Analysis of Limb Movement Synchronization in Primates Locomotion
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ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW • VOL. 81(4), 414–422 (2018) ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW Available online at: Journal homepage: Analysis of limb movement synchronization in primates locomotion Zofia Sikorska-Piwowska1, Piotr Śliwka2, Bogdan Ciszek1 1Department of Descriptive and Clinical Anatomy, Centre of Biostructure Research, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland 2Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland ABSTRACT: The authors present an original mathematical model based on features identified with discrete variables using vector and hierarchical cluster analysis in primates locomotion. Proposed model allows to formalize and analyze the synchronization variability of movements in given locomotion types of adaptation and specialization in monkeys, apes and humans. The material covers observations of 102 forms including 9 species of primates: the chimpanzee, bonobo, orangutan, gibbon, gelada, mandrill, brown capuchin and ring–tailed lemur. The studies included also the synchronization of locomotory movements in man. The sequences of moves of pectoral and pelvic limbs, right and left, were studied in four categories: walking, running, jumping and brachiation. The locomotion movements depend on the brain centers and allow to find phylogenetic relations between examined forms in the evolution process. The knowledge of the pattern of movements is used in the treatment of paraplegia and paraparesis in humans. KEY WORDS: evolution process of primates bipedality, vector analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, pattern of movements, treatment of human paraplegia and paraparesis. Introduction The evolution variability of synchro- nization limb movement in terms of lo- The aim of this work is to verify phylo- comotion of primates depends on types genetic relation and contributes to the of their adaptation and specialization explanation of man’s biped posture. As in particular environmental conditions. a tool, the vector analysis and hierarchi- An adaptation type means the state of cal cluster analysis, based on formalized adaptive traits of extremities correlated traits regarding the synchronization of with traits of all organisms. These traits locomotive movements of the primate ensure an optimal solution of locomo- limbs, were used. tory functions of extremities in the ha- These studies explained the mecha- bitat. Specialization types are selected nism of origin of foot and hand gaits exa- structural functional differentiations of mined by many researches and hadn`t to extremities due among others to inten- be identified in this analysis. sification of given locomotory functions. Original Research Article Received July 26, 2018 Revised November 13, 2018 Accepted November 15, 2018 DOI: 10.2478/anre-2018-0036 © 2018 Polish Anthropological Society Movement synchronization in primates 415 Transition from plantigrade to digitigrade According to these authors, bipedalism in quadrupedal adaptation is an instructi- evolved to increase the visual horizon as ve example. a strategy against greater predators and Primates belong to the order of mam- competition in savanna-woodland habi- mals. Zoological taxonomy divides this tats. Richmond (2001) assumed that hu- order into two principal groups: Strepsir- man bipedalism originated from arboreal rhini and Haplorrhini. Strepsirrhini are re- quadruped ancestors. Moreover, there presented in our study by lemurs (Lemur were anatomical similarities in the human catta L.) which climb trees with four limbs and baboon hand structures. Carvalho having prehensile hands and feet. Haplor- (2012) claimed that the climate changes rhini are composed of broad nose monkeys reduced forested areas forming selecti- (Platyrrhini) and narrow nose ones (Ca- ve pressure to lead hominine’s ancestors tharrhini). Platyrrhini, like capuchin (Ce- to modify their posture to include a lar- bus capucinus L.), live in South America and ger component of bipedality. Occasional climb from one branch to another hanging bipedality occurs among wild great apes with pectoral extremities. Additionally, linked to food carrying with males trans- some of them use their prehensile tails porting more often than females (Rich- while locomotion. The Catharrhini were mond 2001). Niemnitz (2010) described divided into Cercopithecidae monkeys the evolution of the upright posture and and Hominoidea. The locomotion of the gaits. Oscillatory movements of the limbs Cercopithecidae, like baboons (Papio pa- during locomotion of vertebrates were also pio Desm.) or mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx considered by physicists and mathemati- L.), effects quadrupedally with