Ir For News of the World, F (TWeus of the Southwest The Times i 'if. i, a mi n i in Iaju Unrnlii Tima. -- i PPrlAdiCO ll:.ri,. II...... - .J.. .1 MKTAL MARKETS. 8uroete e mismo din en que eg publi- cado, siendo fiel au (echa cada dlH Copper , IM.7J del uflo. Lm pagina ocho contiene las per Ultimas noticia del día en espaflol. silver, ot 57, puto per KB lbs HNJM.28 VmS loo II. xa , la Hnullmrot. mmt 4iirr mammatkt n W 34TH YEAR. EL PASO. TEXAS, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1914 TWELVE PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. ALL HOPE ABANDONED BY RESCUERS



RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR A PROMISES Ills ASSISTANCE I WIRES TVKi: SAFE, NEARLY S .mm IN ONBTrrUTIONAIi AMENDMENT FIXING THE EXTENDED REPORT Ol ALSO TALKED OVER THE SITU IIjIj RESPONSIBILITY CUMBRE AFFAIR TO GENERA! THN WITH MONEY AND LOT OF WET H COME UP TODAY. FOR THAT AWFUL AFFAIR REPRESENTATIVES GOODS FROM SALOON. CARRANZA AT CULIACAN. OF OPERATORS AND MINERS SEARCH WITHOUT RESULTS BACKED BY SENATOR ASHURST IS MAXIMO W.ii. I. ni. ii. Aslrs-- In Basement CASTILLO INSANE? WILL Ilciirss PIT 1,000 MEN INThTFttLD THE PROBE WILL BE A WIDE ONE Nothing No Clue to Loot ers No Arrests Made. But He Does Not Think Vote Will Be C.MvsUtiillniiallsts Efforts Will Be Washington De- I Redoubled Today Hope Entertained That Reached on Proposition Soon. clare Constitutionalist Commander Puts Efforts Will bo Made by the What was Bodies the Bandit Leader is Bereft of I Commit. perhaps the most dur His Mind. Busy Day at Juarez May ,'"d Mo","d ,,r May Be Found Near North for Torreón Tonight Utrik" "tiling the ing robbery ever perpetrated In El Portal, Beyond Where Bmkcman By or Tomorrow. the Aitnnciated Presé Paso county occurred at tin early Fernandez Was Found, It It Believed By the at All Not Disabled by Washington, Fct. 8. with their Associated Press hour yesterday a livery hanilll Ui .ii now Infest Western Hii the il inornltiK when gang Collision Attempted minds with immigration Washington, S. Afsocltttt Pn ss to Escape That Way Fervid Heat Caused Feb. Afier an lilliualiua will be in. prison (tic ix .f robbers problema, legislation, trcf-t- ob- hour's Denver. Colo., Feb. s' , ,, looted the Smelter saloon, trust conference with President Wil- days or (lie oe The by Burning Timbers "May Have Destroyed ligations de- son at (he entire section will laid gresslonul Investigation of th,- pool loom and cafe, on Bodies, However and President Wilson's While House tonight. Sec- waste declared Ceneral Coloi the Smelter termination for u retary Bryan Francisco Villi in do co:il strike begun today with co load about Theory Now Advanced reversal of policy announced that assur- officials of the Mexico lall- midway between the That Engineer and Fireman Had Been on the Panama tolls questions, admin- ances had been rercnecs at u hi. h the received from Gen- (enliiy umrninir shortly nis illiltle. Smelter pumping plant on the river Shot by istration leaders In congress had al- eral Francisco Villi of his to aflcr of the house commute iiiiii. Bandits Before Train Entered Tunnel and That Indention in Hie city from ;!i sta-- lank and That forgotten protect Spanish arrlial bonier mining met (Governor K. M A the cement plant. The most that they are face to jubjec'.s when he at- capital Accounts for Runaway Train face with .the equal suffrage tacked Torreón. in chihuahua. or Colorado and representative! r robbers got away with something and Collision with Burning Freight question. le tiere from the Tomorrow, however, Word also was Chihuahua expressly coal operators and the irqlte fiear f 1,000 in Wreckage a resolution from the purpose of taking personal emu Mine money, which wus In Charred Bones and Buttons All That Remain of for a constitutional ex- constitutionalist general of hip Inten- Workers of America Taking i amendment iiiiinil of the rauipalirn to put down banditry 1.000 pound steel snfe, and Engine tending suffrage to women Is tion of assisting In fixing the respon- timony will begin at 10 o'cl. In- - which Crew Walls of Tunnel Cave in and Bury first on In Western an. I tvns lilao Wreckage the calendar of business In senate. sibility for the Tagedy at Cumbre chihuahua will not leave morrow In the senate cliaml.ei taken, several boxes of the lion until every one -. Under from Five to Ten Feet of Senator Ashurst, is tunnel, on the Mexican Northwestern of Msilco Cas state capítol. At the conclusion ,,r .v. iKiir.- about IS bottles of Earth Feared That Rescuers who guiding the tillo's men have hen and put to whiskey. destinies of the railroad, in which several Americans raptured Denver hearings the committee wl May Be in Danger of resolution, does not were death rnr the heinous rerentiy com go n nd small Being Buried. expect it to come to a voto because suffocated. General Villa has rritne to Trinidad to investigate the strlk complied with tho request of milled, that of sending- American and Mcxi in detail In the for the rir several senators served him with no- the state ran pssesnxers Colorado flclila. tice department that i. guard of soldiers and train crew to their ine Watchman By that when the subject did come up accompany death In the burning tunnel at comi lislng Ufa Asleep. JAMES F. REDDING. they would like to discuss It. .the party, composed Cumbre.'' Representatives Martin I) Foai, mostly of ' Sends Wire tt C.tirranra. (Staff Correspondent ) "I know suffrage resolu- Americans, whp Intend to llnols chairman; James basement f the place, lilmoflt Morning Times that the recover the - n,, immediately his arrival in Francis dlreellv tion will Sen- bodies. Secretan- after Juarei Byrnes, South Carolina; M under wber oig Cumbre. Chih. Méx.. Feb. rt. 7:15 p. be before ub tomorrow," said he had (ieneral Villa communicated with Oeneral John snfe was located. m. Though the prosecu- Ashurst said tonight, I ordered American Con Evans. Montana: Klchnnl viiu,. but he was not by ator "but don't sul cawaraa Venustlano Carranza, constitutional presi- awakened the rob tion of the work of exploring ihe wreckage in think It will bo voted on as several at Juarez to send a spe- - Austin, Tennessee, and Howard Suth- n nuieny did they go the Cumbre tunnel nai iiieonenger wnn tnc party to re dent of the republic. In answer to re erland, Virginia, aboiv has been unflagging, despite the senators wish to debate it. If they port, on West arrived ir, LOIk; 'Usl Uov milnV were handicaps, nothing more has been give the affair. quest from him that Oeneral villa render Denver this mornlnH Without ia notice tomorrow tint they want say a full explanation of the j loss of tn! daring deed cannot discovered which would unravel the mystery surrounding I onstitutionalists here Maximo disaster al Cumbre ro ga surmised, as the fate Mm rafeare their speeches, th Castillo, who is . Uriel telegr.obltur a m Oeneral n"?a n 'A the sale paaapngers and resolution will go over. I am quit charred with rrarrt nassZniCl. "Jg$'i1?conferring with evidently lifted from thrTriMi. fgr? ;the crew of the train which plunged into the Page ne oarroom burning wreckage through the certain, however, that 'the senate will fol- shun, sharp 3.) Vnr . . and across north portal of the tunnel long; '""i"11""' oanait Wltn a snwl! and decisive campaign concrete sidewalk last vote on it before some time this lowing, recognlzlne neither linen., n,.r- Castillo's band of renegades. He slated loade and Wednesday night than told in my earlier dispatches v a wagon. Thin In season at any rate." arronza. Me was the body- In the orrirlals or the Mexico .North Western out, borne guard trusted fact that not a mark wiib .uWLh. exceP,ion of a few charred bones and Panama Canal Act. of Madero when the latter .,..o. whose properly Includes the Cumbre tun made sit her on U buttons found the field Ihe wooden flooring by the helmet men. who penetrated the- iuni.,1 ,i . Initiative action oil the repeal sec- against Diaz and members nel, one of the mosi remarkable piece TOOK LAW INTO .or want tr... ,l tion of the Panama Canal act exempt- or tne constitutionalist aarencv tier,. railway engineering in exrco. that he had Wagon tr as far as the locomotive of (he ill claim ess were plainly dlscern-n.- l tated nassenocr i, ii,,. .f,- - ing American coastwise ships from his present outlawry is the re r.nn men already In the or le at nothing w or Held in pursuit the of the Iook gallery In has '..tin. which tolls is expected during the coming sult insanity. They say he will ,k Castillo, whom It is thought has taken ' Indicate summarily bltllding, across which the the men, wi week, the president's purpose In the dealt with by Villa asylum In Ihe thickly wooded mountains THEIR OWN HANDS transported. nnd children (instituted - captured. The tracks the subject now being thoroughly under- In the vicinity or Chulrhlips, and Hist 5.KI ahowil thai the wagon had been man freight c destroyed by Ihe announcement that General more were ready to In stcod administration leaders Villa protect Join the chase. to the gallery, and but It Is fin leved now by Whether the president will read u would Spanish subjectx loot in Banditry Must Br Stopped TWO PROMINENT B was thrown Inc. the st HOI special message to congress on the nis invasion of Tori eon brought LSI NESS MEN a "Banditry In OF HAN that till re measure has npt been determined, Iml relief to officials here, who have been must be stopped Western ANTONIO KILL PRIEST .. nc,l With Sledge swamped with petitions represen- Chihuahua, anil In ran In all con IN Hammer Hope lO whether he does or not a bill to re and territory THEIR OWN COUNTRY HOME From the porch It :nler North Portal Today. tations on trolled by the no was haul nal the toll exemption section is be behalf of the threatened constitutionalist forres, Thi Ik In Spaniards. whsl the (ieneral Although matter cost.'1 said Villa dolled lllllll w It ing prepared. the proposed Word was - my liarlo Baumhariter ami .riling, hen repeal Is certain to provoke vigorous received h"r- today that "Should soldiers rail to capturo Cas Ills Son, thai n Milccesafnl attempt Citarles Meyers Dobson. formerly a tillo within the next six days. will order liarles A., Surrender to Shcrirr opposition, there Is a strong undercur made entei t he Un. l.l newspaper man. was imprisoned In every non combatant and orderly Neither Will Discuss Kllllns. r the tnnn. lent of sentiment among Democrats ritten north i rtal, nooi which the Torreón and Secretary Bryan dis- fron iliat district, and then I will begin uravuting the who are expected to vote for toll ex- patched a request Irak. man f ling for information to series ol ri. and expeditions, hoping III Uprcial H i, c to The Times edge tin. th. emption that the repeal would be wise the American consul there. way where it is hoped th risbeil The for foreign relations causes. in that to starve the outlaw Into sub San Antonio. Tex., Feb. x victims. If mission, r would deeply were Ing there nr.. 'H Ihls hour Legislation. regret unexpectedly t,, their nel. Will be uipelled to to this method or get home, I. cover. bill entrance The bills for anti-tru- legislation resort eighteen miles south they may be !,, HtiX Castillo, to sent south portal are far from complete. Hearings On AVILA but duty compels nie adopt Antonio, today, ('liarles Maun Uves for loving ARRIVES xireine measures to protect those who president of last d a nd w here ihom will continue before the house th,. Son, Hangers He ( lave rhosen to remain in Mexico and who Cement company, to 'omhnltoil. committees during the week. and Charles The chief danger ( seek my protection. However. reel thai son, the 1,1,.,, i ,.r i,. Holly lllly Ollf Roí Tomorrow Frederick Straus of New latter ore. York, who was a member of former AT JUAREZ POST Hiere Is little dnuht hut thai the enure Cement company, found S President Taft's commission on band, although small, will he m prison by Brnles, a Spanish mlsslonaij capitalization, will appear before eek rt'oni today at the latest. My only of the Catholic church. In tin " found ns to ihe identic wish at present. Is thai my expectations What they wiw prompted ell robbers, nor had any suspect the house commission on interstate be lakeil by commerce to discuss the proposed bill BRINGS 700 BEST SOLDIERS IN realized." father or son to sh ;Uil Ii in the sin riff's for federal control of railway secur- REBEL ARMY WILL SUCCEED I presses Rrarrt fell Into the front varil wi Eon I Surprised. GENERAL BEN A VIDES. Central Villa wasted but In bullet holes thloueh his nbdon John proprietor ..r Hi, ities. mile time was us baffled The Judiciary plans xpresslog his deepest regreis lo the offi nis left arm shattered l.v an. hi yesterday us Ho died In a ""Kb When he left to confer with President Wilson on in cial of the North Western on account or liosniti.i a the Villa Juarez to Round Up Bandits night. I" o'clock Saturday night h the tentative outline of a measure Going the horrible disaster ai Cumbre and asked Back to Chihuahua Today J. or Baumberger and Ins son fill locked th., pi,,,.-- but ,,v to regulate holding compunies. A mea- general superintendent the Hie tr iiquumm. railway system, to express among the wealthiest and mi absence of bars did In hi sure has been drafted which would entire i ind. ii. heartrelt sympathies to the families of nciil business men in San Antonio, tin The In not prohibit all forms of holding the door, according t Colonel Fidel Avila, those who lost their lives In the tunnel surrendered r. Hherirf Tobli tonight corporations, but would prohibit the at the head of was a strong one. s holding 700 or ...... He told Mr. Prultt that the disaster was A few minutes later, her.. Justice which acquisition by companies of the bast risk, both men out ordinary intruders stock in competing concerns. grilled soldiers of not only one or ihe most hrutsl crimes waived preliminary Although General Francisco ever hearing and each gave 16,000 there is hut Testimony From Texas. villas command, arrived In Juarez resorted to for revenge but that It ball f officer In that ibl yesterday cune as a blow to him and to bis start xnetr appearance before Dm grund section. Ic Sheriff Clayton, morning as an escort ozen, Holdlers are hi Representatives Carlln and to officers.' Jury. h' had e finally, Floyd of Judiciary General Villa, who came fro, ,h. lions Intervals throughout ihe Mexi 'an. is the (ieneral carranza also asked, through Neither Will Talk. is iw'ay. were impressed last week by the yapnai ' iaRe charge of the Neither of Ihem tonight seuielnelll Having be, n taken .f the I'arly Qulf campaign against the bandits who are oeneral villi, thai his regrets be expressed r"ld froni the river. llll I, filio, Ho. In IVrll. testimony of officials of the oil to tne railway make a statement. Mullet I the of ill, Enterprise company of Texas, a Tex- vurains in tne vicinity of Pearson frirlais. the body inbargo on arms. Die) do not patrol Illdgod is'"v red by the and Cumbre, and to Avila Arrives Wllk 700 Men of the priest Indlci I hat Die south portal as corporation. Officials of the con- garrison Juarez cepera weapons of a different tnickii as they have glneer and fir rela- uuring tne absence of General With Villa came Col. Fidel AvttS mill had rlon Past. and nig lii its entire cern testified that they had no 7no picked rrom been brought Into action or disabled h any kind with the Standard "ciiawaes, wno has been detailed to with men oeneral Villa through the absence r.r patrols along they raines of ihe tions of rtrst r. These soldiers are reputed The Right Rev. John W Miav had been red Oil company, a so "oum to take part In the uttack bishop the river bunk the highwaymen had with five or hut submitted that on to be the best equipped and best drilled of the San Ai,i.,,,i,. ample dlts befo red he I. Mi gnat holding corporation was essential to lorreon. through time and opportunity to crack t unnel, id masses General In the entire constitutionalist army or sev admitted his chancellor that the pafe , therefore t Ming, competition against a Benavidea commands tho a man before being aught at their t the greatly their aiogosa eral thousand, and were chosen tor Its named S V'lrum Urales had work ollisb of Die explorers. monopoly. brigade, one of the crack at one time That - Ilghl ..l th regiments of General ,.,,r,e Juarez garrison ror ihe purpose or ex term been Identified with the Took it Ixjt Hi Hearings on rural credits legisla villa1. diocese a of thicks. did not Use thi-ll- l Scenes. While Inating all traces or banditry in the north as traveling missionary, Nearlv 500 u will be continued before the house General Benavidos has orders working chiefly beer hi rig Int. be entrances to tlon to oe ready to ern and western portions or the state. In the settlements were taken, and it Is belli r. on banking and cur- entrain this morning where there are colonies that re alive, oiling. Scores ii la generally believed In (bat Col. Avila Is well known and well liked of Mexicans. through the return of tl .1 reía- rency. Conferences between the pres- Juarez The bishop waa emphatic In bis state- lerles which children Bulkely, he will not leave the border city until in Juarez and his presence there Is in clue will be found It los! their lives ident. Representative chair Ma. ment that the man waa no longer - nnd which ieneral unci south, which n predated by miny who know him. iceorrt- - that who- er the robbers of death are man of the Majority expected Ing to their own statements yesterday connected with the dlooesc they may attempt to pass solved. Underwood, of the house, and he will do either late tonight not ing Ihe In mging Leader1 or early tomorrow Colonel Avila' command icted as an escort until three houra after ihe in small lots bark to the bar, It Owen, of the sen- morning. Trains death and Ml ,1 (o IP heir loved ones, Senator chairman are now Uelng up In' to General Villi on his trip here rrom the man's tonlsht was his identity is barely possible that Head commission, resulted In the" de- made the Mexican positively estsblished. By .lA.MI'.S K KKIUHNi; camp awultlui-Ih- ate railway yards or the sine capital. Then hi. nss department will find so termination to press for early passage trans "waa shrouded to mystery, foe no one the by (Staff Correspondent Morning Tun rescuers. sudation oi tne zaragosu brlgad. Has lessorlaat Bualawaa robbers watching Iron IVrl-.l- the bill which will be framed by the wixn xne or Han Cumbre. .Chihuahua. I'd,, s. oeneral Avila Is one of General Aside from i omina to the border to alócese the is who hearings by the. sen- to p. m .ludglng from In fun i lost their committee. Joint vinas most tried and trusted officers, take charge of the campaign asalast camenrai. wnlch he is BRITISH TRAMP HTKAMKK. dor as published and house committees probably ''wsaid to have been ,i bones and buttons thus far r c,. i ate and. according to merchant!, .,,.,i Maximo Castillo, (ieneral Villa alto cam attached day arranged, but an effort will be mi. give any information beyond I near the locomotive ,.f morning Is will be dents of Juarez, his assignment to ta arrange several business affairs and to the name Vuecn Mil ac Remains (.rounded the passion is to have the bill before the house and then only that he had been a I llu- - train wrecked and horned in i Carruth made me ooroer city as de armas arrange several financial matters. lis was Wheve It and.. In Tog I 1. Jefe las missionary working vicinity ñu Cumbre tunn.-- on nigl .oil. bo added. by April meets with the approval of those who engaged all of yesterday morning, and as in the ot tin Attueialed fresa Wednesday uve aooience mm was nan Antonio. M anasquan. N. J., Feb Three all of the passengers, both Amen, in juares. mis almost an liu wilh her ( hll-- Compulsar? Arhltratles. poaalblllty He was Recognized by Hauy. wrecking tugs and government and Mexleun, and nil the crew I. i ine aranosa brigade Is equipped besieged throughout However, many two at Pearson. Springfield. Ills.. Keb. 8 Compulsory ar- v. the early part of the day by who saw hla body vessels, the revenue Itasca and their lives The only body found w muí In mi rai sections of artillery, a officer, of on an cutter iy i Join her hus- - bitration never mil be advocated by the section of machine guna and an ar- Bla army, business meo from Kl Paso and undertaker's bench said he hud the derelict destroyer Señera, mads that of Juan Kernandez, an ncciu bund Participated In ou- - a United mates department while William mored motor car, Juarez and by personal ceremonies at the concerted but futile attempt today of which was published lu The Tim 111. I which will play an friends who took thedral here, and was widely Sunday relelH Holdup. Wilson Is secretary or labor. The people Important part in the Torreón cam- advantage of what VIII probably he Ml that he lo pull the British tramp steamer morning Dial anown because of his handsome A Maximo Castillo cm Springfield gol the secretary' word for paign, of fleers in say. last trip to Juarez before the fea Queen from the sand bar off rescuing parly, wearing oxyg .1 Juares Bena- Torrea d Hi" party of bnn-- I It In an address delivered to 8.000 men to- vides has been cnmpalgn to ld hlui goodbye tures. the Seagirt beach, where she grounded helmets, forced their was from t Jefe de las armas and aud wtsk How Ions In illls thin, stop the freight train and day In the Young Men's Christian Associa- In charge of the garrison Dim success on BIS Seat big move. th. he had been at work early yesterday durln;: a fog The south portal in the wreckage pushed n Juares since the vicinity of Klinendorf no one here lot the tunnel before set-i- tion i the resignation of Colonel N. ultltunte result of which will be, he says wreckers have not given up hope of the burned freight train to the ell- - Hug Juan would say, although he was a floating tire to that he had with Mi Wilson considers such arbitration Medina several weeks ago. the capture ef zfezieo City and a triumph fre the steamer, however; An- glne and first two or Dire, rs of the htm hut lo ..rid wo quent visitor there Not la wbmen. With "contrary lo the spirit of human freedom." Immediately unon his '.n of the constitutional cause In Mezl.-o- until three other effort planned for tomorrow passenger truin. but found thing is arrival days ago did ihere conn- an hla party he said to have gone Im- - anil useless as a method of producing in- Juarez at J o'clock yesterday morning During moat of the afternoon the neu- Intima Meanwhile the work of lightering the cent the bones and button Iludo. tion that he hud been a visitor at the cargo d to mediately, after the freight wreck, to dustrial peace. vina saia mat he would return eral aleiit. havinr been in, n ..... of tin plate, which was begun above The wreckage is i with Chuichupa. in Baumberger country home today, will be Chihuahua either tonight or tomor- tlon r'Naturday and early yesterday continued rrom rive to ten feet ,,r ro. and earth Believed III' ...... uibt As neither of the Bauinberger lll Captain Mclionnugh Watched the Wrevk. Weather Forecast, row at an early hour. He also said ion, ne was muguen rruMi his hur. of the Queen which was caved the roof and ll is s.ud that lie did the Press talk it. is not known what oromnted I. .. un,- and her crew of upwards if not slop tho lis AsneiaUd that he expected to remain in Chi- rled departure fruoi (hlhuahus aud hla lis of the ti passenger train, although II is Washington. Feb, 8. West, Texas, nearly their summary taking of Ihe law into a score of men were still on Ii., .lie-- believed huahua but a few hoiira. coin from all night ride tu Juares, being eves own board May Bo I'rol.sted. he had planned Hie wreck. After New Mexico and Arizona: Fair Mon- there to take personal charge mora tired after their, hands or which of the tonight If any' bodies In the uf the luurbeoa when hla friends Meed. noes Baumberget, or both, were remain wreck- setting fire to the freight, he and his day and Tuesday. campaign against Torreón. (Continued on 3.) The Queen I.oulse wss bound from age. they1 will t.e those protected rLy went over Pace invon4 Bwaasea, Wales, to New York.. llien Ihe divide to watch this covering of earth, but it is doubt. tho approach of the passenger tram EL PASO MORNING TIMES. Monday. February 9. 1914.

r NIT ED STATES m nr.At; BA1I.T srixtmw. City ie Obsernrtieae Takoa at a. ra., Mak MerMtaai Ttaae, Febraary S, tail Pass the Center of rare -- Wlad - Preelp. HUERTA GETS Lowest Highest Last fttate ot Great Cattle Raising District gtstleas ..A,,fc y. Night. Weather. ectlon. Hour. Inches. VBinuililteHiiliitii, WiJiIh.ImiIi,Ww'1mJ Abilene . , "IKl Us, Hsrvia sasitW rf fiBi Amarillo .... BS SB Clear "t f'tfnf iitMftin Islatgn w" unsurpassed FOB THE PAINS WOMEN ONLY KNOW J. D. Jackson, President of the Texas Cattle Raisers' Associa Atlanta .... M 38 Clear IN COWraiEKT AMD AN Boise. Idaho 40 Cloudy !W lc Ztt PACKAGES AT AIL BIUOCUTS ADVANTAGE Boston . A-- tion, a Visitor in the City Assert s There More Then St Pt.Cldy NW r. Usa Salvo For Ec b Chicago Clear HW $60,000,000 Worth of Stock on the Ranges of This Sec- Clnrlnnstl W í Denver . . . Clear JÍW .00 it i ol s RAILWAY IilXKH UK tion Cattlemen Will Hold Meeting at Sheldon Today. Detroit 4 Pr.C!dy W TWEEN T VWPH AND LARKDO I'u Inl h. Miaga .. Clear HW nnd saw It dniih into the num. I. With and combinations contrary to law for PAtK) "rt his party then disappeared nnd ha controlling production, AND HAIvTILLO AND TOKKEON. K Clesr NK he the sale and With Islreston NK not been en or hoard of since. transportation of copper. fertile graxlng ranges an deal stockyards and within the next six Havre, Moat. ... cSóody passenger water, supplies nearbv. Kl Paao u in months Is expected The train m" have Whether arms and ammunition the this number Jacksonville .... leildy (truck the freight wreck with a force have been shipped Into the fields for REBELS NOT OPERATING heart of ons of the greatest exceed the 200.000 mark, for all rec- Utile Itoek Pt Cldy that disabled the engine or killed the the purpose of excluding the products regions of tita west, and when ords for spring shipments are confi- I. e Angeles Pt.Cldy crew, of the ne mammoth Klephant Butte dam dentially expected to be shattered. Naahvllle Clesr engine because the helmet men mine from competitive mat la cotnliletAd mnA Urn New Orleans Cloudy Who Investigated today any that no kets In the Interstate trade. Bfforts have been made and are New Tork peonase OHDKBICD TO BHKAK UP "MM.I. suAs flowing Into the Irrigation being made by southwestern cattlemen ...... Clear attempt made to back the Whether exists or has been ditches to give timaba Clear train awny from the freight maintained. BANDN AND i'ONCF.NTRATK IN renewed rite to the to have the law pertaining to the dip- Phoenix Pt.Cldy ex- I Hi .1 It MOM Ml I Darren wastes or the Klo Grande val- ping cattle repealed. Mr. Jackson Rapid City, g. wreckage after tho collialon. If any or all these conditions ley, ihe production of O. loud. ists, causes led up situa- Is expected to be says this law pertains to the dipping Iloswell Clear what to the practically doubled, manv st Kzpert - Cumbre. tion. because of or all cattle shipped rrom ranges and Louis Clear to the large farms will be converted Into stockyards During re- Halt Lake city ... Clear A special Juarez "We expect to take up the last of MILL IN to the markets. train will leave EXPECTEI OPERATIONS gracing lands Instead of being utilised cent months this law has not been so Sun Antonio Cloudy M bortly Z o'clock this nfternoon these subjects Orel." Hilton said. Han Franelsoo . . after io proauce vegetables and alfalfa. strictly observed. When cattle are In- Clear xw I oxy- There will be forty miners ready to Hanla with John MrKeehnn. an expert Among the prominent flicted with any disease or are thrown Pe Pt.Cldy NW gen helmet nnd pnlmotor man em- testify before the committee tomor- arrivals In the Kent tie 'Ie. 8 row Will Not Be Much Doing mil Bebéis city yesterday waa J. D. Jackson. open to contagious disease they are Washington ployed by the Copper Queen Company aa to conditions under w'.ilch they ThentM-lve- Clear NW Have supplied With of the Texas Cattle as- shipped to pens and sold as such, and Wichlts. Kan at Blsbee, and four of his ussltdants. are compelled to work and the wages Mu Raisers' .. Clear they are paid. nit Ions of War. sociation, who la stopping at the Paso are not permitted to be sold until a Yams Clear N I Mr McKeenan will arrive In Kl Paso uei orie notel, suys veterinary pronounces them entirely thla morning, but hi assistants III "The treatment of the miners has and he that he fly believes the Kl Paao territory is soon cured. not arrive until about 2 o'clock thla been uniformly and fa Utoim.j Prrm to In- become the source of cattle suplpy Meeting Here Today. afternoon. Immediately upon their without warrant, and tefore this Mexico Oily. Feb. 8. President for Chicago, meeting today vestigation the will past Kansas City and other There wilt be a at FIRST ZERO WEATHER arrival they will be taken to Juares miners convince Huerta has succeeded in the large cities of the middle west. noon kt the Hotel Sheldon, which will WOULD CHANGE and plao-- aboard the upeclal trnln, the public of the Justice of their case'." week, without much fighting, in re be by Mr. Jackson and a mm Mock Valued at $0,000,000. attended which will leave ax soon they board Mr. Hilton said the Italian hall dis- opening the line of communication to large number of other cattlemen, for OF YEAR IN CHICAGO It, for Cumbre. McKeenan In an ex- aster at Calumot on Christmas Eve amílico and Laredo and betwen Hal During the last la estimated the- purpose of completing final ar- pert In rescue work nnd In being sent would he touched upon, because It tillo and Torreón Thl apparent ad that 1,000,000 cattle, 3(0,000 horses rangements to make Ihe trip to Okla TENNIS RULES to the Cumbre tunnel to supervise the led up to the deportation of Charles vantago la explained to aome extent and 1,760,000 sheep grazed upon the homa City the first of th coming exploration of the burning tunnel. H. Moyer on the night of Decem- by the fact that the rebels have re ranges of the Kl Paao territory, and month to attend the annual conven Brought One Death and Much Suffer- ber eel ved instruction to cease operat they have a value of 10,000.000. The ing to Thousands of tbe City's 2. past tion of the St Southwest V.TMilM. WOULD GIVE Poor. belli Father Coming. ing In small bands In those districts, fall and winter has been an Ideal Stockmen's association, March S, 4 SERVER I I BUT CHANCE, EMMINAT-IN- fly the ln(r,l I'm H KHONK OF It where they had been cutting the linea one for the cattle, Mr. Jackson said, S. ONE VKT and he expects to see and A SERVE. Rmporia.l. Kan., Keb. RKMAIN8 INBIIOKKN. and Join the concentration movement some of the Bert Orndorff. one of the members By the Associated Pre received today by Itev. Bernard SAV WKATHKK KXPKBTS near Torreón, the middle district and largest, gMpmoiiu a; cattle made from of committee on arrangements, tho southwest in Its history. The the Chicago, Feb. t. Kerb weather Kelly Indicate that hla mm, Theron bout Tamplro, on Ihe gulf coast entire aald last night that he believed there Speed Up Chatn-uk-m tin Iht Attm Prree - good Will Game, World's the first of the year here brought Kelly, wan among the American luiré The Indications are that there- will weather and grass were prime would be a sufficient number ot people one Washington, Feb. 8 Winter's factors In making the year a profitable Asserts Amendments Will Be death and suffering to thousand In the trulrt deatroyed In be a lull In the military operations un sign for the trip to Insure obtaining Proposed on of poor today) waive backbone "till n long way from the one lo the rar.cher, and thousands of Friday of This Week. here The cold Cumbre tunnel being rebels have annulled them several Pullman coaches, and possibly arrived last night, nnd at 3 o'clock thla lly broken, uccordlng to the selves with additional arma and am calves are soon to be branded and the special Mr. K. left tonight for Kl Paao, weather bureau experts. steers und cows cut out from herd train. morning the thermometer registered munition, which are now available the The El Pasoans will attend the By ihe Aasocbited Press be- Tcxne. "The general at- to be shipped. zero. At ( o'clock seven degrees distribution of Cnlted States, and that when that are Oklahoma City convention with a view 8. The. aon bod been engaged In rail- mospheric pressure over yie Kl Paso has four stockyards owned New Tork, Feb. At the' annnal low was registered and the mercury road construction work In Mexico. Carransa and Villa and oth of bringing the 191K meeting here, and meeting of the United States Lawn since then hag hovered below the zero North American continent und er rebel lenders have completed their by the railroads or Individuals, and they are going "loaded for bear," to the adjacent oceans," said the largo one is soon to. be built Tennis Association to be held mark. preparations for an another use a slang expression. General Seventy-five- - Kelly a n member of lodge No. weekly bulletin today, "Is such as advance several by a syndicate of local men. Thla here on Friday new rules defining fires, most of them Important engagements cattle Villa kindly donated his Toot-fau- 17. i. p. o. K having Joined the to Indicate temperature will then yard will be built just as soon as quiet "Pancho" has the amateur and lt In service caused by overheated stoves .and fur- consider- fought. band for the trip and the delegates naces, mov- local lodge several yearn ago. Ills ably below the seasonal average, la restored In Northern Mexico and - will be considered. Some attempt kept the fire department name appear In the Isthmus of Tehuantenee and from this section will wear broad- will be made to enact rules conform- ing all day. Tonight the department on the offlciul roster uh until the middle of the week east In shipments of cattle from the Chihua- and cowboy "ThomaH M. Kelly." according the adjoining regions extending appear- brimmed hats, Mexican ing to those recently adopted by was badly crippled, many, of Its mem- to llert of the Itocky mountains nnd norm, - hua ranges start making their costumes, and will take along hun the McCabe, aMHlKtant secretary and man- temperature near the seasonal notn east and west of the capl- ance here. International Lawn Tennis Federa- bers suffering frozen hands and feet. souvenirs. The El Pasoans Crysoa-tom- Mc- average nnmerous rebel organization are dreds of tion. Two Episcopal churches, flt. e ager of the local Klka home. Mr. on the Pacific slope. operating, 150,404 shipped From Here. will return via Worth, whore tney Cabe said last night thut T. M. Kelly's "The weather will be generally but the Intérest In tneir Fort In this connection players will be and the Church of the Annuncia campaigns grown 11,0.404 will attend the cattlemen's convention A father was a mlnlater and that his fair during the first half of tho has less In the ex Within the last six months surprised to learn that Anthony Wild- tion, were damaged by fires. Jew week In plains pectation of development In the cattle have been shipped from the lo- - there. ing world's singles champion, advo- ish charitable organization gave meals relative lived In. Kansas, but at the states, the Country parsons. Topeka Kmporla. great central valleys and the still further north, where cates changing the service rule to but to more than a thousand rather than both factions have mobilized larae Other organisations were busy among north Atlantic states. In gulf and Investigation aa to feasibili one serve, In place of the double south Atlantic states, the weather armies. their the chance now permitted by rules. the lodging houses and among the TO PUT DOWN ty government-owne- d we us ana the will be overcast, with probably Sierra Indian Mftiiiie BANDITRY Bt of oil Wilding believes there Is a universal poorer districts. LOOKING INTO COAL STIKE rain along the gulf and south Perhaps the most dangerous rebel id ne lines ln Oklahoma for naval uses. demand for speeding up the game at At the hospitals, particularly the operation comparatively close to the Commissioner Sells said tonight that county hospital, there were constant Atlantic coasts until Wednesday. were all points. He considers that the "The next disturbance of Im- capital is that directed bv Oeneral (Continued From Page 1.) when the hearings conciuaen substitution of one service two appeals for help. Adam Beanskt, a J mm here, he and Commander Boyd prob for teamster, so badly (Continued portance to croaa the United Francisco Lucas. nonulurlv would not only shorten sets, but froze his hands that rrom :.) state.., will appear ne "patriaren of the Hierra In blv will inspect conditions of the In removing his glove his index finger on the north on the would Improve the general standard am. .mi. coaat on Tuesday, at- dlnns." had left htm and hualness transactions for Oklahoma fields and of those of service. snapped off. by i nese the day woro concluded. Pacific coast. Evidence ao far gath Only one due to cold was state officer of tended general rains. It will Indian control a larre area death the and leader the clash- oyer io me ered by the investigators, it was said Will cultivate Restraint. reported to police. Twenty-si- x ing faction in the Industrial war. preval the middle west north and east of tho capital Contera With Offleera. the about Thursday and the eastern for the moat part In the state of Pue- tonight, is favorable to the. project. The player who nits more or less hundred men were cared for tonight ln I" raiii.M Companies. bla. They Oeneral K. K. llenavidea was In confer- blindly at his effort, conscious municipal lodging house, as Htutea Friday or Haturduy, This are well equipped and ap two or first the and The wlfl by pear to be ence with General Villa three boura Wyoming Woman Shoots Self. that Its failure need not necessarily many more were turaei away, po- operation com paule were disturbance be preceded determined to do their during morning, planning, It ssld the by K. n general tem- share in the the Hv tne AuMOOiaUá t'rett bar him from winning the point, lice say. represented Welborn, reaction to higher coming operations. They by officers, the president Jee perature, and be attended by amone a junior for Torreón Denver. Colo.. Feb. 8. Three shots, would cultivate more restraint and of ihe Colorado fuel and receiveo them fore General 'Hensvlde and bi com- Iron company. Jnhn (,'. Osgood, general rHln in southern and snow aonut- 200 nortoern rebels, who serve fired at intervals in an apartment therefore more skill In playing hla und rain In state east Ink their e.,n. ma nil. rbe Zaragoza brigade, bss been house ln a fashionable residence dis- delivery. Thus he contends that the of lb.. Fuel northern movement with that General Villa, mid wltb company; W. of the lloeky mountain. uucteu by Oeneral chosen to. escort trict tnnlarht. arnuaed the neighbors average play, now often loose and 1. Drown, president of Carranza. the of tbe bitter from Juares the Rocky company, "It will be followed by colder i Illicit ha at Torreón departure dnd the police were summoned. The unprofitable, must essentially Im- Mountain Fuel reuieni General Kennvldes and bis entire com- nnd Frank 15. (love and Fred Harring- weather, which will make Its ap- n.uuu men and 4.000 at Monlerev A officers aousht admission to the apart prove, since greater care would be Thurs--day.- mand will leave also. SPANISH ASSASSINS ton, attorneys. pearance in the northwest " Tamplco the federal anirrlson on ment and being denied, burst open the expended on Its delivery. The strikers were Trulu are now being made ready In ... represenled by John Mclennun, pre. proximately Í.000. and alwsvs there door Just as Miss Jennie Bolton, He believes that the difficulty of lite Natloual rnllvvnys ysrds to transport foot-fau- Idem of District No. 16. United Mine remains the waterway from Vera Crux years old. of Itawlins, Wyo., nrea administering the present lt M M PRISM-DK.N- Z.i rug., .a brigade to the bulllefleld KILL THE WRONG MAN Worker of It. I'll is BANK to reinrnrce Tamplco. de- the the fourth shot at herself and sue rule would disappear when the pen- America; John Uwwn. Huerta has itrouud and near Torreón. member of the union' International shout IN His AC- clared that ho will continue to send ceeded ln Inflicting a probable fatal alty Involved the loss of ace; players executive board, und Jume H. Brews- COUNT KXTICNT NWMI.OOO troops to Torreón until the garrison May Laave Toalgbt. wound in her breast. None of the would be careful to conform not only till the OX Were l ter, attorney. Attvcialrd Pint mere num riera 10,000. Just when Ueiiersl Villa will depart far other shots had taken effect. with the spirit the law, but with Its After 'omicr Governor of Bar. Klnc Memphl. Tenn.. Feb. 8. D- The Taking; of Torremn. public letter aa well. v i cedona and Htaot Unoffending Civ- the beginning of the .southern the south was not made yesterdsy. ilian. , Colorado Birike Heptember, irectors of the Mercantile bank, Military men nrofea to bolineo ih,i He Rtated, however, that be would spend Millionaire Clabman Hot urns. Players Not Hand! capped. lat considered one of tho strongest there Is much doubt as By the Ananciatrd Pretil Amnion und vuriou atate and here, tonight to the ahllltv today In Juarez, possibly lesvlng tonlglit As to the result of such a chance civic organization declared the bank f the rebels to take Torreón. Not a of nls members of tne San FYanclsco, Feb.. 8. Walter A. By the have made futile Insolvent and ordered Its doors ew Members staff snd on such service specialists as Mc- Attoelated Preu effort to bring about a personal con. are convinced that the rebels neo lioHpllal corps, however, stated that they McCreary, millionaire clubman and Barcelona, to remuln closed tomorrow. iiKciy to i,p Laughlin and Brooks, Wilding does Feb. 8. An attempt was ference between miner operator checked In their move IihiI to on Tuesday morn- polo player, who escaped from his today and Resolution adopted by the di- ment southward, order éntrala not believe they or .their kind would made to kill Senor The house committee achieved an Ini- both nt Turre ing. General Villa said that If lie did not legal guardian. Attorney H. H. be materially Tiandlcapped. who was governor of rectors declared this action nec- nt Tamplco. President Murl- - Where Barcelona tial triumph by securing such a con- essary "in view of the default Huertn's calm leave for Chihuahua toulght be would while ln detention on Loa from natural ability a particularly at trie time of the disorders in 1909. attitude after the llftlna of the m- - tos Hollister, Cal"., on Oc- ference without the xlightcst opposi- of the president, C. H. Italne, this oargo leave at sunrise tomorrow. ranch near good service has been evolved, calcu- The escaped and, in his tion from side. on nrau seems to have gained will not stop any length of time tober 26, 1913, returned today to San stead, an either day discovered." Mm some He lated to score outright, the same qual- innocent citizen was shot to Ktrlkc leaders and heads o'f big Attorneys were to sympathy and in local In tbe state capital, he say, but will Francisco from England. His appli ity will respond to a more exacting death. authorited financial centers It Is , competency corporation shook hum! and dis- rile a petition tomorrow for the belleveA that pend only that time there uecesary to cation to be restored to task, and In the example which these A riot, ensued at the conclusion of cussed amicably has slightly more favorable ,,, minor Importance and given management of his own a meeting of the arrangement for conservation of assets. r obtaining money, give a few, order of the men set will be found Inspiration for the partisans of Anton the Investigation, which each tbooei, ...h,.,.. pick up n few companies of sol- affairs will be heard In the superior Mam, who was addressed by side It was said that Mr. Italne has , uud to lees gifted players. Senor pledged In every way. irom BiUTOpoan sources. before court tomorrow. The gov-t- i. Itself to turned over to the bunk his per- Hut even diers who aie awaiting hla arrival forrtier - ult estate, without foreign leuvlng Torreón. Several carlonda of ernorauf Barcelona is an operator- and Striker. muta! vulned at nearly a ,..i.,,,. for A y I I .intimate it Is certain that he will be able to up by the FgMIDBMT OF II rrlendbf Maru's, but Is unpop'uiar $ At half million dollars. ammunition will alo be picked on Ihe session tomorrow, opening Is cap- xtract from local sources many mll- - account of the part he took lb quelling statement be in of The Mercantile bank IIOIIM Kuragoaa brlgude. GOLDEN JUBILEE will made behalf italised at 1200,000, and Its last .i un ne mis mane no secret. THE Oréate lámar Deslaiml Elect ad by the riot tn Barcelona, where martial the operator Is t y til In New and the strikers. It published statement showed as- saying that If ton wort be In Mrion Last Nigh. law was proclaimed during a strike. planned to of ne recently been - then hear testimony sets of about two nnd inns would take money where he The Ziirngiirs brigade has By A great mob gathered outside- the state officers, irtetlidlrig K, V. muny of OF the Attoelated Prttt Hruke, million dollar. Issued nest khaki ualforru und KNIGHTS OF PYtHUS Port sn Prince, Feb. 8. Oréate Zsraor building and In spite of frequent deputy labor commissioner; KunHcll Although officials of the Special Taxes Probable. the soldier uupcared on the streets for wss elected of by congress charges by the police they forced 1). Oeorge, bank president Hayti their late geologist, and Jame decline to say wrat was the me owners of hacienda adjoining the first time yesterday afteruoon attired toulght. way to an automobile ln which It was Dalrymplc, chief coal mine Inspector. amount of the alleged Hhortage. the atate of Mexico have been notified lu tbe kbakl blouse, riding trousers, s Fiftieth Anniversary of Founding wa announced election suppoaed tho was riding. of that they army the that sfter the Future movements the commit- bunkers close lo the directors es- would be expected to loan and tan shoes Itegslattott hat "i ill- - will Do Fitting- tho detsebmsnts from tbe foreign warships A volley of revolver shots was fired will to ex- the government tee depend a considerable timated that the amount would money on their land, the American army pattern have ulso ly Celebrated. would return to their iblps, as condition Into the machine and when the body it y tent upon ibi' situation as developed run between $300,000 and !u00,-000- . and would cause no surprise If spe- ii Issue, to a great manrit of the were of the victim was taken out It was by cial tranquil. ihe ettitcmciitK heard tomorrow. It taxea were Imposed on all prop, aoldiers. Their appearance is somewhat The revolutionary troop nnder Zatnor found to be that of a civilian. In the erty n tin the Attociatet o expected, hi sr. thti Ihe rnver the. capital and other cltleg of ii. iter thau It bus been In the past, when Prrtt occupy all military stations. meantime Senor )R Boston. Feb. 8. program the There hearing will 11 not more than two Tuberculous Families. wolch linen,, ln control a soldiers wore dressed in every The of tbe rol were no disorders on the srrlval of drove off by a roundabout route. The opinion Is den jubilee celebration by Ihe supreme the or three duys. possibly lea From here tin ls .1 mucin lid fres held here that the excuse for u uniform, some of revolutionists from Oonglres. rommtttee will go to rebels from lodge, knight of Pythias, in Boston. Feb- Ihe probably New York. Feb. a A year of ex the north from now on tbe men barefooted and many without Oreste .inner wits formerly governor of Motor Car Asxcldem. Trinidad, and bold brief hearings in will direct their energies along costs. In parade tbe unlf armed ruary It, in observance of the rmieth an- perimenl In Isolating In model tene two blouses or or tbe northern depsrtment and held the By the Asaooisfeat Pees Pueblo ii rid Colorado Springs. lines of campaign, one looking to a niversary the rounding or tbe fraternity 1B11'. ments families that have been mad the Ksrugoza brigade will make atrlklog portfolio of the war ministry ln He Jopltn. Mo., S. Investigation Colo, capture of Torreón. was announced today by Oeo. W. Pennl-ma- Feb. Fred Gold- of ihe northern dependent by conditions Zacatecas. Aguas headed the revolution In tbe city of Oonsl-v- Instantly rado vvl'l made, hear- tubercular Callentes and other towns secretary or the golden Jubilee com smith waa killed today strike alsir'be among their members has proved i in their General Villa renuilneu at ins uome on last January, and his forces 4 few ings being held at Boulder path to the capital, and mittee. The order wis instituted in iwu at when a motor car ln which he was and other success not only In the treatment the other to Avenue l.enlo laat night, receiving several days later won o victory over the revo riding with four companions burst a points In the northern part of the the capture of Tasnplco. with Informally aud alao attending to Washington, where two or the organisers. the disease but In working to a mark laltora Abrin lutionist under Senator navHmar Theo tire and was overturned on a road state. and San Luis Potosí as aecond-ar- y of state between visita. vender Veer snd Edward 8. klrn- - dore, wbo bad proclaimed himself com ed extent the social and economic re objects. The affairs ball. nil live. near here. Broad Investigation. of the families, according moral effect of the f of all rebels. Theodore habilltation capture of Torreón a.nd Tbe program Includes a by The scope of the Investigation will to a report made public today by the other towns reception returned to Cape Haltien. where ha set Cleaning, along the first line of POHTI'Ul'ENE CABINET. President Wilson the White an dyeing, pressing. Crescent be brpad. The committee will endeavor, Association of Improving the Condi campaign would it House: up a provisional government. Cleaning Works. 061. be great, but military men point out address on "Fraternity" by Secretary or Phone (Adv.) primarily, to affect a settlement of the lion of the Poor, which conducted by Colorado may that the strategic value of Tamplco New Ministerial Body formed Former state Bryan, past chancellor or the Pythian striae, Suggestions also the experiment. would be Ambassador to Brsill. lodge at Lincoln. Neb., be determined upon for recommenda- still greater, as It Is the and speeches by source Associated Walter B. Rlcble or an- - by non- - of the fuel oil supply. bg thr Preat Lima, Ohio, nasi tions of new labor legislation Beat autos, careful Phona 8. Bernardino Machado, re prema gres In addition, the Investlgutors drivers Capture of Tamplco Lisbon. Feb. chancellor: Mrs. Ida N. Johnson C10. ( Ad vertlsemant. ) Hallways extend from Tamplco cent v ambassador to Brstll, at the request central City, Col., and a number or other will seek to learn whether or not fed- to rormed a cabinet to eral statutes against peonage and com. both Monterey and Ban Luis Potosí or tne president, bs Thomas J. carllng, or Mgcon, Oa., the WOHLIt (UtOWINO III I I It and the capture of this port repites the ministry headed by Dr. Affunao supreme chancellor, will conduct a special blnatlon In restraint of Interstate trade would remgneo on have bean violated make the direction of the campaign tlosta, which January in. ritualistic service, assisted by ofricers of Assert Npeaksr bssap lurk to rbrlatlas against these two towns and their sub- premier, minister of the Interior and the supreme lodge. Presentation of evidence for the mlnlater or roreign Golden messages REMOVAL sequent temporarily, affairs Jubilee NOTICE operators will be In the hands ol Kadeaver Mm Meeting. occupatlqp much simpler for win be presented Bernardino Machado; Justice, Manuel by representatives from e K. ."" Ik Associates' the rebels. Oanetal Huerta, how- each of the nrty-flv- Frank dove and associate counsel '.. ever, limin e. Thomas ahuera war, uen- grand lodge of the Washington. Keb. A R pen is prepared to use all the gun- order. For the United Mlae Workers, the Iter Cbaaip d'Ect; marine, Heros says a t boats In the gulf to assist In the hold- eral Antonio Pereirla Secretary reaniman that Ibe jubilee legal work will be entrusted to Hor isrx iota urlstlan Kndeavur in... ing public works, Achilles Ooncal will be by every After nineteen years in the City National Bank Building ace N. meeting tousy mat of Tamplco. itodrlguei; celebrated Pytblan lodge Hawkins and James the world waa inn The railway public instruction, Almeida Lima. In North America, one or Brewster. log better every day. lie said lines extending to the the features or we have moved to the reason north, señor Machado, who Is wealthy, was one the demonstrations being the uisnr liroule took Imuuv i. i- - the west and the northeast of burning or me of the most active leaders in the Republican the blue, yellow and red Pythlgn-is- .one Investigation. times was because telegraph capital are regarded us only sec- lights or Copper ths eaabled ond strategic importance, convention. on more Hum soxxi attars, NO. SAN FRANCISCO er I, nowadays to in because on the 420 STREET, By Iht II ',., lie,,,,,,.,, chronicle th over them Is brought Sunday preceding god following o uno and dlaaelers f all the world almost dally the the jubi- Hancock. Mich.. Feb. . Causes writ capital's food supply. The lines Killed By Baby Daughter lee celebration all tbe members or the or- be pleased led up to existing in s few hours. to where we will to welcome our patrons and that conditions to Vera Cms are not so important In Hp ihe .1 d Prese ganization will attend special religious ser tha Michigan copper country be The speaker asserted thai nothing made moduli will this respset, as they are chiefly val- Babylon. M. Y.. Feb. g. Mrs. Cora Crang vice. friends. Our low established prices are still in vogue on subject con- oiiu ii .on to near people aay the first presented to the iun that uable tor the transportation Im- waa and killed tonight when gressional by puuue uien or the present day were of shot she al Silk Shawls, Mexican Indian Goods, Navajo Blankets, Investigating committee ported supplies templed to a revolver from Manning; Under and 'he striking mot. The i le s wrest her Arrrsu. miners. n.nuM.n... Isolating Ute Capital. daughter, according to the Bp the a .awls ted Persa Antiques and Works of Art, This statement was made tonight Washington, he asid, were "honest, con- Etc scientious aervauls." Those who have watened the devel- story told tbe police by her Itpabgnd. Paul Newark. N. by O. N. Hilton, senior counsel fur the Ninety ala per cent opments expect J.. Fab. to Western oi lav men sent to congress, he that the task of iso- kraus. an inventor, Kraus said the baby nignt charged Charlea I. Manning Federation of Miners. added lating the capital from food sup- playing with weapon The mina owners publicly leave poorer than they couie, although the was ihe when the with murder in connection with the Give U. a Call. 'IV have not .... ply districts will be probably entrust. tried to lake It way. He could not or outlined thwir plans of testimony be- m.juiie lurruriea ny atooulaa inother staying nis wire, Harriet, In her dishonesty. ed to the small banda now operating determine which had ihe finger on the mother's home on Friday night. yond saying that tbay will produce - any in an oi ilium- uisiricis. ttOW long It trigger when the revolver was discharged A taw hours before he was taken witnesses and all records required will take the rebels to capi- In ay Fatal t.corgla reach the charge by tho police, twenty-year-ol- d tne congressional committee. Hear Baltic. tal, la case of successful campaigns In Cfeiareh. log will begin tomorrow If Bepr tit t associated New Waideaeiaa Hasel Herdman, who waa Infatu- frsst the north, cannot be foretold, but Bt) ike taaocis to Presa ated with Manning, had The Kline Curio House aentative Joseph Howell of Utah Am us, (la., died In a ar eric Feb. 8. Marlon rebel sympathisers have aald Feb. . A new rives in time. aeputy that Rome, Waldenatln church hospital after taking poison. She ssj, constable, was killed, Within two months the federals will be by Mrs. John S. Kennedy, ot Mew confessed Sevan subjects of inquiry ara speot two other officers seriously erected to having shot and killed wounded cutting the railroads to keep the rebel York. In niemory of her rather, tbe Ute Cor Mrs. Manning, because, she declared, fiad in the house resolution: anu cowaro Tyson, a negro, killed Ii torces out ot tne capital Whether the postal service ha beta a bautl aarlv mriiv . . nellus Baker, waa inaugúrale.! today. Mrs. Manning had refused to get a Tbe pastors of the Waldenalan churches an orce rrom Manning, whom Miss Interfered with. tlement near Da Boto, fifteen miles la O Italy, the Immigration ara be- - Mom throughout diplomatic représenla neraman wished to marry. Whether laws un piaoe copper Blvins, an- II far . vein led 'r. . many tag violated negro, today lives al Howe sad distinguished Manning Is now accused aa other was being pursued Galveston. Tax.. Web. . Brigadier guests were present A bronze tablet was acessory I hettoer cttuwns have been arrestad " m poses to the crime. THE METALS BUYING & REFINING COMPANY, wiin niooa hounds. 'It rTeaericx as set up in the church in honor of Mrs. Ken and triad contrary to the constitution reported ha Is itenerai ruaaton today that armed. sumad command of the Second di nedy. MylTia'a 210 San Francisco Street. or law of the United States. The shooting was the result of United 8(kuj army, Whether there exists agreements attempt to arrest negroes. vision. saoamped tin the 4 asa stared Prett the at Texas i uy, to, serve until the ar t Oil Hupply. London, Major Fab. I. A statement Is- Compramos oro, plata, pla- rival of General i. Cranklln Bg Me AssecassMl Press sued by Chrlstabel Pankhurst. the We buy gold, silver, plati Hell ln May. General Funston sue Washington. Feb., With H. militant Major suffragette leader, and made tino, cobra plomo metales ceeded General. William roster, president of the Indian Ter- public today, says the secession from 'a Carter. ritory Illuminating Oil company be- the Women's Social and Political num and high-grad- e fore them Lieut. Commander Boyd. Union of her sister. Sylvia, will bring qualquier cantidad forma é Best autos. ireful driven. .Phone U. 8. N., and Indian Commissioner about no chana in the poller of the amount, form or ooiidiion. 10. Adv amento Cato Belts tomorrow will continue union. m i J. '. si

