DEA REFERENCE NUMBER: 14/12/16/3/3/2/1087




1 1. Introduction

Haga Haga Wind Farm (RF) (Pty) Ltd (the Applicant) wishes to establish a Wind Energy Facility (WEF) targeting a maximum installed capacity of 150 megawatts across various land parcels located in the Great Kei Local Municipality, inland of coastal resorts of Haga Haga, and . CES has been appointed as the Independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner, to undertake the amendment of the environmental authorization as previously granted by Department of Environmental Affairs. As part of this process Khuselindalo Environmental Development has been contracted to fulfill some aspects of the public participation in accordance to the statutory requirements of the National Environmental Management Act(NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). Responsibilities included a pre-application site visit to the area where information regarding the proposed amendment was shared with the landowners, occupiers of the land and surrounding area. Information was shared in the form of Flyers (Appendix 1) communicated in both English and isiXhosa. The proposed changes to the project were explained and questions answered. The purpose of the visit was also to update the contact details of Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), where applicable, as well as identify any new potential I&APs.

This reports provides a summary of the achievements to this end.

Khuselindalo Environmental Development made the necessary appointments with the land owners and other interested and affected parties in advance of the site visit. The site visit took place during the first week of September 2020.

2. Landowners

Where possible, flyers were provided directly to the landowners at their farms. In other instances the flyers were provided to the managers/ employees/ occupiers of the farm, or left at the farm house. Below is list of the farms where access during the site visit was possible.

Name Coordinates Farm Name Notes where recorder

John-Marc 32°43′27″S Saint Family Flyers were provided to the managers of Russell 28°11′53″ E Trust various Saint Family Trust Farms in their William main offices Cawthorn Putumile Mali J Du Bryn Johan de Klerk 32°38′44″S Lalapanzi Part of the Kembali group of farms along 28°14′47″ E the main road to Kei Mouth

Kean Maxwell 32°36′42″S Mkulu Kei Mr Webster had indicated that he would be Webster 28°14′51″ E Nature Reserve at the farm but was not available when the visit took place. Flyers were left at one of the farmhouses and also a message sent to him alerting him of the visit. Mr Webster later confirmed receipt of the flyers. John Jeffries 32°38′45″S Rhodesdale Flyers were left with Jenny Jeffries who 28°14′38″ E farm also registered as an I&AP. Mr Jeffries was made aware of this.

2 Miles/ 32°39′11″S Idlewild farm Flyers were provided to Mr Miles Dicke on Theo Dicke 28°13′41″ E his farm and the rationale behind the amendment provided to him.

Matilda and 32°42′48″S Matilda and with both at their business at St Anthony’s Ralton Freitag 28°7′44″ E Ralton Freitag shop. Farms Mr Mpambani 32°41′25″S Mpambani Mr Mpambani was not well at the time of 28°10′22″ E Family Trust the visit. Stockmen however were available to receive the flyers. . Mr Mpambani’s was contacted. His number is 0724343597, [email protected]. Charles Knox 32°40′45″S Farm 241 Met with Mr Knox, who represents Ms 28°11′45″ E Sandra van der Toorn. Flyers were provided to Mr Knox. Phillip Osterloh 32°38′36″S P OSTERLOH Met with him Mr Osterloh and provided Farm 28°9′52″ E PROP TRUST him with flyers. Komana 32°39′11″ S Farm 133 Met with the Mnyamana brothers and Mnyamana 28°13′41″ E- explained and provided them with flyers. Damien De Wet 32°41′51″ Khula Dharma Met with Mr de Wet and some of the S 28°11′43″ E eco village residents in the farm.

Neighbouring Farms 32°41′21″S Brooklyn Farm: Owner Mr Tyali was given flyers and provided with a 28°18′12″ E Mandange Tyali brief explanation of the project and EIA process. His farm is neighbouring Kembali farms along the Morgan Bay road. Mr Tyali registered as an I&AP 32°40′17″ S Bayview Farm The farm is currently not occupied but there are 28°18′2″ E renovations to the main house. Flyers were given the site foreman. This farm is also along the road from Morgan Bay, neighbouring Kembali Farms 32°39’57″ S Ferndale farm This farm is at the corner of Kei Mouth Road and 28°17′48″ E the Morgan Bay road and is neghbouring Kembali Farm. The gate was closed 32°40′17″ S Endalweni private game Gate closed. 28°18′0″ E reserve

32°38′16″ Kei Slopes -Tyityaba Nature This farm is neighbouring Komana Mnyamana S 28°11′40″ E Reserve- EV Krull farm. Access could not be gained as the gate was locked. 32°40′15″ Mhleli Fadana This farm is neighbouring Farm 6/282 Of the S 28°15′15″ E Izotsha Prop Holdings and is situated opposite site of this land parcel, along the Haga Haga Road. The owner registered as an IAP

Occupiers of the land

Coordinates Notes Within the main windfarm land parcels Idlewild Farm This is the main land parcel for windfarm development. There are about thirteen families residing in this farm and most of them do not work and have been on the farm for quite some years. They were given flyers and provided with the explanation behind it.- 32°39′21″ S Flyers were provided to the occupiers of the Kembali Farm along the main Kei 28°16′10″ E Mouth Road. This land parcel is oart of the main land parcels for the windfarm development

3 On Neighbouring Farms 32°39′28″ S Flyers were distributed with employees of Endalweni Private game reserve. 28°17′24″ E There are about 6 households that live on the farm. This is a neighbouring farm. Gaming Footprint Some flyers were dropped in these farms with labourers residing inside the Inc Holdings Farm farms. 215, 214, 228 as well as 230 Komga. Nyarha villages: Meeting was held with Councillor Lwandisa Mhlontlo whom is responsible for Diphini, Lusizini, the Nyarha villages. She was due to have a meeting with the ward committee Bhola, Sithungu members from these villages. So flyers were left with the councillors with a and Ncalukeni view to share them with the Ward Committee members. Gxarha in Morgan A meeting was held with Councillor Ndileka Khantashe who is responsible for Bay. Kei Mouth as well as Morgan Bay. She was given flyers to share with her ward committee members.

3. Concluding remarks

There is still a lot of interest on this project and some of the farmers were very keen to engage further. Most of them were interested in the final layout of the wind turbines as well as the fees they are likely to get from having the wind turbines in their properties. Some wanted further details on which roads will be repaired and widened, as well as opportunities for use of the wind generated electricity by the farmers. A lot of them seemed keen to have the additional income. From the side of the occupiers of the land, most were keen to know when the project will start, as well as, what main job opportunities would be available. Most expressed that there are few jobs opportunities in the farms as there has been droughts recently. Most people in the area are dependent on job opportunities from the farms.