Vol. 27 No. 4 April 2017 Dear Edwards Church Community, Unlike the birth of Jesus, which scholars agree did not occur in December, his arrest, torture and execution, which we remember during , and his resurrection, which we celebrate on , most definitely happened in the spring. Scripture refers to Jesus and his disciples coming to Jerusalem for the Passover, which is always in the spring, and Passover and Holy Week often overlap as they do this year. It matters for biblical history, but it also matters for all those naturally occurring springtime events that we associate with resurrection: the flowers that bloom; the animals that emerge from hibernation; the birds that return to fill the air with their songs and build nests in which to lay eggs. “I thank you God for most this amazing / day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees / and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything / which is natural which is infinite which is yes” – e.e. cummings Spring is such a natural setting for an event that declares God has given us new life, or at least an invitation to it. Accepting that invitation requires something from us: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” (Matt. 16:24-25) The events of Holy Week and the services and gatherings we hold to remember them provide an opportunity to deepen our acceptance of the invitation. Gathering in Addis Hall for a Pot-Luck , we can try to imagine how Jesus’ disciples first heard the words now familiar to us: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Sitting in the deepening darkness of the sanctuary as the passion story is read on , we can try to imagine what Jesus and the disciples were going through when Jesus asked them to stay awake with him while he prayed at Gethsemane, or when he was being stripped and beaten, or when Peter was denying him. All these stories can have all the time and opportunity we give them – and only that much – to resonate inside us. All these stories have something new and something timeless to say to us. All we need to do is hear them and set them loose in our imagination. If you cannot make it to church, call the office, or email me, Heather Dandy or Deb Moore, and we can send you the stories you would hear if you came. Let them fall on you like an April shower on a garden and see what grows. Wherever and however you observe Holy Week and celebrate Easter, I wish you a full measure of the joy that is promised and given at the end of the story: “(now the ears of my ears awake and / now the eyes of my eyes are opened)” – e.e. cummings May God bless you and keep you, May God make her face to shine upon you, And be gracious to you, and give you peace.


Edwards Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation: We embrace Christ’s command to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. Therefore, we welcome everyone regardless of ethnic background, economic circumstance, sexual orientation, family configuration, or difference in ability. All who seek the love of Christ are welcome to Edwards Church and to share fully in its life and ministry. In response to the Spirit of Christ in our midst, we glorify God and rejoice in the inherent worth, dignity, and gifts of every person as a child of God.

From the Minister of Faith Formation Dear Members and Friends,

Our journey through the wilderness time of continues as we move closer to Holy Week. There were two entering Jerusalem on what we celebrate as . One from the east as Jesus rode a donkey into the city flanked by followers and sympathizers; the other from the west as Pontius Pilate entered flanked by a cavalry of imperial soldiers and chariots. Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God; Pilate the kingdom of the Roman Empire. Those entering from the east were going to Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Passover; those entering from the west were going to reinforce the Roman garrison that overlooked the Jewish temple and its courts, as they often did during the occasion of a Jewish festival. The confrontation of the two kingdoms unfolds with the events of Holy Week.

Symbols for Holy Week include:  palm branches - which were waved joyfully as Jesus entered Jerusalem  a basin and towel - symbolic of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples  a bag of coins – reminding us of the 30 pieces of silver Judas betrayed Jesus for  a lantern – the Roman soldiers entered the garden of Gethsemane carrying these  a loaf and cup – elements of the last meal Jesus shared with this disciples  a rope – used to bind Jesus as he was brought to the High Priest  a crown of thorns – placed on Jesus’ head  nails – used to nail Jesus on the cross  a robe and dice – the soldiers gambled to see who would get the robe Jesus was wearing  INRI – the inscription on the cross above Jesus, meaning Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews  a rooster – Jesus told Peter that before the cock crowed, Peter would deny knowing Jesus three times.

The liturgical color for Holy Week moves from purple to black on Good Friday.

This year, as it often does, Holy Week and Passover will overlap with Passover beginning on April 10 and lasting for eight days.

