2021 7th Annual AMS Doctoral Consortium

Virtual Conference

June 3-4, 2021


Dr. O.C. Ferrell, Auburn University

Dr. John Ford, Old Dominion University

Dr. Theresa Kirchner, Old Dominion University

AMS Doctoral Consortium June 3-4, 2021 Virtual Conference Co-Chairs: O.C. Ferrell, John Ford, Theresa Kirchner Registration Link for Participants: http://www.ams-web.org/events/

Thursday, June 3rd

Welcome & Explaining the Road: 1:15-1:30 pm (EST)— East Coast US Time O.C. Ferrell, Auburn University John Ford, Old Dominion University, US Theresa Kirchner, Old Dominion University, US

Marketing and its Present and Future: 1:35-2:35 Dr. Jagdish Sheth, Emory University

Re-Institutionalization of Marketing: 2:45-3:45 Dr. Shelby Hunt, Texas Tech University

Dependent Variable as Behavioral: 4:00-5:00 John Hulland and Mark Houston, Co-Editors of JAMS

Friday, June 4th

Getting Ready for your new career and balancing the , teaching and service requirements: 8:30-9:30 Leading Faculty: Kirk Plangger, King’s College, London and Adam Mills, Loyola of New Orleans

Crafting your Manuscript for Journal Publication: 10:00-11:00 Leading Faculty: Barry Babin, University of Mississippi Participating Faculty: Jean-Luc Herrmann, University of Lorraine; Nina Krey, Rowan University; Dave Ortinau, University of South Florida; and Leyland Pitt, Simon Fraser University

The Current Status of the Marketing Discipline and future Direction: 11:10-12:10 Leading Faculty: O.C. Ferrell, Auburn University Participating Faculty: Martin Key, University of Colorado Colorado Springs; Terry Clark, Sothern Illinois University at Carbondale; Dave Stewart, Loyola Marymount University; and Leyland Pitt, Simon Fraser University

Break for Lunch: 12:10-12:50

Data collection trips and tips: 12:50-1:50 Leading Faculty: Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Professor of Marketing and Cleverdon Chair of Business, University of South Alabama & Marko Sarstedt, Professor of Marketing, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (Germany)

Theory Forum: Writing and Reviewing Conceptual Articles: 2:00-3:00 Leading Faculty: Steve Vargo, University of Hawaii Panel members: Elina Jaakkola, University of Turku; John Hulland, University of Georgia; Abbie Griffin, University of Utah

How to get the Most out of your PhD Program-An Interactive Session with Some Top Faculty: 3:05–4:05 Leading Faculty: Sharon Beatty, University of Alabama Panel Members: Linda Price, University of Wyoming; Maura Scott and Martin Mende, Florida State University; Gianfranco Walsh, University of Jena

Pedagogical Research: A Publication Opportunity and a Resource to Enhance Instructional Effectiveness: 4:10-5:10 - Leading Faculty: Janna Parker, James Madison University Panel Members: Vicky Crittenden, Editor, Journal of Marketing , and Brian A. Vander Schee, Former Editor, Marketing Education Review

Cutting-Edge Text Analysis Techniques: 5:15-6:15 Leading Faculty: Leyland Pitt, Simon Fraser University and Christine Pitt, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Concluding Remarks: 6:15-6:30 O.C. Ferrell, Auburn University John Ford, Old Dominion University, US Theresa Kirchner, Old Dominion University, US

Doctoral Consortium Faculty

Barry Babin

Dr. Barry J. Babin is currently the Max P. Watson, Jr., Endowed Professor and Chair, Department of Marketing and Analysis, Louisiana Tech University. As of July 1, he will be the Morris Lewis Professor of Marketing and Chair, University of Mississippi.

He has authored well over 100 professional publications with research appearing in the International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of the of Marketing , Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing, and many others. His 1994 JCR article developing an auxiliary theory of and scales to assess utilitarian and hedonic shopping value is among the most cited papers ever published in JCR (over 6000 citations). Google scholar credits his publications with 150,000 citations.

Barry is Past-President of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Co-Chair of the AMS Board of Governors, the AMS Co-Director of International Programs, and a previous recipient of the AMS Harold W. Berkman Distinguished Service Award. He co-chaired the 2011 AMS WMC that was held in Reims, France.

