Boca Raton Travel Performances in an Open SANDY SHORE, Vocalist 700 E
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BOA St AUGU3TIUS FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS r f, 1 ?5 VOL. 10 NO. 97 Boca Raton, Fla., Oct. 24, 1965 16 Pages PRICE Council Will Seek $1.5 Million Beach Architect Shows Polo Assured Polo for the winter season in Boca Raton is assured, the Complete Family Boca Raton News learned yesterday. A receiver for Polo Unlimited has been appointed and has leased the remaining assets to George Oliver, who has also Recreation Area leased the barns and land from Arvida Corp. for the season. Boca Raton has been advertised as the "Winter Polo Cap- The City Council Friday ten- ital of the World," but the future of the sport has been in tatively decided to submit a doubt since Polo Unlimited hit financial difficulties after the $1.5 million dollar beach bond 1965 season. issue to the voters in the Feb- According to the spokesman, Timothy Poulton has been ruary elections. named receiver, enabling the signing of the two leases and After listening to a compre- the continuation of the popular Sunday afternoon pastime. hensive report from its beach architect and planner, Manny Abraben, the council swallowed its ire at losing the proposed area south of the present pub- Fire Survey Hits City lic beach and pointed its sights northward. I crown thee Football Queen of 196!> and year-old senior received her crown from Boca Verna Fleischman became the first regent of the Abraben, who serves in the Raton High School Queen Carol Kolinsky, She post for $1 per year, presented new Bobcat Meld. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. was escorted by Steve Prout. a 20-page program for the de- For Lack of Equipment Richard Fleischman of 1212 SW 13th St., the 17- velopment of an ocean front recreation area, complete with Boca Raton's fire department a large number of apartment a marina, restaurant, ocean needs more than $200,000 in houses, both garden-type and Predicted for Mil Cdmmynitf "boardwalk," bandshell, lakes, capital outlay almost im- high-rise. Fire department picnic areas and meditation mediately if it is going to do planning must be changed, the garden. the job assigned to it, the long- report intimates. "As a horseback figure," awaited survey from the Public In a survey of 17 other Flor- Abraben said, "the entire pro- Administration Service says. ida cities in Boca Raton's pop- ject could be done for about Copies of the survey were ulation range, the survey re- Great Growth Potential given to the city councilmen ports that this was the only $700,000, without the cost of Friday by Manager L.M. Mc- municipality to have a 42-hour By Sally Adams that most if not all of what we From a payroll of $133,164 the land," The council has discussed Connell. work week, but that salaries each receive in each check goes for a staff of 27 in 1962, the Listed as needed are an 85- ranged in the lower percentile. Emphasizing the unique fea- right out again in the purchase University payroll has grown enlarging its ocean beach hold- ings for the past two years, and foot extension ladder truck, a The report also stated that tures of Florida Atlantic Uni- of goods and services." to $3 million for a staff of 403 four-story training tower facil- "it makes it more costly to versity and the directive it had Dr. Williams praised the this year. early in 1965 purchased North r Beach, which it had been leasing ity, a new fire sub-station and maintain proper manning with received from tin; scan-? to ex- junior college movement and fhe original enrolimem •.. -• pumper truck. the 42-hour work week." periment with new educational said "it is worth every dollar 1,987 on-and-off-campus stu- for three years. Another 1,000 feet south was to be purchased, The survey cited the city's Fire department personnel techniques, Dr. Kenneth R.Wil- spent on it. Junior college stu- dents in the first trimester of were given praise for high mo- dents are going on to universi- providing it was approved by a tremendous growth, but notes liams, president, spoke before the first year has grown to that the compexion of the com- rale, good delegation of work, the Civic Division of the Boca ties and doing every bit as well 3,505 this trimester. referendum, but an announce- as those men and women who be- ment Thursday that this area munity is changing from a 100 and in some forms of training, Raton Chamber of Commerce Of the 2,392 on-campus stu- despite poor facilities. Friday afternoon and touched gan the university in their would be developed as an per