
The Relationships of the Pedionomidae (Aves: )



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S. Dillon Ripley Secretary Smithsonian Institution SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY • NUMBER 337

The Relationships of the Pedionomidae (Aves: Charadriiformes)

Storrs L. Olson and David W. Steadman

SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1981 ABSTRACT Olson, Storrs L., and David W. Steadman. The Relationships of the Pedio- nomidae (Aves: Charadriiformes). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, number 337, 25 pages, 13 figures,1981.—Sinc e 1893, the Australian Plains-wanderer, Pedionomus torquatus, has been placed in a monotypic and has been thought to be related to the button , Turnicidae, presently included in the . Our examination of the osteology of Pedionomus shows that this is a typical member of the Charadriiformes and has no significant characters in common with the Turnicidae. The evidence used previously by Gadow (1891) to classify Pedionomus is better explained by a charadriiform origin for the . The diastataxic condition of the secondaries, the thigh muscle formula, the condition of the carotid arteries, the presence of the hallux, and the pyriform shape of the are among the known non- osteological characters of Pedionomus that differ from the Turnicidae and that corroborate its placement in the Charadriiformes. Within the Charadriiformes, Pedionomus shares the most similarities with the South American of the family Thinocoridae, the next most similar group being the of the family . Pedionomus tends to bridge the gap between the aberrant seedsnipes and the more typical Charadriiformes, although it is sufficiently distinct to merit its own family. In any sequential listing, the Pedionomidae should be placed in the order Charadriiformes, immediately preceding the Thinocoridae.

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: The coral Monlastrea cavemosa (Linnaeus).

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Olson, Storrs L The Relationships of the Pedionomidae (Aves: Charadriiformes) (Smithsonian contributions to zoology ; 337) Bibliography: p. 1. Pedionomus torquatus—Classification. 2. Pedionomus torquatus—. 3. — Classification. 4. Birds—Anatomy. I. Steadman, David W., joint author. II. Title. III. Title: Pedionomidae (Aves, Charadriiformes) IV. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smith- sonian contributions to zoology ; no. 337. QLJ.S54 no. 337 [QL696.C465] 591s 81-412 [598'.33] Contents

Page Introduction 1 Acknowledgments 2 Review of Gadow's Characters 2 Life History and Behavior 5 6 Comparative Osteology 6 Skull 7 Mandible : 10 Sternum 10 12 Scapula 12 Furcula 12 Humerus 14 Ulna 15 Radius 16 Carpometacarpus 17 Pelvis 17 Femur 19 19 Tarsometatarsus 19 Osteological Diagnoses 20 Order CHARADRIIFORMES 20 Family PEDIONOMIDAE 21 Discussion 21 Literature Cited 24


The Relationships of the Pedionomidae (Aves: Charadriiformes)

Starrs L. Olson and David W. Steadman

Introduction was a valuable but inconclusive osteological study by Bock and McEvey (1969). Since its discovery, the singular Plains-wan- Gadow (1891) started with the assumption that derer, Pedionomus torquatus, endemic to the interior Pedionomus was probably related to the Turnicidae of southeastern , has been considered a and his comparisons were made only with the relative of the so-called button quails, or hemi- Turnicidae and the . He concluded podes, of the family Turnicidae. Hence, through that the characters he examined referred "Pedion- a series of taxonomic adversities, it has come to omus to the Turnices as their lowest most Rallo- rest with the Turnicidae in the order Gruiformes. Galline members [sic]" (page 211). That Gadow Pedionomus has a somewhat -like appearance was prejudiced towards such a conclusion is and the females are larger and more brightly clearly demonstrated by his seeing similarities to colored than the males, as in the Turnicidae. The turnicids in such elements as the sternum and chief external feature used to distinguish Pediono- pelvis of Pedionomus, which, in fact, are completely mus from its presumed relatives has been the unlike those of Turnix (Bock and McEvey, 1969; presence of a well-developed hallux, this digit this study). Gadow (1893) later elevated Pediono- being altogether absent in the Turnicidae. mus to the rank of a monotypic family allied to Only two anatomical studies have dealt with the Turnicidae, a position it has occupied to this the systematic position of Pedionomus. The first of day. these was an admittedly preliminary investiga- Bock and McEvey (1969) made extensive com- tion by Gadow (1891), mostly of various soft parts parisons of the osteology of Pedionomus, Turnix, preserved in two spirit specimens sent to the and Ortyxelos, the last being an aberrant African Cambridge University Museum of Zoology (these genus currently placed in the Turnicidae. Curi- specimens have subsequently been lost; C. W. ously, they did not attempt comparisons with Benson, in litt., 27 October 1978). The second other groups, but they did succeed in showing that Pedionomus differs enormously from the Tur- Storrs L. Olson, Department of Zoology, National Museum nicidae in most aspects of the . They of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, supported the continued recognition of the family D.C. 20560. David W. Steadman, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721. Pedionomidae and amply demonstrated that Pe- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY dionomus "is not simply a Tumix with a hallux" TABLE 1.—Characters comparing Pedionomus with the Tur- (page 206). nicidae (Turnices) and the Galliformes (Rasores), repro- After perusal of Bock and McEvey's illustra- duced from the table in Gadow (1891), including misspell- ings, with characters numbered to facilitate reference to our tions it became evident to us that the skeleton of text Pedionomus appeared to be quite typically char- Characters of Pedionomus Turnices Rasores Neither adriiform. Subsequent examination of skeletal material has fully substantiated our original 1. Number of Primary remiges * * 2. Number of Secondary re- ... * impressions and in the following account we shall miges justify the removal of the Pedionomidae from 3. Absence of fifth secondary ...... 0 their place near the Turnicidae in the Gruiformes 4. Aftershaft structure * ... to the vicinity of the Thinocoridae in the Char- 5. Number of rectrices * adriiformes. 6. Pterylosis * ...... 7. Oilgland * * ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—We are especially in- 8. Nasal operculum * * debted to Allan R. McEvey, National Museum 9. Scutillation of Feet * of Victoria, Melbourne, for lending the 10. Hallux ... * of Pedionomus that made this study possible. Wal- 11. Second, third, fourth * ...... ter J. Bock kindly permitted us to use some of the 12. Must, caud-ilio-femoralis ... * illustrations of skulls that appeared originally in 13. Carotids ... * 0 14. * ... Bock and McEvey (1969). Peter Ballmann and 15. Absence of Crop * ...... Richard L. Zusi examined skeletons of Pedionomus 16. Liver, three lobes * * with us and pointed out additional charadriiform 17. Liver, situation of right lobe * ...... characters that we had overlooked. We are also 18. Intestinal convolutions ...... 0 grateful to Shane Parker, George R. Zug, and 19. Number of cervical verte- * ... Richard L. Zusi for their comments and criticisms brae 20. Brachial plexus ...... 0 of the manuscript. The photographs are by Victor 21. Number of sternal ribs ...... 0 E. Krantz and the illustrations of the skull of 22. Spina communis sterni * ...... are by Irene Jewett. We are obliged to 23. Absence of Proc-obliquus * Jean Smith for her careful typing of the manu- sterni script. 24. Furcula * 25. Pelvis * 26. Nasal bones * Review of Gadow's Characters