ÉIÉÉiiii riiittftií rt i if 1 ii i ii nil ii ÍMfÍÍÍÉÍÍ ifiwlÉÍ 9, 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES. warn theater Tuoaday, the 10th, aad Friday, saved Ood know that w ar not GERMANS TO OPEN thi ltth. Large worthy, and so do other peopla. rrof essor Verga ra plays special se- Squads of Athletes in Training but HUERTA NEEDS OIL lections everr day from 1:10 to 6:10 He says 'whoovr will may oom.' Coffee and from 80 to 10 30 p. m. No "It does not take th Lord long to Western Cos ralee In prices. ' Track, Rowing, Baseball and Football Questions convince on If he will only trust Him CANAUN APRIL Discussed and put himself In Hla hand. An- IN other excuse Is. cannot live up to HIS BUSINESS PRESIDENT General VOta'a Own anorte. ' The first two feela of genuine Die my professions Of course you can't RRANP KAiam pi,anh to rnrrtxj mmm ture ever made of the Mexican war by your own strength, but with God's will be shown at the Grecian today. Coaches Count Upon Veterans in Track help you can. 'I am afraid I cannot COMMANDEERS THE ENTTRK COFFEE Is Ft7K OIL SUPPLY IN THE TRMVOR TRB BIO DITCH. Theae were made by the Mutual Film New hold out,' another excuse. If you CITY corporation, through apeciai arrange- York. Feb. 8. With the anrlna redmaa whose sudden departure he are trusting In your own will power of vera caro. 45c PER POUND track and field schedules completed la úname to explain. ment with General Villa. They are and large and resolution you Will fall, but if you TEAR, SPICES Oasat Waterway Opes .4 Flr.t la ism, Hat different from the ordinary special squads of athlete training trust In Christ H will not let you fall. ta Sis of Ship. Al at all th eastern universities. It bt "Dad" That Act Threaten Speedy Suspen- A TRACT 8 Mad. Uni- war drama. It a Moulton, recent trainer "Having loved Ills own. He loved sion All ties possible to secure a general Une on i Stanford University, la of Train, unworn Port iMMri. actual plctoral record of the Mexican the activities prospecta authnri thorn unto the end. Another excuse and Capital City. war. portray many of the existing and of th for the statement that the Palo Alto Is, don't Ilk to keep company with It Various teams for the season nf 114. naa 'I AMBASSADOR By Special Cabla to conditions In thla troublesome coun- While all leading college report university a future hypocrite.' They are In every Iln of Th Time. try, army among the sprinter In young every fa Attn,-,,- t. ,i pre Berlin, Feb. 8. Kmperor William expect together with the life many veteran and novice and Dick Grant of Pon business and In profession. You BRAND i scenes These cinder tana, ore. a of Vera Feb. 8. Tho to to steal a little march on Wll- - the rebels and of ruina turf performers In training; ap- Grant has record do 'not refuse a good dollar because Cru. strait President ploturea there 10 which the Mexican government la re- aon in canal celebratlona by were taken at the battle of pears to be little indication seconds for the hundred yard there ar some counterfeit one. An- COFFEE opening the ojtnnga, Is aeen at this as a scholastic (a duced for fuel with which to nisrgea waterway connecting the Baltic and General Villa time of unusual advantage at any runner and expected other excuse is. 'I cannot believe.' continue 40c PER POUND leading his army to this battle on the run inside of ten Is no excuse, tho operation of the National railway end North, aeaa probably aa early aa April. one particular Institution with th seconds this This for if you really linea eve of the conflict, together with hlx possible Ac- spring. want to know, shown by tho commandeering SPICES The work of improvement, which haa coat exception of Pennsylvania. He will reveal himself. today of virtually mora than the building (ha victorious return on the following cording to' general report there Is a "Another says, T am too great a tho whole fuel sup- of original morning. Refugees are also aeen flee- ply of Vera Crux, thus, threatening canal la 1887, will enable tbe passage of noticeable laok of sensational novice Walter Camp, m a recent ni.irca sinner.' Christ came Into the world the speedy blggeet ing over the Rio Grande to the Ameri material varsity and to Yale to eok and to save ausponslon of all traffic STATESMAN the battleablpa. The emperor will can for th teams the alumni of Khode Island them that are between thla city probably accomplish aide. The scenes showing how trainera are, aa a rule, counting upon on the Yale loat. says, 'I am good and the capital. BRAND thla for the first Une 8am of theae un athletic situation and the Another The government last night sent a by personally commanding the. mala uncle takes care the veterana of tho past two season prospects of the future, snnku In un enough.' Tho cross proves that you fortunate are touching and. instruc for the may reason train of eighteen oil cars, with a ca- battle fleet through tbe Inland water- points which be optimistic vein as follows: are not Another any. There are ao pacity 12,000 COFFEE way. tive. Theae pictures can be seen only ably apportioned among college many of gallons each, lo Vera th It Is perfectly true In the last two mysteries.' You don't have to Cru. Today an POUND Such at the Grecian. o early In the seaaon. yeara theologian officer at the head 35c PER worldwide attention baa bean di- or three wo haven't progressed be a to be saved. Have of a (quad of troops made a formal rected ta con- Using the Intercollegiate champion aa we Used progresa. I faith believe on the American enterprtae in Itunny Weekly Bijou ship year to have said and Him. Another demand on the agent of tho Aguila necting the two orean that it la scarcely John and meet of last as a basis upon It was not easy to ay. 'I can't be a Christian in El Today give na which to work, it is seen Penn- win but it waa company to surrender all oil in Its Ask Your Grocer reallxed that the Cernían engineers bare the Bllou will its that simple. We did it not by a raso.' The devil uses this argument." possession trons on of the best programa Imag sylvania, which won th 1911 title making The agent replied the oil been building lock even bigger than thoaa a mistake twice. When we found out a had been aold to the Mexican railway, "He Know" at ranama. inable. John Bunny and Flora irinon Ith score of 24 point, la agnln ml one year In "Love's Old Dream," ti a cracker- - favored with athletic material of ron take we did not make SUNSET TEAM WINS. which la a British corporation, ami The emperor, who la fond of making that mistake tho next year. Wo are was told It was to comparison jack comedy. alderable strength. Tho Red and Blue that immaterial between hla canal and the appears to have the beat balanced team not looking for any 'easy fruit.' If Defeats whom tho oil belonged. American enterprise. Is never weary of l Sellg release entitled, "Charmed San Jacinto at Basket Ball by In sight, being strong In every posi- we are down, we have made some tart 1 There now remains In Vera Crux pointing- oat Arrow," will also be on the bill and Score of to IS. gorernment offices againat that American battleships i tion except hurdling. Lipplncott and all along the line. Now. we are going only a alx days supply of till for the for increased armaments. now nnder construction can barely aaneeae la as good a drama as the former The basket ball game at the Y. M. lire Weekly Patterson, winners of the 100 and 220, out in the same way with baaeball as operation of the Mexican and r M Htanf, replied tbat in through the Gatun locka, the comedy. The Pat he will C. A. Saturday afternoon between the and that complete program. and McQurdy, two mile champion, are last year, playing It from the bottom, railways, and there Is no sympathy In the question of sn.uuu superdreadnaugbt which la already the Sunset and San Jacinto teams resulted prospect Tuesday in training. Young Meredith, worlds and we have a first class coach in of receiving more oil from I" lie waa convinced tbat in sight will have to Of Francis X. Bushman in in a victory for follow the path two-pa- record holder for tbe one-ha- lf mile, Qulnby, who knows gamn the former. The Tamplco. Under Ihe circumstances it people would bo compelled to the Oregon Cape apeciai, "The Storm," will the and score waa 11 to IS. Bryant, around Born to gat from be feature. will be eligible this spring. Kelly la can handle the men. Adkins Is believed it will be impossible to ami great sacrifice for tbe tbe Atlantic to Pacific coaat. the and atarred for w tbe Saturday "Kathlyn" in "The Ad an excellent performer at both the Crew .mm1 at Ell. Baker the winners, maintain communication lo t orn The German 82 while Pretael featured canal will have locka pic 440 and the broad lump. In Lane "The crew Is In the play of the Mexico City beyond the end of the ITblny tin a great tlemonstrs-an- rcet longer, :7V feet ventures of Kathlyn." the third situation the hands San Jacinto team. go- broader and of four ture of thl great series. Pennsylvania haa a high lumper of a committee. They have a hard Tho lineups were week except for trains In the by ;üi.(1 owners and fet greater draught than thoaa of Pan capable of clearing alx feet consistent as follow. Sunset Baker, Flake, vernment service. of the kingdom ama, task. The idea la not to have three Bryant, rt and will accommodate a 00,000 ton ly. In the weights and pole vault the Adktns nnd McCamy. Han It is expected that the next move , of arma battleship, "THE PRICE SHE PAID." different systems, and In an inoffen- Jacinto of should naval designers so aa Quakers are well supplied with high eight Pretael, Shea. Lloyd. Max- the Mexican government will be thut the prob- high aa that In the There performers. sive set of men to stand for It, well Maxwell. to future. la Dramatisation Phillips' Novel class but to get men charge and we and sclxe tho locomotives and rolling e whlrh muat lio room and 300 feet to spare In them for of Outlook Good. in have slock of the Mexican railway In r. Draws Good Hqusc. Harvard Guy Nickalls, who Is probably the mas time, ilia apeerh the newest and biggest ocean Huera of The outlook Harvard, Beeui-Kat- piare the engines nntl Tnra recently the at which fin ter English oar, both lh performance Arc Godly. prion: tronbla in Imp ra tor and Aqultania claas, so that One of tbe most, powerful stories ished second with points. not destroyed in the north. It is possible - 21tt and coach work. Wo can't hope to fl the Attociutrd Prett of hlrh Indl- ample provision haa been made for pos- ever told, and yet at the same time one so satisfactory, and Coaches Powers to quickly transform oil burning loco- lltril tllrlr .Irslr lg sible developments of relieved with laughs and and a have Nickalls and keep him there for Boston. Feb. 8. The commercial naviga- and thrills Donovan will have to develop campaign, motives Into coal burneis, hut then' tion aa well. common snse, la "The Price She Paid,'' number of new men if the Crimson more than a year or two, and wo want which haa been practically Is no coal In tbe country. stay on, waged for several weeks, culminated Corporation Books Missing. Canal Opened llgg. dramatisation of David Graham team is to repeat its record of last some one who will who will It la reported, apparently on the la today in an estimated 4 naocttjrcd Phillips' gripping novel of the same aeaaon. The Cambridge squad promises carry on the same system. Mr. Eugene attendance of best of authority, that A decree has Prett The existing canal waa opened in 1805, oe will Armstrong more than 100,000 people at the serv- s title. It was played to a large audi to strong in the middle and long Glanlnl work with .and ice been prepared and Its tile tland, ore., Feb. The United tbe crulaar Brooklyn, commanded by Cap- enoe at El Paao yesterday distance runs and the weight Mr. Nickalls. He has not hud exper of the Protestant churches. president's signature Stall Cashier company, thrown into tain "Bob" Brans, the theater event. representing tbe United arternoon and last night. It will be Many point winners were lost by ience In coaching e college tie on all imports from the a receivership here yesterday nnd fac- States In tbe international naval pageant repeated again tonight. graduation last June and the fresh- crewa, but the committee hopes Clever German Spy. ing federal gruncl Jury proceedings, that By A State. cn tnat occaalon. it runs from Kiel on Tne production la a flnlsned one man material of 1913 Is not particular- - the arrangement will work out. In the asocia ted Prett The United States cruiser has no leo.ks Hint James K. Hunt, tbe aa- - Baltic to Brunabuttal on the Elbe complete In every detail and an exact ly promising when compared to that we one old school, Toui, France. Feb. 8. A man giv- Moines arrived today. illng receiver, could find today. Also dies tuary, a football have of the ing After abort distance from tbe aea, and duplicate, It Is said, of the original of the other college of the east. Frank Hinkey, who, in addition to the name of Theodore Burgard, she will proceed to Tamplco. and dynamos belonging to the cuta off .the long and .rather haaardoua New York production. At Cornell Trainer Jack Meakley being one of the old school players, whom the pollco believe to be one of plant are missing. Edward O passage through tbe Cattegat and around The subject play has 140 athletes In training. The the cleverest German spies n France Mexico, linker, auditor of the com- matter of the has has alwsya been a man who la willing was Ordered Rack to former tbe northern end of Denmark. It lumped to do with the efforts of a wealthy Ithaca team finished fourth with 17 H to try a new play. He is ready to arrested today while photograph- fly flu Aaaortafrd Prett pany, but now. he asserts, an empioyo into Importance Immediately - In 1913 ing aa a marl- man to induce a pure girl to become points being defeated for third I we the fortification. The police Versailles. Feb. h. Seventeet of the International Muchine com- time highway and waa place by Michigan. Meakley move, and should think can pro assert Burgard used by about his common-la- wife. Circumstances has in good fashion there and tnke has been supplying com of the Mexican army wbr pany .if Indianapolis. Is under arrest, JU.UUU veasels during its year. stated he faces an unusually creas information to the German I be- first arise which enable the wealthy man to that hard up we It military been studying aviation charged Willi contempt of court, The traffic grew steadliy, canal be problem this year since he must de- the work from where left authorities for the last 15 year. Hp the tell the girl tnat if ahe doea not loin laat year." orders today to return Mexico or cause he refused to turn over tho tag traverse! In 1912 by 67,305 ships of him in thl proposed alliance he will velop virtually a new team. Of the is ostensibly engaged In farming In the first steamer anil Join thelt missing property or tell Where It Is. total net tons, a traffic larger prison, point winners of last season but Holler a small way near Nancy. regiments. v.v;ai send her brother to thus bring According to statistics recently com- A than that of tbe Sues canal. To tbe ing Humiliation to her and other and Van Kenhan remain. This pair search of the man's house navy the won points of piled by the Princeton Unlveratty Fac- brought to light 50 maps Herman It was of Inestimable ad members of her famllv. H4 the Cornell score. Michigan staff and Negotiating for vantage, a To offset heavy loss by graduation ulty Athletilc: Committee, plans of forts on tho Hy ti enabling commander to throw It Is battling ajralnst such otitis as this In of avail- northeastern thr Attoctatrti Prrtt the fleet from toam Will be strengthened by a leads the, number students frontier. Correspondence' of an al- Iiouglas, Ariz R At entire one sea to tbe other tnts tnat bring out the firmness and varsity freshman ath- Feb. THE GRECIAN in a few to menace, for number of promising recruits from able for nnd leged compromising nature, written ran constitutionalists ncgiit lat ing hours and ex wonderful spirit In the girl's charac is In ar ample, an opposing fleet last year's freshman team and several letic teams. Cornell second and also was found. with for the purchi British from ter, tne inner light she wages The, of France points several hundred miles athletes Ineligible in 1913. Two of Columbia third. enrollment armored cruisers, according TODAY and TOMORROW apart. against the wiles of the millionaire. material, if It may bo termed With the advent of how- tne latter are David Caldwell, former- athletic KIDDIES TO PLAY GRUMPY. not dreadnaughta, ncr upiiui name in ner enoris to save. 6, 193; l.elevier here. While KN. VILLA'S ever, thla od vantage ly of Massachusetts Agricultural col- aa auch is as follows: Michigan sol Lelevler today, t waa lost, aa the old her brother from a prisoners' cell and 3,700; said lock, SOO feet long, 83 feet lege, a half tniler and Morrlaon, a Cornell, 4,500; Pensylvanln, Revived With Children's Performance would be superior to any Dsn Mutual Movies wide and 30 her final triumph at the end of the high 3,253; Wis- of feet deep, were too small to accommodate play present jumper from Iceland Stanford. Columbia 3,517: Harvard Maude's Success. the ill ni at the dramatic possibility that Judging from the In alght 2,730; 2,600; Illinois 2,400; tbe naval monsters, and it waa determined has never been equaled before in the material consin Yale For many year St. Mary s Free hos- kCornell should be atrong In 1,325. HOC I to provide larger locks and double the drama. field Minnesota 1,638; Princeton pital for children derived a large por- THIRTY THOI'SANll I.I Ni'K H.VPTLK OF OJlVAGA. events and middle distance runs but Darmouth 1,297. tion of Its Income from perform- width of the canal. "The Price She Paid," which Is and the This is not a mude-u- p war weak in sprints and hurdles. ance given by children of the current Hold Protest Merlin li I. holm Agalnht drama Larger Than Panama. headed by no less a talented actress Not Optimistic. Manager an actual pictorial record of than Sylvia .Summers, Is easily the Dartmouth Graduate Athletic Warren ucea at Wallack'a theater. New InrreJUieft Ar The new locka, wblcb lack th imposing Dartmouth, which won fifth place Bovard, of the University of Southern York. For one afternoon each spring Hi the ásaociofrcl Prett THK M WAR an! but written, beet produced and best i:lC.N height than at Panama, but are bigger presented comedy at tne l. A. A. A. A. meet with 14 Callforna, has received word from the tne grown-u- characters of the Stockholm, l eli. Mot from Hie of Action. every respect, 1082 drama of the sea Is optimistic licit! in otner are feet loni aon, and ahould draw well tonight. points, not regarding the Oxford University liugliy Football plays were presented In minia- delists hrjil a flemón (Panama 1000 feet), 147 feet wide (Pa track team. Coach Harry Htllman Association that the English varsity ture by kiddles of from seven to six- nam. 110 feet) and have a mean depth states, that like Cornell, graduation trams will be glad to play a Borles of teen, anil the Children's hospital, as of 4S feet of water (41 feet) over tbe ORBITUARY heavily Into the point winners. matches with the Southern Callfornlan u rule, profited to the extent of from sills. The present sophomore class contains toam next winter. In order to make 15.000 to 1.7.000. "Alias Jimmy Valen- Osaple Furniture arid i'loor IVIi-.l- 75c per Quart The new canal Is 400 feet wide at the ROLLMAN a few athletes above the ordinary the trip to England at least one tine." "Pomander Walk" and "Dis- After brief Illness twenty-tw- o raeli" were by surface, uo feet wide at the bottom of Mrs. Otto Rollman standard. Of the athletes month's absence from college would be thus presented Juvenile Liquid Veneer per Quart and bas provided died Saturday won letters In 1913, casts. $1.00 the excavation been wltb mgnt ner norae, &16 who their but necessary. If the series Is arranged thl "sidings" which may at West Missouri eight and, of Whitney, Ijist year there was no children's ) elevan at vessels street. Death was due to compli- remain these Invasion will be undertaken during tin Waxene 60c per Quart paas. New harbors have been built at a the Intercollegiate ahot-p- champion. performance, and the hospital felt the cation of diseases. Deceased is sur- Christmas holiday period. need of additional each end, several sharp curves have been vived by her husband, the only aure point winner. Fair funds. Accordingly Also Bumisl)ine brass polish, 25c cans. Otto Rollman. Is in sight Mrs. .lames Speyer, who lists this In- eliminated, two new railway bridges ISO chief engineer at the Paso del Norte material for the TOLEDO FRANCHISE TRANSFER. feet above tbe canal have been provided and mile run, the hurdles and the stitution among her pet charities, re- hotel, and one daughter, Mrs. Roscoe quested Co., and other detalla have brought the coat pole vault. Playing the Liebler managers of W. Fort. American Association Rights Cyril who Is sea- of improvement up to ,600,000, Yale Is at present weak In distance Maude, spending the tbe She was In her h vear Go Cleveland, whereas original cost waa only runners In both apd field t. son ut Wallack'a, to revive the old cus- TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO. the canal arid new of her death came as a great but sprints fly Ins .l.c(titcd Pre tom giving 139,218,000. Tbe enlargement Involved contests haa veteran com of children's matinees this the nock to her many friend. Mrs. and novice 8. The Toledo fran- season, a juvenile performance of 140,000,000 cubic petitors win places Chicago, Feb. with of excavation yards of Rollman was a member of the Pvtn- - who should in greatest success the original 112,000,000 championship chise of the American association has Maude's "Orumpy." earth; canal, cubic ian Sisters and an earnest, worker in both dual and meets. it was management yarda. Tbe work, which has occupied Captain Brown, been transferred to Cleveland, Tho gladly consented and five the First Preabyterlan church. Fu- The Blue and who today. deal the performance will be given years, has been on without Inter- won Intercollegiate half-mil- reported The has been tin carried neral service will be held this aft the and It Ih Thursday afternoon, February 19. rupting traffic in tbe canal, the new locks, Potter, second In the 220 hurdles, as pending for some time. said, but It ernoon from the undertaking parlors change could not be officially will have the social support custom- one at each end of tbe canal, having beeo & a nucleus. Oler, 1913 freshman team the or aicuean, Simmons Carr at 2 confirmed tonight because President arily accorded these children's per- Banking By built beside the old ones. o'clock. captain, Is expeoted to win a piuca Interment will be at Ever Chlvington of the association Is on his formances tho list of patronesses in- JUST AS EASY TO OI'KN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITU US AS I.o. k Placed green cemetery. Rev. C. L. the high Jump and Talbott to do as " Inland. Overstreet way to New x ork. An was cluding all those 'moat prominent In THOUGH YOU LIVKD NKXT DOOR. will officiate. well in the hammer throw. If Trainer effort metropolitan society. the locks of the Panama canal Mack can develop several high class made tonight to have the Federal We pay 4 per cent lot, real, compounded twice every yer. Wo do from bombardment add destruction by a league Its Toronto franchise depositors guaranty of the uf Texaa, POQUE Following a lingering m sprinters And distance runners the trunsfer I. Mllll im. it II i it n i business under the law Hiale and hostile fleet they were placed seversl mllea prove to Cleveland, but Its owners refused. are a Ouaranty Kiind p. ink, as provided by such law. from the ends of tbo ness. Abraham I'ogue died yesterday Elis will formidable. Inland canal. upprrflelfl In to being In profitable Kaiser Wllhelm canal the same a local nosuitai. f uñera service Princeton Iropcot Gloomy. Our plan. addition convenient. safe, all the result will "EXCUSES" HIS THEME. Darned a In a Htato has been obtained by having tbe canal be held this afternoon from the Prospects at Prlncton are not aa liberal. Nobody lias ever lost dollar Hunk in Texaa. family residence, 708 cltWed terminate at one end in Kiel Fiord, a long North Stanton aa at New Haven for the Evangelist Preaches, Hu thr An Pert WHITE TODAY I OK OCR FRIi'.L UOOKLET, "BANKING BY MAIL" street. Interment will be made at satisfactory Indian at Wes- Baker, narrow arm of the Baltic, and at tin Evergreen TlgerB lost fourteen of the 1913 team tminster Church. OR. SIMI'I.Y MAIL YJ.IUR DEPOSIT. In Elbe some fifteen cemetery. Rev. C. L. Over- - phernalla other the river mllea by graduation. To offset thla the night Wright, mflltl lta mouth. Both and Bireet .wm omciate. Deceased was Sunday Rev Frank tils BANK & CO., El from river fiord In 1916 class will furnish, u number of evangelist, spoke on "Ex- EL PASO TRUST Pa.o, Texas are heavily fortified. Horn Ireland. In the Indian Hunting! athletes who did well freshman cuses at Westminster church. ills today About 8000 workmen of various nation- competition. One or two athletes uni POGNE. 2 track they A ir'i L'.f have been employed on tbe work. Abraham Pogne, aged text was Luke 14:18. "And all bmflr alities years, Ineligible last spring will also be able ex- They have been boused In government died yesterday morning In a with one consent begun to make city W84 llKtlltMl local hospital compete. Theae taken together muí tultlc, cup 1. and have been fed and lodged after an illness extend cuse" faro arracks ing over with the eleven veterans available la by devil f.yil heaped a cost to them of from 20 to 26 cents several weeks. Mr. Pogne "Work used the to ruin wprf t was ahould provide a team numerically It A Hhort, a per day. Remarkable for aucb a police born In Ireland, but came to the the souls u men, when should dim United Stakes when a youngster. strong but Trainer Keene Fits- - prove a blessing," he snitL "it cost rur Went, did ruled state aa Germany la th fact that patrlck will have to increase the w" the maintenance of order baa been left Funeral services will be held thla the Ixrd Ills son that might be d.'Blrny th' lliiiot STATE NATIONAL BANK standard of performance If the Orange cunt pprf khIoou, ti entirely In tbe bands of tbe workmen afternoon at 8:80 o'clock at the chapel saved, and whut has It us? One ESTABLISHED 708 and Black to finish better than t APRIL who have their own barrack and room at North Stanton street and will excuse is that we are not fit to be loca rauBlVr bou be conducted by Rev. ninth place which as Princeton' mark "chieftains" and keep disorderly comrades Charles a of the six point collected SURPLUS AM) PROFITS... under sharp control. Overzcaloua gen Interment will be In Ever- result green cemetery. at Cambridge In the Intercollegiate d armes, who fait that a laboring com May. HARD STUDY FOR THK FIGHT FANS. Interest PaicJ Savings Accounts munity without a policeman In immediate last on waa aa impossibility NEW YORK BROKER control aad started The question of acene of the President. J OSE MAGOFFIN, Vice-Pr- rounds of Inspection In the barracks, were the r. MonrciiKAn, I'll Died in 1014 Army-Nav- football grame'l N. BASSKTT. Vie. president QEOHÜE D. r'LORV, Cashier. warned off by the president of tbe caual Connecticut Under Circum represen lesion. stances Indicating Suicide. Ulready being dlscueaod by comin two Asst. The new 00 Bt thl AmurintrJ prett tatives of the academies. The J. OlUJlllllST, canal is about mllea long. proposal to play the game in th Yale Passenger steamers are allowed to pro Greenwich, Conn., 8. Feb. To sat- stadium, which will hold 60,000 spec reed at 12V4 mil an hour through tbe isfy relative of William. A. Sted-ma- anal, freights ara held to a slower pace, a New York broker, who died tators. Is receiving; favorable consid- so paaaage last night under circumstances eration at West Point but It I said that tbe of th canal takes Indi Navy not agree upon from five to 13 hoar. It shortens the trip cating suicide, Dr. J A. Clara, the that the will from tbe Baltic sea harbors to Hamburg medical examiner, tonight said he the lone trip to New Haven. Lieut. D. P. Sultan, army represen ta-- ViiVif iiiiAWiVi hy 480 miles and to lxmdou by 2titf miles would turn the facts over to the cor the Wik. ifi. oner at Bridgeport for farther in tlve states: .Ja? Thoae who dealro vestlgatlon. "We are now negotiating with the ajllllllllllllHIHIIIIINIIIHnillHIIIIIIIIIIIIt: ur. Clark say he I personally Navy in regard to the place for next convinced that Mr. Stedman commit years" Army-Nav- y game, hut hsvo ted suicide. Mr. Stedman had been reached no a yet. So far under medical treatment nerv as Army 4s for the concerned th Yale money pay ous oreaaaown. last night a ser- field would be entirely satisfactory, and nothing but Hie beat for the they ire perfectly AMUSEMENTS vant found him in a coal bin In hi but I am afraid that the d tartaño from contented with tho values we give In our Tea a Coffee d- - hutiHi, bleeding from a leased wound Annapolis to New Haven Is so great partment. in his head, apparently made with strong specialty of goods, (ADVERTISEMENT) axe. that the authorities at the Naval We make a auch nnd ace to It an agrnn to d I Academy would not play tbe that our values aro basi upon value At ha hospital physician found game lh the Yale Bowl." a jeck-rnif- o Imbedd i iu the wound There's a hundred cunts' worth uf alue in every dollar' K TIILYN K ATI! LI N KATHLYN in the skull. Dr. Clark think Mr Army-Nav- y at Tale. worth of our stedman plunged tbe knife Into bis T. lWitt Cuylor, chairman of the BÍRAND The Peerless Motion Picture Acareas, head, after ha had struck the pow committee of twenty-on- e In charge FERNDELL On account of the popularity th erful blow with th axe. ot th building of the Bowl, aays: public has shown for thla great ac regard to the poaslbllty of tress, Wigwam Washington "In of the the theater has ar Theater Eire. Yale Bowl being used for Army-Nav- y By tht the T ranged to show two of her greatest Attuciated Prett football gam was completed, triumph. Tuesday, Feb. It, will be Washington. Feb. 8. Fire started I very "Thor, Lord of Jungle," In should be strongly In favor of HIGH GRADE the three in a local theater today a few mln such a plan If It could be brought re la, the moat daring animal picture utea after It had been clear.;.' of i ever attempted, a story of adventure great crowd that Included V'ce Pres about. It would undoubtedly give COFFEE circus In tho Army and Navy facilities they In an American and th ident Marshall, Secretary Bryan. Rev You'll find tbe lalue there when you try It. wilds of Africa. FVida, Feb. It. "In G. Campbell Morgan, pastor of Wes- have never enjoyed, Jrut I am fearful the Midst of the Jungle," also tminster chapel, London, and prom- that the Navy would object on the three reel. Kathlyn la attacked by inent church dignitaries from ground of the distance." a monster alligator an-- Is wit nee every Stat In the union. WATSON'S GROCERY a vicious fight between her pet leop Th crowd waa gathered to attend; The. formar Carlisle Indian School ard and a wild boar. She escape the, first of a serifs of lot irnul Iiisp 11 football center Wheelock, who until re- I Texas St. from hug Hon by swimming U'ble conference to be held In sora cently waa student at th Unlveralty 4 Phonea No. (151 stream on a log. A thrill In every of the largar cities In tbe country of Idaho, haa abandoned the Idea of "Wstsonts Groceries Aro famous for Quality.' scene In these big features. Rats with matches ar said to have further college education and returned Bee la being blase quickly to hi tapo. Football TawAt & Kathlyn satisfied. She started th which was coach Griffith MA wUl appear In th filma at th wig extinguished. ta VumsiIih th loas of th famous MRNwd me Mi0HIVHT piu. j llirWri'' BgMBMMBMMMMMMMm www