There will be a bibliography of literature and movies appropriate for children and adults on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

Continued blessings on your journey through the events of Holy Week and into Easter.

Blessings, Deb

EASTER SUNDAY – Worship will be intergenerational with child care provided for infants and children through grade 2.


Annual Pancake Breakfast – Sponsored by the Youth Group with YOUTH GROUP support from interested adults Edwards Church Youth Group’s ministry is open to those in Grades 6 -12. April 9th, Palm Sunday We generally meet on the second and 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. in Addis Hall fourth Sunday of the month from 11:30- 1:00 , with a few exceptions. Youth are always welcome to bring a friend!

Here’s what is coming up: April 9 ~ 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Our Annual Pancake Breakfast

11:30 – 1:00 Meeting in the Edwards Room Menu includes: Blueberry, chocolate chip, plain and gluten free pancakes April 23 ~ 11:30 – 1:00 Road trip (details to follow) Meat and veggie sausages, Hard boiled eggs Coffee, tea and juice

Church School Thank you to those who continue to nurture our children and youth in the church school setting: Darleen Buttrick, Melissa Mattison, Betsy Young, Sandra Rossi, Harriet Smith, Carolyn Dion, Elena Frogameni, Catherine Thacker, Kimela Webb, Nina Young, Liz Stiles-Neumann, Diane Roeder, Jim Young, and Chelsea Marchetti.

Nurturing the faith of our young ones not only provides us with an opportunity to re-visit the Bibles stories, it provides us with an opportunity to form lasting intergenerational relationships. The Bible stories and verses may not be remembered years down the road; however, your presence in their faith formation will. If you would like to know more about or are interested in nurturing the faith of our children and youth, please let Deb Moore, Melissa Mattison, Darleen Buttrick, Sheri Cheung or Sandi Coyne know.

Thank you Children’s Choir Many, many thanks to all the generous folks who donated flowers these past few Sundays. Everyone loves seeing them We’re very excited to on Sunday morning and the recipients of your generosity announce the next round of are so pleased. rehearsals for the Edwards

With great appreciation, Church Children’s Choir. Come Jan Hemminger, Flower Coordinator join us for some bell ringing, singing, fun games, and much more! We will be meeting on Sundays at 11:30am, right after fellowship, beginning on April 23rd. We’ll also make a musical offering to the congregation as part of Sunday morning service on June 4th. We look forward to seeing you all again soon.


Note: At its monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 29th, the Christian Outreach Committee discussed the following proposal, agreed that it warrants our serious consideration, and recommends that the Council call a special meeting of the congregation to consider and vote on it. A Proposal to Edwards Church A local opportunity to do a special onetime good deed has come up and attracted interest among members of our church. Accordingly, with our financial blessing and its recent growth a proposal has been made to make a significant donation to this great cause that has crossed our path. There is general support among those who have seen the proposal. Now, through the Spire, it is being distributed to all of our church’s members and friends. Please read the proposal below and give it due consideration. At its meeting on Tuesday, April 11, the Church Council will be asked to call a special meeting for the sole purpose of voting on the proposal. The date of that meeting, as well as any other related discussions before it, have not yet been set. The Hampshire Country Friends of the Homeless has been continuously raising money since 2000 so they can purchase houses for homeless people. In the last eight years they have bought two houses in the Northampton area. Each provides residency for six formerly homeless individuals, as well as a home base for the residents and access to social services to help them return to a normal, independent life. A purchased house is refurbished, furnished and deeded to a local social service agency (e.g., ServiceNet, Gandara Center, DIAL/SELF Youth & Community Services), which manages it and provides any needed services to the residents. Friends of the Homeless has already raised over $700,000 to buy their next house. It will be for eight homeless high school or college-age youth. Not being able to find a suitable house, they have decided to purchase a duplex on Hatfield Street that has an empty lot beside it. Their plan is to ready the duplex for four residents and then put a building on the adjacent lot for four more residents and include in it a community room and an office. That’s a great idea, but it requires them to raise about $150,000 more. What a wonderful endeavor. There is nothing sadder than homeless youth, so seriously handicapped before they can even get their adult lives established - we see them at MANNA and the Interfaith Shelter. This is an opportunity for Edwards Church to make a onetime generous Christian Outreach donation. It is recommended that we make a donation of $50,000 through our Christian Outreach Committee with the funds coming from our endowment, which is now over $ 6.1 million, having increased by more than $200,000 in the first two months of this year (as if providing the means to help the wonderful, concurrent opportunity in front of us to use some of it to do good). If we give this gift, we would hardly feel the difference in the endowment, but the difference in the affected young lives will be huge. The idea behind these houses is that when the current residents reach a point where they can live independent lives, they will move out and make room for other homeless young people needing a second chance. Over the years many lives could be saved.

