the to consider the possible impact of the is repaid whereupon you will gain borrower's premature death; and an following on your ability to repay any outright ownership. This is such an investment element which aims to outstanding mortgage: important consideration that lenders provide a lax free lump sum to repay I. premature death; arc required by law to give the the capital at the end of the mortgage 2. redundancy; following "financial health warning" term. 3. temporary sickness or disability, in writing on all advertisements or The actual endomnent policy can preventing you from working; correspondence promoting mortgage either be "With Profits". "Low 4. critical illness or total permanent finance: "YourHome Is At Risk IfYou Start"., "Low CostlLow Start'" or disability. Do Not Keep Up Repayments On A '''Unit-Linked'' - each of whieh is a It would be advisable to effect a Mortgage Or Other Loan Secured On variation oflheabove concept. protection policy to safeguard against It". 3. Pension Mar/gage: as with (2) eaeh ofthe above possibilities. above. the borrower pays only enough The information above is based Rellaying a Mortgage to the lender to mectthe interest of the upon our understanding of current There are several methods ofrepay­ capital. In addition the borrower, is legislation and lax regulations, whieh ing the loan. Each method needs to be required to pay a regular premium on a are both subject to change. considered and the onc best suited to personal pension plan arrangement, Richard Silvio JI a Company Representative o[ your particular circumstances chosen plus a further premium for a level term Guardian Financial Services Marketing Group to ensure the mortgage is repaid in the assurance policy to ensure that the loan (memberlofl4'hfCh are members o!L4.lffROand most effective way possible. is repaid in full if the borrower dies IAlRO) only for ,,,. purpose ofc>M"ng on and The various methods are summa­ prior to the end ofthe agreed mortgage selling. life assurance. pension. unit trust and personal eqUity plan products bearing Guardian rised as follows:- term. FinancialServices name. Your lIomelsAtRiskl/ 1. Repaymen//Annuity Alar/gage: the The final repayment of the mort­ You Do Not K«p Up Payments On A AIortgage monthly repayments to the lender gage will be taken from the lax-free OrOtherLoanS«uredOn It.

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Gi/lg/lo 94 39 :/f;~EU.A COMUNITA'ITALIANA Face to Face Michele Scotto SAC