Monday. February. 114 PASO MORNING TIMES Ed Howard Captures Yucatan Stakes for Colts at Juárez Course was tne re wllllns to proclaim htm the belt with rush right at the end and In pursuit, and these two had the race' early effort and outside MANY HORSES SHOW youngsters yet unrovered the meet- the finish found of Bryn Mawr. between them to the finish. Husky money, it waa me kis ROYAL CAFE at Bll she first faced BM oar- - TRACK E tt V NEBs. WINS IN DRIVE ing. Ceyaln It It that he ha ap- Truly and Nannie McDee all under a Lad had a lead of two lengths until victory alnea 'ui FAST FORM AT QUALITY peared to improve with each race drive, with the former getting the within sight of the wire, when Poll rler here this winter "lissla tbst are oWereol. served ta anta runa an If the they go verdict in a drive by a neck, with began to move up in hard drive, Fair weather brought out a large farther get verdict. Huskv Lad. on whom there was a yesterday morning the better he prefer It. HI trainer Truly a half length In from of Nannie and juat failed to the closing event number of homes OPIS ALI. MUBI. UNDER HARD RIDE young- McDee. Little Taylor, on tha favorite, ap- big play, captured the for and some fall trials wero thlnka he la one of the faateat yesterday, a mile nd race, workouts til a. sters that he hat ever trained and Mawg Close FMahaa. peared to hav mad hie move Juat a caught by the dockers. Tbe beat trifle late and Would undoubtedly from Poll, another heavily played does not hesllata to pronounce him Close and exalting finishes were the good thing, in a hard drive. Taylor works were: in I OF BRYN HAWR TAKKK the fastest he ha in order of the afternoon, the closest have won in another stride. Cousin Puss, mile, 1:60. sMined and waited too Hay. quarter, :25. ROSALIA UANDICAP. Till; RFX the largo stable he Is handling for the coming with the running of the last long before making hi bid on the ONDARY ITCATl'Ri:. well known turfman. Jefferson Liv- event of the aftrnoon, a race over rave, Fred T.. quarter. :25. PADDOCK NOTES. eon of Voter, raicaaa ran a lair Francis, :2b, Custom Aasay Office ingston The mile and course, in finishing third. quarter, FEHGÜSON, Belle of Bryn Mawr Wins. which Polls, the favorite, and Husky Yale, quarter. :lt. ORITCTHETT tt Banner Card FuratefK Many lose Dlvldlng of second With seven thoroughbred carded Vested Rights, seven furlong, 1: to Hughes 41 untonsax hohors with the victory Lad, the strongly backed to face Th.-r- Waa a heav. t.lay on Zulu In llnlnhm for Large Crowd Long Kd Howard waa that of the splendid choice, finished to closely together at the barrier, the Ascension He opened BO to Olrl. five furlongs, not. Shots Take Features. handicap, five and a half furlongs, la the third race. at furlongs, :1S. and consistent race mare. Belle of end that only th experienced eyes 1 10 i at post Othello, three FOR ORE SHIPPERS the the evont on today's program, and wa backed to to :38. AGENTS Bryn Mawr In the secondary feature of the judges could place them, the feature, never got a call. Pad Zareta, three furlongs, HO Sao Franclsoo St. ' which Is one of the best Monday but Smuggler, quarter. :26 By T. H. ' of the afternoon, the linearlo handl-- f latter getting the verdict by a note Bell Phone . BCHNKI DA cap over managed to score card yei run eff at the Jockey club Duty, half, :6t. A bunnei Sunday rrowd saw Jeffer-co- the mile course Yesterday But one favorite meeting. "KID" WILLIAMS WINS. she rrowned one of the best records during the afternoon and the talent Juarez Those who will Hope So. seven furlongs, I'M. Livingston's crack tart In the race are Pan Zareta, the Largo, seven furlongs. 1:40. thoroughbred has established at ha4 a dlaaatroua day. the success of over-- Knocks out Battling" Day Last Night t.d Howard, coupled in 'he hettlng queen of the ! rl ver oval, who Sharper Knight, with Tod Took und ru litis; strong fav- Juarr race course since it was Ed Howard In the stake event alone In commons. by swamped. oniderd the greatest mare In orites In the betting, annex the long established giving everyone of ni saving them from being training the By gseoiel Wire The Timet l:it. s handicap1 at track: Baraac. another Tight Boy, half. field of five However, tha two favorites In the Hee-It, Johnny :3. end of the purse in the rich Ytiratun speedy sprinter, Napa Nick Columbus. N. M.. Feb. t. :S6. Dr. Carl SmithSKaNUVEK stakes over horses weight and a decisive beating last two events were barely defeated Colquitt. Williams, of El Paso, knocked Trojan Belle, half, RUPTURE. BLOOD. the three and Truly Orange Blossom and Othello. "Kid" furlongs, :38. AND BLADDER DI8- - furlong route at the race the same time, showing all the; by the narrowest of margins. of the won out "Battling" Day In the fifth round darter, three KIDNEY Juarez Three entries their e furlongs 1:08. course yesterday afternoon. peed and gamcnesn that has featured' and Polls, favorites in their respective last they being scheduled bout he.-- Lone Star, five liASES starts, Pan Zareta, of a Hannlr, mile, 1:66 ?7-- A small hut select field of young- her raring si this course. races, losing out by ihe narrowest of Aupa .mck. me jsi raso owned horso, tonight. The fight was fast and furi- Rooms un-- In Ida Cummins, furlongs, 40. Bank Bldg sters faced the harrier in the feature Her success hut illustrates ihe ' margins, while the second choice and Othello Pan Zareta has been ous, but William never wa in danger three First National certainty of th racing game This each event were the ones to defeat against Just Red. seven furlongs, 1:16. event, some of ih.m the most highly accorded the heavy imptiit of 132 of having a decision cast him furlongs. :S8. tried at the meeting. mare came to this track a three them pounds by Secretary Kd. Jaaper. the He wa entirely too clever for the Miss Sly, three ' old. with record of never having Auntie Curl Takes First. Denmark, seven furlongs. 1:36. 'f the eight orialnally carded to face little mare oncedng 31 pounds local soldier boy. Pato, 1:26. the barrier three declined ihe Issue, won a race. Immediately after ar fine of the largest fields' of tho everything in the race, but, despite "Battling" Mantell and Lary Strouer El namely. riving here she hegsn to show signs In the first this fact, be draw as a Prlnoe Winter, 1:21. Apple. Trulune and Ben's afternoon faced the starter she will probably made fought a fat Forty, furlongs. t48. Brother. The former was coupled of Improvement and the meeting was event of the day, for which there were a ravcrue in tne books. preliminary to the Wllllam-Da- y bout. Velle three LONG WELL'S TRANSFER hot far tinder way before she gradu- good things. Chant olor, three furlongs, :30. ith Superhuman as the Butler entry, any number of supposed Another interesting event on the furlongs, :40. but Trainer Lowe thought Superhu ated out of the maiden ranks. Yes- The talent, a well as the general pub card is a furlong Giants-Bo- to Play In Home. Jaok Rotter, three terday's victory w her seventh win probable year Hvkl. seven furlongs. 1:40. man could torn the trick and placed lic, was at sea as to ihe win scramble foe maiden two old By iae .associates Prat furlongs. .33. hli nole dependence upon ning performance at this meeting and ner and several horses held the posl with six youngsters named to go. s. aecjsion i Bonne, Chance, three TVuck. the son of Naples, rob. me Henry Walbank. furlongs. :40. Auto Baggage superman four times she has finished second tlon of favorite at one time during Vicar's Daughter and Don Cortex will the New York and Chicago baseball three Light and Heavy Haul Its The by record that no other thoroughbred hettlng. The winner tart for the time. The a game caused contest furnished the five the turned flrt former teams noi to play here Goes to Coast League. thai faced thi harried resolved Itself an show at this meeting. In the 10 to shot, Auntie Curl, who Is a filly by Superman out of oievla, much disappointment to the portlng Huxlic up and Don 'Jortex Is a by By the Associated Press into a strugnle between Kd Howard Won Selling Hare. lay well to the stretch und. flnl brown colt clubs, which met the player on their Washington. xnomaa i St. Savin. Tne Is by yesterday Feb. t. an. Superhuman with the Llvii Three of her victories were won In lng strongly, got the verdict in a drive former entered arrival from Alexandria Hughes, pitcher on the Washington ra k th. uwiriet at the end Both elllng races for ihe popular turfman, from Ooma, with the long shol. Veno James Butler, the New York turf- The teams will play an exhibition B. man, the by J. F. Newman. It American league baseball team lor "Í broke iti front und Super Velller, after which the latter sold Von in third position. and latter game In Home on Wednesday and many years, signed with the Los her a private got only wlnn The Newman entry will consist of go 10 has human showed the most curly spec at price to Ihe owner Jockey o'Brlcn his is said u big delegation win Angeles team of the Pacific Coast UBBER und of lllghis with the running of Don Cortex and Ben's Brother. to contest. settled quicker In his stride trainer Vested and of the afternoon the Holy City see the league, It was announced tonight. and show Inn tin "ay until about 100 other good ones here, Dave Kurd. The the second race when he landed the The second race is a six furlong dash 12 accepted curd from the finish, with Kd Ho latter certainly pn ked up a bargain muchlv improved Melts a winner over for which have the (tell Call. R STAMPS Blliahute CONFESSED CU'NMKN. Y ard the closest In pursuit and ru whatever the price was, for after of twelve thai faced tho bar isaue; the third roce has 15 prob HAM TAt'Tl'ltn) II All. able Bu the Amoclateé Prrtt PRINTIKO CO. ñu K close along starting the mure agaiimi a fine field for a race over the starters, the fifth has eight and ELLIS BROS. the rail. rier 8. The slow process To Officer On Account of Wins, In of horses at a winning, nurse. ihe sixth has eight. It Is a card that Washington, Surrender n a. Oteawa a Drive. mile and he i ense of representatives Hunger Cold. n has killing of the will hrlng out o record breaking Mon of roll tall In tne and Little Ford upon, Ed Upward since confined her starts to the The biggest afternoon In near By the Auto Anted handicaps, meeting vvas uttempted In race with Dave day attendance. msy be done wsj with the future Prat hard at work on rhr" and. the tho best of thut this electrics! appliance for Worcester, Mass, Feb. i. two responding gamely a division at the course and her record Montgomery, the aged gelding being In fsvor of sn latter with Breaking votes of tbe 133 members young men walked quietly up to Po 1111 n since Joining Ihe Kord stttftle been high price of JO well, Ed. Howard, the registering ibe of speed, slowly but surely, has Played down from a Inslsntsneonsly. A liceman Moynahan today and asked upon four .victories and a second out of to was the best obtainable peedy little son of Cesarion, won the slmost OCR NEW ion sun in draw even terms with until sixes committee Is said to bare him to arrest them. the pacemaker. u out five staria. at post time. Quid Nunc, Morallght Yucatan stakes yesterday afternoon of tbe rules t'ntll sixteenth a n feasible otan which has the "We are gunmen," they said, "and the two leaders were on even .In the Rosario handicap yesterday and John Hurle made ihe early pace from good field of two year olds, outlined term and added more glory to the Llv- - approval of Speaker Clark snd Majority the Boston police want us for trying with the rest of the field decisively Truly was made a strong favorite and In this "vent, hut O'Brien, bringing to rob the Koxbury Loan company's burked to up during the ngston stable. Kd. Howard proved Leader Underwood. Tbe beaten at ihe time. Kd Howard run almost the seclusion of the Melts with a rush game provide a locked device at tore a week ago, when John Gately, ning other starters, Ford and hln friends, stretch racing, got up in time to win that he was a horse when he Dlsn would with smooth, frtc tlonlos stride stood a terrific drive In the final six each member's seat with buttons rep a clerk, was shot." slowly began to draw awav from Su however, backing Belle of Bryn Mawr going away, with John Hurie second Moynahan took the pair to head- Just before they post. third, teenth and beat out Superhuman, the entlng his vote, s yea, nay or present. SEED pei human,, and at the finish was go went to the und Commendation all three entry. quarters, where they said hunger, cold away, I., ad- - of this event hav Butler Ed. Howard's stable - Inn with a length's udvantage From Mart. the place horses in mate, Tod Cook, coupled In and a desire for a drug they were In catalogue is now ruj- " t 1 the bet Alleged Irregularities. or Poultry over tils ncim-s- coiripcwior. Starter t'assidy got them away to lng been as good as lb to at one ting as Livingstone entry, Panama the habit of using, had driven them tlon. If interested In Seeds one the fin 0l copy. Ld Howard's victory yesterday was of his best efforts and Bells of stage of the betting. out of money flu the la" Prttt to seek the police. They committed Supplies, write ror a Bryn Mawr, In Ished the .after being 8. the third that he has scored at thl spite of the fact that Twelve Face Barrier. hut off when the went up Panama. Feb. The report of the the robbery, they said, while under jtL, ram r w. meeting and u majority of the horse she whs carrying top weight, Imme- Twelve faced the harrier in the barrier investigation into lrregu the Influence of the drug and at diately Troxler had the lee up on Tod Cook the men and shrewd judges a! the course went to the front to make third event, with the talent again at A. Jones finished third. larltles In the comlssary department, direction of a third man, whom they the pace. She was Joined before they sea as to the probable winner, no less of which John Burke was the head. accused of shooting Oately. This hud got out of the chtitn by Cantem than four horses ruling favorite al In the hands of Col. George W. Ooe third man, they said, had gone west Belle of Bryn Mawr Dave Ford's Panama and the two run head and head to Ihe one stage of the hettlng. Ida Lavinu peedy bluck naughter of Ort Wells. thai, chairman of the on a freight train. Have Your far turn, where Belle of Bryn Mawr well played In the betting and but t demonstrated again yesterday commission, who will decide what look a clear lead u length arid was at post that action. If any. is to be taken. Gunmen Identified. feature r(Xt of point behind the favorite time she stands next to Pan Zareta as the Corrected. r never headed again. proved u rather easy winner by tak vieai. mure In training at the Allegations have been made that By tht Aisociutrd Print 'OÁír Turning for home, Truly and f'ati-te- ing the lead at the start and holding Mr. Burke has accepted Illegal com Boston, Feb. K. Lying seriously No Pain or J Juarex oval when she won the Ko eontrnetnrs fnr sun both mude their moves and for awav throughout, with Thistle Belle arlo handicap from a field mlHlnm from wounded on hla hospital bed, John Inconvenience. , of five 'dealings have an instant the two appeared to he second und Parnell Olrl third starters, und did it with Matth p,1'"' and hls Eur0Dean Gately, clerk In the Roxbury Loan English gainuiK upon the leader, hut fan! cm The last race of the day was ews piloted the mare, and rode a company. Identified today William P Spanish MRS. GRACE V had given hie best attempt to k the mllu and course and good race, rating her along next to Galney and lan,lel Judson as two .01 Bookkeeping - Stenography A. BENSON Y X step wun the leader In the' early por Polls, from the McDanlel stable the pacemaker. Cantem, to the r.tic Business Men's Luncheon 50c. the three men whom he foiled In an tion of the race ujid dropped out of ways ruled favorite, with Husky Lad stretch, turn und then bringing her $1 Regular Dinner l. attempt to rob the store last Thurs R. F. DAVIS, Manager 103 Herald Bldg. - In contention the last eighth. Nannie strongly backed second choice. Th home on the bit. (the was challenged Sneclal Spanun dishes served dallj day. The men gave themselves up In 1484-146- s .neiaied wttti me an expert Phones Trust Bid. Cblropndln McDee. after trailing her field unill former took the lead at' the rle o by Truly, but came on without being fit Hotel Sheldon Cafe. Music by Worcester, today. The police say well within the stretch, moved up the barrier, with the favorite closest extended. Cantem tired froni Reyes' Orchestra. Galney confessed to shooting Gately RACING AT JUAREZ DAILY

Beginning at 2 P. M. Six High Class Races Every Day

AUSPICES OF JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ, S. A. Ladies' Days, Tuesdays and Fridays ADMISSION $1.00 r'V'.,,.:,;v v.; Monday. February 9. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES.