If Pedionomus is a member of the Charadri- be mosaics between and but which iformes, as we shall show on the basis of its are related to neither—they too are Charadri- osteology, we need to account for the characters iformes (Olson and Feduccia, 1980). Our analysis that led Gadow (1891) to conclude that Pedionomus of Gadow's characters is as follows. was allied with the Turnicidae. These he conve- 1. "Number of Primary remiges"—There are niently summarized in a table (reproduced herein 10 primaries in Pedionomus, Turnicidae, and Gal- as Table 1) comparing Pedionomus with the Turn- liformes. The Charadriiformes and most other ices and the Rasores (= Galliformes). It was this orders of birds also have 10 primaries. analysis that led to Pedionomus being placed in the 2. "Number of Secondary remiges"—There wrong order for the past 90 years. are 11 secondaries in Pedionomus, a condition Ga- Gadow's study is a classic case of choosing the dow (1891) attributed to the Galliformes but not better of two wrong answers, and is quite similar the Turnicidae. The Charadriiformes also have to the history of classification of 11 secondaries. (Phoenicopteridae), which were once thought to 3. "Absence of fifth secondary"—This is the NUMBER 337 so-called diastataxic or aquincubital condition, A Pedionomus-likc condition also occurs in many found in neither the Turnicidae nor the Galli- Charadriiformes. formes, both of which are eutaxic. The Charad- 10. "Hallux"—The hallux is present in Pedion- riiformes, however, are diastataxic, like Pediono- omus, as in Galliformes, but is invariably absent mus. in the Turnicidae. The hallux is present in the 4- "Aftershaft structure"—Gadow (1891:207) majority of Charadriiformes, though it has been likened Pedionomus to the Turnicidae in having lost or reduced in numerous instances. the aftershaft "very thin and delicate, but much 11. "Second, third, fourth toes"—The unen- longer than in the Rasores [= Galliformes]." The lightening text of Gadow's (1891:207-208) re- aftershaft is of variable length in the Charadri- marks on the toes of Pedionomus is as follows: iformes. We found that the aftershaft in Thinocorus The number of toes is four, the hallux being weak but (Charadriiformes), however, is very similar to functional; all the toes are furnished with very short nails. that in Pedionomus, whereas in Tumix, the after- But for the bare distal portion of the leg, and the presence shaft is longer and considerably denser than in of the hallux, the whole foot of Pedionomus closely resembles Pedionomus. that of the Turnices and differs from that of the Rasores 5. "Number of rectrices"—Gadow (1891) although its intermediate position between apes and a pes radens is obvious. found 12 rectrices in Pedionomus. The same num- ber is found in the Turnicidae, whereas Gadow The bare tibia ("distal portion of the leg") is a remarked that most Galliformes have more. The typical charadriiform character. The slender number of rectrices in the Charadriiformes is claws of Pedionomus are unlike the more robust variable between and within families. In the ones of Tumix; overall, we find more similarity to Thinocoridae, for example, has 14, the foot in certain of the Charadrii than to that whereas Thinocorus has 12, like Pedionomus. of the Turnicidae. 6. "Pterylosis"—Gadow's (1891:207) state- 12. "Must, [sic] caud-ilio-femoralis"—The ment that in Pedionomus "the whole distribution caudal and iliac portions of M. caudo-iliofemor- and shape of the tracts closely resemble alis are designated in thigh muscle formulae as that of the Turnices" cannot be accepted without "A" and "B" respectively; M. flexor cruris later- confirmation and without comparison with the alis (s semitendinosus) and its accessory part are Charadriiformes. He made similar statements designated "X" and "Y," respectively. The for- about the sternum and pelvis of Pedionomus and mula in the Turnicidae is AXY whereas in the erred considerably in doing so. We did not have Galliformes it is BXY. All four muscles are pres- a spirit specimen of Pedionomus available for study. ent in Pedionomus (ABXY) but Gadow (1891:208) 7. "Oilgland"—The oil gland is tufted in Pe- found the "A" muscle to be dionomus, Turnicidae, and Galliformes. It is also an extremely thin and feeble slip ... and if the reduction of tufted in the Charadriiformes and in many other A were continued, Pedionomus would have the same symbolic orders. formula as Paw, Meleagris, viz. BXY. Certainly there is no 8. "Nasal operculum"—Pedionomus has a nasal resemblance between Pedionomus and Tumix in this respect, operculum, a character that Gadow (1891) listed but it would be very rash to conclude that Pedionomus is allied to the Rasores because of this formula. as being like both the Turnicidae and the Galli- formes. A nasal operculum is also found in various The thigh muscle formula in the Charadrii is also Charadriiformes. ABXY and part "A" may occasionally be lost 9. "Scutillation [sic] of Feet"—The tarsus in (see Olson and Feduccia, 1980:26-27). Thus, in Pedionomus has a single row of scutes in front and this respect Pedionomus is more like the Charadrii a single row behind, like the Turnicidae and than either the Turnicidae or Galliformes. unlike Galliformes, in which there are usually two 13. "Carotids"—Gadow (1891:209) found Pe- rows of scutes on the plantar surface of the tarsus. dionomus to have the bicarotid condition ( SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

A-l of Glenny, 1955) which differs from the de- rived B-4-s condition in the Turnicidae (Glenny, 1955) and agrees with some, but not all Galli- formes. Gadow recognized that this was not an indication of affinity between Pedionomus and Gal- liformes and that it is an "old, unchanged feature, which persists in most birds." The A-l carotid condition also occurs in all Charadriiformes ex- cept flamingos. 14. "Syrinx"—Although Gadow (1891:209) stated that "the Syrinx exhibits no specially re- markable features," he continued to say that it seemed more similar to that of the Turnicidae than that of Galliformes. Without a syrinx of Pedionomus on hand for examination, we are un- able to evaluate this character. In the absence of comparisons with the Charadriiformes, it cannot be relied upon. 15. "Absence of Crop"—Gadow (1891) stated that the crop was absent in Pedionomus, which he took as an indication of affinity with Tumix, as opposed to the Galliformes, which have a well developed crop. Nevertheless, he later stated that FIGURE 1.—Livers in ventral view: A, Attagis malouinus (Thin- "the crop is less marked or only temporary in the ocoridae); B, falklandicus (). The large bifurcated left lobe in Attagis is similar to that reported by Birds-of-Prey, the , the Humming- Gadow (1891) for Pedionomus. (Scale = 1 cm.) birds, in Mormon [= Fratercula], Pedionomus, and Panurus" (Gadow, in Newton, 1896:113). He does not say which account we are supposed to condition in the Charadriiformes, although in believe. The crop is generally absent in the Char- one example of Charadrius falklandicus (Figure 1B), adriiformes but is present in the Thinocoridae we found that the right lobe was much larger (Gadow, ibid.; pers. obs.) and in Pluvianellus (Jehl, than the left and that the left was undivided, as 1975). apparently is the case in many birds. 16. "Liver, three lobes"—According to Gadow 17. "Liver, situation of right lobe"—See char- (1891:210), acter 16 above. The liver of Pedionomus consists apparently of three almost 18. "Intestinal convolutions"—According to equally sized lobes, owing to the left original lobe being split Gadow (1891:210), "The intestinal convolutions in half. In this respect Pedionomus agrees only with the of Pedionomus are certainly different from those of Turnices and with the Rasores, it differs however from the either Turnices or Rasores." This statement is latter and agrees with the former by the small size of the compatible with Pedionomus being allied to some right lobe, which is scarcely half the size of the double left lobe. other group. 19. "Number of cervical vertebrae"—Pediono- We dissected a specimen of Attagis malouinus mus and Tumix have 15 cervical vertebrae, (Thinocoridae) and found that the left lobe of the whereas the Galliformes have 16. All Charadri- liver was double and somewhat larger than the iformes have 15 cervical vertebrae except the right (Figure 1A), as in Pedionomus. We have not Burhinidae and , which have 16, and attempted to determine the distribution of this the Phoenicopteridae, which have 18 or 19. Thus, NUMBER 337