Last week on the metropolitana go to bed at night and sleep soundly prejudice begins. It may very well here in Rome, I saw a sight that I with this atrocity on their be true that a certain culture may be thought would never see. On the conscience? very aggressive or very lazy, this train waIl were wrillen the words Do our young people know all does not mean that the culture is "Burn the Jews". I have seen the the facts and history of the Nazi any less of an expression of how to rise of racism here ovcr the last movement? How did this sin of deal with life. There are always several months, but for me, this was racism once again rear its ugly positives which must be looked at. too much. The Nazi skins here in head? Even if this movement fizzles If wc ostracize a certain group of Italy have been growing in number out the sad fact is that prejudice is people because of their ways how do and their presence is beginning to be still a fact of life. In America at the we ext>!:Ct them to react to us?'Thcy felt and obviously seen. I also saw turn of the century when the Italians too WIll become defensive. Here tS the same slogan, not long after, were emigrating in force to discover where a vicious circle begins. They wrillen in Anagnina which is the a new and better way of life, the will refuse to intergrate with us and station from which the buses depart people especially in New York were then wc accuse them of the same for the suburbs in southern Rome. often heard saying that the thing that we are doing. This circle Growing up I remember hearing "ginnies" were only good for will continue and then escalate into stories about the atrocities that were repairing shoes and assorted odd something much more ugly. commilled against the Jews as well menial jobs. They were looked down Secondly, sometimes prejudice as Catholics in the Nazi Germany upon as second class citizens. does not come out of era. I hope that history is not unfortunatley many Italians became misunderstanding but rather from repeating itself. It is just t1tis kind of ashamed of their heritagc while other jealousy. For example in America groups re­ certain groups established themselves mained into their own comfortable positions. very proud They wanted nOoQne to threaten that of their position. This usually meant in the traditions. area of a good job. This racism was It was so one way to hinder a group from bad that obtaining a position that might many re­ displace another group. fused to Thirdly we must remember that teach their as human beings we rely very children strongly on our scnse of identity. the Italian This identity defines us as people. It language also give us our reference point in and in­ life. When this is threatened we also sisted that react defcnsively against the they inter­ perceived threat that we are g rat e encountering. This is what I themselves' mentioned earlier is usually the root even at of the problem. "start" that gets the seed the cost of loosing their old culture Fourthly it come about through germinating for that sort of disaster and heritage. our own sense of insecurity. This is to happen once again. When we do not respect the also tied in with the third point. It is very easy for us to blame cultures and the mentality of another All of these things tied together another group for the' troubles that group we not only do a disservice to make for us this great problem we are expericncing. They become them but also to ourselves. Every which we encounter in our everyday our scapegoats and we become culture has many positive aspects to lives. I'm sure that we all will agree vengeful for what wc perceive them it which.can be adopted by others to that it is always easier to run away having done to us. Even in our own better their own lives and make their from a challengc than it is to face it. lives it is always easier to blame own experience of living a much If we look at a different culturc as someone else for our own richer one. being "incompatiblc" with our own misfortunes. This sad fact became I wonder why racism exists. It wc have accomplished nothing. It is most evident to me in reading the seems that in the face of a culture up to us to take the iniliative to look history of Germany during World we are unfamiliar with we become for the positives - and they do exist. War 11. What really, brought it to a defensive because we perceive it as I would dread for the "Final deeper sense of reality for me was a threat to our own. Instead of solution" to once again become a the viewing of a film that had been trying to understand, we condemn. reality as it did in Nazi Germany. made by the German SS to boast Our own culture carries with it a This was truly the greatest and most about the "good work" that they sense of identity and security. When heinous eXample of' what prejudice were doing. How can anyone be faced with another culture we are can do and become. I' recently heard proud of their participation in the challenged. The easier thing to do in a song on the radio that said "We effort to try to exterminate an cntire a case like this is to continue in our all live under the same sun, wc all race of peoplc? They thcmselves own ways and, in fact, defend what sleep undcr the same moon, wc all made this film and hid nothing of we believe. We close ourselves off look up at the same stars... SO why, what they wcrc doing. For mc it was and in doing so refuse to why can't we live as one?", ' truly a nightmare. How could anyonc "dialogue". This is where the I hope I have made my· point.

