The Yale Papers Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective

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The Yale Papers Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective THE YALE PAPERS ANTISEMITISM IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE == THE YALE PAPER.S ANTISEMITISM IN COMPAR.ATIVE PERSPECTIVE Charles Asher Small Editor TTTRSW INSTITUTEFORTHESTUDYOFGLOBALANTISEMITISMANDPOLICY= HonoraryPresident= ProfessorElieWiesel= ExecutiveDirector CharlesAsherSmall CoChairsoftheInternationalAcademicBoardofAdvisors ProfessorIrwinCotler= ProfessorAlanDershowitz= ChairofISGAPAsia= JesseFriedlander DirectorofISGAP,Israel= MalaTabory= DirectorofISGAP,Italy RobertHassan= CoDirectorsofISGAP,France GlenFeder GuntherJikeli DirectorofISGAP,Canada= MichelleWhiteman DirectorofISGAP,Chile= OscarKleinkopf ISGAP 165East56thStreet,2ndFloor= NewYork,NewYork10022 Phone:2122301840 Fax:2122301842 Theopinionsexpressedinthisworkarethoseoftheauthor(s)anddonotnecessarily reflecttheviewsoftheInstitutefortheStudyof=GlobalAntisemitismandPolicy, itsofficers,orthemembersofitsboards. CoverdesignandlayoutbyAETS= CoverimagebyKengphotographer/Shutterstock= ISBN9781=515057796= InmemoryofRobertWistrich(.BU<) Aneminentandrespectedscholarwhodedicatedhislifetoilluminatingthe= origins,history,andcontemporarymanifestationsofantisemitism. == = TableofContents Introduction=......................................................................................................................1= CharlesAsherSmall= SEMINARSERIES200582006= AntiIsraelSentimentPredicts=Antisemitism=inEurope.............................................5= EdwardH.KaplanandCharlesA.Small= TheRoadto=anInternationally=AcceptedDefinitionof=Antisemitism=...................19 DinaPorat= SEMINARSERIES200682007= Hitler’sLegacy:IslamicAntisemitisminthe=Middle=East=.......................................33 MatthiasKüntzel Continuities,Discontinuities,andContingencies:AntiAlienism,= Antisemitism,andAntiZionisminTwentiethCenturySouthAfrica=...................43 MiltonShain= WORKINGPAPERS2007= AntiZionismandAntisemitism:CosmopolitanReflections=...................................57 DavidHirsh= ThisGreenandPleasantLand:=Britainandthe=Jews..............................................=175 ShalomLappin= SEMINARSERIES200782008= NeverAgain?WhenHolocaustMemoryBecomesEmptyRhetoric, aDiplomaticTool,andaWeaponagainstIsrael=.....................................................201 WalterReich= LeoStraussasaJewishThinker.................................................................................215 StevenSmith= TheAcademicandPublicDebateovertheMeaningofthe= “NewAntisemitism”=...................................................................................................225 RoniStauber= VII VIII TABLEOFCONTENTS= SEMINARSERIES200882009= WesternCulture,theHolocaust,andthePersistenceofAntisemitism=................=237 CatherineChatterley= DemonizingIsrael:PoliticalandReligious=ConsequencesamongIsraelis=..........255 YossiKleinHalevi UncivilSociety:Ideology,theDurbanStrategy,andAntisemitism=......................263 GeraldSteinberg= CONFERENCEONTHEPSYCHOLOGICALIMPACTOFTHETHREAT= OFCONTEMPORARYGENOCIDALANTISEMITISM2009= VictimsofSuccess:HowEnviousAntisemitismFomentsGenocidal IntentandUnderminesMoralOutrage=....................................................................287 PeterGlick WhyWellIntentionedWesternersFailtoGrasptheDangersAssociated= withIslamicAntisemitism:SomeArgumentsConsidered=....................................299 NeilKressel TraumainDisguise:TheEffectsofAntisemitism=...................................................329 HadarLubin= MixedEmotionalNeedsofIsraeliJewsasaPotentialSourceof= AmbivalenceintheirResponseto=theIranianChallenge.......................................337 NuritShnabelandJohnF.Dovidio WORKINGPAPERS2009= GlobalAntisemitism:AssaultonHumanRights=.....................................................347 IrwinCotler ThePrinciples=andPractice=ofIran’sPostRevolutionaryForeignPolicy=............363 BrandonFriedman MissingfromtheMap:FeministTheoryandtheOmissionofJewish= Women..........................................................................................................................=379 JenniferRoskies WILLIAMPRUSOFFHONORARYLECTURE2009= 1948asJihad=.................................................................................................................=397 BennyMorris SEMINARSERIES200982010= Jewsin=China:Legends,History,andNewPerspectives=.......................................407 PanGuang TABLEOFCONTENTS= IX OurWorldof=Contradictions:Antisemitism,AntiTutsiism,and NeverAgain=.................................................................................................................