Pedionomus also agrees with the majority of Char- To settle the affinities of Pedionomus simply by the numerical adriiformes in this character. majority of coincidences of these characters would be a not unprecedented but utterly fallacious mode of investigation. 20. "Brachial plexus"—The brachial nerve The quality not the quantity of these "taxonomic characters" refers plexus in Pedionomus is formed by spinal nerves 12 Pedionomus to the Turnices as their lowest most Rallo-Galline through 15, unlike either the Turnicidae or the members [italics Gadow's]. Galliformes. This pattern did not occur in the few Neither the quality nor the quantity of such of Charadriiformes examined by Fiirbrin- characters can be revealing when comparisons ger (1888:240), but in one specimen of Attagis are made with the wrong groups. As we have malouinus (Thinocoridae) that we dissected, the seen, all of the verifiable characters of Pedionomus brachial plexus was composed of nerves 12 in Gadow's list can also be found in the Charad- through 15, as in Pedionomus. riiformes, including all of those that occur in 21. "Number of sternal ribs"—Gadow (1891: neither the Turnicidae nor the Galliformes. Thus, 210) found "five, almost six ribs . .. attached to there never has been any valid anatomical evi- the sternum" in Pedionomus, whereas there are dence to link Pedionomus with the Turnicidae. fewer in Turnix and the Galliformes. He recog- nized this as a primitive "Ralline" condition. It is also typical of many Charadriiformes. Life History and Behavior 22. "Spina communis sterni"—See character 23 below. Relatively little is known of the habits of Pe- 23. "Absence of Proc-obliquus sterni"—These dionomus, the most valuable accounts being those are characters that will separate Pedionomus from of Legge (1869), North (1913), Purnell (1915), D'Ombrain (1926), Souter (1938), Llewellyn the Galliformes but not from numerous other (1975), Frith (1976), and Parker (1978). Pediono- birds, including Charadriiformes, and are not mus lives in flat, grassy plains in southeastern indicative of relationship to the Turnicidae. The Australia, where in recent years it is thought to sternum of Pedionomus has no similarity whatever have become quite scarce through de- to that of Turnix but is almost inseparable from struction and through depredations of introduced that of the Thinocoridae (Figure 3). (North, 1913; D'Ombrain, 1926; Frith, 24. "Furcula"—Gadow (1891) thought the 1976), although Llewellyn (1975) and Parker furcula of Pedionomus to be more like that of Turnix (1978) are more sanguine about its status. than that of the Galliformes, but, as with the Unlike the Turnicidae, Pedionomus never occurs sternum, there is little similarity. The furcula of in coveys and is characteristically very reluctant Pedionomus is charadriiform in nature (Figure 5). to fly, to the extent that birds have often been 25. "Pelvis"—Gadow (1891:211) stated that in captured by hand. The flight has been described Pedionomus "the configuration of the pelvis closely as "dipping" and "fluttery ... reminding one resembles that of the Turnices." This assertion is somewhat of a young " (Legge, 1869:237), utterly erroneous. The pelvis of Pedionomus bears which contrasts markedly with Turnix, in which not the slightest resemblance to that of Tumix the flight is rapid and straight, as in Galliformes. (Figure 10) and is typically charadriiform in An interesting trait of Pedionomus is the habit of structure. standing on tiptoe with the body very erect and 26. "Nasal bones"—Pedionomus and Tumix are the head held high, as if looking intently about both schizorhinal, whereas the Galliformes are (Legge, 1869, D'Ombrain, 1926; photograph in holorhinal. All Charadriiformes except Pluvianus, Purnell, 1915:142). A similar very erect peering , and flamingos, are also schizorhinal. stance is commonly reported for the glareolid In his analysis of the characters of Pedionomus, Cursorius cursor (e.g., Dement'ev and Gladkov, Gadow (1891:211) concluded: 1969). Austin (1961:126) refers to coursers (Glar- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY eolidae) as having "a peculiar habit of stretching 1969), whereas the sexes in Attagis are mono- upward on tiptoe with necks outstretched to peer morphic. Reversal of plumage between the sexes around the horizon." in Pedionomus is not incompatible with a hypoth- The nest of Pedionomus is a scrape in the ground, esis of charadriiform relationships. lined with grass and usually placed at the base of The growth and development of in a shrub or clump of grass. The eggs are four in Pedionomus is discussed by Crome and Rushton number, greenish in ground color and blotched (1975), who also describe and illustrate the downy with darker shades. Their placement in the nest, young. Their illustration does not permit detailed with the sharper end toward the center (Souter, comparisons with the downy young of other birds, 1938), is typical of the Charadriiformes. In their but does indicate that the pattern in Pedionomus is distinctly pyriform shape, the eggs of Pedionomus indistinct, consisting of a light venter and darker differ markedly from those of the Turnicidae, and dorsum with diffuse blackish spots. Such a pat- numerous authors have remarked that they ap- roughly resembles that found in the Thino- pear similar to those of Charadriiformes (Legge, coridae and Glareolidae and is unlike the distinc- 1869; Frith, 1976; Parker, 1978; illustrated in tively patterned young of many other Charadri- Campbell, 1913, and North, 1913). This fact, iformes (Jehl, 1968), or those of Turnix, which are combined with the non-turnicid aspects of its boldly striped with white, black, and brown behavior and the anatomical differences noted by (Fjeldsa, 1977). Gadow (1891), induced North (1913) to erect a new suborder, Pedionomi, for Pedionomus, though he retained it in an order Hemipodii along with Comparative Osteology the Turnicidae. This subordinal designation was When moving a family from one order to an- omitted from the synonymies of higher taxonomic other, considerable documentation is expected. categories given by Brodkorb (1967). Were it not for this fact, the following compari- sons could be regarded as superfluous, because Plumage the osteology of Pedionomus is so obviously that of a charadriiform. The figures and their legends The females of Pedionomus are larger and more alone should prove quite sufficient to establish distinctively colored than the males, which on this. Had skeletons of Pedionomus been more first consideration seems to be an indication of widely available to various researchers in the past, affinity with the Turnicidae. "Reversal" of the its affinities would no doubt have been recognized sexes, however, is a well known phenomenon in long ago. the Charadriiformes as well. In the Phalaropodi- The following specimens were used in the com- dae, for example, the males are duller colored parisons. A representative of at least one genus in and assume all the nesting duties. Females are each family of Charadriiformes was included. larger than males in the Jacanidae, and are larger The comparisons assume that the taxa examined and more brightly colored than the males in the are representive of the osteology of their entire Rostratulidae. Within the Scolopacidae there is family. Except for Pedionomus, all catalog numbers considerable variation in the roles of the sexes, refer to specimens in the collections of the Na- and in a number of species the males are smaller tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian than females and assume some or all of the nesting Institution. Specimens marked with an asterisk duties. This is not true, however, of the Thino- were used in the photographs but not in the coridae, in which there is no appreciable sexual comparisons. dimorphism in size (Blake, 1977). The males of Turnicidae: Turnix maculatus (344363, 344365), Thinocorus are more distinctively colored and are Turnix suscitator (343207, 347288). Pedionomidae: less involved with nesting than females (Maclean, Pedionomus torquatus (National Museum of Victoria NUMBER 337