NOHO Pride Parade Join Edwards in the Northampton Pride Parade on Saturday, May 6th! On the day of the parade we will meet at the church at 10:30 a.m. and walk over to the staging area together to line up for the parade, which is a 1-mile route from downtown Northampton to the 3 County Fairgrounds. If you plan on marching, please register by April 7, by calling or emailing the church office at 413-584-5500 or [email protected].


Congratulations Jennifer!

Nominated by her colleagues, Rehabilitation Manager Jennifer Hutchison, PT, DPT, received the BECOME Award at the annual meeting of the Cooley Dickinson Board of Trustees. The award honors and employee who models the Cooley Dickinson organizational values.

Holy Week Services Palm Sunday – April 9, 9:40am, after enjoying a delicious pancake breakfast in Addis Hall, we join with members of First Churches and St. John’s in a liturgy of palms, recreating the atmosphere of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We will gather in Kosciuszko Park, across Main Street from the church.

Maundy Thursday – April 13, 6pm, we gather in Addis Hall for a pot-luck supper and communion. Just as Jesus gathered with those who were closest to him and gave them the sacrament of communion through which to re-member him, we gather to prepare to walk with him through the rest of Holy Week.

Good Friday – April 14, 12 Noon, ministers of Edwards Church, First Churches and St. John's will gather with members of all three churches and other members of the community to process through downtown Northampton in prayerful support of agencies and institutions who work to alleviate suffering (Workers' Center, Safe Passage, Pride Parade, International Language Institute, Northampton Police, Tapestry Health, and Center for New Americans). Each stop will include a word of scripture, a brief reflection, and prayer.

Good Friday – April 14, 7pm, we will have the Service of Tennabrae (or Shadows), in which we share in the persecution, suffering and death of Jesus. Candles are extinguished and the sanctuary darkens, and we leave in silence at the end.

Easter Sunday – April 16. Many of us have appreciated the hosted by the Westhampton Congregational Church. Detailed information about that, and about a sunrise service at the Hampshire County House of Correction, will be provided later. At 10am in our own sanctuary we will celebrate the Resurrection and declare “Christ is Risen” once more!


Kimela Webb Elizabeth Middleton Karen Pohlman Richard Aquadro Frank Heston Carla Bee Janet Tucker Michael John Masamitsu Ted Anderson Karen Hogan Phyllis Flandreau

Note: In an effort to protect the digital identities of our community members, we will no longer publish dates of birth in the newsletter. Please contact the church office directly if you would like to obtain this information. Is your birthday missing? We’d like to include everyone, so please call the church office and let us know your birthday! 5

Music at the Crossroads

The music committee is pleased to announce that its Vision Initiative for 2017 is a concert series entitled "Music at the Crossroads." The series will explore the crossroads of classical and contemporary music, and each concert will be a benefit for church-supported charities.

The first concert will be on Sunday, April 9 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Soprano Patricia O'Connor, mezzo-soprano Lisa Woods, and our own Minister of Music, pianist David Kidwell will perform sacred music and Spirituals, as well as opera solos and duets. The concert is free, but donations will go to the Cathedral in the Night ministry.

