CAR: Operational Presence in BASSE KOTTO(3W:OP) August 2016 Organisations responding with By organisation type By cluster emergency programs 16 Protection 6 International NGO 5 WASH 3 Health National NGO 5 6 LCS 1 UN 4 Food Security 8 Red Cross Movement 2 Nutrition 3 Shelter & NFI 2 Education 1 CCCM 1 Logistics 1 CCCM Education Food Security 1 partner 1 partner 8 partners Shelter & NFI Emergency Telecom. Logistics 2 partners 0 partner 1 partner Health LCS WASH 6 partners 1 partner 3 partners Nutrition Protection 3 partners 6 partners Is your data missing from this document? Return it to
[email protected] and your data will be on the next version. Thanks for helping out! Updated: 31 Août 2016 Source: Clusters and Partners Suggestions:
[email protected]/
[email protected] More information: Designations and geography used on these maps does not imply endorsement by the United Nations CAR: Operational Presence in BASSE KOTTO(3W:OP) August 2016 16 Partners Presence 5 International NGO 5 National NGO 4 UN Agencies 2 Red Cross Movement REMOD, FAO UNICEF LEGEND WHO WFP, COHEB, CADAPI, FAO Sectors Coordination CORDAID , WHO, UNICEF Education CORDAID, UNICEF Food Security CICR, UNICEF Health Logistics UNICEF, ACTED, CORDAID Nutrition ACTED Mingala Protection ACTED Shelter and NFI Telecommunication WASH FAO, CADAPI Alindao CCCM WHO, MSF E LCS MSF E Zangba Kembé Mobaye Satéma UNICEF ACTED, VITALITE+, FAO, ACDES, COHEB, CADAPI, REMOD WHO, SCI, UNICEF, CRCA CADAPI, FAO, COHEB, ACTED WHO UNICEF, ACDES, CICR, VITALITE+,