He served as Marketing Section Editor for JBR for over 15 years and has won outstanding reviewer awards from multiple journals. He has delivered workshops on psychometrics, SEM, and at universities around the world. He is coauthor of several leading books including CB: A Consumer Value Framework, Multivariate Data Analysis, Business Research Methods, Essentials of Marketing Research and Exploring Marketing Research.

Sharon Beatty

Dr. Sharon E. Beatty (Ph.D., Oregon, 1980) is Professor Emerita, The University of Alabama. She conducts mostly services and employee-customer frontline research. She has published about 90 refereed journal articles, in journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, and Journal of Business Research, with over 28,000 citations. She is on four editorial review boards, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Marketing Education and Journal of Business Research.

In 1998, she was named AMS Distinguished Fellow, in 2001 SMA Distinguished Scholar, in 2014 SMA Distinguished Fellow, in 2015 she received the AMS Harold W. Berkman Distinguished Service Award, in 2016 the Southeast Marketing Symposium’s Outstanding Contributions to Doctoral Education award, and in 2019 the AMS Cutco/Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator award. She co-chaired three AMS Doctoral Consortia (Oslo, Norway 2009; Reims, France, 2011; Denver, 2015), and was Doctoral Coordinator at UA for 27 years (until 2014), chairing 24 dissertations.

Vicky Crittenden

Victoria (Vicky) Crittenden is Professor of Marketing and Babson Research Scholar at Babson College. Vicky’s research is published in journals such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Letters, Sloan Management Review, Psychology & Marketing, Business Horizons, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, and Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. Her educational scholarship appears in such journals as the Journal of Marketing Education, Marketing Education Review, Decision Journal of Innovative Education, Journal of Education for Business, Journal of Teaching in International Business, and Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education.

Vicky is editor of Go-to-Market Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs: Creating and Exploring Success published by Emerald Group Publishing in 2019. Additionally, she is Editor of the Journal of Marketing Education and Collections Editor for Digital and Social Media Marketing and Advertising with Business Expert Press. A co-authored book, Direct Selling: Foundations, Global Business Model, and Role in Society & Economy, with Business Expert Press will release in 2021.

Vicky was honored to receive the Direct Selling Education Foundation’s Circle of Honor award in 2019, AMA’s Pearson Prentice Hall’s Solomon-Marshall-Stuart Award for Innovative Excellence in Marketing Education in 2013, AMS Distinguished Fellow in 2008, AMS Lamb, Hair, McDaniel Outstanding Marketing Teacher Award in 2005, and Lyon College Distinguished Alumna Award in 1999. Vicky is a member of the Academic Advisory Board for CUTCO/Vector Marketing Corporation and serves on the Board of Directors of the Direct Selling Education Foundation. Additionally, she is an Executive Academy Member of The Int'l Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. She previously served on the Harvard Business School Alumni Board, the Board of Trustees at Lyon College, and the Faculty Advisory Board for Emerald Group Publishing. Vicky has served the Academy of Marketing Science in various roles, including President (2012- 2014), President-Elect (2010-2012), VP Development (2008-2010), VP Membership (2002-2004), and Secretary-Treasurer (2006-2008 & 2000-2002). She has also been active in the American Marketing Association, serving as chair of the Teaching & Learning SIG (2008-2012) and Vice- Chair of the Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG (2019-2021).

O.C. Ferrell

Dr. O.C. Ferrell is the James T. Pursell, Sr. Eminent Scholar in Ethics and Director of the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures at Auburn University. He has served on the faculty at Belmont University, the University of New Mexico, University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, University of Memphis, Texas A&M University, University of Michigan, Illinois State University, Southern Illinois University, and the University of Tampa.

Dr. Ferrell is President of the Academy of Marketing Science. He served as Vice President of Publications for the Academy of Marketing Science for ten years. He led an initiative with AACSB International on publishing ethics. He is Past President of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association. He received the AMS Cutco/Vector Distinguished Educator Award for contributions to the marketing discipline. Additional recognition includes being the first recipient of the Marketing Education Innovation Award for the Marketing Management Association, Lifetime Achievement Award from the Macromarketing Society and special award for service to doctoral students from the Southeast Doctoral Consortium.