cent community of one- dents this year, 2,301 are family, well-spaced homes to Noted, too, was that Boca upon the unlimited potential for freshman year." from Florida, 79 from other apartment complex killed the growth that confronts both the city's plans in this direction. a diversified community, with Raton is below the average in He reminded his listeners states and 12from foreign coun- more commercial buildings and number of firemen per 1,000 university and the community. that Florida Atlantic university tries. Dr. Williams pointed out Abraben was instructed to rework his plans for an area population. Average of the 17 He stressed the "excellent was the first upper division in- that experience had shown that cities surveyed showed more town and gown" relationship stitution in the nation and that the school could never expect north of, and adjacent to the there are still fewer than half a public beach. More frontage than one fireman per 1,000 that exists and again paid tri- the 75 to 80 per cent commut- Study Caribbean, citizens; Boca Raton has .82. bute to the citizens of Palm dozen established, so that FAU er student body, as predicted will be required, councilmen has had to break ground every noted, since the depth from the The Public Administration Beach and Broward county who by the planning commission. Service made a survey of the had raised .sufficient funds to step of the way. The first dormitory, opened ocean to the Intracoastal Wa- Says Geographer terway is not as great. police department in 1964, get the university started back "Sometimes we find that peo- this fall, is full to capacity. A which was lauded as thorough in 1962. ple far away are more cogni- second unit will be ready in The development plan is If we want to get along with most comprehensive and "takes and complete, and it has been "The university can not exist zant of the new trends we are 1966.. A third dorm, to house our close neighbors in the Car- implemented by City Manager as a self-contained unit, nor is setting here than are our close in all forms of recreation for ibbean, we are going to have to associates." He cited visits (Continued on page 8A) all ages," Abraben noted. McConnell and Police Chief it our intention ever to do so," study and understand their po- W. Hugh Brown. Dr. Williams said. "Our facul- from university educators and The architect's proposal litical problems in the light of ty and staff are your neighbors, administrators from New York; calls for a meditation garden their unique geographical and they are renting or buying Wisconsin; the University of at the gateway to the property. cultural conditions. homes here in Boca Raton. California at Santa Cruz; Co- A winding road would lead to This is the opinion express- County to Aid While we are well-satisfied with lombia, South America and oth- More than 1.75 inches of rain a recreation complex, consist- ed by Dr. C. Etzel Pearcy, geo- our pay scale, I can assure you er places. fell last week on a populace al- ing of swimming pool, tennis grapher for the U.S. State De- ready frustrated and harassed courts, shuffleboard courts, and partment, who was in Boca Ra- with the previous week's 14.6 picnic areas. A lake would be ton to address the opening din- School Road inch frog strangler. dredged, leading to the Intra- ner meeting of the Florida So- Palm Beach County will help Jon Lindbergh Encourages Oct. 20-2.",, l!)(>r> coastal Waterway to give enough ciety of Geographers Friday the city get another access road fill dirt, and to provide fur- Hi Lo Rain evening. to Boca Raton High School, ther beautification. A bandshell The group was hosted for a Commissioner George Warren Wed. SI (iS 1) would be built on a small island '1'hur.s. S5 (i!) two-day conference by the geo- told the News yesterday. Ocean Engineering Students .r>r> in the lake. Walkways would graphy department of Florida TO 1.05 Though long needed, the h'ri. s:$ line the shore, providing addi- Atlantic University and was acuteness of the situation was By Helen Ridley in the deep in his talk with as- Sat. noon 72 70 Trace tional nature paths. headquartered at University pointed out sharply last week piring ocean engineers at the U«S, Weather Bureau official recordings Abraben suggested to the when a 14.6 inch rain almost As Charles Lindbergh inspir- only university in the country from the cooperative ; tation, Boca Raton, (Continued on page 8A) (Continued on page 8A) completely closed the only ave- ed young men of the Twenties giving an undergraduate degree nue to the high school. to take to the air, his son, Jon, in the new science.