Old Hills Malvern

Headlines th 11 October 2020 Keeping you in touch with your churches across ,

Callow End, and with Newland


Sunday Evening Worship Sunday Gathered Worship 11th October th 11 October 5.30pm – Contemplative Evening Prayer – Kindness 9.30am BCP Holy Communion at 18th October 11.00am BCP Holy Communion at Madresfield 5.30pm- Contemplative Evening Prayer - Peace th 18 October On Zoom Video Conferencing

9.30am Harvest Communion at Guarlford Please contact us for access codes th (deferred from 4 October) 11.00am Powick Annual Meeting and Thursday Night Prayers Service of Thanksgiving at Powick 15th and 22nd October

8.30pm On Zoom Video Conferencing A set of weekly intercessions for personal use is available each week on the website. Please contact us for access codes

Annual Parochial Church Council Meetings VICAR’S BLOG! Sunday 18th October Harvest has been a very different experience for us all this Powick Parish at St Peter's Church Powick. - as year. Rather than lugging tins and packets into well part of the Sunday worship - from 11am (the decorated churches, we have used our Harvest of talents to service and meeting will finish by 12.30pm) support Tearfund and their "Rubbish Year" projects. Thank Sunday 25th October you - the total will be advised in the next Headlines. For the Guarlford, Madresfield with Newland Parish at first time in my ministry, I had to cease worship at a church St Mary’s, Madresfield – as part of the Sunday as we were infested by flies! The weather was worship - from 11am (the service and meeting howling outside at Guarlford too. Still awaiting the boils and will finish by 12.30pm) locusts to complete my Old Testament set of trials and tests. We are also entering into the season of Annual Meetings - this year to be undertaken as an Act of

Bible Readings for the Church Thanksgiving for our last year ministering together. We give thanks for all those that are stepping down from serving their Based Services church and welcome those that will be taking it forward. Join us if you can for these special services. Thanksgiving also is central for our response to All Soulstide, which will be different and innovative this year. See overleaf for more information. Take care - Rev Gary th Sunday 11 October BCP Readings for Trinity 18: Deut 6: 4-9, Cor 1: 4-8, Matt 22: 34-end th Sunday 18 October th (Not the) Macmillan Coffee Morning held on 26 September Guarlford Harvest Communion: on the Vicarage Drive made a stonking 1 Tim 6: 6-11, 17-19 and Luke 12: 15-21 £23.87! Powick APCM Readings tbc Well done to Gary and the girls.

Message from Peter Buchanan, Chair of the MHFB Trustees: We have distributed generously to those in most need but currently our warehouse is overflowing and the shelves are full. It is therefore with some reluctance that we have decided that this year we are unable to accept harvest collections. If you were intending to support us with your

harvest gifts this year we would ask you to make alternative arrangements.

All Souls Memorial Opportunities: St Peter's Church in Powick will open for private prayer, candle lighting and devotions at 2.30pm-4.00pm on Sunday 1st November. This is a drop in opportunity for private prayer. Numbers in the church will be capped at six at any one time inside the church. Please be patient. Please note, this is not a church service but an open time to pray and remember a loved one lost. The Annual Memorial Service will be held via Zoom Video Conferencing at 5.30pm on Sunday 1st November. If you would like to join in this service, online, please contact Rev Gary or the ' Administrator, Liz Edwards, for the joining instructions. This service is open to all - for those that are bereaved, mourning or remembering a family member or friend - in the past year or longer ago. Join us.

Field of Memory at Madresfield Church This year we are creating a Field of Memory at St Mary’s, Madresfield which will be a display of memory crosses to reflect, remember and give thanks for all those people and families in these parishes that have lost a loved one during this pandemic. If you would like a cross please send a stamped, addressed C5 envelope to Gary at the vicarage. When you receive your cross please mark it and send it back by 30th October. The display will be in place from Sunday 1st November for 1 month and afterwards the crosses will be committed to the ground as an act of thankfulness for our communities’ losses.

As an alternative to completing a Test/Trace card each attendance, if you have downloaded the NHS

Test & Trace App, QR codes are available for

scanning in each church. If you cannot scan, Remember Lent? It seems a long time ago now please continue with the cards. but before we closed collections were taken for Mission Morogoro and Smile Train. Both collections did really well and we should be proud Seating Capacity in Church Each church has a designated number of seats for Sunday of our efforts to support two very different but worship. Maybe the low number of seats is putting people worthy charities. The collection for Smile Train is off from attending? Will they get to the door to be turned still open – if anyone wishes to donate to SMILE away? There is space at all churches but we know Callow TRAIN , please could monies be taken to church or End is a challenge with just a dozen or so seats. We are passed to Elizabeth Palmer, 33 Hall Green Close, limited by CofE Guidance on such capacities but remember WR14 3QY. Tel 01684 575914. Gift Aid envelopes the Zoom based internet services on Sunday and Thursday evenings are logged in via the comfort of your own home - are available and the appeal will be open until the this week we had sisters from and Buchanan in end of November. SMILE TRAIN is a non-profit Michigan, USA, joining in Evening Prayer. making organisation and charity which provides corrective surgery for children with cleft lips and palates. Thought for the weeks ahead… For Mission Morogoro, if you go to our website you can see all the doors for St Elizabeth's As the Diocesan Open Conversations end and next steps are Church in Tunguli are now in place - bought and prayed through, we should begin to plan ahead too. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. How should be use the resources installed with our Cafe Church, Lenten and (volunteers, time, money) God has given us to further the Mission personal collection. and Ministry of the Church of Christ in these parishes?

Vicar: Revd Gary Crellin – [email protected] 01905 830270 31 The Greenway, Collett’s Green, Powick, Worcs. WR2 4RZ

For more information please see our website: www.oldhillsmalvern.co.uk

If you would like to be included in the email circulation list for this newsletter please contact Liz Edwards, the Parish Administrator on [email protected]