He has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, AMS Review, Journal of Business Research, as well as others. He writes weekly business ethics summaries and reviews for the Wall Street Journal with a subscriber list of over 6000. Dr. Ferrell has served as an expert witness in high profile marketing cases.

John Ford

Dr. John Ford, Professor of Marketing and International Business, Eminent Scholar and Haislip-Rorher Fellow, Old Dominion University. He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Georgia. His research interests are in the areas of international advertising strategy, consumer reaction to advertising exposure, cross-cultural marketing research issues, and non-profit donor behavior.

He is presently serving as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Advertising Research, is also an Associate Editor for Advertising Research for the Journal of Business Research, and he serves on the Editorial Review Boards for Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, Marketing Education Review, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly and Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. He is a Past-President of the Academy of Marketing Science and serves on the Board of Governors. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science, and he was awarded the Harold W. Berkman Service Award for service to the Academy of Marketing Science in 2012. He is currently serving as a Co-Director of International programs. He has published over 90 articles in scholarly journals including Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Marketing, International Marketing Review, Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Services Marketing. He has won Best Paper Awards for the Journal of Advertising Research (2014 and 2015), Marketing Education Review (2010), and International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (2007 and 2008). His industry experience before completing his Ph.D. was in management consulting (mergers and acquisitions), executive recruiting, international sales management, bank investment officer, and stock brokerage sales and municipal bond market analysis.

Joe Hair

Dr. Joe Hair is Director of the PhD Program and Cleverdon Chair of Business in the Mitchell College of Business, the University of South Alabama. In 2018 Joe was recognized by Clarivate Analytics as being in the top 1% globally of all Business and Economics professors. His selection was based on his citations and scholarly accomplishments, which for his career exceed 165,000. He has authored over 70 book editions, including MKTG, Cengage Learning, 13th edition, 2019; Multivariate Data Analysis, Cengage Learning, U.K., 8th edition 2019 (cited 110,000+ times and one of the top five all time social sciences research methods textbooks); Essentials of Business Research Methods, Routledge, 4th edition 2019; Essentials of Marketing Research, McGraw-Hill, 5th edition 2019; and A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, Sage, 2nd edition 2017. He also has published numerous articles in scholarly journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Long Range Planning, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing, and others. He is writing a new book on Marketing Analytics that is forthcoming in 2020 (McGraw-Hill).

He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Society for Marketing Advances, and Southwestern Marketing Association. He also has served as President of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Society for Marketing Advances, the Southern Marketing Association, the Association for Healthcare Research, the Southwestern Marketing Association, and the American Institute for Decision Sciences, Southeast Section, and has been Program Chairperson and Proceedings Editor for several scholarly associations. He currently serves as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Sciences and the Society for Marketing Advances. He was the 2011 Academy of Marketing Science Marketing Educator of the year, the 2009 Academy of Marketing Science/Harold Berkman Lifetime Service Award recipient, the KSU Coles College Foundation Distinguished Professor in 2009, the Aronoff Distinguished Professor in 2008, and the Innovative Marketer of the Year in 2007 by the Marketing Management Association. In 2004 he received the Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Marketing Teaching Excellence Award.

Jean-Luc Herrmann

Dr. Jean-Luc Herrmann is Full Professor of Marketing and Head of the CEREFIGE Research Center at the University of Lorraine, France. His research interests focus on persuasive communication, especially on advertising and sponsorship effects. He has recently published in Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, and Recherche et Applications en Marketing (RAM, the French leading marketing journal).

He is the French Marketing Association (AFM) Vice-President for publications and is also responsible for developing relationships with the AMS community. He is serving as Associate Editor for the Journal of Advertising Research. He is a member of the AMS Board of Governors and served as Program Co-Chair for the 2016 AMS World Marketing Congress in Paris.

Mark Houston

Mark B. Houston (Ph.D. Arizona State, MBA Missouri, B.S. Southwest Baptist University) is Professor and Eunice & James L. West Chair in Marketing at TCU. Mark is also affiliated with ASU’s Center for Services Leadership and the University of Münster (Germany), and is a Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Business Markets. He is coauthor of Entertainment Science (2019, Springer Nature), and his research on channels, movies, and innovation strategy appears in Marketing Science, JM, JMR, JCR, and Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Recent awards include the 2019 Louis Stern Award (long-term impact) and the 2018 Sheth Foundation Award. He is Editor of Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and has served as an AE of JM and Journal of Service Research. Mark has served on the AMA Board of Directors, the AMA Academic Council (President, 2012-2013), and he co-chaired the AMA Summer Conference (2005 and 2017) and the AMA/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (2010). An award-winning teacher, Mark has conducted research, consulting, and/or exec ed with firms such as AT&T, Caterpillar, Dell, IBM, Marriott.com, and WellPoint.