=415 BertheKayitesi TwoStepsForward,OneStepBack:DiplomaticProgressinCombating Antisemitism=................................................................................................................427 Michael=Whine= WORKINGSPAPERS2010= MemeticsandtheViralSpreadofAntisemitismthrough= “CodedImages”inPoliticalCartoons......................................................................435 YaakovKirschen FromSayyidQutbtoHamas:TheMiddle=EastConflictandthe Islamizationof=Antisemitism=.....................................................................................457 BassamTibi WILLIAMPRUSOFFHONORARYLECTURE2010= Israel,Jordan,andPalestine:OneState,TwoStates,orThree?=.............................485 AsherSusser= SEMINARSERIES201082011= A“ParadiseofParasites”:HannahArendt,Antisemitism,andthe Legaciesof=Empire.......................................................................................................=497 DorianBell= “IDon’tKnowWhyTheyHateUs—IDon’tThinkWeDidAnything= Badto=HurtThem”......................................................................................................=513 NoraGold= Introduction CharlesAsherSmall*= Antisemitism=isahighly=complexand,attimes,perplexingformofhatred.Itspans historyandhas=infectedmanysocieties,religiousandphilosophicalmovements,and= evencivilizations.IntheaftermathoftheHolocaust,somecontendthatantisemitism= illustratesthelimitationsofhumanity=itself.Manifestationsofantisemitism=emerge=in= numerousideologicallybasednarratives=andintheconstructedidentitiesof=belonging= andothernesssuchasraceandethnicity,nationalisms,andantinationalisms.The= investigationofantisemitism=hasa=longandimpressive=intellectualandresearch= history.=Itremains=a=topic=ofongoingpolitical=importance=andscholarly=engagement. However,= when it comes to the formal study of antisemitism, especially in its contemporarymanifestations,=suchas=extremeantiIsraelpracticeand=sentiment=and= thegrowthofIslamist=antisemitism=intheWestandthe=MiddleEast,thereisan unwillingness within the academy to address the topic in accordance= with its traditions=ofseriousandunfetteredintellectualinquiry.Infact,somemightargue= that,inthis=politicallycorrect,postmodernmoment,theacademyingeneralhas actuallybeenguiltyofantisemitism=asaresultofitsrefusaltoengage=withthese= importantissuesinanopenandhonestmanneranditsattemptstosilencethosewho seektochallengethenewstatusquo.Inotherwords,theacademyitselfhasbecome apurveyorofantisemitismincontemporarysociety. In2004,theInstitutefortheStudyofGlobalAntisemitism=and=Policy(ISGAP) was established with the aim of promoting= the interdisciplinary study of anti semitism—withafocusonthe=contemporarycontext—andpublishinghighcaliber= academicresearchinthisarea.ISGAP’smissionencompassesthestudyofsuch subjectsasthechanginghistoricalphases=of=antisemitism,regionalvariations,and howhatredoftheJewishpeoplerelatestootherformsofhate.Fromtheoutset,the aimsandobjectivesofISGAPhavebeensupportedbyscholarsfrommanydisci plinesandcountriesandbyagroupof=dedicatedphilanthropistsinitiallyled=bythe greathumanitarianWilliam(Bill)Prusoff. ISGAP=is=committed=tocounteringefforts=tosweepantisemitismunder=thecarpet byprovidingscholarlyresearch,=academicprogramming,curriculum=development, andpublications=ofunassailablequality.=It=isalso=the=only=interdisciplinary=research= organizationthatisseekingtoconfrontandcombatantisemitism=withinacademia ona=practicalandideologicallevel.ISGAPaimstoensurethatfuturegenerationsof= ======================================== ======================================== ======================================== ======================= *= Founder=and=ExecutiveDirectorofthe=Instituteforthe=Studyof=GlobalAntisemitismand Policy(ISGAP);KoretDistinguishedFellow,HooverInstitution,StanfordUniversity. 1 2 CHARLESASHERSMALL= scholarsandprofessionalsarebothawareofthedestructivenatureofantisemitism= anddeterminedtoeradicateitfromacademiaandsocietyingeneral. It=is=againstthisbackdropthatISGAPapproachedYaleUniversity=witha=viewto establishinganacademicresearch=centerfocusing=ontheinterdisciplinarystudyof antisemitism.=Afterdeterminingthatsuchacenterwouldmeetallitsadministrative, financial,andacademicrequirements,theuniversity=inauguratedtheYaleInitiative for=the=InterdisciplinaryStudyofAntisemitism=(YIISA)in2006.Itwasthefirstcenter ofitskindtobebasedataNorthAmericanuniversity.ISGAP’sBoardofTrustees= supportedandfundedallofYIISA’sactivities,cosponsoringitsseminarseriesand= various other events and paying the= salaries of its staff, including a= fulltime programcoordinator,=graduateandpostdoctoralresearch=fellows,visitingresearch= scholarsandprofessors,=andundergraduateinterns. YIISAoffereda=successfulgraduateandpostgraduatefellowshipprogramand implementeda=robustprogrammingagenda.During=itsinitialfiveyearmandate, YIISAhostedwellovera=hundredlecturesbyleadingscholarsfromaroundthe= worldintheframeworkofahighlevelinterdisciplinaryseminarseriesentitled “AntisemitisminComparativePerspective.”Italsoorganizedthreemajorinterna tionalconferences,=includingthelargesteveracademicgatheringonthestudyanti
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