40 June 94 :if;~EUA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Cinema Agrifaglia Basea

After my comments last month, move most of it's shoots from the UK ing title) based on Rattigan's play the editor was suddenly overcome by to Ireland. This came after the Irish "The Winslow Boy". December will a bout of dyslexia and prcscnted me government's enticement of a tax see released "Legends of the Fall", with a ticket not for NY but NFr. shelter ("What's that?" said a British an epic family saga and to round However those of you who may be ministerl) and 1,600 defence forces things off there is Alan Parker's "The thinking I was actually at the NT personnel (ending Gibson's search for Road to Wellville". would be forgiven. Secret Rapture is battle scene extras). In return the Harvey Keitel. For 'some the star an adaptation by David Hare of his agreement stipulates a 75% Irish of "The Piano" is the most under­ stage play., The programme notes crcwing level and a minimum number rated actor around. Well he is lined stated: "...(h) tells of a psychological of trainees. . up for "Call it Sleep" about a Jewish and sexual entanglement of a young family in 1920s NY. In the soon to be woman who on the death of her father released "Smoke" he co-stars with finds herself embroiled in betrayal Williarn Hurt and "lmagill3lY Friend­ and family conflict with her young s" is currently in post production and lover, her over-bearing sister and her -should be around soon. alcoholic step-mother". Whoopi Goldberg. She is to star in I found these comments somewhat '''T-Rex'' before teaming up with misleading. What is not is the quality Gerard Depardieu in "Bogus". In of the cast led by Juliet Stcvenson '''Boys on the Side" she co-stars with ("Truly, Madly, Decply"), with Pe­ Mary Louise Parke. "Corrina Corri­ neople Wilton (Wendy Woods in na" finds her with new heartthrob '''Cry Freedom"), Joanne Whalley­ Ray Liotta. Kilmer (soon to be secn in the title What about Italian films? If you role of the "Gone With the Wind" have never heard of Giuscppe Torna­ sequel "Scarlet") and Alan Howard tore and "Cinema Paradiso" then you (who needs no introduction to theatre were not onc to ask the question. If goers). The film also marks the film you did then you may want to know debut of Howard Davies who directed that his latcst film, "Un Pura For­ the original stage play. AII-in-all a maIita'" stars Gerard Depardieu and typical Channel Four film. (That was Roman Polanski. And at it's sereening not intended as a derogatory remark). at the Canncs Film Festival Alcssan- It opens on 3 July. So what has this got to do with dro D'Alatris second film '''Senza Ifthe British arc meant to have the Andie MaeDowell? Well she is part Pelle" received a ten minute ovation. best theatre in the world then it seems of the '''dcspite or' group., Four The antipodcs hardly spring to only sensible to adapt t11CSC works for Weddins:s and a Funeral is a truly mind as being at the cutting edge of the sereen. Another NT film in pre­ British film. British money. British the cinema industry yet that is pre­ production is "The Madness of company: Working Title. British eisely the claim they can make and of George Ill" with Nicholas Hytner to writer: Richard Curtis (Blaekadder) all people to make it, Paul Hogan. direct Alan Bennetl's play. And there and a British director: Mike Newell What do you do if you are Mr is much expected at cannes from ("Dance with a Stranger"). It now Hogan wanting to make a comedy Alan Bates in "The Browning Ver­ seems the public can't get enough of western but without studio backing? sion". All this plus "Death and the him with recent shooting including: You ask the public! That is precisely Maiden" currently shooting with Ro­ "'An Awfully Big Adventure" (again what happened. The S26m budget for man Polanski at the helm. \vith Newell), "Sirens" (opens 22 Lightning Jack was the first ever to Other openings to look out for: July) "Night Train to Venice" be raised via a public share issue. Not The Crow 0i;>Cns on 10 June. This "RJtoration" (with Robert Downer surprisingly it also had one of the Spike Lee film Jumped in at no I in Jor and the talented David Thcwlis)' biggcst openings in Australian film the US taking SI2m in weck onc. and most of all, has he actually saved history. Still, there must be some The Getaway should really have me from Pieree Brosnan and Bruce nervous punters around because up come under the title ·"remakes". Alcc Willis? until 8 May it had only raised SI6m Bald\vin takes the McQuecn role His popularity in the US is in no in 9 weeks in the US. . whilst Kim Basinger is apparently the doubt and neither is the film. Four This is not preventmg Cascade AIi McGraw of the '90s. Opens I July Weddins:s grossed S34m in 10 wecks Films ~rom giving it a go. They hope Bad Girls also opens I July. A yet still remains the only UK film in to raIse the necessary ASIOm western with a difference. All the the US Top 30! (USS7m) on the local stock exchange main characters are females including Grant (sce photo) is a good exam- for Opperman -A Chance for Glory Madeleine Stower ("Blink") and pIe of how some performers are in based on the true story of Hugh Andie MaeDowell. great demand. Good news, therefore, Oppef'!Uan, a. ,!!csscnger boy who rose The name Andie MacDowell of if your favourite is among the three I to eabmet mmlster. course brings me very nicely onto the have chosen: An interesting concept. Imagine next subject. In the April issue I said Anthony Hopkins. After his fault- how many tears coul.d Lord.Atlenbor­ that the British film industry would less acting in "Shadowlands", Gra- ough have saved. hImself If he had continue despite of, and not because nada has announced his first role as gone to the pubhe to finance a film of, assistance from the government. director with"August", an adaptation abo~t a man in a loin cloth? There No sooner did I pen those lines then of Chekhov's Uncle Vanya. Sir Tony agam, how. ma~y tears would he ha~e news came that Mel Gibson's S53m will also star. They have also nabbed wrought WIth hIS film about a man III period actioner Braveheart is to him for "Let Right be Done" (work- a bowler hat?1

Giugno94 41 • internationalltd

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Gi/lgllo 94 43 -b~ , ~ RlVJSl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA

Sportlight Richard Evans

It has been a mixed month for the Franccsca who had to endure 90 My youngest daughter is a Chelsea Evans family. minutes of Oldham -v- Totlenham fan and so last Saturday A1cssandra Let us 'begin with the memorable before she could be sure that her side was duly delivered to the home of her success for father and son. Clad in was spared from the threat of relega­ Zia Donata where along with her Zia track suit and Seaman jerseys respec­ tion. I have to say that I find Ossie Irma she sat wearing her club's tively, there was much nail biting Ardiles, an enigma. His style of colours happily in front of the televi­ tension in front of the television football brought success at Swindon, sion for at least the first 50 or so sereen on 4 May, including a consid­ near relegation at Newcastle, consoli- minutes of the match. erable amount of pacing of the room The reckless challenge from New­ during injul)' time, before Arsenal's ton gave United the break they one nil victol)' over Parma was se­ nceded to settle their nerves. I will cured. never be convinced that the second Let there be no doubt that this was incident involving Sinclair was also a a remarkable performance by Gcorge penalty but there ean be nO doubting Graham's men. Parma started at an' the referce's decision effectively fin­ incredible pace and Brolin twice ished the game as a contest. Chelsea nearly scored in the opening minutes. are a young side and one feared for Worse still, the Cup Winners Cup their ability to come back once they holders were closing down the space went behind. Indced it is the quality in mid field, getting to the ball first of resilience which in the past has and dominating play. In other words, singled out the great Liverpool and doing an "Arsenal" on their oppo­ Arsenal sides and Manchester United nents. have demonstrated on many occasions Without ]ensen and Wright, it this season, not least in the semi final looked as if the best chance of against Oldham, that they also possess stealing a goal was going to come this priceless asset. from a set piece. Halfway through the So on Saturday night, after tri­ first half, however, a spectacular over­ umphs for Marco and Franccsca, it head clearance was chested down by was a dejected Alcssandra ,,:ho came Alan Smith on the edge of the box home. The sadness did not last long, who rammed his left foot shot in off however, because wc had the presen­ the post. Arsenal had crept precisely tation of the first Irma Padavona into the lead. If Brolin's shot had trophy for fantasy league football to bounced in a similar way tllen' it Triumphant recognition for Bould the Chissaguida team managed by would have been much more difficult Marco and his Zia ]0 (the editors for Gcorge Graham's men to chase dation at West Bromich Albion and a assistant). the game with largely a defensive mid big question mark over the future of There must also, of course, have field comprising both Sellcy and Mor­ Tottenham. It has been said that been jubilation on the part of the row. Kevin Kecgan has benefited at St Editor himself and his brother al­ The longer the game went on, the lames's Park from the players Ossie though why two people born in more possession Parma had but the Ardiles brought up north but the London of Italian parentage should less troubled Seaman became. Arsenal Argentinian World Cup winner has support a football club in Manchester got men back behind the ball and yet to demonstrate that he has evolved is quite beyond me. defended with the intellect and deter­ a functional style of play which Nevertheless, I think there is a mination ,that we have grown to ensures consistency throughout a pre­ certain justice in ensuring that the expect from Gcorge's side. mier league season. four great clubs of the 20th Century, I commented in the last issue on Let us not forget that Tottenham namely Tottenham, Arsenal, Liverpool the value of Steve Bould to the team began the season with an away win at and Manchester United ean all now and I was delighted to sce that this Newcastle and just before Christmas claim to be double winners. underrated player has at last gained were mightily impressive in a one all .As Alan Hansen said on television, some recognition by being, picked at draw at Highbul)'. It has all been the real test for Manchester United is the age of 31 to play for England downhill since that time and they may whether they ean now bring home the alongside Tony Adams. well have further problems next year European Cup. But watch out for So life could not be rosier for your if Darren Anderton does not sign his Arsenal in the same competition come correspondent and his son. contract. For my daughter's sake, I I996! The day after the Parma match, it hope a deal is secured which kceps was a nail biting occ.,sion of a Anderton at the White Hart Lane different kind for eldest daughter ground.