John Hulland

Dr. John Hulland is a chaired Professor of Marketing at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. His research interests focus primarily understanding how social interactions – particularly in online communities – influence attitudes and behaviors. John’s research has appeared in a wide variety of leading journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). He is currently the editor-in-chief for JAMS.

Prior to joining UGA in 2011, John taught at the University of Pittsburgh for ten years, and before that at the Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario in Canada. He received his PhD from MIT, his MBA from Queen’s University (in Kingston, Ontario), and his undergraduate degree (in Chemistry) from the University of Guelph.

John’s personal interests include swearing at errant golf shots in the summer and not having to shovel snow in the winter. He collects old video games and pinball machines and is equally bad at both. John is married and has three adult children.

Shelby Hunt

SHELBY D. HUNT is the Jerry S. Rawls and P. W. Horn Distinguished Professor of Marketing at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. A past editor of the Journal of Marketing (1985-87), he is the author of numerous books, including Marketing Theory: Foundations, Controversy, Strategy, Resource-Advantage Theory (M.E. Sharpe, 2010), Controversy in Marketing Theory: For Reason, Realism, Truth, and Objectivity (M.E. Sharpe, 2003), and A General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity, Economic Growth (Sage Publications, 2000). Identified in 2001 by Web of Science as one of the 350 “most highly cited” researchers in economics and business, he has written numerous articles on competitive theory, strategy, macromarketing, ethics, relationship marketing, channels of distribution, philosophy of science, and marketing theory.

Three of his Journal of Marketing articles, “The Nature and Scope of Marketing” (1976), “General Theories and Fundamental Explananda of Marketing” (1983), and (with Robert M. Morgan) “The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition” (1995), won the Harold H. Maynard Award for the “best article on marketing theory.” The “Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition” article also won the 2004 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing award for its “long term contributions to the field of marketing.” His 1985 Journal of Business Research article with Lawrence B. Chonko, “Ethics and Marketing Management,” received the 2000 Elsevier Science Exceptional Quality and High Scholarly Impact award. His 1989 article, “Reification and Realism in Marketing: in Defense of Reason,” won the Journal of Macromarketing Charles C. Slater Award. His 1994, Journal of Marketing article, “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing, “with Robert M. Morgan, was the most highly cited article in economics and business in the 1993-2003 decade (Thomson-ISI). His Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science article entitled “Sustainable Marketing, Equity, and Economic Growth: A Resource-Advantage, Economic Freedom Approach” won the Sheth Foundation Award for the Best Article in JAMS in 2011. For his contributions to theory and science in marketing, he received the 1986 Paul D. Converse Award from the American Marketing Association, the 1987 Outstanding Marketing Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science, the 1992 American Marketing Association/Richard D. Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award, the 2002 Society for Marketing Advances/Elsevier Science Distinguished Scholar Award, and the 2010 Marketing Management Association Innovative Marketing Award. In 2011, Sage Publications published the ten-volume set, Legends in Marketing: Shelby D. Hunt. The volumes include 132 of Hunt’s articles, 41 commentaries on Hunt’s work by distinguished scholars, and interviews of Hunt by each volume’s editor. The Legends Series Editor is Jagdish N. Sheth, and the editors of the ten individual volumes are Paul Busch, Jagdip Singh, Roy D. Howell, James R. Brown, Scott J. Vitell, John R. Sparks, Rajan Varadarajan, Robert M. Morgan, O.C. Ferrell, and Dennis B. Arnett, respectively. In 2015, Hunt was given the distinction of “AMA Fellow” by the American Marketing Association. In 2015, the Journal of Marketing, Harold H. Maynard Award was changed to the “Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award” by the American Marketing Association. This award is given each year to the Journal of Marketing article that makes “the most significant contribution to marketing theory and thought.”