B8818, B8872, W6084). Jacanidae: , Steganopus, Attagis, Thinocorus) to as wide or africanus (432028), Hydrophasianus chirurgus wider than in Turnix (Actophilornis, , Hoplo- (343226), Jacana jacana (345811). Rostratulidae: pterus, Charadrius, Burhinus, Pluvianus, Chionis, Ryn- benghalensis (343516), Nycticryphes semi-chops). collaris (*22777O). Haematopodidae: Haematopus 3. Median furrow on the dorsal surface of in- ater (490221). Charadriidae: Hoplopterus armatus terorbital bridge.—Pedionomus: deep. Turnix: shal- (430389), Charadrius vociferus (499440). Scolopaci- low. Charadriiformes: extremely variable, rang- dae: Tringa solitaria (499231), Nwnenius phaeopus ing from absent (Haematopus, Dromas, Chionis, Ster- (431526). Phalaropodidae: Steganopus tricolor corarius) to as shallow as in Turnix (Hydrophasianus, (499659). : Recurvirostra avocetta Steganopus, Recurvirostra, , , , Cer- (429086), Ibidorhynchus struthersi (292766). Phoen- orhinca), to relatively deeper than in Pedionomus icopteridae: Phoeniconaias minor (488729). Dro- (Hoplopterus, Charadrius, Burhinus, Pluvianus), with madidae: Dromas ardeola (321489). Burhinidae: other forms intermediate; Rostratula, Tringa, Rhin- Burhinus vermiculatus (488870). Glareolidae: Glar- optilus, and Attagis are very similar to Pedionomus. eola maldivarum (19580), cinctus 4. * Ectethmoid plate.—Pedionomus: small and (431520), Pluvianus aegyptius (500294). Thinocori- flattened. Turnix: greatly inflated, extending an- dae: Thinocorus orbignyianus (*290109, *290111), teriorly to occupy most of the space between the Thinocorus rumicivorus (227504, *227772, *343099), two branches of the nasals. Charadriiformes: Attagis malouinus (490853). Chionididae: Chionis small and flattened in all but Phoeniconaias (in- alba (490989). Stercorariidae: Stercorarius pomarinusflated). (17766). : Lams Philadelphia (501257), 5. * Medial condyle of quadrate.—Pedionomus: Sterna dougallii (488053). Rynchopidae: Rynchops small. Turnix: large. Charadriiformes: small in all niger (499470). Alcidae: Cerorhinca monoceratabut Dromas, , Chionis, Attagis, Stercorarius, (347759). and Rynchops (large). Because Bock and McEvey (1969) described 6. Posterior condyle of quadrate.—Bock and the osteology of Pedionomus in some detail and McEvey (1969:195) report the posterior condyle have already established that Pedionomus differs of the quadrate to be larger in Pedionomus than in greatly from Turnix, we have attempted to keep Turnix, but we see no appreciable differences. the following analysis brief, making it purely 7. Quadrate groove.—Bock and McEvey comparative in order to show the similarities of (1969:195) mention a distinct groove separating Pedionomus with the Charadriiformes. An asterisk the lateral and medial condyles of the quadrate (*) indicates a character that was discussed by in Turnix, which they reported to be absent in Bock and McEvey when their description agrees Pedionomus. We found this groove in both forms. with our observations. Exceptions are discussed Its presence is seemingly exaggerated by the large individually. size of the medial condyle in Turnix (see character 5). 8. * Orbit.—Pedionomus: large. Tumix: small. SKULL Charadriiformes: large in all except Actophilornis, FIGURE 2 Hydrophasianus, Jacana, Tringa, and Steganopus (small). 1. Occipital condyle.—Pedionomus: large. Tur- 9. * Frontals.—Pedionomus: slope down sharply nix: small. Charadriiformes: large in all except to join the nasals rather abruptly. Tumix: slope Tringa, Steganopus, and Thinocorus (small). down gently to join the nasals rather gradually. 2. Interorbital bridge.—Pedionomus: narrow. Charadriiformes: slope down sharply to join the Turnix: broad. Charadriiformes: extremely vari- nasals abruptly in all except Haematopus, Numenius, able in width, ranging from narrow (Rostratula, Steganopus, Ibidorhynchus, Recurvirostra, Dromas, Glar- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

Lateral PP

ab = auditory bulla an — alinasal ba — basipterygoid articulation bsr = basisphenoid rostrum btp = basitemporal plate ect = ectethmoid plate ectf = ectethmoid foramen et = eustachian tube fm — foramen magnum ipp = interpalatine process j = jugal bar lbtp — lateral basitemporal process lc = lateral condyle of quadrate Inb = lateral nasal bar me — medial condyle of quadrate mp = maxillo-palatine mpp = mediopalatine process n = nostril

•mp me

FIGURE 2.—Skulls in lateral and ventral views: A, Tumix nigncollis (Turnicidae); B, Pedionomus torquatus (Pedionomidae); c, Thinocoms rumicivorus (Thinocoridae). Although the skull of Thinocorus is distinctive in its own right, it shows more similarities in common with Pedionomus than the latter shows with Tumix. Note particularly the expanded palatines in Pedionomus and Thinocorus, NUMBER 337


me obp = orbital process of quadrate smp ocp = occipital plate mpp os = orbital septum otp = otic process of quadrate "PP p = palatine pc = posterior condyle of quadrate pmp = posterior meatic process pp = postorbital process ppb = prepalatine bar ps = palatine shelf mp pt = pterygoid q = quadrate smf = suprameatic fossa obp smp = suprameatic process tf = temporal fossa v = vomer zp = zygomatic process zp pt p« ppb


as opposed to the very different palatal structure in Tumix. (Vomer omitted from ventral view of Pedtonomus; parts A and B and all abbreviations from Bock and McEvey (1969)—we make no claim for consistency or appropriateness in the labelling of these flgures; scale = 1 cm.) 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY eola, Lotus, Sterna, Stercorarius, and Cerorhinca; Acto- ent, but longer than in Pedionomus in all except philornis and Jacana are intermediate. Rhinoptilus, which is similar to Pedionomus. 10. * Ossified alinasal.—Pedionomus: absent. 19. Zygomatic process.—Bock and McEvey Tumix: present. Charadriiformes: absent. (1969:195) say that Pedionomus "lacks the large 11. * Braincase.—Pedionomus: high, wide, and zygomatic process and has only a small hollow on short. Turnix: low, narrow, and long. Charadri- the postorbital wall as opposed to the larger iformes: high, wide, and short in all except Acto- hollow in Turnix." We are unable to detect any philomis, Hydrophasianus, Jacana, Tringa, Steganopus,significant differences, as the zygomatic process is and Ibidorhynchus. so reduced in both genera. 12. Nasal bar.—Pedionomus: stout. Turnix: ex- 20. Ectethmoid foramen.—Bock and McEvey tremely thin. Charadriiformes: variable in thick- (1969:195) report the ectethmoid foramen to be ness, but always stouter than in Turnix. larger in Pedionomus than in Turnix. We see no 13. * Maxillo-palatines.—Pedionomus: broad. consistent difference between Pedionomus and Tur- Turnix: narrow. Charadriiformes: broad. nix in the size of this foramen, which, however, is 14. * Palatines.—Pedionomus: large. Turnix: located more medially in Tumix. small. Charadriiformes: large. 15. Posterolateral corner of palatines.—Bock MANDIBLE and McEvey (1969:195) state that "the palatines differ [from Pedionomus], with this bone .. . having 1. * Size and shape.—Pedionomus: stout, a sloping posterolateral corner in Turnix." Both straight. Tumix: thin, more decurved. Charadri- Turnix and Pedionomus have a "sloping posterolat- iformes: extremely variable, but the mandibles of eral corner," but it is more truncate in Pedionomus, Charadrius and Rhinoptilus are very similar to that as in Charadriiformes. of Pedionomus. 16. * Pterygoid.—Pedionomus: less massive, 2. Retroarticular and internal process.—Bock with an indistinct bend at the basipterygoid ar- and McEvey (1969:195) state that "the retroar- ticulation. Turnix: slightly more massive, with a ticular and internal processes in Turnix are longer distinct bend at the basipterygoid articulation. [than in Pedionomus] and narrow without a poste- These differences are extremely slight. Charadri- rior wall connecting them," which is true, al- iformes: resemble Pedionomus and Tumix in all though the differences are very slight. Pedionomus except Dromas, Burhinus, Phoeniconaias, Pluvianus,resembles all Charadriiformes in these characters Rhinoptilus, Glareola, Thinocorus, Attagis, Chionis, La-except for certain forms with more specialized rus, Sterna, Stercorarius, Rynchops, and Cerorhinca.mandibles and resultant longer retroarticular 17. Vomer.—Bock and McEvey (1969:193) processes (Haematopus, Numenius, Steganopus, Recur- state that the vomer of Turnix "is basically similar virostra, Phoeniconaias, Glareola and Chionis). to the vomer of Pedionomus except that the anterior 3. Articular surfaces.—Bock and McEvey plate is shorter." We would stress the high degree (1969:195) state that "the lateral portion of the of variability in gross morphology of the vomer articular surfaces in Turnix flares out beyond the within the genus Turnix, and even within the edge of the ramus," but this condition also occurs species T. sylvatica, as demonstrated in figure 7 of in Pedionomus and all Charadriiformes. Bock and McEvey (1969). This reveals the limited value of the vomer as a taxonomic tool in this instance. Among Charadriiformes the vomer is STERNUM roughly similar to that of Pedionomus in Steganopus, Ibidorhynchus, Rhinoptilus, Thinocorus, and Attagis. FIGURE 3 18. * Postorbital process.—Pedionomus: present, 1. * Shape, in dorsal view.—Pedionomus: broad, but small. Tumix: absent. Charadriiformes: pres- short. Tumix: narrow, elongated. Charadri- NUMBER 337 11