44 June 94 :if:.~EUACOMUNlTA'ITALlANA

Italsport Sandro Pratoli

Basket: Sciopero dei tifosi del­ Tennis: Risultato cclatanle per Calcio: L'lnler ha conquistalo la l'Olimpia basket Milano dopo I'addio Slefano Pescosolido agli Inlernazi­ Coppa UEFA baltendo nella finale (di di Mike D'Antoni: si sono autoseiolti onali d'ltalia a Roma. Ha baltulo andata e di rilomo) iI Salisburgo. per protcsta contro i1 proprietario, Andrc Agassi (SOlto) 6-3; 1-6; 6-3 nel Nella finale di rilomo aI San Siro (l.Q Gianmario Gabctti, giudicato "inca­ sccondo tumo. di Jonk) l'lnter ha deluso: deve pace di fomire garanzie di conti­ ringraziarc Wailer Zcnga per i suoi nuita"". inlerventi e parale. In falti la finale ha segna\alo I'ultima partita di Zcnga per Calcio: "n succcsso dell'Arsenal la squadra nerazzurra. ipercalenacciaro conferma iI felice Ecco l'a1bo d'oro della Coppa Uefa momento del difensivismo. GIi escmpi dell'ultimo dccesimo che evidenza la son troppi per non fare tendenza. dominazione delle squadrc italiane: Capello (costreltovi dalle ncccssita') 1985: RcaI Madrid (Spa) ha vinto 10 seudelto segnando appena 1986: RcaI Madrid (Spa) 36 gol (minimo storico), uno piu' di 1987: Ilk Gocteborg (Sve) Atalanta e Udinese retroccssc. Ma ne 1988: B. Lcverkuscn (G.O.) ha incassati solo IS: medie dello 0,44 1989: Napoli a partita. Migliorc di quella dell'Arse­ 1990: Juvenlus nal (0,63) la piu' impenetrabile 1991: Inler squadra inglesc". Queste le parole di 1992: Ajax (Ola) G. Tosalti del Corriere della Sera. 1993: Juventus 1994: Inler

Motociclismo: Le molo italiane Boxe: Giovanni Parisi semprc piu" sono state grandi protagoniste nel vicino aI mondiale Wbc dei welter Gran Premio di Spagna, quarta prova junior. L'olimpionico di Seul ha bal­ del Mondiale di velocita'" menlrc Ira i lulO per k.o. alia seconda ripresa piloli azzurri i1 solo Doriano Rom­ Basket: Cesarc Rubini e" enlrato per semprc nella leggenda del basket a I'americano Hcss nel soltoclou della boni, secondo nella elassc 250, e' riunione di Las Vegas impemiata sui salilo sui podio. Nella 125 ha vinlo i1 stelle e slrisce. Davanli a 1204 per­ sone in smoking e decollele' da sera malch, tilolo Wbc in palio, tra Ran­ giapponcsc Sakata, nella 250 i1 frane­ dall e Chavez. csc Ruggia e nella .500 I'australiano (che avcvano sborsato 100 dollari a Doohan. lesta per applaudirlo) iI seltanlenne Buono, dicevamo, i1 bilancio delle allenalore e' diventato iI prima ital­ Scherma: Altilo Fini, e.t. della case nazionali. L'Aprilia per la sec­ iano e primo europeo ad csscre im­ seherma in altesa di liccnziamenlo, ha onda voila nella stagione ha oltenulo ll!ortalalo ncl prestigiosissimo tempio dcciso: andra' comunque ai Mondiali una triplelta nella 125: la casa di O'sa del basket: la leggendaria '''Bas­ iI prossimo luglio ad Alene, com­ Noale ha quindi vinlo nella elassc 250 ketball Hall of Fame". "E' la prima pletando il suo mandalo. In un primo e nella prova regina, quella delle volta che un italiano riceve queslo lempo, awistalo iI siluro, avcva pen­ "-'mezzo litro", ha portato a un onor­ ambilissimo onorc - ha delto iI prcsi­ salo di lasciare subito. "Invece - sono evole nono posto la debuttante bieilin­ denle Clinlon in un tape rcgistralo sue parole - ho pensato che sia giuSlO drica di 400 CC., affidata al rientranle trasmcsso all'inizio della ccrimonia aI onorare fino in fondo iI conlralto. La Loris Reggiani. Nella elasse 500, Civic Centre di Springfield, nel Mas­ faccio soltanlo per gli aUeli, sia invcce (~) salita sui podio Cagiva di sachussclts. Non prolcbbc meritarlo di chiaro". Kocinskl, che nulla ha potuto contro •piu' - ha aggiunlo -. Oltre a meltere iI Doohan (Honda) e Schwantz (Suzuki). baskel italiano nella mappa inlemazi­ onale, Rubini ha falto tanlissimo per Hockey Ghiaccio: Due viltori I'amicizia sportiva Europa.Usa". al momenlo giuslo, due risultati iden­ Calcio: Ciro dicc si' alia Dallo serociante applauso suseitalo tiei (3-1) per baltere due rivali Juve. Ha scclto iI club bianconero, dalle parole del presidenle, si e' capito storiche (Austria e Germania), per preferendolo aRoma e Parma. Es­ che iI pubblico -' iI "who's who" accedere alia fase finale del Mondiale scndo svincolalo, ha falto valere i1 della pallacancstro americana - condi­ di gruppo A di hockey. L'ottavo posto proprio dirilto a sccgliere. La pref­ vidcva la scclta. di un anno fa a Monaco era consid­ ercnza per iI club bianconero non ha Rubini e' stato nominalo con altri eralO iI termine minimo di paragone motivazioni cconomiche, perche' a qualtro grandi del passalo: gli aliena· per non considerarc fallimentarc Ferrara la Roma ha falto offcrte da tori Denny Crum e Chuck Daly (unico qucslo appuntamento. L'obieltivo e' capogiro. Ferrara ha parlato anche con ad aver vinto iI titolo Nba insieme stato Jargamenle superalo. Purtroppo Lippi e gli ha assieurato che 10 all'oro olimpico) e i giocalori Harry l'ltalia del ghiaccio e' stata poi seguira' a Torino. Resta invcce miste­ Jeannelte, delto "Buddy", e carol baltula dalla Svezia i campioni olim­ rioso iI futuro di Pagliuca. B1azcjowski. pionici.