Elina Jaakkola

Elina Jaakkola is Professor of Marketing at Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland. She specializes in service research and her current projects focus on topics such as customer experience and journeys, customer/actor engagement, and value driven business. Her research has been published for example in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Service Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, and AMS Review. She serves in the Editorial Review Board of seven prominent journals and has received many awards for her scholarly activities.

Terri Kirchner

Dr. Theresa (Terri) A. Kirchner, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Marketing with the Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University and previously served as a tenured Associate Professor of Management with the School of Business, Hampton University. Her research concentrates on strategic management and marketing of nonprofit arts organizations. She serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Disaster Recovery Journal and Arts and the Market, and her research has been published in Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, Arts and the Market, Journal of the Academy of Business and Economics, European Journal of Management, and Disaster Recovery Journal.

Her background also includes over twenty-five years of for-profit corporate executive experience with Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. (Lipton Tea), Bank of America, and Keane Consulting Services, as well as extensive service on a broad range of nonprofit boards of directors.Her research and pro bono consulting work focus on strategic management / marketing of nonprofit organizations and organizational business continuity / resiliency management.

Nina Krey

Dr. Nina Krey is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Rowan University. Her research interests include sensation and perception in value-added consumption experiences, contemporary issues in wearable technologies, and multi-method research approaches. Nina has published her research in the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Advertising, Internet Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Brand and Product Management, and Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship among others.

Apart of research, Nina Krey is highly involved in the discipline through her extensive work with the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS). She currently serves as the VP for Programs for AMS, as the Managing Editor for the AMSQ Newsletter since 2016, and as a Board of Governor for the Harold and Muriel Berkman Foundation since 2016.

Her most recent awards and grants include Best Paper in Track for Digital and Social Marketing at the 2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference and the 2018-2019 Seed Funding Grant by Rowan University for her project on Framing Augmented Reality Atmosphere. Nina has given invited presentations, lectures, and workshops on marketing topics and augmented reality in various countries including France, the U.K., and Germany.

Martin Mende

Martin Mende is Professor of Marketing and the Jim Moran Professor of Business Administration at Florida State University. His research focuses on consumer-based strategy and transformative service research and has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Marketing Letters, and Journal of Business Research.

Martin serves as Area Editor for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Associate Editor for the Journal of Service Research, Associate Editor for the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and on multiple Editorial Review Boards (e.g., Journal of Marketing). Martin has taught classes such as Marketing Strategy, Service Marketing, and Retailing. At FSU, Martin has won college-wide and university-wide teaching awards.

Adam Mills

Dr. Adam J. Mills is Assistant Professor of Marketing and the Chase Minority Entrepreneurship Professor of Marketing at Loyola University New Orleans. His research investigates the engineering of customer experience, with a focus on branding, service operations and entrepreneurship, and it also extends to experiential pedagogy and classroom innovation. His work has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Research, Marketing Theory, Journal of Advertising Research, Service Industries Journal, Business Horizons and Journal of Marketing Education.

In 2019, he was a finalist for the Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators AxcessCapon Teaching Innovation Competition, and he was awarded the TD Canada Trust Distinguished Teaching Award in 2014 and LINKS Simulations MMA Foundation Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Doctoral Student Award in 2013. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of Scholarly Programs for the American Marketing Association’s Teaching & Learning Group.

David Ortinau

Dr. David J. Ortinau is Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the University of South Florida (USF). His Ph.D. in Marketing is from Louisiana State University and was a Doctoral Consortium Fellow at the Thirteenth Annual AMA Doctoral Consortium, Chicago, Illinois in 1978. His Dissertation topic empirically investigates the development of Consumers' Post Purchase Satisfaction within a Cognitive Process Framework. Dr. Ortinau is an active researcher and writer; his published scholarly contributions appear in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Retailing (JR), Journal of Business Research (JBR), Journal of Advertising Research (JAR), Journal of Health Care Marketing (JHCM), Journal of Product and Brand management (JPBM), Journal of Services Marketing (JSM), Journal of Marketing Education (JME) and others.