A Reminder for All Who Love the Fellowship Hour

After church can be a pretty lively time downstairs: People standing and talking, or sitting at tables, children running around under the watchful eyes of their parents, and an attentive deacon keeping an eye on the supplies.

Ah, the supplies! That’s where you come in. We serve up the coffee and tea and juice, but for the good stuff, savory and sweet, we rely on your contributions. Each week one alphabet group gets a reminder from the church office that it’s their turn to bring something. Please do take note, and don’t assume that someone else will make the contribution. That doesn’t always happen. We need you!

Yours in good cheer , April 2 - Last names with A-D Tom Derr, April 9 - Last names with E-K (for the Deacons) April 16 - Last names with L-S April 23 - Last names with T-Z April 30 - Deacons

A Choral Celebration Labyrinth Ministry On Sunday, May 7, the Edwards Church choir will join with other local choirs and the Holyoke Come walk Civic Symphony in a performance of Beethoven's the Labyrinth Ninth Symphony. The concert will conclude the On Monday, yearlong celebration of the Holyoke Civic April 24th Symphony's 50th season. The choir of Easthampton from 7-8:30 p.m. Congregational Church and the choruses of Holyoke Community College and Holyoke High School will No matter who you are or round out the chorus of over 120 singers. The where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome to the Labyrinth. concert will be held at Holyoke High School. Mark your calendars now for this exciting event!


Edwards Church Council Minutes March 8, 2017 Voting members in attendance: Carl Erickson (Member-at-Large); Scott Anderson (Trustees; Acting Moderator); Darleen Buttrick (Faith Formation); Tom Derr (Deacons); Jim Stokes-Buckles (Outreach); Linda Vincent (Music); Jean Kocsis (Outreach); Maryann Bankman (Member-at-large) Absent: Leon Drzewianowski (Moderator); Debra Moore; Heather Dandy; Harriet Smith (Clerk); Heather Bell (Stewardship) Staff in attendance: Michael McSherry, David Kidwell, Marc Waller Meeting opened at 7:04 with a prayer offered by Michael. Motion to accept minutes of February Council meeting as presented. Motion seconded. Majority in favor. Motion to accept minutes approved. Joys and Concerns of Staff and Committees: Michael received another unsolicited “good job” to church regarding our work in community and support to our members. Joys regarding our circle of care and the great job they are doing and the donations the church family has provided to the refugees. Lots of other great stories regarding recent encounters of love and involvement. What a blessing for our church and such a great way to be involved in our community. Stewardship committee had a 4-hour retreat last Sunday – discussion re: using time and talents of membership more rather than limit to donations. More to come. Committee Reports: Music committee – discussions and questions re: purchase of new robes Investment committee – socially beneficial investment – discussions re: new committee for this movement Outreach committee – the committee had their first meeting with new membership; the committee discussed many ideas, there may be synergy with other committees. Praise regarding allotment of money towards circle of care group efforts. Faith formation did not meet in March due to conflict with Ash Wednesday. Old Business Still in search of Vice Moderator. Vision Implementation – interweaving of vision statement in committee reports is nice to see. Working on re-creation of photo for cover of pamphlet. Vision Statement in our committees: It was noted that a Jewish couple and others have commented on vision statement on wall in sanctuary. Discussion re: possible ads with vision statement. May start Sunrise Service at correctional facility again. Bathroom Signage and Gender Identity – still in progress; working to find suitable signage; a decision will be made at the next council meeting. St. Mary’s Parking Lot – no updates. Signage on front of church – signs need to be changed every 4-6 weeks to continue to “catch the eye” – discussions re: type of banners, mounting, size, location, content. Signs will not be put on windows of sanctuary. New Business Addis Hall during Fellowship Hour – discussion regarding temperatures. Trustees working on looking at thermostats, where located, settings, and replacement of thermostats. Some thermostats may be replaced with “smart” thermostats. Sound system – issues with microphones and crackling – use a wifi network to communicate and the walls of the church may cause problems with this. Do we need to bring the wireless receiver into the sanctuary? Will look into this in more detail to see if there is a solution. Social Media – how can we better use social media at Edwards? Should we have a social media committee? Should we have a twitter account? Can we broadcast more – podcasts? Perhaps Diaconate and Outreach can consider this more? Discussions of status of new service and background architecture of what this might look like; interviews with the community regarding their needs and spiritual longings; who might be involved in the initial beginnings of this. The next Council meeting will be held on TUESDAY April 11 at 7 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. with a closing prayer by Carl.