Giugno 94 45 -b~ . ,J::> .RIVISTA DEILA COMUNITA'ITAUANA Anglo Italian Football League


~.,It>tMI ..,.7h~A"""-- I ,4/f"_"'7JNo~~A....__ I

League Tables - Classifica Up tolFino 15.5.94

LEAGUE TABLES to Date 15th of May 1994.

Division 1: Ply Won Drw Lst For Agt Points "LA VOCE degli .ITALIANI" Sportsmanship Marking VALTARO ALIVINI 16 13 0 .3 .34 14 39 +20 6.61 ITALIA UNITA 16 12 1 .3 34 19 37 +15 7.31 A.C.VALCENO 16 11 '2 .3 45 '26 35 +19 8.00 DE MENNATO TAILORS 18 9 1 8 '29 32 28 - 3 6.94 01 SOTTO ICE CREAM 18 8 3 7 .34 39 27 - .5 7.66 CIBORIO F.C. 16 8 3 .5 35 26 '24* + 9 7.62 A.C.PIACENZA .18 .5 3 10 .32 43 18 -11 8.13 ITALIA WASTEELS Jnrs 17 5 2 10 29 '29 17 0 7.53 A.C.ITALIA 18 4 .3 11 '21 .33 15 -12 7.90 M.R.S.AZZURRI 15 0 0 15 10 42 0 -32 7.23 303 303

* (CIBORIO F.C: 3pts deducted by the Football Association.)



The Anglo-Italian Football League AGM will take place on 10 June at St. Peter's Church, 8pm Golf Tournament

Below are the details of the first round draw for this years Backhill Golf Tournament.

C. Arricale v. P. Ciecone G. Romagnolo v. A. Belli M. Gravestock v. D. Giaeon N. Benaeei v. V. Buffoni P. Capella v. A. Silva R. Dcl Nevo v. A. Ferro V. Deritis v. A. Pini V. Vietro v. R. Evans

All matches to be competed by 19th June. Good luck! DACKHILL thanks all the competitors as well as those who kindly sent donations.

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48 JUlle 94 :/!f;~FJLA COMUNITA'ITAlJANA Tempo Libero