In addition, he actively presents his scholarly research at a variety of national and international professional/educational-based conferences. He is a co-author of marketing research textbooks titled Marketing Research: In a Digital Information Environment, 4e (2009) and Essentials of Marketing Research, 5e (2020) both published by Irwin/McGraw Hill. He serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Business Research (JBR), and the Journal of Global Scholars in Marketing Science (JGSMS), Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice (JMTP), as well as an Ad Hoc reviewer for several other major journal outlets. He has multiple “Outstanding Editorial Reviewer” Awards from JAMS, JBR, JMTP, and recently served as the JBR Co- associate editor of Marketing and is a member of JMTP Senior Advisory Board. His scholarly research is acknowledged both nationally and internationally in the areas of consumer satisfaction and value evaluations/models; scale measurements; data and sample quality; services marketing and service quality within selected market segments; marketing education topics/issues specializing on attitudinal, motivation, and value issues.

Dr. Ortinau's leadership and professional experience is recognized and well respected within the Marketing Discipline. Past private sector experiences include serving as a Senior MR Analyst/Director position for a major mid-west marketing research firm and as the V.P. of Marketing for NNO Marketing Consultants, Inc. Leadership roles include several executive officers’ positions within the Society for Marketing Advances (SMA); the organization’s 1997 President; Founder and Chairman of Board of the SMA Foundation; and is a Distinguished SMA Fellow. Furthermore, David been an active AMS member and conference participant since the early 1980s serving AMS in a wide variety of position such as paper presenter, reviewer, moderator and panel member on special sessions, AMS Conference co-chair, and reviewer/judge of several Mary Kay Dissertation Proposal competitions. In addition, David remains interactive with AMS Doctoral Colloquium, AMS Wine Seminars (with Barry Babin), Meet the Journal Editorial Reviewers and special sessions on Research Methods as well as writing/publishing journal articles. David served as one of the Program Co-chair of the 2016 AMS-World Marketing Congress in Paris France. Received the 2016 Harold Berkman Distinguished AMS Service Award. He is a member of the AMS Board of Governors. Over the years, he has interacted with many companies in the private sector and conducted numerous marketing studies on a variety of marketplace topics as well as customer satisfaction and product-service quality assessment studies. With his expertise acknowledged both nationally and internationally, he has presented many seminars on research methods, data and sample quality and specific topics associated with consumer satisfaction and service quality issues. Dr. Ortinau’s teaching interests include consumer (buyer) behavior, marketing research, methods and measurements, services marketing, innovativeness of interactive electronic marketing technologies, and marketing management issues.

Janna Parker

Dr. Janna Parker is an Assistant Professor at James Madison University. She received her DBA from Louisiana Tech University in 2013. Her primary research interests include retailing, advertising, social media, and hedonic/utilitarian value.

Dr. Parker’s research has been published in journals such at Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Business Ethics and others. She is on the Editorial Review Board for Journal of Marketing Education.

This is her 6th year serving on the Executive Council for the Academy of Marketing Science and currently serves as the Vice President for Engagement. She is a co-author on the forthcoming Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach. She is the recipient of the 2020 O’Hara Leadership Award from the Direct Marketing Association of Washington Educational Foundation.

Christine Pitt

Dr. Christine Pitt defended her PhD dissertation in April, 2020 at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. She is an instructor at Vancouver Community College and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. She has published peer reviewed articles in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Business Horizons, Journal of Business Research and Psychology & Marketing. She has also published in the proceedings and presented at the Academy of Marketing Science conference, World Marketing Conference and the Academy of Marketing conference. Some of her research interests include online word-of-mouth and automated text analysis tools and their application to marketing contexts. Christine attended the AMS Doctoral Consortium in May 2019 and benefitted greatly from the valuable sessions and networking opportunities

Leyland Pitt

Dr. Leyland F. Pitt is the Dennis F. Culver EMBA Alumni Chair of Business, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. He has also taught on executive and MBA programs at major international business schools such as the Graham School at the University of Chicago, Columbia University, and London Business School.

The author of over 350 papers in peer-reviewed journals, his work has been accepted for publication in Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Advertising, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, and MIS Quarterly (which he also served as Associate Editor). In 2002, Leyland Pitt was awarded the Outstanding Marketing Teacher of the Academy of Marketing Science, and in 2010 he was named the Pearson-Prentice Hall Solomon Marshall Stuart Innovative Marketing Teacher of the Year. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science, which awarded him the Harold Berkman Award for Service in 2017

Kirk Plangger

Dr. Kirk Plangger is an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) of Marketing at the King’s Business School. King’s College, London, UK. He is marketing management researcher specializing in consumer led digital marketing strategy with a PhD in consumer behavior and marketing strategy at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada.