WEIGHTS AND ENTRIES and the Yankees I.. It 10, that TIMES' RACING FOfeM CHART Illustrates this dislike on Klem's part. A Different ijort of Fighting for Cárpenticr. FOR TODAY'S RACING "Billy" Bvans were ASSURES COMFORT JI'AREE. MICO, Sunday. February 8. ftU . Had day. Weather clear. Track fast. and Klem Ota presiding Judge. niara cas stay, starter. umpires In that series, and the Nation- Batrles for rtnS da. Mondar. February . al league official was scheduled to Two'3rMro,a- - M,,rt F1R8T RACE Five furlongs. Selling. Three and up Re ralue to work the first game behind plate. ens 3 I jirurlón" 4093 the ON winner ene, saiuuu fas, inira svs. As-- soon as Kvar.a saw Ford, the New YETS' MEETING gi MIIL Barber Va Dragster lis Torn Americans' pitcher, warming up, -- Hides. Morse gad Owner. . CI "T? J ...... tl :uon tona H Sir. OP. he stopped s .nlnute at t..e plata to ?M una totxii anot'sen' Brother na 40 Auntie Curl (Beckham) I j P i . ranr talk, to Klem before going down to JACKSONVILLE PROMISES MANY r. re tn Son' try. 40 Ooma S (ChlnnatCo) 7 to A MOtt , y 40 6 his place as the field umpire near first PLEASING. DEPAKTTHEH SECOND HACK Three-yea- r a Veno Von (WAWells) 10 5 $44 11 I narco FROM Sclllor old base. As I passed way. . furloflgs. 4017 Leford 1 (JRendolph) tt v 4 4 5' 44 C Jone oh the to the ritot it is 4004 Parcel Post s Peoples) trt box, I heard Bivanr saying to Klem. rnnnuis Gray Plum Mi iNllnert: IN P P v Frd m Menwar . .. tos W7 Q trail (PoyaerCo) R 10 Tipped on 40W Caldera . .. 1ffl i in el Matthews Ford. Mi Clt Darla.. 4073 Nifty 4 (ROBgan) too 1 I f44 "You've got to wa h Aged Warriors Will Hklc In Parade 83 a's Daughter 103 low . .. Oils fellow Prancli Eel a (MarkhamAiadumi ....417 4 ! 4 Ford cloeely so on win ne uiven Best guanera 2 S"PS" t .OH Real Worth 17 tuteen a (HoganftHotman) at not to miss any at es)DroU mm ....109 rl 74 71 ' Oross mm. got iti Lamb Tail 471 oy'a Favorite 4 (Plunkettaco) 101 7 ga 10" 10" O'BrU His spltter has the funniest 4064 Aunt Ell( . tosí .083 lr I ever saw, - it La EatreUa 40 Sir Bellinger 6 oritnsAlluil) lit 13 7 ll 11" 1IM break la RACK Three-yea- r 8 If you've never THIRD Selling. olds and Little Maid (MTMorte) 407 14 13 13 It" If Hill worked behind him 8 Special Wtrt lo The Ttmee ami marro, une mira. 3W7 O. Cunningham a (CDlett) HO 11 14 14 14 Rooner might be able to Up you off to the rium 9461 i" Jacksonville, Fla.. Feb. . The V V . M Roberta a Kelly Delaney) 107 II 1t 14 Taylor to 7 nest way tn work. twenty-fourt- m startler . ... If WW h annual reunion of the M0 .' MlaOM Retente . T guess we've got as good spltbnll " - MI Montreal . . m At post t minutes, orr at Time .47 m. Auntie curl 4 place, pitchers" tn our league uoniiiaeraie Veterana' aasocla- m Era Tanguay'ios show. Ooma 6 im 6 prospero as he Is," said Bong or 40W MUI .MOOl t place, show. Veno Von show, winner eh. f. by iion ana t'onfederate Veter- Edith usa naxei v. .. Charley's D. B. Klem. "I don't need any tips about Flor, . Aunt. Trained by Freeman, scratched 3510 Angelus lot. standing ans will be held In this city April m rch oh Downlead won same, a. them. it. MaO Balronla . .MOO 1055 Dale sow, uriring, aeconu miro easily, turn price mrty Bellinger canine tm ana May 1, and plans for Pretty no . The Klem declj.on came up entertain. 401S . 105 iv. nouena is. winner enteren tor saw. 01a. uverweigat Annua t un parcel hlch ing mem are now being perfected by Arbutui .. ueiy ron 4. i.croni 1. cunntngnam 1. Favorite (. tn Philadelphia game pro li 3 una .. 105 urmonde Cray's the I mention. the officials of the Ml Auntie curl was outrun to stretch turn, finished nut and calehinr leaders tirina received a good deal publicity. Jacksonville Umn. RACE Three-yea- r up. of The ion association an,d FOURTH olds at held Ooma safe at end. Ooma ran jood race. Veno Von raced Eel into submislon Otan ta were playing a game thirty committees "Ascension Handicap" 8 - furlongs. 0111 was pom close with appointed by tiring ai emt. parcel closed a big gap at end. OUnu had a rough trip the Quakers, and with the score tied. President Eoor of the 1047 MM Nifty and Eel both stopped. association. (407l)OlbeDo Utealt Medra w sent McCormlok to bat 407 o'ge Blossom 51 4ns Bar sao MS the Jacksonville has an ambition to en. 407 Coldultt W(40Pan zareta .. 13s SECOND RACK Seven furlongs. Selling. up. Net a pinch hitter. He made a clean hit meg.... 4AQ4 and valaef?? tertaln the survivors of the Confeder- (tots) napa .. m to winner ttn. tecond Iff, third Its. .brou,rhi 'he OT'r the P'te ate armies, and their friends, better, Three-y- should have won the game FIFTH RACE Selling;. and Index Horse and OwBerT H M Str. Fin. Jockey 6p CI for if possible than they have ever up. o wtst the Giants. But Klem had forgotten been mrionga. 4074 Melts (EHShort) V. 108 ti I? Ml 51 O'Brien Í0 Tt entertained before. Ah Interesting pro- 81 t'l to announce McCormtck. Aa Alexander 4054 ceos torn Rosemary . 4045 John Hurle 4 (Batchleraco) ...103 S 4 t 34 34 Uroaa 10 It gram will be arranged and no mutter 3087 Anna Reed . loo loss An'l interest no 4066 6 4 ft 31 15 started to wlndup, Klem, recalling his commendation (Lawless&K.) tot 4' 6'i vi 4a Van Duten it sup, how large the attendance may be, all 1033 g or hocks ion 407 orimer Lao. itu 4077 Quick Trip a (PMrKenneyl ...105 7 7 7 m 5H 4 Ford It It turned and faced the stand will bo satisfactorily (40óS)Durln 108 3040 U'l Jim Oray 113 4074 SlguTd 6 (RMacltiS) tog 10 4M 7 M Taylor 3 tell crowd the gthange, entertained.' In W W the of so that everything that goes, to sixth race selling. and (4073)Quld Nunc 6 (OOParke) 106 3 14 ft" I fl Molesworth 3 4 he did not see McCormlck's hit, since make tho 71 handling of large easy up. une mué. 4033 Calethumplan 5 (J Stephenson) ..100 8 lit It It i f Marco 10 IS he had his . back to the batter. To crowds nn task, 40A7 4 (J Randolph) 103 I 8 Gentry 7 Jacksonville is well supplied 4086 Star Berta . 1M(T7)H'n Hawkins 100 Pr'c's Industry to have saved himself, It would only it has 4077 Eye White a (SPolsACo) 103 9 9 10 f f4 A Molt 5 fl the 40W Cordle F. 1081 4094 Malta ...... UN f lit necessary transportation facilities, the hotels ... (11134. (FBorland) 107 13 I 10' 30 have been for Klem to have , (4W)Tro-- Belle tos 40l Mary Emily.. 110 Dave Montgomery a lo II tt'tf Kelsav and streets, all necessary to the suc- 4086 7 looked at the field umpire and gotten 3058 Dutch Rock M06 4037 J'ge Walton, Másalo 6 (WOargan) lit 5i 4 4t 111 Oargan 8 cessful handling of tit (4iW).Morallght 6 (WMBalrd) 107 r 3 If7 7 S some sign from to reunion crowds 31 t i Feeney him in order have New Features! in Program. His. allowance claimed. made sure that the hit was all right. Noto' apprentiro At post 1 minute. Off al 2 47. Time :33 47. I: Melts 5 place Tho Jacksonville program will li Then he would have let himself out change In 3 show. John Hurle 5 place, show. Commendation 3 show. Winner b. t. by of a lot of publicity and crttictam. But at least two important par- veltnnlan-Mis- Nelson. Trained by E. H. Short. High price John Hurle 15, Quid Klem would not do that. ticulars the customary reunion meth- SELECTIONS BY EX. nunc , tye wntte 9. winner entered ror 1300. No aid. overweigm uave Mont ods. It is purpose gomery Evans and Klem Wrangle. the of the associa- PERT HANDICAPPF.RS t. tion to put many of tho old soldiers, Melts closed a big gap rounding lower turn and finishing with a rush was going "Billy" Evans had always claimed who have at away at end. John Hurle forced the pace all the way and bung on gamely. Com- Klem threw him dotvn on a decision other reunions been car- mendation finished strong, same or Quick Trip. to come nis ed for at a camp, in hotels, boarding Eli PASO MORNING TIMES. Sigurd had around that came up in the series between nous,. s (T. H. Schneldau.) field entering stretch. Quid Nunc and Morallght both stopped after making the Pittsburgh and Detroit for tho world's and private homes where thoy pace 10 will have more 1. Newman Entry, Hay, Misa Fielder. ine si men championship In 1909, and this deci- comfortable quarters 2. Superl, Aunt Stole, La Estrella. sion and the confiiBton which resulted and better entertainment. Jackson- THIRD RACE s up. ville 3. Philliatina, Defy, Florence Birch. 4095 Five rurlongs. Sel'lng. and Net value to from the difficulty In making it forced brieves that It will be more picas, 4. Pan Zareta,, Othello, Barsac. winner ttts, second 350, third tth. the National commission to aRStgn four ant for the veterans to "be cared for in that manner In, 5. Roeemary, Orimar I,ad, Annual in Hide Horse and Owner. WU Vj Str. Fin. Jockey. Op. Ct umpires to" the world's series after than nnd i. St many if not all of them as- terest. , 3 r, 5 1909. two to stand on the foul will be 404 Ida Lavlnla (FDWelr) 87 3 7. i fl Marco lines signed to such quarters. . Cordle B. Mary Emily, Melts. 4034 Thistle Belle a (WJDunn) ...107 4 .' Carter 3 In the outfteld. fl 1I t Another chnngc will be seen In 4048 Parnell Olrl 6 (Jones4iCo) 116 5 51 6' 6'f SI Gentry 8 It Some temporary stands had been parade the FORM, 4030 Buck a (JNReynolds) s 31 3 4 O , 4 of old soldiers. Instead of CHICAGO RACING Thomas ..too O'Brien constructed for the accommodation walking, (Peter Clark.) 4087 Tlldy Wolffarth 4 (JQulrk) ..109 1 .. 7 I 6a 6 Denny to 10 of the overflow crowd on the foul linos they will rldo in carriages 40 (JeaneiteA-Riley- 6 30 18 and 1. Hay, Vicar's Daughter, Newman Zulu a 118 7 8' 8' Stuart in both right and left fields Beyond automobiles. It Is realised here Entry- 4031 Dusky Dave 3 (EDKaurman) ...103 .. I 71 9f 7 W W Taylor 4 5 that a big majority of the veterans 4070 Rrlghtstone a (HBOorrln) 9 31 8 Ford 5 4 these stands, in fair territory, were the 2. C. Buperl. lit .. 44 41 who followed the fortunes of the StutH Aunt Elate, K. Davis. 3A07 Jerky 5 (RawllngsftCo) 109 8 94 9 7 9 R Guy too 109 regular bleachers. There was a ground 3. and Bars, are now past 70 years of Eva T.mguay. Balronla, Startler. 3661 Minnie Bright ...107 10 .. 10 101 10 10a C White 60 1O0 rule made for the series that, If a hit age. 4. Pan Zareta, Barsac, Useeit. 4064 J B Maylow 3 (ClohefttHlckey) loon .. 11 11 11 ll Dreyer 15 it landed tn fair ground and tho hall 5. Orimar Lad, Durln, Annual liter 4073 Sidney Peters 6 (WMBalrd) ...its (refused to break)- - Hill 4 5 then bounded out of the field and Into Many I'nable to March. sxaKaKSKaKBr est, tho tempora.-- stands, it wa Many of them are physically unable At post 3 at :46 3 place, to w 6. Trojan Belle, Melts, Mary Emily. minutes. Off S:t8. Time l:00. Ida Lavlnla good for only two bases; but, of course. march two hours In the sun. not- i show. THUtle Belle place. show. Parnell Girl 9 show. Winner blk. r. Cesa withstanding the fact that they fight Trained by F. D. Weir. Scratched 406 Palatable 108. 3963 Doc Allen if the ball landed in the field and - it out with their old timo sN FRANCISCO NEWS. 118, 4094 Swede Sam 118 Standing- start icoort for all but Sidney Peters, won handily. then bounded Into the regular stands, oouruKo and (B. E. Miller.) third High 13. Tor 3300. No bid. was determination. This fact has been ap- rplu s millions for philanthropy. Wo second and driving. price Wolfrarth Winner entered the hit to stand for a home run. parent younger NATIONAL 1. Miss Fielder. Newman Entry, Ida Llvlnla was rushed to the front at start and always held her field safe. This an In the season, it seems that Bvans to observers at recent DRAINAGE tret most keenly to find the flood Vicar's Daughter. tle Belle nearest in pursuit throughout, rarnell Girl rinlshed fast. Buck Thomas and Klem, who were the two umpires reunions If not the old men them- ison at hand again ahd the publio 2. Superl, Estrella. Aunt Elsie. was forced to take up on first turn, could never get to front thereafter. Brlghtstone working selves. d the press still uninterested and La stopped. this series, arranged some It CONGRESS S. Phllllstina, Florence Birch, 0 signs so that the man in charge of has been almost flftv- - years OALTS WORK athetio because the few thousand 4. Zareta, Othello. gamo get In since e battles of Gettysburg and liars to present the matter have not Pan Barsac. FOURTH RACE Three furlongs. Yucatan Stakes. Colls and the would not bad on this 5. Lad, and Chlcka nuga since the consuming provided." Annual Interest, Orimar Durln 40 geldings. Net value to winner 3680, second 390, third 340. decision and give any two base hits as 6. Trojan Belle, Mary Emily, Cordle home runs or home runs as two base flames f wnr on those historic fields un llo Nothing More ill Work ' tried A n vnlor courage PrntH I Wiiitrewe. Arrested. F. Index- Horse and Owner. WL St, j4 Sir. Fin. Jockey. hita It was up to the umpire behind end and k tin Account I Ihr - H true. average age of Uswlutrd 7 the plate to decide, and It was clearly "'una tneni The ioaiii .starvation. (402ft)Ed Howard (JLIvingston) its I S'l Ford Ihe contestants In those titanic strug- Chicago. Feb. striking SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. 4036 (JButier) 115 3 W Taylor evident that sometimes It would ba i ' Superhuman I" í" W 'uitresses. who nckf ting - SVnnlr 3 6 gles was twenty years: hence the Patteraltl 30M B A Jones (Jlllghnote 115 3 31 O'Brien difficult for htm to see Into which ufi if downtown rest: 3994 118 4 Rooney 40 average age of the sUrv Ivors must be Vicar's Daughter, Newman Entry Mex (FDWelr) t'l 4' stand the bull had bounded, while blngton, IT sled, Th. 4003 Tod Cook (JLIvingston) tIS 5 5 Troxler seventy-on- In fact very few men now Miss Fielder. '6 the base umpire would nearly always starvation has hu efforts lounging mitt loafing 9 A 3984 Apple 110, (scratched at 1:53 p. m.) living who fought In tbe civil war are imt Vl4r Dttnarl be In a position to tell. If tho ball National Drainage ngress t :;. Kvu Tanguay, Florence Birch, went Into the on ground, under seventy. At post I minutes. Off at 3:45. Time :32 :40. Entry out place, out show. stands fair Itecognlzlng against a recurrence Superhuman place, out show. B. A. Jones show. No sepárale entry bel the field umpire was to tip his partner the declining years of which damaged startler. out the Confederate veteran, the 4. Pan Zareta, Colquitt, Othello. ting place or snow, winner b. g. by cesarion-Lin- of Lire. Trained by M. uoid off to that fact by pulling at the Jacksonville and southern slates In 6. Durln, orimar Lad, Annual Inter-- - blatt. Scratched 4050 Trulane 115, 4003 Ben s Brother 113. Standing start good, won peak of his cap. If it bounded Into will set the precedent for a change. Edmund T. Perklnt "eat. first three driving. Hla-- price Entry the temporary Btand, after landing In In the Confederate parade, as indicat- the congress, notified 4, Trojon Cordle F., Melts. Ed Howard broke well but Was outrun by Superhuman tn an eighth out where the field umpire to ed, confident of Us ability to carry It mil, Belle, ne rorgea to ine rront ana was draw inn away at end. superhuman nan no excuses fair territory, was national directo give the sign by putting his hand on out. 'roas society, of hid B. A. Jones suffered from slight Interference right after start but It did not affect " BAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER. his hip. These proposed changes were sub- tlnue operations beca the result. Tod cook was sharply cut off right at the start. mitted (Al Dobson.) BUI Didn't See It. to Oeneral 'tennet H. Voting on funds, and warned th 1. Vicar's Daughter, Miss Fielder, eWt07 FIFTH RACK Mile. Rosario Handicap, and up. Net value a recent visit to Jacksonville, und tie be "prepared to cope Hay. to winner 8300, second 875, third 896. In a crucial game of the series enthusiastically approved them. weeks with flood huvi Droll, which, us will be recalled, strung out f last year, . Aunt Elsie, Superl, to seven contests, got away Aeeommlallons SiiH'rir. which Florence Index Horse and Owner. WL jt. K H 4 Str. Fin. Jockey Detroit pie nearly . liv .i Eva Tanguay. to a big lead, but tho Pittsburgh Jacksonville has confidence In Its thousand , Birch. 4078 Belle or Hi vii Mawr 4 (DFord) 110 5 Matthews 3 ability to carry out plans. perty to the 4084 4 (WMcLemore 10 il W Taylor sluggers broke loose and got a lot of these The OllO.UOt). Zareta, Napa Nick, Othello. Truly I w chunge Is Pan 4073 Nannie McDee 5 ( Kelly IcDelan.) 90 I A Moll men on the bases and a run or two first made possible by supe ' vt Ml Perkins assert OPEN ALL NIGHT 5. Durln, Ceos, Annual Interest. 4 hotels, boarding 4053 cantem a (Jtimensetter) 86 4'1 T Dealy over. It looked like the "break" of rior housed and private normal winter, Prescriptions (. Cordle F., Trojan Belle, Helta. 4053 3 41 4 5 homes, will ti- nil .Filled and Dsllvaswd John Heardon .a (RGMartln) ....113 Woods the game. Jack Miller hit one to all of which be open gives ground to ex the veterans; I Any Time Day Night. - right field, and, the ball bounded Into the second change will agani be at or CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. minute, off at 4.10. Time :4, :47 1:18. 1:38 Belle or Bryn thetvery large number of automobiles. sent Mall Grdera (C. A. Berain.) Mawr place, out show. Truly place, out show. Nannie McDee out show. tnc stand. The crowd all stood up of disasters which Filled Promptly. Wells-Th- e D. Standing and leaned out so It blocked carriages and enrs In the 1. Hay, Miss Fielder. Newman Entry. Winner blk. m. by Ort Belle or Mayfalr. Trained by Ford. that tho tic has mil vel dot good, won same, third easily. High Canlem 13. umpire's view. Evans was working city. A. E. RYAN & CO. 2. Elsie, La Estrella. start driving, second price "The people of tiilted Stall Superl, Aunt Belle of Bryn Mawr made all or pace and standing a drive gamely, ootframed behind the plute, was up Jacksonville has a greater nuiiibr Mr. Druggists. 3. Defy. Eva Tanguay. Florence Birch. the' and it lo him Perkins added, her field at end. Truly well up throughout, rinlshed rast but could not wear the to make the decision. He at of hotels than any city that has en- slni 4. Zareta, Barsac, Othello rar looked in Pan winner down. Nannie .McDee trailed her Held to the turn and n rast Klem for the sign agreed upon, tertained the Confederate reunion ncs of Mexlc 5. Annual Interest, Ceos. stretch, was strongest al end. forced the pace to well wlth- - but Durln. tbrouah ruina cantem got none. Ho walked down to Klein since Us meottng In Louisville. It has (. Trojan Belle. Mary Emily, Melts. ' ffT Hie stretch but tired badly. John Reardon never dangerous. times, many at first base before making hid Judg four as hotels as Chat- if the Amerlc Assayer and Chemist ment known, with both Clarke and tanooga, and probably the same as to MORNING TELEGRAPH. SIXTH RACE One and miles. Selling. and up. Little Itock anil 4098 3335, second 350, flilrd Jennings, the two manager, after him. Macon. If thodo cities, GEO. W. CAMERON (Dave Lelghtcn.) Net value to winner t5. ihlch broke ill re .Ids ll Daughter, Hay, Milton Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. g B Sir. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. How about that 'Bill?'" ICvans irrled Representative For Shippers as Cae 1. Vicar's asked Klem. "Did that ball bounce tendance, took care of all In this Htlip. mduoi Barber. (ItKWilltisky Lad 6 (AWHools) 105 I ! I ! t' I" Feeney 8 "the visitors, is no villi I Paso Hmalter 105 3 Into the two base stand or the homo there Indifference 2. Superl. Droll, Francis. 4049 Polls a (HMrDanlel) 3 8' '."I 3 3 W w Taylor care 14 FVsncaeou Bu. aU Taaaaa S 31 g run dtand ?" Jacksonville can for railroads, whole Ban Paee, 3. Eva Tonguary, Pretty Dale. (4086)Falcada a (PJMiles) 108 S'l S 3 3"i O'Brien 4066 a (KOEgan) 105 "Gee, Bill, I was watching for a breaking crowd ami have h and Individual P. O. Box Sa. 4. Pan Zareta, Barsac, Othello. Little Marchmont spare. Interest, Orimar Lad, Rose. 4068 Sugar Lump 6 (JHMunson) .... 96 play on another base and didn't see It." 8. Annual 4043 Sir John a (WHawkei 105 Matthews 30 30 replied Klem. All over the south and . mar)'. communities, Inter Cordle F., Star In the meantime Miller, of course, northern 6. Trojan Belle, Ofr 4 44 Time .33 :48, 38 53. Jacksonville reunion Is ulr Bertha. At post minute. al l:IS Husky had taken It for granted that the hit Lad t place, show. Polls place show. Falcada show. Winner ch. g. was a home run and had trotted great. Kvery state dividió ESTABLISHED IN 1S06 by Hernils-Bra- Lass. Trained by H. Webb. Scratched 4056 Tahoe 10. Moving that a large crowd will atte Practice Limited JOURNAL. High Polls 3. ror 8400, around the bases. It was then that to the Treatment of Rupture, Rectal, NEW YORK start good, won rtrst three driving. price Winner entered Evans big Oklahoma, Missouri, and tt Chronic (Earl McQualde.) No bid. Overweight Husky Lad S. took ht chance and went 10 a out to right field and aslied closer to Jacksonville, ar Nervous, Blood and 1. Vicar's Daughter, Hay, Newman Husky Lad was sent right the rront and setting rast pace. Jusl did last It out the funs Private Diseases a drive. Polls furred the pace all the way. appeared to be running easy and where the ball was stopped. One of maklrig arrnngiii'-nt- with Entry. under large LA AND 8uperl. Taylor made his move a trine late, would have won In another stride. I'al. ada, well them In the two base bleachers showed roads to handle crowd BUST KQUII'I'KI) SPECIALISTS' 2. Aunt Elsie, Droll. up throughout held on well. Little Marchmont closed big gap In the Tnnguary, Defy. stretch. him the ball, and Evans ruled a two OPKICKS IN 3. Hazel C, Eva base hit. Of course, the spectators TlirC SOI.'TIIWKST. 4 Pap Zrreta, Colquitt, Useeit. 4pspaal did not know about this ground a In (CI 5 Ceos, Uncle Jimmy Gray. rule CONDITIONS PREVALENT Pai Durln. eral league will be begun within ten lege record In the rifle when they tipped it off In oiyil medleu Mary Emily, Star Berta. Trojan because all ''''.'i daya, according to an announcement ahootlng competition during the past this section were Pittsburgh rooters lercliM. the J.. lu Ma Belle. B. Indl- - I lilt y utile tonight by Edward Gates of week, when it made a score of 988 "But have always thought that jgjal I CAUSED DOP RIOT aortittlce. snapoNs, chief counsel for the league, out of a possible 1,000 points. M. It Klem threw me down on one," I CONSENSUS OF OPINION. that ir tubfleil Hilh hi result Wr nly rtpa- - who spent the day In conference witn Freeman of this team Ufed the indi- heard Evans say once. "I was depend- ill 1. Vicar s Daughter, Hay, Newman llll the litr who hnve been prealdent of new vidual record with a perfect ing on ts. tlielr pern, jr Entry. James Ollmore, the score of him." California Hop by tneea It abuuld b an easy organization. The to 200. This Is the second Fields llomiiiutcd .ir ine lirtwri'ii temporary Superl. Aunt Elsie, Droll. baseball suits tmle this bus How He 1.1 In Had. 1. W. W. In travelliix doctora 2. hold the players will be brought by ever been done in college shooting. Propaganda minimi ad primate ail) located i "f reeogltlaed Man.l!:,,: and aMIllr. S. TanguanO Phllllstina, Defy. Evans Nature. OVi:n SEVEN IK Eva Chicago Baltimore clubs, tells another story about how TIIOI'SAMi TKKATKII IIEItE WITHOUT A HINOLH) 4 Barsac, Othello. the and he got In LOSS (lit KAIII.E UKSIII.T AND WITH Pan Zareta. which hold of Killlfer bad by playing the umpires' IM WW S. Durln. Annual Interest, Orimar the contracts "Inside" game. When FAN lilt: TO tTHK. and Klrkpatrtck, respectively. The he first broke Hy Vr Antoi ialtd I'rett Our Mottn Prompt eurr for renannable fres. Lad. Into the big league, he had a game to - Mary Em- clubs will be supported by the legal Washington. Feb. s - Notable Our Itefrreur n Hunks an.) lio- btinlnesH men El Tai . Trojan Belle, Cordle F. work behind the plata with n Office Hon re 0 a in to 7 p. m and financial aid of the league. tho the conditions exlating li Callfnr-o- f Ftundaya, 10 to ily. Jack Sheridan on the bases. It nia hop fields at the tlm the fatal OONBIi.TgTION Fit RE m MATTY'S was a day, Hr.NliMKIW TUB NAMK AND LOCATION dark and not having any MEN TO MEET.' BREAK8 AEROPLANE RECORD. riot at Wheatlandd. was made public BASEBALL BIG too much confidence in his Judgment today by Chalrma alsh if th. LEAGUE GOSSIP then, Evans asked Bherldan to hold up federal commission Industrial re. International Specialists League Chief Topic for New Aviator Stays in Air Sixteen Hours In his HaauaSl ttiark. Oppoalt Rio Orando Husk, Federal Germany. right hand when he thought the lations. IIS Mm Are Psae, Tnai, York Session. game ahould be stopped. The battle was The report by Carlo- - Aimciati-- Many articles have been was s led the Premt By the IVms written an exciting one and In- Br .4odafd about "Inside" in went into extra ton Parker, secretary of the In New York, Feb. 8. On the eve of Munich, Germany, Feb. fl. lngtM, baseball the big nings. Finally, it got very dark today leagues and the added effectiveness and tlon commission, who was ong What promises to be a week of un- an aviator, broke the world's given began to rain. Sheridan put up his a special Investigator, and but to major minor record for endurance. He remained a team by a thorough system of hand, and Evans usual Interest and signals, but I never saw an called the contest tacked conditions In the hop Melds, baseball, clubs owners and players, In the air 14 hours and 20 minutes article on off. Just sfter the game wu called setting forth that wages ant living and covered a distance st the "Inside" game that the umpires off, the sun AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY as well aa patrons of 'the national estimated work.. Of course, came out for a' minute. conditions there were contributing game, delegates to sched- 1,050 miles without landing. Ingold the umpired have Of course, the newspapers roasted the strength of the Industrial Work the annual practically no opponents on the ball uled meetings of. the International, started at Ifulhausen, Alsace, and Evans for stopping the game when he of the. World and "their revoluti .,1 s proceeded field except eighteen active playera, AND ACCESSORIES National and American leagues ar- flew to the north. He then two managers, did, and one added that If the veteran doctrines." rived tonight. southward to Munich, landing In a the substituted, nd Sheridan nad been behind the, plate Chairman Walsh announced that a 14 several thousand fans. Therefore, the The invasion of major and minor suburb. The previous record of umpires where he belonged, the teams' would searching Investigation of sanitation la Far Hoar. Now league territory by the newly formed hours and 7 minutes was made by naturally do their level best have played another Inning. camps of migratory laborers will be loostton. apenaM Laager to keep from getting themselves In by Nona. aav Federal league la the matter upper- Bruno at Johannisthal Feb Most umpires who work In pairs made the commission to find out nddl ruary bad. regularly have a signals If conditions found in the hop fields Automobiles for tata most In the minds of all Interested in series of to Hiref, AUTO baseball, but Chairman August Herr- By the "Inside" game of the umpire help each other out and save being exist to any extent In' other fields. and STAND. mann of the national commission Boxing Tourney Opens Tonight. I mean that frequently the official tn Shown up. It demonstrates ihelr After describing the riot, in which does not seem to be much worried as By the Aitociatet Presa charge of the contest will be called eagerness to make every derision as it four were killed, the commission's In- any, Denver, Colo., 8. 114 upon to give a decision that can be should be made. There are many vest Igstor said: to what inroads, it the Federals Feb. With seen adjudged "Without WESTERN MOTOR will make in the field of organised entries, contestants from three states. and better by the man smart men umpiring. Copyright. doubt the propaganda tiRes U fisk New Mexico, Wyoming Colorado, In the field, but is his decision. By I14, by the Wheeler Syndicate, ittc ) which the Industrial Workers of the 400 baseball. and a prearranged simple World has actually adopted for the "I cannot aee," said the Cincinnati the first official championship boxing and signal, the SUPPLY COMPANY wrestling man In the field tips the umpire be- Indefinite Prison Sentences. Callforniá seasonal worker ih In law cluh owner tonight, "how new and tournament of the a criminal conspiracy. im- Rocky mountain begin hind the plate off to nis opinion and Ag A j( ,ai, ,1 Pnmi Km the grounds can be procured and stands district will keeps portant fact I that it will la carried rT perhaps hut colleague from get- Albany, N. Y.. 8. sen- built In time for the playing season at the Denver Athletic club here to In Feb. Prison out whether unlawful or not. The only morrow night and ting bad. "Bill" Klem. who hates tences without term for first offend- WRITE FOR CATALOGUE this year. They will find It difficult will continue comment of I. W. W. Is worse than any man In the business ers, leaving It to leaders thai to procure enough players to make throughout the week. The tourna- stumped the board of parole they have volunteered a cure for con- will be to be on a decision, could to determine how much longer up the teams, for should the venture ment conducted under the have saved himself by such thaa ditions and wagea for the aea ual BOKOtKLANü AUTO SUPPLY CUMPANY ensue play- sanction of E. O. Day one year any particular convict should 1. be tried and a failure the the A.A.l'. In that battle which we really serve, 6rers. Tho shrewdest W. W. lead been chosen referee ' will be recommended to the I ers who had Jumped, their contracta and the won from Philadelphia season, legislature ers found sold: Successors muid not be trusted bjr organised Judges of the games were announced last by Superintendent John B. " 'We can't agitate In the country - but stood aa a tie at the end of the of the state prison department. league clubs and they would find It tonight as H. A. Harries. W. C. Shep- afternoon, because Klem unless things are rotten enough la BER- - CLEMENTS LEE did not see TIRES difficult to get back Into the game." perd, Paul Gregg and Colonel G. B. It was announced tonight. This is in bring the crowd along.' Ara 15 Lesa Than Old List a clean base hit, he having turned to line With the recommendations of McFall. to announce the "Thero Is without a doubt a definite AUTO SUPPLY CO. LEE QUALITY the stand a change In the Prison Reform association as a re- Increasing danger In HASN01 CHANGED Hull to Hold Players. lineup. But Klem does not and California in Prese KqueUrtl. like to sult of Investigation of prison con-- j this propagandising or I. W. W. Ml the Annotated Kirie Record depend on any one. it the Chicago. 8. Legal action to Ions both here and abroad. Their solidarity Is, I ass sure, almost Rah. I recall overheating a little con- fatally Goodyear-No-Rim-C- ut procure services of William Kni- Washington. Feb. . Michigan underestimated." the versation before the first game of the Meed Olasses T Ask kWgaU, 110 Mesa. Tiras tter and Kaos Kslrkpatriek to the Fed- - Agricultural college equalled the col post tfraiya series between the Giants A4v.) atsrT iwiUüUí.OiUL aun) cu. um. us JumittnmM Fefeiuwy 1914. a. PASO MORNING TIMES. Monday. 9. cost. In position now to judge What Is best for this Section In done It Is best to throw up Into bads before planting. Streets. of Ihe road ana does not add materially to tis as) Heard on the City And Bl Planting may bs don with small plowsv or Jost deputy county In r.tud y Inn tree relation of arada to dtatance tha the matter of reserve bank aoeommodatloaa. set "Do you know," asked Mr. McSaln. effectively and mactt faster with a disc cultivator forty Chínete In El fajín morning following ta Interesting: To lift a ton one Paso le confident the decision regarding the matter angle. auditor, "that there are about fl atari calculation at th proper Should there be clods a roller cltlseos. and every- Is re- Paso who are bona fide American foot high requires 2.noo foot pounde of energy; on a will be what In tha Judgment of the committee may be used, and this is followed with a section har- They are very premises. kt row. one of them has palé his poll lax. road the surfscs of which offera 100 pounds of trac- warded the bast tiling to do In the It proud were born In the United M,'e'" Too much be given preparation of the fact that they Kotered ta the Postnffl.e .1 Kl ruo, feass. ame noray would roll ttja almost certain that TCI Paso will not be placed In the care cannot to the any man to pay their poll tive resistance per ton tha of the seed bed. It not only save cultivation, but Sutes, and they do not want I one Texas cities. them would sell his vote for tl'0. t ,, . II ton a nor (septa dlatance of twenty foot. To ave same district with the other proper con- tax and not on of ill r...v ..VI IS makes plant food available aod furnishes say for some THE TIMKs B( II ni;."; aOl'TH "Bisr,, road mar therefore ba lengthened seed germination growth. The If regrettable we cannot the setae ""' foot of grade the dition for snd rapid men born In thU country. There al. cnmuitnleail"a The hoart of the ancient Populist moat beat wRh mat will tall you preparation white who claim ta be Addree TEXAS. twenty feat. farmers that thorough In Chinese, ror m THE MdhMMi TIME. KI. l'ASO contémplate much of the is more aspan crop. Is much to be admired the heathen Roada ahould never bo located ao cloae to stream renewed fervor whan he tnan naif tne of making a good American citlsenship is spring is deep ad Chinaman who la entitled to which legislation that la now being proposed at Washington. The preparation never a the not to his right to bed aa to be aubject to overflow, or on ground was when In or With proud of it and does offer barter developments along the same lines land broken th fall winter. any la constantly damp and marahy Juat a few more nearly all field crops a firm Is preferable. man." de- seed bed i: Populism will emerge from the wilder sss of Only tkys Kdlll.lCN ahí isis The earth road ahould have at lea at ais houra of and first few Inches need to be freshened and a the Kr Tor. 8. C. Heck with pee prlneiplee fully vindicated pulverised at planting time. cover crop la It was not the shortage of water so much sunshine each day. Thla oan he sect. red either try lo- feat and despond with Its When th grasshoppers," say J. Feres of drawn under, Uta plowing should be Just deep enough oversupply of Jose cating road with aouthern or weetern expoaure San Biliario, "that played havoc with our crop last Caerles a. Hurón. the Carlsfcad section of to turn the crop under well and tha usual harrowing STnnMai imu-Utl- m Square. According to adrices from the year. We would have had a good wheat crop In the Geo. or bv havlna auch bruah and treee aa impede the and pulverising to get a fine soil before seeding. VlliegMs Mel- Mexico, great Pecos valley peach orchards valley the grasshoppers We tried every Atitborleed City Collectore- -fl Morsas "" With Now the Where there Haa been no winter breaking but for !"'. drying action of the iui a id wind removed cold fall and get them, we even are yet safs and have 'suffered no Injury from done, as Is the rula in some sections, Is not advisa remedy suggested to rid of gravel and atone roada this la not ao necease ry. aa a it to agricultural at Washington BlTISCKin KIN IIATBB. weather this wintsr. Toe orchard lata are all prepared ble to break as deeply in the spring aa In th fall; the department (By Mill In ATBcei certain amount of moleture la needed on auch roada. and adopted all of their remedies without avail. The ,. smudge pots on usually not more than two Inches deeper than before psft. n.i sm,,i, year Í4 2H for late fronte, with plenty of oil and only remedy I can see Is In the trap adopted by the Dully and Sunday, alt ha especially In the eummer time. and then the day sub-so- li shoald not be turned to the hand, which will be fired jupon the first Indication - upper valley. This la only the first ball and Hunda, larar months Relocating roada la not an engineering problem surface. The plow- can set to edge the furrow. It Is farmers In the Dally aud Sunday, ose moot QjM upon sec February, I up that Jack Frost Is about to descend that found more necesssry to get spring-broke- n land week In yst our wheat and alfalfa The Kunday Tiroes, ana yaar alone. One muet aleo consider the effect of the road looking good, and we will have a fin first crop (By Carrier) IK. tion. finely pulverised and thoroughly prepared before and I. on upon It. Many .,..1 ... niarly those who now live farmer planting. I to delay several days unless there comes a severe freeze." uba. (all It better planting aho Pwlt' mr toP"r" ',, to have the road placed back of their house or ratner put seed In a poorly prepared bed. a requested to notify liualnna office In a speech at Lo Aneóles Secretary McAdoo told thsn the eounty Monday," Gira poatofrtir ... It. full. out of alght of It. It requires tact and good judgment "When the commissioners meet stste. Henilt ' y order draft or reaju the large number of business men who attended say George FiUgerald, "action should be Uken to to aecure location arousing harsh g -- a suitable without Of Secretary Houston Trade With Non Contiguous Territories stop warmer weather. In the Teleuliooe (am I'rlai branch changa " banquet in his honor and that the until I. antagonism. first place, grade should be down several departiuequ Tell operator hi. 'i"P'JJ-o- r jjjí t p. ax. that they need not be afraid of any moro financial American merchandise valued at $lll, the months found markets in the noncontiguous territory of the and allowed to settle before the" macadam is put on It. and on Bond",, hnUd.y. the patriotism is oud jWlAdm' panics in the future, and declared that United States In 1913, against $37,000.000 ten year But, In the second place, you cannot work asphalt snswer direct. MM, elaiiager; New Southern National Forests. I llalli and Circulan. .u ''',. on ths increase, optimism Is growing and altruism ago snd tT, 000,000 twenty year ago. Figures with satisfactory results during cold, wet weather, as The secretary of agricultura has Just designated a and of the cetved by the of foreign domestic com I understand It, there is plenty of grading to do, so If the carrier fella to deliver I be paper rampant throughout tbe length breadth bureau and aa oral any of tbe above telephones. Tha ÍW"ffic'rc1uU'l', new era in the southern Appalachians in which he merce, department of commerce, put the vslus of ship why not do the grade work on the different roads dur- m land. partrcent la open area daya from' 4 a. govern- menta to Porto Rico at $32.900.000. to Haw-al- l ing th winter and save the paving for the spring and t p.. thinks that lands should be purchased by the fit. daa froui 4am ro. 800.000, to 21, summer?" ment for purposes In accordance with the Katy railway. In the Philippines $27,900,000, to Alsska Any erroneoua reflacllous upon tbe staodlug. rbararter forest The big penalty suit against th 000,000 snd to Kuam and American Samoa less than a a a. or reputation of any iwreoo. firm or corporation. o" of the Weeks law. by the state of Texas have been compromised, $260,000, making months "Where Is the dock where I bake a steamer for spperr In th columna of Tu Time, IU be c"' stituted the total for the twelve rected upon lie being brought to the attentlo fl' "" This area la In northwestern Alsbsma, and Includos the railway getting through the consolidations au- ending with December, iHt, $11 1,600,000. The total Juares?" asked a stranger yesterday as he alighted year car An- MBMat 152,(0 acres at the headwater of the Warrior river thorised by the, state legislature, which provoked the for 1913 Is larger than that of any previous from a Boulevard at the Intersection of San Of 1912 been tonio Stanten. pointed to a In Lawrence and Winston counties. Por a number of governor. compromise effected is that having tlt8.000.000. that of III! and Jones Prosperity. Ire of ihe And the ttt.Stt.ttt and that of ltlO $89,000,000. The 1913 Juarez car, saying, "There your steamer for Mex- Evidence of Arizona years extensive Improvements by the government have the direct result of militant public sentiment, which shipments to the Hawaiian and Philippine IsVands are ico." The stranger was surprised that there was no - enduring prosper- That lhei- I. nn abundant and been under consideration on the Tomblgbee and the condemned the suits against ths railway company as larger than those of any previous year, those to Porto steamer to Uke him to Juares. of all por- - ity in the state uf Arizona la the testimony Warrior rivers, and a system of locks and dams to unjust and unnecessary and compelled an adjustment Rico about 11,000.000 below those of 1912, and those to Alaska about $250,000 less 1912. The ship aona whose husmos placea Ihom :n toucn provide for 260 miles of navigable stream Is now near long lines that appear to be reasonable and Juat to than la a progTcae ments to the Philippines show an Increase of more TheuMexican Situation in El Paso. portion of the new state, and that there completion. This Improvement gives a direct water II Intercala concerned. than $3.000,000 In ltlt, comparad with 1912; those Morning Times: la lercplne fully abreast with " Editor Bl Paso and development that route for the shipment of coal from one of the south- to Hawaii ah Increase of $1,600,000, while those to am Times, proven by the Dear Sir I also a "reader" of the like toe general prosperity of Arlsona la ernmost coal fields direct to gulf coast ports and, by The atrocity that has been perpetrated by Maximo Porto Rico and Alaska, as above Indicated, show a Mrs. C. Jarvta, whose communication appeared in continually J. many reporta ojf new enterprises that are means of the Panama canal, to points on the Pacific. Castillo at the Cumbre tunnel In western Chihuahua, slight decline. your Issue of today. But, unlike this lady, I do not be- On the other side of the account, the value of to be found in the Arizona newspapers. There Is not The presence of a forest cover to protect the head- - In which perhaps forty railway passengers snd em gin with the metal quotations. merchandise received from the noncontiguous terri- I start In by seeing how many of our peo- a city or town In the entire state that is not today waters of help equalise flow plr.yes. Including a number of Americana, are allrgi-- generally the streams and to their tory shows a distinct decline, especially In those case ple have' been wantonly murdered or held as prison- evidence of this combination with the In augar showing unmistakable is considered extremely Important by Secretary Hons to have been run Into the tunnel snd burned which forma the shipments of chief value to ers by om bunch of bandiu In Mexico th day be- of prosperity and progress, and the result la a con- ton. and It Is for thla reason that he thinks It ad-- train, Is one of th moat horrible storlos yet devel the United Stat. The value of merchandise shipped fore, and then I glance through the columns to see surprising. prevailing in from Hawaii to the United States In the calendar year th nature of the opmlng from Washingt- sequent growth that Is almost VIoaMe to locate a government forest area In the re oped In connection with the trouble ' latest bluff Is but t40.000,000, against $50.000.000 In ltlt; on- to they going to No city In Arizona la making greater progress gion Mexico. Th full measure of horror and public lndlg ltlt a what are do about It These from Porto Rico, ttt.60t.000, against $41,200,000 In bluffs occur to me as being about as funny as some state capital, whlcVt la dally rnfut somewhat through tine hop Philippine approximately than Phoenix, the "This new area In which purchases will be made nation If restrained ltlt; from the Islands, of Goldberg's stuff. I then look for the "long-shot- capital is $18.600,000, $20.2 50,000 1912, ing the Idea so long prevalent that a state Is at the extreme southern portion of the Appalachian may not be true, and should the investigations now against in and from that wsnt over the day before at the Juarez track and grow Alaska. $20,500.000. against $23,400.000 In necessarily u commercial cemetery. Phoenix Is region, about 160 mllea from the nearest lands which Ir. progress develop the truth of the rport In clrcu ltlt. figure how much I could have run a $5 note up if Smaller quantities and lower prices of sugar are I had been and said five. Ing and developing In such a manner aa to Indicate purchased in coun It be a matter that deserves quick and there had the the government haa hitherto Polk latlon will the causes of the large reduction In the value of ship Mrs. Jarvis letter was Interesting, nicely written . an Important factor In future Ctty that to become ty, Tennessee, end Fannin county, Georgia. The new summary action. ments from the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands to and well worth reading. But what geU me Is that she affah-.,- . prosperity Southwestern and of the general area Is almost completely covered with forest; 92 per the United States, while lower prices of sugar are the bawls the' II. 8. A. out, which Is certainly coming to close ad. cause of the decline In tbe caae of Porto Rico. The of Arlsona the Phoenix Republican says: cent of It has never been cleared, and of the S per Colonel B. M. House, personal friend and them, and then concludes her communication by giv- prosper Warwick of quantity of sugar shipped from the Hawaiian Inlands ing cheers only country in "Many and multiplying are the signs of upon clearing 3 per vlser of Woodrow Wilson, as well as th three for "the free the cent which haa been attempted to ths United States In waa but 1,076,000,000 world," She puU Tes. United of Ity are two easentlal factors of the politics, arrived In Austin Just in advance ot ltlt It the sutes In Arlsona. Tnerc cent has been abandoned and Is reverting to foreit Texas pounds, against 1,112,000,000 In 1912; but the valúo America a'Is free country, all right; only to for- Houston, who ar charged a but nroauerltv of a community. One la the confidence growth. There Is a merchantable stand of hardwood Secretaries McAdoo and showed a (till greater decline, being but $31,400,000 In eigners. against $45,700,000 in Rico's of the community In Itself, and the other Is the confl great with the duty of locating the regional reserve banks ltlt, 1812. Porto ship If this good Isdy were a man who waa down and and pine timber, but there has been no amount ments of sugar to the United States were larger in In It. A most gratifying sign o country under new currency law. Whe out and dropped Into El Paso or any other place In dence of outsiders nf lumbering, because the locality haa been too tar of the the quantity In the preceding year, but value oapltal home of than the the good (?) old U. 8. A. looking for work, and finally the potter Is found In the avidity with which from transportation facilities. it is borne In mind that Austin Is the Texas was Smaller, the quantity in 1913 being 750,000,000 alga got to th point where It was necessary to ask for l:i tutting up Arizona municipal aecurltles. Thla One striking thing about the region la that, al Colonel House, and that the hearing announea nr pounda, against 680,000,000 pounds In ltlt; the value something to eat and wound up on city chain gang being the has been mlU manlteat In the last ten days In though H ustan was canceled In order that the Austin hear of this larger quantity 128.700,000 In ltlt, for thirty days for the mere crime of poverty, I don t It haa been settled tor considerably more than $29,000,000 the quantity 1912. municipal bonds. It la a algn also of the substituted. It at least gives ground for against for smaller In think this contributor would lose any of her breath the sales of a hundred years, si part of tha land la atlll public do ing might bs The sugar received from the Philippines waa but about Improvement the flnanlal condition through- voice of Colonel B. M. House Is giving three cheers for anybody or anything. I've steady of main. Fully 9,000 acres have never been taken up kssumlng thst the 100,000.000 pounds, against 282,000,000 pounds In I know; tramp, more recently made location of the re been there, and and I'm not a either. out the country. Among the salea by private owners under the various land laws. These going to prove potential In the 1912. In the caae of Alaska, the alight falling off In ror anout years me poor people or this coun of Texis. total value of shipments In copper ore, in were ihe following: now been withdrawn from settlement, gional reserve bank that will serve the stats the occurs the try hsve been schooled and buncoed Into the belief lands have and value of which was $3.750.000 In against $4.900 hundred atad seventy-fiv- e thousand dollars ltlt, that thla Is a free country and that It Is an honor to "Two Secretary Houston will request that they be set aside 000 In the aame months of 1912. of the Phoenix city bonds to B. H. Rollins & Son of be a citizen of the place that files the Stars and us a nucleus for the proposed national forest. Toe Noted Arizona Character. In the merchandise sent from the United States to Stripes, the time is coming when Chicago New York. These bonds run but the common Denver, and purchase of private lands will also be undertaken,, and Monday Installment of "Chapters of a Poa- - the territories In question the Increase occurs In many masses will wake up ahd see they are nothing but por in the articles, especially Irom twenty to forty years, draw Interest at t as quickly as possible government wU up Autobiography," by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. foodstuffs and manufactures. In bunch of suckers. At least half of the olty em the build slble caae of Hawaiian islands, breadstuffa, meats. cent and sold at a premium of If., 886. Benjsmln P. Daniels of Tucson, formerly unnea the the ployes are Mexicans, who hate us worse than a real another national forest of sufficient also for econom - Iron and steel manufactures miscellaneous manu 1165.000 of Tucson waterworks States marshal of Arlsona and appointed by Koose- ahd enemy, and If there Is any one really In. love with the week Issue protection administration. - an leal end president, la iven very flattering men- factures show Increase. In the case at Porto Rico, fact they are citizens of this country let go bonds, running thirty years, for 6 per cent, to the Har clt when s breadstuffa, meat, that them or Mr nan ela his association wun i"e cotton cloths and miscellaneous to Home of those who have political power and try Savings Chicago, one the iinn and show Increase, and rls Trust and Unnk of of Rough Riders snd the olrcurostancea of nis appoint- manufactures sn while manufactures get one of the jobs held by a Mexican. Since the most conservative of Ihe bonding huuaos, nt a pre Seventy Years Old and Making Living Roosevelt says: of wood and Iron and steel show n slight decline. In trouble In Mexico there are numbers of true Ameri- ment Colonel case of Philippine, cotton goods. Iron and IS.OSfi; school district MRi In the livestock and dairy department of the cur the best soldiers of my regiment was a the the can citizens thaV have been forced to this side of the mium of and the Tucaon "One of steel manufactures and miscellaneous manufactures r. 1 made marshal of a Rocky mountain river would be glad to have "even menial employ- 000 Issue of twenty-"a- r per cent bonds, to the asm rent Issue of Farm and Fireside a contributor tells. hugs. man whom how an Increase, meat dairy that He had sDent hla not unlusty youth on the and and products ment to tide them over til! normal conditions are re- compuny premium of $2,:t9. as follows, about an old gentleman his wife wh .tai hlight decrease. In case Alaska, for a and during Us viking age, snd at that Ime had the of breadatuffs. stored fh Mexico; but nothing doing as long aa there gooM' frontier Iron and steel manu "The city of Preseott last week sold James N. are making a living In ths dairy business naturally part In Incidents which seemed queer manufactures and miscellaneous are foreigners to fill the placea A nice condition to taken factures show a slight decrease, while meat dairy Wright A Co. of Denver and Chicago $95,000 ten and Rev. W. L. Patterson and wife, my neighbors to men accustomed to die decently of.symotlc dis and Inspire patriotism, isn't if? Show' me a foreign coun- doubtless be products and lumber show a slight Increase. try on where you can find going twenty-yea- r 5 per cent achool bonds at a premium hare In Texss, both of whom sfre over 70 years of ease. I told him that an effort would earth an American prevent his confirmation by the senate snd The total value of merchandise sent from the down the street swinging a club on police duty! Point of $1,531: and Mesa has recently sold to the Mesa age. are making a splendid demonstration of what mada 'to United Ststes to Its noncontiguous territory In 1918 therefore thst I wanted to know all the facta In hla out another country where you will find one of' our City Bank $90,000 worth of 5 per cent achool people well along In life can do In the dairy business. played He but It was when shows an increase of 200 per cent when compared with people holding elective positions! Oh. yes, caae. Had h faro? hd; 1903, in three bonds, running twenty years, at par. "When Rev. Mr. Patterson's syesight began to fall everybody played faro and he had never played while the lncreaae the exports to foreign coun cheers for the Stars and Stripes! But let this be given tries In the aame .'period Is but per cent. "It Is further gratifying to note thHt no other he gave up the ministry and went to work to make brace game. Had he killed anybody? Yes, but It tt by any one but an American. Being out of work and In Dodge Ulty on wnen ne was uepmy anxious to accept any honest employment, and seeing Western state is today selling Its municipal bonds on living from his little farm. He started In with iw was occasions marshal or town marshal, at a time when Dodg-- i The Day's Best Stories. hundreds of my Mexican friends given preference over such a favorable basis an that on which the Arlsona or Jersey cows, he haa gradually Increased three snd City, now the most peeceful of communities was the What They Said. me. It is all I can do to restrain myself from getting e my every bonds have been disposed of." hla herd until be now haa about fifteen head of toughest town on the continent ana crowned wnn and Marian were playing "party," and a on top of house morning snd shouting. pro- Vincent red, Jerseys. g outlaws ana road agenis, ana ne they vat down to "lunch" Marian suggested that they "Three cheers for the white and blue, the land of telegrams from Judges of high character testi the free, that protects and assists every one except its Cost and Location of Earth Roads "At first Mr. and Mrs. Pstterson found s slow duced say grace. Both bowed their heada silently for a mo fying to the need on tne actions ne naa taken, nnaiiy ment. own.' CHARLES W. WILSON. of hauling over country lb largely sale butter, not realising more than 15 or 20 your Tex., 1914. The cost roads for their 1 said: 'Now. Ben,how did you lose .that half of "What did you say?" asked Marian. El Paao, Feb. ?. Oetertntnod by the site of the load that can be hauled, centa a pound for It. Mrs. Patterson soon learned ear?' To which, looking rather shy, he responded: "I said "Now I lay me.' replied Vincent. the number of trips that can be made In a day and that the beat was what the people wanted, and she Well, colonel, It waa bit off.' 'How did It happen, "I said 'Everybody's doing It,' " said Marian. "Well, 'you I wss sent to arrest a gentle- A Prayer. the wear and tear on teams and equipment, accord set In to make the beat. She succeeded. Ben?' se. a a a man, and him and me mixed It tip, and he bit off my Alances, Search Thou my heart. If, in 1U secret place, Ing public roads, department "She puts a printed slip, bearing her name and as Good. to the office of of ear. What did you ao to tne genitemmn, ncn r a no Into the wisdom Unholy alms or thoughts are Thy discovery. every To Instill mind of his son sound Steep grades, aa v.ell as rut and mud holes. address, lo with pound of butter that she sends Ben. looking more coy than ever, responded, 'Weill, and business precepts was Mosenbelmer senior's Oo pluck them by the roots, leave no least trace; serve to decrease both the speed and the load. On to mn'rket, and her customers accept that slip as a colonel, e broke about even!' I torebore to Inquire earnest endeavor. He taught his offspring much. In Help me to tread them down beyond recovery. variety of mayhem be had committed on the - the principle that a chain is no stronger than Its guarantee. what cluding the business advantagea of bankruptcy, fall- 'gentleman.' urea and fires "Two bankruptcies equal '.ne failure, If, with my zealous deeds In soma good cause. weakest link, the maximum loud s team can "Mr. and Mrs Patterson now aeii anout tnirty I thst After considerable struggle got him confirmed two failures one fire." etc. Then Mosenbelmer Junior Too much self love Is mixed for my security, 30 pound draw Is the load that it can draw up the steepest hill pounds of butter a week at cents a by the senate, and he made one of the best marshals ooked up brightly. Then let me see it so; reveal. the flaws or through the deepest mud hole on thst road. "Mr. Patterson used to have to drive six miles to In the entire service, exactly as be bad already made Fadder." he asked, "la marriage a failure?" Before they mar my thoughtless soul's futurity. ana i never When ver possible, roads should be located on the nearest shipping point to send his butter to mar lone Ot tne Dent soiatera in ine Tasuneni; 'Veil, my poy," was hla parent's reply, "If jou rVlsh to see a bettor cltixen. nor a man In whom I a very cry out some dear Is straight lines between terminal points. In hilly or ket, the parcel post haa removed this bugbear. He marry really vcalthy woman marriage Is almost When I that hope crushed. but would more implicitly trust In every way." I complain of life, that grief should saa- - now It rrom nis own gaie urreci to nis cus as good as s failure!' When mountainous country, however, the attempts to keep can send a den It, tomers at a vene small cost a rosds straight between termínala often leads to 'the Farms. The Test. Help me to study causes and effect. serious error of heavy grades, ütrslghtness snd "Mr. and Mrs. Patterson do their own milking and Spring Preparation On Southern Mrs Newrlch (who has advertised for a Christ And see what part my own weak conduct had In It country does well grade must therefore be handled together. The best l.uttsr-makln- How many other people over In no section ot ths a prepsred mas pianist) So you sre the music teacher that an lied rlve better returns than In the Southern my my motives Thine eye explore. straight years old can boast of such achievements?'1 ed swered advertisement? Behind let location Is one which la in general direction, ststes. The best spring preparation of the soil- - Is Pianist Yea. ma'am. Lay bare my heart's weak places and sterility; Is free from steep grades. Is located on solid ground practically Impossible unless It has been properly Mrs. Newrlch Well, alt down and play a couple Oh, Thou great Oversoul, whom I adore. and serves the largest possible number of people. The End of the War. turned and deeply broken during the previous summer of duets, so that I can see what you can do. Show me myself and thus teach me humility. necessity deep plowing In the South Ella Roads should be located for the benefit of the public The war between the states that great conflict or fall. Th for a a a Wheeler Wilcox la probably not realised by those who are not familiar No No Mercy. owner. sou la of men came to an ending star. as Well as the privste Isnd which tried th with the heavy ralnfulla in thla section, which fre Little Everett was a member of the Band of May. officially The elimination of one or two aeep hills on a Hoe durlns the month of lttt. declares quently pack and run the pertlclea of soil together Mercy Society, and waa proud of- the membership. When She Goes to Bed. ' of the Oalvegton court of civil so as to exclude air and sunchlne. The absence of badge, were a police, of road, will frequently enable horsea to draw tbrv Chief Justice Pleasants He wore his a small star, as If It Into the mirror she f reeling prevents any loosening up of the particles, First or four times as much as they could draw on the old peal's. Judge. Pleasants' decision Is st variance, man's insignia, and was often heard reproving other Stares with Jong, appraising look; besides In many placea there is an almost Impervious boya girls of dogs and cats. road. It takes approximately four times as much however, with mat ot me preaiaent oi tne unnea and for cruel treatment Satisfied-sh- e seems to be. hard-pa- n subsoil, natural or brought neighborhood of either about One morning a woman of the heard yawns and scans book. power to draw loada up It par cent grades (It feet State, who officially proclaimed the end of the war a continuous custom of ananow plowing, in and, going to For she a from a commotion outside Everett home, the Next a peck of pins she takes vertical in 100 feet horisontsl) ss on s level, but on s August It, lttt. other sections this deepening and loosening of the soil window, was surprised to find Everett In the act of least, by tne forces of nature, From th Jungles of her hair: I per cent or 5 per cent grade a horas can usually Five hundred acres of valuable oil land located ip done, psrtly st but tormenting tit cat. Thla tangles, then f can only be accomplished by the plow in the South "Why. called, you doing to from she shakes draw (for s short time) ss much as he can draw on s South Texas are Involved In a suit, title to which Everett,' she "what are And festoona It on a chair! Such are the finding of the department of agricul that poor cat? I thought you belonged to the Band of level. A 4 per cent grade Is therefore considerad the hinges on ths close of th war; the land was public ture. Society?" Mercy sits upon floor. maximum on roada subject to heavy hauling. Many domain and location on It filed July An act The best implement for deep breaking of the soil "I did." replied the boy, "but I lost my Then she the tl. lttt. little Where she finds a printed scrap. steep grades may be svotded by locating the road of Texas legislature adopted December 14. lttt, is tha disc plow, which turns, pulverises and mlxea at the properly Read It cloeely, yawns some more, bundle t'si provided montha close of the same time. When adjusted Ine disc around Instead of over the hill ths of "that until six after the the land deenlv and thoroughly loosens PuU her stockings la her Ian. post survey th. Th little town of Bovina, located on the Santa F up bucket Is no longer when held In a horisontsl pros ant war all lsws authorising location or Kb.mixing soil the sub-so- il to some exUnt, but Yawns, geU and takea a bruah. this and railway In the Texas Plains country. Is trae U Its own tlon than In a vertical By going around ws avoid two sale or public land Or lands ar hereby suspended." does not turn to the surface enough of the Inert aub Brashes her native locks crop. name, as It I one of the greatest cattle shipping pom ta For an hour she will not rush steep hills If the war was legally ended when o poclalmed aoll to Injure the succeeding The next beet deep breaking Is moid board plowing, set country. Last year more than 50,000 head of . For th midnight tolling clocks If the road must pass up s steap bill or moun by the president. It Invalidated thla title of the pres method for In th ?' to turu furrows on edge, ana mis is louowea oy a cattle war loaded out of Bovina, and fully t,ttt '4 side. Iks steepness of 'th grade may be de ent holders, but Judge Pleasants says "that all force same furrow as deeply a desired. She her folding bed lets down. tain aoll clow in th head have been unloaded there ao far thl year to ma. creased by Increasing th length of the road. reflating federal authority surrendered and there waa if ths cover crop Is to follow the fall breaking, a Look beneath It for a thief. tare tor future sbJpmeent A ahlpmnt of 6.000 Then, disrobed, puts on gown ar words, eliminate steep grades by locating the road no actual fighting after that time." giving May, lttt, thorough preparation of the seed beg should be made her planting seed. If so cover crop la sown steers from Arlsona to the Bovina section more than With a sigh of great relief, St q curved or stgssg lines, and not in a straight Una as the time before the tha disc harrow or spring-toot- h harrow ahould be run doubled their weight in ata months graatng. and that doing In a whirl Ot lace. .jkamg the hottosa to the top of ti hill. These curve over occasionally to crush cloda and keep surface She her mirror tells good night; beet city in Texas, la an eloquent aad convincing argument as to th ggHpijd bs carefully plotted and the straight Mrstch Having seen HI Paao. th the uruste broken for th dmlssloa of, air and aunllgat. Puts neme cold cream on her face. locating axe efficiency of Bovina Breen. Bays - goes with an inatrumsm. Thl. Improve, a, look. mess bar of the reserve bank oomaWta The usual method la to aad where this ta her peajes- out tk 0J .1 H . Monday. February 9. 1914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES UIIHHIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIMNIIIHHIHHIIMMIMIIHIIIIIIIHHIMIHtlllHIIIIIMIirilllMIIIIIIU Nervous WOMEN who are restless, with Lagoon constant chancro of position. ' fidget- - Great Before Palace of Fine Arts at the a." Who ar abnorma hf citable or M Emotional experience, fainting or dissy spell, or nervous Panama-Pacif- ic headache and wakefulness ara usually sufferers Gossip of Society International Exposition. Dizzy f rum the weaknesses oí their sex, Depressed DR. PIERCE'S Julia Í. Sharp, Society Editor Favorite Prescription av.. AaWfe I Telephone 394$ Oarseaass f I the soothing-- cordial and womanly tonic that CmdmtSl. . Cmlrv.HI.. asrMee Or. K. V. risers a. bring about an Invigorating calm to the nervous Wl...- system. Overcome the weakness and the drag- its for roar 'Oosn-- ging Isdtasl Adviser' for pain which resemble the pains of rheu- AN UNRUFiXKD BOOTi. present, bot there probably will be sev- my daughter who has recently matism. Thousand of women In the past forty smart affaire given before Sander aUmnm I know tea bonk will years can bear witness to it benefits. eral beof much valu to her. I have Me' on of thome fellows who "Just comes again. read alad assd fur at roars the Tear desk In madlclnee soils It In liquid or i rocks along.' valuable treatments contained anal ad tablet form; or iron can sand stamps And that' why I take him as theme Mir DaskM Saturday Night. la the Max Adviser' and far a trial Vox of Dr. Ploreo's Favor! 0 Preaerlptkm - for a song. A Jolly party of young folk gataarea bars taken manr bottles of Dr. tablets. Adorase Dr. It V. Piorse, Invalids' Hotel - gymnasium. St. Vraln Ploro' Fa vorito Preeerlptton. and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. T. He may not be wealthy and won- at tbe Catholic and and Kara base restored to health drously great. Nevada streets, Saturday night. Tbe pass aarh UlM I a It-- ll is a great mimiiuimiiuiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiHtniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiefl Ho may not be high In the councils word for admission was romedr for woman as a strength Dr. Pierce's llsasaat Pallets lagalals sad hrvigarsts Tbe hoar were spent In dancing run, h builder, fine far the asms and of tale. giaiial bssdtb.'' l.iamte. Uvsr ass) Bewail, s Tiay Grsaalot. And he may wear the clothes that was served between tbe dance. hi neighbors would acorn. iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiuuiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Unable to say why such people are Catholic. Win Meet Toalght. born. The members of tbe Catholic church But the gleam in hi eye and the will meet tonight In Marquette hall at snce from the business men and will smile on hi face. T;Sv o'clock to discuss and complete ar- WOMAN'S EXCHANGE begin to look towards the associated And the tone of hi vole and hi rangements for tbe fair which they will charities for which so many are clam leisurely Dace bold beginning a week from Wednesday. oring. Make people who worry and greatly All church member are requested to be The Woman's Charity association is aspire present. r.ow managed In a business like man- NEEDED IN EL PASO ready to give Pause often to watch and In secret Copyright, ltlg, by the Panama-Paclfl- o International Expedition. ner, and Is at all limes admire Miss Calaña Injured. an accounting for every rent received. Miss of Dr. 0. B. are more thart willing The placid demeanor with which he Anna Calosn, sister up n The members Chinan, was painfully injured a few nights ORK ha been commenced what promise to be one of the most beautiful aad picturesque feature MAKKIIS OK FANCY WORK AND to with the other charities oontend of the landscape englneerln ; of the Panama-Paclfl- o International Exposition at Baa Francisco It Is With all of life's problems till life ago while exercising at the gymnasium. t;K)l THlNl.S TO EAT WOVLI In an " Associated Charities,'- so that Her ankle turned while abe waa doing a the lagoon In front of the P Uae of Fin Art. UK UIVRN t.ItKAT ASSISTANCE. so much promiscuous soliciting may Itself ends. w i Birmingham bardie ad two bones In the right shin This lagoon will be mad In semblance of one of the lovely mountain lakelets of California and will be stopped. were broken and splintered Into the knee. have little about It to suggsast tb hand of man, a It will be natural aad wild, with no such thing as bridges, bal- leaders Arc Needed. Public Ileal HiHim for Women anil aeslstr and Future. It will be some time before she Is out ustrade or other artificial structure. The atmosphere of the wilderness wilt perrada It, aad It will be a refresh-la- g The merchants and other business Swat. again. spot flirt Mi. mill Br Established Now men are willing to contribute to a These was not rtmaeb doing In the socisl for those who hare been threading the formal avenues and traversing the magnificent exhibit palaces of Have go tbe Exposition. I no Where to Down Town. slated yearly budget lor the Associated line In El daring the last week, bat Paso NEWS IN BRIEF The lagoon will be S00 feet long, but with varying width. Ilk the lake of which It wul be a replica. Natural Charities, ami ail It needs Is a few all the events were enjoyable. Mrs. A placed well In will mossy By A. good leaders But H will he an im- rock snd bowlders will be In ft, as a a taw little Islet its northern end. The rocks be JUMA SHARP. organisa- ATerlll started the week by entertaining (Advertisements.) Creeping vine will and there, while weeping Montare cypress. Italian cypress possibility to complete an and trail her willow. There have been several demands, Vi W. C. A. in taken Woman's olub Monday afternoon, and ahrubbery peculiar to waterways be plantad along plants tion until the the aad other wul the shores Water lillas aad other marine requests rather, lately from the care of. for their Society is not a char- 8 Will rest upon surface. Mrs. Jame Vanee entertained the 8. Its mier of Kl Pasu, for a Woman's ity; It Is a help for girls and women club. Mrs. Charles Dsns gare s delight On the western shore there will be a large rotunda, frpm which there will be pasaagewaya to tb Palace of who ;ire away from home and cannot Miss Emily xentnge. a place where ladles rn'iy fnl card party yesterday for ota tbe Cactos aun. fia Arta, This rotunda will b lurrounded by thick ahrubbery and wild plant to produce an effect of antiquity, afford hotel ilfe. 1'nlll H Is assisted In Kcmn. which w thoroughly enjoyed some parts being overgrown with thlok vegetation, the whole auggeatlng the ruins of old Panama City, destroyed ave the fancy work that so many some way they must depend upon the Wednesday Merry played, the the Matrons 1 Filed. by Morgan and bis pirate In the sixteenth century, which atlll stand not far from the eaaal tb completion of i so exquisitely. Also it would lie a donations from the business men. for club gave educational day Chatter Woman's their Exposition e w It yet. it , Austin, Texas, February 7. The which tb will celebrate for those ho excel In baking Is elf supporting Now. which was In charge of Mrs Tb lagoon will be a characteristic of California acenery, It even suggested specimens Chamber of Comm. ice will astusi, Kohlherg, and In the evening the Eastern First Mortgage company of El Paso bit and has been that other culinary lines to sell their today filed with the secretary of state of California fish, such ss steel head, trout, salmon, baas and others, be released in tb lagoon to add to It wilder - then the organization will soon uc Ktar gave a banquet and presented the oduots. supporting and he assist- a of amendments to Its charter Increas- Data effect Swan will gild on the water. eóme self Masonic lodge with chest slTer. h.ov acceptable, It the people busy W ing Its capital stock from $600,000 Think for Instance ance now receives from Thursday Wss a day. Mrs. to Charities. In the after- to $1,090,00. the Easterners, It would be If they can all go in Associated Jamteaon entertained at carda do you think of It. you busi- noon, and Mrs. Sue Barbee was hostess uld send a boy down to the exchange What Dr Ebert, Dentist,' MUI Bldg. El Paso Branch of the International ness men and womt,n of the city? for the Silent Twelve. Mrs. J. L. Marr on Sunday morning for n pot of Bos also gave a most enjoyable bridge ud Department Sunshine Society will be held at the. TANGO new Bar. Too get Sunsbine 3 p. DEFENSE DF ton bread? luncheon for Mrs. Carry, who Is leaving Try the tb Day Nureory at m., Monday, baked beans and brown Methodist Minister Recommends best. T. r. Kelsb, Prop. f the 16. Doesn't It make your mouth water to Fort .Worth, and In the evening Miss February Interesting reports' of t lunula i lain 's Cough Homed y . for - get good Ryan p Kl. PASO BRANCH l TRR IVItH- the work will be given. Rev. Mr. think of It?. Or, one could a A. Dewii., Mllaca, Minn, Virginia entertained with a Pomeroy. . Chole livery Ilev. James Corley, Miss Meta Csll Phone anus ana sociisty. Abbott will give a short address on old mince pie for the Sunday dinner Cough Rem- party for Miss and rigs, sacks, baggage and freight transfer national PLANNED IN PARIS you writes: "Chamberlain's also gave party at her (Edited by Mrs William J. Cos. President! "The Rights of Children," and maybe a golden pound cake that a needed and' welcome Urmsbee a the. years, will edy has been home for sixty of her friends. kindergarten children will sing und have not lasted for and In on. for a number of many If you In guest home Miss Csmpbell her friends involution of Parlls ent. (Not a Charity bot otherwise demonstrate their progress. not for as years eat the I highly recommend It. to my Flora sod OF Ytlt'NQKR HBT ARB years. who aaatst wedding were fly the ted an Interesa ng of The public Is cordially Invited to at- MKMDKRK restaurant or have a Mexican servant worthy of are to st her disocio Press MICH Al.ARMKll BY BAN PI.ACKD fellows as being a medicine Friday by Mrs. John K. Mil- London, Feb. 8. It Is reported that' tb Kindly Greetings, snd tend this meeting. to cook for. you. In cases of colds, coughs an l entertained o UN NEW HTKF BY THK CHURCH, ex- trial ler. The W. C. T. V. eutertalned at the latest Unionist device to force a dlssilu- - tbe Pasalng ef Donations Decidedly, the women need nn croup." Give Chamberlain' Cough i.vrtlu home, the T. W. and defeating "Good Cheer." During the week following change. There are any number of n we are confident Patterson snd Uon of parliament thus the the u Hemedv trial and C. A. held Ha In even- measure for noma ror ire- - (Sunsbine donations have been re- women In the city who need such will it very effectual and annual meeting the providing rule gratefully t. of linn, dug Masters, Whlah a they you find ing. Miss Csmpbell and her stains were land Is the house or lords to reject the should be ceived. Ago Dances, place to dispose of the articles to use it as occasion requires for law Years Barred Chañase to sell continué sgain complimented Saturday, when Mrs. annual army budget bill. If this were done addressed: Sunshine Watlon Grocery Co., cereals; lia are able to make ami unable for years to come, as many other D. Baker Smith gave a bridge luncheon the army would cease to exist and the Department. XI Psas Nations, meat; Cut Price Grocery, by themselves. h vu done. For salo by all druggists. for them. Mis Alice Wulff was hostess government would be compelled to appeal Sunday Times. butter;-"- friend," clothing; Mrs. C. Rest Room Needed. (Advertisement.) at s bridge party also. The week closed to tbe country. N. Barney, clothing; Mrs. A. By Special Cable to The Tlni There Is a rest room needed, too. children's 8. of the tnngo with a dance by Miss Ryan for Mr. and MEMORY. I.lpplncntt, children's clothing; Bel- 1'iiris. Feb. Defenders Why could the two not be conducted (aril if Thanks. Mrs. Ueorge Freeman and a dance by the gian Bskery. cookies: Opltz Meat Co., nr.- planning a rally tt.gether? There Is not n place open We wish I. extend our iirtfelt Hit, KID IS IN JUAREZ. lie fire of adjectives One of the most enjoy- Because of one small, low laid head meat; snarp r;iuott Mfg., UO., maca- the. lp the city after 6 o'clock where i thanks mi- frle kindly of week waa the have been denounced. may re- us In on sad able affaire the costume L. M. Brock, dentist, ha moved to all crowned roni; Cleveland Squure Grocery, but- woman alone or with children ted tea given at the Toltec Friday afternoon With golden hair, lie the antiiiiil mooting ef tbe lnternutlousl tire. Tho hotels would soon grow tired in the loss of out hush; 117 New Flrat National Bank Bldg. ter; Purity Bakery, cakes; Mrs. R. Academy Dancing Masters, which ling by the Mtaeea Bogardua for the member For evermore all fair young brows to K. ut ot such patronage, and few of the and brother Also f..r the beautin Plummer, baby clothes; Empire lieert called for April 12 and W, and tbe of the yonng set who assisted at the Dr. Paget, Bob. A Bsa Bldg me soaa; theaters are equipped with toilet floral offerings. Dentist Homing i;o., rieuen Jerard return lire will be In tbe form ot polite S. Fayrnn and Siste French fete. A halo wear: 11.00; Mr. W. 8. Carr. 12.00: Peyton's rooms. To be sure, the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. William event of holy resolutions af protest. If unsuccessful 8 Fayrnn and Kamlly. The first this week will be st. Because of clear, but close shut, Market, meat: Pythla slaters. 11.00 Is open until p. m.. but It Is too liwrenre given by Mrs. Edgar Fewel today when Leal Hob. eyes wltb this measure to Induce the Cutbolle up In hiilldlng woman Western Trasfer Co., services; Hoy buns uu far the for a Mho entertains the Monday Auction Bridge As; the Assoddfed Press Of own blue, rbureh to remove the official the a child to go. Progressive Candidate, Heaven' and Hajory dani-es- . with club. The Camp Fire glrla will meet St. Louts, Feb. 8. A resolution calling eye my own Iancnster, chlldrei new the academy propuse to by f)m Ansociufcil '! st All little to fill with clothing; "Happy Jim," pop corn; The Chamber of Commerce hns S. the V. W. central rooms, snd the Upen on all the unemployed or homeless men in compromise by Inventing s new dance given beautifying city Sun Francisco, Feb. Chester upon tears, Paso Ice Co.,' Ice; Consumer's Ico C un tang movement, "In which orders for the the Discussion in I. will meet with Mrs. Elli St. Louis to Join In a march the city hue; buacd tbe in order to bring It up to the standard Howell, publisher of Friday was passed unanimously Whate'cr their Ice; El I'aso Luundry, flat work; Em no exception could possibly be taken." loi ay his can- - son- Wednesday the Merry Matrons will Hall next death-col- d feet, Kl Paso The publicum announced Because of little for pire Laundry, flat work. uní It tlin "true tango." of other cities the slie of meet again, snd, by the way, whst a happy tonight by the International Brotherhood csll Y. W. C. A. hns a board directors illdncy for the United James Eads How, earth's There Is no evidence that the clergy of Progressive h thought they have for the prises. The Welfare association. Rough roads unmeet, The Best and trustees that cannot be beaten under the will rceelve silver "millionaire hobo." and organiser of home Cough Medicine. will be moved liy any resolutions of the Howell Is the winners butter spread I'd journey leagues to save from sin I sntl is equalled in few cities. Why can .1. less men, has offered to lead the march. have used Chamberlain's Cough diinclng masters, or accept any pro enter the senatorial rue ads ers, and one can Imagine the pride with 1 not they go to Mr. Claiborne Adams and harm ncmeuy ever since have been keep inlae bused on the tuugo moveni, Jl. Honey huvlng announce candi- - which a matron will exhibit a set of them little feet. ing says L, C. and ask his assistance In procuring Dr. Ileum. Buckler Bldg. Such house," llamea, of Mar Tbe puatoral letter of Cardinal Itsallo dacy some time ago. when she has won them by her skill. Anna bury. Ala. "I consider It one the ami maintaining a place suitable for evening big Masonic ball will of r.inilll, of Home, has been the the be Weekly Nursery Report. best remedies I ever used. My c nn exchange and rest room, a placo given, to which society has looked forward Or. Oarrett. Stomach. Intestines, later taken In miiny quarters as a straightaway 02 BoberU-Banas- r Bldg. During the past week Znn children dren have all taken it and It way that will be kept open every day In for some time. nal Diseases works p.ipul ban, nnd Ibe emphatic in under seven years of age were cared like a charm. For colds and whoop tbe Archbishop of Ibe year and every night until 10:30, FROZEN DKKSKKTS Thursday Mrs. C. M. Lyman will which Cardinal Amette. be the Imported bear on draught at tbn Gen for at the Sunshine Day Nursery, 209 ing cough It Is excellent. For sal l'urla, has characterised the new dsnce at least the lavatory departments? 25c or More Delivered Promptly. hostess at eards. And Miss Sorensen will by A kept In charge South Campbell Btroet. Of this num all druggists. (Advertisement.) a a slu, baa left little room for compromis- matron could be Maple. 1 .00 t lie brick entertain the Thursday Sewing club. The ut It Mousse ber 147 were In the kindergarten cluss. e-along tb Hue of any of the "wrig- nominal cost and would show the .7.1c l lie Wrick: balance of the week la almost clear at Phone M77 for a Taxlcab. outside world we are up to date Tutll Fruttl Cream. 42 were runabouts and 66 wen: tiny Adv. gly dances." Tbe result of tbe stand that Nesselrode Pudding $1 .on (lie brick babies. , by tbe church bus been viewed so in that respect at least. lakes Many naces for Men. N ltun Ice Cr. uiu brick seriously by the dtiuclng 'masters as un- II There uro cigar stores, pool rooms, Malted MHk Ice Nursery Notce. warranted interference thai lest suits fur Chocolate II I5e each ogslust eiiine of the clergy nre clubs and other (ibices open to men Forty-tw- o American children at Need glasses? Ask Began. 2 SO Mesa. dsmsgc (he Vanilla Pineapple pending, und if successful Ihcy dnubtlesa at all times, but after stores close i tended. (Adv.) Is no place for a woman with vberry Ice iranga 13 would be followed by luuny aucli cuses. there Aprl. ot Employment was secured fer ' . hlldren to for a few minutes DR. 0. A. YOUNG women. Attitude lias Changed. retire cii olate .Cream academy Is Inking If the Chamber of Commerce will get registered, 16. INTERESTING HELD The stand which the Maple Nut Sherbets Visitors MEETING present erase will lie behind the Y. W. C. A., und usslst In Master Specialist W. S. Carr, Clint, Tex.; in defense of the Isltors, Mr. to ..f good memory who this matter, then that society wili be Mr. Clint, Tex. BY amusing those Began Hi Great Werk in Texas 14 Albert Celum. THE PEN AND PLATE CLÍ1B years ng.. Ibis sume or- able to do without so much assist Regular visitors to the nursery will r.cull Hint three, Year Ago. ganisation set Its stamp "f disapproval on remember the three attractive little Imported by char- Reports of'ConimltUsr-- the whole lot of dances Nothing Succeeds Like Success American glrla who have been there Are Mudo and tbem as "epileptic evolutions he. sorry to PiiMyh acterising for Borne time and will Read on Topics of hoatlle to society. llul times have DR. YOUNG'S SUCCESS HAS BEEN PHENOMENAL know that their mother died this interest. changed and the dan. ing muster who IN MANY CASES. ACCEPTS NO INCURABLE week, and the rhlldren have been sent doesn't tnngo hns no place In purls lodsy. HE to grandmother In Chicago. CASES, BUT SUCCESSFULLY their The second meeting of the Pen ai In furthersncc of the plan to send TREATS Death also robbed three other studruts from Fiance to the linlted Bow- of mother. Plate club was held til the Paso d EL PASO THEATER DISEASES Liver, Stomach. American children their presiden! of tbe ALL CHRONIC OF Norte rluturday iiiglu. Superintends suites. Albert Lrgrand. els, Kidneys, Heart, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Epilepsy. and the father has been deemed ticii.lla Association of Former Htudeula worthy of tor a time, and H. J. Tigne presided, and after dlnn Higher Cnmiuereliil aaultance the niinutcH the preceding meeting of th Hebool of Biood. until he can Improve his financial of la In with Presi- were read and reports of committees studies, communication TREATS WtTHOUT OPERATION Appendicitis. condition, pay the debts Incurred by dent A. Lawrence Lowell of Harvard uu). will were heard. The committee oi of tbe sickness and death, his hildren motto reported " verslty seeking his endorsement TONIGHT Piles, Varicose Veins. Dr. Young Never the nursery during the sentiment, scheme, ulled Htstes Ambassador Myron be cared for at the and be merry," as expressing DUBINSKY BROS., INC., PRESENT Uses the Knife. day. He ha a small room near by think T. lierrlrk. President Hrbouloger of tbe 1 the mood of the club, and it was Jmuea EVER STAGED CONSUMPTION Dr. Young's Inhalitorium and care for them at night. He adopted. American Chamber of Commerce, THE MOST POWERFUL STORY Treatment so grateful for the privilege of leav liasen Hyde and other Americana, aa well for Consumption All Affections Langa la After general conversation and dl men, believe the and of Almost ing his little ones where he knows cusBloii as French business tbut they cared for. of muiters of interest to tl Interchange of Ideas which ...ild follow Miraculous. will be safe and well club the paper of the w times when a "working evening if the students would facilítalo LADIES, You Should Not Submit to Operation for En- There are d by 8. Weldav, u ho discussed father" Is as worthy of assistance as Dante Divine Comedy, trade between the two couutrles. Displacements, Discharges Danlcs Hell rosmded Thirty Years Ago. PRICE largements, or Weaknesses. a "working mother." "THE bringing golemnlty to some faces and Tbe School of Higher Commercial Hundreds of Women Have Been Relieved by Dr. smiles to others. The opinion of the hy Oar Aim. moors evidently studies waa founded thirty yeaia ago Young's Method. differed as to the the Chamber of Ciumcice of l'urla, which Dr. Elgin R Oould of the New danger ihcy were in. Following realised the necessity of higher couuner OSSl I.TATION York City Tenement House Commis this a irry interesting education It bus ahout .V"' stiuleuls. SHE PAID" a EXAMINATION nursery paper by M. al. PBRRIS sion says: "The day is was read Mrs. J. Prank Those s certain percentage In 1. 1!, in Mrs. atlslplug OFFICE Over Union Clothing Store, corner Oregon and Ban classed in the category of preventive Australia." Frank's studies receive a diploma signed by tbe COMPLETE DUPLICATE IN EVERY PARTICULAR philanthropy, It conclusions that, notwithstanding the Antonio St., EI I'aso, Texas. Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sun- because deals with Inlster of commerce and industry. OF THE ORIGINAL NEW YORK PRODUCTION days 10 tbe home. The home Is the character wonders of the antipodes, she "heard Tbe sdtnlsalon requlrvmrnls are strin to It a. m. ' upon the east and decided she unit of society and Its character gent, r.acb gruduate is given a uiiiuner Only, to depends whether we have good citi- must return to the United Males, werj graduation to Indlculc the rang in ins Special Prices for This Engagement 50c $1.50 be- heard with thought club zenship or bad, whether society the that the studies. It l planned to select as tbe come Increasingly a prey to various would have lost a valuable member the one huvjug the Tickets Now on Sale at Ryan's Drug Store obeyed flrat exchange student forms of social degeneration and con- if she had not the call. lowest number He will Is-- provided with duct, It I also because The next meeting will be March 2. funds for s stay In ill- - I nlted fundamental having fflclent It deal with the child." Tbe members the arrange Mutes of abost a year. II proposed necessity ments for Saturday night in charge Inst years classes of The state the . he attend the for education, after, a certain age, v. r.- oompllminted on their good three year eommercliil cutirse which taste by sc. usually not later than six years, but and thunked the club for w being taught In liar .un i. the mind acquires a vast amount of eral other features contributing u fre'iuvnt reports to tbe eumn knowledge first six year the evening's elijoymeni. here. If tbe cxp'rtinrut Is during the The members and guests present of life. -- forts will be made lo lacreas. Fully realizing this truth, the aim .er Allen Saylea, Mary ilt exchange students 1 M. W. onlly to care Horace B. Stevens. Klnnon. City Beautiful Pla of our nursery Is not for Wallace P Thew, ljturamapde Fink, ONE CHANCE IN A YEAR r aamsssssrr- - - the physical well being, hut to uae Tbe couraptloo of an In onal city V W. F. Helen Oldham. - JBa every agency which means permit, Bblerman. Mr. l.eautlful, u Id' h been (Iran by Hen- Expense. Alpha Johnston. It. J. Tlghe. Mrs. J. of .New port, To Viit New Orleans at a Very Small toward building i nd In drti k C. Anderaon character the M. Frank, Mary I. Stanton, A. H. is endeavor to develop the child' own bringing forth main a. tel. Hughey. Alice Fitipatrlcg, C. C. Ooll-e- public sddreasas In France in s ROUND TRIP resource. In o far as this accom- I. ula Harper and B. (. Welday. SOUTHERN PACIFIC plished U the child the better fitted to such a scheme. 1'realdent Poltt has $33.25 become In his time a parent, the head wrllleu Anderaon In sympaibrii ipport STEAMSHIPS of a new home which should surely of bla Idéala; tbe Prtncu of Monaco has Account declared that the plana embody aspira- be one more unit toward social better- A falsi Standard of Culture I economy. tion which be ftliaarlf has bad for tinny M A R D - G R A S NEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK ment and public has gained ground In this country years, and Leon Bourgeois bsa atiutlsrly "0g HUNOaiO GOLDS HOUgS AT SSA which looks upon the bearing and said: "What Mr. Anderson is doing Is Tickets on Sale February 16 to 22. Ssussbine Calendar. rearing of children a something really Mkiug framework fur my own 1 fl I Sailings Wednesdays id Saturdays (mm Nrw Orleans The Sunshine Helpers will meet at coarse and vulgar and to be avoided, Ideals'' Via J A Meal, and berth furnished, making tare less the home of Miss Kathertne Harper, but tho advent of Kugenlc means Among others wb bare gtvcu support tasa ría il routes 1101 Bast Boulevard, at p. in., much for the motherhood of the rats. to tbe project are: at. Duboat. tbe presi Tuesday. February 10. Happy Is the wife who, though weak dent of tba senate: M Deechanel. tb MaOsttrtcsMT atarte The board of managers of the gun- - and ailing, depends upon Lydla K. presiden, of tbe chamber of deputies m shine Day Nursery will meet this Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to Charles Klrhvt. a recent wluner of tb de Couberilu, Texas Pacific MklfNj Ssr ranks nudu m ii iiaaditcsaas.tanaalsasMlaaalUcaasasaas afternoon at t p. m. at the hum of restore her to health, and when head- Nobel prise: Uaroo founder Mrs. William Hogarth, 1401 Bast Ne- ache and backaches ara a thing o." of the modern Olympic games; M. I'ar- vada, atreet. the past, brave soaa and fair daugh- boux, of tbe Academy of aklsaoas, and M. (1, of e Academy v Tfag regular monthly meeting of tbe ter rise up and call her bis Bon Job, ef Fin Arts. ((JTOAClóN DE METALES, PRONOSTICO DEL TIEMPO. 1 Washington. Febrero 8.- - En el Oes- Cobre. 19 libra te da Tesas. Nuevo México y Arizo- 1 Plata, por onza na, despajado el lunas y al marta. Plomo, 10 libras. . . . 4.100 4.91 llornmg $imt$ Zinc, por 100 libras.. .16.4001.