DAVVERO? NON Cl CREDOI WHAT IS IT? Per compilare iI ''New English Dictionary", il piu' insigne esem­ pia di vocabolario inglese per importanza della struttura e per coerenza del'metodo, si sono ap­ plicati successivi gruppi di stu­ diosi per 44 anni, dal 1884 al 1928. Tale dizionario e' in dodici volumi, oltre ad un supplemento per i neologismi. L'hockey su ghiaccio ebbe la sua prima regolamentazione nel 1855. in canada. in origine, le partite si svolgevano fra squadre di undici giocatori. che si disputa­ vano una palla. Soltanto in un CHERISATA I secondo tempo i giocatori vennero limitati a sette e la palla fu Dialogo fra due giovani sostituita dal disco. La definitiva attricette di Hollywood. riduzione a sei componenti della - Il mio jidanzato va di­ squadra avvenne soltanto nel cendo a tUlli che sposa la piu' 1916. bella donna del mondo! Nel 1905 venne creata in ing­ - Che mascalzone! Pi· hilterra una societa' per la vendita antarti dopo tutto questo di una macchina che scolpiva tempo! ,. That's right..:. it really was tasty! automaticamente le statue di marmo. Non si trattava certo di Pronto!.. Chi parIa? una novita', ma J'apparecchio era il prima notevole potenza: era in {Ogni rolloquio lelefonico cela un indovinello. Le soluz/oni verranno pubbUcate nel grado di tagliare blocchi alti fine a prossimo numero dl BACKHIU) 3.50 metri e larghi 2 metri. - Indovinello (A) - L'imperatore Tiberio (42 a.c. ­ • Prontol'. .. A quella, non manca di certo la vena! 37 d.e.) promulgo' un editto in .- Nei suoi schizzi, messi giu' di geUo, c'c' tanta freschczza. cui, per ragioni. igieniche. proi­ - Gia" aUe sue origini era chiara pura... biva ai suoi sudditi di baciarsi. • Quanta trasparente dolcezza possiamo notare in lei! - Indovinello (B) - - Pronto!... Con cbi cc l'hai? ~ <- , t _Con quella cbe, dopa essere anivata in punta di piedi, ba semple la luna di traverso, se solo perde un po' di s:nalto! ~ ~ n .... ~ (. • Un po' alia volta, viene anche alle mani, con tutti. El una che va per le lunghe... l> i Credo proprio che rarai bene a tagUar corto: certamcnte. cosi. evitarai i suoi modi 1. 'V graffianti. IJ "'0 0 .... ~ - Indovinello (C) - .... <") ~ - Pronto!... Lo terra' sempre eosi: alia mia sinistra e dentro una gabbia... ~ - Brava! E' uno cbe neI circolo vuol rare pompa del Ploprio liquido.. '" - Mi ha buttato troppo, cara mia, senza cbe potessi, almeno una volta, tirargIi le Solution to last month's orecchiette! "Spot the difference" puzzle. - Stai attentat pero', che non si ammali: hai solo quello... • Avro'la massima Cllra, anche se per lui. di buono, c'e' solo came al sangue!


Mamma's Ricetta MrsMG.

Fettuccine al Forno Baked Fettucine Ingredienti Ingredients 350 gr fcttuccinc a1 uovo 12 oz fcttuccine 225 gr spinaci cOtti c strizzati 8 oz spinach cooked and drained 225 gr prosciutto cotto a Iistrcllc 8 oz ham, cut into small strips ISO gr camc cotta avanzata 6 oz Icft ovcr cooked meat ISO mllattc 6 fl oz milk ISO grburro 6 oz butter 100 gr cipolla (0 porro) tritata 4 oz onion (or leek) finely sliced 100 gr panna 4 fl oz cream 40 gr parmigiano grattugiato I oz grated Parmesan chccsc I dado per brodo I stock cube 2 uova 2 eggs 20 gr farina I oz flour salc, pepe salt, pepper

Metodo Method

Spinaci: Amalgamatc gli spinaci con 40 gr di burro. Spinach: Mix thc spinach with I Yz oz butter and % a Aggiungctc mczzo dado sbriciolato, la farina c poco alia crumbled stock cube, thc flour and a Iittlc at a time the volta il latte 50 gr panna. milk and 2 fl oz of cream. Mescolatcli benc. Mix thcm togcthcr. Fatcli sobbolire sui fuoco per circa IS minuti senza mai Lightly fry for about IS minutes, mixing continuously smettcre di mescolarc finchc' otcrrerete un composto until you obtain a creamy mixture. cremoso. Meat: Lightly fry thc onion in I Yz oz of butter. Came: Fatc appasire la cipolla (0 porro) in 40 gr di burro. Add the meat cut into small cubes thc rest of thc Unitc la came tagliata a dadini ed il rcstante dado crumbled stock cube and cook for a further 10 minutes. sbriciolato e lasciateli insaporire per 10 minuti. Fettuccine: Cook the fettuccine "al dcntc" in plcnty of Fettucine: Cucinate la dentc le fcttucinc in abbondantc salty watcr. acqua salata. Drain. Scolatclc. Toss thcm in 2 oz of buttcr. Conditclc con 50 gr burro. Using the ingredicnts, make sevcn laycrs in a greased Con gli ingredicnti fatc scttc stratti in uno stampo ben baking tin (9 Yz ") as follows: a quarter of the burrato di circa 24 cm: una quarta parte dcllc fcttucine; fettuccine; pour thc spinach mixture over thcm; thcn a vcrsatcvi sopra il composto di spinaci; la tcrza partc di third of thc remaining fcttuccine; thcn thc meat; halfthc fcttucinc rimaste; il composto di came; la meta' delle remaining fcttuccinc; thc ham; finally thc remaining fettucinc; il prosciutto cotto; in finc, Ic ultimc fettucinc. fcttuccine.