His research explores how digital technologies mediate and change the buying process and how organizations should address these technologies. Dr Plangger uses this knowledge of buying and technology in all the modules he teaches including marketing strategy, digital marketing and consumer behavior and challenges his students to constantly apply academic concept to practical challenges. He is also the Director of the Executive MSc in International Marketing program. Dr Plangger has published in journals such as the Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, AMS Review, Business Horizons, British Dental Journal, and Service Industries Journal.

His research has been funded in the past by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), British Academy, UK Innovate, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). He holds editorial review board positions for the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Business Horizons, and the Marketing Education Review. He also acts as an ad-hoc reviewer for a number of academic marketing, business, and psychology journals and conferences.

Linda Price

Dr. Linda L. Price is Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor of Marketing at University of Oregon. Linda combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine consumer and collective identity, adaptation, social influence and network interactions with applications for services marketing, brand relationships, and customer experiences.

She has published books, chapters and over 40 referred articles in leading journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Marketing that have garnered nearly 19,000 citations (h-index 45), over 7,000 of these citations are to work co-authored with former doctoral students.

Linda has taken a leadership role in marketing and consumer research serving on numerous editorial boards, policy boards, foundations, conference program committees and has co-chaired several conferences and doctoral symposiums. She served as President of ACR, President of AMA Academic Council, and currently serves as Editor of JCR. She has received many honors for a lifetime of mentoring and scholarship, including ACR Fellow, AMA Fellow, AMS Cutco/Vector Distinguished Educator, and CBSIG Lifetime Achievement Award.

Marko Sarstedt

Marko Sarstedt is a chaired professor of marketing at the Otto- von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (Germany) and an adjunct professor at Monash University Malaysia. His main research interest is the advancement of research methods to further the understanding of consumer behavior.

His research has been published in Nature Human Behavior, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Organizational Research Methods, MIS Quarterly, and Psychometrika, among others.

Marko has been named a member at Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researchers List, which includes the “world’s most impactful scientific researchers.”

Maura Scott

Maura L. Scott (Ph.D. Arizona State University) is the Persis E. Rockwood Professor of Marketing at Florida State University. She is interested in consumer behavior research at the intersection of consumer and societal well-being, public policy, and services marketing. Her research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Economic Psychology, and Appetite, among others.

Maura is the Joint Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (JPP&M). She also serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research and Area Editor at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. She has also served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Marketing and JPP&M. She serves on the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology. Maura is the president-elect designate for the AMA Academic Council and she serves on the ACR Board of Directors.

Maura has taught undergraduate consumer behavior, marketing management, marketing principles, and marketing strategy, she has also taught doctoral seminars in consumer behavior theory and consumer behavior research methods. Prior to her academic career, she held marketing positions at 3M Company, Dial Corporation, and Motorola.

Jagdish Sheth

Jagdish N. Sheth is Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Business in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University. He is globally known for his scholarly contributions in consumer behavior, relationship marketing, competitive strategy, and geopolitical analysis. Professor Sheth has over 50 years of combined experience in teaching and research at the University of Southern California, the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, Columbia University, MIT, and Emory University.

Dr. Sheth is a recipient of the 2020 Padma Bhushan Award for literature and education, one of the highest civilian awards given by the Government of India. He is also a Fellow of the Association of Consumer Research (ACR); Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA); Fellow of the American Marketing Association (AMA); Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS); and a Distinguished Fellow of International Engineering Consortium. Dr. Sheth is the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate in Science, awarded by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2016), and Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy, awarded by Shiv Nadar University (2017). He is the recipient of all four top awards given by the American Marketing Association (AMA).

Dr. Sheth has been on the board of several companies including Norstan, Pacwest-Telecom, Cryocell International, Shasun Drugs and Chemicals, and WIPRO Limited. Over the 50 years, he has been advisor to numerous companies including Whirlpool, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Cox Communications, Rockwell International, AT&T, Bellsouth, WIPRO Consumer Care, Aditya Birla Group, L.M. Mittal (Avanta), E&Y, Square D, Ingram Micro, Hughes Corporation, and others. This has included mergers and acquisitions as well as strategic positioning or repositioning of the company.