prehensile cians such as Collins and Steward (1991) hands and feet on branches or on the gro- in terms of their diverse inter-relations. und. Hominoidea like gibbons (Hylobates According to Crompton (2008), in the lar L.) and apes like chimpanzee (Pan tro- evolution of the locomotion system from glodytes L.) and bonobo (Pan paniscus L.) the earliest hominids to modern Homo sa- brachiate hanging on branches or step on piens has to be explained how flexed po- the ground quadrupedally (Sikorska-Pi- stures of the hind limb could have prea- wowska et al. 2015). Their pectoral extre- dapted the body for the apes acquisition mities are very elongated in relation to the of straight-legged erect bipedality. Hilde- pelvic ones. brand (1967) analyzed walking and run- In the present paper, the locomotion ning gaits of 26 genera of primates and de- of man was compared with those of scribed typical support sequences of them. monkeys and apes. Human extremities Schmitt (2003) considered that primates evolved in a different way than those of including human showed patterns of lo- other primates, because human pelvic comotion and locomotor control different legs are very elongated in biped loco- from all other mammals. According to this motion, and pectoral ones are shortened. author, hominid bipedalism evolved in ar- In the human hand, the thumb is capable boreal climbing primates. of real opposition to other fingers ena- Type of movement is generated by bling precise movements. the spinal cord centers both for pectoral The evolution of primates locomotion and pelvic limbs. Long-lasting research was examined by Videan and McGrew indicated that they play a significant role (2002) as well as by Williams (2010). in coordinating primates’ locomotion 416 Sikorska-Piwowska, et al. movements (Carvalho et all. 2012; Dietz 2 second one, and so on. If the move- 2002). This knowledge is being used in ments occur at the same time, they are the treatment of paraplegia and parapa- denoted by the same number. The sequ- resis in humans - victims of spinal cord ence allows to estimate the differences or injuries. This research is focused on acti- similarities between the studied forms vation of peripheric spinal neurons coor- in the types of movements. For exam- dinating pelvic limbs activities. This can ple, in walking moves of the chimp, the be done by spinal cord stimulation or right chest limb (RC}, which is the first by modification of rehab programs and to move is numbered 1, next moves the the usage of limbs’ exoskeletons (van left pelvic limb (LP) that is numbered 2, den Brand et al. 2015). These categories after that moves the left chest limb (LC) are the measure of brain evolution and numbered 3 and finally the right pelvic allow to find phylogenetic relations be- limb (RP) numbered 4. So its sequence tween examined forms. Particular limb of movements was represented in Table movement patterns are supposed to be 1 denoted by (3,1,2,4). There is also 0 in invariable within the populations stu- the table which indicates the lack of the died which are considered to be inde- type of movement. pendent forms. In the rows of the table there are gro- ups of stages of the movement tabula- Material and methods ted. The 16 stages are divided between all types of movement as walking, run- Observations were carried out in the ning, jumping and brachiation. This way, Chimpanzees Sanctuary in the Swe- every species is described by 16 stages etwaters Game Reserve in Kenya, in the of movements which compose a vector Orangutans Sanctuary in Sumatra and xi={xi1, ..., xiN} determining a location of Tsaratanana Strict Nature Reserve in Ma- a given species in a multi-dimensional dagascar. This research was complemen- vector space with information about their ted in zoos in Warsaw and Gdansk. synchronization (N=4 or N=16). Eight species of primates were ob- These 16 stages of movements divi- served at the following numbers: ring-ta- ded into 4 types of movements: walking iled lemur (14), tufted capuchin monkey - W, running - R, jumping - J and brachia- (14), baboon (14), mandrill (14), gibbon tion – B were considered to be discrete (10), orangutan (12), chimpanzee (12) characteristics which characterize each of and bonobo (12). In total information the primate forms. These vectors genera- about 102 specimens was collected. The te matrix X (dim: 9x4 or 9x16) observed results were analyzed. X = {x1, ..., xQ} Table 1 presents four types of move- consists of movement stages vectors ments considered: walking, running, jum- for all species (i∈Q, Q = 9 - number of ping and brachiation with information on species of monkeys and human). the left and right chest and pelvic limb The lack of a particular type of move- synchronization for all analyzed prima- ment in the examined species was custo- tes, including man. This synchronization marily