FIGURE 3.—Sterna in ventral view: A, Tumix suscitator; B, Pedumomus torquatus; c, Thinocorus mbignyianus. The sternum of Pedumomus is utterly unlike that of Tumix in lacking the prominent manubrial spine, the slender elongated xiphium, and the deep sternal notches; however, apart from the different angle of the stemocoracoidal processes, it is very similar to Thinoconts. (Scale ™ 1 cm.)

iformes: generally intermediate, with none as nar- or less straight, except in Haematopus, Recurvirostra, row as in Turnix; only Glareola, Thinocorus, Attagis, Glareola, Stercorarius, Rynchops, and Cerorhinca and Rynchops are as broad (or nearly so) as Pedio- (pointed to rounded). nomus. 5. * Sternal notches.—Pedionomus: two, shal- 2. * Manubrium.—Pedionomus: short, stout. low. Tumix: two, deep. Charadriiformes: two, Turnix: long, slender. Charadriiformes: short, shallow in Rostratula, Phoeniconaias, Attagis, Thino- stout. corus, and some Stercorarius; two, slightly deeper in 3. * Sterno-coracoidal process.—Pedionomus: Actophilornis, Hydrophasianus, Jacana; four notches, stout, directed mainly laterally, and only slightly two of which may be closed to form fenestrae, in anteriorly. Tumix: slender, directed mainly ante- all others. riorly, and only slightly laterally. Charadri- 6. Posterior lateral process.—Pedionomus: stout. iformes: stout, although often reduced in overall Turnix: very narrow. Charadriiformes: stout, vary- size, except in Cerorhinca (narrow); directed ing from not quite as stout as in Pedionomus to mainly laterally, and only slightly or not at all occasionally stouter. anteriorly. The sternum of Pedionomus is obviously char- 4. Xiphial margin.—Pedionomus: more or less adriiform in its overall aspect, while bearing no straight. Tumix: pointed. Charadri iformes: more resemblance to that of Turnix. The total dissimi- 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY larity of the sternum in these taxa makes us doubtful if Gadow really examined them, despite his statement (1891:210) that "the sternum of Pedionomus is decidedly like that of the Turnices...." Two sterna of volant birds could scarcely be more different from each other than are those of Pedionomus and Tumix.


FIGURE 4 1. Furcular facet in internal view.—Pedionomus: very broad, protruding well beyond the line formed by the ventral surface of the shaft. Turnix: narrow, not extending beyond the line formed by the surface of the shaft. Charadriiformes: very broad and protrudent. 2. Procoracoid and scapular facet.—Pediono- mus: not particularly close to the humeral end. Tumix: extremely close to the humeral end, but the procoracoid is not fused to the brachial tu- berosity as stated by Bock and McEvey (1969). Charadriiformes: not particularly close to the humeral end. 3. * Excavation of dorsal surface of the shaft.—Pedionomus: not deeply excavated. Tumix: deeply excavated along the sternal two-thirds of FIGURE 4.— in ventral view (top row) and dorsal its length. Charadriiformes: not deeply exca- view (bottom row): A, Turnix sylvatica; B, Pedionomus torquatus; vated. c, Thinocorus rumicivoms. The configuration of the coracoid of 4. Sterno-coracoidal process.—Pedionomus: Pedionomus, with its large uncinate sternocoracoidal process large, pointed. Turnix: small, not sharply pointed. and overhanging furcular facet, is typical of the Charadri- Charadriiformes: large, pointed in all except iformes and bears no resemblance whatever to the peculiar coracoid of Tumix. (Scale « 1 cm.) Phoeniconaias (not sharply pointed). 5. Lateral extent of sternal facet.—Pedionomus: coracoidal articulation. Tumix: large, more large. Tumix: small. Charadriiformes: large. pointed. Charadriiformes: small, barely extend- 6. Inward curvature of sternal facet in dorsal ing anterior to the coracoidal articulation in all view.—Pedionomus: strong. Tumix: slight. Char- except Steganopus and Phoeniconais (large, more adriiformes: either strong or moderate in all ex- pointed) and Piuvianus and Glareola (intermedi- cept Hydrophasianus, Ibidorhynchus, Recurvirostra, ate). Phoeniconaias, Burhinus, Piuvianus, Rhinoptilus, Ster- corarius, LOTUS, and Sterna (slight). FURCULA

FIGURE 5 SCAPULA 1. * Interclavicular width in anterior view.— 1. Furcular articulation in dorsal view.—Pe- Pedionomus: broad. Turnix: narrow. Charadri- dionomus: small, barely extending anterior to the iformes: broad. NUMBER 337 13


. *» 0u \ })) FIGURE 5.—Furculae in dorsal view (top row) and lateral view (bottom row): A, Tumix suscitator; B, Pedionomus torquatus; c, Rostratula benghalensis (Rostratulidae). In the long, pointed scapular tuberosity (st), which is nearly absent in Tumix, and the lack of a prominent hypocleidium, Pedionomus clearly resembles the Charadriiformes and differs from Tumix. (Scale ™ 1 cm.) 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

2. Scapular tuberosity.—Pedionomus: long, slen- nomus: absent. Tumix: present. Charadriiformes: der, well-defined. Turnix: short, broad, indistinct. absent. Charadriiformes: long, slender, well-defined. 5. * External tuberosity and pectoral attach- 3. Coracoidal facet.—Pedionomus: conspicuous, ment.—Pedionomus: small. Tumix: large. Charad- well delimited from the shaft. Turnix: small, al- riiformes: small in all except Tringa, Steganopus, most completely obliterated. Charadriiformes: Rostratula, and Pluvianus (intermediate), and At- conspicuous, well delimited from the shaft in all tagis and Cerorhinca (large). except Hoplopterus, Recurvirostra, Burhinus, and 6. * Tricipital fossa ("pneumatic fossa" of Chionis (intermediate). Bock and McEvey, 1969:210).—Pedionomus: small. 4. Shaft.—Pedionomus: slender. Tumix: slender. Turnix: extremely large and deep, resembling only Charadriiformes: stout, with only Jacana ap- among living birds. Charadriiformes: proaching Pedionomus or Tumix in slenderness. small to intermediate in size, being largest in 5. Shaft, in lateral view.—Pedionomus: very Actophilomis, Hydrophasianus, and Jacana. curved. Tumix: slightly curved. Charadriiformes: 7. * Ligamental furrow.—Pedionomus: well de- very curved. veloped. Tumix: inconspicuous. Charadriiformes: 6. Hypocleidium.—Pedionomus: small. Tumix: well developed in all except Phoeniconaias (inter- large. Charadriiformes: extremely variable, rang- mediate). ing from small (Actophilomis, Hydrophasianus, Ja- 8. * Bicipital crest.—Pedionomus: small. Tumix: cana, Numenius, Rostratula, Chionis, Cerorhincd) to large. Charadriiformes: large in all except Numen- large (Charadrius, Tringa, Steganopus, Burhinus, ius (small) with several other forms intermediate. Rhinoptilus, Glareola, Stercorarius, Larus, Sterna, Ryn- 9. Partly closed canal for nervus coracobra- chops), with other forms being intermediate. chialis cranialis.—Pedionomus: present. Tumix: ab- sent. Charadriiformes: present in most forms, but absent in other orders of birds (Ballmann and HUMERUS Adrover, 1970). When present, this feature ap-