His Rule of Three book has been the foundation for investment bankers and policy makers with respect to industry consolidation including horizontal mergers and acquisitions. Professor Sheth has authored or coauthored more than three hundred papers and several books including Clients for Life (2000), The Rule of Three (2002), Tectonic Shift (2006), Self-Destructive Habits of Good Companies (2007), Firms of Endearment (2007), Chindia Rising (2011), The 4 As of Marketing (2012), Breakout Strategies for Emerging Markets (2016), The Sustainability Edge (2016), and Genes, Climate and Consumption Culture: Connecting the Dots (2017). His autobiography, The Accidental Scholar (2014), has inspired others in the areas of education and academic entrepreneurship. Professor Sheth has been advisor to the Government of Singapore in repositioning the nation for the future. He has also been the policy advisor to the U.S. Government about the future of the telecommunications industry.

Dr. Sheth is the Founder of Center for Telecommunications Management (CTM) at University of Southern California (USC) which has now become an Institute. He is also Founder and Chairman of India, China, and America (ICA) Institute which analyzes the trilateral relationship and its impact on geopolitics, security, trade, and investment.

Professor Sheth and his wife, Madhu Sheth, have established the Sheth Family Foundation to support several charities in India and in the United States. They have also established the Madhuri and Jagdish Sheth Foundation to support scholars and scholarship in the field of marketing. The Sheth Foundation supports the AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, hosted annually by different universities. It also supports research in emerging fields through AMA, ACR, AMS, and AIB. Finally, Professor Sheth is the Founder and Chairman of the Academy of Indian Ma hip among Indian scholars in marketing and management.

Dave Stewart

David W. Stewart is President’s Professor of Marketing and Business Law at Loyola Marymount University. His research has examined a wide range of issues including marketing strategy, the analysis of markets, consumer information search and decision making, effectiveness of marketing communications, public policy issues related to marketing and methodological approaches to the analysis of marketing data.

He is a past editor of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. He recently concluded a term as Vice President for Publications for the American Marketing Association. Dr. Stewart has previously held faculty appointments and various administrative roles at Vanderbilt University, the University of Southern California, and the University of California, Riverside. He is the author of more than 300 published articles, chapters, and proceedings contributions and has authored or edited more than 20 books. Brian Vander Schee

Brian A. Vander Schee (PhD - University of Connecticut, DBA - University of Wisconsin - Whitewater) is Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing at Indiana University, Kelley School of Business - Indianapolis. His research interests include digital marketing, social media branding, consumer engagement, online complimenting behavior, and innovations in marketing education. His research has appeared in Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Marketing Education Review, Services Marketing Quarterly, and Journal for Advancement for Marketing Education.

He has taught at the university-level for over 18 years. National teaching awards include American Marketing Association Pearson Prentice Hall Solomon-Marshall-Stuart Award for Innovative Excellence in Marketing Education, Academy of Marketing Science Lamb-Hair-McDaniel Outstanding Marketing Teacher Award, Society for Marketing Advances St. Mary’s University Distinguished Teaching Competition Winner, Society for Marketing Advances Pride-Ferrell Cengage Learning Innovations in Teaching Competition Winner, Marketing Management Association Hormel Foods Master Teacher Award, and Association for Collegiate Marketing Educators AxcessCapon Teaching Innovation Competition Winner.

He is the former editor of Marketing Education Review; he served as the President for the American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapters Council and is the former President and current Executive Director of the Marketing Management Association. He is a fellow of the Marketing Management Association and the Direct Selling Education Foundation.

Gianfranco Walsh

Gianfranco Walsh ([email protected]) is a professor in the faculty of economics and business administration of Friedrich-Schiller University Jena (Germany). He received his MPhil from Manchester School of Management, UMIST (UK) and PhD and Habilitation degree from the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany.

His work has been published in, among others, Academy of Management Journal, British Journal of Management, European Management Journal, Information & Organization, Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Service Research, and Psychology & Marketing. He sits on several editorial review boards. In 2019, Gianfranco was ranked in the Top 1% of more than 2,600 business administration and management professors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (rank 15). The assessment was conducted by "Wirtschaftswoche", Germany's leading business magazine, and was based on an assessment of research output.