La Mayar rirrnloHeo. f PRECIO 5 CTS. AÑO 34. EL PASO, 'oi. el Baronía TEX. LUNES. FEBRERO 9 DE 1914. MOTOCICLETA marca 'Indian," 111, LA ae vende barata. 8. wanton nam. EL ORAL. HUERTA IOS IBEROS SERAN HORRIPILANTE FUE UN INTENTO OTRO PRESIDENTE PELIGRO RAYE Kit. Aviso a KM C'hlhuaheiisi. I suscrito aa hace cargo, ya eaa en SIN COMBUSTIBLE BIEN PROTEGIOOS TRAGEDIA ULTIMA DE ASESINATO REVOLUCIONARIO CERCA DE MEXICO commission o comprando, menajes de casa da antiguos residentes da Chi huahua domiciliado actualmente en Trato directamente con los VILLA DIO SEGURIDADES A WA- TODOS Y O SUS El Paso. SOLO HAY ACEITE PARA SEIS LOS VIAJEROS EMPLEA- DISPARARON SOBRE UN UESTE ZAMOR HA SIDO DESIG JUAN FRANCISCO LUCAS CON duchos o sus representantes en DIAS DE LA SEMANA EN EL. ME- SHINGTON OUE NO MOLESTARIA DOS DEL NOROESTE I'ERECIB. K MADOR. HIRIENDO A UN NADO PRESIDENTE DE LA RE- INDIOS DOMINA CASI TODO EL tra- - A M)8 La correspondencia sera XICANO. litl itos HON INCINERADOS. INOCENTE CIUDADANO. PUBLICA DE HAITI. ESTADO DE PI EDLA. trada confidencialmente. Phil. A. MacLaugnnn. El Gobierno Podrá Capturar tas Lo- Máximo Castillo, Responsable de la Castillo y Um Suyos Contemplaron Im E Inspopsuar por aa Participación en Destara men too de Marinos Serán Se Ha Noiado Una Trcgna en las Ope- 105 Calle Aldama, Chihuahua, Méx. comotoras del Mexicano r ataMroíe de Cumbre, es un Dandi ps si oses na qne re- Para la i.lega del Tren Reprimir los Desórdenes en Barce- Retirados tan Pronto CosssO la Tran- raciones Militares, en Eapera del constltuclona teta Destruidas en el Norte. do Irresponsable jr Demente. miró al Túnel. lona, en quilidad Vuelva a Reinar. Combate de Torreón. BE COMPRAN billetes im, llstas. Telefono 80. Da la Prensa Asociada. I la Prensa, Asociada. Telegrama Especial para el Timas. Da la prensa Asociada. De la Prensa Asociada. De la Prenaa Asociada. DE VENTA, barato, un carro liviano. Washington, 8. l 8. montar, una Veracruz. Febrero 8. 1 estrechez Febrero Despuós de umbre, Chlh., Febrero A Juz Barcelona,. Febrero í. Un intento Puerto Principe, Febrero 8 Ores- - México, D. F., Febrero 8. El pre una silla ganadera de una hora de conferencia con el re gar por los restos de huesos y botones te Zamor presidente sidente Huerta ha tenido éxito, sin .quina de gas dina, de cinco cilin a que el gobierno hn quedado por la fué hecho hoy para matar al seflor fué electo de Hai sidente Wilson, en la Casa Blanca, es- que se has podido encontrar cerca da tí por el Congreso esta noche. mucha lucha, en poder abrir al tráfico dro. (Jane teosa mis, serva, uo - falta de combustible, pura seguir mo- ta noche, el secretarlo Bryan anun- lo que fu tren de pasajero desca- que fué gobernador lia anunció que. después da la elec entre Tamplco y Laredo y entre Sal lesta católica. viendo loa ferroczrriles Nacionales, es ció que habla recibido seguridades del riñado a incendiado, el miércoles en de Barcelona en tiempo de loa desór- ción, los destacamentos dk marino de tillo y Torreón. Esta aparenta venta general Francisco Villa de que Inten- la noche, en al Cumbre, todos ae explica por hecho que tá Indicada por el envío de todo el túnel denes de 1000. El es- loa buques extranjeros, serán retira ja el de loa UAAADO ta proteger a los españoles cuando ata los pasajeros, mexicanos y america- dos a sus buques, tan pronto como laa rebelde han mandado Instrucciones combustible de Vernrruz. por la ame- que Torreón. nos, y todos los empleados del tren. capó y on su lugar un Inocente ciuda- para que operaciones uaottxkA cambia u oaoar nego- na ga suspender todo condiciones sean nuevamente de tran- suspendan las las sl y en El Paso, valua- de violentamente Noticia se recibió ge- perdieron sua vidas. El único cadáver dano pequeñas oisiri-to- s, cio residencias y ca- también del fué herido mortalmonta. quilidad. Laa tropas de Zamor ocupa oanuas ae aquellos por al trafico, entre este puerto la neral COnStltllclliIiallMn !, que dos da 15,000 a iiou.oot), ganado. all liit.n. fué encontrado es el de Juan Fer Un motín surgió a la conclusión de ron todaa Mk eatactonea militares. No en donde hablan estado cortando eu gana pital stón de fijar la responsabilidad la nandos, garrotero, como lo publicó el laa para a. 1UOUHK, negociante El gobierno tren en un mitin da ae registraron desórdenes a la llegada lineas, unirse al movimiento y ranchea. El Paso, Texaa. mnndó anoche un tragedia del túnel de Cumbre, del Fe- Times 1 domingo. loa partidarios de Antonio Torreón, y cer- do y s pe- Maura, presidido - de los "evolucionarlos de Oonaives general sobre al centro de ales ocho de rrocarril del Noroeste, en la cuál mu- por al aeftor Osslrlo- ca de Tamplco. VENTA, plano vertical ehlao, úni- tróleo, con una rapacidad de 12,000 Los Americanos Muertos. Uallardo El antiguo gobernador Oreste Zamor fué gobernador del DE rieron varios amerirsnos asfixiados. de Departamento del Norte y ministro de camente por 60. F. G. Billing Plano galones cada uno, a Veracruz, tin ofi- El general La lista de los pasajero america Barcelona ea Intimo amigo de Maura; Una Tregua Aparente. Villa habla cumnlido con nos que viajaban poro Guerra hasta Encabezó la revo- Co.. calla N. Stanton Núm. IOS. cial, Jefe de un destacamento de tro- el pedimento del Departamento en el tren destruido. es Impopular a cauta de su par ltll. y Parece que ha habido una tregua pas, Mzo una a la de Es litio sigue: ticipación al lución en Oonaives en Enero haca en las operaciones que . jo KAA mueoiea uo oagiinua demanda formal tado de que una guardia de soldados reprimir loa desórdenes poco victo- militares, hasta Luai compañía de "101 Agulls," para que en J. Otlamartln. superintendente de Barcelona, cuando proclamada días sus fuerzas salieron los ae aprovisionen de parque, mano. C. U Ervln y cía. Telefono debía acompañar a los comisionados, fuá riosa obra laa fuerza' revoluciona- rebelde tregara todo ei petróleo que tenia en In mayor pnrte de la división del Noroeste; Merbard a ley marcial, durante una huelga. que añora internaran fácilmente de lti. 11 Call Bur. Stanton. americanos, que Inten. Scpoofleld, ayudante rlas de Davllmar Teodoro, que aa ha- - existencia, k; agente contesto que el taban recoger los cadáveres. secre- del superinten- Una gran multitud se reunió afuera lo Estado Unidos, y cuando Carran- Fe- El dente, su bla proolamado asi mismo comandan- y ALMACEN AJk. combustible bahía sido vendido al tario Bryan dijo que babta ordenado hacia primer viaje en esta del edificio y no obstante laa frecuen- Villa otros Jefes rebeldes, ha rrocarril Mexicano, que pertenece a linea; John Webster, conductor del te cargas de la policía forzaron au te en Jefe de todos los rebeldes. Teo yan sus preparativos para al cónsul americano en Juárez, Ed- doro regresó a Cabo Haitiano en don terminado au. WAiTb, 104 Calta bslU sisa-ciat- una rómpanla brltónlca, y que era wards, para que ti en y antiguo empleado de la com- camino a un automóvil, en donde, su- un avance general, vario encuentros j. Imposible entregárse- enviara un mensaje pañía; E. J. McCutcheon, maquinista ponían que de ha establecido un gobierno provi Teléfono 414. materialmente con los comisionados con el fin de ren. caminaba el sional. tendrán lugar entonces. lo. dlr un del mismo tren; J. I. Morris, maestro Una descarga de tiros de revólver sé Bn el Istmo las regiones adyacen- aUa.ti;AlA Informe sobre el asunto. de camino; Lee Williams, gerente del Ml.UJLhs lit. stAJO Queda solo en Veracruz provisión Lo aquí di- hizo sobre la máquina y cuando el tes que se extienden al Norte, al Es para constltiiclonallstas de de Comisarla la com cuerpo UN NUEVO RECORD. y üil KLUhfilTA toda Ciase aa musoiea. par seis días, In operaciones del cen out Máximo Castillo, que el departamento de de la victima fué sacado se ta al Oeste de la capital, operan mu pagamos mejor precio y Interoceánico, y n es pañía de Madera; H. F. ge vló que Nosotros ai Mexicano del responsable del accidente en el tonel, Marderls. era un inocente ciudadano. chas bandas de rebeldes; pero su cam en ciudad. Western fc'uruiiuro Co. o Duró en Aire Diez y Seto y la hay esperanzas dt'reclblr mas combus es un rente del Expíes del Ferrocarril del Entre tanto el señor el Horas pana carece de interés en espera del Uk caso. Irresponsable bandido con un y Tierra. laletono 1481. Caite tsur ail tibie de Tamplco. Bajo estas clrcuns pequeño grupo de simpatizadores, Noroeste antiguo empleado del Wells salló haciendo un rodeo en su cami Minutos Sin Tocar movimiento de los demás grandes uzgs Imposible mantener no Fargo en México; Thomas Kelly, con- SU. tandas se reconociendo ni a Huerta ni a Ca- no. De la Prensa Asociada. ejércitos en el Norte. tUU'll.l con la capital mas ductor que salla para la división de S. las comunlcsclones rranza. Fu ni jefe de más confianza Munich, Alemania, Febrero One El Pe ligro Mas Grave. oa. waA.aAii.oVi usuriauueui y sumas allA del fin de Is semana, por medio de la guardia Madera; N. Burgee, que ae dice era MUERTE DE LA ESTACION, Ingold, aviador, puso hoy el record peligro grave y cercano a mano. sz. Munr. de Madero, cuando el dn de El más da atguuda HI de los tronca del gobierno. último tomó el mando de las opera- hermano la seflora J. Brooks, del mundo en materia de duración. la capital, es el quo encabeza el gene no bui lia Pasa1 Se espera que el próximo paso del esta ciudad. Permaneció en el aire 18 horas y 10 ciones contra Díaz, y los .constltuclo-- La Oficina Meteorológica Abunda ral Juan Francisco Lucas, conocido en gobierno será capturar las locomoto aquí Exploraciones. minutos y recorrió una distancia de Ba- bb , mucnacnwi para listas de dicen que sus actua- Primeras Nuerca Cambios de Temperatura. cerno "el patriarca de la Sierra." o y ras y el material rodante del Ferroca 1,050 millas-sin- , tocar tierra. Salió de tregar repartir colectar varias les orlmenea son producto de su de- Un grupo para la exploración del De la Asociada.' tos Indio dominan Ta mayor parte del Tunea. Dirigirse al Departa- rrll Mexicano para reemplazar Ins ma cencia. Aseguran que será ton"l, con aparato! de oxigeno, pene- Prenaa Mulhausen, Aleada, y voló al Norte Estado de Puebla, están bien equipa- rutas uel y carros destruí sumaria- Washington, 8. La muer ate- mento de Circulación Times, des- quinas recientemente mente juzgado por el general Villa, al tró por la Sur, pasando por Febrero regreaando a Munich, en donde dos y tomarán parte en las operacio dl dos en el Norte. Es posible también entrada te del Invierno está muy lejos toda rró en un pués da tea 5:10 da te tarda. es capturado. nnbre los restos de los carros innendla-lo- s suburbio. nes vendieras. Han recibido como dos- que He cambien las locomotoras vía. según los encargados de la "fl El previo de 14 horas y 7 Hoy se han recibido noticias s hasta llegar a la máquina y doa record cientos hombres de loa rebeldes del aceite para que se muevan ron car a que elna meteorológica. minutos fuá hecho por Bruna Langer. que e Charles Mayer Dohson, carros del tren de pasajeros, encon- I.a pre Norte, sirven como de eslabones DE VENTA Plano pequeño. sola- bón; pero tampoco hay carbón en antiguo porlodlatn y como distribución general de la en Johannlathal, en Febrero z. al movimiento del general Carranza. país americano, habla trando solo huesos botones, ae slón atmosférica, en todo el contlnen mente 860. F, G. BUUnga Plano sido preso en Torreón, y el secretarlo diro anteriormente. Los depojos están te y Húerta tiene 6,000 hombres en To Co., Calle N. Stanton No. 102. Hay Informes, pnrece que de buena Bryan hn pedido tie- americano sus adjuntos océanos. TA ESTAN EN ARREOLOS. rreón y 4,000 Monterrey que un cató Informes al agente enterrados a cinco o dies plea de dice el boletín, es predecir en En Tam autoridad, decreto alend ctnstilar en aquella población. y que ae desprendieron del tal hasta pico 2,000 y siempre se haoe uso del CiLINDKUS rotos O hendidos, cigua- preparado, y solo espera la firma del rra r.ocas temperatura considerablemente ba techo y las paredes del túnel. 81 que- Loa Constiracionalistas Para Comprar auxilio de Veracruz en Tamplco. Huer nea de aluminio o engrane. Cual- nfrsldrnte, para duplicar los derech jas en el promedio de la estación, en dos torticeros. quiera pieza da metal da su carro LAS VISTAS dan algunos cuerpos debe ser debajo la semana, Francia ta ha dicho que mandará mas tropas de todaa Isa importaciones de los Es PROPIAS DEL ORAL y piedras; pero mitad de la al Este de las De a Torreón que logre allí soldadas tan bien que parecen nuevas. VILIiA. deeata tierra montanas Rocallosas, y temperaturas la Prensa Asociada. hasta reunir Co., N. tados Unidos. se teme que al removerla no aa en- Douglas, Arla., 8. Los 10,000 hombres. El Paso Welding Calla Kansas El crucero americano "Desmolnes' I.H aproxlmadaa al promedio de la esta Febrero 610. primeras do películas de loa cuentre nada. constltuclonallstas mexicanos están No Torreón. arribó hoy, y después de tomar car cuadro genulnos, Jamán hechos ción en laa vertientes del Pacifico. Tomarán para Tamplco. de Solo quedan de los carros las partea "El tiempo aerá negociando con Francis la compra de Los militares dudan de la habilidad EN DAN aua muebles por todo su bón. saldrá la guerra mexicana, serán exhibidas y generalmente des según lo que y de acero fierro. El fuego conaumló pejado en la primera parte de la se dos cruceros armados, de loa rebeldes para capturar Torreen valor, estufa cajas para hielo. en ine Grecian hoy, la que fueron todas las partes de madera. dice e cónsul Lelevler de esta ciudad. prealdente Compafiia do Mueble Texas. Tele- hochua por "The Mutual mana en los estados llanos, los gran La actitud tranquila del Film Co.," Hoy Comienza el Trabajo. des y Los buques serán superiores a cual- Huerta, después del levantamiento del fono 4087. 406 Calle Sur Bl Paso. per arreglo especial con el general Vi- valles centrales los Katadoa del quiera que posee El isorte del Atlántico. el de los actualmente el embargo de armas, parece haberle lla. Son diferente do lo ordinario. a verdadero trabajo de exploración En Golfo gobierno de Huerta, agrega Lelevler. PLOMEROS enpeclalmente comenzará hoy cuando el culor dismi- Estados del Sur del Atlántico el tiem- acarreado algunas simpatías, y en loa EN "THE GRECIAN" para dramas de circuios financieros se cree que guerra. Es una historia gráfica de la nuya, a tal punto, que permita el tra po probablemente traorá lluvia a lo ahora aoAci al Cuy luiuuuig Co.. para un guesra bajo y que los hombres de los yelmos largo del Golfo y en laa costas del Sur UN 8ACERIOTE MUERTO. tiene, aunque ligeras, más probablllda f por manca precio. actual mexicana. Exhibe las des de obtener dinero, quizó, de ma buen trabajo HOY Y ci ndlciones del de oxigeno, den principio a las excava- - del Atlántico hasta el miércoles. Teléfono 8104. Calle Camp-bel- l. MARAÑA existentes nata n nn. Una Casa de Campo Encon ñera Indirecta, de loa centro euro II Non tlleio unto eon a vida in nirM ' ornea, con ni caliera nn ae pouer en "La mas próxima variación de Im Ea Fué y lar por Regresar. peoa. Las Vistas Propias Mutuas del los rebeldes, y escenas Be- - contrar los restos de los que pereció portancia será la da las costa del trado los Dueños al ' Oral. Villa de ruinas Pero aún sin dinero extraño, es lo I'KONTO FLUMbliUS Trabajo los cuadros fueron tomarln. . un. ron en la catástrofe. El túnel está ar Atlántico del Norte, el martes, seña De la Prensa Asociada. ' i. aún, por 8. cierto que podrá extraer de fuentes ra miza do. 605 Calle Tasa. EN LA BATALLA DE OJINAOA. tulla de Ollnusa v el renernl vilo, dlendo por la entrada del Norte, lada lluvias generales, que preva- San Antonio, Tex., Febrero Un ve podrá por el lecerán en eLmedlo Oeste, el Jueves, sacerdote español, misionero, 8. locales muchos millones. Este es un dirigiendo a su ejército en la bata-- penetrar lado re- MAgLlSAb DE COSER. NO ICS UN DRAMA DE GUERRA víspera Sur, ep donde comenzó el y en los Estados del Este, el vlernea Urales, fué mortalmonta herido secreto que no ha ocultado, pues la del ataque, con su Incendio petidas veces que di CONFECCIONADO; regreso la mañana Iguiento que, por haberlo consumido todo, y sábado; esta variación será precedi hoy en la caaa de campo de Charles ha dicho tomará na. las maquinas y icrioso a nero lo haya. iitiMAn Wnite Se ve u refugiados el ha enfriado. da por una reacción de altas tempera Baumberger, un rico fabricante de San en donde aianuara, mejores an el mundo Sino una Historia Gráfica Actual los cruzando Más I tamos Forzosos. las o turas; y acompañada do lluvia gene Antonio. 'res para uso da lamina, reparaciones gi- DE LA GUERRA MEXICANA Itlo Bravo al lado americano, Todos Perecieron al Fin. Los hacendado del Eatado de Mé cómo el Tío Sum toma el cui- rales en el Sur, y nieve y lluvia en loa Baumberger y su hijo sé entregaron ranUsad oa. Oficina Máquina da Coser MI - Los únicos restos Identificado, en xico sido notificados que deberían En el (ampo de Action. dado de entos Infortunados. Son Ins- Estndos del Norte'al Eate de laa mon a la poliola saliendo Ubres con $5,000 han Woilta. Agenta. U. L, Stewart. Sil contrados ahora, son los de Juan Fer tanas Rocallosas. de fianza. Ninguno de loa doa quiso esperar hacer un préstamo al gobier le Sur Siantun. tructivas y de enseñanza. nandez, garrotero del tren de pasaje- y que ae Impusie ESTAS BOLO "Seguirá un tiempo más frío, oue hacer ninguna declaración. Se sabe no no sorprenderla VISTAS PODRAN ros, recogido en una postura, sentado. ran contribuciones especiales a toaas TRENZAS y postizos de pelo. Calle & VEHSB KN "The Grecian.'" hará su presentación en el Noroeste. que encontraron a Brales en la casa nam. con un pañuelo sobre la boca y la el Jueves." ul regresar Inesperadamente. El laa propiedades de la capital y de las Florence bis. nariz, en vano sa UNA VELADA FUNEBRE tratando de salvarse cerdote murió en el hospital. ciudades en que domina. ESTAMOS obligados de irnos a Cali DOCTORES de los gases y del humo producidos Iglesia Se piensa aquí que los rebeldes del por el presume ESTADOS UNIDOS Y JAPON. La autoridades de la dicen fornia. Debemos cerrar. Máaulna Ko Incendio. e que el que un hombre con el nombre de 8. Norte emprenderán doa lineas en sus de coser a lo precios que guacen. Va- Prepara el Aniversario del Asesi- reaio de, los pasajeros tamjjlén quiso para Torreón, ALEMANES AMERICANOS nato de Madero en México. Los Suceso de la Cámara Hacen Creer Vlrum Brales estuvo trabajando en carqpahn, una capturar rios mueble a muy reducido coto. salvarse como Fernándes, los que no viajero; wic. llecas, AsTuascaiiviiicB y oiioo po- Agujas, 5 paso Telegrama Especial para el Times. rueron en Una Mejoría. esta diócesis como misionero centavo docena. Bl muertos en el descarrilamiento, Reciente pero aseguran que no duró mucho blaciones a su paso a la capital, y otra Trading Co., esquina Myrtle y Camp- Hermoslllo, Hon., Febrero 8. Ayer pero que dominados por el humo de De la para capturar Tamplco. con Monte- ESPECIALISTAS para Prensa Asociada. tiempo en la diócesis. bell. salió Nogajes el personal de la ben haber quedado dentro del túnel Washington, Febrero 8. Se cree rrey y' San Luis Potosí, como puntos Secretarla de Hacienda en donde se- como a 8,000 pies, lo que que hay NOS QUEDAN unos cuanto día pa 200 Calle Mesa. será sabido una notable mejoría en las SE PERSIGUE CON SABUESOS. secundarios. El efecto moral de la guirán trabajando hasta nueva orden uan. lo la entrada se force y se hayan relaciones entre loa Eatados Unidos y captura de Torreón y de otras eluda-de- a ra reauzar nuestras máqulnaa de co Al Frente Im. "Kress,1 que dé el primer Jefe de la revolución, iimpinao lo derrumbes. por pero se- ser antes de de aquí. Puede com- - el Japón los sucesos de la Cáma- Un Negro que EatA Complicado en la serla grande; los militares salir El Paso, Tex. Venustlann Carranza. El Tum i Está Aterrado ra de Representantes, acaecidos la se- ñalan que el valor estratégico de Tam l.rurluH al precio que guste. Venga Halló para el general Obre-gó- Resistencia a la Policía. el Sur Porlo que se pudo descubrir por el mana óltlma. relacionados con la pre- plco serla mas grande aun, por ser la cuanto antes. El Paso Trading Co., es ñ 6 con su Eatndn Mayor, acompañado grupo proyecto In- De la Prensa Asociada. OKI compuati- - quina siyrtie y uamposii. Cuenta con anos de experien- de exploradores que penetró sentación del de ley de fuente de provisión del secretarlo de Gobernación y del noy, migración. Amerious, (la.. Febrero 8. Marlon cia Enfermedades erónjeas y se- el tonel eslíl utorrado en toda Las noticias de Tokio se ble. TIENDA DE RENTA. Máquinas de cretas, del estómago híga- general Alvarado. au extensión. El herraje de los refieren a que una profunda impre- Bass, diputado del condestable, fué Los ferrocarriles unen a Tamplco malea He para carros muerto, heri- oser a cualquier precio. Venga do, ríñones, catarro, vejiga, debi- prepara la velada fúnebre y máqulnaa está cubierto con y sión ha causado en ta capital Ja- dos oficiales seriamente con Monterrey y San Luis, y la captu .y he ora pre. tierra del y negro Tyson, tam- cuanto antes haga su selección. El lidad sangre y ia memoria del asesinado piedra, a ana profundidad de pón no solo p.u rechazo en la Cá- dos el Bd. muerto ra del puerto, traerla la subsiguiente nervio.!, todas las y del cinco a precio de usted es el nuestro. El Pago sldcntu de México dies pies, desprendiéndose aún lag mara de Incluir en el proyecto ex- bién, en una batalla habida en una ocupación de estas dos ciudades, más enfermedades crónicas. Curamos pie', la negros, cerca a Trading Co., esquina Myrtle y Camp- - buje garantía la Pino Suúrex. dras y del Interior del tun. i, clusión de los Japoneses en los Esta- ranchería de de Soto, fácilmente por los rebeldes. Huerta se Impotencia. tierra lo 15 lugar. Copper holl y que pone en peligro )a vida de dos Unidos, sino máa bien por millas de asta B.vlns, prepara para usar todos los callones sin operación ninguna sin REGRESAN DE los la falta negro, siendo perseguido por pérdida de tiempo la eatre,ch,ez en FRANCIA. ploradores. de participio en la apelación del di- otro está en la defensa de Tamplco. SI VA A COMPRAR una máquina de muy De la Prensa Asociada. putado Mann. la policía y por sabuesos ventores. Se Loa que se extienden al coser hágalo cuanto antea. Una pocos dlua Conaultas gratis. Escenas Conmovcdorae. qeu ferrocarriles y Vcrsalles,' 8. Diez y siete Se dice que a - dice va armado. El conflicto se Norte, Oeste y al Noreste de la ca cuanto días más y saldremos do El Honorarios moderadcB an sbo. Febrero Las escenas que ae ven alrededor los estadistas laoo- policía al 6 oficiales del ejército mexicano, que del neses motivado desarrolló al tratar la de arres- pital, se consideran de segunda Im- Paso. El precio de usted ea el nues nos. Horas le consulta de a. ni túnel son conmovedoras. Grupos de ha mucho contento la negro. p. m. 9 han estado estudiando uvlaclón aquí, recepción en la tar a lo portancia, desde el punto de vista es- tro. El Paso Trading Co., esquina Myr a I Domingo, de a 12. mujeros y niños, parientes de loa me- timara del llama He Habla pn..l recibieron órdenes de regresar a Mé- míenlo a un Justo tratamiento de los tratégico, debido a que por esa li- tle y Campbell. en el vapor, y a xicanos que párdieron sus vidas en y UN MITIN SOCIALISTA. provisiones PRONTA CURACION xico primer reunirse el extranjeros la abstención de u in- neas se traen las diaria us regimientos. horno de la muerte, esperaban an- legislativa capital. de Ve- HAGANOS una oferta sobre lo que siosos laa excavaciones, pura tervención en el Departa- mente a la Las lineas saber si mento del Ejecutivo, en sus esfuerzos Treinta Mil Socialistas Protestaron racruz no son de tanta Importancia, a nos queda en máqulnaa de coeer. entre esos cuerpos se y Te- encuentran los para alcanzar un areglo entre los dos Contra eJ Aumento de Armas. eate respecto, aunque por ellus se traen muebles muebles para oficina. de aua famlllsre x países. nemos necesidad de realizar, con moti- , Hay Máa Victimas. A De la Prenaa Aaoclada. las Importaciones. Be cree que los procedimientos 8. ra am vo de nuestra salida de Bl Paso. El A la lista de que perecieron, de la Eatokolmo, Febrero Treinta mil tat capital (jucas uuia. oo?7 los de Cámara Iran hasta asegurar un satis Be cree que ae emprenderá la ta- Paso Trading Co., esquina Myrtle y be agregarse la señora de socialistas hicieron una demostración A - Carruth fact. irlo acuerdo de todaa dlficul-tade- a de la capital de provisio Campbell. y y y sus cinco niños, que siendo la esp..aa laa frente a las oficinas del gobierno con- rea aislar nabldas entre loa doa países. tra la erogación para aumentar el ar- nes, la que se encomendará a las pe SE VENDE un comercio de ropasa-pato- s, de un ingeniero en Madera, abordó r queñas bandas que operan en estos dis tren en Peareon para unirse con su es mamento. sombrero, ato., con descuen- poso. DEJO UN DEDO DENTRO. El primer ministro, Staaf, conteató tritos. te obre el precio de factura. Armijo que no obstante ua simpatías en H No se puede predecir el tiempo en Kealty Co., 3(7 Trust Building. Castillo Proyectó Todo. que rebeldes en llegar a Aquí se asegura como qua El Frío Causó una Muerte, Vario In- cuestión de la pas Internacional, es los tarden la cierto taba convencido que al pueblo de Sue capital, en caso de éxito en las campa COMPRAMOS ORO. plata y cobre ea t astillo estuvo al trente de au han- - cendios y Mucho Sufrimiento. obligado nas del Norte; pero los almpatizado- - cualquier cantidad o condiciones; dldoa al detener el tren de carga y an- cU aa verte a un sacrificio De la Prensa Asociada. nuevo y grande en beneficio de la pas res rebeldes dicen que en dos meses metale, planchas, precipitados, ato. tea de Incendiarlo dentro del túnel. Chicago, 3. tempera- estarán cortados en sus Mátela Buying A Refining Co.. git y que con él venían 13 hombres y Febrero La de su nación. los federales doa tura cero, la primara en el ano. gran de- teniendo a los rebeldes San Francisco St. mujeres. Todoa, después de su fecho- trajo El vlernea aa verificó una ferrocarrilee, una muerta y sufrimiento para milla-re- mostración da treinta mil pequeños te- fuera de te capital comprar ría, añilaron Inmediatamente nara aqut. SE NECESITA un perro de Chulchupa. de gentes, La onda fría lla- rrateniente y rancharos de todas par- Chlhuahia, de pura raza, ae prefiera gó anoche y' a loa tres de la mañana tas del reino en favor del aumento del LOS CAMBIOS MILITARES. un cachorro; el precio deba aer razon Aunque OaatlUo no fu el que detuvo hoy el el pasajeros, que de termómetro registro cero. armamento sueco. El rey Gustavo dijo De la Asociada. able Dirección: Leigh, al cuidado del mBm without two ROff tren de se sabe fué él A ocho de la mañana ae da Texas. 8. certain books thc bible ano quien lo proyectó. Después de las' registra- que el problema la defensa era uno Galveston. Febrero El Time haber ron mas grados bajo caro, y desde que deberla resolverá sin pérdida de brigadier general Funaton asumió hoy prenaiao ai tren ae carga, ei y aua BL DR. S. HAFFNER, pardales esperaron llegada entonces al mercurio ha fluctuado ba- tiempo. el mando de la Segunda División, del la del tren jo cero. acaro- - 1 de pasajeros para verlo entrar y preci ejército de los Estados Unidos, De Chihuahua, Ulna bonor da Tas above Certtacsis with Ira others oHenssoceHrs dates Setenta y cinco Incendios, por exce- CONSIDERADO ESPIA. pando en Texaa City, para entrar en avisar a la Colonia Chlhuahuensa resi- pitarse aentro aei tunei. Desde enton. carga y mayor cea desapareció y no se siva a laa estufas aparatos da servicio hasta la. llegada del dente actualmente en ata ciudad que to 55.00 ha vuelto a sa au el Roberta-Bann- Entitles bearer this Illustrated Bible loa que calefacción, registraron sn la ofi- Fué Arrestado en el Momento en que general Franklin Bell, el próximo raes ha abierto oficina eo ISS Toaos St.. a Hr.n.t, N. saber de ti. ni da hombrea lo cina de bomberos, trayéndolea ocupa- Mayo. Building; huerto No. 688. 6o of Blot. moot or US acompañan. rotogranaDe mar cnertea. de sum or. log the aioietf ssioaat that Se- do todo sil día. El Funston gustltutyó plao (plaza principal), en dunda como van too ary KXrrw Kg of tal great etstrloatloo tul Hoque Fué Fatal. Da ta Prenaa Asociada. general al l conque En 16 hospitales, particularmente el mayor general w. H. carter. siempre está a Iba órdenes de su alí- Lo fuerza el tren de pasaje hospital del Condado, hubo Toul. Francia, Febrero 8. Un indi- entela. toa entró al túnel deba produ constante que au oomo Teodo- likc Illustration in Irom day haber pedimento da ayuda. Un cochero, Ad- viduo dló nombre Hora de oficina: 11 a 12 y 4 a 5. MAGNIFICENT announcement to day) b ciao un choque eobre el tren que ya ro Burgard, quien la policía conside- bound in hill flexible limp leather, with overlapping covert am Seanskl, ae la congelaron laa ma- á Habitación: Avenida Mesa No. 1110. estaña aeacarriiaao dentro, matando a nos grado qua ró como uno de loa eaplaa de Alema- Telefónos: No. 8808 (Habitación) ILLUSTRATED and title tumped in gold, with numerous platei los operarlos de máquina o impost, a tal al quitarse aua Frangía, AVISOS DE OCASION '- la guantes el dado Indice de la ae nia, an fué arrestado hoy en y No. 6486 (Oficina). mn$i- " aatr rom the WOI'd htmous Tissot collection, together i Hitando a tata, porque loa explorado. mano qua fotografian C rsHilast le arrancó. Bolo una muerte a Infor- el momento en estaba ANL.AC1UH CLA- ag ajsaj w'tn ' hundred superb picture graphically illustrating rea qua penetrado, qua AK. Lob 9a han dicen no mó a la policía. Doa mil do tea fortificaciones La policía dice i.uula SIFICADOS. EMPAQUE aja w and nuking plain the verse in tb light c4 modern Biblical hay Indicación de que aa hiciera re- seiscientos que Burgard hombres sa alojaron en el asilo ha esUdo suministran.! i palabra, va n aUt knowledge and research. The text conform to the troceder el tren da pasajeros, daaputa munl. a las mili- - una la fcE EMPACA A muebles. F. M. Dili ' clpal y informaciones autoridades 1 baane. authorized edition, ij ici( pronouncing, with copious de la terrible colisión. muchos mas fueron desecha- palabras, una vea ta Teléfono 8278. dos. tarea da Alemania durante loa últl i !lnea al mes 81 00 marginal references, maps helps; printed thin i moa quince and on 1ft Jjs ml - aftoa. paper, flat - 14IT RESOLVERA PRONTO. Al cu casa MERCANCIA as empacan por r; bible opening at all pages; besuiiiul, read- 1 preitsa UNA DECLARACION. registrar ae le encontra able type. Sis CsasanaHve Free CsrrVlaaios assd tha ron pruebas fehacientes de su culpa aa trasportan muablaa; La Investigación Sobre las Oosnisionni bilidad. THOMAS L PEKKINE, asociado eon Teléfono 840 y 1484. Hecib-da-a por an t'osplalouado. La Representación CoastitaciooiaUaU Is ssscdy tas sssss so te Cía. Pitman Cattle Co.. cuarto IS ISO a, book. osccM la r Alao an Edition forCatholic De la Prensa Aeoctalda. an fa República de Oats. VICTIMA IDENTIFICADA. número 8, Edificio Morehouae, comi- APRENDA INGLES ea al Colegio mut mc Hágame que 6.6 N. 'Oregon. I . Tarouso aa at i assist Panamá, Febrero I. La noticia da Kl general Carranza, an vista de qua De la Prenaa Aaoclada. sionista aduanal. saber lo jrWisVm in iatariag la Investigación de supuestas Irregula-rtdade- personas asegurado te- 8 usted necesita, pues hablo eapaóol. BIBLE Uc mucha han Emporia, Kansas. Febrero La K. Coml-aarf- Compramos V NATIONS, plomería. 481 I br Cardinal GisboM an al Departamento de nar representación de la causa información recibida hoy por al Rev. Ganado. Teléfonos, oflcl Calla del vas) John Bnrfe era jefe, an la Habana, na 85; residencia, Norte Camp boll asas? al capital Bernard Kelly, Indica que au hijo, 47. atfi Tha este, ea las "mano del coronal Ooe-tha- da la república da Cuba, ha hecho pú- Kelly, uno ScÍTtS'alcfMia alstoa Theron fué de loa pazsjesos DE VENTA PUno Everett de itOe. ... presidente da la comisión de Pa- blica la declaración de qua solo al ae- del tren destruido en el tunal Cum 8B NECESITAN hombres que quieran ahora solo 8286 F. namá, quien ac- a. eat Ike Tlasst sad ass postaras. IttrMaasss d dot aaast Nsátaas as tb Pe resolverá cual será la ftor Juan Eubarán tiene amplias re bra. aprender el oficio de peluquero Co.. Calla n Btentoa Na 102. taatass soosa aad at too oosm ósimwu Kassssov wh is aassasery Ceruataio. ción que debe seguirse. presentaciones per el efecto ea dicha El seftor Kelly salló esta noche pa medio precio de te enseñanza pagada Se asegura que aceptado Cuba, que log Aag Book kg UsL Caats Ssaas Rurke ha Isla 4e sin a diversos ra El Poso. Tea. ea oirás partea. Sa paga salario deads MADAM LEONE!!, cisrlvi-dant- a H far llégale loa que admirable comisiones de contratistas Irdtvlluos pretenden a pretendía Bu hijo habla catado empleado en el principio. Sa dan narra alientas gratis. 88.60 aa de materiales y sua t ra toe europeos rea representación ae g Lecturss Por la laa haya trabajos da construcción do ferrooarri diplomas. So daaaa trabajo. Bl Paso compran artfouloa d locador. 608 8 nan eataao najo eacruiinM. pedido credencial alguna. laa ass Mexico. Barbar College. Calle al Pauso No. 24 So. fit. Vraln. Monday. February 9. 191 4. EL PASO MORNING TIMES Rent That Vacant Room Through the Morning Times Want Pages