FIGURE 6 pears to be diagnostic of the Charadriiformes. 10. Deltoid crest.—Bock and McEvey (1969: 1. * General proportions.—Pedionomus: long, 199) report a "lack of a medial overhang on the slender. Tumix: shorter, stouter. Charadriiformes: deltoid crest" in Pedionomus whereas this overhang long, slender in Dromas and Rhinoptilus; less so in was said to be present in Tumix. This distinction all others. is not apparent to us. 2. * Head in anconal view.—Pedionomus: 11. * Olecranal fossa.—Pedionomus: narrow, pointed. Tumix: rounded. Charadriiformes: quite deep. Tumix: wide, shallow. Charadriiformes: variable, ranging from as pointed as in Pedionomus narrow, deep in all except Actophilomis, Ibidorhyn- (Rhinoptilus, Thinocorus) to as rounded as in Tumix chus, Phoeniconaias, Burhinus, Chionis, and Cerorhinca (Jacana, Haematopus, Burhinus, Attagis, Rynchops, (intermediate). Cerorhinca), with other forms being intermediate. 12. * Internal condyle.—Pedionomus: small, 3. Internal tuberosity.—Pedionomus: very prom- projecting less distad. Tumix: large, projecting inent in its anconal protrusion. Tumix: not prom- more distad. Charadriiformes: projects less distad inent. This disagrees with the findings of Bock in all forms; small in Tringa, Rostratula, Pluvianus, and McEvey (1969), who report a smaller internal Glareola, Attagis, and Thinocorus; large in Charadrius, tuberosity in Pedionomus than in Tumix. Charad- Steganopus, and Rhinoptilus; difficult to determine riiformes: very prominent. in other genera because of great differences in 4. Scar for attachment of M. proscapulohu- size. meralis at medial end of capital groove ("medial 13. Entepicondyle.—Pedionomus: flares less la- knob" of Bock and McEvey, 1969:210).—Pedio- terad. Tumix: flares more laterad. Charadri- NUMBER 337 15

iformes: flares less laterad in all except Hydrophas- ianus,Jacana, Haematopus, Burhinus, Pluvianus, and Chionis (intermediate or resemble Turnix). 14. Ectepicondylar spur.—Bock and McEvey (1969:200) report a smaller ectepicondylar spur in Pedionomus than in Turnix. These spurs are actually about the same size in Pedionomus and Tumix, but are shaped differently, with Pedionomus resembling the Charadriiformes and differing from Turnix in having this spur extending distally as a ridge that reaches the external condyle. 15. Intercondylar furrow.—Bock and McEvey (1969:200) report a shallower, wider intercondy- lar furrow in Pedionomus than in Turnix, but this is not apparent to us.



1. * Olecranon.—Pedionomus: short. Turnix: long. Charadriiformes: short. 2. * Internal cotyla.—Pedionomus: small, faces proxirnad. Turnix: large, faces largely palmad. Charadriiformes: small to intermediate in size, oriented as in Pedionomus or intermediately. 3. * External cotyla.—Pedionomus: small, in- conspicuous; located only slightly distad to inter- nal cotyla. Turnix: large, conspicuous; located largely distad to internal cotyla. Charadriiformes: small, inconspicuous; located only slightly distad to internal cotyla in all except Actophilornis, Hy- drophasianus,Jacana, Burhinus, and Rynchops (inter- mediate in size and position). This character ap- pears to separate all Charadriiformes from all Gruiformes, as well as from Turnix.

FIGURE 6.—Hitmen in anoonal view (top row) and palmar view (bottom row): A, Turnix suscitator; B, Pedumomus torquatus; c, Nycliayphes semicoUaris (Rostratulidae). The humerus of Pedionomus possesses a small ectepicondylar spur and lacks the greatly excavated tricipital fossa and distally protruding entepicondyle of Turnix. Its conformation is typically char- adriiform apart from the long, slender shaft, which is one of the diagnostic features of the Pedionomidae, being shared only with the Rhtnoptilus (Glareolidae) and the Dromadidae among Charadriiformes. (Scale — 1 cm.) 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

4. * Shaft, in internal view.—Pedionomus: Burhinus, Stercorarius), with other forms interme- straight; slender. Tumix: curved; stout. Charad- diate. riiformes: straight; extremely variable in relative 5. Proximal portion of shaft.—Pedionomus: stoutness, ranging from those stouter than in palmo-anconally compressed and laterally ex- Tumix (Actophilomis, Hydrophasianus, Charadrius, panded. Tumix: somewhat palmo-anconally ex- Attagis, Thinocorus, Chionis, Cerorhinca) to those as panded and laterally compressed. Charadri- slender as in Pedionomus (Phoeniconaias, Dramas, iformes: as in Pedionomus in all except Cerorhinca, which resembles Tumix. 6. Area between ligamental attachment of car- pal tuberosity and internal condyle.—Pedionomus: slightly notched. Tumix: with abrupt, deep notch. Charadriiformes: slightly notched or intermedi- ate.



1. * Shape of shaft.—Pedionomus: straight. Tur- nix: distal end strongly inflected palmad. Char-

FIGURE 7.—Ulnae in dorsal view (top row) and proximal ends in internal view (bottom row): A, Tumix suscitator; B, FIGURE 8.—Radii in palmar view: A, Tumix suscitator; B, Pedionomus torquatus; c, Rhinoptilus qfricanus (Glareolidae). The Pedionomus torquatus; c, Rostratula benghalensis. The long, ulna of Pedionomus is typically charadriiform in lacking the straight, unflattened shaft in Pedionomus does not differ from short, curved shaft and the prominent olecranon (o) and that in Charadriiformes and is utterly unlike that of Tumix. external cotyla (e) of Tumix. (Scale — 1 cm.) (Scale » 1 cm.) NUMBER 337 17 adriiformes: straight in all except Hydrophasianus variable, ranging from as stout as in Turnix (Cer- and Jacana (intermediate) and Actophilomis (very orhinca) through intermediate forms {Jacana, Hae- inflected palmad as part of the modification for matopus, Chionis), to as slender as in Pedionomus (all use as a combative organ). other forms); straight in all Charadriiformes. 2. * Proportions of shaft.—Pedionomus: slender. 2. Extensor process.—Bock and McEvey Turnix: stout. Charadriiformes: stout or interme- (1969:200) state that in Pedionomus this is higher diate in all except Steganopus, Recurvirostra, Phoeni-than in Turnix and does not project proximally. conaias, Burhinus, Dramas, Rhinoptilus, Glareola, Thin-These differences may exist, but are extremely ocorus, Sterna, Stercorarius, and Rynchops (slender). minor and difficult to detect. 3. Distal half of shaft.—Pedionomus: only 3. Intermetacarpal tuberosity.—Pedionomus: slightly expanded laterally and compressed barely detectable. Tumix: well developed. Char- palmo-anconally. Turnix: strongly laterally ex- adriiformes: barely detectable. panded and palmo-anconally compressed. Char- adriiformes: as in Pedionomus except in Jacana (in- termediate) and Actophilomis (laterally expanded PELVIS more than in Tumix). FICURE 10

CARPOMETACARPUS 1. * Width.—Pedionomus: very broad, caused largely by the lateral extension of the prelumbar FIGURE 9 parapophyses. Tumix: narrow. Charadriiformes: 1. * Shape.—Pedionomus: straight, slender. Tur- quite variable, ranging from as narrow as in nix: less straight, stouter. Charadriiformes: quite Tumix {Actophilomis, Hydrophasianus, Jacana, Hae- matopus, Hoplopterus, Dromas, Cerorhinca) to as broad as in Pedionomus {Attagis), with Charadrius and Thinocorus nearly as broad as in Pedionomus; other forms are intermediate. 2. Interparapophyseal area of the preacetabu- lar sacrum.—Pedionomus: largely unossified, form- ing large openings. Tumix: extensively ossified, almost completely roofing over the entire dorsal surface of the sacrum. Charadriiformes: largely unossified in all except Jacana, which somewhat resembles Tumix. 3. Posterior iliac crest.—Bock and McEvey (1969:200) state that in Pedionomus this is not as sharp as in Tumix and lacks the "heavy process found in Tumix." This is not apparent to us. 4. * Antitrochanter.—Pedionomus: small. Tur- nix: large. Charadriiformes: large or intermediate in all except Thinocorus, Sterna, and Rynchops FIGURE 9.—Carpomctacarpi in internal view: A, Tumix sus- (small). citator; B, Pedionomus torquatus; c, Trmga solitaria (Scolopaci- 5. * Pectineal process.—Pedionomus: small. Tur- dac). The narrow intcrmetacarpal space and lack of an nix: large. Charadriiformes: large or intermediate intermetacarpal tuberosity (it), among other characters, eas- ily distinguishes the carpometacarpus of Pedionomus from that in all except Recurvirostra, Phoeniconaias, Dromas, of Turnix, whereas it differs in no major way from that of Rostratula, Rhinoptilus, Glareola, Attagis, and Thino- most Charadriiformes. (Scale • 1 cm.) corus (small). 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

FIGURE 10.—Pelves in dorsal view (left row) and lateral view (right row): A, Tumix maculatus; B, Pedionomus torquatus; c, Thinocorus orbignyianus. The striking dissimilarity of Pedionomus and Tumix is obvious. The relatively greater width of the pelvis in Pedionomus is a character shared with the Thinocoridae, as opposed to other Charadriiformes. (Scale = 1 cm.)