Respectfully submitted, Darleen Buttrick 7

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Community Concert Community

11:30am MANNA 11:30am Care of Circle 3pm MANNA 11:30am MANNA 11:30am CE Certification 8:30am MANNA 11:30am and Offbeat 7pm Wendell Scouts Girl 10 am MANNA 11:30am


14 21 28


Refugee Refugee Group Action Sangha RVS= Valley River Men’s Support VMSGValley = Group


Tennabrae Tennabrae

Good Friday Good

Concert to Benefit Benefit to Concert 6:30pm AA 6:30pm AA 6:30pm 7pm Cot 6pm Shelter AA 6:30pm AA 6:30pm Northamptones7pm MANNA


13 20 27



Potluck Supper & & Supper Potluck

Maundy Thursday Maundy

7pm Choir7pm Rehearsal Board of MANNA 7pm Mtg. Directors 6pm withWorship Communion in Members 6 pm Discernment Choir7pm Rehearsal Choir7pm Rehearsal

Abbreviations = Anonymous Alcoholics AA = FellowshipAF Augustine Parents NPCCenter Northampton = FF Formation Faith = Interfaith Valley PioneerPVIRAG=


12 19 26


of the of Homeless

Outreach Mtg. Outreach

Homeless Mgmt. Comm. Mgmt. Homeless

6pm MANNA 6pm 10am AA Women’s Women’s Group 10am AA BibleStudy 12pm the Friendsof 4:30pm MANNA 6pm Scouts Girl 6:30pm FaithMtg. 7pm Formation Women’s Group 10am AA BibleStudy 12pm Board Friends5pm of MANNA 6pm Choir7pm Rehearsal Women’s Group 10am AA BibleStudy 12pm MANNA 6pm Scouts Girl 6:30pm Women’s Group 10am AA BibleStudy 12pm 7pm


11 18 25




Trustees Mtg. Trustees Prayer Shawl Prayer Mtg. Council Community CE Shawl Prayer

Ministry Ministry

of Practice of

7pm 7pm AF 7pm 3:30 pm Rehearsal 3:30 pm Music the at Crossroads AF 7pm 4pm Investment 6pm Meeting Comm. AF 7pm VMSG7pm 7pm AF 7pm 7pm 4pm VMSG7pm


10 17 24


Labyrinth Walk Labyrinth Diaconate Mtg. Diaconate

Symphony Symphony

7pm 7pm 2pm PVIRAG 2pm RVS6pm VMSG7pm 7pm RVS6pm VMSG7pm RVS6pm Civic Holyoke 6pm Rehearsal VMSG7pm RVS6pm VMSG7pm

2 9

16 23 30


K) S) Z)


- - -


Easter Sunday Easter


Book Discussion Book

Strings Concert Strings

11:30 Music Committee Music 11:30 Worship 10am 8:45am BibleStudy 8:45am Choir 9am Rehearsal Communion 10am 11:15Fellowship (A Christians Border 4pm at the @ CITN Edwards 5pm Palm Sunday Pancake 8:30am Breakfast Choir 9am Rehearsal Worship 10am 11:15Fellowship (E 11:30 Group Youth Music 3pm theat Crossroads BibleStudy 8:45am Choir 9am Rehearsal Worship 10am 11:15Fellowship (L BibleStudy 8:45am Choir 9am Rehearsal 11:15Fellowship (T 11:30Choir Children’s Trip 11:30Road Group Youth BibleStudy 8:45am Choir 9am Rehearsal Worship 10am 11:15Fellowship (Deacons) 11:30Choir Children’s NCMC SuzukiSpring 1pm