Sbattetc insicmc due uova con 20 gr di burro sciolto. Beat thc cggs with I oz of softened buttcr. Pour them Vcrsatclc sopra le fettucine. over thc fcttuccine. Cospargctcle con il parmigiano. Sprinkle with Parmcsan chccsc. Copritc con carta argcntata. Covcr with silver foil. Passatclc ncl fomo pre-scaldato no.51l90C per 40 minuti. Bakc in pre-heated ovcn n051l90C for 40 minutes. 10 minuti prima di Icvarla dal fomo, toglictc la earta 10 minutes before taking from ovcn rcmovc silvcr foil. argentata.

50 June 94 LA FANCIULLA DEL WEST .~ by Giacomo Puccini ~ W~~;:~~;;~l~~~;;;'~" t~HE ,"-- NE:::;::::OLm OPERA GALA NIGHT ~[~ ;~ played by Nigel Woodhouse including extracts from Ver~i, Ros~ini, ~~:c~ LeoncavaIlo, Puccini, Mascagm and GlOrdano ~ Wednesday 15th June 5.30 to 6.S0pm "'= ~~ Barbi~~~e &~:;, ~~Ik~treet Sunday 26th June at 7.30pm ~ il Barbican Centre, Silk Street ",,: Tel: 071-638 8891 ~i ~ =!Ii Te1: 071-638 8891 ~it:~ -~ 'I:

TOSCA by Giacomo Puccini

Welsh National Opera Sunday 19th June at 7.00pm AIDA by Giuseppe Verdi Performed by the Royal Opera House Company i!i:1 Sunday 3rd July at 7.OOpm :~~~~ both at [iili

North .d, of~:5~1;~~~mp'",dL'""1

~~~ ~" , , , , .'

""",,m~-- ''''''1'''''"",," ·" :::l:~ ~~.:;~~-, ~~~~ ~=-:;.---,

5 Pelleg'ri':!,aggio Ayle!!ford; Messa a Mezzogiomo.

'" "" Venerdi 10 Anglo-Italian Football League AGM, 8,OOpin St. Peter's Italian,Church, "'pm ~~" Interested teams to telephone: R:~lI!ante 0256-332359

~ 19 BACKHILL Lunch at The Villa Carlotta, Dom,o;" See advert on page 23 for full details.

'~ Sabato 25 FestaSan Luigi (Casanova), ~ Casa,San Vincenzo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road EC1, ,~ ,:~~ Tel: F. Rizzi 081-202 6667 !i~m ,," Sabato 25 Anglo~ltalian Football League Presentation Dinner

~ 7.30pm, Centro Scalabrini, Brixton Road !:~ Tel: R.'Nante 0256-332359 ~~ ~~--

:~"~'~..;~: ~[[~ ",,,,m,,"",", "ER,mm~", ::~~::::i~',' lit :::~::,::;r.":,~,..---=. ~~~ i'~--'" O!i: ,Domenica 3 Scalabrini'Scampagnata, ::: • Villa Scalabrini;' Green Street, Shenley, "" See p~ge 22 for details. '

[,";,::,',~~".-, Domenica 10 Mazzini Garibaldi Scarripagnata, " ,Chingford Rugby Club, Chingford, I ,~, See page 24 for details. i Dom,,'" 17~:~,;.:~;:;~~o:''';I'. ~ I~~~-~~~~~:_~.y:'~=_:~----=-_~:;':i":~!\l~~-~:~:::~--=~-..m.;:::;;·~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~

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