sum of not leas than ten nor mere than tortee of the elty funds, shall be set poaiury or depositories In ths manne. "Bee 42 Whenever the Cltv Conceit Associate Judge, and J. M. Chernin and The votare desliinsr to sustain the one hundred dollars. aid and be null and void, and the City nerelnbefoie proviaea. The city treas- shall deem It necnaary tor the health William LaHtner. eras. proposition to amend Section 54. relet- - A- public any prem- Precinct No. KI Paao Trunk Fac to parka as nave - D., 1114. to determino whether or (a) Upon the opening of the sealed Counoll shall, after notloe published In urer enetl not be responsible far any or aafety ef the that at aforeaaid. shall not proposed to City manner provided, proceed to loss or the oily tunos oy negligence. ises tn the city ehall be connected with tory Warehouse, oorner Cotton Avenue ted or written upon their bellota amendments the proposals submitted the City Council the herein tas Boulevard. U. Daaver, Presiding substantially following Charter of the City of El Paso, Texas, or receive new blda and select other de- tenure or mrongiui act ot sucn uepOftl- - the public sewer or that a sidewalk and J. the word: shall select aa the depository de should b constructed la front ot, by the udge, and John H Harper, Associate UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND amending election tl, relating to City we pository cr depositories. tory or oepoaiwriee. but nothing in this Y positories of the funds or the city, side of. or along any premia In the udge. and H. F. Stacy and W. BUI. 14. Depository so aa to provide a deposi- corporation or shell be ute duty the city eat shan ratease said treasurer from 8ECT10N RELATING TO PARKS, tory the city or banking corporation. () it ef responsibility any City ot El Paso, they shall so declare Clerks SO AS TO AUTHORIZE THE CITT for all of funds of the association or associations, or Individu- treasurer upen presea la ivon te htm ol tor los resauing oy ana anau cuy Preolnct No. at Highland Park depositories for component parts there- oy au- from any oiliolal misconduct oa part resolution airct in 1. COUNCIL TO SELL AND DISPOSE OF al banker or bankers offering to pay to any warrant orawn toe proper bis Fire Station. E B. Biters, Presiding THAT TRIANGULAR PIECE OF of, and fixing, the amount of bond or the olty largest amount rer sucn thority, there eaall oe money enough or ironi responsibility tor the funae of Judge, ant John Achoroft, Assoclats bonds of snob depository or deposi- the it the any any rea-- OBOUND FORMED BY THE INTER- privileges; provided, however, that the la the aepoeuory or aopuaiierie oity at lime when, tor such work, and In cas of s sidewalk, Judge, and L a. Petereon and A. A. SECTION OF SAN ANTONIO tories; Section relating to Writs so y STREET, l. City Council shall have the right to to tn tund upon waMh aaiu there snail b no olty oepoaite-'- the counetl shall la such resolution set Reynolds Clerk. MYRTLE AVENUE AND KANSAS as 'o provide for service of writs and cor- ar depositoi or until a dapoeitory or or of No u. at independent Lum notlose out of the City of. El Paso, elect the banking corporation or wairaci la drawn, ana vut ef wulch the is. forth the clase character sidewalk Precinct STREET. IN SAID CITY, TOGETHER porations, association or associations. am la payauie. toorew ata oneck a aepeeitonea snail b seiecteu and the required and the dimension thereof. ber Company, corner Missouri and WITH ALL BUILDINGS THEREON County El Paso and of Texas, H at State Individual banker or bankers offering olty upon the olty depository tuna deposited therein, or for any mis- When the report of the city engineer la Brown Streets A. Burgee, Presiding SITUATED:" "YBS." and opon of the State of treasurer - to pay to the city the largest aaeount or o eposnorIsa. in tavor of the legal appropriation of such fund la any man- received the City Council shall cause a Judge, aad W. C. Denton. Associate Texas; Section 64, relating to parks so oy nun O. C. Coles Ó. H. And those opposed to the amendment for being mad the depository of all of bolder ot sala warrant, and to take up iter copy of said original resolution aad of Judge, and and Baura. 44, as to authorise ths City Council to Mil the engineer's report to be served on Clerks. of Section relating to parka, shall and dispose of triangular place the funds of said city or any component said warrant ana te oaarg the same to is) Mo check shall be drawn upon have printed or written upon their bal- that part thereof, or being the deposi upon which It is drawn; but the Olty depository or depositories by the owner of such premíeos or his agent, Precinct Ms. It, at north weat corner of ground formed by the' Intersection mad ui tuna together with an order requiring ntm Octavia and Missouri Streets B. U lots substantially the following words: of Ban Antonio Street, Myrtle Avenue tories of component parts of the in no cas snail tb eity treasurer draw the treasurer except upon a warrant "UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND city's funds; provided, further, the any upon any In the olty ignad by ths Mayor tested oy slthln thirty days from ths date of the Harria, Presiding Judge, aad Bradford and Kansas Street In said city, together cueca tuna .ml si of SUoh ordsr aa herein provided Heroic, Associate Judge, and George La BBCTION 54, RE1MTINO TO PARKS. City Council shall have the right uepoailory or asnositorie unlees there he oity clvra, except a htrain other - service with all buildings thereon situated: any re for, to make or have made, complete Baron and 11. P. Jackson. Clerks SO As TO AUTHORIZE THE CITT Section 41, relating to sidewalks and refect and all bids and is utliount money belonging to the wla provided as to school funds Mo or have completed, said sewer connec- Precinct No. II. at Mees Fire Station. COUNCIL TO 8KLI. AND DISPOSE OF sewer so provide advertise for new proposals. .Within tund upon which said warrant is drawn warrant snail be drawn by the Mayor connections aa to for mays or tion or said sidewalk, as the ease may I) C. Booth. Prealdlng Judge, and J. J. THAT TRIANGULAR PIECE OF In or out of State after the selection sucn to pay the same. Mo money belonging and the olty clerk upon any of the spe City 8. - GROUND FORMED BY INTER- aervlce of notloe the depositorynn be, or to appear before the Counoll O'Neill. Associate Judg. and B. Pn- THE of Texas, ordering construction of side- or depositories, a herein to ths olty shall be paid out ef the olty cial lunas created for the purpose ot at the next ensuing regular meeting nebaker and H E. Cornwall. Clerks SECTION OF SAN ANTONIO STREET, walks and sewer connections and as- provided, It shall be the duty of the depository or depositories except upon paying the bonded Indebtedness of sail thereof to show cause, ir any ne nag, Precinct No. 14, at Oreer Electric MYRTLE AVENUE AND KANSAS sessing cost of serving such notices as banking corporation or corporations. the checks ef the olty treasurer and city In tb hands ot the cltr treasurer. why such order should not be compiled Oarage, 60S North Kansss Street. J. J. STREET. IN SAID CITY, TOGETHER a recial tax, and providing ths time aasociatlon or associations. Individual all cuoh checks shall be payable by sari br ia the depository of depositorlce, for with. It within thirty day after th Keevli. preeldtng Judge, and F. A. Tay WITH ALL BUILDINGS THEREON In which such order shall be complied banker or bankers so selected, to exe depository or depositories at Its or their any purpose whatsoever other than to service of suoh order the owner of such lor, Aaaoclate Judge, and B. F. Derby- SITUATED:" "NO." with, shall be adopted. cute a bond payablo to the olty, to be píaos of business witnin the city. In pay the pNholpal or intrt ot said prsmlses shall not have complied there- shire and M A. Carpenter, Clerks Bach voter striking nut from said Proclamation of Mayer. approved by the Mayor with the con- caso any bonda or coupona or other In- special fund, or for ths purpose of In with, or been excused by the City Coun Precinct Mo. 11, at Fresar Brothers' ballots ths words "Yes" or "No." ac- currence ef the City Council, and filed are payable by vesting said; special according cil from complying therewith, he shall Plumbing Shop, North Oregon ,hS vote Whereas, on 39th of Janu debtedness ot the olty fund to III cording as deslíen to for Or the dar with the olty clerk, with, not less than the term of uch beoda, ooupona or law. Mo city treasurer shall pay off or b deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and Street. La E. Behr. Presiding Judge. against said proposition to smend Seo- ary, a D 1914. the City council of the five solvent sureties; or said depository any to pay money upou conviction tnereor in me corpora and Theo. Egger. Associate Judge, and (4. City El Paso, Texas, a regular, at Indebtedness, at issue check, any out ot tlon of at or depositories may make bond In some n.rtinui-- j. Diaoa other than the olty any special fund created for the pur tlon court, shall be fined In any aum no Burt orndorrr and J. p. u conno The voters desiring to sustain the meeting thereof, by the unanimous vote surety company, ton nor more being approved fidelity and treasury, nothing herein ceniainea snan pose of paying any bonded Indebtedness lass than dollars, tnai Clerks. proposition to amend Section 42. relat of the aldermen present, there which has a permit to do business In causing city purpose one hundred dollars, and each and Preolnct No. U. at Neff. Stiles Fuel ing to sidewalks and sewer connection four aldermen present, passed an ordi- prevent the City Council from of said other than for the shalpremaln M. the State cf- Texas. The penalty and the to withdraw from the de to pay interest due on said bonds, the evory day that such order Company, North Santa Fe Street It. a aforeaaid. shall have printed or writ- nance adopting the hereinafter amend- amount of said of any corporation. treasurer unaomolled with after the expiration Ill nan. Presiding Judge, and J. M. Pol- ten upon their ballots substantially the ments to the City Charter of the City bond posltory or depositories and to place principal of said bond, or for the pur snau association or Individual banker, if se bonds, coupons pose making an sail of said thirty days constitute lard, Jr., Associate Judge, and Charles following words: of El Paso, Texas, as passed and ap at the place where such of Investment of separate offence M. Oeach and K. B. Creel, Clerks A lected a sole depository of the fund shall be payable funds according to law. Any Mayo "UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND proved the ttth day of February. city, or other Indebtedness If the notloe above provided for can Preolnct No. 17. at Olobe Mills Fred D of the said hall be not less than at the time of their maturity, a suffi who shall draw a against agent SECTION tl. RELATING TO SIDE- 1907. and nrovldlnsr for the submls amount of wrrnt not be served, on the owner or of Weckerle. Prealdlng Judg. and W. It. AND CONNECTIONS to the quali the maximum the total de cient sum to meet the same Provided. special fund as above defined tor any by reason taot W. K. WALKS SEWER slon of said amendments posit for the preceding fiscal year; and the premises of the thai Marr. Aaeoclate Judge, and Trues. SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE OF fied votar of said city for their adop however. In ease more than one deposi Other purpose than above specified, or such ownsr or agsnt cannot bs found dU and W. B. Otlleapl. Clerks by taw any banking corporation, association or tory Is It shall be the duty oi any olty treasurer pay, be se NOTICE IN OR OUT OF THE STATE Hob or rejection, as required deposi- sslected. who ehall In the olty, Such notlcs shall All amendment to be submitted In OF TEXAS ORDERING CONSTRUC- said amendments being, aa follows: Individual bankers. If selected ae the eitv treasurer to keep and maintain. issue a check to pay a warrant drawn by publishing the same for three accordance with said ordinance tories of component parts of the city's equal newspaper hU TION OF SIDEWALKS AND SEWER Amend Section 12 so as to hereafter nearly as possible, a fair and on tb special fund of the city other ceaalve days In the official contain only on subject, and each CONNECTIONS AND funds, shall execute bonds In amount or moneys on nsnu v,w legal purpose of paying In ot th city. Or such notlos may b upon sepa- ASSESSING COST read, as follows: not component balance in wen than for the amendment shall bs voted OF SERVING 8ICH NOTICE A8 A See. 22. It shall be the duty of the less than such parts. sltorv established by tnis sot, in terest due on said bonds, ths principal served bv any disinterested person com rately, and In preparing th ballot for Payable to the city,- to be approved by en by SPECIAL TAX AND PROVIDING THE city clerk, upon the first Tuesday after oroDortlon to ths amount eacn la Of aaid bonds, or for Investing said potent to mske oath of the fact, the such amendments It shsll be done In TIME IN WHICH SUCH ORDER SHALL these amendments become effective, or the Mayor with the concurrence of the titled to receive, by drawing warrants Inking fund according to law, shall o person executing tne eame aeuvering manner that the voter may vote City Counetl and filed with the city or agent of premise BE COMPLIED WITH:" "YES." as soon thereafter, as practicable, and alternately thereon or by apportioning guilty of a felony, and upon ccnvlctlo to ths owner the or "No" on any amendment with And those oppoeed to the Tueaday In April of each clerk, with hot leas than five solvent wherever found, either In or out ot th out voting "Yes" or "No" on all of said amendment on the third or may the warrant so drawn hall be confined In the penitentiary for a copy of Section 42. relating to sidewalks and year thereafter, to give notice that the sureties; said depositories make any reason no selection of any term not less than on year State ot Texaa, said, notice, or amendments aewer connections, shall have printed pro bond In some approved fidelity end (d) If for thereof, and the coat of serving uch voters desiring to th Council will receive sealed I mor than five year. The treasurer The sustain or written upon their ballots substan- custody city funds surety company, such bend or bonds to the depository or depositories mad notloe shall. In addition to th cost proposition to amend Section 22. relat- posals fdr the of the hereto, the City Coun ehall report to the council on or before as tially the following words: from any banning corporation or be conditioned for the faithful perform- at the time fixed regular meeting of April In hereinafter set forth, be aaaeaaed a ing to City Depository, aa aforeaaid. c de- may, any ubequeiit meeting, Its first against property on upon "UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND norations. association or associations, ance of all duties and obligations cil at year, the amounts of receipts and special tax the shall have printed or written their or doing volving bv. law or ordinance uoon aaid end shall, aa speedily a practicable each which eaid sewer connection was made, bellote substantial the following SECTION 4!. RELATING TO SIDE- or Individual banker bankers pubilsbedi as expenditures of the treasury, the or property WALKS AND SEWER CONNECTIONS the city may d depository, and tor the payment upon after notice hereinbefore abutting which aaid words: i business within that provided, select a ae amount of money on hand In each fu waa conatructed. SO AS TO PROVIDE FOli SERVICE OF sire to be selected aa the depository presentation or au coeena drawn upon receive bids and c "UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND Djsltory or depositories In the manner and the amount of bonda falling Said ordinance providing that said NOTICE IN OK OUT OF THE STATE or depositories of the funds of the city, said depository or depositories by the tor the redemption of which provision SECTION 22 OF SAID CITY CHARTER OF TEXAS CONSTRUC city treasurer, whenever any funds shall herein set out, and the banking corpora. amendments shall bs submlttsd to (he TO DEPOSITORY. SO ORDERING as .hereinafter set forth. Notice that or as must b mad: alao. the amount of In qualified voters ot said city who are RELATING CITT TION OF SIDEWALKS AND SEWER such bids will be received shall be pub- be In said depository applicable to the tlon or corporations association terest to be paid during the nuxt fiscal AS TO PROVIDE A D K POSITO H Y FOR CONNECTIONS AND ASSESSING COST payment or Individual, banker ot legally qualified to vote, for their adop- lished by the city clerk not less than ot said check, and that all year, and such other report a the law or rejection; ALL. OF THE FUNDS OF THE CITY OF SERVING SUCH NOTICE AS A SPE works bsfore funds of the olty shall be faithfully bankers so selected,, shall remain the of Mm tion OR DEPOSITORIES FOR COMPONENT one nor mora than four next require Mow, therefore, notice is hereby given CIAL TAX AND PROVIDING THE such meeting, In some newspaper pub- kept by said depository or depositories, depository or depositories until the 12 so PARTS THEREOF AND FIX THE TIME IN WHICH SUCH deposit- Amend Section to hereafter at an election. In all things held BONDS ORDER SHALL lished In the city; such notice shall and with the Interest thereon accounted regular time for selection of the read, aa fol.ows. to law, bo In City AMOUNT OF BOND OR OF BE COMPLIED WITH:" "NO." for for according to law; a ors- or depositories, end until a selec will held the SUCH DEPOSITORY OR DEPOSI- state that the city will receive bids and for breach See 10 Issued by Judge of of Paso, and In each and all of the striking privilege being made a deposi- of aaid bond the city may maintain aa tion therecf, unlees the order selecting Writs the El TORIES:" "YE8." out from said the of specified the corporation court of the city fur of voting precinct thereof, on the 11th day ballots the words "Ye" or "No." ac- tory or depositories of the funds 'of the actlrn In It own name. it he revoked for causes exe- - f purpose or those opposed to th amendment any reason the City fenses against the lawa may be March A. i lsit, ror me cording aa he desires to vote for or city for the year next following the (b) Aa soon as saM bond or bonds this act. If tor ted and the accused persons arrested ubmittlng to the qualified voter, a of Seotlon 22. relating to City Deposi- against aaid proposition to amend Sec- meeting bids will be be Council should accept the bid or bids or tory, shall hav printed or upon data of such that shall given and approved, an order corpora- by the chief of polloe, or eny police foresaid, the propoalttona whether written tion 41. received for. being made the depository snail oe made by the council designat- of any banking corporation or officer, or by the sheriff or any con- not the aforeaaid amendments, or either their ballot substantially th following Provided, each and all of the proposi- of all of the funda of the city or any ing' said banking corporation or cor tions, association sr associations, or In- stable ot El Paso County anywhere in of them, hall b adoptad, and thereby word: tus to adopt or reject said amend component part thereof, not lee than porations, association or assooiatlons. or dividual banker or bankers, aa the de- El Faso County; provided, further, enabling said voter to ratify or re UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND ments, shove enumerated, shall be one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, individual banker or bankers as pository or depositories of a part or where any other writ or writs, notice pudiate the action of the City Council in SECTION 22 OF SAID CITY CHARTER. printed or written upou the same bal- and shall stale whether such bid I posltory or depositories of ths fund of portion of ths funds of said city, and or notices are required to be delivered adopting aa lit amendments Th poll RELATING TO CITY DEPOSITORY SO lot In the order above set forth. made for the handling of all the funds the city until the time fixed by this act should so select said banking corpora- or served on any person, under any hall be opened and the election held In AS TO PROVIDE A DEPOSITORY FOR Upon the ascertainment of the results of the city or a component part thereof, for another selection, and such order tion or corporations, association or as other section or seotlon of this char several voting precincts or me city. ALL OF THE FUNDS OF THE CITY the said election, the action of the stating the amount of such part, and sball bs sntered upon the minutes It sociations, or individual Denser or ter, and such person or persons should as follows: OR DEPOSITORIES FOR COMPONENT City Council In proposing the said shall further state that Interest on shall be the du-.- of the city treasurer, bankers as ths depositories ot said be out of the City ot El Paso, State of Preolnct No. 1, at Troy Laundry, on PART8 THEREOF AND FIX THE amendments and in passing the ordi daUy batáneos is to he paid quarterly; immediately upon the making of said city' funds, and leaving a aepoeuory Texas, or County of El Paso, or should Writ Overland Street W. C. Bulger. AMOUNT OF BOND OR BONDS OF nance aforesaid, adopting the Bald n.jvided that no bid shall be received ordsr, to transfer to the said depository or depositories of the remaining fund be of the Stato of Texas, Presiding Judge, and J. B. Badger. Ac- SUCH DEPOSITORY OR DEPOSI- amendments, ehall be declared to be being depository of less City Counrll may such notice or writ may be served or C. J. TORIES:-' "NO." approved or not approved es to for made the or depositories all of the funds In his unselectcd, then the - aecíate Judge, and J. Thornton and either one hundred and fifty thousand any subsequent meeting, and (hall, notice given by any disinterested per- W. Bear, Clerks. Bach votar striking ont from said bel- or any or all or the Bald propossd than hands belonging to the city, and Imme- at eompetent to or fact, to dollars; and ny banking corporation diately upon receipt of any money there- a speedily as practicable after notion make oath the Precinct no. i. at co. nasi eecono lota the wOrds "Yea" or "No." according amendments, according the resulta of by the person executing the same de- A- in or corDoratlons. association or associa after, he shall deposit the same In said published a hereinbefore proviaea, re- Street. l.ongnerkxrd. Presiding aa he desires to vote for or against laid aaid election. tions, or Individual banko. or bankers a depository or de- livering to the person or persons a true Judge, and it. Keeclnger. Aaaoclate proposition to amend Section 22. I hereby name and appoint the offi- depository or depositories to the credit ceive bids and select copy sucn or or con- doing business In the city, desiring to nositorlea of said funds remaining, in of writ notice, service Judge, and Clm Wlndhau and M. D. The voters desiring to sustain tb cers severally specified above to city clerk on of the city, and for each and every may be made aa required by the gen- proposition to amend Section It, relat duct the eleotlou In their respective pre- bid, shall deliver to the failure to make such deposit the treas the manner herein set out, and the of the State. Provided, fur Sir, ciet ki before the day of uch meeting corporation or corporations, as eral law Precinct No. Central Sta ing to Wrlta as aforesaid, shall have cincts, and tlie places mentioned for or' pro. urer and hi bondsmen shall bs liable banklna ther, that the provisions of thle section at Fire printed or written upon their bellota holding election, and the offlcera of the designated by such notice, a sealed to sucn depository or depositories sor la tlon or associations, or inoiviesai not qualify, destroy or tlon. oorner Overland and Stanton pgsal, the per cent upon for hall affect the W. E. Presiding Judge substantially the following words aaid election shall he the same aa here- stating rate ten per cent pur month upon the amount banker or bankers, so selected aa a de right of the city to proceed under oth .Streets. diluían. inabove mentioned In this xtotlce. dally balances thst said banking depositories of said funda re and Ed Hollmig. Associate Judge, and "UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND se deposited, to be recovered by civil posltory or aectlon of this act where notice la J. It is hereby directed that this notice association or Individual In any competent remaining, shall remain the depository quired, but are to be cumulative thereof.' William Khelnhelmer and L McAfee. SECTION 19. RELATING TO WRITS SO pay to city for the action oourt of Juris AS TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE Of of election sball be published for thirty hanker offers to the diction; provided, however. In case more until the next regular meeting for the Amend Section 64 so aa to hereafter Clerks days, exclusive of the day of publica- privilege of being made the depository a depository or depositories read, as folio Precinct No. 4, et Stewart Grocery WRITS AND NOTICES OUT OF THE city or any than one banking corporation, associa- election of 911 Second Street. T. C. Lyons, CITY OF EL PASO, COUNTY OF EL tion and of the day on which said elec- of J1 of the funds of the tion or Individual banker are selected and until the selection thereof, unless "Sec. M. All public parks now owned, East tion is to be held, in the official news- eomoonent part thereof, stating the selecting It be revoked fo or hereafter acquired by the City of El Presiding Judge, and M. Henneaay, Aa PASO AND STATE OF TEXAS, AND ' Dart, ae the depositories of the fund of said the order octet Judge, end Jame X. Brown and UPON OF THE paper of the City of El Peso, and a true amount of such not to bs les be duty causes specified In this act. and untl Paso, by gift, purchase or otherwise copy of this notice of election be ' one hundred and fifty thousand olty. then It shall the of the city are hereby declared to be Inalienable, J. II. Frist, Clerks STATE OF TEXA8:" "YBB." shall than to keep as the selection of a depository or deposi 6, 410 posted for at leaet thirty days prior to for the year next following the treasurer and maintain near and no part thereof ehall ever be de Precinct No. at No. Tay .street, And those opposed to ths amendment dollar, a possible fair and equal balance of tor les of, the funds remaining for which W uf 19, the day on which said election la held, date of such meeting. All euch pro a de- voted to other than Dark purposes, no between Second and Third Streeta. Suction relating to writs, snail moneys on hand In each depository in no depository has been selected, the H. Hare, Preeldtng Judge, and Manuel have printed or written upon their bal. at the 'yveral placee hereinbefore desig- posals shall be securely kept by the depositories of said funds shall any buildings be erected thereon nate, for homing the said election, Tn ana oe opnu proportion to the amount which each I pository or except euch as are Intended for, an Kscajed. Associate Judge, and Charle lots substantially ths following words: city Clert, snail noi to receive, and he la not to shall continue to act until the selection ana J. i .Nssom, "UPON PROPOSITION TO AMEND each of the aforeaaid election precincts, until the meeting of the City Council entitled be devoted exclusively to, park purposes Burckeli uierk. city la hereby upon same, liable If he so deposit said fund. I of another depository or depositories provided, however, that whenever the Precinct No. S. at City Hall. A. P SECTION 19. RELATING TO WRITS SO and the clerk ordered to for the purpose of passing remaining the City A. OF mall a copy of this notice to every shall any other proposal be re any banking corporation or corpora ot said fund. If City Council may deem It to the best Colea. Presiding Judge, and J. Hap AS TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE nor Hons, or In Cornell shall at any time deem It necea Judge, and Del WRITS AND NOTICES OUT OF THE qualified voter In said city, aa appears ceived after they shall have been association associations, Interests or the city, they may sell ana pr. Associate Frank from the tax collector's rolls for the (ball for dividual banker or bankers, after hav sarv for the protection of the city, dispose of, tor a valuable consideration. Buono and M. Ooldoft. Clerks CITT OF EL PASO, COUNTY OF EL onened. It he a misdemeanor may. by resolution, require any deposi- No. 7, at East El Paao Fir PASO AND STATE OF TEXAS, AND year ending January II preceding said the city clerk or other person to open lng been selected as such depository or that triangular piece of ground, formed Preolnct slectlc depositories, shall fail to give bond tory or depositories to execute a new bv the Intersections of San Antonio Station. C. H. Kolle. Prodding Judg UPON OF THE an of said proposals or to disclose to S. Judge, OF TEXAS:" "NO." unaer my nand and official directly or Indirectly the amount o within the time provided by this net. bond or bonds, and upon failure do Street. Myrtle Avenue and Kansas and I. Hughes, Aaaoclate and STATE Given seal. cor so days after the service of In city, together with It. E. Mx and L. O. Kamsey, cierta. Each voter striking out from aaid In the City of El Paso, Texaa, on this to any person or person be then the selection of such banking within five Street, said A. D such bid poratlon or corporations, association or a copy of the resolution upon said de- bulldlnss thereon situated " Precinct No. 8, at Shobe's Restaurant. ballot the words "Yee" or "No," accord the 31st day of January, 1914. fore the meeting for the selection of on C. S. ing as he desires to vote for or against Attest C. E. KELLY, Mayor, depositories, association, or Individual hanker 01 pository or depositories, the city Coun- Amend Section i'i to ae to hereafter Alameda Avenue. Held. Pre such depository or and do- - Id lng Judge, H. A. Brockmoeller. aaid proposition to amend Section II. C. W. FAS8ETT. City Clerk. upon conviction he shall be fined In a banker, as the depository or deposi cil may proceed to select another read, aa follows and

