In Regional Contest • :- • .G Sse Actors Brought Borne High a Wards for Excellence in Acting
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• -11 • • • • • I • • Chorale To Appear !I IS, to ag. Oklahoma City's symphony cb Most of them bave never bad the "Dance Overture" by Creston, .., orches tra, directed by Guy Fraser cbance to sing with a professional "Symphony in D Minor" by dx Harrisoo, makes its first south be \ orchestra." Franck, and "A Nigbt on Bald eastern Oklahoma appearance of be Complimenting the everung Motmtain" byMoussorgsky.Soutb the year at sse tonight. performance will be two young eastern's chorale will be heard IP· The 8 p.m. performance in Oil people's concerts at 1:15 and with the symphony iJa two .m Montgomery Auditorium is spon 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. "The numbers--" Last Words of David" sored jointly by the College music first one is. for elementary school by Randall Thompson and "The department and the Oklahoma Arts children and the second is for jun Hallelujah Chorus" from the es and Humanities Council. rs ior high and high school students," " Mount of Olives" by Beethoven. "Prices for the concert are said Mansur. The 1:15 p.m. performance for a. $2 for adults and $1 for students," lY Area schools have been con elementary school children will in according to Dr. Paul Mansur, head tacted by the music department clude works by Bizet, Berlioz. • of the college's music department, about the young peoples concert Wever, lppolitov-Ivanov, Mendels "and tickets are available at the "but we'd like to have pre-school sohn, Gould and Meyerbeer. music office or at Montgomery age children attend the afternooo At 2: 30 p.m. works by Glinka, • Auditorium the night of the per concert as _ well," Mansur Slbelius, Weber, Wagner, Men I formance," continued. delssohn and Nelson will be fea I Guest artists on the program The evening program includes tured. • • will be 'the Southeastern chorale, nt directed by Bob Pratt. "We took l our group to Oklahoma City on Ie THE will , Play Represents State· • CONDUCTING PR05RAM tooigbt In Montgomery Auditorium Tuesday to rehearse with the sym be Guy Frazier Harrison, conductor of the Oklahoma City Sym?hony phony," said Pratt, "it was a 1- Orchestra. Concert admission will be $2 for adults and $1 for students. new experience for our students. i . In Regional Contest • :- • .g sse actors brought borne high a wards for excellence in acting. p praise and perhaps a trip to Wash Only 16 such awards were r • ington, D. C. at cherry blossom given -- the remaining 11 were e • time in four day competition at spread among six other univer ·y Fort Worth. sities and colleges who offered s Student Newspaper of Southeastem State CoJJege Their production, John Stein their best in the competition. •• • - beck's "Of Mice and Men," bad Warthen's honor was the Irene d earlier won the right to represent Ryan ("Grandma" on TV's " Bev VOL. LI Durant, Oklahom.1, February 3, 1972 NO. 16 Oklahoma in the AmericanCollege erly Hillbillies") av.oard, which ..·.·.·•················........········....••...······-~·.· ~- ·.·.·.·~·····-·-• -•.•.•.• .•················.• .•. • .•. • .•.•.•· Theatre Festival (ACTF)competi carries a $500 scholarship and an • tion, which encompasses a five expense-paid trip to Washington KHIB Begins Regular state area, at the regional level. for two to compete for a $2, 0 J) In addition to winning the first scholarship. of three nominations for the region, "Of Mice and Men." its cas, • Programming This Week cast member Charles Warthen, and crew may get there tt€ By JAN MEADOWS Ringling sophomore. was named same way. Regional contes tscon should notify us im mediately so we be~t actor i n region five. And tinue through Februar~ . v.i th threE: Radio station KHIB began along v.ith fellow actorsJohn Wag can include your organization's plays from each region qualifying. regular programming with the goner, Claremore senior; Paul name on the list of donors. These Eventually. 10 of the 39 v.ill be beginning of the new semeste r. King, Comanche graduate assis chosen for a '.H• ek i11 Washington. t organizations will be mentioned Test broadcasts were made per tant; Don Hill, Anadarko freshman, perforn it.,. in the 0(:',\' John ~ . when their record is played on the iodically during the interim term to and Dr. Frank Wade, SSC biology 1\ennedy Cultural Center there • • solve the small problems and work air.'' said James Fellabaum, Dur I' professor were presented ACTF 's -\pril 12 -27. out last minute broadcasting de ant sophomore, station general Nom ina ted along with the SSC THE WAY I 1SEE IT manager. tails. Want Ads Run Free drama from region five were By JIM McGOWEN Programming will include easy Organizations pledging to buy • Southern Methodist l:niversity's .