C Brewer, Basil (1884-1975), Papers, 1911-1965 3132 10 linear feet, 77 volumes This collection is available at The State Historical Society of Missouri. If you would like more information, please contact us at
[email protected]. INTRODUCTION Correspondence, editorials, newsclippings, pamphlets, photographs, and scrapbooks dealing with Brewer's activities as publisher of the New Bedford Standard-Times in Massachusetts, his philanthropic work, and his political interests. DONOR INFORMATION The Brewer Papers were donated to the University of Missouri by Mary C. Brewer on 2 August 1967 (Accession No. 3733). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Basil Brewer, son of a Methodist circuit-riding preacher, was born in Rush Hill, Missouri. After graduation from Northeast Missouri State Teachers College in 1901, he taught science in high school and studied law at the University of Chicago. Joining the Scripps-Howard organization in 1908, he became business manager of the Cincinnati Post in 1916 and of the Cleveland Press three years later. From 1921 to 1924 he was editor and publisher of the Omaha Bee, later taking over the Capital News at Lansing, Michigan. Arriving in New Bedford, Massachusetts, in 1931, Brewer soon purchased control of his newspapers, the New Bedford Standard-Times, Mercury and Cape Cod Standard-Times in Hyannis, Massachusetts. He also acquired several radio and television stations in the New Bedford area. Always active in Republican politics, Brewer served as Massachusetts manager of the Robert A. Taft campaign in 1952. Brewer married Mary M. Caswell of Huntington, Indiana, in 1920. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE The Basil Brewer Papers are arranged into eight series: Awards; Editorials; Speeches; Robert A.