Leeal Notices tax paying voters, living and owning prop- A, M. and four o'clock P. M will tell known here. Gen. Hojas said that, he majority of the present house of com city would have Juet the opposite ef- erty within such East El Paso Improve- aid real eatate st the door of the county wasn't recognised by anyone. From mom, ho will not be missed aa mucl fect. If he should decide to fight, ment District can vote and those voting court house In El Psao County, Texsa. to ho us will some of Mr. NOTJCE Of ELECTION. In favor ot issuance of said bonds here went to San Antonio and the other Roche, who waa the cause of the the the the highest bidder for caab a who in more challenge, To b held on the 11th day of March. ball have upon their ballot, substantially Knid real estnte Is described at follows: Galveston Wtiere he boarded boat have remalnetl active would doubtless be the A. D. 1114, to determine whether or not the following words "In fsvor of street In the County of El Paao. state of Texas, for Vera Crux aervlce. With Chamberlain retiree Nationalist candidate. I I the City cf El Paao shall borrow certain Improvement bonds" snd those oppoeed to lota numbered five t.), aix tut ntld seveu (Jen Hojas said to the Mexican of- ColllngH, member for Dordesley Two Interesting moneys upon the cerdit of the Eact El the Issuance of such bonds shell have upon (7). in block H"i of division uf Bit inluglium. probably Cash and per month, seventeen the Lincoln ficials that Gen. Pascut.1 Oroxco alao linen-stin- H sio sioo'10 Paco Improvement District end issue cer- bellota substantially the following .mi Two for their Park Addition tn the Clly nf El I'nso, crossed to the United rltiil.-- from tint in. devout dhtclplu the great buys a Large lot In West Ys- - tera bonds for the purpoce of grading, words "Against street Improvement bonds. Texaa the house of commons are in sight. I I tnacadauilzlug and at u point weat of but protagonist of tariff reform had teta; the fast growing sub orb curbing, gravelling, Held election shell be held st the above Wliueai my hand tbU joth day of Jan- Only on one occasion during hla The appoint meiil of Atherley Jones, Agent permanently Improving certain streets tn named place only and Hnley Shone Is uary. 1014 thai he believed that after temalnliiK on the lnterurban. on on several dayH ho 33 years lu the house of commons did Liberal member for Northwest Dur the grounds, or phone SOS tald East El Peto Improvement District. hereby named snd designated as presiding F. E. Hl'NTEK. Trnalee. American soil for ham. to the Judgeship of the city of I I PBOCLAMATION OF THE MAVOB. officer and Cbsrle Escott and Manuel L. re. roused and commenced hla Journey Mr. Collings really attain fame, and S for a u to. Flore hereby named and designated wan lie an amend- London, and the acceptance by Sir Whereas, on the 2Wh dsy of January, are toward Torreón. Oen. Sulazur nlo that when moved Alfred Crtppa, Unionist member A. D. mil, the City Council of Hie City aa clerka e such election. crossed the border with orozco. Gen ment to the addreas in reply to the for y Bids and Proposals South Buckinghamshire, of a peerage, Tobin Real Estate Co. of El Paao, Texaa, at regular meeting It la here directed that this notice of Hojua aaid but why he. didn't recroHC apeech from the throne culling at- I thereof, by unanimous rote of the alder tention to condition of the farm have left vacancies. Buckingham- I men preceuu being FT. ULIHK, TEX.. I'eb I, liilt. Sealed to Mexico with him he didn't know. the Is stronghold there four aldermen propoaala In laborera, and the carrying of which shire one of the of present, finally and adoptad an and of the day on wblcb said election U triplicate will he received Hojns Joined the command of Gen i; Hist a h patted here until 10 a in HUlulgo resignation the have chosen as ordinance authorising and directing the to be held tn the official newspsper of the Mar !. I0M. sud tlien Carlos Garcia and atarted caused the of the first V Hating Do a a copy opened, for furnishing hereon doois and Hullnbirry government. their candidate Pre. Mayor of the City of El lnso to tasue his City of El Paco end that true of north for the purpose of reinforcing great nephew of a notice of election aball be posted up windows. Information fiirnlabed upon day Colllnga of oi ie Disraeli's proclamation calling for special election this the federal troops garrisoning Tor- in in that Mr. made leagues m aa provided for and authorised by for at least thirty (30) days tW to the to CJtiai let muMei reón. the condition of the furm laborer hla in the for the i ia county Bn t the arc No. of the city cliurter of the City day on which said election to be held PROPOSALS KOlt HOT W It tl In one care, and although he was tame farmers ATE HEAT- Mu o. In Mexico City. not propon .1 of of El taeo, Texas, to be held in Last El at the place hereinbefore designated for ING SYSTEM the real inventor of the phrase, against the the Unionista DR. G. ALLISON HINTON Paso Improvement District at abobes holding the cald election and that c copy Office, Depot General Jesu Mancilla, another of to strike prolectlo i of farm produce sh pocted of Quurtermaatcr, El Paso, "Three aeren and a cow," ho became Hesuurant, the asme being No. tnj thereof he at the door tac Teraa, February 0, 1!Ml Sealed proposals the federal general at OJlnaga and from their policy of tariff reform. Alameda A ue, which is City Rail In th City of El Paso, en- the nolo patentee and proprietor. Hi The n Tea said Ten for the Installation of a hot wster besting who was wounded In one of the and labor trout. In High Wycombe. Eact hi Paao Improvement District, os Given under my hand and the official ayntem In old cry that the farm laborer simule ceal of City or El Texas, on Officer's Quarters, No 8. at gagements there before the town's the center of the division, where the Wednesday th lltb day ef March, A D. the Pa.o. this Fort Bllaa, Tclxaa. III be received In this have enough land "and a cow" to eke Hot Springs Specialist 11)14, th 31st day of January. A D. 1914. evacuation, ha alao reached Mexico chalrmakera have been on strike. Is at which tald election the following office 111:00 2.1, 11114, out hl miserable wage has now C. E KELLY. until a. m.. February City. It Is reported that Gen. Man- likely to affect the result. Cure when fctL proposition Shall be eabmltted to the and then npebed. Information furnlabed the aettled policy of feoth polit- others paying voters living Mayor of the City of El Paso, Texas cilla was one of the federal generals Neuralgia. Cancer. uuailfied tax sad on application. Wm E. llnnt, Copulo ical parties. The Liberal candidate is Toman owning properly within cald East El Attest H who advised Gen. Salvador Mercado Eccema, Hernia. Hemorrhoids. C. W. Quartermaster Corpa. U. Army amo of Humble Origin. Mosley, who until recently was one fuao improvement District Is the City of FAS8ETT. not to evacsuto OJlnaga but to Is BLOOD POISON and Female Trophies. Paso. Texas. City Clerk of the City of El Paso. Mr. i oiling"" came of humble origin, of the Unionist workers, and Kidney Liver i.i the constitutionalist attacks until Buckinghamshire Stomach. and 'frost its. MUM Shu the City of Hi Paso Texas ex- and It waa the hard experience of of the In fact, all CUHONIC DliKAHis of money nil hla ammunition had been oounly council. Mis udoptlon has burrow oa the credit of the Eaat he so reported to his early life that filled him with Men and Won en tl ato Improvement District In the City THE STATE OP TEXAS ROJAS ARRIVES IN hausted and that for the farm laborera' cause given the Liberals hope of at least aad Pres. of El Paso and Issue gold bonds County of El Paeo Oeneral Blanquet upon hla arrival in reducing Unionist party majority, Censeltsttea Bxesslaettee therefor City. Outside ot this he waa satisfied to the Office Over Ftret Matloeel bank, tor perinauent street Improvements in such To those Indebted to or holding clclmc Mexico act and vote us Mr. Chamberlain which they could claim as u moral dltulct In the sum of thirty-fou- r thousand against the Eetate of Mrs. Agatbc D. Mancilla had been given permission aaa Aetoale Street Eatraare, fifty ehould decide. lie. followed him on victory. Recoct a. 4. I. aad a. two hundred and (tiM.aou.uui doliera, Grayion, deceased to go to San Antonio for treatment by said bonds to be told as directed by tn The undersigned htvlug been duly ap- CITY OF MEXICO the Amaricen authorities instead of the home rule and flecul iueationa, In Northwest Durham, which charter of the City of hi Pao and th pointed Administrator of the Estate of UI being and In fact it la doubtful whether he Jone lias held for the Liberals proceeds from such coming to Paeo and Interned say ule to be used for Mrs. Agatha D Grayson, deceased. late Blias, but he only remained In oould as did Auctln Chamberlain since 1885. the government la fared permanent public Improvements lu of A. S. at Fort he, Jo- tald El Paso County. Texas, by J. ASSKKTH City days, that once liad voted ugalnat with a thri rod fight. The district, tor the following purpoce. Eylar, Judge of the County Court of III WAS ONE OF THE the Alsmo for several seph Williams, a gravel tald LAST going to I Im and Chamberlain. candidates are Aneiirin Office To grade, crub, aad macadamise County, on the loth duy of January, A. D OMM.WDKIle, TO CKOH8 from there The resignation of William O'lirlen, manufacturer, for the Liberals; J. independent Assay all of me streets uod portions of ctreete 11114, TO V. B. to Monterey by atitomobtle. during a regular term thereof, hereby FROM lUIWi.l thence leader of the Independent National- O. for the Unionists, and embraced within the ooundsrle. of the notifies all persona indebted to said Hardlcker. Peso Improvement ists, of his parliamentary scat tor Q. II Hluart. secretary of the postal lor Orm MMpw said hast El District Estate to eame forward and raske settle- Ant 4UW a.. City of l In to prove GhmtomJ AmmtmsJm mlmm Itimlmmi la the El Paso. ment, end those having claims against IMagubM-t- sh Mexican He Cork City, order hla servants' union, for the Laborltea. In 'lsec. scMee Wart ' Sectloa II. That the bondc to be lecued said Estate to present them to him st his Kays Ho Had No Trouble Deceiv- atrength In that city, la one of the a straight fight the Liberal would WJtesertcd hereunder shall ran for a period of forty in tmpetuouc p. o. max se residence. El Psso, El Paso County, Texaa, ing Auiboritlcs on Border, MANY TO RETIRE acts that politicians have walk In. but with a Labortte in the ico) years with th option of paying off where be receives mail, 24tb dsy come to expect from that brilliant position la more precarious. the whole any part thereof his this field his ft alter twenty of Jsuirary, A. D , 1814. The decision was tuken --Ui Cltv may pro- Irishman. ycuis. as the Council C. J MA TU ENE Y, Qenaral vide- sad stipulate la said boads. Said Antonio Rojas uf the fed- after a apeech by A. Koohe, Nation- bear AdmlntatraUir of the Eatate of Mrs eral volunteer forcea who alist member for one of the divisions EARL OE DERBY. bunda shall such rate of Interest as Agatha D. Grcycon, deceased. succeeded ERON PARLIAMENT the City Council may provide, sot to ex- In getting away from OJlnaga yuached of the Louth, and ui opponent to ceed, however, five tb per cent) per cent Mexico City, Mr. general elec- lie. In,. - lo Sell Hla Bootlc Estate to NOTICE January 22. and held s O'Brien's at the last per annum. OF TRUSTEES SALE long conference with Secretary of War tion, who in a speech expressed the Baron de lor eel. section III Tbst the terrltorj embraced Waerees, on the twelfth (12th) dsy ef Aurelia no Blanquet. I S OE THE OLD GUARD TO opinion of the muni- A. that the result Uy the ..... nit. Prttt PRINTING within said Eact El Peso Improvement October. D. H12. Anns Brooks snd 6. 8. Oeneral Hojas, who was thought LEAVE WMO HAVE SPENT cipal elections showed that the Inde- PARTICULAR District In the Cltr of El Paso, an hereto- Brooks executed s deed of treat conveying MANY YEARN IN HARNESS. London, Feb. 8. The Earl of Derby established to F. E to have been captured on a Southern pendent leader had lost hin hold on 1 ha your busi- fore created, and defined by Boater, trustee, the reel eetate has declined to sell to Baron de For- The kin ntaiaatty ordinance hereinbefore referred to, (ball hereinafter described, to secure H jr. Pacific train after' the evacuation of Cork and that his policy of "confer- ness, delivered promptly. OJlnaga. ence, est his Bootle estate In tho suburbs constitute an election precinct for the pur- Andreas In the payment of t debt therein but which capture proved Joseph Head- - the List conciliation and consent" had Liverpool, as at one time appeared poce of aforesaid election described, deed of being to be a Identity, re- rhsmherlaln by people. of Phone teg. the and th ssld trust record- caae of mistaken and Josee Colling Is Another Scor- been rejected the likely, on, the ground that tho baron W EtWaUlX PRINTING CO. Msyer of the City of KI Paso Is authorised ed Id vol. 74, pegs 180, of the deed of ported In Mexico City thai he whs one At present the O'Brlrnltes hold not SOUTH one mora Judges of l i ing End of Service. had wilfully misrepresented the term ton Chihuahua Street. to appoint or and clerk trust record! I'cco Coouty. Tetst; of the last of the commanders who only the two seats of the county of as shall be ueecssery to conduct said elec- snd. crossed to territory. Cork, whole of the seven of hi óffor Whereat, the undersigned baa been ap- American He but the tion. was disguised us a men hant, and he Uy Timet la' CorreseoneVal scats of the county of Cork, with the Recently, in a contribution to the SI Now, therefore, I, C. K. Kelly. Mayer pointed suhatltnte trustee In the. plac of er report. Ba- of the City ef El Peso, by virtue of the aaid original tructce, upon th contingency said that the American authorities London. Feb. 8. next general exception of one division. Even land Inquiry committee's authority vetted la ate by the charter of and Id the manner authorised by said who examined him after reaching the election will ace the retirement from though he thought there was i ron de Forest cited the Bootle estate the City of sU Paso sad the aaid ordinances need of tract; snd United States did not recognise him parliament of at least a doten men of chance of winning one of the seats. It of the Earl of Derby as a striking of the City of El Paco, do hereby order Wbeceas, default has occurred In the so let him go to Marts, msklng th the "old guard" who have spent the Is doubtful If Mr. Kedmond, leader of example of unearned increment. The an election to be held la said East El peymeat of said Indebtedoeee, end the trip then- from Presidio in an beat part of the Inst quarter of a the Nationalist party, would take up property, which wat purchased In Paso Improvement District, at bobee came Is now wholly due. snd the ewaer century who have challenge down by Mr. 17)4 for $36.000. he estimated to be H. MOHR Me. MM Alameda Avenue of acid debt requested there .and not the thrown keetauraat, st cad holder has the tl to new I now hjtween $16,000,000 ami within lb said East El Paso Improvement uuderalgued to sell cald property - Psiatl as Husiilena Man. taken kindly the order of O'Brlao. It the policy of the worth Cut Rate Hardware, to sal- Rojas, Westminster. it back- 310,000,000. Derby declared that District oa Wednesday Iba 11th day of itu ..lia inaeutcunesc From Marfa, Oen. passing as things at leader to keep the Lord A. D IvM, between tb of ow Is hereby given a Mexican business man using ' The moat nutsbt retirement la ground a much as poeslme any dif- the estimates were grossly excessive "ml Paint and Glass. March. boar t therefore, notice and - o'clock c. at. and o'clock p. m. be said tbetI Vx Tuesday., the third (3rd) day of the name of Manuel Ponton, cam to that of Joaaph Chamberlain, but as ferences between the two wlsjsni of And said he would sen tne too isjrjee- Boa Hi El Paso M. day, at which election only the qualified March. A. D. 111, between tea o'clock El Paeo by rail. Although he is wall he wgs known only by name to .the the party, and an election inork tate to Baron de Forest for 7,l 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES f Monday. February 9. 1914.

HI M. By JLsf A 1 IK X V v-- sv r ' you. 104 TO SQUARE man who is always inflicting his dog on if'.':'. THE OiVLF F cisr with the .:. :.v r " m '. J ' I - : x irfrVas-2S,- i KaKÍl m cured fviwws svjsracret rotto N MAcr 1 relucí .C Xe l I .'...Al J UCes A . Í ... l TW VotlHfc.Lf'. HAP ir.

H.8 VBIMS-H- C AVvüAS P&ELS ffT im THff . v ' Hone n wet ,:r 7..ruAu . . ííiKavr-- .aí-- i ividov 7 pREseuce or A. NUT last fLooti rxo- - 7niuiIxMisBg afK l I rRt omtu iv "i kzr

' .iil u--; All Classes Meet and Profit on These Bargain Pages

Male Help Wanted For Rent Forniahed Room Situations Wanted For Sale or Exchange ! Political Advertising Rate Card ' "OOLO BUA NO ' on l.l beat on earth. BUY lililí Jaeeba cauüies. "meda BUY UKB Jacoba caudles. BUY Uailt Jacobs candles, "mads lase (Advertisement.) night, at Tlinea no. k. IS night. at 'ilusa No. u, 108 We, tbe undersigned, our- EMPLOYEES' CLEARING HOUSE IB centa a pound. luteruatlonal Tea branch night," at lima Braucu ' Brancb announce 1U0 0450. Texaa St. selves for tbe offices In- ' CLASSIFIED LINERS, stenographer and bookkeeper) New nd Coffee Co., Texoa Bt. Phono ss candidates 1(HL K 831 dicated, si' iject to tbe action of the Demo- le per word ascb Insertion. Mexico, English Spanish KlIKNIBHEO UOOMB, 06 N. Oregon. YOUNU MA It EI man destrlag'to locate FOR ha LH cheap, a well located grocery. EXCHAMUhlFlns valley land for op Minien, 23o Housekeeper., wnere Paao property; yod cratic primaries to be held July 25, 1914. IHc per ward Hunduy. Mel. in tnis vicinity, wants position s ssis ana paying proposition. Auareae can mset anything and respectfully your support: 5e per word each 7 tii.n-r- ' in House girl for general nrk. Mei BUY HUll J mobs candles, l.llltv of the bustling variety will be ap J., care Times. hav from tl.OOO to 100,OUO. will as- solicit j can girl preferred, t'ook. 0.00 per .t Tlmaa Branch preciated. Hoe, 608 N. Oregon Bt. sume necessary. I am rltr incumbrances it For Judge of Forty-fir- week. Waltreea, cUy, au, r. at b. Waitreai. Texas Bt. PARTNER Established road show, mast- - the owner. What have you got? Dr. the District must accompany the order. N. M., fe& uioutb, room and board. WANTED Position by al comedy drama; experience unnecsa- - O. A. Young. Room I. Coles Ltldg. court: advertising ou classified pace MOOEIIN heated room; new bungalow; grocery man; married. aary; 00 weekly profit guaranteed; 83U0 P. B. PBICBL Display ; 5540. 4,000 acre lyp peruiiuvd. 218 Mill. Bldg. IBM. close In; no sick (it. Phone are Tlinea. required. Actor, Times office. FOB BALE OS EXCHANGE For District Attorney: double price. Oiiljr outline Plume Address In Cblbunhnn, 8 miles from permitted. 1.1 ranch Méx.. No cwta H. mm; un N. Kama re, ateam beat. WANTED Position by an experienced BU8INE88 GALOSE. city; will take (8.000 ' home In Kl Paso. UR1DGERS. retereacea. OPPOBTU!JITE8 NICE LA HUE lit HIM. two closets, sleep ward; imirrled best 4u i.onieciionery, nne oix.. cot xo .m; For District Clerg; LEGAL ADVERTISING. R. care Times. , ' wagon A. M per Address restaurant on corner (anan) 81100: E8CAJEDA. Legal adv ertlslng ut legal rutea. poreh, Inn licili, rl.iM. Iii cleaning nniCKIYRIl, first class, New Mexico, manent gentlemen. Phone 3288. CAKPKNTElt Wants work by day or Job, yard tor sale or rent cbéap; 3 regulnr setile; man. N. M and pressing ahops, snap ; saloon, good FOR EXCHANGE. ADRIAN eook. cafe, term reasonable, work guaranteed try 180 acre farm for equity In El Paso prop POOL. DISPLAY AH SPACE. M.i. b., r .; clmmbrrmald, Aria., tito. b. aud me and be convlenced. Phone 8050. locationsee this). g4ou; iw other cusnces; For County Attorney: iuab, PHHtry 84 roomlug; lowest lnrgest erty. Open flat rate week dar, wutiinii emik. Aria.. I3e mo.: prices; list nosEBonouoH dyer. V. W. CROOM. ionium Wide, eacli Inaertloti, 75r.f woman for laundry, hotel, Arla., V33. b. WANTED Position by experienced book city. ; For County Clerk: Same, Sundaya, each luaertlau, We. and r. waltreaa, N. M .. b., r. keeper ana onice man; win go to JACK B1MPBON, With 1AI LEY. 308 Mesa. ONLY $388 for a 8480 Kurtxman piano; Standing display nils, per Inuu. per KALI. A MITCHBLL. octrees u, xsox a autoa any time to anow in. maaogsny case; nos con onion; terms E. is. McCLINTOCK. in. .nib. 8100. Mi Ban Frauclac'o Bt. Eat. HUM. F. G. Blllraga Piano Co.. 102 N. Stanton. For Bherlff: ' of display FOB HALE P. Contracta for large amount room, long J. EDWARDS. ad apace or readera aubject to discount. EXPERIENCED office man, bookkeeper. chesp rent, lease, or will OWNEB wUI sell or trade 88,000 equity In For County 'UOLD BRAND COFITBiE," no superior. shier, wants temporary or permanent SSll half Interest. Write Lunch Boom, borne close-i- lots Ad- Tax Assessor: . suburbsn for W. HUFFMAN. READING NOTICF.B. BUN BET BATINtl H0U8B Better than 48 cents a pound. International Tea and position. Pbone lire Times. dress P. O. Box No. IBB. OSOHOI ; For County Pore reading matter, oucb luaertlon, per all tbe reat dluner erare day lunch ...fee Co., i".. Texaa Bt. Pbona 645U. aa Tsx Collector: boo:- nruera. WANTED Position assistant book ROOMING HOUSES, BUBINE8M line. 25c. euuuier, tun 0. Kl Paao keeper, citshter, collector or office work; CHANCES, TRADING PROPOSITIONS. WILL I. WATSON. Insertion, - lAieal, per Una, eacb 15. EL PABO BMPLOYMENT AÜKNCX CO. sm well scqusiuted with city; can furnish Our list ss big ss tbs biggest. Oar Special Notices For County Superintendent of Public Will It H. laborers, bond and of references. O. Bog prices aa low us lowest. Our dealings CO., furnlab clerical snd best P. the EI PASO TIMER diiuicatlc help. BSC 8. El Paao at. Phone or three O. K rooms Phone 1108. ss fair aa the fairest. Get a business ot BUY HER Jacoba candles, "mads last MISS MYBA B. WINKLER. Pabllabera Kl Pso Morning Tlmaa. llUK. your own. We can snd will help you. night," st Times Branch No. 0. 108 For County Surveyor: HI Paao. Texas. Come la snd tslk It over. Auto at your Texaa sc. W. El.'HANKS. Roormtig Homea tor Sele service. ONLY $288 for s $000 Everett piano; For County Treasurer: TIP TOP REALTY CO.. terms; only slightly used. r. u. Bluings D. PONDER. MOTEL VI.N1IOMH, 311 Eaat Over 120 Broadway. Ph. 6277. Piano Co.. 102 N. Stauton. N. nicely rooms, 421 Meaa Ave. Ph. TOO. Fr 0i 019 PMC L TIMES BRANCH TEAMBTKHH for railroad work. laud, ruruianed running TOUR CONVENIENCE Place11? Pr,clct II. Tn and 12. Free fare. Howell hot and cold water in each room; by the FOB Herald Bid. Pb. 80L VENDOR LIEN notes bought; abort time . ; Barney American Bank DEA VER. Ageney, Morgan Bldg. day, week or month only half block from BslatSlSS up towa preferred. Broa, OFFICES ex car Hue; gl per day up. The Times RESTAURANT (clears 8380 mo.) bargain, mug. 013. For Justlca of Pasos, and offlcs st 106 Texas 8t. (TOO; i'none the Precinct t. convenience uf Ita patrons WANTED Men to learn the burlier Uade; branch confectionery, heart of city, 8075; Kor the by our method you are prepared for po. 1CK. nswiy papered houaelteaplng aud at the McCoy Hotel cigar pool ball, money maker, a bargain; saloon TO ALL. RAILROAD EMPLOYES If you Toe Tlmaa malntalne brancb offlcea at xon can piece your want please JAMES J. MURPHY. placea: sitinna In few weeka; mauy Joba waiting; auitea vary roasoiiani. ausoy south ion c.iiier hurry, cheap; livestock and are In need ot s standsrd watch, tbe following tools wagea while 1818. 600 Texaa. your auoacnpiiQi ranchea galore; (175 mo., phone 6081. and let me Show you what I For Constan ble, Precinct 1: McCoy; 1U6 St.; given; learning; write at I'hons restaurant clesrs Uotel Teína ones. Moler Barber Coileee. at tbaas brauchea. 8Ü00; 1Ü groceries location) Invoice; hare; watches, prices aud terms will suit 110MINGO MONTO YA. and Kort Worth DI- I, MA It 417 N. isny Rlfte Cigar Bland, corner Teiae Texas. Stautou. Mot and cold ahop, location, 7 you. W. it Biggins, it. E. i.omsx co For Commissioner, Precinct 1: Mea Drug Htore. butcber floe terms, with Ato.; Highland dulrles or email ) Imrgalne J AMEB CLIFFORD. El Paao Drug weekly S2.&U upward. (large Jsck dinner and enchilada auape Highland Park Eaat YOl'NO MAN of ueul appearance, who la a SPECIAL. SPECIAL. SPECIAL. Hlrapson. wltb Belley Land Co., 308 Mesa chicken Atore, 21111 Alameda Bt. ; UouleTard good Addreaa A. Feb. 7, at 113 8. Oregon St.. given by the mixer. B. C, care NlctLY rooma, par 18 house, 843, full Phone 2088. Auto any time. Urng Boulevard aud florence furnished rt.w week room boardlna rent 1. udies of calvary Houston uaptist cnu Autoa & Accessoneg Mine. two Mesa. tine: board assured by K. It. Bta. ...II.. you; all you do la make B. W. HAYEN 421 Milla Bldg. Pbone ada and aub,actiptlona taken. WANTED Men to learn the barber'a trade; BUY HER they for lfltoard and Koom CBACKED or broken cylinders, Want null Jacobs caudles, "made them algn a voucher; the R- 11. Co. aenda 5121. Interpreter and transistor. 8pa- crank or slumraum of tbe tuition that you ulgbt. at Tlmaa Branch No. U. Extra accotuuiodatioiiB In. ruome Wltb pri gear cases. Any broken wouiu nave iu pay oiuer placea; wages yon all the hoarders you can attebd to. nelist In handling all kinds of Mexican maul parta of your car. welded l'eaaa St. aa new, saaood run. inr sou uipinmaa given; nt. Ic rates ; location. 03 Nevada St. imsinesa, now legal ana snministrauve m paso Wsldlne Co. siari. iei bettor see this; 812MI, only best oba waiting El Paao Barber Collage, 2U4 than winter; Phone 8788. WHY BUFFER WITH CATARRH 7 Try 8700 down. Hoe JACK SIMPSON, with N7,AKiJ NEW Minneapolis motorcycle. Slack's Remedy, lb day treatment for apeed, 3 In. Texaa fat HA I LEY AM. cii FOR SALE 820,000 stock of dry goods, tire, fully equipped ; chesp UAMEU AT ONCE Satisfaction guaranteed or money re Bhoumakara hats and shoe at a discount. See 000 N steady work. Heury beuf, 227 ended. At Ward's Pharmacy. Clifton. Such Profits! ArmUo Bealty Co., Truat Bldg. Stanton. ! CARBON REMOVED from cylinders' 21 room, near L'uion Depot; rent only WANTED Money Will pay 12 per cent auto WANTED Several bright, amlblllnua men to 81000; cash. for tbe use of 85.000 for one year: real a'WU- FMO wuo nave proven a ancceaa $00 cut from $14) half Welding Co"""" a In anine line do rooms, block from P. 11 all outside, eatat worth four time aa security. P.O. r tiuaiueaa. w nu urc know n rs. bust FA1ETTE ROOMS. 218 Mills SU oas clean only 81550. He this. Ilox 57. DON'T BELL, BUT OK EXCHANGE sec CRACKED or broken cylinder, trnvel with our bsttle of OJInaga muring owe per nay tools or gnna you get my slumtnum B. C. Everett Piano Bloca mm r. u. iw. si :i5 cumies, charming. West Missouri, FOR BALE CHEAP. ondband until crank soar casos. Any F. p.nura; uu.raer reiurns ror your Ulone; and up weekly prices. Phone 431. H. MoDr, 300 H. El Paao. metal porta of you broken For Bale bun noy other knowu business; Invesl cheap rent ; leaee ; bargain. Empress Chester can be bought at a r welded ss good price. aa new. El Peso Welding Co. V. ment If ynu caul deliver tbe NICELY furnished room fe gentlemen lu 24 elegant roduis, furuace; Meaa, block ck bottom Don't nut off. Call unu 1 family. 542U. 7U) or Manager. Silver Grill. Hotel noons waste our tune. Address prlvatn Phone from Plaxa. Special cut write Second Hand Goods FOR BALK Touring car on easy pxr- II. .1. .iii Id Paao ( ;..;, among Foature Film ., Milla tsauts Fe Look- - 12 nleeat rooms In city; menis, or win trade for real 825 . BUY Jacoba eatat. IL nulling. Nicely the millionaires, near Alexandria; private UKB vaadw. "mad laat D. 41 .OLDEN WEST furnlahed rooms hatha; finely furnished, will sacrifice at For Sale Miscellaneous Olght, at 1 lines XtlaiicB No. u. ratea to permanent roomera. ojo aisjo. easy. Texas st. 1'OB BALE OR TRADE Iverlaud. 4032. Only 8350 down, bulsncs for lighter car. Help Wanted Phone heated rooma; El Paao'a BUY i luauoior. teor Oonnn. Female elegant ateam UKB Jacobs caudles, "mad laat your away best seetlou. West Mo. ; commanding fancy night," at Tlmaa Branch No. a, loó WHY throw old furnlturs whea alratlon wi .iDandy, car Timas. TrcattncKt. WANTED Lady aa aaaiatant book. A auap. w ara positively the highest payara far bpecia. Housekeeping Rooma renta; 8450 swlnga It. Texaa at. . MerkeL, 4 Keeper, vilvs amount of experience only I860; money secnuu usuu luraiturs anu nuuseuoiu Flying h 8 56.00 18 rooma, Ms. dlst., Kl Paao New and Second Hand Store, Indian, 4 h. p. Iva raferencoa. Btata aire. State X USk 2 from P. O. EXTBA CHOICE fruit snd Usas, 70.00 VImVI tL maker; hlocka shads a 1 w s. r.i raso. salary received In last position. Ad u'ghi. 25 rooma, 2 Mocks from P. O. ; rent only bouersucklea. roses, evergreens. Cali Phoas dr. h P. O Box lili, nil Paao. Texas st. my ,JdJ" iiaoo BUY HUB candles, last lexua $110; $1575; snap. fornia Prultt. See slock at 410 T1.Merkel, 7 p i" Jacoba' "uade 7 Ht on h. UB0O night" at Brancb No. , WANTED A whit or colored woman for 5 rooms. Mesa, down towa. $278. Sonora Got prices larga or email All good limes 8580. 7 Georgo Roller, 324 Sonora reoulit in servlcsbls condition general housework willing to go out of rooms, Oregon, best location. lota St. Phoas ALLEN ARMS & 8450. 7 rooms, near 3825. Mail solicited. CYCLK CO II. ( all II. Ule JOiH. rooms. Missouri. ordera Distributors. Indian Motorcycle iiunraette. dandy, only 8380. Heal Látale Dealers 820 404 N. Oregoa St. HOl.'hEKEEPINO rooma. Btewart-- gome ot the Juicy anapa the big dealers SELL YOUR FURNITURE for all money- nee ua u BUY 11 Ell Jacoba' candles, "made last FRONT housekeeping room. 310 E offer, save iirai. worth It uses, .tovea. all kluda. haat No. 0, HABBY TOW LB, With 0x12, srs, Uaolaum, fcs boxea. Texaa Fura. Co.. ulgbt, at limes Branch wanted till for ge leral houacwork Fraaklls. FOR BALE One rug, two strips of A Bt linoleum, uue too b. ci raso twi. BARGAIN. Texas Apply sua upaon Ave. buuaekeeplng rooms. kitchen tabla 00a small 8 passenger THHEE ground at ova. Phone 3280. WE BUY. exchange Studebaker auto- WANTED--Ol- fur general housework floor, with sleeping porch. KU8 Myrtle. W.W.LEWIS nil aad second hand mobile lu tint class condition. K STANTON. PHONE 4444. xurniture. v.. L.. crwio m to-- xi Sea CREEL, must com wen recosa ruenaea. Anniy OFFICE FURNITURE FOB BALE. Bt. 187. With I.KEEP1NU rooms; close In. 501 N. H. We sell more rooming houses thaa . Rtanton Phoue AUSTIN A iss. .viuniana. lioi 4881. Boll top desks, tsbles, hairs, good as MARK. Mena. Phone all other agents put togetnsr. new, to sell at half prices to out. WANTED-- kinds of W Phoaa 6075, WANTED Reliable English dos furniture. speakllx alrl One or two completely fur- If you need s desk, etc., phone or call pay mor tor your goods thaa say Oras 14 years old to mlud baby 18 FOB RENT ROOMlNi; HOUSES. Al IN MAltlt. about housekeeping rooma. 715 N. 2 at Meaa Furniture Store. 000 Meaa Ave. ta taa cur. asa su i'sao. was hi at Airs I. nished IK, rent 828 8 Co. a FOB SALE S cylinder Chai mera Capia Buildlug Telephooa 4Uu niontus old. u. Hmltll, Hotel Bt. 488 Furniture Phone 148. auto; Alamo. 3i Kl Paao. Oregon H rent 4 CYLINDERS, water Jacket a. pumps, owner leaving city. wlU aell a bar- I, 840 8W at SEKKEPINO and furnished rooma, SR.. rent lubricators, snd beater parts, cracked gain. Mrs. Bert Ramsay. Phone 4837. WOMAN fur geurrul housework In small mil reat 845 700 by frost, welded as good ss nw, Kl Pet Stock eV family : wagea a week, 3051J quiet and oeulrally located. Court dining room 1100 Ptry l'houe llliH-k-. 552. C R large Paso Welding Co. FOB BALE Hupmobtle 20. teta model. 1.1 : hi House Phone housekeeping 1st BUY HER Jacob BUCHOZ BCllLBTKU CO. cull Wheelliw It R. all light v m nest 01 condition . Hotel ftbeMon. Both Pboa HUI BEKBEPINQ ROOMS. 814 N. El .:i It good money maker 1208 WALL PAPEB 0 CKNT8 single roll uiy night.- at xrmaa atranca Ill sell cheap.r""'s Addreaa Autubaraalu. WANTED ilrl tor xeners. housework full mouth. Owl Wall Papar Co, 20 Texaa st must come well recommended. Paao. alwara .....1880 this Times ' AdbIv . north aid 2800 Campbell, ni:. Montana. FOR RENT Two rooma on ground FOB HALE Perfection strata whit Wy front good place 8000 KKAD TIMES CLASSIFIED eggs for batching. Pbona floor for hon keeping. WW Myrtle Ave. are ADB AND aadotte 442? Wanted to Buy YOUNG WOMAN of neat amies ranre wh nr.r.i. vvita BY THEM. THEY OTH- goon a., AUSTIN A MABB. PKOF1T HELP la a mixer. Aunrsjaa o. c. cars UOCBKKKEPINO ROOMS. 808 N. Oregon. ERS WHY NOT YOU. linei.. ne 5075. 804 Ban Antonio st rvloney to a special HEATERS at dlscouut to close HOARDING AND BOOMING HOTJBK8. BUY MSB Jacoba candles, made tbem out. Fonts Bnklsr. UX UKB Jacob caadla, "mad last WANTED 1U It Boarding bouse, rent 840. $800 Bight, at Times atranca na a ." at Timas Biaach No. TO BUY Second band baggy; ulaht a 18 ton) In HELLBKBO A BLAIR. HOl'BEKKBIMMO room, steam heated. lu it., Uoardtng house, cioee in larrap) Texas st be first class condition and 11 its money. TOO 418 Roberta-Banne- Bldg. BUY EH Phone 2270, V It., xtoaraiug nouse worth tbe 8. Ban ta Fe. ulgbt." at MOTORCYCLE rai2, make Indian WE LOAN MONEY sll the time, stria HORACE B. BTEVENB. Temía SL aale. cheap. 101 BoutB Plant OB. gency or ao stringency, on furniture, WANTED BUU ranga Phono 8887, attar T Baal Estate Insurance. Wanted to Rent 20 Roomlug. ot city, cut to 2800 OLD MA TT R ESSES mad over. asar nlanoa. livestock, diamonds, atona re 8 la eyeing or before la the asarntag. and It.. heart say good 7 H . close in, only 81 and up. Erwln Mattreaa Com- ceipts or security. W loan on Employment Agenciea. WANTED By couple, furniture, ticks. your household WANTED To boy. one alee s furnished pany. 008 S Virginia- - Phone UkX goods without removal. cycle Bryan Broa. cottag In desirable neighborhood; per- We buy aad Bell good note gad other se Inquire Louis O. Howell Frank J. Twyuhau. manent ; ne alck Address 1715 Montana BAILEY LAND CO. curities Equitable Loan Asan.. or phsns 8188; ssk tor msnsaer. 808 Phone Sale Truat Bldg. Fraternal HOWELL BMPLOYMENT AOKNCX Mass Ave. For Livestock WANTED To rant by on (MUssaaa, loaning MONET la a way that yea WANTÍD T bay a Chihuahua JBL PABO TENT O. 110. K. O. T. M. ( G1ROUX COMPANY. pay oog: puppy p rrrreo ; pnce meat Bfflclent and prompt service. Aa good room with bath. In private family raises-- of Caá can It back easily is our basiasBXi. W . leilaws arare Thursday at 8 B. 147, Dealers sad Sonora estile. on household goods., reaauuauie Auaress ietgu. liable aa a bank. Railroad, smelter and K care Times. deliver any F. p. B We loan pisase, I. O. O. P. ball. Visiting knights Invited beat paying small hotels la amount Nogale. storage receipts, live- ornee. aiming men or an ciaaaaa. aim siseos ONK OF the Artaoaa. Writ or artr far prtosa Louts coatracts, raphe rs, office help, cooks, El Paso, always full, owner leaving city stock, or any gsed security We buy and ate Telephoua, H Sale No agents. f. mixtos. sTOtr.. nogal, ansoaux. leiegrapu or waai you want. for snd will aell at a bargain. aell good not aad other eacurittra. All 18 Morgan Bldg. Address Hotel, care GOOD SPAM of mule for cheap , bualneaa strictly confidential Kl Paao Phoas 8T FOB BALK-t- ry ownsr at a 18 sake. vlua by day ; price bargain. oay xn a auu Loan tteaity avz Two Republics ropas ansas, lias 1.0s Angelas Bt. coior. jeers oiu. weuax reasonable, rBasse sag. HBATKK8 at s pedal discount to closs pounds. PBona btb. Address aso I Bldg. "leleBiiian By owner, them out. routs a xioassr. Bank 0818 Wanted FOB HALE a Preanaat Ave., First Nstloasi Bide. HOBBE w SB tad for feed. Phone 1433. UaBMABHrq naatU dose. Pbooe ue a room conage, at a . r. FOB HALhV Hart.. ahop busluess In faat FOB BALK Thirty gentle mule. TREE IX) V EBB Beautiful sT A WEEK Box jm I no axa abad tree. ra est grosvmg towa of 4008 near Ei Paso. Cheap. Kirs Host 8 tee. 2ft to ron BIB v XaeastV U to IS or from 1 to LI MBKB All lei shams and tala ass la tiau Pet Stock t each. Call at Cypres Bt Ph. 2204. llifl uakuiv. also Dbilu slsnsVef all; four ensure: modern plumb Mf LEARN In a sssatast praflOeal sad grass, FOB SAL8V Frwsh milk " axra. gxarxy ; co7 i"OBai ixB. hSÍus, cash FOB BALK Brack 1 ilnjvs sctUs atar courses, Mas. Prof Brava, Capias res ib!sUís "jatW rj.uxj, ru raw Bt, VJb7 UBxBiai. , at. pila wliiuar. PUaea Bldg. IfYouWantWhatYouWantWhenYouWantlt.Hereltls EL PASO CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Auction Sale For Sale Rang Estele For Sad) Real Egtato Longley Center Ratine bUSlNESS Brown Forward YUREt full Iota on comer, uwst part FOR Humble la sale room residence. 601 Op sos Sampson Forward Wharton .. oacriiice inee, assy terms owner. We Buy or Boll ACÍ OUNTANT MOVINR AND STORAOK. ind term a R. ear 'Tmes. Boom 6. City Natlonsl Bank Bldg. Slotheli . Forwartl Culler V t Following game Ill LI. WILLIAMS CO. Money to losn A. WlLLIAaM. auction sale and com- DON'T READ THIS. the banket ball tho On furniture; piano moving a specialty; mission broker. I sell everything, al visitors wint to thi Yucca club And W automo- uctlon or private Bell FOR SALE BY OWNER. Rock Island '.oNtiNKCKKK WICKKTKALt. 1'koo express and baggage. atore sal. yrjr rendía r Mable, 16 shade trees. $1500. $380 spent an hour, during which refresh biles. 84.00 per month. Buy. sell, store and ' your house. Becond-ban- automohlles aso. cash. $250 CASH. 8M Araer Bank Bldg P. O Ros DM. SPECIALTY If yon want ta bny inu. int. nothing down, 835 mo. Balance on eaay monthly ments weri served. Later some of the Common A Pfd. Stocks exchange secondhand furniture; repair . st r this 8 room frame, ed. 8780. aayiains-- SSS rnrnls payments Buya a men attended the enchilada sunDer ind all N. T. Stock Kxchnnge and puck furniture. 13 N. Campbell St. rf room brick, clone In. 82000. SAOO, $23 moileru WILLIAMS. 5 room home In Oolden Hill "nnrl enjoyed Ihe dance which fol Securities. APDISO MACHIS! Ptione 2938. Off! ..,., sjMg na mi. z room brick. 2 full lota. nc $1700. 8800 $16 addition. Thla place was lowed. HAI.TON Adding Machine 218 Mllll HI cash. aso. built home and not I Co., I nee i for to TV. Inc. LAIINDRIEI kbel. with sell. Has hardwood floors, . Mrs. T. Inm.ll came un from Music.l AÜBTlN A MA It 11. Anthony New First Natl. Bank Bldg. STAOB LIWK, tkóVUUti. 5073. 804 steeping norrh. hutlttn fea- Saturday to apend a day or I I inr mmW'XMi banJ work; Phone San Antonio St. tures everything o El Paso, Texas rough dry specialty. Phone 8088. MLLE. LUCIA IXiCASTA Oraduot sad that with her parent., Mr. and Mrs. i.LUSfc lu I'HllKNlX Btera's Con'v. P.erlln. voice or nlann. FOR SALE By owner, brick It tskea to make a modern 11. Reames. Phone $7$ Via Auto. Seven ear leYe Ulob with basement home. Owuer needs the 8 lumi Moka rhlldren'a classes. Pb. 3686. 80S Montaos. cotiag. fine corner lots dally. Time. hour. laaarratloaa OPTICIANS. and outbuildings, eaay terms 2788 atañí money and will sell for Mrs. Townsend of Ournngn, Colo., at Dominion Hotel. Oloba. (ilia VUy MAKE IS AN OKKEH for anything we Mlssonrl St. Mono If sold within tin- next came tin Monday from Fl Paao. where A o Fttng VSSS ni Line. KL PASO OPTICAL CO.. 108 St hsve left in sewing machia, furniture two weeks. Address P. o. liaR been visiting her sun for noma or office flxturaa. We must sell. Laar- - Box 086. $70000 weeks. CIVIL BNGlNltlCRs. Ing Kl Piso. JCI Paao Trading Co., corggr PER LOT. Mcrttc and Cmpbell. 1 to llerludlng corner on 8. Kansaa St.. A. M. Horlnnd nnd sister VSLKTV TEXAS. I near El Psso xlTlltug u arrived Hitare Packing F M Bagge. lhSS c. plant; Casb this morning from Union Itmige. CIVIL, exam- balance years La. and Mechanical Engineer, They nre frlemla Dr. 8. Itobert-no- Hu Timrt Special Corrrnfinitrtesl ine and make reporta on Irrigation and HUH Perioral $4100.00. of A. other projects. Design and superintend TriThsfer. (torage. Apartment site. 60x130 ft., on corner, and family and nre here for the Yslela. Tex., Feb. Utirlng the lal few mapa, pinta, MII.I.1NBRY WOltK reasoMble; re model - close In; on Prospect Ave.; terms of Misa llorliind'a daya Ysleti has had many strangers here construction. Make plans, years. 4 cssb. HEATERS health. tracings, bine prints and Patent Office balance at a aneolsl discount lo cli Dr. C. T. (.'nmplioll of I .us Crucen vlslilng Yslela. Including Jerrerson Living III.I4 HTFNOOH M'HKR. terlnl furnished. Lulu Mason. 07 N. as j. them out. Fouta A Zinkler. drawings. Towns! e and government fl Oregon. . i' j Watts. was a hiKilnexn lalti.r In the Park ston. or New York; Cal OoldbUt ami wire, mapa specialty. Lu Ralle r flan Francisco St. Phone 454 and a The HANNON 8TENOORARH1C CO., 726 Mill m ult HALE, r i, of nlfnlfn, ship-da- or Cincinnati, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. I. onus, of 335 Bldg. Lti.MMii Auuo.i ne which lie Engineering Association, Milla Bldg. Phone WW. NEW COFFEE COMPAIMT Just opening tent cottage In Urand View, 2 larg superintending Chicago; Anton Nealon. or Portland, Ore.; I'honi up. Tea Coffee Co.. the loading; of n let. J International snd til rooms, and screened sleeping porch, liood ping through the alfnlfa exchange. Mr snd Mr. Philo r. chenln, Miss Eleanor lo office at Times Branch No. , 166 rurnlture. largs clothes snd china closets, . V. O. M. K ' Mr. and Mitts Chonln, or emu:!. ni. Ky.. and Mr. and Mrs. HUSSKLL, AM. BOC. C. II plimukbh. Texas st. "Our correes are unexcelled." VALLEY LAND. running walsr In house, etc Located oa Preston entertained Trust Building. Give it money full Mr. Mrs. Detiuunp, or Fargo, North Daknia. TRY C1TT PL0MB1NO CO. Better us trial ordor today; back Tracts of all alxes, from 6 to t lots, corner of Ord aud Natluna nnd WIHers and daughter of i 2104. 12 N. If not pleased. Phone 0450. .. 400 acres, In avenue, 1 block north of Fort Ullaa car Dan Truces last Sunday. Miss or Kl I plumbing for tag. Phone lower valley, In Mary Wgdllnglon, Pao. peni lias. A bargain at $750; $200 t amplíen M W A NTHtV- - Acquaintance middle sgwiT Socorro and San Ellaario grant. cash and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robhlna. aceom- - tlm week with Mrs. Mayme. McDonald. We cau fUl any demaud $25 nar month. Nsrer occupied by ale pnnlcd Mr. PHO.NK 72t ask for NATION'S PLOMBINO 81 unencumbered gentleman of latesrrit. tor people. "Cottsge." care by nnd Mrs. Stroud of Miss Lena McDonald spending a week Jo. by choice tracts of any description Address Times Ann, l Csmnhsll St. Phone 280. refinement, lady, like description Donn are motoring lo the with her grandmolher. Mrv J. V. Ill Mutusl advancement. Myrtle either raw or highly cultivated. o.oou i of good ames rauch. 45 Illbb. UENTIHTa. Address in tahas Hutte dnm. They yester- l ETSr' JKrt P for water nlnutes from Chihuahua on Norm West left Kl aso. under Elephant"oHutte day morning. lilt K'ID.N. 41;, It, kllllk Unte In dsm. sro; good level land tor agriculture; three The little child or .nimia- Apadma WIS SumE "rusd Isji . TBS Elephant project ; Butte will largs reservoirs four tu five hundred Usad Mr, and Mm. J. W. Taylor s H M'iXTOSII Ut A B ASH and save money on your Breach No. 105 be In of Dona badly liiirned lliat itoaln- reaiilted arier Utile PAY soon operation. Now is the of horses ; lots of modern inschlnery ; live Ann uro attending plnmiimg work All wort guaranteed. time to procure a farm In the the farmers' Insti- twelve hours i.r suffering. Apadoca was 16 8. Rio oak timber: lot as of atons fences. All fot tute at Tel íoSTTwi Paao Plumbing Co.. Grande TlUey before prices are $200,000 gold. Bee owner the college. It la expected iiielting ashidinlt In his yard and it c , st the Ursnd Virginia. . P "? oa'oa advanced. Hutel. M Sahinar will avail tlienisolee of the opportu-tha- t plndsd. The hot mixture was thrown over Terms: cash, balance to ault. niuny visitors from the outside Hie child, ami he also inhaled the names. UKTKl TI VI AllEMl'IKH. Will consider exchange, al market PHONE ills. CLASMFIRO nlly of attending these lectures 'JSaBSM Mnilnm Fletcher, noted Psychic from Tatúes, for Income city pruperty. AdvertUer wiahlng to plaos an ami our new members were laken into the THE BEN WILLIAMS Detective Agency, in- 81 ondon. for few days. 418Vt Mesa Ave. demonstrations. vestigation made In civil criminal GOOD method, correct tangua4f. COFFIN INVESTMENT CO. Account Want Ad" in i he limes sletn Colllin oil hii nt lis last me and Mean Ave. should call BU50 and ask Misa Classi- St. Hll.lp cases. 1st Nat. Hk Bldg. Ph. nun. Ponasíes, rooms 1011. Elite Owners. for James- will hold a lllg. New First National Bank fied. She will promptly tske ths sd over ami:, Trlday evening, the phone snd send you a blU follow- he principal has fri axACHI-Nlua- Bldg. the features of resitned FURNITtiatE MJByAlsUNO. SEWINU ing morning. Accouota are payable un which will a spelling day of insertion match and n cnnily pu ng. v Man-- . SWITCHES, made from comblnga. Hair first All the UPHOLSTERING, furniture, repairing Ra.N'1 iue eua) ruunlug hlie and young people c and"' packing household goods. B, M. la world tot for sale. M. A. Hose. 800 N. of the rimuiilty nre dard. best machine the Oregon cordially Lopes. Phone TSfl.. "i family nae; repulrs guaranteed. Invited to nlte 12 The sister Ira C M WHITE SEWING MACHIN OFFICE BUY UMR Jacobs caadlo. 6 ROOM HOUSE. r ile.' a Unce act play, 228 B. L. Agt. P. y. p, Ih I, (AWOLINK. 8. Stanton. Stewart. night, at Branch We have a 8 room galow on Hhmr expected rrlvi day main at the Melh J exua si. St., close thin week fro her hume in Stioio- - bcm-ri- B. cm, 73. 85(15. Tularoaa to school; close A FEW It or the Sunday S3.. l'n. STORAGE WABBHOCSE. to car; for sale cheap, on esy til' Ol BARGAIN vnie, I)., for an extended visit. Mr. FOR SALE AT WARD'S PHARMACY, 600 term. BUNGALOWS. anil Mrs. Fnrney EL PAttXJ TRUNK FACTORY New N. Stanton St. Black's Catarrh Remedy. A lot 50 by lJO. corner on Texaa will motor lo Kl locution ; positively lower HEALTY St., near I'iimii Tlinrsdnv tu meet ssfest $1 for 16 daya treatment. Money refund- CO., 20 Southwestern sbopn; no butter her Bell 1054. Mesa. hoy at $2,250. KL PAo IRON METAL CO.. 108 Ban rato. ed If not satisfactory. Try it. Misses Marian Watllngton aun Dor- in tin Iron, brick,' lawn fenced and sheds, 2 othy Hayward y Antonio. Dealera In scrap robber, were .11. lii l.i y ,,tt ii trip copper, etc. Bell 4200. SMMgT METAL WORKS. corner Iota on Alatnngordo st 1 block guests bras, bone, of Miss Aretua Hrndley nt nor ten and learo I,, ill. .rr friiin car; $1.000, easy terms. home Ijvb i (bin BOTTLE JUNK COMPANY, ACME S11UKT METAL WORKS General 5 room, new. red pressed brick, hard- Just north of Truces. Is some dispute 1041. of all tuoo East Overland Phono sheet metal contractors kinds FOR SALE wood floors, bllill III leal res, fin lim e Charles Chaffee went to Kl Puso iVhich must IS) l 411 Texas Phoue 5450. IiOO Wednesday BLOCK V CO., E. Bonl. St beat; down, balance like rent; $3,000. afternoon. he stopped. tfwRaU. I. D. MORGAN. 208 East Overland, Undivided one-ha- lf brick, lot i.'i by 120, close In, Pb. 6408. Highest prices paid for old inter- East . SPECIALIST FOR CLBK8. wishes to find whereabout of hi Mlasourl, lot worth ihe money. braes, cupper, rubber, bones, bides, etc wbo bungalow, Corr. sol. Bert Atterbury. Is tinner und est in fine country home, beautiful cverylhlng NO lntuu forcing, no faking, plumber by trade. 7 that goes to make a swell home In the house. Uomeopstbiclan. best part of tbe city; to see this Is lo mi)ee down valley on street ir. JKWKL1CHH For buy baie Real Lítete car line LOTS. w.v CHLS cleaned SDc, main aprlnga BUc, on County Road, Une We have them as cheap as dirt. In all warranted crystal 15c. Cash for old JtcCLELLAN UROS.. Ph. 700. 30 'risen. parts of the city. gold. HHI San Autuulo, Deuvet Jewelry Co. bearing orchard. Will be at We will be more than pleased to show TYI'EVVKIi 1088. you a buy In a rooming house that will WaWHB cleaned 'due. main aprlnga 50c. A new 0 room bungalow: basement for heat; paved street and cat Una; 83708; Hotel Paso Del Norte for 8 always make you money If you buy. crystals 15c. . All work guaranteed two j. i As Office Supply Co. See i. with tiemrva Jewelry Co., Bad All run sea terms A year:' MM said, rented sod repaired. days. Will sell all or one-ha- lt J. H. SMITH SONS, Antonio Ht. 210 Milla hi. Phoue 632. M Some nice bungalows near Country club. Notary. Fire Insurance-- interest. Texas. Phoue 411. Jttttgc, 82500; MBaVtANTILB AOKNCIE8. close In, J G. NAYA Expert vuitlug and fitting: MILTON PENCE, Owner. LUI AL gbllCAMIIJi AUKNCY. all clothes made In my sbop; cleaning, Beporu anil ratlnga of Individual, col- given prompt atten- Another Uii closer In, 88250. dyeing and pressing FOU SALE Two aaaaaaaaaaf lections. Memhera of the National Assn. tion. 124 Chihuahua. south lots In block 01 FOR SALE- n,. 'nf! amount specified Some nice lota for 8250 on car Una and C.rand View ad'Utlon. a - Investors, nltentlu of Mercantile Agencies. at bkrgaln for hlggl-H- Inirgalll ever 't'r HAUBY PATEMAN, Mgr. pUVed el reel. cash. Address 1.8 'j. care Times. therein to cover the EXPF.NSE K I AKV. valley alfalfa ranch at a prle ta Herald Bldg. .K1 THE SUTTON REALTY CO.. FOR SALE OR raneu puy H items of this great distribution 810 Two República Bldg. 1208, EXCHANGE For El will tor llsell lu no seasons; 1 Phone 12 BaH lilt. It. IUClilNS Tel. 035. 305 B. Psso property, lot. Meslll Park, and easy terms; hank slock or Mil aaaaaai uiien m il Hi f l- l- lIDSWIilil. I'ARltlZOZO MAIL LINE Oregon. Uuspltal for horse and doga. 20 acres of bench land tinder Irrigation notes taken; will show you thti Dally passenger service leaving ll Phone H01 or call personally 00 our espouse; costs nothing to VetefluarUn,- - Copla St. end Carritos at 6:00 a. in. MAX horseshoer FOR SALE. Mil!- Rlilg. Phone loos Weatbound . Kastbouod hoof dlaeaae a apeciuity. U10 San Four room modern frame bunga- BUY HER Arrive. Arrive. Antouio. Phone 1157. low On three full corner lots, night," at FCRNISHKII FLAT PA L.MS .. 4 ma E Paso . Hon will 4:45 p. ui. block from car In Gov- Texaa aL roeros, mahogany and hlrdaeye pie WjmM7Sm line. everytliluv 11 AO a.m. Picacho 1:40 p.m. wlAUOW eVAKUlhtO. ernment Hill ; trees, grass, fence furniture, eomplet 11:30 a.m. Tlunie 1:15 p.m. and sheds. For price aud terms liner In city. Itent mi mi J l :'.:. ,. tu. Mondo Ji5Up,ia. WANTED Wiudow to clean. Phoue 726. MAKE $i,lJ0 1 address L. X E., care of Timas, By r, Horning Times 1:00 p.m. Lincoln lliaua.m. buying slv lots, Montan mli' p.m. Btauton 10:30a.m. WAOON Lamar school, for $tl,;Ksi s. lor yourself fKm 2:00 Ft. YARD. n Hi 00 If not worth $1,500 each. Immediate, ac- 2 .35 p.m. Caput a.m. 1- :i:;t5 p.m. Nogal 00a.m. lit i HAIR Jacobs caudles, "made last 8 -2 ACRES tion Mu.M I' ,ta"d ,h" ertlflcat 4 4.'. grain; i K, the dairy feed night," Times MORTOAOE SALE. 'J I p. st night at way 819.10. LENE, the horse feed; hotter aud cheaper S SI. Interurban Station, preaaert brick, near high school, Through fare ono only 10 cent fare by street car, Intermediate points 10c limn all; houses aud MULES sniitii iront, alley corner, large lot. sold "mud ; UiuroughUred DON'T SELL, BUY OK EXCHANGE fronting on paved county road ; cash payment, $800 SO lbs. excess carried. bought, boarded yo'u under value. yl loola or guns until get my we consider this the best buy J. Jersey bull for service. Corner Overland In BU.NUALOW ON CORNER, $!, Campbell Phone U04. prices. Phone 431. H. Mobr, 30 S. El Paso. the lower valley, at $400 per 4htl20. hIx rooms aud basement, Owner and Operator. Phone 18. and St. sere; terms, cash, is; KITCHEN CABINETS to exchange bsl. 2 location at east entrance Oolden ENTITLE and 3 years. This property worlh $5,11). MjjbmI stoves. refrigerators, etc. FoutS .Inkier Phone 1106. W. W. REALTY CO. Lost and Found Board and Rooms LEWIS I STOVES We want 100 steel rangea and small cooks at once. Pboue me what you Ml sil, I PAltH, N. M. have to trade. Foots A Zinkler. Phoue Uy Timet gpeoiai Corrcaposdenl 1100. Mesilla Park, N. M. The reception LOST Solid gold garter buckle, on bine FOR SALE CHEAP Ten ncrea oue mil, given by the Ladles' Aid of the engraved with Re- "GOLD BRAND COFFEE," best on esrth, elsstk; letter 'It." 46 cents north of lia Cruces oo main road; fin, church Haturdriy uftornoon MM. s pound, lutcrnstiuual Tea and ; ward. Phone Coffee Co., 10S Texaa St.. 6400. aoil main ditcb running through center; at the home of Mr, ti II. Ileames Phone no lietter land or location In Ibe valley. BARGAINS IN proved lo be a moat delight fnl arfair. FOUND One brown hone, with Mexican Address Owner, or phone 5083 or 4828. llOUES The house was decorated with put toil r on leg. Owner call at 00014 CONVALESCENT HOME FOR TUBRR-- l $2400. brand left Catering to people 4 room plants poliiHcttlus, S. Kansaa. Ul.oslB who desire bungalow, fenced, and tho color high class secomnwdstloa snd ca rafal house. $100 down, per mo scheme being .red anil green. In the nursing, miles from city. BUss car $0 y t Fort 83750. illnlng room two tallies were used in LOST Gold and platinum charm; lad passes door, 'ieiepboae AMI. Ratss mj Fine 5 room, 85 1318 on corner, 2 ilng the rufre uieture. reward If returned to per week, up modern In every reaped N. Oregon. casb, bal. $25 per mouth. with nOOM AND BOARD for two, home com- $2000. hand work made In J. forts, walking 4 distance. Phone 4403. room, oo comer, $100 di the center of this table Store For Rent bal. $20 per month. Japanese vase h.ildliiK "GOLD BRAND no superior, Facing paved roud and main COFFEE." All a high xl'Ti'sl polnauttlas. On ROOM lo.- rent, 0 North 45 cente a pound. Isteruutlonal aud ditch. under state of llils .iultt lea Close lo aebool OBI In I 211 S. El Paao. Coffee Co.. 103 Texas St. Ptiohe 0450. cultivation. and I large liny uaed ll Btauton. luutilre rullrnud station, only 13 mllea from Inn il I Bleeping porch. Washington und fro mm R R F El l'aso. H KL 1 lih.U you cakes were served by Mi s A i Curd sw pffBJ night. at veil. Phone Most any one can own ono of use. aHi Vm:V2M&!Wttit&ZÍ rMAd well. The second tal. In Tenia si. these small farms. liider our $5000. crops pay Modern bungalow, full basement with a handsome piece o terms the will for them. heating plant. ' Board and Room Osaple tracts of 3 acres, This Is different made lu Mexico City. RAILWAY 81.500, 13 years to pay for them $5000. Conway presided Ihla UNION STATION OFFICIAL Extra accommodsllons In rooms with 7 room, close al lu: planted to fruit and in; as rent Ing n TIME CARD. bath choice meals, ressou-uhl- e sll alfalfa. $5500 the tea from and most Border land tracts. 10 und 20 LOOK CAREFULLY. location, -- 14 room service. rate: best txi Nevada ut 82410 810 apartuient, waul smalt 4 Me. OS, Mtfeeilee UtU Phone 3783. aerea eacb, an aire: an Mi- T. W MMUt.ñrmílilWmWSWlSaSr pose They enrich tile Time Table a a, acre down aud balance easy. on 5 room, Alta Vlata or close In During the oil. ii teit MTeasber la, 113. ml. long time. In:- .11 of Anthony played (Mouotaln Time Only.) ait-A- HEATED ROOMS, excellent tarn. La Union tracts, 0 and 80 Board Mrs Maso. Prospect Ava scree, 175 Ul acre, very easy $860. Of selections on Ihe piano. 3 room adobe, $150 casb, bal $10 He Cardwell acted as par B. W. gyatens. terms. per B. P. A 8INGLB ROOM and board. 823 00; private Extra special bargain of 07 inontb. while Mrs. S. P. Stewarl From North and ISaat Arrlva lumiiy, cios in. o:i Montana. acres, all under Jiigb state of cul- $1000. Nice little home, 2 B. E. Mat lies received ai 1 Cailforulau 8jJ6 am tivation, 40 in alfalfa, nothing any lota, un corner furnished. $MXJ down, roti Mrs. Arthur Hull. wh: 3 Goldsn State Limited IM pm better In the valley. Price 1150 bal. as pm II lie It spending the winter with 1 Xucumcarl-K- l Paso Local 7:30 un acre. (2,000 cash, tl.issi can From the West UOOM AND BOARD Reasonable run four years at 7 per cent. No $2100. Davidson, near Mesilla, h ratee: 4 room. 2 lota. 1150 caah, $'.'5 per Kl B copper City Special J.:4'm outside room, newly torn. ; 5 blka. from trouble to ahuw any of these Paao, where she expei Blata Limited 2:30 pm 615 N. month Inch,, ling lutereei. In daya 4 Golden Pisas. Florence. Phone 3272. tracts. 0 room bouse, Mr. Hall a few U'Mail slid Express 4 :U0 pin Huusel Heights; deems It expedient lo leave his pi East Depart IF it Is nice rooms and sleeping porch waut small house. W in North and with thai you u room, on ent position as superintendent of a h El Local 6:ou am bosrd, need, call and bee UI Cslifornla waut pm at 1801 Arizona smaller house large smelter In Mexico for a visit ! Golden Stat Limited 2:40 street. Costs nothing to yy pm intestinal, i none iwjs 43i screa, Cilul; wont Income to hi family, who hawi been In WUBBmlotSiljnm oouKh tiittt in t CallforuUn 4t property. Mnv For the Went Uncle Rum' territory since las! Every and Exprés 8:40 am $0500. Clark of Philadelphia la vis- BMSnmMCT Be Appreciated by 5 MU 20 room teneuieut, will Peter 3 Goldeu State Limited 2:00 pm take auto iting his son, George Clark, of Me- City Spaalal.... pm ill or vacant lota aa first payment Member of the Family Copper T:5 bal. rent Will nay give silla. fffiSi&ZM FOR SALE Puriilahctl or unfurnished, and iou a Luwroin Smith arc For Rent Ho. modern brick cottage. 7 rooms, hall and nice Income. Mr. and Mr. Young Old Alike. U Oraaule El Pasu Bksuread. 8 room house, well located, receiving congratulations of their and (Banta Fe ByMwrn.) apacloua cluaeta. 2 lots, close In, conven- will the SSS "GOLD BRAND COFBE," no superior, ient to several car Hues: modern Imorove- - take vacant properly for the whole. friend on Ihe birth of a little daugh- From the North - Arrive. 45 cent s pound. Tea and inetita, including bol water beating; cash $1000. few- day ago. am International 5 I. ter a Mágico Kxprgg iOrW Coffee Co.. 100 Texaa St. 6450. terms. aress 1. acres al .is Cruces, Improved 6:R) pm Phone snd 400 Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and El Paso Paasenger eres at Fattens, waut Et p,,,.. how many Dlblt-- you may VZr Depare SLY Jacobs -- property. father, Peter Clark, were gueals c! No matter caadle, asada las one will ha slnia. City Chicago P.... b:3o am night, st Tintas Hraach Na a, 100 MODERN HOMES. $30.090. Mr. and Mrs. John II. Stevenson for flk hare, Is Chicago Fast Mail 8 00 pm Swell hou , Huiisct Heights, 180 seres, 1' mites sent of Cruces, Sunday dinner. B-- i. HJ U0 payment, islance good finest by tin- CO. mall cash terms; improied ranch lu Mesilla The enchilada suppers given Hk make plain the ubjecls Illustrated. It Man AsttVeata Ky. ODOMJJ'RANBriEB you want dale home see valley. El HJ Oalvestoav. IssurrisSarg thl. Villi lake Puso tadle' guild of St. James' church lust Sal MM Hk la not essential lo belong to a church Pacific System.) 1054 erj attractive new bungalow. Well ami uett.-- Southern Pboas 50 urday night was attended the educational value of this full basement, ft. oruer and north 40 acres st La Mess, all lu alfalfa sup Hk to realise Frem the Esst A"T "GOLD BRAND COFFEE." best on esrth, let uie make yon a price oo this. $100 per acre. tbe guild $2 or more. Following the BBBHEBpBBBam o( loog, 8 M pm 43 aid; oer yuuug folks until a lale Sunset Expr - rents s pound. Iuternstloaal Tea sud CHOICE BUILDING KITES. 10SB aere, M miles north of El the darned and child win, wanta Limited pm IOS Mttmj Wl Bunset 1M Coffee Co., Texaa Hi.. Phone 0450. Fin cor aer, near high school, over- l'aso. Best buy lu valley, hour. familiar with lis looking city; best buy lu El Paso. 8 seres lu aud I. ile- - of Lb Mesa SSO advunca Limited am FOR RENT 5 room brick. 700 block alfalfa fruit $s0 Miss Í02 Buneet M 37tfc ft. on Mouiaiia, a snap at the per sers. enchilada supper und a visit with the 4:20 pm orsuae St.; no sick or children 0 room 4 CsllfbrnUn 50 bungalow. Alta Vista. LtveaaV. Sbe tu Lu Mesa Sunset Express i, :30 pm Moore. Csples Bidg. jsAtt R. T. WOOD. - Phone list have you got Misses letnriied in Mus. me. Sunday afternoon. ROOMS Kl KN1TVUE REALTY CO Kssntsith. air, for ssis and Pboue 1540. Master William Faulkner Is cross bear Express " 50 pm bouse for rent, clese in; cash or term "GOLD BRAND COPKEE." no upertor, choir while In, ok l'reuger 10 sunset 'bone 6818. Morgan Bldg. of Si. James' I r the West 45 cents s pound. International Tea and Buchanan is the winter wltb un V 0:38 am Coffee Co.. 106 Texas St. phone 6450. ' Usaliy Co. spending Laa .V Mt Kxprea ...... i 6:00 pm von in. M large light dry concrete Cruce, M. Louie. a Sunset gong Our Brunch Office in game of tin Bibles Offered WUI Be Mailed to Any Sunset Limited ..10.13 pm oasement IS location . 414 North first basketball 101 Oregon 8t. with an outside team waa played I Address tor 8 Free Certificates, I.OT8 ON THE MESA WANTED. the Texas Fwattto Railway, We a full or college gyiu Saturday night, when the j Set Opposite Style want blrck nalff STOVES-W- e tbe Amount the taa East Arrive. block of level lota on inesa, want 100 ateal rangea and Reclamation Camp team of La Mesa de the small, cooks once. f 51 Faat Expresa , am FOB RENT. close to Mam Ave. or Stanton St. st Phone me wbst you feated tbe College men. outplaying Ibelr Bail 8.50 pas hsve to trade stouts A Zlukler. at every point of tbe game, I. I Csnsoe Nica S room bungslow. Grand "Will pay caah. nog. Poos opponents and For tha East Depart Viewv No. 3S0I Ilichuioud St.. 630. PEKllY K IRKPATRD'K REALTY especially In goal throwing, where the) 6 Caanoo Ball 1M san RAMEY CO., 24 Mesa men were pm BROS. Reclamation particularly weak. Fast Express M Phone 613. First Nat. Bank Uidg. Tbe score waa 5f to 8. ' National Railway of Mexico. Tbe tine up wa a follow Mexico Northwesters Railway. "GOLD BRAND COFFER," beat on earth. Bl' I LOINU CONTRACTS, remodelling sod He. lamailou. Position. College. ou"' Tea and repair work soUaUed; II work Wiggins O i. ard Itrsluard All usina suspended Indefinitely. cxas St..".Phone 0400. prices the lowasL Phone RaodaU L Guard Magatsgaol Monday. Ftrrusury-- 9. 1914. 12 EL PASO MOANING TIMES