6. * Posterior extension of the ilium.—Pediono- cana, Steganopus, Recurvirostra, Phoeniconaias, Stercor- mus: well beyond the posterior end of the sacral arius, and Larus. caudal vertebrae, forming a large, pointed projec- 7. Shape of ischium.—Pedionomus: tapers con- tion at its most posterior extent. Turnix: barely tinuously, forming a point at the posterior end; beyond the posterior end of the sacral caudal shorter than pubis. Turnix: remains about the vertebrae, forming a very small projection at its same width throughout its length, rounded at the most posterior point. Charadriiformes: as in Pe- end; as long as pubis. Charadriiformes: as in dionomus, the prominence at the posterior end is Pedionomus in all except Phoeniconaias and Burhinus well developed in Ac tophilornis, Hydrophasianus,Ja- (wide, rounded). NUMBER 337 19

FEMUR in all except Ibidorhjmchus, Rostratula, Rjmchops, and Cerorhinca (small). FIGURE 11 2. Amount of internal protrusion from the shaft in the internal condyle.—Pedionomus: much. 1. Shaft.—Pedionomus: stout. Tumix: slender. Tumix: little. Charadriiformes: extremely vari- Charadriiformes: stout, often even stouter than in able, ranging from little (Actophilornis,Jacana, Ho- Pedionomus. In addition, Bock and McEvey (1969: plopterus, Tringa, Steganopus, Burhinus, Rhinoptitus, 201) report the shaft in Turnix to be straighter Glareola, Rjmchops) to as much or more than in than in Pedionomus. We cannot see this distinction. Pedionomus (Rostratula, Haematopus, Charadrius, Nu- 2. Neck.—Pedionomus: short. Turnix: . long. menius, Ibidorhjmchus, Recurvirostra, Phoeniconaias, At- Charadriiformes: short to intermediate. tagis, Thinocorus, Chionis, LOTUS, Sterna, Cerorhinca), 3. External condyle.—Pedionomus: large. Tur- with other forms intermediate. nix: small. Charadriiformes: large. 3. Distal projection on the internal condyle.— Bock and McEvey (1969:201) report this to be TIBIOTARSUS smaller in Turnix than Pedionomus, but we see no

FIGURE 12 such difference. 1. Inner cnemial crest.—Pedionomus: large, es- pecially in its distal portion. Turnix: small. Char- TARSOMETATARSUS adriiformes: large, especially in its distal portion, FIGURE 13

1. Shaft.—Pedionomus: stout. Turnix: slender. Charadriiformes: extremely variable, ranging from more slender than in Turnix (Actophitornis, Hydrophasianus,Jacana, Rostratula, Hoptopterus, Char- adrius, Tringa, Steganopus, Recurvirostra, Dramas, Bu- rhinus, Pluvianus, Rhinoptilus, Glareola) to more stout than in Pedionomus (Chionis, Sterna, Rjmchops, Cer-

B C A f

FIGURE 11.—Femora in anterior view: A, Turnix maculatus; B, FIGURE 12.—Proximal ends of tibiotarsi in anterior view: A, Pedionomus torquatus, c, Attagis malouinus (Thinocoridae). The lTumix isusdtalor; B, Pedionomus torquatus; c, Attagis malouinus. stout shaft and neck are among several characters that The prominent, decurved outer cnemial crest (oc) and the separate the femur of Pedionomus from that of Tumix and distinct fibular ridge (fr) separate Pedionomus from Tumix and show affinity to the Charadriiformes. (Scale « 1 cm.) show close similarity to the Charadriiformes. (Scale ™ 1 cm.) 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

5. Trochleae.—Pedionomus: large. Tumix: small. Charadriiformes: extremely variable, ranging from smaller than in Tumix {Tringa, Steganopus, Rhinoptilus, Glareola) to larger than or equal to Pedionomus {Hydrophasianus, Haematopus, Numenius, Ibidorhynchus, Rostratula, Attagis, Thinocorus, Chionis, Larus, Sterna, Rynchops, Cerorhinca), with other forms intermediate. 6. Inner trochlea.—Pedionomus: rotated more plantad. Tumix: less plantad rotation. Charadri- iformes: rotated as in Pedionomus in all except Recurvirostra (more plantad) and Actophilomis, Hy- drophasianus, Jacana, Burhinus, Rhinoptilus, Attagis, Rynchops, Stercorarius, and Sterna (less plantad). 7. Length.—Bock and McEvey (1969:202) re- port the tarsometatarsus of Turnix to be slightly shorter than that of Pedionomus, but this depends on the individual specimen of Tumix, some of FIGURE 13.—Tarsometatarsi in anterior view: A, Tumix ma- which equal Pedionomus in size. culatus; B, Pedionomus torquatus; c, Thinocorus orbignyianus. Note the more slender shaft in Turnix, as opposed to the two Charadriiformes. (Scale — 1 cm.) Osteological Diagnoses Below, we have summarized the osteological orhinca), with other forms intermediate. characters by which the Charadriiformes may be 2. Plantar protrusion of the hypotarsus, in diagnosed to include Pedionomus and to exclude proximal view.—Pedionomus: little. Turnix: con- the Turnicidae and Gruiformes. Because Pediono- spicuous. Charadriiformes: quite variable, rang- mus is distinct enough to justify continuing to ing from little {Haematopus, Numenius, Steganopus,maintain it in a monotypic family, we have also Ibidorhynchus, Glareola, Attagis, Thinocorus, Chionis)provided a brief osteological diagnosis for the to those exceeding Turnix (Actophilornts, Hydro- Pedionomidae. , Jacana, Hoplopterus, Charadrius, Tringa, Recurvirostra, Phoeniconaias, Dromas, Burhinus, Pluvi- Order CHARADRIIFORMES anus, Rhinoptilus, Lams, Stercorarius), with other forms intermediate. DIAGNOSIS.—Pedionomus shares the following 3. Facet for metatarsal I.—Bock and McEvey unique combination of characters with other (1969:202) report this to be present in Pedionomus members of the Charadriiformes: (1) absence of and absent in Turnix, correlated with the loss of an ossified alinasal; (2) broad maxillo-palatines; the hallux in the latter. It is, however, very indis- (3) large palatines; (4) presence of postorbital tinct in Pedionomus and in all other Charadri- process; (5) sternal manubrium short and stout; iformes except Actophilornts, Hydrophasianus, Jacana,(6) posterior lateral process of sternum stout; (7) Rostratula, Numenius, and Tringa, in which it is sterno-coracoidal process of sternum directed distinct. mainly laterally and only slightly anteriorly; (8) 4. Distal foramen.—Pedionomus: large. Turnix: furcular facet of coracoid broad and protrudent; small. Charadriiformes: large in all except Ibido- (9) dorsal surface of coracoidal shaft not deeply rhynchus, Recurvirostra, Phoeniconaias, Burhinus, Rhin-excavated; (10) interclavicular width great; (11) optilus, and Rynchops (small or intermediate). scapular tuberosity of furcula long and slender; NUMBER 337 21