·.·....·.·.··.··.··.··.··..·····.···......··········, ...·.···• .···• .···.·· ··• .···········--• ..... ·-'".······ ·.··. ····.. listening music every morning and records may not be called on every Students will get something free "Oedipus Rex." and · ' Th~ ~ rt h If the newspaper seems a bit popular music in the evening. A month to give a record because during the coming sem~ster cour rlav Parry ." pres~:nted b}· Tulane thicker or heavier than usual per series of classical music concerts many record companies give the tesy of the stu-j~n t newspaper. Universi ty of ~ew Orleans. haps you would like an explana will begin Sunday afternoon. THE station records. The cost of re A new classified ad; sa~tion 1 1 Whether we go (to Washington. tion. Most of the credit goes SOUTHEASTERN will soon begin cords will be about 901; for a v.ill be included in the newspaper or not, they know about Southeas to students who are not a regular publishing the classical works to be single and $1.50 per album. containing ads for college stu tern State College now." said SSC part of the staff. played the following Sunday after Individuals who wish to donate dents--with one different ap drama department director Dave During the mini-semester stu noon and the approximate time old records or tapes to the sta proach. Any student or faculty Cook. dents in the journalism 352 class of broadcast. tion may call extension 2526. "If memher m<1y place a classified ad gathered news from almost every Following the concert the first s tudents have a favorite record of 15 words or less at no charge. source on campus. Ellen Monk in a series of programs of music they would like to hear on KHIB Deadline for turning in classified served as the Managing Editor for and news programs from the 1930's but don't want to donate the re ads will be the same as for news Alumni Wins the week and worked constantly and 1940's will be aired. The half cord to us, we can record it to articles--Thursday, the weak making sure that all the news was hour program of 'Golden Days of play on the air later if they lend before publication date. covered as well as possible. Radio' music will be broadcast us the record," Fellabaum Ads will be verified and m 1st be Catalog Contest Butch Rose, the Caney cow on Sundays. Also on Sunday's commented. bro'Jght in parson to the newspaper boy, served as sports editor. He broadcast schedule is a program of "I would like to thank Phi office, M1 06. No ad will be rWl Wi th all the talk about keep also had a big influence on the jazz music prepared by Dr. Bill Sigma Epsilon for the funds they in two consecutive issues of the ing America beautiful these days, Southe,astern has hit upon a novel • • decision to run a whole page about Gillham, professor of education. gave us just before Christmas. paper . .Howaver, an ad m;,y be run Rodeo Club. "Many organizations have The money was used to buy some on an every other week basis if idea to keep the cover of its yearly _ catalog " beautiful." Sever~ others helped in many pledged to give us a recQrd a popular records," reported Billy desired providing the advertiser It's in the form of a contest • • ways including Steve Barker who month. Those who plan to do this Paul Coxsey, Durant junior, prog- brings it to the newspaper o~fice served as head photographer. My See KHfB-Page ~ each waek be wishes it run. with students, faculty and alumni thanks to everyone who had a eligible to enter. Winner of the part in this issue of the news- $50 prize in this first year of paper. ••• competition is Jim Giacomo, an • alumni from Wilburton who is now I This column just wouldn't be a com:nercial artist in Dallas. • complete without a sour note or " He (Giacomo) orginally beard some kind. This week I would about the contest when be was \ • . like to mention the seemingly here for homecoming last sem harmless policy of tbe campus post ester and decided to enter," said I - office. James Barnette, coordinator of the • It seems that some students contest have been told to get a new ad Barnette, who is also an art dress. These students were told instructor at Southeastern, worked that their post office box would • • closely with Dr. Doyle Bostic, be needed for dorm residents• assistant professor of mathe For some this was the first they matics and bead of the catalog had heard of such a thing. committee, in planning the ennl It creates an inconvenience to "W-a weredisappointedbecause say the least. Perhaps the pol only about ten people entered," icies of the campas post office said Barnette, "but this was the should be better available to stu ftrst year for the contest --1 'm sure dents, particularly when they first we'll do better next year." rent their box.