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generations of Canadians who grew up book by Canadian author , who with Terry and have supported the had access to the millions of pieces of memora- Foundation through community, school bilia stored by the family. CTV produced the or work. Just as Terry left a legacy for motion picture Terry to great acclaim and impres- cancer researchers, Terry Fox supporters sive viewing numbers. A children’s book by can leave a mark through this program. Maxine Trottier joined the Terry Fox library, which includes books by Leslie Scrivener and RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Eric Walters. Since 1981 the funds raised in Terry’s A significant fundraiser for the Foundation name have been allocated by the was generated by the sale of replicas of Terry’s National Cancer Institute of Canada. original running shoe, the Orion. Only Terry Fox recipients have included some 6,500 were produced in the limited run and sold of the top minds in Canada, many of out within days of release. whom credit their start in the field of The Terry Fox Foundation website at cancer research to the Terry Fox grant receives over six million hits each they received. September alone, and the addition of terryfoxclub The success of the 25th anniversary .org for children has only heightened the interest of the of Hope in 2005 in learning about Terry. The website for TFRI is opened the door to an additional oppor- located at and has already generated signif- tunity for funding research. After sig- icant interest from the research community. nificant consultation with the research community, the BRAND VALUES Foundation announced in The principles that Terry Fox October 2007 The Terry Fox valued so highly — integrity, More importantly, he had set in motion the Research Institute (TFRI). Like Terry, honesty, concern for others, framework for an event, and eventually, an organ- its mission is innovative. It is to work benevolence — form the very ization that would perpetuate his legacy. collaboratively to ensure that today’s essence of the brand that is best science becomes tomorrow’s The Terry Fox Foundation. THE PRODUCT affordable medicine. Living up to the example set by The Annual Terry Fox Run was the primary rev- The projects will bring researchers its founder allows the orga- enue source for the Foundation for many years, from across Canada to work seamlessly nization to think outside the but the positive role model Terry represented together in research projects that will box of traditional fundraising proved to be an irresistible soon improve health models. Terry’s vision of non- lure for teachers looking to outcomes in preven- commercial, all-inclusive events inspire their students. The tion, early detection set the Founda tion apart in a increasing popularity of Terry and treatment of highly competitive environment. Supporters Fox school fundraising events cancer patients. donate to the cause in the true spirit of Terry Fox reached its apex in 2005 with — selflessly, generously and with great compas- the first National School Run PROMOTION sion for others. Day (NSRD). Over 10,000 Over the years, hundreds of Terry once said, “I believe in miracles, I have schools and three million promotional opportunities have to.” His untimely death left his vision in the hands students joined together on presented themselves to the of millions of Canadians who transformed his the same day to raise funds Foundation for consideration. dreams into realities. The success of The Terry for cancer research. The suc- All are vetted with Terry’s Fox Foundation proves that nurturing and protect- cess of subsequent NSRDs has cemented this principles and vision in mind, and the proposals ing your brand is essential to achieving a loyal event as a key component in the Foundation’s that do succeed bear the imprimatur of Terry’s and enduring support base. fundraising campaign. family, which owns the rights to the Terry Fox Recent expansion has included Terry Fox at name and likeness. Work Day (TFAW) and the Great Canadian Head The 25th Anniversary of Terry’s Marathon of THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT Shave, events that highlight the opportunities for Hope brought about several remarkable promo- THE TERRY FOX FOUNDATION work-related fundraisers and which generated tional events and fundraisers. The Canadian Mint over one million dollars in its inaugural year. The launched the Terry Fox $1 coin, the first circula- ❍ Overall cancer survival rates jumped from development of a Planned Giving program will tory coin to feature an individual other than the 43% in 1979 to 64% in 2000. enhance the solid relationships that exist with the Royal Family. That was soon joined by a pictorial ❍ Today, there is a good chance Terry would not have died of his cancer and most likely would not have even lost a limb. ❍ In 2007, 12 adidas Orion shoes were auc- tioned off on eBay with each signed by 12 athletes including Muhammad Ali and . ❍ Over 500,000 Terry Fox T-shirts have been purchased over the past 20 years. ❍ Fourteen schools are named after Terry. ❍ There are Terry Fox Monuments across Canada — in St. John’s, , , Prince George, Burnaby, Vancouver, and Victoria.