(12) shaft of furcula highly curved in lateral view; idae. It has no features that can be interpreted as (13) internal tuberosity of humerus prominent; showing tendencies towards the Gruiformes or (14) absence of a distinct scar for attachment of any other order of birds, and it has no affinity M. proscapulohumeralis brevis at medial end of with the Turnicidae. The long association of Pe- capital groove; (15) presence of a partly closed dionomus with Turnix is a historical accident that canal for nervus coracobrachialis cranialis on hu- can be traced back to the influence of Gadow merus; (16) olecranon short; (17) external cotyla (1891, 1893) and would surely have been cor- of ulna small and inconspicuous; (18) shaft of rected before now were it not for the failure of ulna quite straight in internal view; (19) inter- Bock and McEvey (1969) to make outgroup com- metacarpal tuberosity poorly developed; (20) fe- parisons in their osteological study of Pedionomus. mur stout; (21) neck of femur rather short; (22) The few known non-osteological characters of external condyle of femur large. Pedionomus also support its removal from the vi- cinity of the Turnicidae and its placement in the Family PEDIONOMIDAE Charadriiformes. These include the diastataxic condition of the secondaries, the thigh muscle DIAGNOSIS.—Medium-sized Charadrii formes formula, the configuration of the carotid arteries, distinguished from other families of the order by the liver morphology, the nature of the brachial the following unique combination of characters: nerve plexus, the presence of the hallux, and the (1) postorbital process of skull smaller than all shape and nature of the eggs. The little that is except Rhinoptilus (Glareolidae); (2) sternum rel- known of the life history and behavior of Pedio- atively broader and shorter than all except Thin- nomus does not contradict this conclusion. ocoridae, Rynchopidae, and Glareola (Glareoli- The hypothetical discijssions of Bock and dae); (3) two sternal notches (found also in Ja- McEvey (1969:202-204) concerning the func- canidae, Rostratulidae, Phoenicopteridae, Thin- tional morphology and taxonomic position of ocoridae, and some Stercorariidae); (4) furcular Pedionomus with respect to Tumix may now be shaft more slender; (5) humerus relatively longer disregarded. Although we agree with Bock and and more slender than all except Dromadidae McEvey (1969:204) that there is "little evidence and Rhinoptilus (Glareolidae); (6) head of humerus ... to support the inclusion of the Turnices in the in anconal view more pointed than all except Gruiformes," the statement that "Turnix and Pe- Rhinoptilus (Glareolidae) and Thinocorus (Thino-dionomus are more closely related to one another coridae); (7) bicipital crest of humerus relatively than to other gruiform birds" is meaningless. smaller than all except Numenius (Scolopacidae); Neither Pedionomus, nor Turnix in our opinion, is (8) pelvis relatively wider than all except Attagis closely related to the Gruiformes and they are (Thinocoridae); (9) antitrochanter of pelvis likewise not closely related to each other. smaller than all except Thinocorus (Thinocoridae), Although Huxley (1868) removed the Turni- Sterna (Laridae), and Rynchopidae; (10) pectineal cidae from the Galliformes and placed them in process of pelvis smaller than all except Recurvi- their own order, most early anatomists detected rostra (Recurvirostridae), Phoenicopteridae, Dro- similarities between the Turnicidae and the Gal- madidae, Rostratulidae, Glareolidae, and Thin- liformes (see Sibley and Ahlquist, 1972), and even ocoridae. Gadow (1893) placed the Turnicidae (along with the Pedionomidae) in that order. Lowe (1923) Discussion declared in a convoluted and ambiguous paper that the Turnicidae were not galliform, but he On the basis of its osteology, Pedionomus belongs did not state the group to which he believed the in the order Charadriiforrnes, within which it is Turnicidae to be related. His paper marked the not nearly so aberrant as, for example, the Jacan- beginning of the modern disassociation of the 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

Turnicidae from the Galliformes. By default, one Strauch placed in the Scolopaci. assumes, Wetmore (1930) included the Turnici- A compilation of the characters discussed in dae, with their baggage of the Pedionomidae the comparative osteology section shows that Pe- along as usual, in his order Gruiformes. This was dionomus agrees with the Thinocoridae in 66 char- done merely in a list and no evidence was offered acters, more than with any other family of Char- then or subsequently for a gruiform relationship adriiformes. The Thinocoridae are followed by for the Turnicidae. While the true affinities of the the Glareolidae (62 shared characters), Scolopa- Turnicidae are at present quite uncertain, for cidae (60), and Rostratulidae (58). Other char- Pedionomus there remains only the problem of adriiform families share less than 50 of these determining its position within the Charadri- characters with Pedionomus. These characters iformes. would be more useful if their "polarity" (i.e., Among the suborders of Charadriiformes as primitive or derived) could be determined, but recognized by Wetmore (1960), Pedionomus is re- appropriate information on this is more often ferable to the Charadrii; it possesses none of the lacking than not. One of our major criticisms of characters that define the ( and ) Strauch's (1978) study is that he often assigned or Alcae (). Recently, however, Strauch "polarities" to character states with insufficient (1978) has put forth a different subordinal clas- justification and sometimes probably erroneously. sification of the Charadriiformes, based mainly There is only one unique, shared osteological on osteological characters. He proposed the fol- character (pelvic width) that unites Pedionomus lowing suborders: Scolopaci, for the Jacanidae, with the Thinocoridae as opposed to all other Rostratulidae, Scolopacidae, Phalaropodidae, families of Charadriiformes. Even this distinction and Thinocoridae; Alcae for the Alcidae; and is somewhat clouded by the rather similar pelvic Charadrii for all the remaining families, includ- morphology of Charadrius. Pedionomus shares but ing the gulls and terns. We have studied Strauch's one other character uniquely with a single genus paper and are not entirely convinced of the valid- of Charadriiformes, namely the small postorbital ity of some his conclusions, partly because his process in common with Rhinoptilus (Glareolidae). major divisions hinge on a few seemingly very Three more osteological characters are shared minor characters. The collection of families in- between Pedionomus and only two other genera. cluded in his "Scolopaci" is about as diverse as These are (1) the long, slender humerus shared any possible combination of Charadriiformes, yet with Dramas and Rhinoptilus., (2) the pointed head these are united only by the following three char- of the humerus shared with Rhinoptilus and Thin- acters (Strauch, 1978:334): (1) absence of max- ocorus; and (3) the stout, straight mandible shared illo-palatine strut A; (2) absence of a coracoidal with Charadrius and Rhinoptilus. foramen; (3) presence of a ridge in the capital Rather than any single character pointing to groove of the humerus. The ossified connective the affinities of Pedionomus, consideration should tissue that constitutes the various "maxillo-pala- be given to how combinations of characters are tine struts" presents problems of homology and distributed with regard to related groups. The this character we find difficult to discern or eval- more consistent similarity of the skeletal elements uate in many species, including Pedionomus. The of Pedionomus to either Thinocorus or Attagis, or two remaining characters attributed to the Scol- both, suggests that the Thinocoridae are the most opaci are definitely possessed by Pedionomus. probable close relatives of the Pedionomidae. The Therefore, if one were to follow Strauch's classi- similarity between Pedionomus and the Thinocori- fication, the Pedionomidae would be placed in dae may be particularly appreciated in the broad, the suborder Scolopaci. This conclusion is sup- two-notched sternum (Figure 3) and the broad ported by the similarities shared between Pedio- pelvis (Figure 10.) Whereas the Thinocoridae nomus and the Thinocoridae, a family that once appeared to stand significantly apart from NUMBER 337 23 other Charadriiformes, Pedionomus now provides than any of the avian examples hitherto offered a form somewhat intermediate between this aber- (cf. Cracraft, 1973; Rich, 1975). On the other rant group and the more typical members of the hand, it could be argued that these families are order. We suggest that in any sequential listing relicts of a group that was once more widely of the families of Charadriiformes, the Pedio- distributed and which has been replaced by other nomidae should be placed immediately preceding taxa in northern regions. The record of the the Thinocoridae. Thinocoridae and Pedionomidae consists entirely Pedionomus lives in open, grassy regions of south- of Quaternary specimens referable to extant gen- eastern Australia; the Thinocoridae are ground- era (Campbell, 1976, 1979; Rich and McEvey, dwelling birds confined to open areas of western 1980). Therefore, in the absence of any informa- and southern South America. If these families are tion on the pre- paleontology of these in fact each other's closest relative, then they groups, their biogeographic history, as with all could be viewed as providing a far more satisfying other suggested examples of southern hemisphere instance of possible dispersal through Antarctica dispersal in birds, remains entirely hypothetical. Literature Cited

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