took carda to be filled out and aent In day morning assigned utter. church membership. HI text was PARLIAMENT WILL INDORSE POLICY WORK BEGINS SOON BABY'S TERRIBLE On Tuesday ventas the ladle of taken from Rom. 11:5. "We being the Sunset division will tve a "Deee- - many are on body tn Christ, and trlci Hkule" entertain! In the every one member of snothsr. room Of I he church The H said: MEET TOMORROW IN PECOS VALLEY ON ELECTRIC LINE SKIN HUMOR CURED participante will meet Monday even-In- - 1. Jesus said, "Whosoever shall for their first and final Instruc- confess Me before man, him will I tion treason In the three R's wltl confess before My Father who I la CARLSBAD MEM - rnOMOTKna be heard In the morning session, and heaven. And whosoever snail deny ItrriSH GOVERNMENT TO PACE BUSINESS FORE- coNrtosnT biohts of Milk-Cru- Formed a Solid Saab, but held at Me before man, him I also deny ON HOME WEB ERA WAT nr. GIVEN closing day exercises will be will BITTER COIfTESTH OF FKCNPHKRT IN wiu. not In th afternoon session when the "lit before My father which Is in heaven." Rl'LK AMD DIHBHTABLIMHMINT ARIZONA AND TEXAS. I.OI BOHOKT AND ARTI8IA. Rent Cured Four Day. tle folk" will say pieces and sing Some oral expression Is evidently nec Detroit, June "About a songs. essary and la no way for you to il. ltli. then Commercial Club Adopts Resolnilon AM Seetetr ef Cksreh year ago my baby was Restore Natural The Wednesday evening service make such definite confession or Unionist to Be Present and troubled with what they call will h the of a general con Christ other than through the forms the iwmroending ran off v. 8. Gov- Ceatast and Awards Color to Grey Hair in nature ota Start of ernment to Aid Fanners. The lower part of her body ference on "The Presbyterian United or reception tn use by one and an s to Bring Clashes was a mass of sores. It began with Movement." Prominent laymen other body of believers. to one 2. By uniting you small pimples, then they turned the congregation will tell of this with the church y Uprcial Wire to The Timrtt By BptetcX wire to Th Timet whole scab. The scab would break restore la be nation win ne helping cause or By Special Cable to The Times. M s. permanently great movement that to the cnrist. Carlsbad. N Méx.. Feb. . Carls AiskBogerao. re, toe riercnc open it would bleed. She Ksimtaj-- ! sing Will be started livery new member helps the church Artritis and then color by wide and that London, Feb., After the longest bad Is vitally Interested In the de- rallrosd between Clesdcreft end suffered much, as she cried night and March I. as It indicates to th world that It li enjoyed velopment of the Pecos valley of will be a a inured fact Just n soon sa growing anil gives encouragement to vacation that members have people between two towns will day. New Mexico and Texas and Is glad lac those 1 i PART, the pastor membership tneir since th Liberal Party came Into dis- "For one month tried everything, M WOOOD and in that the secretary off the interior ha make deeds to Is that a errorts. My takirrs the step your power eight year ago. Parliament re ordered a survey of the Pecoe river trict. This ! the labs ta nee of the state but without relief, until I sent for William- - Kpeaks of Mary ample will probably be an ld sup- ment made by C. Jopes, of sample of Realnol Ointment and Iter. assembles tomorrow for a Session that to determine the actual water J. one the - ami Msrtlis. someone else to do likewise. ply Irrigation purposes on the Resinol Soap. Upon tho first ppnca- promises to be fall of hard work and for 1 of By connecting yourself with the Pecos river watershed. It will help ersl msnsger of the Alsioogordo Lumber "o noticed a change, and after four Rev. J. P. Williams the First church you are placing your energies excitement. days my baby waa entirely cured. Hut church took for his text yes only Home Bule to develop west Texas valley lands. compsoy. nt tn There are not the 11 praise your too high- This wonderful MMlUM terday. Luke 10:41-2- , "The Good and snort tin with his other roi billa, some of the richest In ths United The the distance be cannot remedie the lowers and praising him by united and Welsh disestablishment tween Clouderoft znd Hope brea se ly, and recommend them to all my eradicates aaadraff. enliven Part." Ha said: which come up for the third passage states. bes hair follicle, sad give the hair "The aond nan was not salvation. effort by the cumulative fores of any The Carlsbad Commercial club met caren, and the deeds therefor daUvrred, friend" (Signed) Mrs. Henry numbers Instead of alone. and then to become law despite yesterday and discussed order except for strip of thirty miles Through Mosher, 1K4 Lewerenz Ave. instoral.youthful appearance for Martha was a saved woman- It By refusing be thing Lords may do, but there Is a the for s d to unite with other the survey and possible benefits an portion of country. You need never to use Resolte guaranteed. Is, In a word, devotion I the the unsettled hesitate ntadye levers yon appear exclusive and great mass of other business wnicn to valley. G. prescription, y Iff ssnsnoo. the cause of Christ consider tne Men like Francis fleverasseat Owas Property. Resinol. It la a doctor's refunded not which Is In contradic will compel the government to fight - Mary's spirit. It was the care-fre- e Tracy, who has been active in irri This strip Is on government Issd, sod that has been used by other physi- tlon to the life of humble faith which continuously to hold the confidence gation valley 34 years, spirit. Martha was anxious about you in the for are right through It can be secured clans for eighteen years in the treat- profess to be living. ot the House of Common From start much gratified over outlook for without say difficulty whatever. Mr. eczema, ringworm, pimples. temporal things. Mary was free from Hv remaining in your the ment of exclusive to finish of a session the British Gov- further development of the resources Jone asys Just as see as y And undue anxiety shout such tningr ness you yourself off thst the all aorta of akin affection. It are depriving ernment must keep on the alert to of the Peco valley. Is, secured between Ar- - Martha wj more concerned about the the sympathy and support and com Hep and contains absolutely nothing that could she prevent an adverse vote, which if It The following resolutions were ap tssls. a distance of twenty-tw- miles, Injure skin. Practically meal. Mary about the food wi fort and brotherly treatment which backing of majority proved unanimously the tenderest to receive alttina at the feet of Jesus to has th a ef the and directed contracts for the sctaal construí tlon of every druggist sells Resinol Ointment the church would naturally offer members means of the sent to the secretary of the Interior line will "When a man comes to .cnurcn ne you If you were come out the retirement the be made. and Realnol Soap. For free trial, RESCUE HOME to thus ministry. The danger will be more and A. A. Jones, secretary! The A THE ought to leave his business concern openly dn Christ assistant El Paso Smith western system write to Dept. 40-- Resinol, Balti- the side of ever session Resolved, the Carlsbad co- at home. More, he ought to leave 3. tne acute titan during this that already bsa signified Its intention to more, Md. Refuse Imitations sold aa Besides this, those who love Under Fire. Commercial club hereby endorses the operate of new them at his place of business when Lord are commanded to receive the Government with the builders the lines. "Just like Resinol." (Advertisement. ) mm From the moment that King George policy of federal control of inter Arrangement will be made to use a HAS VITAL he shuts his office door behind sacraments. These sacrament are state streams In with WORK on Saturday nluht. A woman ought administered by church only to leaves the House of Iiords after de union depot at Clouderoft. the llverlng his speech opening the pro- the state affected thereby for the to dismiss her domestic perplexities those who openly confess him. It purpose of giving equal right and Ceke Baktag Ceaeast. Wash., ere In Alamogordo seeking s or wor come ceedings, the Government will be un By the co. n. when she enters Ood house certainly ineonalstem of one to opportunities to all. irrespective ni securing operation of the location for a bom. They bare Juat MRS. THOMAS PITT, PRKKIDKNT. ship. We should have minds open Lord's because ne nas der fire, not only from their Union Ladles' Aid. of oca of the churches sod the table oponent several questions state lines, and that all unappropriat- traveled along the Pacific coast from KPOKK AT MUST PRKHBYTKR-IA- for the receotlon of spiritual trutk commanded It, and yet to refuse to ist but .on ed water may be utilised at the ear having the contest held under its aus- Washington to southern California. III IK II VK8TKKDAY. When Oml's cause Is before us It make a public confession of Him from Liberal as well. Fortunately lor pices, the Globe Mills of Bl Paso put oa nest possible time and ror tne runcst Mr. and Mrs. T. H. of Mes- - should be given the right of way when he has equally contended that the Government It probably will have possible development of the respect a eake and bread baking contest here yes- Sutherland Many a good sermon Is spoiled by i Special Services Continue. the support of many Unionists on the terday afternoon which nearly calero have arrived for a few days' visit I ive water sheds. Interested Not a Dry In Congregation ami noor hearing and many a poor ser The protracted meetings will con question revolting Radicals sll the housewives of the town. The to friend. 400 Collected to Rescue Wayward that the That the members of this organi tnon Is redeemed by a good hearing tinue through this week In the Bast wtll chooee for their attacks. zation speaking for the citizens of cakes and loaves of bread were sold by Th Indies of th library division of mid rallen Ctrl. "Mary's example is a splendid one i'aso fresoyterntn cnurcn eacn The session will open with a debate this community approve the the Ladles' Aid after the awards were the Civic league will gire a Valentin balls of that freedom from undue anxiety night at 7:4$. There will be a dif- on ihe reply to the speech from the nouncement of the honorable secre- made, and .netted quite a substantial sum. at Wolflnger's hall Saturday night. har- night. Itev. C. prises were offered punch will be served. The homo and hospital work, ai about secular things which are ferent speaker each throne. This reply outlines the gov tary of the Interior that a full and Three for the best and rowing to soul and body, and Wesley Wendell, pastor of the Trin measures of Peoos cakes and the best bregd, 96, and aa ha lit tem- proposed by the :i Paso Rescue asso both ernment's end members complete survey of the Rio ft Thre been a sharp decline grievous to tho hert of Him who ity Methodist church, will preach to- the House are privileged to criticise water shed la to be made In the near honorable mention, with si, being the re perature for th hut three night, re- elation, was presented at the First should be dearer than life to us. night. It at any point If they desire. For future, to the end that all of Its spective prizes. sulting In the forming of thick Ice. fruit Presbyterian church yesterday morn "Then, Mary's Is a splendid instance example, some member may move an available waters may be applied to Prlaea for bread were awarded to Mrs. grower say th nights most remain cold, tag by Mrs. Thomas Pitt, the prest of the meditative spirit. Jesus was EVANGELICAL si Its Mis amendment expressing regret that the beneficial use, thereby making ef- Charles A. Garrett, Mrs. T. Plerson and for several week yet If any trait Is to ne. Mary In. This by .us Mrs. John Bernstein. The cake prises dent of the association. This work giving out. was taking Government did not accept the invita fective plan long cherished in raised here this season. The fruit has Is an age of activity In all the relations At Westminster Prewbylerian Church tlon to have an official British exhibit the development of the Pecos valley. Were' awarded 'to 'Mrs. J. c Jones. Mrs. not suffered say as yet. placed In V row OS. C. has been the hands of the of life scientific, commercial, social Draw Large Pnam-Paolfl- o Exposition "That it Is particularly grattrytng Frank Holland and Mrs. Charles A. at the at The Judge Salvation Army because II 'Is felt (hat political, religious. There Is an. ac Itev. Prank Hall Wright, the Han Francisco. the settlers under the Carlsbad Garrett were Mesdames the army Ik so well equipped and tlvlty In religious lines that in turn evangelist; preached at the morning It Is expected such a motion will be project that this survey is to be William B. Warren, 8. M. Parker and trained for Just this kind of Chris- respects is not most healthful, it i service on Amos 111, woo to tnem made, because the development or M. Riddle. made and it probably will receive con Itev c. ot tian service. As Mrs. Pitt told, in age of overorganixation. There that are eaae In Zlon." He read siderable support. But the real tests of the entire watershed of the Rio Pecos J. Wilson Alpine, Tex., has quiet eloquent manner, many many showing how Ood waa. ma of Inn nrlmnrv reanona which arrived will np work BLOOD her hut of are. In some Instances, too fifth scriptures Government strength IS more likely to and take the POISON RHEUMATISM ANO Work, many "induced of project to in the Methodist revival which ALL DISEASES THE BLOOD CUREO AT ithe nature of the the wheels to the machinery of the king arraigns and reprobates Indifference be taken on some more Important sub the citizens this evangelist Of HOME 'sad and pathetic caaes that come un- dom. We need more of deep, quiet and ease upon the part or uod a peo come under the provisions of tne Is now In progress here. WRITE SAM J. DAVIS. SECRETARY O iv ten- ject Be der the notice and care of the rescue meditation more of sitting still and pie. He spoke earnest and way reclamation act. it further Mr. end Mrs. C. S. Whitehead, of Ta OR. JOHN TRIPPS REMEDY COMPANY workers, there was profound si- allowing us. po derly the people about un- Some will probably be found for "Resolved, we express our ap- that Jesus to talk to The with their bringing up question al that lence that betokens Intense Interest, ys, 'It Is greatly wise to talk with concern for the unsaved, their sat- the Irish preciation of and our hearty appro- and when she was through there waa our past hours and ask them what isfaction with the beggarly elements though the Home Rule Bill Is already val of the attitude of the reclamation scarcely a dry eye In all the large au- report they bore to heaven of the world, and their confidence In before Parliament and is therefore service toward the settlers under the dience. 'Take Him to be holy, the world other things than the presence and xcluded from this preliminary de various projects brought about by The object of this association Is to rushes on, help of Ood. Near the close ot the bate on the Government's program the knowledge and sympathy of the rescue the wayward and fallen girls Spend much time In seoret with J service multitudes ame forward and motion might be made, however honorable secretary of the Interior as and women. sus alone: reconsecrated themselves to the regretting that the negotiations for to western conditions and the neces- Mrs. Pitts said: By looking' Jesus, service of a Christian life, and there settling the Ulster situation had failed sity of hearty between to like Him that un- "Its work is threefold, vis: Preven- shalt be, were some conversions. v end this would mean a test vote. the government and the settler tative work, rescue work and mater- Thy friends In thy conduct His Ilk The attendance at these services Is Every Unionist member has been re der the several projects. nity work. A home will be built soon, ness snail see phenomenally large, the house being quested to be present on the open "That we are ta hearty accord with and In this home girls will be taken "Marv also exemplified the spprecl filled to Its capacity every night. Thus tag day. and no pairs with opponents the spirit prompting the enactment Just received and cared for In their misfortunes spirit. as much of far there have been (0 professions of are being granted, so it apeara certain into law of the proposed reclamation In ailve She wanted venture to hopo ' and will be trained for usefulness the Savior a company as she could conversion. that the oppeotlon plans to force the extension act! but the world. A work of this kind has The services will continue during Government to resign or dls that In some of its details It may be our first shipment of have. Other less Important matters S either upon long been needed In EI Paso. could take care of themselves. She this week, every day at p. m. and solve Parliament. changed, imposing the settler Scarcely a day goea by, so the city 7:Í0 p. m., except Saturday. f fewer restrictions and offering still us, was In the sacred presence of the Dissolution, It will be remembered, Is out the prob and county officials tell but that great teacher, who waa her devoted one ot the demands of the Unionists more freedom to work cases come before them r ceding th How. Is Your Boiler? lems ot developing the arid west very kind of care proposed by the friend and loving Savior. She was before the passing of the Home Rule without Impairing the security of the county Judge, who enjoying every minute of His stay and It has "been stated that a man's bill. However, the Liberals, National government its outlay in building rescue home. Our bo sorry He went away Is boiler, his body Is his 1st for STETSON would when stomach his Laborltes are Just aS HATS move- and alert Is In hearty sympathy with this box. the irrigation wonts." his Is largely oh, what a guest the blessed Son of engine and hi mouth the fire and with Premier Aaqnlth at their ment, tells us that time to your boiler (stomach) In good taken up in hearing and handling Ood was! She seemed believe as Is head, and feel pretty Confident of en NEW FURNITURE STORE. pathetic cases. lie repeatedly said, that he was walk working order or is It so weak that compassing any Unionist design these It not full load not All the new shapes and colors "The association already has the Ing In the shadow of the cross and will stand a and There Is, however, also some danger Oat of the High Rent District Firm would mount It by and. by. She must able to supply the needed energy to from the Unionista In debate. The deed to six lots in northeast Bl Paso. (body) 7 you any the a modern home and hos- enjoy Mini while she could. Her your engine If have modification ot polloy of tariff Ask to see the Plans for Chamber-laln'- a the "Out of the high rent district," Is "Domino" pital, to cost $7250, are drawn and home had become to her the house trouble with your stomach reform. Indorsed by Bonar Law, by of Ood, the very gate of heaven by Tablets will do you good. They the slogan of the Mesa Furniture uald for. The labor organization Invigorate stomach which "food taxes" are dropped, has company, which has opened tor bus have donated a day's labor, which will reason of Jesus living presence there strengthen and the not met with satisfaction in It's a Winner "How we are to have Mary's good and enable It to do its work naturally. entire the lness at E00 Mesa avenue with i greatly reduce the cost of the build stom- party. The farmers, largely Unionists, complete household and office d Many very remarkable cures of line of Ing, and the association lias $1000 in part devotion are asking why they should be de company Is composed Christ Is indicated, by cholee. 'Mary ach trouble have been effected by furniture. The the treasury." druggists.-- -" prived or mat protection, which they of B. R. Gunning and W. E. Fer of Mrs. choaen good part.' We do them. For sale by all At the close Pitt's address hath that ) Were told tariff reform would give guson. Hev. Charles I Overs! reel, Ihe phs not make enough Of the will power ( Advertisement. regal them, while the manufacturers re- "You see." said Mr. Gunning yes lor of Ihe church, made un appeal to In religion. It Is the soul's ceive it. terday, "we are out of the high rent the members of his congregation fuculty. We can will anything In the Phone 877 tor a Taxicah. Adv district and can afford to sell our help in building this home. In bounds of reason. Napoloon said, Unionist members for agricultural at greatly reduced prices. very time a sum of almost $400 'There shall be no Alps,' when he protests and It Is probable some furniture short PRYOR TRIAL COST Sl.fllMl. that We expect to replenish our stock wss secured. A number of others spoke of his coming Invasion of Italy districts have- been Inundated with carload of gooos within a few and he swept them from the map of strong with a Weeks Many tariff reformer will move an days." the world so far as he was concerned. Case Lasted Eight and amendment that wll bring the question whole-soule- Wltneeses Were Heard. Will d devotion to Christ up. Clash Registers. by grace Jury case Mining Engineering Reports, Man- Mary's good part and the In fees the trial of the Then Austen Chamberlain and bargain up yours." of Thomas l Pryor vs. Annie i.. other For sale at a several Min- of God it shall be tariff reform stalwarts would come out agement, Etc Representing Krause ot al. in the forty-fir- dis- Nationals. Address For Sale. Milling Companies. n support of the whole policy, which car Times. (Adv.) ing and REV. DR. KENNETH BROWN trict court cost the county more than would be a practical 11,600. whe Itself was Inconsc throwing over Camphtus A suit of Bonar Law, Walter Long Hives Of El Paso Church Gives Rea- mm, save to the 'participants, as and other Special winter rat. Betel Amatela Mills Building East Unionist leaders, who tn the words of sons for Church Membership. was brought by one of the heirs of one Kl Paso, Texas Itev Kenneth Brnwn of East the Porter estate for an accounting of their own suoorters. have the thrown over, the- - Kl Paso Presbyterian church yester- - The estate, valued at about 1200,000, party's chief plat- waa left to the three children of Mrs. form for fear of the effect of "food Fannie D. Porter, who died in New taxes" on the worklngmen. York in 181. Thomas Pryor, a res Estimates for Department. ident of California, brought the suit After debate on against his sister, Mrs. Annie the Government's program come the estimates for the DINE Krause, Of Bl Paso, and brother, John departments, WHERE TO Pryor, of California, for an account various and with Ihem one of their own supporters, have ing. dangers. Tho trial consumed eight weeks Unless Winston Churchill. and one day More than 160 questions First Lord off the Admiralltv. ana knui were submitted to the jury and his naval estimates down to what they 17117 1 NOW hy in were last year, there will be a great Kf Clff UCD ODII days were required the Jurors uproar Y OaJL. V CdJTV 01V1UU ope preparing their answers. A men from Liberal benches. The Ifie Kind of Furniture lib tloned in tne Times, judgment was Radical economists, wh at least have EVERYTHING IS BEST rendered for the plaintiff. The Jury the moral support of Llovd cnm South El Paso Sired Next to Gem alee. in the oaae waa composed or j. c Chancellor of the Exchequer, have re BKN and W.H. Proprietors. Huff, James Caskey, L. T. Bryant, W peatedly declared they will stand for You WW Ultima- M. Hetaler, 8. W. Carr, Frank Web Ulerease. ster, Albert Celum, J. A. Watson, C. W. Gelger, J. B. Sanders and B Don't You Relieve It. Turner. Some say that chronic conatlnatlon Til T SKSTAt'SAMT cannot be cured. you A? Don't believe it Buy WHICH TO r Ask Segall II Mesa Chamberlain's Tablet have curad tely Qlk St. Lua why ad r ri reiste.Ikuu other not you? Qtve them a FLORENCE CAFE trial. They cost only quarter. For NEW CARBON REMOVER. sale by all druggists. (Adv.) Paso WekBng Company I'slng Phone fit tor a Tnxljcnb. (Adv.) Oxygen to do the Work. Is the only kind to buy now. Wait a while if you must-- buy ( ixygcn as a csrbon remover is RELATfOMB WITH JAPAN. .( klasa oystera. rg la aU Mil. EAT AT new wrinkle In the motor world, yet S IS Notable Improvement fewer pieces if necessary but when you do buy, Th Mewest and Best Beata aren i the Kl Paso Welding company has Has tYtUowed met with much success ta perfecting awsat on in, iHiriictt mil. Phil Young Cafe the new discovery. For some time Kn the A .ocio ted Tc buy for the future. It is upon this principle we do our ai.c 'illaasa. Chill as Shea. 4i Club House Cafe the greatest difficulty with automobile Washington, Feb. im sad Caía Laerba aJrM Uesr n rra rey aad a Ufcag, rispa. engine has been mat or poor lubri provement In the relations between r.v n ' vJT. Pro. 10 S. EL PASO HT. cation ot Intense carbonisation. Bn the United States and Japan ls be- buying and we would rather not sell you at all than sell glneers have for some time been try lieved to have come from events in - the house of representatives last Ing to devise a plan whereby they In something which we felt was not going to be could clean oat the carbon deposit week connection with the passage you a source OPEN ALL NIGHT cylinders tearing of the Burnett immigration bill. from the without from Tokio are to 110 South El Paso Street down the engines. premuna the effect of permanent satisfaction to you. There have been a good many ays mat a impression AUTO CAFE terns on the market but the most i.uaou in inn Japanese capital, not oxygen only because of the refusal of the successful to dale ihe flaim- houae to Include In the bill the am. process which Is being used by the pnard prohibition against the entrv or Kl Paso Welding company. The tech Japanese .into the United magaslne off the woldr have States, but PAN-AMERICA- N formerly ntcal even more oy tne ap- - CAFE western orill. been devoting much attention ,t this p,ai ni i icprevciiiaiive aaann. 14 N. Kl Paso St. Now Open Under New Management. new discovery- - It Is one "that has The Japanese statesmen are CHOP SI IJY AND NOODLES. IS O'CLOCK ÜPEC1AL DINNER. 50U proven of much benefit to local mo clared to have been much Pleased. El Paso's Popular Bating Place for Ladle and Gentlemen. torlsts. however, by the house reception of Co. cleaning Hoyt in the carbon out of the appeal Furniture MAR BARK CHUN. MAR SHUN. Manager. the for fair treatment 0( engine, the spark plug are removed ano Phone 59TO filena aoetentation rrom and a flexible tube with a brass no interference with the executive 109-111-1- sle ie put Into the combustion chain department in Its efforts to arrive at 13 San Francisco Street her. The fifteen pounds pressure a settlement ot tn open issue between oxygen is turned into the cylinder an the two countries. the larhted with a match. The of fb lals are encouraged here ta the flames soon burn out all the' car hope that the proceedings in the nave gone MM) MILLS ST. Cafe ton. house tar enough ta Insure Pullman a Hallsraciory adjustment of a dlffi Short orders all day. Regular dinner 16c. from 13 m. to p. in. Plenty Pan del Non Bo a Bust now eulttes between the two government, ones let' Mates ano gentlemen, neat ot service. in the grill, at 11:10 a. m. to I . Dr. Black, dantlet, 4U-1- I Mill Bldg. KW MANAGEMENT. . Adv.) (AaveruatmonLj

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